Avenged by tho Hanging of Courtney
and Taylor.
Arthnr Courtney and llcnry Taylor
itiuiirod ut Princess Anne, Mary
land, lor Clio Killing of Their Employer
On ft Vessel In Chesnpeuke
jjuy Last Juuc~How the Crime
"Was Committed and the Murderers
Deteotod?Captain Cooper Doiio to
Death While Pleading For His Life.
Pia.scEsa Annk, Md., Dec. 15.?Tho nonces
Coartnoy and Taylor wore hanged
at 11:50 a.m.
The murder for which Arthur Courtney
and Henry Taylor wore handed was
committed on Juno 11 lust. Tho murdered
man was Captaiu Cooper, of a
nnall vesuol plying on tho Chosapeako
bay and tho murderers wero his crew,
(jn tho night of June 11, the three men
retired as usual, but when tho captnin
had fallen aplcep Courtney and Taylor
{nemo and ono securing a sounding lead
and the othor a "black jack" Btruck tho
captain a stunning blow on tho head
and proceoded to rob hiin of his money
and valuables. Their victim was not
killed at lirat as they had thought, but
rovived and showed fight. The three
wen struggled up the hatchway to tho
deck. Captain Coopor was unarmed
nnJ quick ad Hash Taylor eoized a quilt
and threw it over the hcvd of tho dazed
wan. Tho blows wero continued and
iTabbin^ at the rigging to hold himself I
up the woakened man begged for lite, I
railing on his assailants to save his life |
for tl?o flake of his wife and children.
Tho brutes paid no heed to tho piteous 1
appeal, and with a still more powerful
U ,?r Courtney struck Cooper, knocking
him overboard, lie then jumped into
o yawl boat and struck tho unfortunato
i; , another blow before ho sank be-j
i, at tho waves.
.i.e.- securing tho kova to tho captain'e
desk thoy got the money, amounting
to over fifty-fivo dollars. Not in
the least disturbed by tho awful crimo
they had committed, and thiuking to
ward off suspicion, Courtnoy and Taylor
wont to Captain Cooper's house on
the following Wednesday, and seeing
bis wife, told her that her husband had
left the boat on Sunday and had not
been soen since. On Thursday the
murderers went to a storo koot by Wallor
J)uin man, when a Mr. Blake came
?.?fl mnntinnml tlinfe fJnnf.iin flnonnr
had been murdered. Hearing this the
iru:lty wretches slipped out and were
making oil when Uummau called to
tncin. Tliev returned and were locked
up in an oyster house until Sunday.
W heu tliey were taken to jail at Lancaster
Court House, Va., a doaporato
but unsuccessful attempt waa made to I
lynch the men.
Both negroes wero of a cunning and |
ugly nature, and while imprisoned in
the old stono jail at Princess Anno
made two daring attempts to gain their j
liberty. _ i
Only to JDIo by Ills Own Hand Among
Straugera lu Chicago.
Chicaoo, Dec. 15.?Sigmund Massakowflki,
a Russian refugee, committed
Filicide in the Lincoln park last night.
I John Woyesinski, a man claiming to be
an agent for a society that extends aid
| to eullering Kussians, loiu tno coruuur
to-day that the suicide had been an olliccr
in the czar'a army, but boing implicated
in apolitical plot four months
ago he had boon forced to flee the
country in disguise, lie loft a family
in Russia, and fearing detection and being
without funds he killed himself to
escape the terrible fato which the agent
said awaited him should ho be captured.
They Comlcnii) President Cleveland's
Secretary of Agriculture.
Cincinnati, 0., Doc, 15.?Ohio stato
grange, Patrons of Huabandry, meeting
at Sandusky, and the Indiana grange
meoting at Seymour adopted caustic
resolutions against Secretary J. Sterling
Morton for his attack upon the arranges.
Indiana recommends withholding all
reports until the secretary retracts.
Douiaml Their l*ny.
Los Corrkllos, N. AI., Dec. 15.?The
miners of the White Ash Anthracito
and Waldo mines, in made meeting
here, have resolved to make a demand
upon the Atchison, Topeka ?!fc.Santa i'o
ft 11. for November pay on tho 23rd inst,
and also prompt pay on tho Saturday
noarost tho 17th of each month. Tho
alternative is a strike.
I1KIXKCK China Comb*, ltruiltos, Mirrors
ami all Toilet Article* at
I. G. DIM-ON ? CO.'8.
Corsets very cheap at Julius Jacob's.
Brings comfort and improvement and
tends to personal enjoyment ivhen
rightly used. The many, who live bettor
than others and enjoy life more, witli
less expenditure, by more promptly
a<lnpting the world's beet products to
the needs of physical being, will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced iu tho
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
, Its excellence is duo to its presenting
m the form most acceptable and pleas"nt
to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect laxative
; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches mid foyers
ant! permanently curing constipation,
ft has given satisfaction to mitlions and
met with tho approval of the medical
profession. Iiecaux- it new on the KidLiver
and Bowels without weakening
them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all druggists
in /i(>c anil $1 bottles, but it is manufactured
by tho California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whoso name is printed 011 every
package, also the nnmo, Syrup of Figs
and lieing well informed, you will no-*
accept any substitute if offered.
To the Readers o
^5Sts?.-n_ In Addition to the World's
Sights and Scenes of the Wor
Is the title given to a rare and magnificent collection
representing famous Natural Scenery, Palaces, Castlf
Scenes, and Places of Historic Interest in all parts of 1
result of years of extended travel and many thousand;
Photographs are 11x13 inches in size; each one is exe
art and accompanied by an interesting description re
A Great Panorama of Nations ?.
The series consists of twenty parts of sixteen views
each and embraces scenes in all the countries of
tiie world, and by distinguished tourists both
in this country and abroad is conceded
to be the most interesting collection
extant. The possession of such
a series of views is better than
o trip around
HOW Tffllffl1MRIES. sES
cents in coin to the Art Portfolio Department of the INTELLIGENCE
series containing 16 views. Each view contained in the series will b<
received an index will be furnished by which ready reference can be hi
uits-cy ^ w * - - v
Commencing Monday morning next the Intelligencer readers will f
for "Sights and Scenes of the World." Six consecutive coupons and 1(
secures the "Sights and Scenes of the World" Portfolio. Six coupons o
A TKRRIBLB WItECK. will take nt least throo months. Thoro MOXSC
?77~7.?? . ? .1 i* "o chance for his keeping his ireo- ii?
Kirico.. person, Undiy Injured o. the doln by Bivins bonds under tiiolndiann o? Th? uro ^
Pittsburgh, \lr*lnl? and Charleston ,#W|) balance of tl)(1 cns09 wiU ?"
1Ion,L rest until tlio supremo court's decision. Ehinborgh, Do
Pittsburgh, Pa., Doc. 10.?The city 9 trial of Alfrod J
bound accommodation train on tho A Ult? boCK-oUT charged with the
Pittsburgh, Virginia & Charleston It It ihroati-n.il Anniiint tiin o,noo lUvor brough nt 'Ardlac
was derailed at lialford station, thirty- Minors ? Another Conference to l>o developing as the
five miles south of Pittsburgh at seven Held. crowds of people
o'clock this morning and three coaches PiTTsntraoit, Pa., Dec. 15. Tho 6,000 collrt but only a
wreckcd. No ono was killed but fifteen 00111 minors employed in tho Mononga- taiu admittance,
persons wore injured, a number serious- river pits will bo locked out next The managers <
ly. Their namos are: weok if they enforce tho uniform min- pool and Gloue I
Conductor Voung, badly cut about jug rate of 2J cents adopted at yostor- jionmn imi'limvi
tho head and two nils broken, also 1U- day's convention. Tho committee, ap- insurance on tl
jured intoriittlly; sonoue. pointed by tho convention to confer brough, but tlio:
J. H. A ?,' .j!:;. with tho operator!, callod at tho coal ex- because Monson
cu and injured lntotoalljn wrious. chfttlK0 to-d^y. an insurable iute:
James A. 1 ryor; _ Tho operators positively rofus*d to Tho secretary of t
Ohio, shoulder mashed and injured in- confor ,vitti them, and as -a ronult all Insurance Compt
terwllv; sorjou'. work along tho Monongahola and son applied {or 2.
A. Pernant, Manor, la., slightl} Youghiougheny rivers, will likely ceaso on Il.imbrough's
injured. , vnfiiv next Tuesday. for the same rc
Mr. Ihomas, Pittsburgh, head badly Another convention has been called London and Live
cuh? r for next Monday. A clerk in the ?
Miss Lnnnon, Brownsville, slightly ct Co., testified th
hurt. Koturnoa to Work. .
Patrick Gilmore, Locyvjlle, Pa., cut Pittsburgh, Pa., Doc. 15.?Tho strik- Btiim'fs nL-'iitnTil
and bruised. H is wife and cli^d wore ^ ranr0ad coal miners at FinloyviUe P b
a0Jo?hu Ilaiiev! Brownsville, Pa., slightly Gastonvillo & Snowdon returned to WEbi Vila
cut about tho' liua.l and face. work to-day nt the UO-contrato and the TVho1V.ro In the 1
.Mrs. Theodore Waikius, Chaloroi, Pa., mining troubles, on tuo Wheeling divi- ingTU.t
seriouslv cut nbouttlio head. sion of tho Baltimore & Ohio railroad, FairmmtFrte ,.rcu
A numbor of otiiers snstainod slight aro over. There aro noi
br,rho accident was caused by the grato noo.b in n ci.mol, 8,000 medal, in
bar of tho locomotive falling on tho London. Dec. lo. A bomb charged Fleming and llei
trucks'and derailing tho locomotive, with powder and shot and with a lighted ^tie claim of the
Tho train ran four hundrod yards and match attacned lo it has been found in
was then overturned. ? church at Uelien, Hauover. medals were pro
West \ irginia.
CAPTURED AT LAST. No bettor preparation for the hair has tho usual stylo o
ever .been invented than Ayor's Hair bear tho name
Tlio Author of Llceo Xh.ntro Explosion In vigor. It restores tho original color to I'liro of tlio mods
th* liiinil. at Hie roller. faded and gray hair, and imparts that individual soldie
Barcelona, Doc. 15.?Tho anarchist natural gloss and lroshncss everyone so homes are spellec
Joseph Codina, who was arrested and much admires. Its reputation is world- ^jl0 of liudi
brought hero from Perpignnn, to which wlJu- It is well to stato
place ho fled on the day following tlio Kim; Art Color Books for Children, or'company'in tl
dynamite bomb outrage in tho Liceo handsomer than over, at Stanton's Ohl to ono of thoso
theatre, is now definitely stated to be City Hook More. ^ received bv him,
the author of (hat disaster. In all. 1-13 rokktiiing now in kot. mid i.ink proper address.
anarchists aro in prison here; a nuui- Sleevo liuuan.at im.Lox&co.'s. then his widow,
her of them will bo transported on - ?; ? daughter, or an
board tho cruiser Knvsrra, the oanuin Holiday recursion, via Ponn.,Irani., next of kin, ca
nf which vo'sel has sealed ordors re- now many tt'ea
??rdin" his destination. December 23, 24, 25, 30 and 31, 1893, siding outside th
* ^ and Januarv 1, 1894, excursion tickets I for years, whoso
i'o?ioiio In Hard Luck. nt low round trip rates will ho sold from | loarhed by tho g
n - i?? Doo 11 ?Ttnomes stations on the Pennsylvania Lines the medals, aud
Crown Point, Im>., Dec. lo. It comes ^ Qf pit.8bur(,h to pojnts on th northern.
to light that Martin Oostcllo will nave jJnog jn Western Pennsylvania, Ohio, All West Virei
to jro to tho Northern prison and re- Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky and West not roceivod the
,in fknrfi until tho prize fight ca*e is Virginia. Heturn coupon valid until at once to eith<
"ecided by "ho supremo court, which January 2. 19-23-25. Fairmont, W. Va
if the Intelligencer
Fair Photograph Portfolios.?*
of }20 superb Photographs
?s, Cathedrals, Noted Street LV.{' V-.pW'i
rT-? . i ^f-Y? ri A
:he earth. 1 ne series is me fa-Ay g ? , r^W\
5 of dollars of expense. The/.:-^j <*v
cuted in the highest style of [v-^1 *
plete with historic and other m
We novv ?^er th's magnificent collection of views, embracing
twenty parts of sixteen numbers each, on terms which
are so easy of fulfillment as to enable every one of oiir great
army of readers to obtain it.
^ Di-r\f r\f Pi 1H rl t r* nr ??+/??
1 11C 1 1UU1 UI Lliv^ i uvavauig,,
In order however that our readers may exercise their own judgment In
estimating the value of this series of views which the INTELLIGENCER
offers, we will* on Monday issue a free supplement, which
will give them a correct idea of the value of this splendid collection.
We are placing within the reach of our patrons a magnificent opportunity,
and it is not our wish that any may fail to avail themselves of it
r?~ ^n>v>r or\r,ro/-iafinn nf if<; siirriassint? merit. The views
iiu111 icicrv \ji piupwi appi^vuinw. v. . ;?
comprising the supplement are but a sample of the 320 which constitute
the series, but it may be easily imagined what a treasure the entire 2
parts would make.
Osborne I'alaco, (jueen Victoria's Home 8. Tlio Appian Gateway, Home.
011 the Islo of Wight. !). The Grand Canal, Venice.
3. Pope's Villa at Twickenham on the 10. The Grand Opera Honse, Paris.
Thames, near London. 11. The Grand Staircase in the Paris Opera
3. Robert ii urns' Cottage, Ayr. House.
4. The Giant's Causeway, County of An- 12. The Stora Theator, Gothenburg, Swe
trim, Ireland. uen.
5. Lakes of Killarney, Ireland. 13. The City of Lisbon, Portugal.
G. Palace of Sans >Souci, Potsdam, Ger- 14. The City of Bethany.
many. 15. Native Malay Tillage.
7. Castle of Itheinstein, Germany. 10. The Cathedral, City of Mexico.
rv issue of the Intelligencer, commencing Monday, December i8, there
sar a numbered coupon. Cut the coupon out and preserve it until six of
numbers have been accumulated, then forward them together with ten
R, and there will be delivered to you one of the parts of the
; consecutively numbered, so that when the entire twenty parts have been
id to any particular photograph.
ind two coupons on the first page, one for the "World's Fair Series," and one
)c secures the "World's Fair" Portfolio, Six consecutive coupons and 10c
f each and 20c secures both of the above valuable Portfolios.
>N\s tkiaIj. Palatine, W. Vn., who will immediately gerttjan commkitgiaii POLICY*
"rriedto GetIntnrance ?QnD*J?J y0Ur with your name Tho Du]mto on the Treai.e-Count imTlie
Murdered Man. on the edge, and With no coat to the riinrukjn Opposition to the Chancellor.
t .. 1, owner whatever. They aro legacies T> ' , _
c. lo.?Interest m the left behiud worth preserving. Beaus, Dec. 15.?The debate on thB
r. Monaon, tho tutor third reading of the commeroial treaties
murder dl Lieut. Ham- PKIXCISSS COLON A. began to-day in the reichstag.
aont in August last, is Uer Divorce Proceeding* Siupendod for Count Uerbort Bismarck attacked tha
i ease procoeds. LarjiO T|V? tVeekM. policy of Chancellor Von Caprivi, saj?assembled
about the Paius, Dec. 15.?The lirat hearing ot fog that tho chancellor's recent utteri
few were able to ob- tho suit for tho leiml separation brought TOV0 t)10 ),onso tho imnroiaion
by Princess Colona (tho daughter of that ho had become a froo trader.
jf tho London, Liver- Mrs. John W. Mackay) against her hus- Continuing, tho count said that tho
nsurance companies at . . . . farmers had been loft in the lurch by
. Leeds testified that 1)nn 1 t,??k1 P'nc? ,ycatorday buloro tho tho manufacturers regard leas of the
>red to obtain a large sixth civil tribunal. necessity which both were under to
10 life of Lieut. Ham- Maitro Desjardin, the prince's advo- advance hand in hand.
insurance was refused cate, pleaded that tho court had no According to Count Bismarck it ia
was unablo to prove jurisdiction on the ground tiiat the the small farmers who have euSored
restin the young Lieut, princowaa an Italian and that ho ro- the most through the government's
ho Scottish Providence tained hia domicilo at Naplos, in apito commercial policy.
my teatiflod that Mon- of tho fact that ho habitually resided in ^
000 pounds insurance Paris. Tho caso was adjourned ror a Ono More (Wifnrtuoute.
lifo which was rofused fortnight in ordor that tho arguments Nice,Dec. 15.?A Parisian stockbroker
aeon as givon by tho for and against tho jurisdiction of ttio named 5orricueP, who had lost heavily
rnool compnniei. court may bo drawn up and uassed ,lf \rnn.? i->n?\n #kM?r u\man\t .
j'nploy of Kemp, Ford upon. ' ut Mon,? V. ' lhT '"T lrom. * .
at in 1892 Jlouaon waa o - tram near Villofranche railroad station
h assets of only '25 iiljj Iron rtiiinro. yesterday and waa kill d. A companion
ebta of 2,000 pounds. Philadelphia, Pa., Doc. 15.?Tho of tho unfortunate man was utterly un- g
^ Crane Iron Company assigned to Robert concerned at his friend a death and inii.MA
soLUIliKS F. Kennedy, of this city, and Leonard wsfced upon filtering-the very train
fcockitt, of Catasqua, Pa., to-day. The from which his associate had junt been
ato War?Medals Await- company ia capitalized ut $2,OOi),000. killed and Ioit a '<a?be address behind*
a at Fairuiuiit. ^
Another Sp?4Uli Outrage,
r- * i t "E nro the aole agents for Iiadanrs Uin?ln n? ? 1K A u_.-k
v in Fairmont about Microbe Killer in Wheeling, W. Vn. DcC' U~~A b?.m^ Wftl cx*
chargo of Thomaa A. PorBons aulTering with any blood or ploded last oveuing at verin on the
irv M. Ruble, awaiting chronic diseaso should try this wonder- premises of a merchant named Parade,
proper owners. Theio ful remedy. Fifty-naRo book froo, glv- Tho doors and windows of the residence
ndod hv tho uttttii of lDZ surm "ieor-v ot J'p,on ;?- wore smashed, and tho occupant, of tho
iiueu uy the stato 01 Loo as Ditto Co. |10U,e ami tho people in tho vicinity
Ihoy aro modeled after ? ? ? were greatly frigutoned. Tho author of
f the army hadK?. and U?? outrage ia not known.
of our state. On tho ? ? J
11 is tho name of tho Traciiers or others can buy Gifts for lourtoeu
r. Very many of tho classes or schools at remarkably low London, Dec. 15.?A dispatch pub*
1 wrong, which makes prices at Stanton's Old City Book Store. liahed here says that fourteen people
ng the owner difficult. " have been killed and fifty wounded in a
iment ? "*? "So/"' lr0?d colliaioQ ? ? Soiuovlu, Bo*
le lato war. in entitled " roodals,
and if not yet Sixty seconds often makej a sr.'nt ,,
it la iiorp- awaiting tho dlflerono'. A aixty second roiuqily for ^ "i.('"rjir roy't co 'a
If tho soldier he denil, bronchitis, choking up of the lunga, ' '
or his oldest son or throat, etc., of conrso is a great ble.a- OBrAVnl.?, mock a)o and porter m.de
y of his children, or inc. Uiheb Lough Uiro ia such a rem- by-the Smith Brewing Co: are abao"
,!,avo."- f|>or? aro edy and coals only -> and oO cents a |uu,ly ))UrrHt bost and healthiest.
t Nirirma soldiers re- bottlo, containing nearly as much in e
o state, aud have boon value as tho dollar bottlo of other kindg. Bnckieu'* Arniot s*i?a.
addreasos cannot be Can bo had of Alox. T. Young, John The best salvo in tno world for cats
entlemon in chargo of ^ heeling, and Lowio & Co., bruiries, ijores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
of course caunot de- Bridgeport, Ohio. eoros, tettor, chappod hands^chilblains,
....... ? , ... corns and all skin eruption^
Ir m^dal^hoawi^o ^ ruru' P"?. or 110 ^
ir medal, should write m ! It ia guaranteed to gtvo per*
or ?lj'onry u.' fiu'bio, Children Cr^forJPitcher's^Castoria. I ^