Newspaper Page Text
4 The Intelligencer, rmj.hiiLD lurtr, kxcmt suiur, At HIE INTELLIGENCER OFFICE, 20 ANU 2# wnnTr.R^r>pbY*E?cr. JXTKLMGLM'KK I'LTiMSIIIMJ CO-, Propr**. TEHM*: rcr. yea*, ?v r^iAor. r?;r.: aid, J)a:i.V. nit ?Inys in the week .'S OO I)AII.V, tlirco Uflyi In tUo ?e? k * <><> DaIS.Y, two <la\s In iUo weel:.- - *' Daily, oue month - W'rxni.W one j car, in advance. 1 n'smr, >ix m'oniks.. im.? duiv TKTKLi.tflESOMt M rtollvcrflJ by ntrhcmin Wheeling and adjacent lovrui at J# rent* per \wclc. ]'er*oiiy \ri*hing to xuhicrlhc to tlit* Pati.v Inm.!,ici:.\ci;Rcttii <lo f<> i?y sendiii? in their or. dirsioih* iNrM.MOCNCKit oRlce on postal earn or otherwise. They will bo punctually wrvcl by carrion. Trilmtat p( Respect and Obituary Xoticcs, 50 tent* porinc:i. t'orwipomieuci coiitAlnlns importmt netr* ftotleited (toia every pare of Ihe turruuudiu} country. ili.'joctod cowir'.oirntiouMrill not l>o roturuo'l nnJi-ks iircymi)>.iniivl i? indent pa*M>re. _ (Tlio iNThi.iior.vcn:, ctnbrrufiijs its wveral c?litloii**. 1* ontcrotJ in '.lie i'uitotllco at Wheeliuy. W. V*.. m ?ecoml.oianj matter. | *" TK1.Kl'H??NM Mr:iT:i.i:s >'dl?nrl(it Itoosn* .431, CottHlin? lionin lit. Ufa MMptmr. Wnr.FA.WO, DKCKMiiKIl HI, 1803. Tlio Iiitolllgonccr's .Art Depart iiiont. Tlio tlrat shipment of the IstelligknCBn's World's Fair art portfolios hasarrivod at tho Wheeling postoflico and will be distributed ai fast as tlio oflieo forct> and carriers can do it. Alter this the portfolio* will bo forwarded immediately on receipt of the names with the iicccs;ary coupons and dimes. Those who have missed the coupons for the earlier numbers may bo supplied by sending in twenty-five cents for each number. Coupons beginning next Monday and miming throueh tho week will bo for tlio fourth World's Fair porttijtL folio. The phenomenal success of this undertaking lias led the LvrEi.MUE.vcEn to contract for another art series entitlea W ".Sights and Sconcs of the World," beins largo photographs of natural scenery and noted buildings tiio world over, Anrh ni'i'Ainii'ininil hv n nnihihln rfcacrin tion. Tlioro will bo twenty of theso fiiio portfolios, each containing sixteen photographs. They will be delivorod on the same torma as thu World's Fair portfolios. The first coupon for Sight and Scenes of the World will appoar in tho Ixtelligexccb of next Monday, immediately over the World's Fair portfolio coupon, an that tho two may bo cut out together. Tho iKrELMQEXcgR does not hesitate to say to it* friends tiiat these portfolios will make a library of delight and instuction. Tlioy haro very high art and educational value. Be sure not to miss any of the coupons And to send them in promptly bo aa to got the portfolios without delay. They *ro roady for immodiato del ivory. Tun mock legislature conducted by tho Republican club is a conspicuous success. It would surprise our Democratic friends to 600 with what earnestncss and vigor their cause is sustained by the Republicans of tho club turnod Democrats for tho occasion. Tho debate on the tariff continues, the Democrat side standing in sold support of the Wilson bill. Not lor Home, l>ut Foreign Industries. As an evidence of how our Canadian competitors aro rejoicing; ovor tho provisions of the Wilson bill here is a choice clipping from tho Moncton, Now i Brunswick, Transcript, which paper doubtlosa reflects tho sentiment of tho people ill that province: Wool, coal, lumber. toll and iron on the free list! This confirms the earlier reports. In four ; o( these industries tho marHtiuto provinces aro directly Interested. Wool on the free list will I qpcournsrc the sheep raising industry In these ! provinces enormously. It win open nn avenue I; of profit to the farmers which has been much restricted. Coal, lmnlier and iron on tho free list menus ? development of tho nntnrn! re honrces of tho nmrntime province* nudor tint f, . impetus of an enlarged market, which will restore prosperity in a great measure to our ; people. Ail of tiio articlca mentioned, and which our Canadian friends are glad to find on tho free list in tho Wilson bill, aro West Virginia products?ptoducta of industrio8 on the development of which the state must depend wholly for its future prosperity. Vet wo have it here from a Canadian authority that tho tariff bill which bears tho name of a son of West Virginia is to benefit, not the wool, coal, lumber, salt anil iron industries of his native stato, but to "develop the resources of the Canadian provinces nnder the impetus of an enlarged market." Mr. Wilson and the Democratic maB jority in Congress aro not legislating in tho interests of ttie United States, but for tho benetit of our foreign com* petitors, and there is a growing sentiment among the people that the Democratic atatosmon will liavo to look to Canada nnd Kn'glaod lor a vindication F. V MONO Having just finish* complete Music Roc : Wheeling. Our pric YOU ANE h of such a policy. It will not bo gran tod by tiioir own country whoso industries thoy aro crippling in the blind chase of an illogical theory. J.v the person of Judge liayinond, of Fairmont, death removes another of the men who huvo taken an aetivo part in the public rjflairs of the stale. Judge ilaymoud was a lawyer and judgo oi marked ability, All <>iio Sided. The administration organs that are trying to bolster up President Cleveland's Hawaiian policy by heaping abuse on ex-Minister Stevens and the annexationists at Honolulu aro having a hard time of it, for they aro receiving no encouraging facts from Hawaii to support their position. ' - .... i r_ livery steamer mat arrives uom Hawaii brings testimony contradicting the report mado by "Paramount" Blount and tho /also assumption of President Cleveland and his aocretaryof state. Is it not somewhat strango that if tho Hlount report was baso'.l on truth and t juatiec, uor.c of tho nows from Hawaii supports it, but that, on the contrary, every steamer brings information diacroditiiiK it? SincoMr. Blount arrived i:i Washington from his extraordinary mission nothing lias been received from the Hawaiian Islands that has afforded tho administration a particlo of comjort or encouragement. On tho contrary, as tho Now York Advcrti&cr puts it, "steamer after steamer brings information contradicting tho report mado by .lames II. Blount, and not only discrediting his witueasoH in such a way a3 involves impeachment of charactor, but strengthening tho presumption that iio proceeded deliberatoly and with tho full knowledge and consent of Mr. Cleveland, if not under specitic instructions from | him. to establish a falso stato of facts, I and preparo tho public mind to accept a policy which an acquaintance with I the truth would lead it to reject." j Tho Advertiser correctly sizes up tho i situation?no omer couausiuu uuu i/u | reached under tho poculiar circumI stances, and, sad though it be, it ini volvos a lowering of the tono in tho j administration oi the government which must make every American 1 lrtush with shame. Oi tho cllect of it all on the generation now growing up the Atlvcrliw says: Can wo com pin in if n generation ;:rou;? un having no patriotism, when no find tin* I'rcsfdent in Wjuhinston innntiKhig our niFiiirs for party effect, much as the sberlir oi Krlo county and his associates may have plotted and planned. laid ropes and pulled wires in t h?< back room of T?ot>pclpinp;r\s beer "a a loon" for the benefit ot the county ring? This is hard language, but something tuoro gentlo would scarcely do tho aubjact justice. Tins year has boon fruitful of calamitics, but few exceed in fatality and horror tho falling of the bridge near Louisvilie. It ia not easy to boliero that nobody ia to blatno for this wholesale sluugbter. Temporary ltclinl' lor (he Needy. Tho point ia settled that tho county commissioners can givd temporary outdoor relief to ablo-bodied men unable to secure otnployment and in neod of tho necessaries of life; and the commissioner:! will go ahead on this lino. It would bo very much hotter if tho aid wore given in the form of work. Tho joint committco on relief will meet to-morrow, when it is to be hoped that a plan may bo dovised out of all that has beon said that shall give to needy men a chance to earn enough to supply their pressing wants. Wheeling must bo ready to meet any duty that may devolve on her. The water board should extend its main on tho east sido of Wheeling hill in tho direction of Fulton. This would omnlniiivioiit in Invinn (lin mnin and in making connections for household consumption, and it would increase the revenues of the board. Tho work could well be undertaken at once. BREAKFAST BUDGET. A machine, designed to soparate tho soot from tho smoke which the tires of manufactories yield, ha* been invented by a Mr. Elliott, of Birmingham, England, and tried successfully for several months past in the mint there. A correspondent of tho Pall Mall (iazellc has examined the device, and declares is to be perfectly simplo and management. A correspondent of London Xok8 and Qutric* announces that the name of tho first scientific journal was "The Weekly Memorials for tho Ingenious: or an Account of Books Lately Set Forth in Several Languages, with Other Accounts Jielatirig to Aris 'and Sciences." The tirst number was priuted in London on March 20, 1GS1. An aped man giving the name of Alfred C. Kay, of Now York, resisterod at a hotel atSan Antonio. Texas, last Friday. Tho following night ho committed suicide, and in a letter wrote his epitaph requesting it to bo placed upou his hoadstone. County Commissioners m Colorado recently advertised for bids for "curing" drunkards by means of tho "gold cure." Chicago philanthropists have given,, durinz tho last year $2,800,000 to colleges, raweun^iindbonovolent institu=Granc AY AND ' ed remodelling the inte ;ms in the country, es and terms defy co ) YOUR FRIEND: tions. Tiio names of Mr. Phillip D. Armour. Mr. Marshall Field and Mr. lioorgo M. Pullman are prominont in tho list. According to statistics compiled by Secretary Carter, of the Maryland state board oi health, there were lii.249 deaths in Philadelphia during tho first six months of tho present year, an aver ago of -1.U5 ner 1,000. Tho nueiuployed of Boston held a meetiug on Sunday, at which resolutions w/iro adopted 'refusing lo pay rent until they havoau opportunity to relieve tho hunger of thos6 dependent upon them." House Owner?1 low does your fur-1 naco work this weather? Tenant?Tho exerciso of rakiug it keeps mo warm enough, but tho other mentbors of tho family compluin.? Xeiu York Weekly. Another monument is to adorn tho city of Now Vork, This time General Hancock is to be honored, and a statue i to iiis memory will be unveiled on Do- 1 cembcr ."Oin St. Nicholas Park. A sugar maple chair that was a Mod- j J ctiuj? gift to tho parents of Mrs. A. D. 1 J Morris,of Albauv, Oregon, nearly seven; ty .years ago, is now in the possession of , Mrs. Morris. Two ostriches in tho "ostrich farm" | at lCiversidOi Cal.. recently had a terrific | I combat that resulted fatally for ono of j the oirds. I Tho silver statue of Miss Ada Jichan | that was exhibited at tho World's i'air j is on exhibition in Boston. j Five hundred thousand tuon aro e?ilt ' mama 10 riuo in uio eieviuoio wi ->?? | York City every clay. PERSONAL POINTS. The Empress Eugonlo has settled down into tlio solitude which bostcnablo.s hor to endure her mouiornblo anH I cumulative Borrows. Her tall, sad iig| ure goes in and out among us with only tlio recognition of silent sympathy. The empress likes to have communication with as few people as possible. For instance, when she shops (she does hor own shopping) she likes to bo waited on bv tho sumo salesman always.? Western Mail. Max Muller acknowledges tho debt of gratitude which students owo to tho Kinnot tsiam, tho "greatest, ifvnot the only, monarch professing the Buddhist faith," for supplying funds for continuing tho translation of tho groat books of the east. Horaco Greeley Perry is tho remarkable name oi a young woman who boasts of being the only woman editor in tl,ie state of Minnesota.' She is also tho youngest editor, being only twenty-one yoara of age. Marshall Cashing, formerly Postmaster General Wanatnaker's private secretary and lately editor of the Washington Capitol, has bocomo business manager of iue jLtvenxng ivciw, 01 wusuiuguMi. Congressman .Barnes Comptom, of Maryland, roceutly underwent two surgical operation's, lie is still conlined to Jiia room ut Washington, but is improving. Mrs. Parnell i9 busily engaged in writing tlio life of Charjes Stewart Paruoll, her deceased husband. Alexandre ttattu, the Parisian violoncellist, recently paid $10,000 for u Stradivarius violin dated 1714. WISE AND OTHERWISE. First Artist?I received a magnificent tribute to my skill the other day ut the exhibition. {Second Artist?Wnat was it? First Artist?Vou know my picture. "A. Storm at ?Sea"? Well, a man and his wile were looking at it, and 1 hoard tlie man say: "Como on. my dear; that picture makes mo sick."? Brooklyn Life. 'lhe Young Housewife?You have some potatoos, Nora? Nora (the cook) ?Yes, mum. The Young Housewife? And there's plenty of sugar in the house? Nora?Yes, mum. The Young Housewife?Wei), then, let us havo a dish of Bwnet notatoes for dinner.'? Chicago ltecml. She (of St. Louh)?I don't roo why tho newspapers are always twitting tho Chicago girls on the sizo of their feet. IIo?Neither do I. Thoir feet are no larger than those of any other girls. She?Now. Charley, you know that isn't so.?Free Press. Dealer?Yea, madam, I'll kill them for you and send thetn home. New Home wife (hesitatingly)?Well, if you are positively sure they are Ireah, you may. My husband will only eat fowl when it ir> fresh.?Tid-Bith Angry Father?How was it, young man, that ] saw you kissiug my daughter in tho hall last night? Young .Man -I suppose, sir, because you happened to be around just at the "right time.? Kate Field's Washington. Her Mother?I am surprised at Charles squandering so much mouey on a phonograph. Tho Wife?I am not. Ho ul ways did like to hear himself talk.? Brooklyn Lift. "When poople are slow and bellind the times thoro ii nothing like counting them to bring thorn to their census.? Rochester bemocral. In a cafe tho order to re-treat is always followed by a spirited attack.? Yonkirs Stain man. It is a bittor pill for a boy to be obliged to take quinine.?Pickayuniu How Tliey Agree. Whetting 11*0 liter, JJe-tX ationnl Democratic SttnUr IB, l8n J'lntforio, ifij \ The Wilson hill doe* Wo dcHaro it to be a not "abandon tho i?ol (fundamental principle icy of protection." for'of ibe Democratic party the good reason no tlmt the federal iiovernrevising committee has vnr.vittihithnnl mmenmpohed of sensible!^ to imt>osc and collect men would undertake tarifl antics except for to wipe out at onojtlit'purposes of roveuue ;roke the protoctlrc ouly. duties that have been; in force for no many; rear*. I Wll.vr WR. WII.HOS AND DKMOCtJATIC MRMHEM OK ' T11BWAYS AND Sir.ASb COMMITTER SAY. "Tho bill has b?*eu prepnrod on the Unci laid down in the platform and the Democratic prln rjple (?. ' that u tariff for protection is uucou>itiyutionul] h.'.s 1 .ecu adhered to." q\J7V I Music rUESDAY, * M'ior of our store, we ar but also the Largest m petition. S ARE CORDIAL AOED UT. j Tho Olilost l*er?on In Weit Virginia Litres lu Gilmer CoAntjr. Glenvilli Banner. Mr*. Kunico Conrad, a resident of Little Bull ltun, Gilmer county, is without doubt tho oldeat porson in- Wost Virginia. The newspapers of tho stnto have frequently referred to her ago, but none of them heretofore have been abln to ascertain definitely the date of her birth. Her father was tho first man to settlo nt Uulltown. 'fins was at a time when tho Indians inhabited that section of tho country. Their nearest i neighbors lived at Buckhannon. Mrs. Conrad is the mother of fiftoon children. fclhe raised nine of them?six boys aud three girls. All aro dead r.ow but tho youngest, who is aixty-five years of age. Tho old Jady still retains a remarkable memory, find can see very distinctly by the use of glasses. Air. Adolpliua Fisher, of this county, was at her home last week. While there ho ascertained her exact age, which ho says is one hundred and seventeen, title was born in August, J 770. Lilu in Misery To many people who have tho taint of scrofula in thoir blood. The agonies caused by tho dreadful running sores and other manifestations of this disease aro beyond description. Thero is 110 othor remedy equal to Ilood's Sarsaparilla for scrofula, salt rheum and nvnrv form of blood disease. It is A CAUGHT? QUKE.V. LIIiunkalaut'? liumuruliticH Mutters of ! Common Knowledge in Hawaii. Washington*, D. C., Doc. 13.?Tho news from Honolulu of tho libel suits brought by ex-Marshal Wilson against Editor Smith, oi the Honolulu Star, 1 created much comment in Sau Francisco among old residents of Hawaii who davo known Liluokalani for years. One of those, Dr. George T- Fitch, says* ; "Wilson's action is a more bluff to break the force oi tho publication of this scandal which has been talkod about in Honolulu for years, but was never printed in tho English newspaper. The native journals have not boen so squeamish, but have published many details of the queen's amours.1 As far back as ten years ago Liliuokalani's relations with Wilson wore so notorious that Kalakaua triod to reform her. Ho summoned her to tiie palace one day and began a moral discourse, urging her to greater circumspection, as ho said the white residents wero scandalized by her open licentiousness. Liliuokalani, who has a bad temper, was , furious over this lecture. She wouldn't hear Kalakaua out, but retorted by telling him to givo up his own mistresses I and abandon tho Hula-Hula dance, of I which he was so fond, beforo he turned to reforming his relations. When slio | wont away she sot about composing a i song to commemorate the humorous features of Kalakaua as a moralist. -She I gave the song tho namo of an Hawaiian j bird, which Hies at night, making a groat noise, and this title was supposed to refer to tho much-ado-about-nothing i tt-Kiolt K'n laIrniln linrl innHft. &OU1Q of | tiio verses wero very indecent, but tho song Jia?i a great vogue among tho naI lives, and you would probably hear it J to-day in Honolulu. All that Colonel Ashford told about tho close relations I between the queen and Wilson is true. Wilson is a superb man physically, and remarkably handsome. Ho presented tho greatest contrast to the withered little Englishman, Domini'', who was Lilliuoknlani's husband. Wilson is also an able follow, and if tho queen had followed his advico alio would still bo on tho throne. Tho queen will nevor permit this suit to be pushed, as bho knows that scores of natives, as well as whites, can testify of their own fcnowledgo to her flagrant immorality." THE SILVER CONFERENCE 1'roccc'dinc Uolilml Cloned Doom?Many of tho Lender* Present. "Washington, D. C., Dec. 15.?Tho comorouco 01 lOUUing blivur ui?u v? mo country to deviso way and means to continue tho fight for frco silver coinage, opened to-day at the headquarters of tho bimetallic league. Most oi the familiar faces of the silver loaders were there. In all, tho conferees number about fifty, representing tho bono and siuow of tho free silver movement. The conference is proceeding behind closed doors. General Warner, president of tho bimetallic league, said tho meeting would probably last for several davs. It was intended to fully canvass tho sentiment of tho bimetallism and roach some conclusions, among them as to the c.ourso to bo pursued. Death in it Tiro. Sax Francisco, Dec. 15.?Fire this morning destroyed .1 Chinese wash houso on Valencia street. The bodies of two Chinese were taken from tho ruins and tho police reported two more Chinamen missing aud supposed to have perished. Hall's J lair Kenewer cures dandruff and scalp allections; also all cases of baldness where the glands which feed the roots of tho hair are not closed up. SKE our Dluutomln before you buy. l'rit'o? cut to the bottom notch. I. ii. DILLON & CO. PnoroGiiAPHs will be delivered before Christmas 011 all sittings made at our now gallery this week. O'Neill, 1205 Market street. V ACHKIiON* Sz CONSrANTIK lfl .loirol Brecuet Hairspring Movement, In a 14 Kt. Solid Gold Case, Jit #58. n. K. IIILLMAN A CO. You nre Enpecially Invited to attond the Holiday Sale of Pianos and Organs at House's on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, the 16tb, 18th and 10th. Yoii are Etpocially Invited to attend the Holiday Sale of Pianos and Organs at House's on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, the 16th, 18th and 19th. ^ runs. I'ur Thibet it, Mull*, etc., at JSMSHKIMEIt'S. A sn.en*i)in assortment of Teacher*' and Students' Bibles from $2 50 to $12 at Stanton's Old Oitv 15ook Store. m/^onSumptio"n,BriRht\ Disease, Rheumatism, V I'WMScrofula, Blood Poisoning, ^ ijWor any of the many stubborn m \Scomplaints which make life' miserable ? Do you know that RADAM'S Microbe Killer cures all such diseases by removiug the prime cause?microbes. There is no disease incurable if this remedy is taken in time. A 50 page hook, containing valuable information for summers, mailed Free. ThnlTiUism RadatnMirrolir Killer Co. 7 Lais hist., New York ay. J.OUAN DRUG i:0., Agents, noISrihis Wheeling. J i&R :al Ope DECEMB e now prepared to sh and Finest Stock of etc* LY INVITED TO I reasonably sure to benefit all who give it a fair trial. Hood's Pills euro all liver ills. 2 DIAMONDS! Jthimnnri IStngs ami I'.ur llliigA from 95 to gtfOO. Oiialitv tlm I. G. DILLON & CO. Toil ar? J-Japcclnlly Invited to attend tho Holiday Salo of Pianos and Organs at House's 011 Saturday, Monday aud Tuesday, the lUtb, 18th and IDtli. _ Wulte, the only medium in tho city, tolls your name, troubles and all you want to know instantly, before you utter a word. Law. Jovo, lack, stolen or loat property, divorce, family troubles, brings back tho absent, restores lost a (Tactions, removes spells and bad luck. 2G15 Chapline etreot. "lied star" cars to door. to 0 evory day. Parties out of town eond stamp for freo advice- Entiro satisfaction or no charge. P. ?S.?Thti is the lucky month of lite year. I can briny: you more good luck now in seven days than in any other seven weeks. 1 can restore lost love, bring back tho wanderer, cauao happy marriages more speedily now than at any othor time. The exact date will bo given and all is guaranteed. This is the time to have all family troubles, spells, crosses, &&, removed quickly. Now is the time to recover lost or stolen articles ami una mauen treasures, uo not lot your lucky day pass. Come now; don't delay an hour. Sittinga $2, Indies SI. (Alter January 1, nil sittings will bo $5. 11.1 KG A INS in Wntvhesnt H. K. HILL.MAN A CO.'S. t You nre Kapeciully Invited to attend the Holiday Salo of Pianos and Organs at House's on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, the lGth, 18lh and 10th. Calendars Booklets and Christmas Cards, now stock, in largo variety, at Stanton's Old City Hook htore. j Don't Pay Money for Water!{ \ A Fottd Kxlncl of Beef is raoro J>on- t A omienl than u liquid, for the reason a r.? thnt it is concentrated, and house- \ J" keeper* will Hod it much cheaper to 4 i BUY ) Liebig COMPANY'S J j Extract of Beef, { f A solid concentrated extract, freo f A Irotn fat nud k*e latino or any foreign a v substance and dlt>.-wlvc it themselves. f f The /V y /p siguntnre^ Jpenuino on the Jari ^has thisQ in blue.^ _ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 18 94: SUBS0RIBE N0NV For Dailies. Weeklies aud Monthlies for the coining year. Publishes Lowest Prices. Delivered Everywhere. Christmas Papers. Magazines. lk>ok*. Toys. Diaries, Almanac*. A lot ol IJooks and Toys Very Cheap to Closo Out. C. H. QUIMBY. delft 1111 Market Street. If you need Spectacles, eyes tiro or head aches wheu reading or f?ewing. conduit and have your eyes examined (or glusses without charge by PROP. aHEPP, The Scientific Optician, 1110 Mnln Street. Thoic purchasing Glasses for Christmas gifts will rocelvc a card which will entitle the one to whom the glasses are given to have their eyes examined and glaise* correctly fitted without . extra charge ut tliclr new quarter* N'?. it to Mnln Stre?t. next door to Snook Ai ''p. dcltf J^IST OF LETTERS ] . .Remaining in tho Poitofllcj at Wheeling- Ohio ! eouuty. W. Vn.. Saturday, December 10. To obtain any of the following tho applicant must ask lor advertised letters, giving dale oi list: LADIES' LIST. , Brlmcr. Mrs. Emma McCol lock, Mrs. S.illlo \V. ' bond. Mr* Aide Uowb, Mi-s Maggiv. 1 ElkJcherry. Miss Mary Richard*. Mha c. lTanklin,Mrs. JanjtuulnSmith, Miss Mary (col.) Woods. Miss I'iarl GENTLEMEN'* LIST. Itcll. M. K. Gal?er. U. Bailor, Krnuk A. Jxjj'ebore. Frank Blorley, l!#\. Matron. Keury, (UL) Carter. George 11. Mc'Jouel. Richard Corklc, Jltd Thompson, .fames E. Klton. George. T?e<ror. Liwrcuco Edwards, Charles Waiter*. Fred (ot.) W. J. W. CJWDKN'. I'. M. ~&~~C ;ning != lER 18 AN (jvv not only one of the PIANOS and ORGA ATTEND OUR C NEW ADVERTISEMENTS "pOUUIHSTREET M. E. fill i:cif JLj l'rcaching Suuday at 10 a. ui amt : ^ p. m. bv the putior. Rev. A. Jl Biker. I). I> . 1B. dny School nt 2 p. m. HELP W ANTEDt-WE WANT 10,000 tnon and women to work for n stniitn for particular*. MARPLE MANI.'kau TVltlSd <;<>.. Indianapolis. Ind. <|. Eubst pkesbyterian church? JL Tho pastor, Rev. D. A. Cunningham I> |i* will preach nt 10:W a. m. and 7:30 p. m. ib' bath School at? a. m. Kudorvor Society u:.. i, p. 1U. UNITED PRESBYTERI \ / Church. Rev. J. T. MeQluro. 1). l> j.a,;,,. Rev. Prr>.?>ley,Thorn peon,of Allegheny Seninari-' will preach morning mid evening Mdihatli School at'J p. m. I'brhtJan I'nion m i, :il Pulpit subjeotsatthej Hi . Christian Chu.cX 2112 Market street, sim. day, the l"th Inst., i.t 10:45 a. m.f "The Cotnpurntlve Wealth of (lie Church, the United stace* the World and of God.." At 7:30 p.m.. "(Jorloti Trial and Ills Character Traduced. Special meeting of the" O TRADES ASSEMBLY. A special meeting of tho Ohio Valley Tradea and l.abor Assembly will be held Suaday, D* comber 1". ?\t 2 p. m. fharp. to tako lurth?r action in relation to asfl.ttlug the nceuy and u-,. employed of Wheeling and vicinity. Ail de^. K.ites, ex delegates and members of local unions iiro requested to Ih> present. MICHAEL GKOGAK. President. Tho*. V, SAUnnrnv. Secretary. e sell Out aiasswAro, CHOICE PIECES ALWAYS ON* HAND. PRICKS ALWAYS LOW. REASONABLE FOR KINK QUALITY. EWINC BROS.. doHt 1215 Market Street. Wheeling. JgUY SOMETHING USEFUL FOR Come and look at our now lino of Bissell's Grand Rapids Carpet Sweepers GEORGE WTJOHNSON'S SONS, do 13 1210 Main -Sirc-at. I^LNKST BLENDED OOFPBB. NL'TB, CHOCOLATE, FINE CASK Eli GOODS. FOU THE HOLIDAY# ! H. F. BEHRENS. 2J17 Market street, or at bis Branch Store, Thirtyri?hth unci Jacob strict*. ?1H ' gTEPHEN McCULLOUGH, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, No. OS Fifteenth Street, Wheeling, IV. Vh. WT AH Work Promptly AUcad^d to. KAND OI'ERA HOUSE.MONDAY, U TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY nnd WEDNESDAY MATINEE, Dccrmber 1*. 19 and-H. THE NEW FIRE PATROL. Night Prices?lie. 25c,'$c und V)c. Matiti?*o Price*?Reserved seats. 25c: callfrv, 15c. Koj-crvcd seats on sale nt Grand box ofllce. del rUK KtiNi.;;;;;; The Store Room NO. 1X33 MAIN STICKKT, formerly occupied by 8.11. Glfflu &. Ca Powpsslon given November 1. luqulro of K. HOGE, XTOW IS THE TIME TO EGURE AS ill HOME! lOti FIXE LOTS FOR 84LE. These lots nrc situated near TSUonvlUe. Ohio, five miles from tlio city of Wheeling, adjacent to the bonntiful residence of Mr. Win. H. Robinson. and within flvo minutes' walk of the depots of tho t\ ?V: P. and the NY. & L. K. railroad*. 1'he grounds art: beautifully located, boins between ten and fifteen fectnbovo tho flood of 1SM? and possesses natural advantages, second to notto in tho vicinity of Wheeling. There has just been completed oue oi the finest Potteries in tho valley, employing 100 men. and with other buildings under construction, proves this to bo the coming place These lots will be sold on ten (10) years' timo, with a small cash payment and will be free from interest and taxes until paid for. For further information apply to It. 1. HOW. KLX. Agent. Itrldgeport. Ohio. -delft STERLING SILVER I We have hundreds and hundreds of Choice Little Articles in STERLING SILVER suitable for Christmas Presents. Prices almost as low as plated ones. Largest stock and greatest number of designs inSpoons and Forks of any house in the State. X. G. SlljZiOSr db CO., Jewelers. 1223 Market St. ' | Utu ."5Ifiii'? PALilX By virtue of a deed oC trust made by John McMorris and Mary A. McMorri*. bis wifo, to me as trustee, datod August!), 1888. recorded in the office of the Clerk of the bounty Court of Ohio County. West Virginia. in Deed of Ttu<i Hook No. ll. page 2?l, I will bell at the north front door of the Court llotue of said county on SATURDAY, tho 20th DAY OF JANUARY. Ml, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m.. the following described property. that is to say: Lot numbered lifty-tivc. in Division I', as designated ott the map of the hub-dlvtaion of the Joseph Caldwoll esrato and additions therefrom to the city 6f Wheeling, in Obio county. West Virginia, said lot 1* iron ting oti the wot side of Coal street and on the uortu side of Caldwoll street in said udditlon. Tr.RMS ok Hxt.k:?One third and as much more ns the purchaser elects to pav in cash on tlio day ol tale, the balance tn two equal installments at one and two ycftp*. the purchaser giving note* bearing Interest from the day of salo for the deferred payments. W. J. NY. COW DEN, Trusted W. If. H.\M.t:a. Auctioneer. del'? NOTIQE, Contractors and Builders! Rids for the erection of a new Court Uottso building in the town of Fayetteville. Fayette :ountv, Went Virginia, agreeably lo the plans imd specifications made by Frank K. Davis Architect, of Haltimorc, Maryland, and now on llle In the ollleo of the clerk of the County Court of said Favctte county, will be received In said otllce until January the ith, 181M, at 10 o'clock a. tn. Rids will be received for the construction an l arectIon of wild Court lloiMu^ultdin;; in its entirety and also on thedlttcrent aud distinctive clashes of work and material to enter into said jourt hotiac building, as described In said sped[leadens. All bids to bo sealed and addressed to tlio County Court ofll'ayetto county. West Virginia. Should tlio contract be awarded to any person or per-ous, either for the ereetlou aud construction of said court house building in It.* on; lirctyortbo dlfleront aud distinctive ulass?s of work and material it Rood and suillciem bond will bo required of -men person or persons in the penalty of twice tho contract price thereof. And the Court reserves the right to rcjoci any and all bid*. rilK COUNTY COURT OF FAYKTTECO.,W.YA. Ry k. R. Hawkish, Its Clerk. dei?i OTS D 19! ; most attractive and NS ever exhibited in )PENING!