Newspaper Page Text
ESTABLISHED AUGUST 24, 1852. WHEELING, W. YA.. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1893. VOLUME XLII?NUMBER 10L ?aw?_[Eai?[S G0gi^p? ??oppM ffijpp QnaikBPD {g]?DD??n? [F0o@'5@gp " EXCITEMENT In tho House on Rocoipt of the Prosidont'a Mossago. STRONG RESOLUTION CENSORING Mr. Cleveland's Hawaiian Policy Croatos Groat Confusion. THE OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE Transmitted With tlio Messago Which Doesn't Bear Out Blount's Itcport oil Which the President Bused His Conclusions?fjspuwjnca iruiu /*uiniral Wiltse, IVlio Was in Command of tho United States Naval Forces at Honolulu,Condrm Stevens, but in His Message tho President Ignored thom and Toole Only mount's ISx-Parte Statements?Minister Willis' Instructions to ICestoro tho Queon on Conditions, But tho Quccu Would not Accept and 'I hat i? Why the President Hacked Down, Washington, D. C., Doc. 18.?Tho fight over tho Hawaiian matter followed fast and furious on tho heels of tlio reading of tho message, which was do* Inyed on account of tho pousion debato until 3:30 thid afternoon. Tho first skirmish occurred over tho question of reniing tho instructions to Minister Willis, which was insisted upon by Mr. Bontelle, of Maino. Tho house finally agreed to this, and immediately after tho conclusion of their ruling Mr. Boutnlln rnnnwftd tho assault bv bringing forward a resolution declaring tho administration policy inconsistent with ttio spirit oi tho constitution and tho traditions of tho government. Great excitement reigned, and in tho confusion .Mr. Boutollo failod to follow up his parliamentary advantage and was ruled out of order. The resolution of Mr. Cockran for the appointment of a committee of seven to investigate the alleged invasion of tho territorial integrity of tho "United Mates by tho last administration also went down under a retaliatory objection by Mr. Boutollo. The confusion was so great that tho sorgoant-at-arms was railed in to preserve order. An adjournment was caused by tho lack of a quorum on a motion to go into,committer. Party fooling ran very high at tho close of tho session and thero is no doubt tho strucglo will be continued as Eoon as opportunity oilers in the house. WHY HE IJACKKP DOWN. The most interesting featuro of Presiriont ('Wnlnrwl'a mnssnffQ ia that which 1 discloses the exact instructions given to Minister Willie, nnd which caused this racket in the house. Mr. Willis was instructed to advise tho queen that this country tiesirod to ropuir tho wrong done her by restoring her to tho throne. But Mr. \V illis was cautioned to bo explicit on tho fact that the restoration must not bo loliowed by tho punishment of those who had taken part in tho revolution and in tho formation of tho provisional government, or by tho repudiation of the governmental obligations regularly made by tho provisional authorities. n i.: . ; ?i.A ?? HUB il'iuuru KJI HIU lliuiatiuu vivm.o ?|/ tho mystery of the long deluy in Minister Willis' actions and it also makes public tor tho first time that Quoen Liliuokalani has been tho obstaclo in tho way of accomplishment of Mr. Clovolund's purpose. Tho message states that the queen declined to accodeto the condition of amnesty. She was ropoatodly informed that it was tho only basis of inlluonco on tho part of this jxovornmont and that unless sho acceded all effort toward her restoration would bo abandoned. But Mr. Cleveland says that as yet ho has had no information that she will accopt tho terms. THOSE IjtiTTLIUS. Official ItflconlHtlmt tho I'rcHidentlBnoroil in Hi* Mes'tigo, Though llo Scut Tlium to Congress. Washington, D. C., Doc. IS.?Tho fltato department correspondence on tho Hawaiian question which was transmitted to-day is an immense volumo of official dispatches, a part of which has already boon published, and much of it is summarized in tho President's mossaj;o transmitted with the correspondence. It cives in regular order ail tho dispatchos passing between the Btato Jopartment and Minister Stevens, which was given out by Prosidont Jiarriaon in his imnoxation message, and down to March 24, after tho now administration came in. ^ Under dato of March 24, Ministor Stevens reports to .Secretary Greshain on tho efforts of tho Japaneso to secure control of tho government. Tho corr<'Hpondoncofrotn Commissioner Blount, thy Hubstancoof which has already been published, in also transmitted. Willis' correspondence. Under dato of Novombe# 0, 1S93, Minister Willis reports his arrival, and November 11 ho transmits a confidential letter to Secrotary Grosham. Ho expected to interview tho queen and '' id assurod tho British commissionor that the queen would bo protected from any attempt at assassination, and tho next Monday ho would insist upon iior coming to tho legation. Ho reported that tho town was in astato of excitement. His telegram of Novombor 16, which called out the changed instruc['"ih by the Btato dopartinont, reads: "Views of first party so extreme as to Squire furthor instructions." "First lurtyf" of courpo, rofors to tho ex-quoon. J ndor date of Novombor 18 Minuter Willis roports that Mr. ''anion, minister of finance, had called to detail rumors oi J'oublo on tho morrow?-Kalnkua's "irtluluy. "la view of theBO facta 11 thought it propor in an informal way to i jnake public tho fact that tbero would bo no decisive action taken by our government for threo or four weeks, or until I had heard from Washington.- I I also thought it proper, with tho private knowledge and consent of nil factions to Bay that no mob violonco would ba allowed duriutf tho interval." Many citiaona and the representatives of ior"ten governments had called to congratulate him ou this step and its good effects. Tho last enclosure of tho correspondence is tho letter from Minister Thurston to Secretary Qresham dated December 5. Mr. Thurston claims for the provisional govornincut that it is a duly organized and full and recognized and independent government Ho denies that tho provisional (government has submitted to tho President tho power to arbitrato tho case us between themselves and Queen Lilioukalani. In transmitting the Hawaiian correspondence to tho house of representatives, President Cleveland said: "In compliance with a resolution of the house, I hereby transmit a report with copios of the instructions crivon to Mr. Albert S. Willis, tho reprepresentativo of tho United States now in tho Hawaiian islands, and also tho correspondence since tho 4th of March, 18S9, concerning tho relations of this government to thoae islands. "In making this communication I have withhold only a dispatch from tho formor minister to Hawaii, No. 70, under date of October 8,1892. and a dinpatch Iroin tho present minister. No. 3, under dato of November 1(5, 1893, because in my opinion tho publication of those two papers would bo incompatible with tho public interests-." Tho dispatch of November 10, 1S93, is without doubt the detailod information of tho developments which prompted Minister Willis' telegraphic dispatch on anmn flntn to Secretary Greshain on which was baaed the rider to suspend instructions. NAVAL CORRESPONDENCE. Secretary Herbert submits ft mass of correspondence from naval officers in command of the United States naval forces in Hawaii. It goes back to July, 1889, and is brought down to Admiral Irwin's brief confidential dispatch of December 4th inst., to Mr. Herbert, telling hiin that the provisional government had a thousand men under arms. November 1, 1893, Captain Wiltzo reports that the queen's persistent refusal and obstinacy lo appoint a cubinct may precipitate a crisis. Then, on January 18, Captain Wiltso makes his roport on the uprising and the landing of marines, nnd Bailors of tho Boston under his command. Ho savs: "On January 10th tbore was a largo and enthusiastic mass meeting composed of representative men at Honolulu hold in the largest hall in the city at 2 p. m. on the same day I rc""J 'TTniloil fstntnii miniulnp IU1VC3U UUIIl l"U UUatuu a request to land sailors and marines from the Boston to protect the United .States legation, consulate and the lives and property of American citizens. At 4:30 p. m., January ltith, I landed the ship's battalion under the command of Lieut-commander William T. Swineburne. One detachment of marines wag placed at the legation and one at the consulate, while the main body of men with two pieces of artillery were quartered in a hall in a central location near the government buildings. The text of Minister Stevens' letter to Captain NViltsc, of January 16, 1898, n9king him to land the American troops, was as follows: "In view of the existing critical circumstances indicating an inadequate legal force, I requoat you to land marines and sailors from the ship under your command for the protection of the United States legation and the Unite J States consulate, and to secure the safety of American life aud prop Captain Wiltso then recites that tho provisional government was establfshed, tiio queen dethroned and the new authorities recognized by tho United Statos minister. Captain Wiltso reports to tho secretary of tho navy tinder date of February 1 ultimo, that his intention is to koep tho United States naval forces on shore until tho provisional government asks their withdrawal. He says: "There can be no doubt that the prompt landing of tho battnllion has prevented bloodshed and saved life and proporty." lie also reports that the islands had been placed under tho protection of tho United State* by formal declaration of Minister Stevens. On February 14,1893, Secretary Tracy received a letter from Secretary John W. Foster stating that the latter had telegraphed Minister Stevens commending his action, "so far as it lies within tho scope of standing instructions to the legation and tho naval commanders in Hawaiian waters, but disavowing 4t so f?r as it may appear to overstep ttiat limit by sotting the authority of tho Unitod States above that of tho Hawaiian government." On April 0 Admiral Skorrott, then in command, reports that ho hauled down tho United Statos Hair from tho governmont by orUor of Mr. Blount, lie says thoro wore no expressions from tho citizons. On November 10 Socrotary Herbort telegraphs to Admiral Skorrott not to give aid to oither party contending for government at Honolulu. Admiral irvin's reports mako up tho balance of the corrospondonco. WILLIS* INSTRUCTIONS* The letter of instructions from Socrotary Grosham to Minister Willis, and marked confidential, in which Mr. Gresham, in giving supplemental instructions to Mr. W lllis, regarding tho relations of tho Unitod Statos govoruI mont toward tho islands, directs him to proceed in accordance with Mr. Blount's report. Ho thon proceods to detail tho facts which Mr. Blount gives out in his report and informs him that tho annexation troaty will not bo returned to the senate. "On your arrival," ho says, "you will tako advantage of tho earliest opportunity to inform tho queen of thi*. Make known to her tho President's position regarding tho roprohensible con| duct of tho American minister and the presence of tho United States forces. Adviso her of tho desire of this govornj ment to do justice and to undo this I wrong. You will, howover, at tho samo ' timo inform tho quoen that tho President cxpects that she will extend amI nosty to all who wero against her, including all who were connectod with j the provisional government, depriving them of no right or privilege. Having ! secured tho quoen'a agreement to pursuo this policy, von will advise tho executive of the provisional government | and his ministers of tho l'residont's determination of thia question which their action and that of the qaeon tic- I volved upon him, aud that they nro expected to promptly restore lior constitutional authority. Should the I queon decline to pura'ue the course suggested, or should tho provisional gov- | crnment refuso to abide by tho President's decision, you will report tho facts I aud await further instructions." Mr. Greshain telegraphed :o Minister | Willis through tho dispatch agent at , .San Francinco uudor date of Nouembcr | 24: "Tho brevity of your telegrams is embarrassing. You will insist upon amnesty and recognition of obligations of the provisional government, as essential conditions of restoration. All interests would bo promoted by prompt action." Under date of December 3, 1S93, Minister Willis is instructed to insist on tho queon accopting tho conditions of restoration und if she refuses to ccaso interposition in hor favor. SOMi: OPINIONS Of 3Ieml)f>rs of coiicrunii 011 tho Mohhhi,'i\ Mr. ltacd'a (ioocl Point. Washington, D. G.t Dec. 18.?0pinions on the action of the l'rosident aro not very freely expressed by senators and representatives, most of them pro- i ferring to wait until they have heard | tho mossago aud correspondence in Jetail. Senator Chandler said: "I think it is disingenuous and that tho weakness of the President's plan is found in tho iact that he attributes the failure to restoro tho queen to her refusal to grant amnesty, whereas she declined to accept restoration because she could not bo assured of the support of tho United .States troops. This she was to know, but tho information was to bo withheld from the provisional government. This policy is one which will not appeal to the sense of fair play of the American people." Mr. Springer said: "Tho meseago of i tho Presidont is one of the most able and statesman-like he has ever submitted to Congress. Tho queen has actod very unwisely in refusing to comply with liin HiiccroBf ionn." Mr. llitt, of Illinois, onco chairman of tho foreign affairs committoe: "It does not conceal tho truo point at issuo. Tho fact remains that tho provisional j government had boon for a year recognized by n minister sent to Mr. Cleveland's 'great and good friond.'" Ex-Governor McCreary, of Kentucky, chairman of tho foreign affairs committee, eaid: 'Tho President's message on Hawaiian allaira is ablo and exhaustive." Senator Teller: "It seems to mo that tho President has gotten himself into an awkward predicament, and tho only way out of it is to back down." Mr. Reed said: "1 don't see why wo should impose conditions on the queen. If wo perpetrated a groat wrong and outrage, as has boon claimed, wo should right it without -imposing conditions." DOESN'T KNDOKSE IT. Tho Now York World, tho Lnmling Detnoorutlo rnpor, oil Clovolaiid'n Hawaiian Policy. New Yoiuc, Dec. 18.?Tho World (Dem.) will gay: "Tho President's plan, as ho callB it, was to necuro the peacea bio restoration of tho deposed queen with u guarantee of general amnesty to those concerned in tho formation of the provisional government and a recognition by tho restored monarchy of all tho bona fldo aut9 and obligations of tho provisional government. Tho pooDlo of tho Unitod States will never approve of tho active aironcy of their government in sotting up a throne and placing a monarch upon it, no mattor how tho throne caiuo to be overturned or tho monarch deposed. Curried to its logical end, the Prosident's contention would restore thi9 continent to the Indians and surrender to tho English, tho Spaniards and tho Mexicans a largo part oi our torritory." THR NICGItO EXPOSITION. A Spoaker Who Uocim't limit/,o tho Situation of IIIh Kucm* In the South. Augusta, Ga., Dec. 18.?The negro exposition was opened here to-day with groat ceremony by tho negroos of tho city and vicinity. The speaker of tho day was Rev. E. K. Carter, colored, of Atlauta, who dwelt upon the kind treatment of tho negro in the south, Darticularly in Augusta, and told his audience that tho southern people wero thoir best friends anrf the southland tho greatest land of promise for them. The negroos, ho said, talk about lynching; they had hotter talk about thoeo mon" who commit crimes that deservo lynchins. lie advised tho nocroes to bo patient, accumulate wealth and make friends of tho pooplo they are living amongst. Assaulted an l?<Iltor. Florence, Kans., Dec. J8.?J. F. Todd, Btate labor commissioner, made a murderous assault with a loadod cane on J. li. Ifouse, editor of tho Bulletin, this mornim:. Todd came up behind Houso and hit him over the oar. Tho latter grappled wilh him, threw him ovor a truck and was pummeling him whon tfto crowd separated them. Tho affair grew out of a newspaper controversy. Todd has boon put undor arrest waiting trial tor assault with intent to kill. Endorse tho Wiliton ml). Boston, Mass., Dec. 18.?To-day the Young Men's Democratic Club of Massachusetts hold its yearly mooting, and to-night the organization partook of its annual banquet. The guest of tho club, lion. Charles II. Ilamiin, assistant secretary of thotrcasury, was tho principal spoaker of tho evening. Three hundred of Massachusetts' representative young Democrats choorcd his remarks on tho Wilson bill, which was the principal subject o{ his discourse. The latest roport from tho Brazilian war is that it Is not truo that thore is disloyalty in the northern provinces. Government troops liavo captured tho island of Bom Jesus, where tho robots obtained their water supply. No other sarsaparilla has equaled Hood's In the relief it gives in severest cases of dyspepsia, sick headache, bitI iousncss, etc. 0 President Cleveland's Monaazo on the Hawaiian Affair. HE EXPLAINS HIS POLICY FOLLY. Takes Paramount Blount's OneSidod Report as a Basis I AND SEVERELY CENSURES STEVENS I And President Harrison?Ho Charges Xhat IUr. Harrison's Minister EnI stored into a Conspiracy to Steal tlio Islands from the Depraved Queen "Whom He Wants to Iiestore?The 1'rcsident Tells What His Instructions Were to Willis and Why Ilis Plan Proved a Failure?The Queen j Kel'usod to bo Kestored Except on Conditions?Tho Message a Document Which is More of an Exhibition ot Had Temper Than Anything Elso?Totallv Iirtiores All Evidence K.vcopt t!io Onesided Ex parte Statements of Mount. i Washikgton, D. C., Dec. 18.?Following is President Cleveland's message sont to Congress to-day with the accomI panying papora on the Hawaiian aflair: To the Senate and Home of Rqtrescntclivu: [ In my recent annual messago to the Congress I brioily referred to ourrelationn with Hawaii and expressed the intention of transmittins further information on tho subject when additional advices permitted. Though I am not able now to report a definite change in the actual situation, I am convinccd that the dillicultiea lately created both hero and in Hawaii and now standing in the way of a solution through executive action of tho problem presented, render it proper and expedient that tho mailer should bo roferred to the broader authority and discretion of Congress, with a full explanation of tho endeavor thus far made to deal with the emergency, and a statement of tho considerations which have governed my action. 1 suppose that right and justice should determine tho path to bo followed in treating this subject. If national honesty is to be disregarded and a dosiro for territorial extension or diasatisf action with a form of government not our own is to regulate our conduct, I have ontiroly misapprehended tho mission and charactor of our governmoat aml-tho_baliavior which tho conscience of our people demands of their public sorvants. When the present administration entered upon its duties tho sonate had undor consideration a treaty providing for the annexation of tho Hawaiian islands to the territory of the United States. Surely, undor our constitution and laws, the enlargement of our limits in a manifestation of tho highest attribute of sovereignty, and if entered upon ?ia nil nvnnnf.ivn nnf. nil tliiflird minting to the transactions should bo clear and freo from suspicion. Additional importance is attached to this peculiar troaty of annexation, bocau8e it contemplated a departuro from unbroken American tradition, in providing for the addition to our territory of islands of tho sea more than two thousand miles removed from our nearest coast. These conditions might not of themselves call for interference with th? pnmnlntinn of ft trnntv ontered tinon by a previous administration. too cheat haste charged. But it appeared from tho documents accompanying tho treaty when submitted to tho senate that tho ownership of Hawaii was tendered to us by t provisional govornrnent sot up to buccoed the constitutional rulor of the islands, who had beou dethroned, and it did not appear that such provisional government had tho sanction of oithoi popular revolution or suflrago. Two remarkablo features of tho transaction naturally attracted attontion. Ono was tho extraordinary haste; not to say precipitancy, characterizes all the transactions connected with tho treaty, It appeared that a so-called committee of sai'otv, ostensibly tho source of the revolt against the constitutional eovorntnent of Hawaii, waa organized on Saturday, tho 14tn day of January; that on Monday, the 10th, tho United States forces were landod at Honolulu from a naval vessel lying in its harbor; that on tho 17th, tho scheme of a provisional government was perfected, and a proclamation naminir its officers was on the samo day proparod and road at tho government building; that immediatol} thereupon tho Unitod States miuistei recognized tho provisional government thus created; that two days after wards,on tho 19th day of January, commissioners representing such government sailed for this country in a steamer especially chartered for tho occasiou, arriving in San Francisco on the 28th day of January and in Washington the 3d day oi February; that tho next day they line their 11 rst interview with tho secretan of state, and another on tho 11th, when tho treaty annexing tho islands was practically "agreed upon; and that on the 14tb it was formally concluded and on the 15th trausmittod to the sonate. Thus botweon tho initiation o tho scheme for a provisional govorn mont in Hawaii on tbo 14th of January and tho submission to tho senate of the treaty of annexation concludod with such eovernmont tho ontiro interval was thirty-two days, fiftcon of which woro spent by the Hawaiian commissioners in their journey to Washington AN "U.VDKTEltillNED" ISSUE. In tho next placc, upon tho face ol tho paper aubmittod with tho treaty, it cloarly nppoarod that there was oper and undotermincd an issue of fact oi tho most vital importance. The mos sago of tho President accompanying the treaty declared that "tho overthrow of the monarchy was not in any waj promoted by this government" and in t lottor to tho President from the aecre tary of state, also submitted to tho sen ate with the treaty* the following pas sage occurred: "At the time the provisional government took possession of the govern. ment buildings, no troops or officers oi tho United States were present, or tool any pnrt whatovor in tho proceeding. No public recognition was accorded to tho provisional government by the Unitod States minister until after tho queen's abdication and when they were in oflectivo possession of tho government buildings, the archives, tho treasury, tho barracks, tho polico stnlion and all tho potential machinery of the government." But a protest also accompanied said treaty, signed by tho queen and iter ministers at tho timo she made way ior tho provisional government, which explicitly stated that she yielded to tho superior forco oi tho United States, whose minister had caused United States troops to bo landed at Honolulu and declared that ho would support such provisional government. Tho truth or falsity of this protest was surely of tho first importance. If truo, nothing but tho concealment of its truth could induce our government to negotiate with tho semblance of a government thus created, nor could a treaty resulting from tho nets statod in tho protest havo been knowingly doe mod worthy 01 consiaeration by tho senate. Yet the truth or falsity of tho protest had not been investigated* PARAMOUNT BLOUNT. I conceived it to bo my duty, thoreforo, to withdraw tho treaty from tho sonato for examination, and moauwhile to cause an accurate, full and impartial investigation to bo made of tho facta attending tho subversion of the constitutional governinunt of Hawaii and tho installment in its place of tho provisional government. 1 selected for tho work of investigation tho Hon. James H. Blount, of Georgia, whoso service of eighteen years as a momber of tho houso of representatives, and who60 experience as chairman of tho committee of foreign aflairs in that body, and his consequent familiarity with international topics, joined with his high character and honorable reputation, seemed to render him peculiarly fitted for tho duties entrusted to him. His report detailing his action under tho instructions given to him and tho conclusions derived from his investigation accompany this message. These conclusions dn not rn?t for thoir accordance ontirolv upon Mr. Blount's honesty and ability an a man, nor upon his acumen and impartiality as an investigator; they aro accompanied by the evidence upon which they are based, which evidonco ia also herewith transmitted, and from which it seems to me no other deductions conld possibly bo reached than those arrived at by the commissioner. The reports, with its accompanying proofs, ana such other evidence as ia now before the Congress, or ij horewith submitted, justifies in my opinion the statement that when the Prosidont was led to submit the treaty to the senaio with tho declaration tliat "the overtnrow of tho monarchy was not in any way promoted by tins government," and -when the penate was induced to receive and discuss it on that basis, both President and senato were misled. Tho attempt will not bo made in this communication to touch uoon all the factawhich throw light upon tho procress and consummation of this scheme of annexation. A very brief and imperfect reference to tho facta and evi" I >" ' will oirKihit tfa nliarnnlnp UUIIIU U? null v. *(lt* and tho incidents in which it had iiu birth. now nc views it. It is unnecessary to set forth tho reasons, which, in January, 1S93, load a considerable portion of American and other foreign merchauts and traders residing at Honolulu to favor tho annexation of Hawaii to the Unitod States. It is sufficient to noto tho fact and to obsorvo that tho project was one which was zealously proinoieu uy mu in itiiaiur representing the United States in that country, He evidently had an ardent desire that it should become a fact accomplished by liia agency and during his ministry, and was not inconveniently scrupulous as to the means employed 1 to that end. On tlio l(Jt!i day of No' vembor, 1802, nearly two months before 1 tho first overt act tending towards tho 1 subversion of the Hawaiian government and tho attempted transfer of Hawaiian territory to tho United States, he aditrosseda long letter to thesocretary of state, in which tho caso tor annexation was elaborately arguod on moral, 1 poliitcal and economical grounds. Ho 1 refers to tho loss to tho Hawaiian sugar interests from tho operation of tho Mc' Kinlcy bill, and tho tendency to still 1 further depreciation of sugar property unless somo positive measure of relief is ' granted. Ho strongly inveighs against 1 tho existilijrllawaiian government and 1 emphatically declares for annexation. k lie says: "In truth the monarchy : hero is au absurd anachronism. It has 1 nothing on which it logically or legit' iinately stands. The foudcl basis on * which it once stood no longer existing, tho monarchy now is only au impodi' mont to good government, an obstruction to tUe prosperity and progress of ' the islands." * Ho further says: "As a crown colony j of Great Britain or a territory ot tho 1 United States the government modifications could bo made readily, aud good administration of the laws secured. ! Destiny and the vast future intoreats of | the Uuited States in tho Pacific clearly | indicate who, at no distant day, must bo responsible for tho government of these islands. Under a territorial gov' eminent they should be as easily gov: erned as any of tho existing territories of tho Uuited States. ' "Hawaii has reached the parting of ' tho ways. Sho must now take tho road ' which loads to Asia, or the other which outlets her into America, gives her an 1 American civilisation and liindi her to | the care of American destiny." He also I declared: "One of two ways was to mo 1 absolutely necessary to be followed, * cither bold and vigorous (or annexation or a customs union, an ocean cable from tho California coast to Honolulu, or f Pearl harbor perpotuaily coded to tho United States, with an luipliod but not ' expressly stipulated American protectorate over tho islands. I believe the former to bo the better, that which will ' provo much tho more advantageous to * the islands and tho cheapest and least embarrassing in the end to tho United States. If it was wiao for tho United States, through Secrotary Marcy, thirtyeight years ago, to olFer to expand [ $100,000 to secure a treaty of annexation, it certainly cannot be chimerical or unwlso to expend $100,000 to securo an[ nexation in tho near future. The | United States has flvo times the wealth z [Continued on Page.] THAT "CQXEY PLAN" For RollevLxiu tho Hard Times RB Impossible Scbomo. SENATOR SHERMAN DISCUSSES IT ! And Incidentally Holers to What Caused tho Pitiable State of tho Laborin Man To-day?The Remedy of Issuing a Halt BlUioa Dollars of Ix*rcdeomabIe Notes to Expend in Road Improvements AVould bo Dla* astrous and UncousticutionalWlDo* Jusivo Scheme. Massillon, 0., Dec. IS.?J. S. Coxoy, of this place, is tho author of what hs calls "tho Coxoy plau" for rolievinfc the lmrd times by tite issuance of $500,000,000 in treasury notes, tho money to be expended in tho constructioa of roads under tho direction of the aocretary of war. The American Federation of Labor at Chicago has endorsed this plan, and .Mr. Coxoy is using hi) private meana to promote its succoss. In a letter to tho Evening Independent Senator Sherman discusses Mr. Coxey'a ecliomo us follows: "The pitiable state of tho laboring man of to-day is caused by the throat"""I I'lni' 1 rrinridun i niltisf riaa ho m. ' free trade tariff. This undoubtedly fms I caused the fearful distress provailing in ! the country. The remedy proposed, o! Halting ;S)0(),000,000 of United btatei notes not rcduomablo in coin, would bo a fearful failure. The issue of such a mass of paper money would restore the condition of affairs* that existed in 1837 and in 1873, when ei'her irredeemable money or money worth loss than par circulated. The remedy is totally delusive, and instead of retrieving would add to the trouble! '.fiat surround via. The true remedy is o insure to the peoplo {rood money of .nqnoritionod and unchangeable value, based upon gold and silvor coin, and to maintain American industries by wise taxation upon foreign productions that compote with our own. The building of roads by tho government throughout tho United States is impossible and unconstitutional. Good roads are necessary and should bo built by the states a'ud counties of the United States as rapidly as their moans will porinit; but to attempt these improvements by tho issue of irredeemable paper money would be far worse than to sutler for a time the inconvenience of bad roads." MITCHELL OUKEHPUIj. IIo Wants His Friends to Know that H?l Doesn't Shirk Training. New York, Dec. 18.?The following letter was received to-day from Charley Mitchell by the editor of a sporting paper. Lakgimu Hotel, Boston, See. 18. Sm:?I havoaeen many reporta published about my conteit with Jim Corbet!. b'o that my friends may know of my future movements and not think that 1 will shirk training, I wiih it stated that I shall conclude my engogemeut, which conld not ba nn n?r?mhnr 22. and shall louvo thin city direct for Jacksonville. This'will givo mo lour weeks to flniih training?ample timo, as I have beta daily taking regular oxorciiei and re* duoed my weight over fifteen pound*. (Signed) Ciiahlkh .Mitchell. Kxomrntctl Cope. Akrox, Ohio, Doc. 18.?The commit* too appointed to investigate certain charges against President Orello Cons, of liutchol collogo, havo reported to the trustees, completely exonerating tho president, "both intellectually and morally." "* Weather t orccant for To-day* For West Virginia, southwost gulo*. For Western Pennsylvania, fair in southern portion; snow flurries and slightly warmer la northern portion; southwest gales. For Ohio, lair, excopt snow flurries on the lakes; slightly colder; south west gales, booomlng 1Hi:'t ll Wm', ISIGBTS AND SCENES I I OF THE 1S0RUM H PART I. | COUPON No. 2. I m To secure this superb souvenir \ B vendor bring 0 coupons like I E this ol different numbers with I H |Oc ill culll to | Art Portfolio Department, 1 G INTELLIGENCER OFFICE, I 51:5 aud !47 Fourteenth dc~ This coupon not good fori S -'World's Fair Portfolios." 1 WORLD'S FAIR f J Art Portfolio I <j J ?j, | (, j PART 4. J J, ] | Coupon No. 2. |;; {: : ! 1; 0 To secure this superb son von ir |l \ send or bring 0 coupons like a ttii -f ililj'cr.MU uumuers with {I \ lOc In coin tb J ART PORTFOLIO DEPARTMENT S Intelligencer Office, , 25 anil 27 Fourteenth Street. | ffir This coupon not good for , I "Sight* and fceenes ol the World" 1 A Portfolios. I I