OCR Interpretation

The Wheeling daily intelligencer. [volume] (Wheeling, W. Va.) 1865-1903, December 22, 1893, Image 4

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The Intelligencer,
at tiik
2o and 'J7 Fouirri:knt? Sw.irc
JMIJ.Ll (jK.H'KH rCUUSHINO to., l'ropf*.
mi vf.a?, r.v naxu iwrxcr vi-.r.rxio.
Pau.Y. ?ln/H 111 the week. .. Of>
Daii.y, three day* in tho week * 00 .
Dau.Y. two diiy* In tho week "
Daily, one inonHi - u '
\Vi;i:KI.y. oiif year, in lulTtuico, ' 00
Wi kki.y. *lx monthi 00
The Daily Jntklmokmckr h deliver* I by 1
rnrricr.? in WhcollUg and adjacent town* ut i? |
ccnis por nrucs.
IYr*on* tvmliintr to subscrllMJ to tin DUf.Y Ik*
Tli,f,ioi!S''Kitrun do so by sondlm? in tliolr ordi-rx
to tho I.NTKi.i.iURNi'itit ollloo on postal cord
or otherwise. Tlioy will bo punctually servc-l
b,' enrr cr.. 1
Trlbti:?"sof Respect and Obituary Notice*.
rents per Inch.
Correspondence containing important new*
rolirlt' d from every part of tho surrounding
Jlvjected communication* will not bo returned
link'*mi rompnnlcd hr xnfflclent po?tngo.
ITho 1 NTKi.i.iGKNcri!, cmbnu'luif in povoml
coitions. is entered In tho l'o?b?:lieo at Whool*
JQK- W. Va . as second-class mat tor.) ^
TKI.KIHIONI: Nf.Mi;::i!.S;
Fillfrrln' Knoms... . HI. '<?nnfIti-r ihiont ^ 1H.
?ta SrMltgtmi'.
WIVKKMNfJ, !>i:Ci:.MIU:!t 'i'J, 1803.
Vor t lie Newly.
The I.NTELi.icooEn will rocoivo and
acknowledge publicly any subscriptions
that may bo sent in for tho ruiioi of
tho destitute of Wheeling and hand
tho samo over to tho citizens relief committor.
Tho following havo already
been received:
n?iw. Vnll?v Trjrici and Labor Assembly 8 50
Intelligence!! Publish hi;; Company ioj
Baltimore Ohio employes -?
21. bouneborn, "Tho Hub," clotblngund 10
To Encourage Importations.
Tho socretary of tho treasury assures
Comrresi and tho country that "the
proposal reductions in tho ruled oi duty
|a will encourage importations to a very
B considerable extent," which is one of
V tho reasons why lie ur^es tho passage
r of the so-called Wilson hill, a straightout
administration measure.
If tho wage-earners oi this country
and those who aro in any way interestoil
in thoir prosperity can find encouragement
for themselves in thin assurance
they will of course bo consoled by
tho discovery. For example, tho
\VUeelini: potter who reads of increas-1
ing importations of foreign ware to
compete with tho product of his own
skill, who sees tho foreign ware ox posed
for sale in tho stores of Wheeling and
offered at prices which clo^o the Wheeling
potteries, will console himself with
the thought th:u if his revenue lias
been cut off the government's rovonue
has been increased by the changed conditions.
Incroaaed importations in glassware,
iron and steel, in the whole lino of product?,
will make a liko impression here.
Every pioce, every pound, every yard
> of foreign merchandise brought to this
country displaces its equivalent of
American manufacture. But it is said
that wo can produce as cheaply as foreigners
if wo can have free raw materials
aud wages as low as foreign wages.
Hero is more oncouragomont for
Amorican wage-earners aud all who
come in touch with them.
This, howover, is a feature not
touched on by Secretary Carlisle. Evidently
ho does not contemplate any
change in industrial conditions that
will shut out importod goods. Thoso
goods must come in more largely than
ever to supply part of tho increased
revenue hid department needs. Tho
American people should not permit
thomselves to be cast down by the
promise of increased importations.
They aro to bo sold at loss price thau
tlio liko article of home production.
The "Wheeling potter will be able to
pet hia croulcory ware much lower now.
If ho finds himsolf without money to
buy crockery ware, Hour, fuel, raiment,
to pay hia rent anil provide a decent
burial, let him go to iiis last account
eootlied by the comforting thought that
tho sacrifice ho has made has enabled
iais country to increase its revenues by
stimulating the importation of foreign
products. Won't this satisfy any reasonable
Pittsbukgh's relief otfort is boforo
all things else on tho line oi work for
tho needy unemployed. To this end
the citizens'committee is devoting tho
money placed in its hands by tho
people. ^
A "Discretionary Pool."
If you wish to make money got into
communication at once with a concern
that is running a "discretionary pool"
in Philadelphia. You hand your money
over to this concern, it speculates for
you in tho Chicago grain market, and
promises to pay you from -'5 per cent to
60 per cent on your investment. And
it is paying those returns, too.
In many eases the investors are so
much ploased that they permit tho concern
to retain the profits that they may
bo "compounded" with the original investment.
In these days the ablest
financial genius outside of these grain
peculators does notjknow how to make
any such profits as tho grain market
conjurers can mako ior him. Business
with tho concern shows no sign of tho
deproision of the times. Tho inonoy is
pouring in.
It has not occurred to tho investors
that the so-culled profits they aro receiving
are coming out of now victims,
or thai tho profits which are being
"compounded" with tho original investment
will remain to keep company
with all tho money they have put in.
Tho fact ia that It does not always occdr
to people to iro a liitlo common sense
in matters of this kind.
The thing is so clearly absurd that it.
is not necessary to call it names. "The
m':.. .
fools uro not nil dead yet." This i? tho I
capital on which tho grain speculators I
are banking. I
"Called Back"?The order to Minis- I
tor Willis to restore a certain tawdry
ox-queen to an uncurtain decayed i
Crowding Mr. Wilson.
Ibo RfgUttr is authority for tho state- I
ment that CoogresstDan Wilson r??ar(is I
tiio "distribution of offices among his
constituents as of loss consequence than"
his tariil work. Tho same authority
tiuya that some of Mr. Wilson's constituents
"do not take tho same view of it."
This is more than passing strange.
When Mr. Wilson was nominated was
it not known that his heart yearned for
tariff revision on tho free trade lino?
Was there a voter in tho district who
did not know that it elected ho would j
devote himself to a mighty ettort to increase
importations? How can Mr.
Wilson take time to got offices for his
constituents when it requires his best
efforts to tret the wool and the coal of
his district aud his state on the iree
Mr. Wilson's office-seeking constituents
should bo reasonable. Tlioy should
not demand tho impossible. Give tlio
good man a clianco.
Tub Brazilian Nictheroy carried too
much whisky in her cargo, llence tho
row and the rumpus.
ltd id For tin? Needy.
Tho Whooliug general relief committoo
effected a permanent organization
last night, perfected its plans and
already has its machinery in operation.
Earnest men have taken hold and will
do tho best thoy can with tho moans
that may bo placed at their disposal.
Tho public may bo sure that the
work of the committee will bo conducted
on business principles, as such a
work should bo conducted. Tho census
of the desitute to bo begun to-day will
give tho committeo some idoa of what it
has to deal will). It is to bo hoped
that it may show less want than has
ueen euppuauu.
pjtesidunt Ci.iivki.ani) inl^Iit got satisfaction
out of ex-Miniater Stevons by
bringing a damage suit against him.
Mr. Stovens, with tho facta on his side
and a wonderfully ready Don in his
hand, has dono tho President serious
damage in tho oycs of tho American
people. Of course a jury might find
that 31 r. Stevens did right to toll tiio
truth and to toll it in a way to upset the
The Republican minority of tho ways
and means committee has not been allowed
to put its impress on tho Wilson
tari/F bill to any considerable extent,
but it is out to-day with a report that
shows that measure up in its truo light.
There will be no hotter "reading for the
winter evenings by the fireside."
Mil. Wilson will find in tho miaority
of tiis eommitteesomo things to interest
him. What is said about Wost Virginia
and tho Wilson bill is very much
to the point. West Virginia is to be hit
Prof. Tvndall was one of tho most
charitable men in tho world. So far as
Iu.4 rather smalt means allowod him he
never let a easo of destitution go unrelieved
in whatever state of life, but he
had a horror of appearing in subscription
listf. As ho accompanied every
gift with tho anxious message. "Don't
say who it is," his generosity always
passed unncknowlodgod.
Horace Greeley Perry, which is tho
odd name of a youn;* woman, is the editor
and proprietor of tho St. Paul,
(Minn.) Journal. For a long time sho
and her sister did all the work of the
paper, and did it so successfully that
they finally received tho contract for
the county printing.
Col. John B. Solheimer, who diod at
Low is town, Pa., last Saturday, was a
captain of the Logan guards, and march-1
ed through Baltimore April IS, 1801, I
wnn UK! iir*i' tuiii II.ill v i/tiiii i car nun
Washington in response to President j
Lincoln's,call for troops.
Senator Voorhees, who has jumped
into tho broach with a bill for tho bone- j
flt of tho pig-silver interests, has been '
a free silver coinage man over sinco he
entered tho senate, sixteen yoara ago.
His flrat speech in the chamoor was in
favor of free coinage.
Mark Twain is turning cynic in his
old aire. "Whoever has lived lon? enough
to find out what lifo is," ho says, 1
"knows how deep a debt ol gratitude
we owo to Adam, tho lirnt great benefactor
of our race. Ho brought death
into the world."
Kosa Bonheor is still painting in her
quaint study noar Foutainebloan. She
is now an old woman, small, sunburned,
and wrinkled an a peasant. Tho gray |
hair is cut short and is still thick. As
sho wears a blouso she dons a cloth cap.
Mrs. Levi P. Morton spends a fortune
every yenr in shoos and slippers. But I
she proudly assorts that alio never I
made Mr. Morton n present of a pair of
slippers for Christmas. .Such u wile is
a rarity.
Mrs. Loftus, who tried to see a prize
ftcht in Providence, U. I., and was expelled
from the scene of battlo, is convinced
that woman aren't quite as
much in tho ring as oho thought they
breakfast budget.
Theodore U. Sayre, axed oightocn
years, and Mary Louise Gray, only fourteen
years old, were married by Uev.
Dr. lloughton, of tho "Little Church
Around tho Corner," in Xew York, on
February 14 last. On that dato they
appeared before Dr. Houghton, and,
representing themselves as of ago, were
married. Steps have boon taken to
have the woddiug annulled.
Pennsylvania is ono of tho chiof indin
trial mates of tho Union, and an
odicial report of strikos for lfi!)2 shows
that thoro were twenty-six Htrikon in
that state, of which three were successful,
four successful in part and nineteen
totally failed to accomplish their oh- j
ject. The number of persons directly
outraged wa* 4,53o, while the number
involved was 7,414.
William 0. Yountr, who is dyincr nt i
hi- homo in New York city, \3 claimed
to bo tho oldest living graduato ot West
Point. This distinction has previously I
been claimed for Brovet Major General
George Sears Greene, who graduated in
but Mr. Young antodaies Gonornl
Greeiio by one year. Mr. Young is 1)1
years old.
A barkiwir shark was caught at Mor.- |
tery, Caf., recently. The lish' has been j
secured by tho .Stanford university for
scientific purposes. Tho barking snark j
is, probably, tho rarest species oi its
kind, n?id the liritish milieu m is said
to make a ftanding offer of $1,000 for |
the skin of that fish.
Tho longost reach of railway without |
a curve in claimod by trawlors to bo
that ot tho Sow Argentine Pacific rail-1
way from Buenos Ay res to tho foot of I
tho Andes. "For 211 miles it is with- I
out a curve, and lias no cutting or em* I
I bankmeut deupor than two or throo
J feet.
I Tho living moinliorn of tho family of !
John liachoven, of Lyon?; New York,
J have all attained great agos. There
I are fievon childron, tho oldest of whom
is ninety-one years of ago, and tho i
I youngest is fie von ty-oight years old. '
Dr. Herrmann Schumacher, of 13orJin, |
, is in this country making a study of in- I
dustrial features, principally in rotation
to breadstuff's. Ho is representing the
i Gorman government
I An immense orange, weighing almost
I two pounds and measuring live and a
' quarter inches in diameter, has been
grown in the grove of Mr. Foaaenden,
at Tampa, Fin.
I In. order to sccuro food for tho Door
I tho First baptist church of Asbury
l'ark, N. J., gave a celebration on Sunday,
at which a potato was charged /or
j admission.
According to Whittaker'a Protestant
Episcopal Church Almanac for 1894 tho
number of communicants is 50(3,812, a
gain of 17,057 ovor the previous year.
Vermont has shipped ovor 100,000
Binnll spruco trees ail ovor the country
during tho past two months as Christmas
Walk humbly and hug tho pnvement
with your feet, "i'ride goeth before a
fall" alter a snowstorm.?-Y<ru> York
Old Soaker (llliing his glass to tho
brim?Folks are not drinking as much
in these hard time*, aro they? Barkeeper
(surveying the disappearing potion)?
Just as much, but not so often.?Kansas
City Journal.
"What on earth did your uuelo mean
by marrying that old maid?" "Well,
you tew, lie';* been a collector of curios
and bric-a-brac so long that the habit
was too strong to resist.'?Atlanta Constitution.
"Is 'hitting tho pipe,' as they call it,
very expensive?" "Humph! That depends
upon whether you go to an
opium joint or to a plumbur'a shop."?
mij/afu uouru:r.
?IT:m your cousin a place
yet, Nora? Nora?No, muni, she have
not; an' her only wan your over an*
grown so particular that she can't plaze
"Joliilcina is trying to make a perpetual
motion machine." "Well, he ought
to succeed if any ono can." "Mow so?"
"He's uot wheels enough in his head."?
Detroit Tribune.
Chappie?I?-aw?hoah that tho fooiliall
playaii cut you out with Miss
Daisy? Chollv (shuddoring)?Cut me
out! lie tliwow me out!?New York
Buatlor?Succors, my friend, is a fa*t
train?it waits for nobody. Hustler?
Neither can a man without money
travel on it?Cleveland P.'aindcaUr.
Sarah?She's worth a million, and
just the right ago for you. Jerry?Any
^'irl worth a million is* the right ago for
mo.?Detroit Free Print.
Sho (angrily)?"Why didn't you catch
Ill 11L cm I in: I II! mi l ;
innaaiu, I'm u doteetivo."?Detroit Free
Spucor?1"Isn't Ilanka rather con!
coiled?" Liner?"Yea; his opinions
usually go in italics/1?Puck.
The man who would havodono so and
so if ho had been there nover gets there.
?Ham's J lorn.
Sciibucr't* Tor January.
Scrifoi'r'a Magazine for January marks
tho beginning of the fifteenth volume.
Tho tirst (ietion foaturo tor the year is
tho perial, "John .March, Southerner,"
| by George W. Cable, tho author of
"Old Creole Days." This is tho first
long novel that Mr. Cablo has pubi
' : ....a ic
1I31IUU in UJUIIV 11IIU ?o ?? Iituo.
dramatic story of tiio new South. Tho
opening clinptera reveal Mr. Cable's
sympathetic stylo and clear character[
drawing at their very best. .Serial stories
by .). M. Barrio and George Meredith
are announced to begin later.
Another feature of this year will bo a
snrios of special frontispieces selected
by tho eminent art critic, Philip Gilbert
llamerton, to represent tho tendencies
of contemporary art. Each
picture will bo accompanied with u
brief article by Mr. Hamorton and a
portrait of tin* artist whoso pointing is
reproduced. In this number Manet's
"Fifor" is tho striking picture chosen.
A great many other good things in
thi?i number contribute to make it oue
of tho best over issued.
Then and Now.
Sequel to "<i conlraU" in Rtglstrr.
After wo hud lived under Benny,
After wo had yelled ourselves hoarse,
Afibr wo had-nad work plenty,
After wc had voted oi course;
Then came the counting of ballots,
Then came the eovctod change.
Thou came tbo flat empty wallet,
Then came tho poor homo in range.
Now wo have hud time for reflection,
Novr wo have seen our mintake.
Now wo have joined to protection
Now we have found it too laic .
Keg ret adherence to G rover
lc -grot Johnnv O. ea*eon thoqeou
Regret wcM not voted for Dovonor
Keg rot tho postmaster's name's O'Kccn.
Tho Advertising
Of Hood's Sarsaparilla is always within
the bounds oi reason because it is true;
it always appeals to tho sobor, common
Honse of thinking people because it is
true; and it is at ways fully substantiated '
by endorsements which, in tho financial
world would bo accepted without a
moment's hesitation.
lloon's Pills euro livor ills, constipation,
biliousness, jaundice, sick headache,
indigestion. 1
Lnce Pins and I2nr Kings at II. W. IIOSIJ'3,
lOt'J Market street.
II. K. 'IIL1.MAN & CO.'S, U the only
plneo to got burgnins in Dttiiuoiuls.
Bum Frutt Cakes, nil sizes, nt
FINKST line 01 Sllvor Tilountod Louthor
Goods m win:a r & ti.ixcinni's.
Photograph Albums in Plush,
Leather or iV'ood at extremely iow
prices for beat makes nt dtanton's Old i
City Book .Store,
Low Holiday Unto*.
For Christmas and New Year holidays,
the Whoeling&Lako Erie railway i
will sell tickets to all points on it* own 1
and connecting linos at very low rates.
Tickets will bo sold December 23, :!4. L'3, I
o0and3l and January 1, good returning
until January -. For particulars
apply to Whoelim* ?!c Lnko Erio nsent?,
or to 0. II. Wood, traveling pasacnger |
III.UtON!) iVoiu 9*> OJ up nt
V) lieut & iiaaoli0t''i),
I III ItiiftlnoM Matitt^ouieiit CaiiNOH a IS.ink
to r?ll-Cioilii);or tiic St. McIkiIiin Ilunlt.
Ni;\v Yobk, Dec. 21.?Tho following
notice lias just been posted on tho
doors of tho .St, Nicholas Bank, which
is a state bank, at Broad street and Exchange
"This bank is closed pending examination.
cimu,i:s M. Pjikston,
| This notico was posted on ihu do ora
before tho officials arrived. President
Graves, who arrived at tho bank .shortly
after tho posting of the notice, said:
"i'his is a high handed proceeding. 1
don't, understand it. 1 supposed tiiis
bank was solvent."
Mr. Preston is tho state superintendent
oi banks.
Tho tit. Nicholas Bank acted as tho
clearing house agent lor tho .suspended
Madison Equate liank, and tho exauiinI
ation being made by Bank Superiuj
tendon t Preston is uue to tho connection
of tho St. Nicholas with tho Madison
Square Bank.
Upon tho failuro of tho Madison
Square Bank, tho .St. Nicholas withdrew
t from that institution some ?250,000
worth of securities in order to securo
itself. But it is understood that tho bt.
Nicholas bank u Hairs have beon unset
tied mi hoc thiii tune.
The statement made last Saturday by
the St. Nicholas Bank to the Now York
Clearing House way as follows:
Capital, $500,000; net prolit*. $130,200;
loans, $1,755,204; specie, $48,900; iogal
tender, $*171,400; deposits, $2,011,200.
Tho bank consequently held a reserve
of 20.4 per cent.
.Superintendent of Hanks Preston held
a conference yesterday with Messrs.
Tnppen, of the Gallatin uauk, and Nash,
of the Corn Exchange bank, as mouthers
ol the clearing house committee.
-Mr. Preston examined the books with
those goutlomon and found that the
capital was largely impaired. 3Jr.
1'reston accordingly decided to clo*o
the doors of the bank, pending further
inquiry, it is believed that tho assets
are gutiicieut to pay the depositors in
full. -Mr. Tappensavs tlio suspension
oi this bank is in no way connected
with tho financial difficulties of tho
-Madison .Square bank.
It is understood that tho depositors
will lose nothing. Tho dopositB last j
night had boon reduced to about $2,000$00.
Person's conversant with tho |
blink's condition say there has boon ab-1
solutoly nothing like dishonesty in tho
management, though bad judgment has
boon shown in tho conduct ol tho buaiI10BS.
liowH From Jnpnn nntl Chlun.
Vancouvea, li. C., Dec. 121.?The Em- j
press of India brined word, according
to tho China mail, that tho troublo between
Franco and England and Siam is
not over, II. M. Ss. Sovern, Archer and
Pigmy being under orders to proceed i
to Bangkok immediately.
Almost half of thovillairo of Tomaria |
Totomi.a prefecture o( Japan, has been
destroyed by tire.
P. liudler, German consul at Cantoni
shot himself November 18. Ho was a
distinguished scholar and highly popular.
lie was appoiatod in 1887, and had
previously lilled other olliccs.
Ills Ml ml Gave Way.
Nuvv Ori.ea.N8, Dec. 21.?George 13.
Proeliaska, president of tho American
Rico Milling Company, whoso works
wore destroyed in yesterday's lire, shot
himself through tho right temple at an
oarly hour this morning. Ho is dead.
Tho (ire yostorday and business reverses
unsettled his mind and aregrven
as the causes for his act.
IIali/s Vegetable Sicilian ITair Konewer
has restored gray hair to its original
color and prevented baldness in
thousands of cases. It will do so to you.
Similiter sale of our cntiri' stork of line
goods ut II. E. Hit.I.MAN & CO.'n.
JSaiijoH lit Jlair I'rico
At House's on Saturday.
GOLD I ilt.il LadloV Watch with Elgin
Movement, J$l:i 0!). at
Episcopal Praykii Books and Ilymnnis,
now edition, at Stanton's Old Uitv
liook Store.
II. 15. Hlllnian A' Co. havu market! their
Ullblltl "l.M ?.H *'** I"" - ??-.? ? ? ' ? ?"
Inr prices.
A Curu lor Croup.
"When on ft.visit to Iowa, Mr. K. Palton,
of Lurav, Russell county, Kansas,
called at the laboratory of Chamborlai;i
& Co., Des Moines, to show thorn
hi.4 six-year-old boy, whoso life had
bepn saved by Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy, it having cured him of a very
severe attack of croup. Mr. Dalton i*
certain that it saved his bov's life and
is enthusiastic in his praise of the Itemed)'.
For salo bv Will W. Irwin, Chris.
F. Schnopf, Chas. Menkemollor, Wra. E.
Williams, S. L. Brice, A. K. Schoole,
Will Monkomellor, John Coleman,
Richards ?fc McKlroy, W. II. Hague,
Wheeling; Bowie & Co., Bridgeport,
and B. F. Poabodv & Son, lion wood.
A nice Christmas present is ono of
Ziegenfoldor's tino Fruit Baskets.
A SIJ.VKR Thlmblo 15c, nt Wheat &
Corsets very cheap ut Juli us Jacob's
Calendars, Booklets and Christmas
Cards, now stock, in largo variety, at
Stanton's Old City B?ok More.
The Old Friend
And the best friend, that never
fail* you, ia Simmons Liver Regulator,
(the Red Z)?that's what
you hear at the mention of this
excellent Liver medicine, and
people should not he persuaded
that anything elso will do;
It is. the King of Liver Medicines;
ia better than pills, and
takes the place of Quinine and
Calomel. It acts directly on the
Liver, Kidneys and Bowels and
gives new life to tho whole bvb\
.in. This ia tho medicine you
want. Sold by all Druggists in
Liquid, or in l'owder to bo taken
cry or mado into a tea.
IJ'n 'v" /. ?in rttl on lvmmvr
I. It. WILIS a ('0.,l'Mla.W|J,u,'lv
/T, ,, y&Jbwtferj JjDscfafely
| ^
Pure ^SSiSS^
A cream of tartar baking powder.
Highest of all in leavening strength.
?i<iUnited Slala Government' 1'ooil
Royal Baking Powdor Co., u
100 Wall St., N. Y.
1 " " ' " ' -- 0
nifi vut!?. IM LOMDON.
A Million Dollar* Worth of Property j
Hiiroed?Clerk* Make Narrow Eacupeff,
London, Dec. 21.?'Tho building occupied
by Hovoy & Sons, drapers, in
Sheffield, caught lire this morning.
Sixty assistants of tho firm were rescued
with difficulty. Fivo tiro escapes were
used to take them from tho building. ,
Tho eflorts of tho firemen to confine tho
fire iu tho building in which it oritri- ^
nated were fruitless, and the flames
spread until live other buildings were
burning. Tho damage already amounts to
?200,000, and tho lire is still burning.
AimrchiHL Arrested.
London, Pec. 21.?A dispatch lo tho
Times from Paris says that tho Anarch- ?
ist Bergeron has been arrested in An- I
nona, a town in tho department of
Ardeche, in tho southeast of France,
thirty-seven miles south of Lyons. A
quantity of explosives was found in his
possession. ii
* 1;
Factory Horned.
Fort Waynk, Ini)., Dec. 21.?Tho fac- v.
tory of the creamery package company <<
at South Wh ttloy, thirty miles trom
here, was totally destroyed by lire last
evening. The lire originated in tho m
varnisu room and was beyond control >
when discovered. The loss will reach
Chills and fever oi throo years stand- 1
ing cured by Simmons Liver liegulator.
?K. Watkius, Watkins House, Upton
ville, ivy. J
UarxniiiH in DhtmnncN at
II. 12. III LI.MAN & CO.*S.
tho only medium in tho city, tolls your i
mime, troubles ami all you want to
know instantly, before you utter a
word. Law, lovo, luck, stolon or lost
uroperty, divorce, family troubles,
brings back tho absent, restores lost
aflbctions, removes spells and bad luck.
2015 Ctiaplino street, "lied star" cars S
to door. 0 to 9 every day. Parties out
of town send stamp for free advice. Entire
satisfaction or no charge.
P. S .-?Thin is the lucky month of the year.
I can bring you more good luck now in ?
soven days than in any other seven '
weeks. 1 can re^toro loat lovo, bring
back tho wanderer, cause happy marbinges
moro speedily now than at any
other time. Tho exact date will bo
given and all is guaranteed. This is tho ,
time to havo all family troubles, spells,
crosses, itc., removed quickly- Now is
the timo to recover lost or stolen articles
and find hidden treasures. Do not let <
your lucky day pas*. Come now; don't
itnlnv un hour. Sittiu(?a ?2. ladies SI.
After January 1, all sittings will bo $lk
I <11(1 lutoml to ralHO my pricai to all t?*
83 00 nl'lor January 1st, but will not ?lo so
until February 1st.
mYour Christmas Presents nt
Wheat A Handler's.
Hnriralns lu Diamond* at i
11. li. 1111.1.MAX A CO.'S. fl
LINK Cuff lliittotis at
\VMI:AT H A^eni'K'-t.
real estate In this cltv,
worm m icnsi samim. <ioou as uovonuneni
Ponds. SMITH ?V; IHCIvINSON. Mnrket St.
We hnvo an olefint Upright Piano, sent to us
as a samplo instrument, which wo ofl'or ut
wholesale price. Now la your chance to buy a
Piano cheap. Call ami see It.
de-2 F. W. It A I'M Kit CO.
Special Christmas Attraction! i
Two Great Performances. Tho DIstIn- '
gulshcd Atnorlca'a Actress,
by Frank Weston. Robert j
DitouCT. 0. W. CoUldock aucl aSpeclully [
Selected Compimy. I
MONDAY AFTERNOON, Dcc! 25. Grand Christmas
Matinee?SZazol Hlirlto.
MONDAY EVENING. Dee. 2"?. First Presentation
In tho City ot Robert Drouot's Oreat Ploy, the
keaho.n'h oreat success, xdoh.xs.
Mntlnce Prlcas?25 and fiOc: reserved seats. 75c.
EveningPrlcos?50 and 75c; reserved >ents. SI O1). .
Seats oil -ale at C. A. Hour's music store on and h
aiicr Friday. December 22. de'.'ii
FRIDAY and BATrRDAYamlSaturday
matinee, December 21, -si and 23.
the anr.at irmh hua ma. /
Night Prices?15/25. 35 and r^. Matinee
prices?Reserved scuts 25c, gallory loc. Reserved
I seats on sale at Grand boxotllrc. del8 I
T TUESDAY ini'l WEDNESDAY with Christmas
aud Wednesday MiuIuvob, Doc. 25, uii, u7.
in* q
?The Boy Ranger I?
Friros?lf>.25.Xand50c?"Kohigher. Matineo?
15:?nd Holiday i;ailnc:?pr!< ?* ?:nn?a*- night. C
Night School. tx> L
Whv don't you attend tho night 82v
sious ot tho
Wheeling Busies? College,
Cor. Main and Twelfth Sts. ?
j Writing. Spelling. Arithmetic. Bookkeeping,
Shorthand. Typewriting, ete.
| t'omfuruible rooms, careful personal instruction
aud low pricov. _
| ?C30 COM.; AND Sr.lS Da *
new advertisements
jr^oiiEKs' siLVKit i'L.vu;i)
Knives and 'Forks
U tho lowest Prices to ho Found in the City.
george w7j0hns0n's sons,
d'j2J 1'ilO Mnin Strcot.
t^bbst set of ccu'vsrs
Je20 Markot Struct.
If you nood Spectacles. oys>s tiro or head nchet
rhon rcadlnit or sewing, consult and have your
yea oxAtnlned /or kiiumm without charge by
Plie Scientific optician, 1110 Mnin Street.
Thono purchasing Glosses for Christinas dfts
dil receive a curd which will entitlu the one to
irhotn tho glasso* nre given to hove their eves
xomlncd and glasses correctly fitted without
xtra charge nt their new quarters No. 11 to
>111 in street, next door to Snook A Co. doifi
hale and for rent!
(owls the Best Tlrno tol'iircliaseClionp.
11 lu .Market street. Telephone 037. doJl
Candies and Nats
Is larger than over and pricos to suit the tluica.
Ixtra Kino Cream Candy .. .C5c per lb
hoice Croats Candy 15c per lb
'anoy Cream Mixed Candv....lOo lb, :i lbs for .*?c
.arse Broken Mixed '.-'andy...lOo lb, :i lbs for 2-tQ
ominon Mixed Caudy luo lb. J5 lbs for >:
'hocolate Cream Drops- '-'>c t?er lb
urotvn mixture of Nuts l'.o per lo
lorlda Oranges 2*>c a tin'.
lairt^a tirapes -Oc per lb
The finest lino of Table Dolicaclos for Xmas
'iuuur iu uu uuu iii mn
Mbert Stolze & Co.,
Wheeling Opera Honse,
Scott it Hume's Excellent Dramatic Co.
iu the ThrillUm New SpccUteulnr
CheRewFire Patrol
Uuder the Auspices ol tho
Citizens' Relief CoMMirriiE
jrood Actors,
K Great Drama.
Prlown. 7fl, ?"?Q qnd 25 Contw. del.'
For Housekeepers.
Parlor Foinlors,
Parlor Coal Yu ios,
Parlor Fire Sol.
(irnnil Itnpids Carpet Sweepers,
'J'ablo Cntlery auil Carvers,
Christy Ilrca.l Knives,
Pocket Knives,
Nickel Tea Kettles,
Marion Harlauil Coffee Pols,
Awl a Thousand Othor Tiling*.
Nlesbitt & Bro.,
1312 MAItKKT STREET. ___
to your heart's content.
Your choico of r nr
25, 30 and 35c ones 1 /
Choicest varieties,
Kntlluaa palternu.
Endless assortment.
Cheap only in price.
'ocket Books and
hopping Bags
.New and choir-).
Cloaks and Fur Cap s
At your own p. ico.
.ace Curtains,
Table Cloths, Napkins,
Cheuolle Covers,
Blankets, Comforts,
Gloves, eta, tstc.
We Keep tlte Quality Up
The Price Down.

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