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The Wheeling daily intelligencer. [volume] (Wheeling, W. Va.) 1865-1903, July 04, 1894, Image 4

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' ' ' y .
The Intelligencer,
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the Daily Itnauotica Is delivered by carrier*
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23 and 27 FoUfiTKEKTH sthbct,
# Wheeling.
[Tho iNTeuiOKNCfcK, embracing it* Mveral
edition* U entered in tho 1'oatoOico ?t Wheellug.
\V. Vo.. as tocond-closs matter.] , > .
ti ' I - * '
Editorial Itoom? 431...Counting Itoom 410.
1VUEKL1NO, JULY 4, 1804.
?CoDgressional Conventionjr
A convention of tho First Cougrc5Jionnl DIjtriot
Itepublicjin* will bo held in ihe city of Now
MartiUHVillo. W. Vil, on Wednesday. August 1,
3591, to nominate a candidate for Congress for
v Mid district tt> by voted for oi tho olecuon *3 no
held ln,Kovembor next, and to trunMOt nuch
other business as may como before the convention.
Chairman Congressional Committee.
y ' Jog. C. lUuuv. Secretary. jo'i3
HEADEWS of the Daily Intelligencer
i leaving town can have the paper sent to any
address in the United Hates, postpaid, for
three months, $2 01); for one month, Go cents;
for two weeks, .10 cents. Address changed as
often as desired.
A Hit All AM 8TAMM.
S. 0. SMITH.
T. .1 H1IGU8.
Immigration and Citlzonflliip.
! Tlioso tiro the resolutions of tho Ilcpublicilii
lonRUo convention of West Virginia,
??udorsed by Ilia Ohio couuty Itopubliciui
' convention, which tho I>?mocrfttlc pull*
tloiaus niid the Kegistcr dontliko :
A* necessary to a complete policy of protaction
wo favor heurtity such restriction
of !iiinii(cratl(in ns shall relievo our labor
of tho unfair competition of tho clienp
labor of other lands and protoct tho couu>
try from tho increasing pressure of a <loml
weight of ignorance too ofton acooni*
panied with helpless dependonco ami vice.
Wo favor such legislation an shall Impose
for n term of years upon uvcry Immigrant
u head tax of not loss than 8.'I00 ; also for
a torm of yearn a prohibition of all labor
Immigration. We oppose tho nllon owner,
ship of large bod lev* of land.
Wo favor Much amendment to tho nnturnlivation
laws as shall require a longer
residence In this country before cltlznn*
ship sludl be granted, and stricter investigation
into tuo autoceduuts of tho applicant.
An Unusunl Indepcmlonco Day.
To-day wo celebrate tho indopnndenco
of tho United Stntos of America.
Wo celebrnto it with a fow thousand
won arrayed naainst tho lawful authority
of tho country, jeering tho Proaident
of tho United States and oboying tho
ordors of a commander of thoir own,
' smirning tho courts of tho Unitod Statos
nnd violating thoir ordora, holding in
thoir hnuds grout systems of transportation,
stripping markets bare nnd
iuccoasing tho prico of food, denying
othor men tho right to oarn thoir
bread and compelling tho suspension of
groat industries and small industries in
no way conuoctod with tho original
Thodofianco of authority is comploto
nnd up to this timo entirely successful
The invasion of tho richts of persona
uud of tho wholo country is supported
with armed torco. If a foroign power
had landed on this <*oil and obtained
tiiis mastery over tho American people
nobody would doubt that our liberties
hud vanished.
To the extont that Debs and his men
are in control our institutions have
been overturned uud anarchy 1ms
taken tho placo of a government of law.
Anarchy is not what tho fathors of tho
ropublic fought for. As between that
' and political dependence on tho
motiior country they would have irivon
tho preference to tho domination of
tho Br mvu though that had
: beeu a thousand times more odious
than it was.
Tho Fourth of July colebration will
ceaso to have auy moaning it tho mob
may at will ovorrido authority and assumo
ovor persona and property such
dominion as no legislative body in tho
land would dare nuthorizo to bo exercised
by the lawfully constituted aorvnnts
of tho people.
While tho merrymaking goes on and
powder is burning it may bo profitable
on this Indopondonce Duy to think on
tho novel situation which confronts the
Tiik small boy will burn his fingors
w to-day, but you can't toll him anything
^ nbout tho dangers of "toucbln' 'or of!."
f lie is wiser than tho old hoada.^ lie
* will have hid fun and pay for it.
F'J'o tlio Faithful.
President Elliott of tho Republican
state league culls on uvory man who is
in sympathy with tho Republican cauio
to considor himaoif a committoo of ono
on organization. Thoro ia no Ropublican
who does not look ior success'this
year, but thoro aro Republicans who aro
entirely willing that somebody oho
rUaII do thoir share of tho work. This
is not tho way victories aro won.
Tho president of the longuo doos another
good thing whon ho warns Republicans
mrainst overconlldenco. Victory
is within reach of Wort Virginia
Republicans this year if they get out
every rote that ii asainet the Democratic
oarty and the Democratic policy.
Victory will nof be woa merely by
wiahinir lot ft.
Tba Democrat* will 11 jit just a> bard
at President Elliott aaya tbey will, bat
tbeir offortai will not avail them if ovory
Republican does hii whole duty.
Tire cost of the Debt movement
would pay for a great many Fourth of
July celebrations, and it sever can be
made Rood.
A Teacher of Pal*o Doctrine.
Spoakinar of tho failure of the Republican
county convention by a close shave
to place on the legislative ticket a citizen
of foreign birth who had reluctantly
consented to the uao of bis name, tho
liegistfr says:
But the wiser head* wore turned down and u
BrwK {ntuU put upon ih?? foreign-born citizens
of Ohio conntjr, nud thu.no of foreign extraction
whottrea large, pubIlc-t?plriiM and intluuntiul
cInm of citizen*, who arc entitled to reprtaaniation
hjr one of their number.
After Mr. Behrens had boon urged to
give bis consent be said ho wisbod it
understood that if bo ran he would run
as an American, not as anything oiee
rind tint nq tlift rnnrninnt'itivA nf nnv
? ?- ?? > J
Everybody who knows him knows
the pride ho takes in being an American
and how distasteful to him aro all
distinctions of class, whothor based on
considerations of raco or anything else,
lie and other sensiblo Americans dissent
from tho doctrine that any "class"
is entitled to representation separate
and distinct from tho representation
given to tbe general body of citzens.
The proclamation of this doctrine by
the' litgvtter shovts how little it understands
our theory of government and
how willing it is to play the demairoguo
in tho hopo of catching a few votes.
-Tho votes will not bo caught.
The customary Fourth of July rejoicing
will be touod down by tho spectaclo
of an armed and determined mob arrayed
against tho olQcors of tho law,
who are tbo representatives of tho people.
'What Ilavo Wo Iloro?
Mr. Ilolman, whoso rock-ribbod Democracy
is abovo proof, goes so far as to
say that it is by no moans certain that
the house will bo in a hurry to pass tho
frnrlf> hill wlmn it rnninn frnm thf? nonfltr?
Isn't tliia troason to tbo Democratic
party? Hasn't tho Domocratic party
been in a groat hurry through all those
months to pass tho tariff bill? llavo
not its roproaentativos in Congress
chargod that tho Republicans woro trying
to obstruct tho pnssago of tbo bill?
Tit6 mere sugecstion that Domocrats
in tho houso will tako their own good
tirao on tho bill is enough to curdlo tho
blood. Tho brothron will havo to talk
with Jlr. llolman about this.
Tiibv nro shouting for Prosidont Dobs
and hooting tho Prosidont of thoUnitod
States. This is bad. Tho Prosidont of
tho Unitod States represents all the
peoplo and tbo law.
Two of a Kind.
Tho jury finds that Prondorgast,
assassin of tho mayor of Chicago, is not
guilty of insanity, and ho will go off
shortly at tho end of a rope. Tho
assassin of tbo prosidont of France will
go by tho guillotiuo routo without
bothering about his sanity.
Prendorgast and Santo are not so woll
balanced us men should bo, or they
would not havodono as they havo done,
but they aro sano euough to know \vlu\t
they woro doing, to seek thoir opportunity
to do it and to make euro of tho
job. Kxact justice will be dono when
tho law tnkos tho lifo of oach of thou).
Senator IIill and two Populists,
PefTer and Stewart, votod against the
final poaeage of the tariff bill. Senator
llill hus tho courage of his convictions,
and his convictions aro that tho tariff
bill is not a Domocratic measure, beinj:
a violation of tho pledges made by tho
party in its platform.
l'romtlio ravings oi tuoKcjuaer it way
bo inferrod that thato/gonof tlio unterrified
iu not going to support tlio Ohio
county Republican tiekot this year.
Anothur reasonable inference b that
tlio Domocratic politicians aro afraid oi
tho Kopublican ticket.
Last year tho Beothovori eocioty fell
in eracofullv with tho general celebration.
This year it has one of its own.
It is only fair for tho rest of tho community
to turn in to mako tho Deo- j
thoven's celebration successful and |
It is to bo hope! that Fourth of July
iu Chicago may pass with no other lir- j
iny than that which usually coos with
tho day. Unfortunatoly tho conditions
are ripo for something oi a very dilloront
wnen wo got down to tho "lower
basis," or on a basis with Europn which
tho Democratic party is headiug for,
whero will tho working mau get his
nickel to pay his car faro?
Wn aro gotlir.g down to tho "lowor
baeis" spoken of by I'residont Cleveland
in his mossaue to Congress. lience
these strikes.
Uncli: Sam is slow to angor, but when
aroueod ho acts quickly and effectively.
"Tintcncheors for thoKed, White aud
n?w K.??Kiuvu> i>tK Uimvim.,
Tlio JCnuineeriwj Journal for July is
ono of tho moHt interesting numbers of
that excellent publication. It has muUo
rapid strides in improvement since it
was foundod, both from nt> artistic and
Htorary standpoint. Among ilio paporj
in tiiu current number that nro particularly
striking nrn "Danger Lurking
Behind Strikes," which is vory pill at
this season of labor disturbance*.
"Quarrying Methods of tho Aneionte,"
wliicii is profusely illustrated, and
"Electrical Scionco Up to Date." It is
not only a technical magazine, but contains
many article* of interest to tho
goneral reader. Mr. John B. iMinlap,
U;u editor, has through hi* intelligent
management brought tho Journal up to
a high standard of oxcoliouco and luet
with a dojorvod success.
As Opau Latter From the President
ol tho State Least.9.
Wiso CounscKto (bo Republicans of
j Vote Virginia?What Munc Uo Do into
Mako Victory Certain?\V hat ii to
Bo Expectod From the Democracy.
Organization and Work on the Part
of tho Republicans Will Kcdccm
tho State.
Ib the Beonbllcnn League Clubs of TFr.' Virginia: u
la my humble opinion tho great con- tv
vention of Kopnblican taaguo clubs bold
at Fairmont on the Wth ultimo will re- G
snlt in groat good to tho party. It was
fully shown that we havo within our JJ
own mountain stato those whoso talents u
as speakers, organizors and worker* arc al
unsurpassod by any of oar sister states.
I have ever felt that tho United States J*1
is tho best part of tho world, that West
Virginia is tho best of tho Unitod States, 8t
that the Elk river valley is the best
part of West Virginia, that Uraxton cc
county is the best part of the Elk river h;
valley*, and that Sutton is the best town r<
in liraxlou county. With that samo ? '
mea ana loyalty to uomo, siuio nau
county ruling each of us, ana having ;at
; tho right on our aide, wo can mako a w
successful fight in tho coming campaign. s;
Every county has her speakers aad pi
organizers of recognized ability, and
tho right being with us, tho sympathy tr
of the 'business and laboring elomonts n,
being with us also, wo cannot fail. Let n,
it be remembered that in somo Boctiona cj
tho burden U harder to boar than in
other, consequently let tho raoro fortu'nato
lend a helping hand whore help is ?
needod. In carrying out this policy an
opportunity will bo given to tho young. ul
act'vo men of vim, vigor and victory to
become acquainted throughout tLo u]
atato. . b'
Your president will make overy effort it
possible on this lino and will call upon
all thoso who lovo the cause of tho G.O. B
P., and who are willing to aid in tho ei
coming struggle from a sonso of duty a<
and patriotism to rostoro prosperity to
our state and country to do tho same. tj
Tho coming campaian will bo ^
a fight * for tho preservation of 0]
our homes and country. Wo are
woll awaro that our opponents .
will bo woll provided with "boodlo." "
Against this I warnypu. Tho enemy lc
will bo well provided with tho drip- typings
from tho sugar trust, tho whisky
trust and from liko sources for favora tl
shown other corporations by tho pros- fa
out un-American C'ougross. tl
I nnnrrint n* a wnnmiicrn committoo
every true and patriotic ltopublican in it
tho stato, and whon tho battlo is over, u
if each can say truthfully, "I have cJono 01
my duty," the victory ia ours. Organizo
and reorganize leacuo clubs every- ni
whore; enlist tho interest, patriotism tc
and outhusiaam of tho breadwinner
of overy vocation and calling; ox- .
tond tho gang plank and ask but
this: "Are you right now? What you 01
woro, what your fathers nod grandfathers
woro iaof tho dead past; wo >1
are living in tho prosont and* for tho N
future." ' By sad oxporionco thousands
have learned tho ditforence botwoen a yi
well filled lardorand au empty stomach, j(
and all thoso who prefer tho*former lot
us wolcomo to seats among us. tr
Past experience loaches mo that tho.
Democratic whip lnsh will be wiolded
with all tho strength of Camden's
| strong financial arm aud Windy Wil* .
son's cyclonic mouth. You will bo 81
called upon to moot your old onoinios
i*iu a life and death Btrugglc. They will V
appeal to pafmion -aud prejudice, will n;
uttompt to blow into life tho eiubors
and issues of. the dead past, and will w
keop from tho public gaze t!io true t(
reasons why there ia so much destitution
and want among tho people,
shrinkage in values and' tho growth of
Coxovism. Extravagant promises will
| bo inadb only to bo broken. P
Do not grow over confident. In that 11
thero la danger. A vigorous and a 1,1
manly campaign on business principles,
I and guarded a* above indicated will in!
sure us victory. Much dopends upon "
you, 1 might pay oil. Tho stnto organi- "
zatiou can amount to nothing without vi
your individual aid and assistance.
I Therefore, I call upon oaeh aud ovory
I leaguo, and ovory individual member P.
thereof, to oxtend the work and assist 11
in displacing the unAmerican party
! now in power, aud to reinstate the He
piiuiiran iiariji uuu u.r ao |"??"
| purity will bo restored, omplovmont 61
foiled for tho unemployed, with a ro- tt
turn of old timo pricoa and a demand NV
I for tho product of tho shop, factory, 11
initio and fluid. 0. I>. Kllioit, * J1
President Stat* Republican Lcayue. *
Sutton, H'. V?., July 18W. L
A workman whilo repairing ono of I.
tho outor Vonotian blinds of an aristocratic
establishment, mianing his footing,
foil into tho streot. A crowd gath- Q
erod around him and raisod him up, =
but found that ho had received only a
few slight contusion*. Meanwhile ono
of tho Horvants brought him somo water,
flaking a wry faco, tho man said: "Only
waterFrom what height should I
have to fall to got a glass of beer?"?
London Answer*.
Aunt Sarah Jiino ? I b'hevo thorn
Oldhams is gUten to be regular aguostice.
They don't kcop tho family Bible
on the centre table in the best room no
uioro. Aunt Ann Eliza?Woll, 'tiw't
their religion they're hiding. It's their
ago. Them Oldham girls is cutting on.
? Truth.
"And your sonato, what <loo* it do?'
asked tho intelligent Hindu. "Thosen
ate," said tho man who wai showing
liim around, "is something liko your
Nirvana. It dooBn't. do. It merely is."
?Indianapolis Journal.
"Uurglars robbod mo last night of
XlftO worth of jewelry, but thoy didn't
got my cash.', How was that?" "Tho
jewelry was in tho burglar-proof safe,
and niy money was in my wifo'a puek 5t/'?Million.
Visitor?Weil, Tommy, uo vuu mi>m
von will over- bo I'waldent of tlio
United States? Tommy?Oh, I don't !i
know. Muhhe I'll try for it aftor 1 trot J.1
too old to Le a pitcher.?IiidiaHapoli* j,
Juurnu!. h
"There is ono eiirn that should bo J
placed over ovory letter box in tiio j:
citv." "What i.i that?" "l'ost no bills/' J1
?Yale L'ecvnL c
Yungeport?T>o you think it is lucky J'
to touch a hunchback? Oldflport?For t
how much??IndUtnapoli* Journal. ?
Mr*. Mulliitau?I'd rather hev tlio 1
hull family ill than you. Mr. Mulligan
?So would I.? '/ iil'Jlilj.
Arc Vtiii lo Tnivi-1 ?
If so, and In wiiatover direction, or hy wlintrvor
route, have a huflloleticy ol llmtoitcr'B
Htotaacli Hitters with you. Thou you inny Mil J
ilutlaueo in son itiRltncstL bravo t!?? tullnuiipo of
u irnlurluiu rllsiuio hi- iibrutit inuiNitloiiN of
ami the utaiiiuolilc
Ifuotton <tf It id fnntl mnl miter. ami
i:uiiii(i'r.h'ii mi utioxpocic-lly Uovclo|it*il lenil* i
eiiar io coastl|>ailou, bllloiwnesa uuu rbuuuiu*
r I
Highest of all In Leavening Paw
0! the seventy-nine factories which
bo natural gas in" whole or in part, fortyvo
a,re in Allegheny county, fifteen in
ther parts of Western Pennsylvania,
ve iu Ohio and seven toon in Indiana.
One reason why feiualo physicians are
> plentiful in Hussia is that that conny
includes among its inhabitants over
!,Q0Q,QQ0 Mohammedans, vrho do uot
low male physicians to treat women.
Tho street sweeper with a rorolving
room and dirt-catching bin, worked by
orioi, is being trjed by tho Now York
reot cleaning department.
Itailroad officials have discovered a
jnspiracy among their own dotectives
y which tbo Western Indiana wan
>bt>od ol property valued at more tuuu
A Japanese novelist hag produced a
ory called "The Romance of a Doji,"
hich is to appear in 10S volumes, is*
tod at short intervals at a popular
Blotters are now mado of an oxem
ely porous atone, which is found
uar somo of our Amorican hot springs,
id which when dirty cau bo scraped
Experiments in picoon-Uying rccontly
lado on the Italian torpedo boat A quilla
tow that tho average rato oi flight was
most exactly a iniio a minute.
Two hundred thousand fruit trees,
est of them the Italian prunes, have
een plantod in Thnraton county, Waahigton,
during the last twolve months.
Chiueso uaed toa as Ion* ago as 2,000
. C., thousrh it waa not until tho sovltuenth
century that England became
:quainted with it.
A now washing machino is run over
jo floor like a lawn mower and does
io soaping, scrubing and drying in one
r two operations.
Tho soloctinen of AtUoboro, Mass.,
ave appealed to tho utato authorities
help them exterminate the pest of
/pay moths.
A Now York bootblack has testified
iat ho find to pay tho "ward man" ?10
r tho privilege of keeping a stand ou
10 stroot.
xSearly all tho swansuown mat miseu
i tho United Status comes from Franco
i n etato tit for iminodiato use for (locration.
When n child dios in Greenland tho
atives bury a livo dog with it, tho dog
? bo uued as u guide to the other world.
In 001110 Hindoo temples in South Inia
tho collection is taken up by an
ephant that goes round with a basket.
Tho Sunday law in rojjard to tho closig
of businoas nouses of all sorts in
ew Orleans is to bo rigidly onforcod.
Miss Inez V. Whittakor, n thirteonjar-old
Chicago girl, rodo a distanco of
)0 miles on a bicycle in ono day.
San Francisco's Midwinter fair will bo
ansforred to tho City of Mexico, where
will bo oponod in Novombor.
Doaton has a water storage capacity
r 17,740,84^,1)00 gallons, which is conilored
4o3 days' supply.
Fivo horjes running in a field near
icksburgh, Mich., woro struck by lighting
Thursday and killed.
Tho avorago tourist trip around tho
orld comprises about 22,000 miles of
Nothing Strange.
Intelligent poople, who realize tho imortnnt
part iho bloovl holds in hooping
lo body in u normal condition, find
othingstrango in tho number of digisos
llood's Sarsaparilla is able to cure.
) many troubles result from impure
lood, tho best way to troat thoiu is
iroueh tho blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla
italizea tho blood.
Hood's Tills aro tho best aftor-dinner
ills, assist digestion, prevent coustiuaon.
Summer Coinptntat*
Last fall I was taken with a kind of
iminor complaint, accompanied with
wonderful uiarrhiea. boon aftor my
ifo's sister, who lives with us, was
ikon in tlio name way. Wo uaed altost
everything without benefit. Then
said, let us try Uhamborlain's Colic,
holora ami Diarrluea Keuiedy, which
o tliil, anil that cured ua ritfht away,
think much of it, as it did for mo
hat it was rocommonded to do.?John
lertzler, I>othel, iierks Co., Pa.
Compare tlio Pittsburgh DitpatcU with
thor uap?ra.
When my llttlo pirl wafl oun month old.ehB
lad a fonn on lu?r faeo. It kept Hpruadlug
mtll tilat* wum i*4iiu|il(*t4*Iv covcrvd from Iicail to
oot. Then ?he bad bolla. She hail forty on her
lead at ono tluio, and morn on her body. When
ix month! old she did not wi lr.IiKevcii rounds,
pound and a half le*a than at Inrth. 1 hen her
Uln utartod to dry up and got no Iwi she could
iot shut her cyoa to sliwp, lun lav with them
lalf open. AI?out thin time, 1 blurted iwlng tho
,'l?TH.'UKA JtEML'DIKN, and in on finimts **? I rut
ompUMjf eurtd. Tho doctor and dr.ig MU<
n*ry ovur one hundrel dollar*, the CYtkvju
illl ww not inoro than f.re dollar?. My child
i now atronst, healthy, and largo a* any child
f her ago (?e<> photo.), ami It Ih nil owing
0 Curiam.*. Your* with a Mother's Messing,
Man. OVA). II. TICK Kit. .In.,
Ktt Walker St., Milwaukee, Wis.
Bold throuchont tho world. l*OTT?n Pnro A*n
"MtrJt. Com*.. Solo I'rop*.. Ho*ton. "All ?boul
ho Illood, Skin, brolp, and flair," nulled freeItnby
niemUhea, falllns hair, nnd red, rotigh
:aud? prevented and cured by Ctuleura hoop.
/ iV^" Wnd 'u Cutlcurs AntUPaln Via*.
|\VST Cor I mi taut aud grateful" r?llef. It
1 V/t- U tho llrxt and oaly paiaklUlsg,
"X.. yA fcttcogthcalag plMUtr.
cr.?Latest U. S. Gov't Report
FOR -79C
The Silk Bargain of tbs Season.
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?Wo Iihvo still n lurgo assortment of?
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Prices very low at this season. Ilooks scut to
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NOISY?Firework* of all kinds.
QOIBT?l?a*) 1U11 Goods. Foot Halls. Croquet.
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The Pittsburgh Dispatch.
Deliver# 1 any place In tho city.
lScn>Vt'ck, 8(>c Including Sunday. I
Leave Orders at Store.
my2l 1410 Market Street. Wheeling. W. Va.
O'asimtl fiasolliio Slovea of* all SizOK.
1508 and 1510 Market St. ?p2t
Refrigerator or Ice Cream Phjzh
Come mid .-co Our Stock.
ni-o-n loanrtrm-vf fvriti.* rtrv
I Mi. J.A uvi*ir" i ...
iuyD 1210 .MAIN* Stubkt.
Member American tii'tltuto
Electrical Kujslucers.
Eleolrlcil Knglnaer and Contract:)?,
Electric Light, rower. Hallway, MInitio nn-1
Steam 1'laiiK
I Valor la Electrical btippllo*. inr2iJ-M?p
?soi i: AonNrs KOI: ?
Jas. E. P;ppir & Co.'s
TV? 'EN Tt?:R?Tlith nod < fcjb:
no under Will plfojo leave tin-ru
jq-OTlCE TO " | I
Tbe li'ch |?rv?utv *;rv; .m
kbatporiio > ?>: ib?- c -v
or about :Ucy:lj?'X ! u.'iof 'i: \ >
JO well IOMC tUiil ihClr mrJi... 4{.
jfi <;> '). M VAHSrv.y.;, v..
jq-OTIOE. ""
ThetvguLir meeting of tuc Centra; w -j> .
will bo hold a: No. ,.r
July i. lit S p. w. Member* rv.j; * I
MeJ W. J hamii.:
In honor of the dead l'rrs><l.".'rin.
Quraou will be bi dattbe
nioruim:. JuK e at ok**.
KrorytKKljf ?* iuvit<-J to attornl.
Usr ardor of AImux Lotnlw .
JOHN FltlilSMl"11: :0- I,.
FINU CNOUAVKU Ti im,i ::s $
* (limited quantity), for n few <l.f> v
- it.i i-t. M?rU: t
> <> > i?
Devilori Crabf, Imported ami 1? . ?,
faibitera, -s 'in.n.
Smelts. Herring in To to-to
Lunch Oyster*, Hiu<v,
Surd lues. Klpi?e: of Hi r.?
and a lull lino of pottrnl and do.'iled ui
C. V. HARDING & Co..
jy2 ISWMnrkft
Seibert's Garden!
Panel tig from 1 o'clock to ;o p. r.i. A hi ..
purse will bo given to the bowler timkin liigtient
miro The great event of tin- >!<?v .
be the FISH CATCH. Five dollar* will I*.to
tho per???n catching olio of tin* twenty j. i
rarp in the fountain. Tim water nl!! ! . \ :
feetiy clear mid the fish ?*an bo plahil>
ktiiriuieo foe ' *? noiiU; tiuio allowed euefi. >?.
tmtnnt live minute*. _____
Auenuiuo fcput isauinoo turning
Hod fol 82 50.
Also the Celebrated Stool Fly and llalt Rod. at
low prices.
Red Fire! |
Red Fire! '
-?JULY 4!
E,. H. LIST,
Jciso 1010 Main Street.
Jewett s Ketrigerators i
iVith Jcwctt Patent CoM Air lJInst. Jiuurvs the
jroutost pos?tblo cold with Iuh1 quantity oMiv
Lliiiti unv other ntylc. Call ami tbeiu or m;mi
fur cntulogu<! to
Sale of
Odd Pieces
111!) Jiflln Street.
l^T/n11604 ts\*iin
Are you. can't sleep, eun't eat, tired,
tliirsty? Blood poor?
It's u tonic you want?
JHlITGS Rootbeer.
This sparkling,-exliilanitinp, and refreshing
drink, while being fur mow
agreeable In bouquet and flavor tlm
the finest wine or champagne, is "t
the sa:i:e time unlike them, being free
front alcohol.
A temperance drink for tcmpcrnr.ce
people,del iciousar.dwiiotttioincaa well.
Purifies the blood, tickles tlje palate.
1'aekagc maker, five gallons!
Ask your storekeeper for it.
Take bo substitutes.
Send a-ccvt ntatup to rims. P.. Hires
Co.. I'hlJaileJpiiia, for beautiful j?iot
uro curd::.
Harcourt Place
Seminary, Gambler, 0
A wrliooiof the ;{ InU'lleimal ti<l viuatiiK'
ivliero rifls uro riven u tiutf comfort
lldv hti.nl. u Ixtuill'.fv.l UI>U-,nh?l ?m> firctuUv
I ruined ij .uryililtn; ttiut jm-rcuiti?> c?? ?. "'I
liotllh.MiiiHl l? .iriiti. - ruined tuu!iii>vsiuiU Um
k-?i ^cUliLI cultuns. taiuK'oUi-- ck.HU

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