(lit c Wheeling Ifllik 3nTcHia. Dtiring tho thirty years of Republican rule the figures show that manufnctares increased six-fold, farming inter' osts three-fold, wages eevon-told and savings twelvo-fold. We hnvo to-day fi?o times tho aavinj?B in this, a comparatively new, country as has England, comuries old. We paid the expenses of tho war and our wealth to-day is $109 for overy man, woman and child in this country, and I cannot aoe that a system which shows such results can be bad. Bat what can the Domocrata show? Nothing. Thoy claim that protection was not tho causo of this, that tho tariff laws aro robbory and unconstitutional. How can that be whoa such laws were the corner stonoof our government, and tiie question was never ovon thought of from Washington to JackBon and nevor soriously raise! until four years ago. AN Bit A Of I'ltOSI'ERITY. A comparison of tho exports for the yoars of tho Harrison administration with tho McKinley bill and tho past year of Democratic rule show our ox* ports were increased $275,000,000 and reached the highest point in tho history o( tho country. Wages wore higher, and under tho McKinloy law tho country enjoyed tho greatest ora of prosperity, as groat as tho depression which set in under tho inisrulo of Grovor Cleveland and the Dotrocracy. In 1802 Democrats wero successful by making falso promises to all parties. Tho wostern man was to havo Bilver, the New York capitalist froe coal and timber, Populists to havo free Btato banks, Tammnny was in lino, and marching under tho banner of tariff reform with promises of spoils and ollices, ovory section wa* tnkon in, overy nationality and tho anarchist element wore welcomod with promises that tho existing ordor of things should bo changed. NVhoat was to bo worth Si 50 pur bushel, wool 45 conts per pound. Wages wore to go up and prices to go uown; tho samo old story the/ had boon tolling for thirty yoars, which, strange to say, was believed. Now let us argue fair. I was novor accused of unfair argument by anyouo in tho stato of West Virginia, oxcopt by the editor of tho Whooling Register. What is our history under Grovor Clovoland? Wero tho promises kopt? They wero not. what wk IIRAtl witnks* to. You aro prosperous in Ibis county now, but it will not last Wajcos 93c and $100 coro formerly $1 .">5 and $1 50, wheat qrtoted lower to-day than over bo* forr. u. cur history. Values and wngos havf shrun. u'5 to :t ) per cent. An nwful, a tumble Iosh to tho pooplo of this country. Wool 15c, which makes an end to :ho nlieop husbandry of our country, and hero is nil obioct lossou i-asily understood: Under tho McKinJty law we not (or Uir?? poundsoi wool twenty poonJi of sugar; under tl present law for six pounds of wool i getaeventeen poondi of sugar. Ta aa inventory now and compare It wi one made two yeaia ago. and you fii voa are wortli 30 per cent leu now th you were then. I know I am. llora are cheaper, land le cheaper, mon hard to net, with the banka full of Tbe Democrats say let tu go a little ft ther. 1 don't want to go. We will be bankrupt, and even now we ha one million men looking for work ai bread, and cannot get it. Only yosu day in yonr own minet, fifty men we dicharged, only a beginning. We ba bad atrikea and labor troublee witho end, and troopi called oat in twel states to keep order. CLBVKLiXD AN EXPEMSIVJE LUXUHV. Cleveland, tbe firit thing after ent< Inn office, increaaed tbe public debt HI miilioni and burdened aa with $2,SO 000 more interest, paying 5 per cent I the loan, when wo are all borrowi money at 4 per cent. All tbia troul wai caused by inability and ignoran Like every other big corporation, c govern moot must bo, run on basim principles, and it takes ability to. run properly, ft is like runniugan engint the engineer mnst know how or be n ruin tlio machine. An eviuenco 01 u inability is shown by tho decrease the gold reserve. It was down noai to the one million mark under Iiarrisc bat under Cleveland, notwithstandi tbe repeal of that awful bugbear, t Shorman silver act, the gold continui to flow outward, and Democracy w powerless to deviso means to stop it. nave enough confidence in tbe Kepu licau party to believe that under tl same circumstances thev would ha stopped it. Our trade has fallon over $600,000,000 compared with 181 We left the country prosperous and ' find oar trust betrayed. We have bill that nobody wants, either .Repub can or Democrat, congressman or ser tor, President or anybody 4lse. A Wilson nays the fight has just begi and hastens to England to tell the about it, and he and Grover, those c heavenly twins, will in time strip W? Virginia of coal and timbor and wc entirely. WIL80N'8 OLITTEEIKQ GENERALITIES. The war cost millions, but tho beno to the country by cementing the diflt ont sections was amplo payment, b> wliero is the benefit derived by tho fl billion dollar shrinkage in valu caused by this obnoxious bill? A Wilson says trusts must go, but be are tho facte: Sugar trust given for millions; whisky trust given fifte* ? ",f w-?nAmna UlIUjUHg , nu?y j/uiuiuivu wn- ??u.r? givon a reduction of the coal tari which will net them ?35,000,000 at t! expenao of our coal fields. Mr. Wils nover gives facts, but deals in glittori generalities, eomething to come, b something which you can never p your hand upon. The New Dominii Coal Company can deliver coal to B< ton markets now one dollar cheaper p ton than West Virginia operators, ai our markets are gono. Tobacco, liquoi laces and ombroiderioa, ostrich feathc and kid gloves are made cheaper. Ti tariff is reduced on all these articl used so extensivoly by tho poor ma and our coal, wool and timber must givon up. Now lot us soe what some of our go Democrats thiuks of this bill. "It is n satisfactory to Democrats, or to t party wo Dromiaod bread and ga them a stone."?D. B. Hill. "A ri bag production, a crazy quilt, a splo did nothing."?D. & Hill. "Tho n< bill enables tho monopolies to hold t country by the throat"?W. L. Wilsc ?and voted for it forty minutes lat "It is tainted with dishonor," says Gi ver Cleveland, and he allows it to t come a lawMr. Ejkins closed amid the greatc enthusiasm and was frequently a plauded throughout tho ontire addrei Fairmont never before turned out crowd so enthusiastic and appreciati and tho result in November will sh< the oflects of one of the most intore in?, forcible and elective speeches ov delivered here. Mr. JsiMns speiKs Wheeling to-morrow night. Th? Full Hirer Willi Will Kesnmo, Fall River, Mass., Oct. 10.?T Manufacturers' Association this aft noon voted to start up the mills ne Monday mornTng. This action w taken in accordance with the si gestion of Mayor Coughlin. BRIEFS FROM THE WIRES. Tho two leading coal companiei Vancouver, B. C., have combined, ai will hereafter have a monopoly of t! coal production of tbo Pacific slope. The civil sorvico commission will i vestigato tho charges mado by tho Phi adolphia Pross that the omployoi of tl Philadelphia postoffice havo boon sol! itod for campaign subscriptions. Tho British steamer Chicago, Capta Dodda, from Sunderland to Baltimo with a cargo of cement and wine, h boon wreckod noar Slain'a Castle, Ab< deonahiro. Twouty-ono of tho cr< wore rescued. Preparations for tho oxpoditi which is to bo sent to tho island of M? aeascar by tho Fronch government c being pushod forward. The crui< Arothuso is being armod at Brost ordor to tako part in tho oporations. Patrick Ilondoraon, tho British com at Cadiz, and who had just return from a visit to China, shot himself tho waiting room of tbo government t) nartmont at London yoatordav and di soon afterwards. Tho catiso is t known. Tho anniversary of tho birth Father Mattnow, tho apoitlo of tompc ance, was colobratod in Chicago by largo parado, 15,000 pooplo narticipi ing. Bishop Watterson was tho orat of tho day, and a lottor was read fro Mgr. SatollL Tho twontleth annua! convontion tho Ainorican Association of Bankc convened at Ford's opera iiouso, Bui more, yesterday morning. Kvery s< tion of tho country was represontc Secretary Gieao, of tho association, ?p that tho crowd's chock for $150,000,0 would bo cashed. Governor McKinloy loft Chicago yi tordav morning at 0 o'clock, and mo thirteen spoochos onrouto to Poor ?vhoro he rocoivod an ovation and i dressed soveral thousand pooplo. loft in ttio afternoon for Springflo 111., whore he made anothor speech I tho evening to an linmonso nudionce Klias Sumtiiorllold wan yoslorday a I pointed rocoivor for tiio American 1 bonturo Company, of Chicago. T I company has u capital stock of $2,01) 000 and a bondod indobtoduois of $ 500,000. lti? oxpocted that tho ussi I will be Kiilliciout to liquidato tho onti indebtedness. Businoss dopresaion w 1 tho cauiuof tuo appointmouU i? kimplk feiivicks [? Pr??d# lb* llorUI ot (ha Agad "Autocrat of tli? Ureakfaat Table." ,d Borro.v, Oct. ia?A small gathering a of loving friends and a fair words of " impreuive import from the lips of a life-tone compaaioo and co-worker, u. m*rkod the limple ritei over the body 11 of Dr. Oliver Wendell Hoimei it King's T? Chapel, this noon. At 12 o'clock the ^r. procession bearing the body of the de,re ceased poet filed into'the church with ve Mr. Edward Everett liale at its head, at Upon the cuket rested a laurel wreath ve which nearly covered it. Another * OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES, r* laurel wreath hunir from the balcony in the chapel, while baclt of, the altar wore a few florftl remembrances. The Boho? rnian club, of San Francisco, aont a largo r* baskot of white chrysanthemums with raaiden hair fern. Mrs. Julia Ward y Howe seat a wreath of panales and " maiden hair fern, a wreath of palms, violets and orchids boro the name of ' Fred Stonson, the theatrical manager, J?{ while the university clasn of '87, of Oxford College, Ohio, sent a handsome ' bunch of liliea of the valloy. The pall* ; ? bearors, who were morabors of the family, wero 0. J. and R. T. Paine, J. J. Morse, jr., 8. R. Morse, 0. J. Morse, J. Jackson, C. 6. Storrow, F. S. Bigginfit son, C. C. Jackson. ar* The services consietod of a few reoltalit tione from tho Scriptures by Dr. Hale vo and selections by tho quartette. There 66 was no eulogy. Ir. There wero present a number of men ire of national reputation, including aovty eral class mates of Mr. Holmes, en There wero twonty-two carriaees in y the procession that accompanied the ill, body to Mount Auburn, the place of inhe termont. ng taIimanv corruption. ut ... Til j? llnrtunnnai nf tlln I'iiIIcm Son. lit ? ? ? UQ imtionul Testimony lleforo tlio Lexow )g. Committee. or New Yomk, Oct. 10.?For tho third time since tho Lexow investigations ^ commenced Chief Counsel Goff to-day lie producod evidence to show that throats os have been made to pat an end to wit:D> nessoa who hare ap poured before tho 0 senators conducting tho examination, od Samuol Kauffman, a tailor's salesot man, was the first witness called duriug the day. He gavo tho substance of ^ a conversation which ho claimed took q. placo on tho olevated railroad just after Policeman Corcoran loft tho witnosa [jq stand Monday. )n Corcoran waa alleged to have aiserted 3r that ho would "make thoio witnesses as >0] dead as a door nail" and that ho would )Q[ "lay for them somo dark night." Patrick Kelly, an iron workor, related lBl. a story of going to sloop on tho atroeU p" Ho waa awakonod by a policeman going 5j through his pockets. Tho name of the ^ officer, ho thought, was Thorow. lie ve reported tho matter to the police sta)W tion, and ho asserts that a day or two at. after this he was assaultod by the poer liceman, who finally arrested him. Ho at was fined $5 on the testimony of the policeman. John U. Lemon, a young man who attendod the French ball, testified that he Superintendent Byrnea and n number ar- of police officials wero present at the xt ball. They did not mako any protest as against the lewd conduct of tho persons ig. assembled there. William H. Jamonnoau, president of tho Atvin Manufacturing Company, testified to paying Detective O'Connar $100 for the recovery of stolen goods of from tho pawnbrokers. id Vincont Majowski, who conducted a ho policy Bhop, testified to the tribute ox* acted by tho police. Majewski comlainn ed that there were seventcenor oighteon [1- backors in tho city and that they ario ranged with the polico for tho torritory ic- thoy should work. All the backors oxcopt Cornolius 13. jn Parkor were in the combino at tho re present time. Ho waa working alone, ftB but waa not allowed to have many shops Br. on the wosl aido. Asked who had that JW torritory, Majowski rooliod, Al Adamson, "tho king." Lottora wero road which are allegod to liavo passed bo?P twoon Majewski and the polico captain, lU" WostorvoU. Thcao lottora mako coniro stant roferoncos to tho daugors of 'er thooxpofliiras by tho nowapapors. ln Majoweki was troubled by opposition policy ahops which did not pny tributo, ul and falco lottora of complnint woro ?d mailed to Superintendent Byrnea, but in no attoution was paid to tho comlo plaints. od Majewaki claitnod that four of tho ^t policy shops complained of were still running. of The investigation closod for tho day ir- with an examination of Liobor Free a man, who claimed that lie viaitod Silver it- Dollar Smith to socuro immunity from or arrest for Ilia brothor-in-luw, Josoph iin Frankol, a Ilostor streot saloonkoopor. A man namod Solomon claimed to 0( reprosont Smith, and $200 waa finally ,r8 paid to socuro tho roloaso of Frankol tj. from prison. The arrangement waj JC. that Smith should find bail, but he hui(j# curod a diachnrgo for Frankol. Tho kyg monoy was raised by Max Kosonsch woig, ()0 and na Smith did not procuro tho bail as arrangod upon tlio first, Koaonschwoig has brought suit in tho city court to rocoyor ;'.'0t). ,a? Tlift llrookljrn'n Armor Plata* Flo Washington, D. C., Oct, 10.?A furthor 1,1 tost was mado at Indian Head to-day in of tho four-inch plato representing tho Brooklyn's aido armor, which waa subp. iected to a test Inst wook with tho ro? >o* nulls not altogothor satisfactory. Tohu day more shots woro flrod at tho nlatu D,- from a four-inch gun, making oiglit 1,- shots in all that it has roceived, so that its it waa spotted all over with shell marks, re The plato came out of tho trial in auras prising shape, breaking up ovory oue of 1 tho projectiles. VERY STRONGLY PUT Are the Issues of the Campaign b; ex-Vloe President Morton. WRITES HIS LETTER OFflCGEPTflNCI Of tho Repqbllcan .Nomination Fo tho Governorship of Now York?/' Document That Will bo Quotes From?The Only Wise Coarse Fb the Country to Pnrsne Is to Hostor Cbo Management of Its Affairs to tbi Party l'hat Built it Up. Nsw York, Oct. 10.?Hon. Levi I Morton, Republican nominee (or gov ernor, to-day sent hie formal letter o acceptance to Hon. Warner Millet chairman of the Bepnblican state con vention. it is in tho main as follows: RuiNBCLiFr, N, Y? October 9, 1894. Hon. Warner Miller, Chairman of the Republtca State Contention: but:?I havo boen officially informet within tho past fow days of my nomi nation for eovernor by tho conventioi over which yon presided at Saratoga. Grateful for past recognition and fo this friendly evidence of thoir confl dence, I accopt tho trust the Republi cun party has honorod me with, pond ing my hoarty co-operation in thei efforts for an honest and efficient cou duct of affairs. Tho platform adopted by that body i a just, but tomperaio arraignment o the Democratic party, now for tHe firs timo in many years in full control c all branches of tbo national adminis tration. Tho issues involved in the pendin canvass aro clearly dofined and of pars mount importance. During the whole period of its exist ence the Republican party has beei distinguished for its devotion to th principle of protection to home produc tions. The last Republican administrate had given statutory expression to th American doctrino that duties shouli be laid upon foroign products compel ing with llko articles of home procluc tion, and that articlos exclusively pre duced abroad and not so competin: should bo admitted free for the boned of tho consumera. After tho pasaace o this law tho nation was at the summi of its greatnoss and prosperity, with it name respected throughout the eart! and penco and plenty iu ail its domain It is not claimed that this statute, an more than any other human ordinanc was perfect in its details, but tho mod ifications suggested by time and oxpei ionco should havo been loft to th trieuda of tho measure. Peril to American industries was an nounced in the chance of administrr tion. The menace alone which its ad vent heralded was sufficient to still th looms, to darken tho furnaces, to clo ,tho whole of business, and to precip tnto a tinancial doprossion unparallele in our annAls for severity and duratioc The menacc, with its* accompanyin unrest and disaster, endured through out oightoen months, in which a Demc cratic Congross sought to undo tha which had boen so woll nccompliahei by its Republican predecessors; and i: spite of tho repeal o( the silver purchat ing clause of tho so-callod Shorman aci which was only rendered possible by th aid of the Kcpublican party, it was evi dont that permanent relief would nc como while the stability of our indui tries was throatened. A measure was enacted false alike t the prompting of true Americanism am to the professions of tho Democrati party. The bill which originally pasae tho houfio of representatives had, a least, tho merit ot consistency in aom degree with tho anto-election promise made to tho people dv tno uemocrau national * convention. But tbo which finally prevailed is thine of incongruities, a patcfc work of protection and free trade, c protection to favored localities and o nurtnro to trusts, but of hostility to th masses of thp workintrmen of tho lane Kopudiated by its principal fratnei characterized by the Democratic Presi dent as a bill of perfidy and dishonoi denounced by tho signature of the Pree idont, proclamation is already mad that it is only tho beginning of tho at tack which will bo persisted in upoi American wage-earners. In the confusion of Democratic coun cils and tho porversity of Domocrati legislation, it is plain that the only wis course for tho country topuiauoist restore the management of its aflairs t< that party which for thirty years ha doveloped its resources, upheld its gooi faith, cared for those who fought for it integrity, and guardod tho rights am fortunes of its citizons. Tho writer thon turns from nationa to stato issuos and in conclusion Mr Morton says: I desire to omphasizi my hoart] concurrence in tho provisions of tin platform of tho 8aratoga convention wherein tho party pledeoa to tho peo pie a freo ballot and a fair count, prac tical ballot reform, freo and fair pri marios, a* fully pro toe tod bv laws a general olections, an improved civil ser vico, municipal homo rulo, a just ap portionmont, roducod stato cxpondi turos, an equitablo systom oi taxation an acceptable excise law, adoquato pre tection from unjust discriminations b; monopolies, and u minimized tax rate Very faithfully yours Lkvi P. Moiito.v. a & O. OFFICIALS Aro Clinrgnd Willi Vlolntlon of tho Inlet Htnlo I'ommiucn I,u\v. PiTTsmritait, Pa., Oct. 10.?Unitoi Slates District Attorney Hall to*da inado information beforo United Stato Commissioner McCandluss, charging C S. Wight, genoral freight ngont of ill Baltimore k Ohio railway, with viola tion of tho inter>etato commerce lav A warrant was also issuod for li. M Frazior, gonoral agent of tho Baltimor A Ohio Southwestern railway at Cin cinnati, on tho samo charge. Tho information was made by dirocl ion of tho intor-state commerce com missionors, to whom complaint ha boon made. The allocation h that th dofondnnta violated the laws by din criminating in freight rntp? botwooi Cincinnati and Pittsburgh by billin rortnin froiulir nt the regular rat on am then payingrclmtoa. The ca?o will b of additional interest to railroad me and shippern !>. < ,inso tho Baltimore Ohio and Puu Handle companies jus now aro warmly contesting for froigh botweon Pittsburgh and Ciucinuati, l*'AIHMO\T WIN'S In the llaee For the .Nnt K. of 1% G Lode* Meeting. Stxnal DUpaUk to t\e InUthQcnccr. Hcxti.hqtox, W. Va., Oct. 10.crand Lodg? Knights of Pythias tioi its baainesi to-nijtfit. Wheeling, - moot, Morgantown and moral c placet wanted tho grand lodge year, bat Fairmont won oasily and unanimously decided upon. A con * tee was appointed to chango the by* 1 to conform to tho oh uncos made Ir aupreuio lodge, whoie action wai dorsad, o Tho following officer! wore olec D Past grand chancellor, Frud A. I. Clarksburg; Brand chancellor, Cyn llall, Charloaton; grand vice c ceUor, W. 11. linker, Fairmont: g ? prelate, If. K. West, Huntington; g master of exchequer, M. H. tin Keyser; grand keener of records >f seals, Manner Jonkin*. Piodinont; g ( master at arms. Col. Paul Preger, 1 eraburg; grand inside guard, Col. ! 1'oBten, Morgantown; grand c guard, C. Y. Bonedum, Bridget grand trustees, Col. Paul l'rcger, 1 ersburg, Dr. S. M. Scott, Torra n Col. C. C. Roud, Charleston; aupi representatives, Gen. J. VV. Ma 1 Parkoraburg, U. W. Connolly, Whet i- Tho ttavenswood division gav n flambeau drill to-night before thousand people. The report r t'?o grund keoper of records . seats shows that in tho ( five years tiioro has boon an incroa (. membership in this state of J r Thero are now in West Virginia I Knights of Pythias/ g WILL FIGHT Foil IT. f FiUtiaimonfl Willing to Try Conelu With "I'oinjHulour Jim." J* PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Oct. 10.Fitzsiminons, who is to meet Co X in New York to-morrow to arrang l~ terms of a match for tho champior of tho world, left this city on tho n night train. Ho was accompanio e Captain Gloria, President Scholi, c Olympic Club, and a number of 1 deipbia sporting men. a President Scholi does not 1 iko tl e titude assumed by Champion Coi J and tried hard to induce Fitziimi to assume the titlo of heavy-w : champion of tho world, roceutly ai i- ed to hiin by tho Olympic Club, e "I will not do it," repliod t simmons.. "I want the title, but J ! not accopt it in this way unless Co t Hunks out of making a match, s liove I can wiup Corbetr, and I Ii bo champion IT ho moots mo. I . nothing for Corbott's weight. I y knocked out bigger won than he, o ot thorn weighing two hun I- pounds, and I am confidont that punch hardor than ho can." o THE OKIi:\TAIJ WAIL ^ KuinorsAro Plentiful, hut No Autli |( Account* Uavw ltoucliextriicllvn Mm. 0 Wabsaw, N. v., Oct. 10.?I'lro b out in tho Katmaw block to-day. j. wator supply was inadequate to i 1 the otnorgoiiny, and tho four-story 1 o block burned to the ground. Tho n block, a throe-story wooden I mi I k followed belore tho couHasratiou c t bo subsided. Sevon stores and ?u t oils ofllcos woro in those two build Tho loss is estimated at $30,000. ? VINSON IS BOUNCED From tho Uultod Statoa Marshal-in? |{ie(j ship In This State Fair NDA H D. GARDEN IS APPOINTED next ' wa? To tho Vacancy?Tho Marshal'* Oon. i ai itlaws duet of Senator Catmlon'a Cam* t tho paltfti the Cause For lilt Uo en oval, i on- (jl)U|p|ain(g Made WlUon !tcd: Fareloii ol the Democracy Hoard at Off, Washington Mr. Garden'* Appoint18 W ban- tno"1 Not Likely to lloal (ho Fao* rand tional Soroncw. rand _____ "ami Washington, Oct. 10.?S. 8. Vinson, rand United States mardlial for tho district 'ark- 0f Wost Virginia, at tho request of tho tutor :^torno>' K?nt'ral. roaijfuod, and A. jort* V' Pardon, of \Vhouling, has boon an'ark pointed to tho vacancy. A'la? Mr. Vinson was appointed in 1893. thor' 'n ^P10"^01" Vinson and soveral iliug! deputies woro present at a political e a mooting in \Vavno county, W. Va. At ten th0 conclusion of uu address by ox-(ft>vand ornor Wilson, which did uotpleaso hiin, past Vinson aroso to reply, whoroupon many .so of of the audionco loft tho ball. This 1,659. 8U0iuo(l to have an go rod Vinson, and an *' altercation nroso, which culminated in an ntlray during which ono man was killed and three others wounded. Tho marshal and his deputies were ton* arrested, and are under bond to await the action of the grand jury. Complaints -Bob have boon made 10 the attorney general that twice beioro Vinson or his dopu. ties had boon guilty ot creating disturb* 0 '',0 ances at political meetings at Bluo- iship fle ds and Huntington. l;or ono of mid- thoio otlense.s Vinson was roprimandod by Attorney uenernl Olnoy. if tho Tho news of tho removal of Marshal hlla* Vinson from office will bo no surprise to the peonlo of West Virginia. It has io at- |)0(}|l OXpUCto(l for sumo time and tho bett, onjy wonder has boon that it was not B.0118 dono several weeks since. Tho story of eight t|ie aiiotguJi campaign wluch Vinson vard- jina ^uon carryinir on in tho interest of Honator Camden, and of the disgracoful r m" rows, ending in bloodsiiod, which have h?\" occurrea among liio I'uiuocrau in lao rbott jowor enj 0f t|10 Htaie, as a consequonco 1 of liis actious, is familiar to tho roadors Wl11 of tho Intkij.h?knckiu Vinson and earo fl0V0ral of bin deputies and followers liavo ttro jjQjd answer boforo tho grand some jury for niurdor for thoir part in tho idrod Way no nflair. I can j'jjQ appointment of Deputy Marshal A. D. Garden, of Wheeling, to succeed tho ousted marshal will prove a popular ono among Mr. Garden's friends? ,antic who aro many. Ho has tho qualificatry. tions to mnko a good odicor. His aplocal P?'nt?ont, howover, is not likolv to lioal tho breach botwoen tho Domom08t cratie factions. Like his lato chief, he inose is n Cainden hustlor and will scarcely bo wan, acceptable to- tho Wilson faction, who ineae ',nvo declared a bitter war on Senator Carailon and his whole crowd of federal i,, at office-holdors. Mr. Garden's selection rhich moans a continuance of tho fight, but it iviros may bo safely predicted that, so tar as imu- tho marshal is concopnod, tho shotgun policy will not bo pufsuod. a un have THIItTY LIVtiS LOST.' can it, ~~~ Tliroo IltuiilroU Ve?s?I# Dnraaceil nt SU lalitM. N. f.. by tlio Htorm. nero ? ? i of a St. Johnh, N. F., Oct. 10.?A nortbtho oaat gale of exceptional forco swept toors ovor tj,j8 jg|ao(i iagt night. Tho storm )t to *a9 vory 8ovoroat St. Pierre, Miquolon, ; sov- wliero thirty Uvea wore lost and great boon damago was done. All tho vessels at anchor took meaaIieJ} urea to outrido tho ijalo, but tho caaual'and tio8 woro many. Somo of tho doomed ;"eJ0 vessels woro thrown aahoro In very ex00 10 posed places, and tho great seas soon *h h P0,,n^0C* thorn to piocos. No assistance ]"IC" could bo ronderod from the shoro. A y?fl" numhor of mon attempting to roach wero tho shore by swimming woro drowned, whilo othera woro swopt into tho sea 'nnnH an(* woro ,,ot 6000 nffa'a unt^ their "JJy bodies wero cast upon tho beach. U,1Y" Tho wrecked vessels wore part of the *d 18 fishing float that had put into St. Piorre to repair damages sustained during the ross- heavy storm of Septcmbor 30. Alto.urod jjothor thero woro noarly throo hundred lapa- voago|9 nt tho port, not a toingle one of JflP* whicn cacaped without sustaining some been jamago. Njveral of tho fleet aro misstem jDK aillj jrrnvo fears aro entortained that ( ttioy founderod during the night. ?d at An Sulchlw ut Chnrloflton. s k o d Spteial J)i*patch In II* In tell iQcneer. 1 tor- Charleston*, \V. Va., Oct. 10.?Mattie Sentus, colorod, attcmptodsuicide today by takiug a largo doso of insect powder. She was putnpodoutand horlifo cnts. saved. Domoatic dilUcultios woro the catiHo of tho act. 0f Jim Anderson, a notod thiof, was con, victed in tho criminal court to-day for 1110 holding up A. T. Dunlnp last spring ' day nnd robbing him of eovoral hundred nson dollars. Ho will go up for tivo yoare. *)a- Arrival** Now York?Manitoba from Rio Ja* tho neiro, Teutonic from Liverpool, Nodent braska from Glasgow, "t of Liverpool?Majestic from Now York, di"R Nuuiidian from Montreal. ?tion Southampton?Spreo from Now York. ting - o en- n'otitlior Kor?c.nt. tor Ti?.ilny, was for WW Virginia, fair; west winds; warmer irtod iJ| northern portion. .,i? .1 For Wi'.itorn IVnmrlvanla mid Ohio. Ronoralljr Wlu fnlr. preceded by lnnil xhimvrs oil lake* lu oarljr morning: west wiiula; uoclmiiK*-' In lemporuttiru. Till: TKUI'CHATUItR VK.STKHH.VY ax furnished by li m iini.it. ilriiftgut, curuor i Mnrkci uu.l Fourteenth ?troou. , . 7 n. ra W| 1 P. >n ?1 lolls 'j n. '"| " l: in. ; ? ? ,cior " 1,1 ij coupoN si ' & 1^ 0 FOK ? 4 ?i j! PART No. 28, GMHPSE5 OF AMERICA X t Tho ki?ahtnt \ ?. i