caught them up. [i The Grand Jury of the Criminal Court Yesterday | DID A VERY GOOD DAY'S WORK. '! Brtngtug tn4l0 Indictment*, 34H afThtm i Bflaf Agtliul Saloou Keeperew.ioTook Out Ui? tthort LImiiu of 9iu0-Tii? Km5; bltm G?t It Agttu Itor Renting llonm for Immoral PBrpom-Urgwt Present* mrtU Krcr Hade?Other Court Slattern of Interest. mi ?? The grand Jury of the criminal court was called yesterday morning In the $ criminal court and Judge Hugus, aa (required by law. called their attention to ? V the Infractions of law they were bound I-; to consider, whether presented to them : by the prosecuting: Attorney, or of their own knowledge. The Jury was composed of the following gentlemen: W. B. J 81rapaon. foreman, William Smith. D. M. Thornburg. Jamea O. Frazler, John J V. Gavin. H. F. Behrens. It B. Battelle. ? L. A. Lallance, B. Gartner, Peter Erb. W. A. Wilson. Joseph Speidel, John Waterhouw. W. S. Foose. N. W. B*ck. ? and John Troy. An evening paper In a sensational artide In regard to Juris* Hugus* charge, sought to leave the Impression that the Judge had some ulterior motive In 0 charging the Jury In reference to the K) conduct of primary elections. The paper *11. was wrong in all of Its intimations. The [t; Judge Is specifically required to do this a by the statutes. It was no unusual occurence at all. hut for the sake of a aensarton the Incident was tortured Into jjfr a shape to suit the paper referred to. As Intlm&isd exclusively In the IntelI:; llgemer yesterday morning. those sail' loon-keener? who have been selling on >; the $100 license on 1 dispensing whisky i.v in violation of the law, were rounded up In gteat shape, twenty-eight of them ky being returned to court with counts fe'.' ranging from one to seventeen, but the ck larger number being thirteen each. It ^ was understood that the grand Jury returned the thirteen counts in the maF Jorlty of cases so a? tn cover th** amount of license lost to the state. The minify mum flne! 13 HO and the maximum $20 | ... and costs. The* maximum flne will p- cover into the ftate treasury the 5250 P. for the past year that it ought to have fe received. Ra The following saloon-keepers were reK': turned .13 selling whisky and other ^ drinks of like nature on the 1100 state p license, each getting thirteen indictsl ments: !lsaac Bogard. Mary Klleves. J. P. O'Malley. Prank Alb'.nger. Charles William Fette. Michael Steir, Charles Selhrt. Patrick J. Gav ' in, B. F. StUb3, James Stornagle. Emll L\ Junklnckel. Uinklemun Bros.. John C. ; Flshop. Dorothy Bnnch. Harry Knoke, T. F. Forter. Henry Shodder. Joseph ! Marshall. Fred. Knott. Merige & Howley. Ed. Miller. Joseph Michael, James Scrojglrs. Lewis Berker. Ef John Steward got on" indlctm??ntr "William Knokc fourteen. George Grubb fifteen. Ebrrhard Hoffreuter. seventeen. [?-: There tvere ten true bills returned p against Elizabeth and W. T Emhlen for jfc'v renting houses for Immoral purpose*. Indictments for felonies were returned P:, *tnln*t Edward Zane. John Rice and Igi Edward Payne. The misdemeanor list Is rather a eon'V glomerated one and includes the women . who preside over house* of Immorality as well as thoe?* who. technically, wre & "found loitering" in such resorts. The ?. list i? ss follow*: John Mitchell. John Lowell. Hairy Jones. Grace Early. John s. Henry. John Schell, J. C. Hancock. Curtis H. Hensnn. Maud King. Jennie J& Williams. Blanch* Mot grove, Clara y Brown. Charles McCammon. J. A. Weaver. J. H. McBride. J W. Jones. c. fe Lee, May White. Flossie Spring. Kitty E Wilson. Jessie Woods. Ella Miller. Nellie ? White. May Doe. Georgia Frank. Maud ?' Smith. Ida Headley.Lucy Belmont. Kit?; ty Lee. George Watson. George Fisher. V. Jam*s Tarker. Pavld Schwertfeger. 5 v Jessie Montlcello and Stella Woody. There were only fifteen indictments gy returned as not true bills. They were 6 Bessie Ladrue. Mngcie Conroy. and 'v twelve agalnrt John Segward. j->"" It was 7:3) o'cl??ek before all the In t QlCimoma wcrr rmu m mc i -.n itv' the grand Jury dine ha rued with the f, thanks of Judse HugiflB; Th*? court then ? took a recess until Wednesday mornB?* ta*?>,' Mr. Thomas Howlry called at the In* f; telllgencer offir.. ',ast and stated y that he harl not b~en a member of the | firm of Menge & Howley. Indicted by the grand Jury yesterday, for over a year, and consequently claimed that so r. far as th* finding of the jtranrt Jury was L concerned, he was not liable for any of hj[ the conacquenres. ?' 111 fh* Clrrnlt Conrt. T Before Judge Rqull In the circuit court yesterday Mr. Nelson C. Hubbard was r. admitted to practice law on the motion of Mr. J. J. rnnlfr i" In the case of Melville p Post va.^W. . M. Carr. the mandate Of the supreme court, sustaining the Judgment of the ra lower court, whs entered. k. In the cane of C. P. Whltham, guarK dlan. vp I*aura May Smith, and others, $ the petition to une a portion of the Inp> fant's property, was granted. Wo ma n Attorney Ailmlllnl to the tlar. E Yesterday Mrs. Agnes J. Morrison apt; peared before Judge John A. Cajnphell. Bank J President Imuic Lewi* of Sabinn, Ohio, If* highly respected nil through that sectiou. He has lived in Clinton Co. 76 years, onrl has hern president of the Subina Bank 20 year*. He gladly testifies to the merit of Hood's ?ar*al " pirilla, and what he says ia worthy I; attention. All brain worker* find ^ Hood's Sarsnparilla |>cctilinrly adapted to their needs. It makes pure, rich, red blood, and from this comes nerve, mental, bodily and digestive strength. "I am glad to say that Hood's Haraapat Villa la a very good medicine, especially i aa a blood purifier. It has done me good many times. For aeveral years I suffered greatly with pains of Al | _ neuralgia in one eye and about my temple*, es| peclally at night when I had been having a hard day of phynlml and mental labor. Itook many remedlea, hut found help only In Hood's flaraaparllla which cured me of rheumatism, neuralgia and headache. Hood'* Berwipar Ilia ha* proved Iteelf a true friend. I also take Hood'a Pills to keep my bowela regular, and like the ptllii very much." Isaac Lkwib, Bahlna, Ohio. Hood's Sarsaparilla ;4 lathe One True Blood Purlfler. All drugcl?t?. ft. Prepared only by C. I. flood ft Co.. Lowoll. Maas. 14-_ j?_ 1121f,roTt? "IDrient and tlOOa 5 FlIlS aaiyUnOecL ?c?nu, $40, ( I . \ ] ] ] < t 1 1 i t i < V \ n THE EQU JAMES W. AL In the circuit court, and. on the motion of Mr. Guy R. C. Allen. tvas admitted to practice in the courts of the county. Mrs. Morrison Is the first woman ever admitted to the Ohio county hnr. and there Is no doubt but that she will prove to be a shining ornament to h"r s?-x. Mrs. Morrison graduated from the law school of the West Virginia t'nlyerslty. last June, with high honors. being the first lady to 'complete the course In that school. She was admitted t'o: practice law in the state by Judge J. M. Hagans. at Morgantown. She is a lady of broad culture, and Is sure to make her mark In her chosen profesilon. Aniiliint Drpntf Clrrk. Yesterday Mr. A. J. Wilson, who has been conn??et a. m. Plttwburgh...HEN HIJR, * a. m. Clarlngton ..JEWEL, 9:30 p. m. Along tlii> V?aiiiIIiik. The mark* nt tho public landing nt ? ) p. m. showed 8 feet nnd atatlonnry. Wca- | ther cl*nr and warm. Thin mornlng'a Cincinnati pocket la th?* popular Keystone State. She has big rngagementn nil along the river. Tho J. C. Msher, a Pittsburgh tow boat. broke her nhaft below Parkernburg. Yenterdoy nh<* paaned up In tow of the R. P. Wood, for Pittsburgh, where nhe will be repaired. Captain Crocknrd. of the Wheeling wharfboat.dld not g?-t an opportunity to nop Captain K<*rr, of thf Virginia, on her Innt trip up, nn tho boat panned V.'hoellnif at la. m. Cnplaln rrorkard han therefore written Captain K?*rr, rcquofiiinv him to mini* the necond day rh'- Virginia wlli arrive th^re, If nh?? Intend* to mak#? two trips a woek to Cln ' t?l??I. Ok.Anlr.ln.TAld. ftiAnh. Tho pnrKot Islington mado ft flying trip down to ParkerNhurg on Hnndny, wlwre *ho wont on the dry dockfl nnd had a now atom-hand put In place. 8he Injured the old one In tli?* accident nt th" public landing hei*? Inst winter during n run of |c<\ Coming up tho river Sunday evening the l24,012 OVER FORTY MILLION DOLLARS Surplus is back ees in the new G V^alue Policy of Vlany important ne leges and guaran :hem embodied in guaranteed by a surplus of Energetic men of ability ai egotiate regarding agency posi ITABLE LIFE OF THE UNIT 120 BROADWA EXANDER, Vice-President. THOS. S. SWEE I IIIU1C3 niikl liUlliiK* v-icai auu na< iik Down?Ben Htir. Keystone Stale. PARICKRSBrRO?River R feet 7 Inches and falling. Clear and warm. t*|>? Hudson. Adelle. Down?Lexlnston. D. B. Wood. Due down?Ben Hur. Little Kanawha falling. FIKAlfCE OOMMITTKE Ncalii IV>wii Ou* linn. iiikI >lnkr? Xoinr SucKrilloim fur Iiirrrn?pnf ICrvrnnr. The council committee on flnnnce met last evening and held another seance over the appropriations* to be made to the various city departments for the ensuing year. .'he only item tint was scaled since the last meeting was that I of the contingent fund, which was chipped off 9l,oon worth .But the committee still found themselves *4,400 In the hole. A resolution was adopted recommending to council that the assessors I be required t*Jtlon was considered to Impose a license on all breweries doing business In the city. It was stated ttyit the home concerns were perfectly willing to stand the tax. If a Wheeling brewery extends its trade into Ohio it Is required to pay the regular whole ; nalo license. but foreign breweries can coni" Into thin stnte without paying [ such license. It in fair treatment to nil. and In the line of protection to home In| dustries. The committee Anally adjourned to meet again on Thursday j evening. M0UJTO8VILLE I A .MUrr]|*iiron? MrUnffr of Minor M?l* frr* frontMaralmlI'm Metropolis. j Tho lioiml of education will moot tomorrow evening In regular monthly sesi slon. Th? teachers for the next year will he appointed. Up to this time thorp hove born about twenty-live appllwttlons received. Another important matter to come before the board will bo the adoption of an order amhoi-lKlur; the holding of an elfclIon ofr the* Issuance or $A,C0O additional bonds for tin- purpose of havigg MifTlclcnt fund* to comploto and furnish the new huldling, which l* now In progre*n of erection. It In bellnvcd the order will he rati flefl by tho voter* without opposition. The Kpworth league will hold a huiil11*11# mertlng on Thursday evening. Among other matters to come before the chapter will l?n the selection of delegate^ to the district convention to ho held at Catyeron on the 1Mb and 29th of tills month. Kiln worth JoJien. for many years a resident of MoundHvllle, riled on Sunday night of brain fever. TIIII I ITRT M"*" ,n C"??"*. M. SNOOK St CO. After Hoose Cleaning... Ton will need a good CLOCK to help brighten tho PARI-Oll. Wo have In I I. lurff.i nmuirlmuut at Very low i prints. l>rhnp* you are nhort oniHPOONH, KNIVKB or I'OKKN WcVrh help I you out. Our HTCX.'K In Iiirif Wo ran ? !! you t^lvrr Kulvun and Fork" at l'rlcwi that It would ho 'hi'ji prr tn uno thni) Htpt-I Kill von and KorK* you are continually Ncuurlng to hoop hriithl. To Htlniulato trade during thn dull month < of thn year, \v* ulll well our good* nt arontlj' rodurrd prior*. Wc :irr rn?w rooolvltl* ?omo nlOfl lU.Ul.Hi; HKTS and lU^I'TH. They will l??* In pront dotyum! thin neuron. Havo tn?noy und trado with u llouna that buyN wood* for Cash. JOHN BECKER & CO., JEWELERS AMD OPTICIANS, 8827 JACOB STREET. / of the Guaran:uaranteed Cash the Equitable. :w features, privtees, and all of the policy and Society with a OVER FORTY MILLION DOLLARS I id character are invited to tions with the undersigned. ASSURANCE ED STATES. Y, NEW YORK. HENRY B. HYC NEY, Manager, 1221 MARKET STREET, W ...... - : A HANDY ARTICLE A HANDY For Room, H i I If G.MEM DED LOUNGES-WHITE, Bed* L( /If you want a barga Lounges. Full size ONLY $10 FOR 50 CENT White, Handl 2245-47-49 Hi] G w! rr y; / ' r . "v Jf ? u?u l .*.ll i: ? > I I- ' I Wlre.tJOkl . O ' I . / CAPTT^TV OUblllJL 1 )E, President HEELING, W. VA. -P. MENDEL A C0.~~ ARTICLE all or Porch. Can be Used as a Stool, Taboret or Palm Stand. $1.60. ifi Inches High, IB-Inch Top! Substantially Made. Heavy Brass Feet. Finished in Oak, Mahogany, Ebony and Green. EL&CO. HANDLEY & FOSTER. )un(jes! in get one of our i,50?nl-y S PER WEEK. ft Tl i ey?roster, RKET STREET. t ATLANTIC TEA COMPANY y- ^ w.i m Atlaftic Tea Co, The season Iff-how on wh*n the for Canned Fruit and Vegetable.,, Evapor. ated and Dried'Fruitn Incrvn:< >., uv ;,r| prepared to aapMy your warn* y 4 w,. find our goudiH|nd prices both attmttivi, We advertise jgjMy standard kowh. A' frt PRICB LIST: California Prunes, large, 7 tb.i ^ California Ev. Apricots. 3 lb.? ^ Standard Siigar Com. per can 4* Fancy SugaSfCnrn, per can Best Toinatoei, 4 cans California Plums. 2 can* Table Peaches, per can Standard Peas, per can Large bottle Ketsup. per bottle jr.. Star uanuhf t* aj, per in Clothes Pina^.per dozen Carpet Tackj, per box i Atlantic Tea Co. Wo L*ad? Lot Those Who Can Follow, PROPOSALS. ROPO8AL8 FOR CUTTING AND 8ETTING NEW CURB AN!' PP.K5S. INC AND RESETTING UI.IMTRR. Sealed props* Is will be r- v ! h( th? office of the Hoard of l*u?.l: v, ? the city of Wheeling until l Saturday. May ! .* 1W. '.or ar.l netting now curb and QOCIIMK UHUI i. >. . .. ft ;,w3> Saturday. AJny 3. 1S96, for lmullr.K l>rrk. sewer pipe"A.tld curbing duriru; th* y-ar IS96. The Waterliil to bo uriloafl*?d Iron the can* and delivered nlon? the *tr?*n and alloys wh?re the nam.- ar<- to h.- us^d. Thn brick must be passed l>y han-i Irota earn to vehicle*, and neatly and ?-ar^*u!Iy piled on thi Sidewalks. The sower ;>:p? to be laid aTohp th?* line? where tr?nch?? nr*? to l>e d'ujr. and the curhine -Hon* the line# wher^-to be set. All materia! mu?t be delivered, to the satisfaction the board. The successful bidder will I* r*qu:r :_ TRUSTEE'S SALE. rj^RUSTEE'S SA LE. Real Estate la Fifth and Eighth Itrli of Wheelinj. Tty virtue of a deed of trust r\-?'ir hjr Sophia C. Tappe and her husband, d r.rr Tappe. to me as trustee, dated Kei?r..irf 11th. 1ST3. and recorded in the orlic? 0' ?'fork nt the County Court of ?'h:e West Virginia, in need ?>f I?> K .? "J. pan* 3. l-'WiU ?rll at tl,e nor:' troat dcor of the dhurt houre of said county, oa WEDNESDAY. MAV ?.Til. K4 commencing.'at V> o'clock a ir.. ' ; ''r; eel? or" seal Estate situated in the CI Wheeling, lit Ohio county. \V? ?' Virginia. that arc described .1 rrn. . First -A strip of Tmi'l O feet wide off of theiiortti stdeo: r. ninety-nine (W) in tho Fifth v.j.rd 01 sn.\2f of the following doscritfd lots situated in the Rlsfali v.,: : of 1 city, to-wit;~tots numbered cighty-on" ('!' and elphty-two (F5) in 1-ngran. . >t numbered.thfee <3? and part sidste In two equal inhiallmoms. pnyahle. iv>;..ctiv-... in six months and twelve months from tht day of sale, with Interest. tho pur h.i"' giving his negotiable promt:--"!> ' * tho deferred payments, with uotxi ty. the leital title being rotai,i"d until all of the purrimse money shall hav" N?:j paid; or. If the purchaser so ebvt. the |?k?! title may be convoyed, the tri.- : -o* in* in the deed a lien for tho .icf*-rel purchase money, or the purchaser wii.e scouring the tame to tho satisfaction or tho trustee. ..BENJAMIN 8. ALi.lS' N _ap~-tu Tru.--.-fL_ q^tusTUErssALE. By vlrtuo of a deed of trust mart* hf Mary II. llonklnson and fSeorrr W Ho* klnson, hor husband, to the iinder^ipneC tmstce. dated the 31st day of January. A. P. 1S91. and recorded In tho dork's o{* flee of tho County Court of Marshall County, Went Virginia. In deed of tru?. book No. 10. pace* 103 ana uh. i ? SATUHDAY. THE JTFI DAY UK MAV. a. i>. bcfilnnlntf'hf 10 o'clock ;t m . of Mid la"! mentioned date, ui the premiM-: t<> l* foil at puWlu auction to th#? hlfihr?t anJ Iwl bidder'tho followlnR de.?cril>ed estate, tTiHI^Ix to say. l?ot nunilfr ninf* tool! tho Town ot McAlocnen. In tIn- .-.unity of Marshall. In tho state of West VlrRinu Said lot fronts fifty feet on a\? nuo and extendi* back one hundred ani twenty-thrto (ia> fret at:d eleven Inchon to a twelvo-foot alloy, and i* tM mdjo property granted and conveyed w tho xald Mary R Hosklnson by doe I duted November <, l.vyo. and recorded tn > ":* clerk's ufllro In deed book No. X f.'lio The *ald'Iot number nineteen dl? ?' sold subj.Tt to tho provision contalne.: said deed *>f trust. that no unritmn building or; out-houso l.s to be built ,,n fcrtld lot within twenty .?< money h!r> note, with roo?! perfonmi * ': rltv, ImmiIii-; Intcri-M from ih?* " f solo. nmieho till** to tho property - ta be retained nt> securitv for the pnjment or such noici until pnld In full. ?>r fh* P?>'; tuent of wild notes to I?u not-ured by ?(? of trust on tho property s?o!il UKOituc it. cAi.nwn r. _?P7 l'i WILLIAMS TTPRWIIITBB. ^ You Cant Tell... (*l)y ' lir look* of n iomiI liow f"? '** jlllltp, or hi- (lir ?lir of n i"*r Rtrn^tli of "if n prrOimri drllli" you pro pill) Itir merit* ?' merit. of n Mini hlitr tiulm* ?tf*' |Oi.l Hint r? Hit It uil p. Milfrr* If v??n will. ? ?** foir von Imj-. 11 % ili? Vtll.M' ,N ?? lili li mi it'a mt rlf?. 'flin lntrllurriirri ? ? ? rrcaW* liirttiU II.. WlllUiit.. copp St dbvorbUlCNHRAI, AUK.M'1 I