Newspaper Page Text
MOKE7-SAVINO VALUES?HTONB tc THOMAS. i Stone & Thomas. MONEY SAVING VALUES for you at the Big Store's Gearance Sale. Dollars do more than double duty this week in order to get ready for invoicing. COLORED DRESS GOODS. Ten pieces 44-inch German Wool Brocades, that have /I Qp been selling readily at 75c, Clearance Sale Price Our entire line of fine imported Ail-Wool and Silk Wool Novelty Suitings, that have been selling atQQp $ J 25, $ J 48 and $1 75, Gearance Sale Price r\? ? i r rinPOO /*"? f~\ i~\ n C t5LAL/l\. unc-oo uuuuo, An elegant line of Black Jacquards and Figured Mo.hairs, that have been selling at 59c, 69c, and 75c, CAp Clearance price .... OV/U WINTER UNDERWEAR. The prices we have marked bn our Winter Underwear will make lively selling in this big department this week. From medium to finest and all at about one-half original prices. Upholstery Department. A remarkable purchase of Rope Portieres enable us to sell them at a mere fraction of their former price. Regular $4 50 Ropo Portieres at $2 25. Regular $5 75 Rope Portieres at $2 98. Regular $7 50 Rope Portlere3 at S3 98. Regular $10 00 Rope Portieres at $4 69. Regular $12 00 Rope Portieres at $6 98. Domestic Dry Goods. All colors All-Wool Eiderdown at 22c. 200 Ladies'full size Domet Skirts, worth 25c, at 19c. One case manufacturers' short lengths (2 to 12 yards) Outr ing Flannel, worth.8cand 10c, at 5c. 25 pieces Strictly All-Wool Country Flannels, 25c value at I7c. Blankets. 10-4 Strictly All-Wool White Blankets. S3 50 value, at S2 48. 11-4 Fine All-Wo"' White Blankets, $4 00 value, at $2 98. 10-4 Strlckly All-w o Scarlet Blankets, $5 value, at $3 98. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Wraps less than half price. Lot of Ladies' and Misses' $5 and $6 Jackets reduced to $1 99. Lot of Ladies' and Misses' $10, $12 and $15 Jackets reduced to $4 95. Stone & Thomas. P. S.?Our sale of Ladies' Muslin Underwear and Embroideries still going on. Interesting news for you her&. CLOAKS?GEO. M. SNOOK & CO. Geo. M. Snook & Co. THE Ji ()\. Xl tt m r\ x A Tvlf\ TIT X T\TT ?0ST|p ITKAUKWMKI | B| CLOAK SELLING { -?1 ~ Ever seen?here or anywhere 1 We have divided our Jacket stock into three great lots, viz: LOT J?All Jackets that have sold up to $7.00, Now marked in ^ mm ' plain figures . . 5)^.^3 LOT 2?All Jackets that Lave sold up to $16.00, Now marked in |t* A g\ mm plain figures . . LOT 3?All Jackets that have sold up to $30.00, Now marked in /K mm p^ figur? ^y.yj Great quantities of each, all 1896-7 styles, sizes 32 to 42, and ages 14 to J 8. W'c mean just what we say?that these prices are for values ' exactly as represented and sliould interest buyers for miles around. As hundreds of dollars will be lost on these Jackets, the following terms will not be deviated from: Cash on deliver)-?no cxchajigc?110 approvals?110 alterations. A special lot of Fancy Silks at 6jJc, worth from 91.25 to IjL'.oo. The Muslin Underwear Sale, the Blanket Sale, the Remnant Sale are still in force. Geo. M. Snook & Co. (J , | -? WHITE 8HJRT3 -M'FADDHN*8. I A*PE1 jffRFIT^- I T ? In guarnntncii, If you fry our own rnnko of T $ J'''11" Willi" HIilriM. ina?li? from i xtra lino s-.'s A X mualln, with 3-ply wurrantod line n bosom?. A double front.", iloubln back?, dould" mimvo?I 7 HoaniR and patent facliitfn; Hire? 13Hi to IS. T I yJJ FOR ONLY 50 CENTS. i. - . X Othi r ?torr? charge 75o for as Rood ?hlrt. a t McFADDEN'S, "so AN""T,,n,!T' \ m'wr hakc miiiitn to oiiiirr. 4 If your eyes need nttentlon visit out Optical Department. We have secured the service* of Mr. II. W. Ewalt. of Cleveland, Ohio, as optician, nntl can guarantee batlsfactlon to out cuHtomcra. Dillon, Wheat & Hancher Co. | NOTICE. | | 4 Retaining the agency for the 4 V Centemeri Kid Gloves* ladies dear- 4 iag them can be supplied by calling iat my office. Persons having business tffth me T or the art room will be admitted at A either entrance?Main or Market? 4 of my store from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. 4 A T i GEO. R. TAYLOR. ] U t ?hc,5?tel%enrer OI11c?: No*, y.% IIml *J7 FoiirteanthMtrmit. Afar A<lvrrtl?ement?. Money-Saving Values?Stone & Thomas ?Eighth Papo Ranges. Cook Stoves, etc.?Geo. W. Johnson's Sons. Duluth imperial Flour?H. F. Behrens CpSuf181 One?F. W. Baumer Co.?Eighth Page. To Lot-Rolf & 7.ane. To Let-G. O. Smith. Assignees' Sale?Melghen & Oldham. Wanted?Solicitor. Wanted?DKrorator. Wanted?Men and Women. Help Wanted?Thousands of GoodPlaces. ATTEWTIOK, BUTCHERS AlfD BREWERS! For comfort, warmth ana durability [ urar onr ccicbratcil All Wool Knit | Jaokcli >na loiniun vuain. They are the best mid the ehftpfil. At ! popular prices. All lluea Mcatu complete. c. heSm Sl so.vs, Fashionable Tailors and Geiita' PnrnUh* crS| 1IW1 and 1343 Market street. REHOVAL NOTICE Jacob \V. Grnbb has removed his store from the Crand Opera lions* bnlldlnc to .\o. 1.109 Market street, where a large and elegant line of Jetvelryf Watchts, Dimmvuds, etc., mar he found. LOCAL BREVITIES. Matters of Minor Moment lit and About the City. Grand, matinee end evening?"The Octoroons." A confectionery will be opened shortly in the corner store room of the Pythian castle. Mr. Joseph Hazlett claims that "Jack" O'Neill was not arrested In his saloon, as slated In yesterday's paper. Harry Krager, the .South Chapllne street barber, who has been laid up with the grip, for Hie past week, will be out to-day. _ The funeral of the into Mrs. Chris, Kioto will take place from the family residence, No. 151S Jacob street, this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Interment .al Peninsula cemetery. The trapeze performance given b> the monkey In John Klarl's display windows, corner ?f Sixteenth and Market streets, attracted a large crowd o! spectators yesterday. \V. E. Chapin, charged with appro" *' 1 - -? .1? /I C A.lumu priaung kuuus ot vmCompany, was committed yesterday, by Squire Rogers, in default of I5M bond, for hid appearance before the grand Jury. Mr. George Cllles, a veteran garden* or, died yesterday morning in his seventy-seventh year. The funeral will take place from his late residence, on North Huron street, to-morrow afternoon. Interment at Greenwood. Yesterday In the circuit court. Judge Hervey on the bench, a decision was handed down In the case of the city vs. Jule Chisnell, of "Fifty-seven" Seventeenth street. The decision of Mayor Caldwell in lininw the woman was upheld In the higher tribunal. Unless there has been a hitch in the arrangements, the Cleveland chamber of commerce excursion will arrive In Wheeling over the Cleveland, Lorain & Wheeling road at 10 p. m. to-day. There ;vlll be an informal reception, under the auspices of the Wheeling chamber. A HUCKSTER'S WAGON Smnslirtl Into SmUhrrrriis by a Haiti morr & Ohio I'aiKii^rrTaaln. Yesterday afternoon, a fev.* minutes oi 4 o'clock, a Baltimore & Ohio passenger fmin iiiwioil wlrh n hiirk<for'? wo iron at Ford's crossing. Luckily, the huck| ster was not Jiurt. The front wheels of the wagon and tho'tongue were smashed Into atoms, hot the hnrs.vs escuited with ! a mere sha\ > of their bodies. The regular watchman at the crossing it off dutv, Itrllrr 7?nle Thnii Never. William Morels, of Bonwood, received his first pension certificate yesterday, through Squire Joseph A. Arkle, before whom he made application four years ago. The pension was granted on the 9th I tint.. at *6 per month, and as It Is I dat.-d from October, 4. lSU:1, when he flral applied for It. he. gets $300 hack money. DANDRUFF !? due to in enfeebled state nt th<? shin. Hall's Hair Renewer <iulckens the nutrltlvo functions of the skin, healing and preventing the formation of dandruff. BUT. Refrnetlnp Optician. with nn.U)N'. win:.\r MAXCHKK ro | Find Us One. | 5 Find us just one &L W KRAKAliEK PIAMO out g of the thousand or c| .ij. more we have sold J* " ? which does not give $ ' its owner the best of jj5| J? satisfaction. That is 'E % all we ask. If you can ?jf % not, and they satisfy & w others, are they not w 6 pretty sure to satisfy m | g f F.W.BaumerCo. ? ,V*| 1310 MKUKKT MI11KKT. j LOWERY GUILTY Oil tile Second Count of the Indictincnt Against Ilim. VERDICT WAS GIVEN AT 11 P. M. After the Jarjr Had Bmr Oat Two Hour*. Testimony of the Defense Tended to ghow Loueiy wu Xot in Wheeling When the "Bud?* Check wu Passed. A Motion for a New Trial ivai Made, and 1 will be Argunl LlUr. , Tne case 01 1\. ij. IMYtcry, vumb?? with forging a check on Goodhue & , Thomas, for $46, and afterwards dls, posing of it for $5 to Fred. Biery, pro, priotor of a North Market street sa, loon, was resumed yesterday morning , in the criminal court. Judge Hugus pre, siding. The testimony and the attor, neya' addresses to fhe Jury lasted un, til 9 o'clock at night, when the Jury , retired to agree on a verdict. , Ex-Lieutenant of Police "Wally" , Lukens was the first witness examln> ed. He testified to his arrest of Low, ery, for the alleged forgery of the , check. Testimony of similar nature , was given by ex-Pollce Officer Jack I West. Mr. A. J. Goodhue, of the firm of Goodhue & Thomas, was the last ' witness for the state. He identified the cheqk as a forged Instrument. He acknowledged having dealings with Lowery, but was firm In asserting (hat th?? name of the firm on the check, was I forged. , .The defense endeavored to prove an j . alibi, the bulk of the testimony -tend- ; Ing to show that Lowery was In Huntington and Catlettsburg, Ky., at the > time the crime was committed. The first witness for the defense, was John Johnson, of this city, but a for, mer resident of Catlettsburg. He testified that Lowery was in that town in i 1833, at the time the check was passed on a Wheeling bank. Miss Emma Bower, the next witness, came up from Huntington to testify. Her evidence went to further prove that Lowery was not in Wheeling about the time charged In the lndict. meat She met Lowery in Huntington, for the lirst time, on July 4, 1893. She was acquainted with Lowery's wife, before they were married, and so far as she knew, lie wan an honest, trustworthy man and bore a good reputation. Prosecuting Attorney Meyer made out a strong case for the state, and was followed by Mr. W. P. Robinson for the defense. Attorney Robinson endeavored to show that the recognition of Lowery by Joseph Green and Fred. Biery, who claimed to have seen him In their saloons with the forged paper, in lS9'i, might be merely Imaginary and not reliable. Attorney M. F. Dryden, also Tor the defense, made an appealing address to the Jury. Attorney J. B. Somraervllle, for the prosecution, delivered a strong, logical argument that seemed to Impress the jurors. After Messrs. Dryden and (Meyer had read the instructions to the Jury, the latter was taken out In chargo of Sheriff Richards, at exactly o'clock. The Jurors were out until a few minutes before 11 o'clock, when they returned with a verdict of guilty, as charged in the second count of the indictment, that is passing the check. Lowery's attorneys made a motion to set aside the verdict and grant a new trial. The motion will be argued later. I ABOUT PEOPLE. Straugrrsln the City auil Wheeling Folk> j Abroad. C. R. Dolln. of Sistersville, was at 1 the McLure yesterday. | J. S. Beall, of Wellsbnrg, was in the ' city for a short time yesterday. F. E. Perkins and wife, of Sisters; ville, were at the Howell yesterday. "VV. P. Wilson, :i well known drummer | for paints and oils, is at the Stamm. | i Albert Johns and G. W. Scott, both of Waynesburg, are putting up at the i Stamm. J. W. Craig, a well known oil man. is registered from Pittsburgh at the McLure. J. M. Johnson, a well known Mori gantown young man, is a guest of the Windsor. Rudolph Steinfeld has returned from Pittsburgh and is now with Ilarburger Brothers. Miss Cora Kappel, of New Martins-! ville. is visiting Miss Emma Nagle, on Sixteenth street. John Dickey, a Boston travelling man, well known in Wheeling, put up at the Windsor last night. Mrs. Harry Carmack and son nr.* visiting the former's father, Mr. ! George Stewart, of Bridgeport. C. L. Durham and B. A. Moses, are the names of two Slstersville residents inscribed upon the Howell's register. Mr. Z. T. Underwood, formerly of the St. James hotel. Roanoke, Va., is the new night clerk at the Windsor. j w. mair, or >ew .Marnnsviuo, h. C. McKlnney. anil H. B. McGregor, are Went Virginia arrivals of last night ut ! the Howell. \V. Hadason. the bright and hustling i young assistant advance agent of "Little Trixle" company, has been laid up at the Howell house since Saturduv, with the grip, but Is now on hie I feet again. He is an energetic product of the Windy City. DON'T dally with rheumatism. Purl- | fy your blood nnd cure it at once by tak- i Ing a course of Hood's Sarsaparllla. C A NICK Ludwlg piano rented but a ! few mouths has been returned. To dls- j pose of quickly we offer It at a special low . price. F. W. BAUMJSR CO. CONSTIPATION In its worst forms. | dyspepsia, sick headchc, billlousness and derangement of the liver are readily cured by DeWltt's Little Early Risers. These little pills never gripe. Small pill. sate pill, beat pin. L\ ?. uoeizc, k;oc. > Twelfth and Market etreote; Bowie & Co.. Hrldgeport; Peabody & Son, Hen- I wood. _ 7 | Sjhi'InI Sutler. If your eye# give you trouble consul: our Mr. Ewnlt, refracting optician. ' DILLON, WHEAT & HANCHEH CO. MINUTES seem like hours when a life ! I? at stake. Croup give* no time to aend . for a doctor, delay may mean death. Oiio Minute Cough Cure given Instant I t relief and Insure* recovery. The only harmlen* remedy that produces Imme- I ; diate results. C. R. Onetxe, Cor. Twelfth And Market ?treet<: H.mlo & Co.,Bridge I port; Peabody & Son, Ben wood. THE King of Pills Is Heecham>? BEECHAM'S. THE NEW WAY. A GRf AT SKCISS TOR HlTIVf. AH mvos of nis hum a \ssis. Our new Hcipntlflo method of examining the e.vt* and llttlng without put.1... IIMI. j in tii,, hful milking iii.. nntfitt blind for u or having thnn Ht for hour* looking at charts und trying to lit th^mnolvca until tlmy bccomo ho l*?? i?H- cutinot toll whin tlwy oan j.i-0. \\ fi*. t ho ?yp for examination without dt j.onOln* on the pntlnnt and know when tluy ?ro fitted oorroctly. t'onsultullon and examination fror. PROF, a SliEFF, Thn Brl'-nttnc Olillrlmi, Telephone No. I'M. Jlio M?lo B(r?et. THE HUB ?CLOTHIEH + * I *HIS is the store th > j the store that gi J * you are not satin Our Great Dissolutioi Sale? Is still in progi of men and bo themselves of 1 to secure good, Cl< F u at one-quarter regular prices, are offering our nothing reserve nobody's doubt our own incc ments, and we siblefor them to The original pi still on them. F selection and s< r/-\ THE HUE Market and F Wheeling's Largest and On!) MEN'S OVERC* BAM MEN'S A hun< OVERCOATS Overco $15, $ OVE $7.50,3 All calculations of the Ovcrcoat wrone: winter weather lias been scai the old saying, that "as the (lavs beg: cold begins to strengthen," they've t any prices that gave sales. And so these bargains comc?si CHINCHILLA ULSTERS BARGAINS IN BOYS' OVERCOAT For boys of 7 to 15 have boys Jo clotl Price $4 50 insteat BAERrS MEN'S SHOES-J. H. L iwEWILL WINIM 2* WITH A GSCAT SAU or ' XI f J Stacy Adams & Co.'s Calf Cork T? Men's Uvunine Calf Cork Sole, Men's Satin Calf Cork Sole, tli GREATEST VALU ! J. H. LOCKE *~9PHOTOGRAPHY. MILKS' ART STUDIO. Photographs. ISftr 2154 WRIN STREET. j "photographs. GET THEM AT higg1ns* gallery. Orim:k.? for the most comply<'ATia> ANn INTRICATE DKSlUNB OF PRINTING ckrcfully un<l intcHlppmly i pnnn>Mr?l m th? iNTI?LLlUI?NC15R JOB PRINTING 0FF1CK. j a AND FURNISHERS, ??? ?0 c people trust. This is 4 ves the money back if :ied. ^ ^ J ?o I ress. Hundreds ys have availed :his opportunity honest othing and rnishings and one-half Remember we entire stock? ?d. They are ful Values, but imparable garwili be responthe last thread, ice tickets are viah.e yuui uwu de what you'll (Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers... ourteenth Sts, r Strictly One Price House. PATS-BASH'S. c CLOTHING O HOUSE. Ired and twenty careful dressers are this week the most decided at bargain we've ever given. 88 and $20 -f RCOATS AT >10 and $12.50. makers have-gone ce, and" forgetting in to lengthen, tile icen glad to accept lare tlieni. High grade Kersey Overcoats. Most ol them are lined with day Worsted and Doable Warp Italian doth. svears. Good fortune for those n'lio ic. 1'1,-ners from the best makers. I of SS oo. jOA ? t uotning nouse, OCE^SHOB COMPANY. <1> A 1P1 A A A it> A -*- * A ^ A A frftft ZzZtZZZZZZZtZZZZ? JP 1896 jj MEN'S CORK SOLE SHOES. { Soio Nlinos. tlio $5 kinil, $3.50 ft t ho Sli.iiO kind . . ?3.5? ! e ^ >.5o kind . . . $1.75 ^ ES |\ THE CITY. jj r SHOE CO.JI zt ztzzzzzzzzzzzzsz CLEARING SALE. Special Gearing bale AT* Reduced Prices! On a great many goods before stock taking... JOHN FRIEDEL & CO., llltt MAIN STREET.