Newspaper Page Text
jjj^pr \VI.?lln*> diatn?? for an Interstate liax ball club are <1111 hanging ill lli? J>', anil no dtflnlte nrrangeim-iptir Tor grounds Have been arrived at yilP Mr. Coyle. the owner of tti? Wheeling franchlrn.*, and Mr. Herrington.niio will manage tlie local Kara, had a conference yestcrday with the otrnera of iniflabla ground*. and Manager Wright:;?# the VheellnR streat rallnray company/- Th? n-^ult of the conference will not It!) made public, and 1* Immaterial. as no lirMngeinents were completed. I^s M?ars. (Soyle and Herrlngton Kfcve for their lmmf? this mqrnlng, but^-Hl be here ''train the airly part of nextweek. They are anxious to place a good cluli In \vh-.vlln*.and are cmlldent " ?[ the question of ground* trill be setlMhtext ?-ek. Tnere Is some leiral work in be liom' through In securing u certain piece . which mavrleiatn them longer, init if the street railway company gives libt-rul encouragement aJl will be well In a short time. The new magnates underhand the difficulties In their path, but lire not discouraged ,and speak hopefullv of the .outlook. One thing Jiy*. ,f WheelingjW In die league no if**# gen11?manly manager* could be fou?l than those now endeavoring to locate a club here. During th*ir short slay In Wheeling they have favorably Impccsyed all lovers of the National game wlrtMvhom (hay came In contact. All that remains for the success of their venture Is the acceptance .of the propositions they have made to those likewise financially interred in having a ball park on the Island. The same of chess it of ancient origin, the rtrst Ijook ever printed In th^English language, being WHIiam Caxtiuw "Ye Piayeof Chesse" publish** In th?? fifteenth . -ntury. 'But be that a:< K ndb^lt has never appealed s*0 strongly to Wneellngitcs s? now. Its devotees are not the insny. but the select few, and.^hpse few nre so Infatuated wl^h Its delights that \heir enthusiasm is becoming contagious. The Arion ch<t*s club has within Its ranks many good players, and exciting vontosts Hiv fretiuen't. The Carroll dug '.u.h also its ohc?s club, and <n the Y. *M.TC. A., there are several pairs of eye* nightly Klued upon the blacks nnd whites The Atlantic engine nouso nus ik-coius vne Mecca f>T rtiany Individual >xporont3 ??f the same* which is not to bejemdered n:. for m an Indoor recreutlorf UOtt calls forth mental .Virateyy and r<y?lfte3X che .a K in the language of tho day, "The only ]x?bble ou the beach." Th^rofc a movommi on foo? tid a i-hqi* tournament, open ?*?'. to player*. Already u have asjraed t$ eonte>;, ami If the b?:&i>layers In the city agree to play, the h?fstlon of olmmplon of Wheeling may be dacldcd. Such a schemo a* this la commonable to nit true lovers of the gamt and l( each | nould contribute a small sunj.t.a. handsome trophy that would be an honor to I the* victor, could be aorubrd. The tout- I * N r.r?t a certainly yet. but -will be if :h?? proper people- become Irrfer^rted. A novel contcit between two gOovT^playor-* wll take plnee ' :? Tuesday kvestfug n>xt. r >U'.ier of tho player.? U2iii?ra.? same , 1 a:\l. but bclu* at <Jlff*rem n^-ffens of the H:y. r?Vof their ?nov?s*P*ng sent t; t<lepJ?oo y? TH? ?RI2E FIOHr^ Stilt tt? ontjret ?f tiauvtnwltim Amoiia; It ICN0," XcV. J*V b. Ji?The i?rhr?* fight J ftUi continues to bz the chl^fTr-pl: of ci'jjvereatlon In all communing tho western part of the state. Strenuous efTorra are b*lnjf madt* again?.!? tfr'e priced fljrht corn-In* off tn Neva U*. but ?h advocates ol.the ni/poaUloa anc w?>erully In the mfflority. An ifc|i?uatloii mcedpg wits .fond hrtv Sunday evening hnd on Monday s-'Veral people from this *>lace went to Car*.<n to see tvhafc could bo ?lotH' to prevent Corb*u an^Fhsslr.i OTOIT* mertinK in ini* i?u*. The prep* of N'evndu, wfth perhaps two or three exception^ Id entirely mm-coinmitcal on -.he *ubject. and as the majority of t'he people ar*.evidently'In favor of the new law. ami a gnm many who d<w*t bc'leve in prist flghtlng<.y?talwayn want to be with the bigger: srfnfd, give their sllerc: assent, the- reformers are finding it somewhat difficult to make any headway. ^ The CliK&en* of Keno genertStt regard the flgfct as a (rood thing f-ir/Ue stat and are working to K-cure the.attraction at this place, for the advent of several rhoupand grangers that may-reasonably he expected t?? witness the great content will In a rm u?ure advertise the date's climate and th- health-giving mineral >-printgs In which Vevada a^HAttids. CHICKEB GAMES. I'iral of* Merita Uetwreu W?t Alexander m??l Potommi Special Correnpondence. WEST AUEXAMDEB. Pa . KWi J.? The first series of checker gftme.* between the West Alexander aricj Potomac club* came off to-dqyjfit the Lawflon house, this place and.resulted In a decided victory for -Went Alexander. that club winning thirty-three out cf forty-five game*. The player* for "West Alexander west: Olflln. Atkinson. Allen, Hanen and F. TV. Moore. For* Potomac: H. L. McCammon, N. E. Murray and Elmer CurtifThe Lawson houeo furnished a snug room,, with chair* and tablet, to suit the occasion. At noon a dIatTi?r. such am that house Is noted fof,; friui appreciated accordingly. The next meet will be At Potomac, W. Wl.,M1n the near future, when that cltjb -wll! no doubt try to avenge themselves on their adversaries. AMUSEMENTS. Farce-comedy, that's the thing, that In, of course, when the word In honestly used, when a theatre-goer sees the wrtr.I "farce-comedy" on the id J1-board these" day?* ho cannot tell wiuther ho i* going to see a dog-circus or a poulirj-sbow, "Town Topics," *lf?t? now furc--comedy padded out byf thp very bent comedy talent to b? had, which ?-otne<? to the Gran'l lo-nlghrnml for the rent- of the wnek, Is n. ftffrrj-com< \y organisation of true myjt. It come* to this city fresh and breezy and If chuck full of pure.'wholeaotAe merriment un a shad Is of bo n??H." Pacta nr<* Htubhorn things, *Y>nHe?|UO0fljr, the im-ntlonlng the names of the litdles nnd gentlefflfen who are to serves up the xn'Trlmeut, puts n quietus .-a nil ?rKumetot/foremost among wB&m may be mentioned William KellarSWllliarn II. Mack. John Queen, Ten ?rook, Phil Ott, JOfeph Harrington, William Nelson. Frank Cavetlv, A. M. Miller, Beatrice Norman. N>!M- Hennotl. Lyllan Heckler. l.wHIa Miller Kll*e Nugunt. Laura \Valn0f(MiFreda IV*el jnd Mantle Welly. ' v "fIntuit Arroaa lit* Hm.'J' I The Chicago livenlin: JoufnM' of a recent 'late, says: "All that ;has been aid In prailft of "Hand# Aqrpni the and tho company presentiuit It, rj* more than jutiUflcd by,'(.Mii' fine production last evening at the Alhami<rji theatre. The scenery a hi# fully m??t 'xpcrtutlons, being plentiful, hrtpdaoni" ' l ff'-ctiw. (.'Specially where.. scnes hnngrd um If by nmglc by the una of ' lllng scenes, Mr. Henry Plerson um Tlobret Htllluoo'l. sustained bis role In ? mr*t admirable nunner. o'?til when ?ailed be,for* thi< curtain at Jb<\ close of the fourth qet. pnfvod that bo ivsh ? Hucoessfpl villain by th<? storm ??' mingled hUtii'M ami clapping of hands w hich greeted him." "Hand* Across the 4. Fifty Years Ago* Who could imagine that this should be The place where, tu eighteen nlnety.thn TU?l wnuc wgr?o.w#Bi?? w? *?* ?* dome Should shadow the tut Ion>, polychrome. litre at the Fair wan the prise conferred On Ayer's Pills, by.the world preferred. Chicago-like, they a record show, Since they started-*o years ago t Ayer's Cathartic Pill: have, from the time of the preparation, been a continuoi success with the ptiblic. An that means that 'Ayer's Pii accomplish what is promise for them;' they cure whai others fail. It was flttini therefore, that the world-wic popularity of those pills shoul be recognized by the World Fair medal of 1883a fat which emphasizes the recorc 50 Years of Cures. I Sea" will be ut the Opera House morrow night, mid Saturday mat and night. ? rtie Tornado." Lincoln. J. Carter, who has mad great deal of money out of the sc melodrama, "The Fast Mall," ha# fo outdone its mechanical wonders i new piece; bearing the suggestive of "The Tornado." that was presei to a large and enthusiastic audit that tested the capacity of Havlin' l?oth Sunday performances. The pin l>lentifully spiced with sensational f> aliens. Among the scenic feature* it collision at sea, a sinking ship, a bt Ing house, and finally 9 tornado 1 displays to thrilling advantage the p cnt possibilities of stage Illusion. Carter was called before the certain made a brief speech of thanks to audience for their appreciation of handiwork.?Chicago lriter-Ocexn. " Tornado" comes to the ttiapd the l"?l' ">*? U'nolf ?-Illi O1/1 Hi Wednesday matinee. Scats at the ofllee. ? ! , ? M0UNDSV1LLE. A UI<crlUiiroN4 McUngn.of Minor 3 trri froui Xanball'i Vrtropolli* A prominent citizen was h?*arJ to n some remark a few day* ok*, in w he usril the following* -language: " city'* fibajree* are purely In great ?h I haven't seen a llnandal tftatemem i lUhed for ? numbjr of years. With 5-1.000 license paid by the saloons aitd receipt* troth vther aonrtae* the lad - 1r : pv.rtnl as miuh a* ever, now, two year* afterwards, suit has > brought a ralnrft the, bandsmen of Marshal R.-beit U?xU>cker to recover moling-4 of hl.? seal ;n?rnt with the ? W'r need a little ftior? husines* man; ment and not so much party politic municipal aff.iir* ir. a city of our #!*? should be published $6 In tho newi PL-rs * A distressing aecldont occurred at ("Jl.vndalt: coal mine yesterday nion about 9 o'clock, resulting In Uie d< of one oft he miners and the Injur, another. John f*tereu!a, a Pollshr a?fl Ws room-mate. George Lessko, > working down In the mine when a h? plt?ce Of slate fell from the roof In t room. Btercula wss caught undenv It and crushed to death in a hori manner. Leesko hnd a hand cau which was mn^hed badly ami necesj ted the amuptail ut of one of his tin by Dr. S. Bl. Steele, who went up to mine after the accident. Btercola rather an intelllegnt man of about tv ty-four years of age. and unmarried. The population of the penitentiary Increatwd one ye.iterday wh*n Isaac thien was received from Ohio oountj gerve two years for grand larceny, number will be 3,157. and the pre population stands at fcX Two will b< leased to-day. as follows: James Col from Mingo county, who has served year*, and J. W, Jlltchcock, from Kit county, who ha* served three years, I for grand larceny, Collins was in first batch of prla-mera received from new county of Mingo soon after Its mat km, Among the list of conJid.ites for Moundsvllle posimastershlp Is no.v nounced to be Mrs. Han-on Criswell. chance of winning In the race are b: upon the fact that In her husband'a time Captain Crtewell was promlipT party politics in this district. and be.i being a clone friend of Captr.ln I>r?v< he was a personal friend an.l on the r Intimate terms then with Major Mcl ley. Governor MacCorkle's veto of the to amend the city chnrter' nbw do City Marshal W. A. Kidder from et Ing the race for re-elation At the cor election In March. Morshhl Kidder b-?en a very clllclent oflluer the past years. Dr. j>. J. States report# as having Iv from <h* family of Mr. AddlBon l]a of Turtle Creek. F'.i., t?? the effect! Mr. Iiarri.i' condition to now very cr al ond till hopes for Ills recovery 1 been given up. The regular monthly bli?lne?s mep of the Epworth Lenau" will be 1ielu evening at the M. E. church. City council meets this evening In ular seaaion. _' * BEflWODD.* ZVriiB llri??? IfrIIIII llir Idtfly ll?i fil il To mi. ' Tho Choral Club return* ItM thanfc tho performers who no kin<lt.v ns?d It In Um concert on Tuesday von Those aaHlxtlng were: MIhh Llnna t nlg, of Wheeling; Mr*. Joseph W Mr. H. K. Htcvens, of Mingo, < other individual performers were: Dr. Melghen, MIhh Ilnllle lj. Mn Profs. C. E. Carrlgan ?nd G. )I. 1 ond Mr. J .W. T.lni-tjon gor. Miss I Davis efficiently prosined lit the pi The above, in conJUuctlon with i Anna f'elly and tie- other mem her the club, tire deserving <?f much 01 for the Mueci*HH of the uffnlr. There have been several case* of Hons going through the lc<- In oro? th'.f river, and the prevailing i w?*ather will make erasing the lev ther dangerous. IUiv. Mr. Ib-hm, providing elder of Clarksburg district, and formerly Wheeling, whs a gti'-xf of,Rev. J. 8. I Inson on Tuesday night. Th" new building for P?ul b<lng erected with surprlHlng fltilclti and already proMentfl A g?"?l tipp ance. Mr. John Dcngnn and his wife son John are unfortunately all rtflll with the grip ul tie prudent. H'.iv, .1. H. kdbinHon left for W Ington, f). In hi night and will re i>n Haturdny. Officer Meatmen made his first ni bint night, a plain, unvui nlshi'd dr Tho Klvorsldo iron company h force of men cleaning up Its yard. ' I i.'A W-UA1HI. AllfforUof tllrin utitl UiiMlp %U Ihr <1 n? I HV. S Marshal IJcilua went to Charles W. V?.. yJwttrduy afternoon with rMiulmttnn Oovprnnr M? noil upon the BpV?Pttor of West VirK for Richard l>uvls. the colored man mm ho bi n tally beat Ills wife here a s! r| time i?K" because the wife had no mc t?> give hiin When he demunded It. vln Is the inun who In now confined In Wheeling jail. When brought hen will bo tried before Squire Miihoii. A banquet will be given at St. Cla vllle next Tuesday In honor of the tiring Judges, J. H. DrigKs. of the e mon plea* court, and Jume* F. 1 mun. of the probate court. Their to expire on that date and they will 9 succeeded by Judge J. W. Holllngawi id and Judge W. F. Smith In the oi named. Dr. D. W. Moore was re-elected he I officer by the local Board of health other evening. In hln annual repor the slate board he notes that there * ir>r? deaths In this city during the i year.'63 of which were under five y< of age; twenty-nix of the death* v due to consumption. Rev. Samuel H. Wallace, formerl; eastern Ohio, died February 2 at j home In New Egypt, N. J? after u u * illness. Deceased wus well knowi many persons In this county, havlni I one time had charire of the Pre?b ir rlnn churches at liethei and Com is nnd Barnesvllle. ,, Mr. Abraham Goldstein, of Pi a burgh, and MIsh NVIlle Handel, of Is city, were married Tuesday afterr at the Jewish synagogue by Hi <1 Htdddle. They will remain with r lives In this city for u few days be ? leaving- for their home in Pittsburg i, The members of the Choral 8oc I will go to Wheeling to-night, as 10 also a number of other people, to the oratorio given by the Wheeling ( t torio Society ut the Opera House, fl Bellalre society will assist In the en talnmunt Mrs. Ida Grumback and sons, 1; Mucksburg. Ohio, who have been Itlng her sister. Mrs. Frank Lltten, 1 returned to their home. A. Wolfe left yesterday morning hit* home in Cincinnati after vlsi his daughter. Mrs. Harry Herxben to- the Fourth ward. Inee ^ Gordon Is able to be nl the house after telng confined to bed with rheumatism for some I past. I? a Thomas Godfrey, of Mingo Juncl enlc formerly a resident of this city, is ilriy Wiest friends and relatives In n a cllynil A flat wheel on one of the reg ited cars run on the electric line annoj nee great many people along the line s at people continue to cross the rlvei >y the ice, without any mishaps so Uu- It Is somewhat dangerous. .JnV Melat'er's band was in the city terday afternoon advertising the K re*- L'J reauvaJ 111 wnuRfpori. 3Ur> John JRlley, the popular cigar dr nnd mer* ?* Columbus, wuh calling on n tbt, li) thfs city yesterday. his Frederick Lelnforth has retume< The th<s city from a visit with friends first relollvea in Woodsfield. . "JJM Mrs. Henry Jones, of Sharon, Pa tho Ruest of friends and relative) the oity. Mi's. Sarah MM* has returned h from a visit with her son Will in Mi tut- field. "The Tornado" had a pood aud!< mice at the Elysfan theatre lost cvenlr hieh Charles La Roche loft yesterday The a business trip through the county, apo. tj-|Jt, ppn8jon examiners met yestei ,l'j in mculur session. i (hi! Miss Clara (.irltfith Is confined to home, <iulte III. And nrifTUh'.i "Paust" appears here jeon Febr uar;* CO. fx- William Melloti Is confined to his Jgc quii- ill. " . _ Ol'?ric< mljr c " /jT^\ ,fne " they arc fall destroyed bj VKiaolJ health; sickness the Mffir the touch at w ulntr / '?^y\ happiness bursts path / 'e /\ ? bubble. A sick y of j raan cnnuot ' nan. happy wife or tuof vcr* a r. Morc ?arriages ivy homes are wre< heir M by the wife's phyt i\rth V jy/J I weakness than bj rlble 7 [/ jJ \ other one cause, ght, /yJfW a L Diseases incidet iita- the delicate and svrs p/ tricate, feminine tin* g an ism need .was 4 skilled treatment i*en- //fJ, an experienced J /fin cialist. Average tens / V K tors have not no. I I I opportunity to to / l\i I ffl quire the neces 'hi? fi?\ M special knowlt l|l\ a nnd skill. Dr. P . r* I all m Pierce for nea I " ? Ikirlv vruru (<hihf \\\ | niitidit'phwilciit 1 Xtt I the Invalids' H Kh.u I 1 ?"d Surgical In * N1 tute, Buffalo, N. ? / \ 1UL1 ban devoted a i the /\ j, vfcA time to thft treatt / ^VS ?f these delicate? W ? plaints, and bis ' the y^\vor?te Prescript! an- ?* the most succei Her ^*-fc medicine ever lined vised for women, life- 'n?ne? Caswell. K*q. of Ocheltrre, Joh it In Co.. Knur., (P. O. Bo* 01), write*:" My wife rides troubled wit it proiapMi* or 'female weaki ,nt... lor several years She was not utile to d< ? work, ?he had such bearing down pain*. J}?"1 pain* in the hack. Her period* were irrej \in- varying ?U the way from two to aix weeks. those times she would hat** fainting: apell* u vjm I thought she could not live. She wr.? atte .' hy the best doctor* in the country. Thej;* t,er no good, and *he grew worse all the tim tier- picked up one of you.* advertisement* fling thought I would try your medicinra. Iiefor has wilr had takcu one bottle shr itemed bette tu-ft ' ft her another. By the time *he had ti four littles of the 'Favorite Pre*criptiou' two of the 'Golden Medical Discovery' and en I'd ol the 'Pleasant Pellets' she was compl rrj^, cured. No more pain. Her monthlv pr . !, nie regular now and she is stout and ?t: tttS She weigh* t o." lavii Dr. Piece's Pleasant Pellets regulatt liver, stomach and bowels. By druggi ffi WHY SUFFER reg- -?Aches and Pains When a Sim Remedy Will Cure Yon in , a Very Few Minutes ? Ilia All manner of aches and pains, ex ns4 nnd Internal, yield to the hea ;H t(? and soothing qualities of Lightning *lea Dr6pp, whether '?f sclutle. neuralgi iing. rheumatic origin. Toothache, eara ,len" fncwiche and headacho can all l>? qu J * ly and easily cured by the use of mio. wonderful 'remedy. It alio cures co Mrs. bunions, chilblains and front bites. I/"1, Lightning Hot Drops Is certalhl ord | grand remedy to have In the house. *,m is a? pleasant remedy to tire, and 1h v ano. dorfully effective Iii all the minor ill ;M,K* man unci boast. If I* alwuys ready 9 !!a cxtornrtl and I rite ma I lire, and \? edit MVeetenori the llttl?* folks llk?> It. , It .sfYords. rtut'li a quick and complete per- leas* from the pain and misery Hlh?r wounds urn! acute disorders and mild HiM'trt of aohes and pains that .%fter fur- Imve once got acquainted with lis ? we buy It again and ag&lu. JJrl the speaking Lightning Hot Drops | ,,f vents or euros all disorders of tliQ m lob- !IC'1 and bowels. Lightning Hot Drops kills any ach . , pain. external or Internal. ''' m Llghinlng Hot Drops heals any I !*?."' "''h'1 WiUhd, ftl,l Mores, etc. u,r" Lightning Hot.Drdns neiitrallisoH poison of tho bites of animals, mm and Insects, etc. ctod Lightning Hot Drops euros eo bunions, ehllblalns, frostbites, etc. ash- And thou Lightning ilot Drops < turn costs J!C cents ?i battle. .nni OABTOniA. *M?tf8SS?-* MABTIH'8 FKRB\. i?M C llnpc null MUUwjM ??? ! Thriving Acroii III* Hlv?r. ton, Among tho bookn represents! by lho fiirem persons hi the took social ;tl inb- fit tV .?f Mr nn'l y Inlft J.uin'M A. Dickson, by the young who dies of the Presbyterian church, ? hort l In* following: "Jou'h Boys," 3 mey Josephine McCowon; "Hone In Hloo Pa- Mini KlJa Jnglebright: "Not Like 01 the Girls," Allss Minnie Cox; "A Bow > he Qrnngo Ribbon," Ml?* Leila Hf "Pipes O'Pan," Miss lOmmu. Plotcl t|rH. "Thorns anil Orange Blossoms," 3 n%- Leonora Drennen; "Befldr the Boi om- Brier Bush," Miss Emily Hoge; " nil- Hen of the Valley," Oeorge Coot rmn "Under Two Flags," Mini Maj I bi? Armstrong; "Hoy le's Books on darn orth Charles W. Hoyle; "B. B. or LI rder Wooden ffhoe," Charles K. Wllllu "Lamp Lighter," Miss Marjorle D ..lh son; "Timothy Titcoms Letter*," } Emma Hell: "Gold Foyle." } 'in Blunche Talbot; "Little Worn* Misses Joy und Adalph: "Only 1 i\iiai Cents," MIsh Piere Coleman; "A I LSri Orange Ribbon," Mrs. W. T. DU v?ro Adam Hede,'* Mis* Sue Copenhat "Innocence Abroad." Dr. J. L. Hen . "Jinger Snaps," Miss Bertha B "Middle March," Mrs. John Ton nls ..iA parked Man," John Tun t?ort "jjUcllle." A; a. Shaver; "Five LI 1 l? Pepper* and How They Grew," ?.* way," "Grown Up," Miss Bthel &! yte! dock; "Pacing the Flag," John ord crooks; "Lucretla," Miss Claru She "Not a Quarter," Ralph Heaton; ' Itts- Odd Number." Miss Madge Heat this "Wandering Jew," Miss Verne Clai inon "Cat and a Cherub," Roy McCIi ifthl "Hard Cash," Miss Mamie Swa cla- "Barnaby Rudge," Miss Copenha fore Arthur Dickson guessed the grea ;b. number of books represented and loty the prize. will At the regular meeting of the see council on Tuesday evening, resolut )ra- 0f respect upon the deceased presld The ]>\yIh Rothermund, were adopted iter- David Llewellyn was elected presld to succeed him and Joseph Hilton, of president. It was decided to fix via- bond of the electric light trustees lave >3,000 and the salary |25 per year. The board of directors of the Peoi for Savings Hank elected B. P. Br ting president, Frank R. Sedgwick, r, Jh president; Myron JE. Cole, cashier, . Charles K. Williams, teller. )out Tlu mills Nos. 4 and 5 at the Ael her Standard, resumed yesterday, aft* :lmo month's stop. Sheet mills Nos. 6,' 9 and 10, and tin mills Nos. 12 an< :lon, win go on to-day. the Pearl Schofleld, secretary and tr the urer of the co-operative glass wo at Marion Indiana, came home* yes ular day. to see his brother Kdward, wh /b a very sick. Sherman Clark arrived from M p on cle, Indiana, yesterday, to visit far. mother, Mrs. Mary Clark, of N< Fourth street. yes- The annual meeting of the Womi of FoWgn Missionary Society will held at the Presbyterian church um- n"*rnoon. rade Mrs. Robert Kerr and Mrs. H. Pratt were at McMechen yester< a (o Mrs. Pratt's mother accompanied tl and horae William < Montgomery was vlsl relatives In town on Tuesday, the : J' |n time he has been out this winter. J. ,T. Klrby, assistant uasaci ome "Sent of the Ann Arbor road, wai ?ns- Martin's Ferry yesterday. George W. Reece ha* cold the T rnce Mercer property on Eighth street. ,g Samuel Thompson. f0r A large number of persons will baptized at the Baptist church i inv Wednesday night. 5 Mr. and Mrs. William Medlll . daughter. Miss Maud, were In t 11 yesterday. Miss Martha Miller of Mingo Ji tlon, visited Martin's Ferry frl? yesterday. bCd, *?!??. f,1? tin- I visiting here, went to 8teuben\ille >lrti t<,rdR>'' ora* M,f* Lafk aml Alma Heed, of nQt Pleasant, are visiting in Martin's 3 'ill. ryi is Benjamin Flnley. of Mt. Pleas hich was In -Martin's Perry yesterday. . jfrH> Oscar Hampton, of Bellain visiting her parents. k-i" Mrs. Nathan Vale returned to W< an<j vllle yesterday. ked Mrs. Lem Duff, who has been i deal slek, is better. ?ay Mrs. Indiana McSwords, Is dan ously ill. BtA? Miss Gertie Brand Is sick with 1 or. trouble. the Harry Jump was some better yes : of day. 8,pe- John Cockroft Is convalescing, doc- ^ lie ware of Ointment* for Catarrh i ^ Contain .Hcrcnr)', rdgc n* mercury will surely destroy L v. sense of smell and completely dera rly the whole system when entering con- through the mucous surfaces. $ i articles should never be used excep fotel prescriptions from reputable ph Bti- clans, as the damage they will d y., ten fold to tlto good you can posh life, derive from them. Hall's Catarrh C ncnt manuafctured by F. J. Cheney & .'om- Toledo, O., contains no mercury, 'Pa- Is taken internally, acting directly u on" the blood and mucous surfaces of wful system. In buying Hall's Catarrh C de^ be sure you get the genuine. It Is ta Internally, and made In Toledo, O n?n i by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testlmor ??S tret. km ' Sold by Druggists, price 75c. per I > her tie'. and 1 ^ P?l6J INTEBE8TING EXPERIENCE ' ^ Ofan low. forty who w?? Cnred of 1 "tPd prpiU After NnflVrluK for Twenty* e. 1 Yean. c*my ^Irs* SaraJl A* Skcels, an est ion r; no lady residing at Lynnvllle, Jasper "and Iowa? was *or twenty-five years a I two fercr from Dyspepsia. and her com* restoration to health in so remark! SSI" <hal wo present the facts In the < g' for the benefit of our readers, man; > . whom have doubtless suffered In ?lac same manner and will, therefore, BW* interested In learning how nil stotr troubles may lie avoided and cu Mrs. Skecls says: "I used only package of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tat and r received such great and ut ? pocted henellt that I wish to exp P my sincere gratitude. In fact It been six months since I took the m cine and 1 hnvo not had one par1 of distress or difficulty since. And tor~ this In the face of the fact that ling beat doctors I consulted told me Hot cas0 WtX9 incurable as 1 had #uff< c or for twenty-five years. I want ha p'jc? dosen packages to distribute am lu. mv here who are very anx this (q try ttils remedy. rnt,? Truly yours. MRS. SARAH A. 8KBELS 5 H n'aH(>^ why Stuart's Dyspe on- Tablets are so successful in curing H illgestlon and stomach trouble and fnr reaxon why it never disappoints tl i.pll who need It and use It Ih because n And ,n* ,H for It except what It ro. actually perform. It l? not a cuw nf and no such claims ur?* mrfde for li I4|j I?4 prepared for th? solo purpose of? Wft ing Dyspepsia and the various fo ork of Indigestion, l,.,ly There Is scarcely a patent modi i,r,.. made bat what Is claimed to cure 1 Din- I'OPHia as well as a hundred o irOuuifK. '' nro an :i iii.tiu i ,. > ? remedy to cur.' Dvapepida mu?t prepared ?ipecl?lly for that ami ni .1.1 luir el?e; in hi iimuim nil the remix patent no?truin?, bittern. etc.. so ,1,.. tenalvely RdvertlHed, you >vlll And t,?V Stuarl'a Dyapepala Tablet* I* tin- < line advert lied a* <> cure for Dyape nml nothing elae. The remedy I* |uir.><l liy ilie Stuart Company. of N hIiiiII, Mich., and for aale by all di ' Klft? at Mi conta p.-r packuRt, and you KtiffiM- from any r.inn of Hton ' derangement or lMdlK>'"tlun u trial not disappoint you. n A little book on utomach trou '"T mailed fro.' Addren dtuart Comu 'W"1 Mian hull, Mich, FUR3-OEO. E. 81 - Geo. E. Sti >fr? In itm ... " ~~ " I* a m I-... IlM I FURS. .tins rale Ll1" __ _ , _ I FUF ms; Ickif IMS .11 SI Ml/' Ton 3ow :on; , i/er; rey; j !': Handsome Fur Cajpes less ltti? dollar. NOT our loss, to iidl^; it's a consignment direct i a"; is willing to make the sa ton; , IfM $ ... 50 tent * cot s CHINA SEAI enf. i 011(1 S ELECTRIC SE at 28 * and J? vice ~ MINK CAPE ?r h 7. S 1 13 cc P8Srks, tero Ik [un?rth Wl ?n'? tI|g At less than the manufacti <?. if there ever was an oppoi lay. hem FURS for little money in n'r? CAPES, satin lined, or 1 itjor .figured silks or Siberian sq i in 1 From and $4C IfXt and awn " * Geo. E. Sti >*M Fer- FOB RENT- | lVboMS TO RENT-CALL ON PJIEM- 4 oni 1\ ISES. No. 2503 Chapllne street il ani' deSMthAs* 3S_ , T^OR RENT-SEVERAL GOOD ROOMS \ ' 1 in the City Bunk Building. Inquire at I the City Bank of Wheeling. mr20 AO *"* "171011 RENT-NO. FIFTEENTH ~ I street. all modern Improvements, both T1 rery gases. hot and cold water, bath, Inside and T outside water closets. Apply to M. A. tic CHEW. Wheeling Boiler Works office, or re< S*r- ISC Fifteenth street. Jal2_ *L I210R RENT?BEST OFFICE ROOM IN *lt * the city; largo and plenty of light; > centrally located In best advertised build- wh Ing in the city. Also large hall for rent, ex tPr- Apply ?t HUB CLOTHIERS. Fourteenth elr ana Market streets. Ja31 \\\ FOR. HENT. ? .. . Desirable rooms on Market street, milta?? ! ble for great variety of purposes. WH1 ? remodel to suit tenant. Apply to 4. STAR FOUNDRY. 11,0 jax 1*20 Market Street. mgo -J - ~-r :r Kit it CAD DEMT * rooms. IS per month, on qu tioh nUfll. Island. In alley near Suspen- :r oll slon Bridge. ---/ TA TAIN ifi.000 on good real estate. ? >;?! tv uvaii! 0 1,5 PAP QAIP Improved Island property, A lbl> fUn OflLK. paying IX per cent. Also va? -*J ure, cant River lx>t near Yacht Landing. Co JAM KB L. IIAWLEY. J and ngnl Bwtatf'and Lo>n Agent. 106S Main St ipon an tlic FOR SALE. hit J!? CJAWMHil^-BIO. CHEAP. DENNIS f ,'jffo ^ SPLEEN, St. Marys. Pa. de!4 "T ,iai?s TjOR sale-a'kikst.class milli- a .Ij nery store, established fifteen years. l knr I.oratIon and trade best In the city. Sat- tht l* Isfnetory reanons ulven for selling. In- no quire of M. a. kemple, Hollnlre, Ohio. jo' fe3__ hn Stocks ron sale. m' 10 shares Wheeling Title and Trutt Co. f 1 Whltakor Iron Works bond. -I W) shares Wheeling Steel and Iron Co. A 20 shares (Jennan Fire Insurance Co. able W "hares Wheeling Railway Co. 1 _ 3 Wheeling Pottery bonds, 6 per cent. tht t-o., s Wheeling Steel & Iron Co. 6 D- c. bonds, no Suf. W shares llellalre Steel Co. do , 60 shares Wheeling Bridge Co. un dete y shares Exchange Hank. 80] able It. 8. IRWIN, Broker. 22 Twelfth St. pr. Mse ' JaH ufl 'the IT'OR SALE. _t be x r 5S A FES CHOICE LOTS AT BDGIHGTOH. g Olio ,|elK CHEAP AN I* ON KA8Y TKKSU. w. v. HOGE. & Bank Building. 1300 Market St. 'hi ? FOR SHL-Er the rr >ml My residence, No. 64 Flf- _ if ? teenth street Nina rooms, In- " Iouk eluding bath room; all modern conveniences; laundry and ? ' finished canar; largo yaru j?Hla i?. roar. the ARCHIE T. HUPP. ios>* A! J OS- Speldol Grocery Co. 3 for^ALBT t. It STOCKS AND BONDS. |)] PUr" Aetna-Standard preferred. ? >rms Aetnn-Standanl common. Wheeling Ice and StoruRe Companj. oin.i Wheeling 8Wei and Iron Company. IT u.l Wheeling Pottery Company. Warwick China Company. 1 met n.-ihtire Steel Company. t ? Wheeling & Belmont Bridge Company. bo Sow Steel Hrldgo. nth- Wheeling Hallway Company. X Junction Iron and Steel Company. 'J' Central <Jlam? Company. I hat ?nlv Wheeling Steel und Iron Cotnpnny. unlit Wheeling Pottery Company. pri Nnw 8tcH Bridge. ?? - HOWARD HAZLETT. No. 1311 Market strut. lOCll STOCKS. BONDS AN'I) INVESTMENTS. /TPiDHKS FOIt Tin: MOST COMPI.I. C I / PATKD AND lNTWOATB DKSIUNS 01 * or |.j(iNTIN(t . ... fully 1.1.(1 Intnlligontly ? ?"? romnl.t..! at tl... INTKU.IOKNCER JOB T I PRINTING UFVIL'U. JL riFBL & 00. J ifel & Co. *S. FURS. than fifty cents on the ut YOUR GAIN, for Erom the furrier, who . "" ; criffce to get CAS& ' ' A AL :s UNSIGNED TO US; TO DISPOSE OP [THIN ONE WEEK ' . **.v' ? trer's actual cost, and rtunity to get GOOD Wheeling it is now. lined with handsome "x .j, i - . uirrel? | and up as &f |A f high as .? q)IIU* ifel & Co. WANTED. GENTS WANTED?ADDRE8S OR L apply GRAND UNION TEA CO.. No. Knltlmoro street, Cumberland. Md. jal irANTED?DRUGGIST. REGISTER> ED by examination, wants position, dress DRUGGIST, caro of Intelligencer ice. Jair ; . [fANTED-AT ONCE. A REGISTERS V ED pharmacist for general prescript n work. Must be competent and wall commended. Address SMITH'S PHAR%CY. Clarksburg. W. Va. jal [7*ANTED - SITUATION A8 EN> GINEER in private electric plant. lere steam is used for power. Ten years' perlcnce with steam; four years with * ctriclty. Wheeling reference. Address 8. HOFFMAN. Moreantown. W. Va. " " "" jay IT ANTED?SOLICITOR FOR "fiRYV AN'S Battle for Free Sliver," with >graphy of Bryan and wife; also speechBonansa for agent?. Tremendous deind. Commission GO per cent. Credit ren. Freight paid. Outfit fre^.'.Write Ick. DOMINION CO , Chicago. U*f OBSKBAL NOTICH8. . "l>MlN*liTKATOIVs"NOTlCE. ' 1 k. . ' . , laving been appointed administrator of s estate of Timothy Patrick McCarthy.- 1 ceased, 1 request all parties knowing ; 1 >mselves Indebted to him to please call ' d settle, and those having claims against' n please present them for payment.''-. JOB JKAVONS,Jr.\ . e8* 101> McCoUoch st?^&?jj DMIXISTRATOR'S NOTICE. laving been appointed administrator of 5 estate of John Walford. deceased. I i tlfy all persons knowing themselves tnnted to him to call and settle, and those vlng clatms will present them for pa$rjam ICS j. town all.- ' e3* No. 8529 Jacob street; j ~DMIN18TRAT0R'S NOTICE. laving been appointed admlnlstratpr of i* estato of Alexander Frew, deceased, r-j tlce is hereby-given to all porsons<ln* htod to said estate to settle with thf derslgned without delay, and all perns having claims against said estate will rxent such claim*, properly certified by Idavtt, for settlement. JOHN FREW. Administrator,. > ic21 No. 27 Fourteenth str?tp / DISSOLUTION NOTICE. 'he firm of Sonneborn & Frldenhcrjr-ha* is day been dissolved by mutual agree>nt, S. S. Frldenberg retiring. The busies of the lato llrm of Sonneborn & Prlnberg, doing business as The Hub othlers, will be continued by M. Sonnern. who will pay all clafms against and *cipt for all money owing the said flrra. t M. SONNKBOBN. 8. 8. FRIDENBERO. Vheellng W. Va.. Feb. 1, 1S97. fel bicycles! C)uting" Jicycle, A strictly high grade wheel for 65. Call andsee It at Hon,Wheat & llancher Co's. WILLIAMS TYPEWRITER^ 'he Williams typewriter Prints like a press, and you can see every letter and every word the moment printed. The Intelligencer uses and recommends the Williams. J* DPP & PEVORE.