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THE LEGISLATURE. \rbxUa* Oaakoat BHI Cwn oihcr Bllblmmtbiti. fipMttl Dlspatoh to tha Inttlllfaneer, rHAIU.HSTON, W. Vn., Fob. 8^tftc ?"nnt? met at 10 n. ra. The committee gn banka find corporhtlon*. reported bark not to paas aenate Bill No. 131, abollahltt* Uaya of KTace. Engrossed home bUI No. 1H iiutlwrlsln* tho council of Ml>?llnr to appropriate 11.100 for tha jiurpoao of tniklne certain sifts to the Unltotl Etatea gunboat, Whcellnir. was taken up, tho constitutional rule' requiring that each bill bo read on tbrco dlfferetil days, was auapended and the ( jijll nai ??> ? ? ?? und and third tlme.and pained, with its provision that It Ukes effect from It* passage. engrossed senate bill N<\ 110, relating to teachers certificate, was puas^Engrossed senate bill No. 136, concerning the publication of nominations, tots made the special order lor Friday at U a* m. Senate bill No. 126. to atrithd the act Incorporating the town ot CJarksburg, on its second reading, was made the special order for to-morrow, at 2 p. m. The following senate bills were ordered to-their engrossment anA third rat ding: So. 7, to ensat* a criminal court for Mingo county; No.-B5, t\> extend the time in which railroad companies, under certain circumstance*, can have time to furnish the construction of their road*; No. 87, concerning tint mtoippropriatlon of public.and other funds by sheriff, and other.officers;No. 1J3. to permit the judge of the fifth Judicial circuit to employ a short hand writer; No. 117. to amend the, code concerning the fixing the time for holding the circuit courts of the several circuits; No. 122, to require bonds to be voted on at special elections. Mr. Marshall Introduced senate hill No. Unamending the code In relation to the taxation of inheritance. The following .house bills were ordered to their,second reading: No. 60. concerning taxe$'erroneously V.-* '?fi nilatlmr in f h#> I.-! mil H^5WVU. ow. ?> . . - of summons Issued by just low: No. 20. to authorise the lease at the Berkeley .Springs property: $?o. 35, to apportion to Morgan countv a member of the house of delegates; No. 30. to prevent cruelty to animals: No. feinting to the-adjustment of damages, and coats, where the stock law Is In force. The senate then adjourned. In < lie JIoum. The house convened at 10 a. ni. Mr. Won. from the committee on labor, reported back house bill N\>. .'Jii. to establish eljrht hours as u lawful day's labor, recommending thai It do not jwss. A communication was received from Hon. I. V. Johnson, state auditor, accompanied by several statements In regard to taxes received from insurance companies, expenditures for public printing, etc. Mr. Leach Introduced house bill No. VX to prohibit the burial ui .the cemetery at Moundsville of tht! bodies of convicts* who may die in the penitcu tiary. - ' Mr. Garvin Introduced a joint resolution providing for the erection of tablets or monuments on the battlefields of Point Pleasant, and Fort Henry, In Wheeling. u...wu? hin N.v 137. concerning elec tlons, coming up. was made the special order for to-morrow at 11 o'clock. Mr. Cltyie Introduced house bill No. SK-to provide for a special school elt-ction In McDowell counts*:, house bill No. 170, in relation to securing nnd holding drift property, was ordered to Us engrossment and third reeling. House bill No. ^43, empowering: the l?oard of education of St.' Albans, to ls*u(* bonds, was ordered to Us second reading. The following engrossed/ bouse bills were passed: i-V So. 94. relating to toll roods, and turnpikes: No. 11C. to extend time to the board of education of Islington, to Issue bonds; No. 130. fixing the time for holding the circuit courc of Tyler, county: No. 132. amending, the act relating to the independent nchool district of New Creek, In Mineral county; No. 161, relating to the ejection of county superintendents: N6. .232. authorising the city council of Wheeling to contract to furnish water*'to other corporations and municipalities; Xo. 10. to create the office of gam* and fish warden; No. 70, concerning the killing p.' deer: No. 86, extending the time for which distraint nnd tale may be made Tor taxes: No. 153. raising the age of forwent; No. 3S, relating to'the weigh House bill No. "IS5, relation, to the u<c of property for immoral purpose? en Its sfteond reading wns made the special order for to-morrow." at 2 p. m. Senate bill No. 101. fixing the time for holding the circuit courts of Clay nd Calhoun counties, was ordered to 1:* third reading. Bngrosted house bill No. 211, authorizing the county court oC Jefferson county to refund St* bonds at a lower rate of Interest, was passed. Senate bill No. 114.* for the relief of th? sureties on the official bond of J. A. Lambert, late sheriff of Wyoming county. was ordered to its second reading. Mr. Hens'naw Introduced house bill No. 357. to amend the charter of MartiriHburg. A resolution was adopted, directing the Janitor of the oapJtol byjlding: to plac? in the hall r.f the houseitnc choirs purchased from the Grand Itnplds Furniture Company, several years a?o. and directing the flnaVice committee to nam* in the appropriation Mil. an amount sufficient to pay for them. The house then adjv?urncd. REBUFF OF THE AN0LI0AVS And Tlielr llrtort Upon flir Itoninn Cnrin. Kvamlimttoit n Sham. v-ummnnung upou Smith'* paper on the pope's encyclical en Anglican orders, published in the Contemporary Review, thtf Church Standard (P. B.) of Philadelphia says: "Every successful attempt to defend the papal condemnation of Anglican'orders Rn?'n only to confirm us in the ^belief, which wo have hold from the first, that the pretehflfd examination of the validity of Anglican orders by thu Roman Curia wan a sham and a pretence; that 1' w?h their predetermined purpose from the beginning to sustain the former action of the Curia and Clf'ftjrmt IX. In i'04; that thoir own examjnfiion of the fact* showed tho orders of the Church of England to stand ut) clear that every one of the old objo<\t|oj)H had l>? successively abandoned; and thai. In order to Justify a condom tnrt ion which they were determined to pronounce without regard to faet or truth, they arc now actually compelled to change the doctrine of the Roman Church Itself on the whop* subject of ministerial Intention, as th- pope him"elf expounds It in this v? ry en&yUcal. Pother Hmlth protests with unction, as others do, that Leo XIII., the suave, the gracious. the benignant, the charitable Pontiff of the time, could be mv/ryd by aiotives of policy in the cxerdtojr of a Judicial function. We must frankb' eonb'ss that this a priori argument does not **'n? to tis to be overwhelming; Leo - " III. IM ftprDTI* nil TIllfllfM t## poiiutho encyclical Apontollene Curae ti* no exalted opinion *?f MV-Jndl?'l?l character or capacity; bin If h* had nil |||.. grow* that hl:< frelndn nlleae, and none of th<? temptation?* of .1 bollt* leal pontiff, we cannot forget that !>< ?ln?! him In the Curia, nnd that tlir; Curia Is "vor ko much tilrongoi than th?j pope." HIVK3 nre not daniferouN to Iff.v ' "t they nr<> n prolific breeder of inl?tr' mid profHnit v. Doxn'H < Hiittnont ? ' liiftant relief, even In thf/ivor*t <'? ?* of this nnd other exa?i#fatirijr a!*e??ps of the nkln. , vj y, 4 I,A1| <1rtjcfff?in trunrnnteo Dr. Mil** Paih *'luuo ttop Headache. "Uno ccnt ?i duno." A If AFTIIOTBD FAMILY. WHU Dnnuhirr III* Motlirr U Serl* ou*ly Injured In a ItuuRway. Special Cprroiuondenca. MORQANTOWN, W. Va., Feb. 7.Yesterdny afternoon a terrible accident occurred, whlfihrfor a tlino threatened to result fatally. Mlaa Lula darlow'a roinalna have been lying liore since Thursfather, who has been on bin cattlo ranch In Colorado. Mm. Garlew haa been prostrated ever alnoe tho death occurred and tho doctor, advised that she bo driven out for the benefit of tho air. Accordingly J. Kwing Davis, a prominent attorney, of Ohlcago, and a former professor of tho university, took her out. They drove to tho cemetery - .1 ? Ulua ntiu ncit'ciru ?v iuv iw mv Gar low. TUIs duty performed they drovo aorno distance further up the road. On turning in a narrow placo tho carrlago caught u. gas pipe and broke it The escaping gas frightened the hones and a runaway resulted. The carriage struck several telephone poles and ilnally struck one squarely, being completely demolished and throwing the occupants out against a fence. Mr. Davis sustained several very bud bruises and cuts and nvas terribly shaken up. Mrs. Gurlow's shoulder was broken, a bad cut on the head, and, it was at llrst thought, that she had been Injured internally. It was some time before she regained consciousness. She is now resting easier und it is thought that she will recover. The funerut of Mi as <3arlow occurred this afternoon and was a notable one. She wus a graduate of Beaver college, Pa., West Virginia "University and would have graduated ut Bryn Mawr in June, taking Ph. D. Bhe was lying In one room and her mother In an adjoining one too ill to move. The family is very wealthy and prominent, and th?> calamities which have so suddenly befallen tliein is causing great sorrow. HUNDREDS of precious little ones owe their lives to Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc t>11. the sovereign cure for croup und ull other throAt or lung diseases. 1 FINANCE AND TRADE. The Fralnni of the Money mid Stni-U Mnrkrts, NEW YORK, Feb. 8,?Mdney on call easy at per cent; last loan per cent: cIokim! offoivd ?t 1u i?i?r cent. Prime mercantile paper 3@4 per cent. Sterling exchange steady with actual business In bankers' bills at $4 4 for demand und 54 SIMtt/4 81% for sixty days; posted rates $4 \T? and $4 S7*4 #4 XS; commercial bills $4 834. Sliver certificates t>4T?<&f..">?ie. Bar silver fil3ie. The overwhelming proportions of the transactions ??u the stock exchange today were in the industrial stocks with Sugar far in the lead In point <?f actlv. Ity. Many factory combined to depress this group of stocks, and the narrow, limits or transactions In the General list made It easily subject to the depressing influences of tho leaders with the consentience that the course of the market was sharply downward during ihe day. with a marked rally towards the close. The situation in the Industrials coniinueu much the same as for some time? past, ail being depressed by the proceedings in this city of the legislative committee, which is now Investigating the sugar company, with n flirt ner investlgation of other companies still In prospect. Sugar, us being Immediately th?; subject of investigation and as being open to other unfavorable coiwll/Hons, was, in thd van *?r the downward movement, which began with the opening und after a period of apathy continued in a manner resembling partial dr. moralizatlon. There was evidence or quite a heavy liquidation in this stock. Th< whol- market becama a victim ??r this movement, the Industrials in mark* 'ln?wu onil ih? Hot ft-ncllnn. ally. There woa .1 notable lack of sunport for the yielding market and the decline was practically unoppos<Kl. The decline In the price of Sugar in -nln movement was 2 Sic. Leather preferred yielded IVi. Tobacco 1V?. Chicago <!as 1 and Illinois Steel 1 per cent. In the railway list Hock Island fell ofT Ity, Northern Pacific 1, Northern l'aclfic preferred 1\%- and Delaware & Hudson 1 per cent. Some Influence was also caused on the market by an unfounded rumojr that Admiral llunce'M squadron of Tnited States warships had Wen ordered to jjavann to enforce the release of American prisoner* ther*. There waa also some depression reflected from London and Kurope over the friction between tho .British and . rench governments over Egypt. But the decisive influence in the market was the Lcxow trust investigation committee and the day's proceedings before it. This was shown by the rally which occurred Ip the market upon th" announcement that this committee had adjourned over until Saturday. Tobacco;thowever. benefited only 'i per cent 011 account of the belief that It is to be the next company to be taken up by the Investigating committee. The dealings in other shares were without special significance, the course of prices being almost wholly In sympathy with the industrials. The trading was somewhat unset'!-v] after ti.e raiiy, but the closing was in. London soi-i at the outset, ^ut .aur turned ' Atfhi.min new common stork was llrai dealt In to-day ami aolu at The bond market was fairly firm. Government bonda strong. The Evening Posi'i Jvonilon llnanclal cablegram: There were heavy and depressed markets to-day, owing ' > political ?v>mpllcation. They closed above the lowest. Nothing Is doing. There ivas mucli bear selling because easy money remains a factor. Americans wi?r<j tveak, cloning at the low est. Japan bought 100.000 In Bold. The Paris and Herlln markets were weak. BONDS .AND STOCK QUOTATIONS. New P. S. -in reg122%' Nash. ft Chat.. 00 New r.8. It . N J. Central. .. W U. H. reg. 113% Nor. ft VV. i>r?:.. 17*i 1". S. 5* coupon.. US'* Northern Pae... 1." i8. Is i ?g lil-. -to preferri d. . : .7. I*. 8. Ih coupon..Ill**: Northwestern P. S. 2s rri{ do preferred...Kd Pacific ;? of '05. .pi.iv N. Y. Central... :<? AtCh! 'in .. 11: * >' V H? A'honn i:xpre?9.HH t Oregon Nav II Am. Kxpress ip.'tji Pacific Ala II 2" lliil. .v Ohio 15>ii Pittsburgh ICflft Can. Southern... Wt* In . Central Pacific.. N Ifoek Inland Wrii <*#!< ?. ft Ohio.... 1T'.4 St. Paul 7 Cnl. ft Alton....HH ?lo preferred...IKi Chi.. Jiur. ft Q.. ":,h Kt. Paid ft ("?.... 18% Chicago Clan jp.-* do preferred. C. ('. O. (v St. h. SUKHI- Itelhiery. .I13H Col. Coal ft Iron. 2 -Tenn. Coal ft I.. 2fi,n Cotton Oil Cer... U's Texas PacIHe? !"i Dol. A Hudson.. 10SH Tol. A C. pro. Dei., ijiek. ft w.ia'i I nlon Pacific .. 'rk Den. ft R. O. p.. IP; S. tixprc*t?.,. : II - vv m I A ! I . do flrit pr??. i1 v preferrr?l . i tin ni<nml | r Well* I'ariro ICx. ! ? Illinois <\. * * <!. 'r> U'o.'trrn I'nlon.. K\ Kim. & Tft* pro. ?>'4; Wheel'* ft U. K. V-j l.uke Krl?* * ^ preferred... "s ?lo preferred... **t*n. Wleetni... h I*kn Hhore Aiil H.i?ar ore..1--' Lend Trunt -- i I H. leather p.. . .?*$ I,ou. & WV Tobacco . Mich Central... ?i" preferred,..10Qfc Mo. PaclfU- iWi' |lrca?Ntlin'? oimI Protliloui. CHICAGO.?Wheat to-d.iy cloned at about decline after having Hold nearly if cent afoov Saiurday'a close.' Fljrure* on th* world'# vl?lbl?- mipply cut unite n ..fiuro In tlie day h Hpeettla* t j, i|i, ,[ ii ;i 1111 ..ill v.i I' ' I'll' M? "CeiRDlete J^a^ood H#w10 A""'" //J k irn I A Wrniilerfiit Xtw I IL l\MV( AKMIIcaI Book,written W\Jjh | { M for Mon Only. Ono vKH iilil If \J ""P5*uiny ' " l,art frc? XU MrAJl on aI'P"Cftt,on ERIE MEDICAL CO. noprAto, w.v. j I Cooks and Cooking j | have always been Important factors in the proper ordering of life. To-day we have ! * * ' * * * many good cooks, and much good cookery, but the best cooks and cookery use, and are the result of the use, of ! ' ' , i Pillsbury's 3 est ; j FLOUR. I I "WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES." GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OP SXPOLIO corn declining: ftc and on,ts i?c; provisions were firm, but show trifling changes. Th?? news that traders In wheat had to start their operations was not very encouraging for a bull market. Liverpool was only ifcd higher at the opening lhanJt closed Saturday, which was disappointing, Inasmuch as it was a very Inadequate response In Saturday's l*4c advance here. JJeerbohm's report of the world's clearances of wheat and Hour for the last week, whlcli came In before the opening gave the figures as 6,S')0 000 bushels and the heavy Increase thus shown had a marked effect. Minneapolis and Duluth receipts were not encouraging by any means, the total for the two places being 511 ears against 421 Inst week, and 6.15 on the corresponding day of the y?*ar before. These were the conditions under which May wheat, which closed at 77?: on Saturday, opened to-day with Kellers ut from 76tyc down to 76%c. Hut the market became Strong Immediately after the opening. The early figures on the world's visible supply indicated a very large decrease, so large, In fact, that it made shorts scramble to cover their lines. Holders of wheat were not disposed to let go. the consequence being that the price of May got up to 77"*c before any material reaction oceurrred. Meantime local port clearances were reported at 435.000 bushels. A decline to'fj7CTKC occurred, when an Increase in the Knglfch visible supply was announced. hut this was quickly suc$Mfaed by the advanct? to 77'ic, the hQfh point of the day. wlikih occurred on the posting of the world's visible figures, showing iv total decrease of l,706,000 bushel?. Then the decline commenced, slowly at first, but gaining momentum as the session drew to a close. U was due almost entirely to realizing, though this was undoubtedly accelerated by the world's shipments, which last week were 1,500 bushels larger than the week before. New York reported that .foreigners had turned free sellers then'. May finally got down to ?6!?e and closed at 76^$76%c. Corn maintained ItN price well until the closing drop in wheat, but during the progress of the latter it emulated wheat's weakness ami closed at a decllne for the day of %c per bushel in May. Receiving houses were' active seller. The visible supply increased 1,394.* 00O bushels. May opened a shade lower at 24!?. sold at -l,.-3{?!M,\c and decdned to 23?#f$24e, where it closed. Oats were quiet during the flrst/part of tho session. but with a tendency toward firmness. Later, however, the market was very weak, partially through sympathy with wheat and partly through liberal selling by the professional shorts. A heavy business was done at the decline; May opened a shade lower: at 17-}><{?> lTtyc, sold at 179ic and declined to 17 ie, establishing a low point for the crop. The market closed at 1714c. Provisions were well sustained amid the bearish feeling In grain, a firm hog market, with comparatively light receipts, giving tone to the market. The closing weakness In grain sliced off most of the day's slight advance, however. At the clone .May pur* nun u.n??, higher at $7 65, May lard 2',?c higher at S3 S2'fc and May rlba '2\liC higher at S3 I?2".5. Kstlm'dled receipts Tuesday: Wheat, 2S cars: corn. 640 curs; oats 4!M) cars; hogs, 36,000 head. Open- High' Low- j fclosIhk. est. ext. itifc. \Vh. nt No. 2. Kel> 7fi 76% 7." 75 May 7?U 77 ? 7?H 71% July 72* 73VS? 72 U 72?i Corn. No. 2. Fell 2.". 21". <21?i 21*? May 2?V 2?\i 23%: 23% July 2'' 2'?V sr. i 23 Sept :<,> 2Gv4; 11?Uf 2BJ4 Oat.". No. 2. . | Feb is\ i i"-', iw May 17S 17**1 J7?ij 17V? July lSii 1W?| 17*4: IS Mess Fork. May 7 fl7'3 7 77>,! 7 e2W 7 ? July 7 SG 7 85 I 7 80 | < SO I a ft! Mnv 3 82'?.j 3 K." [ 3 S2**f 3 S2\<t July 3 KW. a 10 ! 3 'JO "I 3 ?2Vj Short Rlbp. i ; I May 3 W'-j 1W ' 3WU 3 92% July 1 1 t?:'? 4 Cashljuotn tIons \vc ro as follows: Flour sieuuy. Wheat?No. - spring 7r.^75%c; No. 3 spring 76c; No. 2 red s^'sifi.SiWjc, Corn?No, - 22,/t<&22%c; No. 2 yellow 22!4$?22%e. " Oats- Nu. 2 lGVJc: No. 2 whlto 19J&0 21? : No. :: white lG*;M19Vjc. Rye?No. 2 r?;Vie. Marley?No. 2 nominal; No. 3 21?35c; No 4 JW'JSc. Flaxseed?No. 1 74?76K-c. Timothy Seed?Prime $2 6.". . Mess Pork?Per barrel $7 tiOtf/7 fi.". Lard?Per 100 pounds 70. Short Ribs?Sides (loose) 7."i<fr4 00; dry salted shoulders (boxed) !'xc> I'ao; short eloars sldto (boxed) 4 *<97*4o. Whisky Distillers' finished Koud/i. per gallon 51 17. Sugar*?Cut loaf C.Hc; granulated Mile. Butter?Marker llrm; creameries 1G{? 20>{.e; dallies 9017c. Cheese'-Steady at Mcft'jc. Kg^r? Firm; fresh 11',4c. xrnuv vniiiv?Flour, receipts lrt.:?00 hart'Hf; rxporta 23.N5G barrels; market quiet for Hprliur patents hold higher; winter brand* more active nnd Hteady. Wheat. reeelptH <10.125 bushel*^ export* 7!?.."on |>iishrl.?:; spot market weaker; No. I Jiar.l New Vork Ol'^o; option* opened ?-a.ilOr and cloned about Vi?' loner; Xo. 2 red February closed at S4Vfc?*: M ly 'dosed at Si"So,1 Corn, reeelptH UI.:i7'? bushel*; ?pol market weaker; N??. 28!Ke;# option* opened r.-ady and eloped -V lower: February <1 wed at 2Si)ie; MAy "fiy,c closhur. Ontx. refcolpt* 112,70(1 butdielH; oxport* 20,."?.ris 1?ii?Ii.1h; spot inarhi'i steady; No. 2. 21%'e; optIoiim opened steady and elo*ed Vji* lower; February cloned at 21V*; May closed at 21-lie. May w -.ilk. Hops steady. Hldea firm. leather Arm. I;? ?>f tirm Outwent* firm. Lard jit<?adUr; we* u?rn Htwnined $1 00; refined Cjulel. I'ork *fviily. Tallow dull and ea*y. Cottonseed oil uteady. Konln utoady. Turpentine Hleaily. nir,? steady. ,MoUi*kcs quiet. Coffee, option* opened q'lilet and unchanged f> pnlnt* lower nnd clogftd Inactive and unchanged io four point* net decline; INCREASE YQDR INCOME BY SPECULATION IN GRAIN, PROVISIONS AND STOCKS. Continuous quotations from Chicago and Xew York received direct by private wires. SIjAOLK 4i> CO., Urokoi, 13*13 .Market Ml. Telephone 275. ComnilH?lon Vtsales 1.000 bags. Sugar, raw dull; fair r?-Mnlng''L,^io;centrifugul 96 teat, 3 5-3l!c; refined dull. BALTIMORE--Flotrr -firm: western family $4 25@>4 60; winter wh^at patents $4 7.r?rfi.*i 00; spring S4 40&>4 63: receipts 6.007 barrels;^ shipments none. firnu.-r; spot S9^e bid; May S4%$'&5c; receipts 900 bushelH; exports none. Southern wheat by sample 90?' 91c; do on grade f?5?)90<*. Corn steady; spot and month HT?%*.<J*'25Thc; May 28? lis^c; ^receipts 173,346 bushels; exports 220,99.' bushel*; southern white corn 2Sc; yellow 28V?c. Oats quiet und steady; No. 2 white 24^24Vic: receipts 11,794 busitfN; exports 168,500 bushels, ltyo firm: N"o. 2 western 42,/i?42*ic; receipts 21,335 busneia; export nunc. Hay firm; choice timothy $13 50014 00. Sugars steady; granulated 4.33e per 100 lbs. Butter firm; fancy creamery 31 f j22c. Eggs firm: fresh 14c. Cheese firm: fancy New York large 12U<\ CINCINNATI?Plour steady; fancy S4 20ft 4 40; family $3 50ff3 SO. Wheat quiet: No. 2 red MJc; receipts 1.000 bush?'Ih; shipments 2.000 bushels. Corn Arm: No. - mixed 23'ic. Oats quiet: No. 2 inlxed 19c. Rye quiet; No. 3, 36c. Lard tlrmer at $3 60. Bulkmeats firm at $4 25. Bacon dull at Jf> 00. Whiskey active; sale*, 935 barrels on basin of $1 17 for spirits. Butter steady. Sugar stronger; hard refined J.". 2805 10. Eggs firmer at ll'frc. Cheese Arm; good to prime Ohio flat u'-itfilOc. TOLEDO.?Wheat active and weak: No. 2 cash 89c: May 89%c. Corn active und steady: No. 2 mixed 22%c. Oats lull: No. 2 mixed 18c. Rye quiet; No. 2 cash 87c. Cloverseed active and lower; prime casH 00; March $5 00. PHILADELPHIA?Butter firmer; fancy western creamery 21W2U?e. Eggs steady: fresh nearby 14Va(#15c;do western Uli^luc. Cheese steady. I?lvr Miuck. CHICAGO?In cattle buyers took advantage of the Increased supply to force a decline of about luc In beef steers, prime ones excepted. Common to choice steers sold nt $3 600*5 25, chiefly at $4 00$25 00 and extra fine caitle were scarce and pretty much at 20#3 50. Trade was good In feeders at slightly lower prices. In hogs packers and shippers were active buyers ers ami they paid about 5c more than at the close las: w?'?k. i.nmmon uj prime droves sold tit S3 15g23 65. the I bulk or the hogs felling at 53 3?(D3 60. } lit sheep there was an excellent de; mand and prices were strong. Sales j were at S- ".05i4 00 for common to choice Hacks of sheep, with westerns and Mexicans selling: at J3 JVitfH 00 and extra natives mostly nominal at 14 4 25. Yearling's sold readily at $3 S'rft I 40 and lambs were In good demand at S4 0005 00 Receipt*?Cattle 1s.o"w head; hops 32,000 head; sheep 15,000 head. BAST LI BERTY?Cattle active; prime 54 90?." 10; feeders $.1 60?4 00; hulls, atRRfl and cows $1 75?3 50. Hops octlve; prime medium $3 70J?3 75: best Yorkers 53 6503 70; pig* 53 60?3 60; heavy hogs 53 4503 55; roughs 5J 25? 3 25. Sheep steady; prices unchanged; choice lambs *5 0005 20; common <o good 14 00&4 85. Veal calves 56 0006 60. CINCINNATI?Hogs active at |2 76?? 3 ⅈ receipts 4,COO head; shipments SOO head. Drr ('Omit. NEW YORK?The feature of the market wax the purchase by the American Printing Company, of seven hundred and fttfy thousand pieces ??4 square print cloths that relieves Fall River of the entire stock of that stock of goods. The offect on this market was exceedingly healthful and while there was an Increased demand for light brown cottons, buyers found the market against them. The demand for light and heavy weight woolens was of renewed importance n?? I: also was for wool dress goods. There waft- a wide order request for many moderate assortments of all classes of plain and fancy cottons that In the aggregate took great many good*. NEW VOniv? Pig iron cary: southern IHOOJMUOO; northern 111 00013 00. Copper quiet; lake brokers' $1-' (to; exchange SI 2 00. Tin dull; straits $13 45ft 13ft.'; plates eisy. Spelter linn; domesI tie $1 o.'iii J 12^?. Lead quiet; exchange | ?;i ; f'i ; 2~,&; brokers' $2 90. St. Louis reports strong markets for ly?J. Il'rlrnttiim. OIL CITY.-?Credit balances 00r; eor? " ? 12i!.4L'0 liiitTcIa: runs 1C2,W barroK j\'K YORK.? Petroleum, Pennslyvania cruuc mi -uy; March U2,/4c bid. Wool. xr.w YOHic?Wool quiet. A COlIf?H Is a danger signal of worse troubles to conv. Cure the cough and prevent it" result* by using Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. 2 ALL the different forms of skin trouUfrom chapped hands to eczema and Indolent ulcers can be readily cured by DuWItt's Witch llAsel Salve, the great pile cure. C. It. Gnotze, Cor. Twelfth and MnrKet. streets; Bowl a ?< Go., Bridgeport; l'cabody &. Hon, Ben wood, & CASTORIA For Infant* and Children. Wl fl!- . /7 / I >&& !: '.a?.i'.v."/v''pv..-.' EDUCATIONAL. MRS. HART'S SCHOOL FOR YOUNG.. LADIES AND CHILDREN. I3J6 AND 1318 MARKET STRCLT, MILLING, W. VA. SIXTH ANNUAL SESSION. This school offers a comp!ot? and thorough education in Practical English, Mathematics, English Classics, Latin, Modern Languages and Elocution. . ' AItT BTUDIO, conducted by Mrs. Eva Hubbard. offers superior advantages for Pencil. Charcoal. Water Color, Crayon Drawings and Oil Pslntlng. Boys received In tlio Primary and Intermediate Department*. For circulars or Interview, apply to MRS. M. STEVENS HART, Principal, WHEELING. W. VA. ? * m ? * a m. i 1 ' DAY AND IMIbm SCHOOL, The only school In the city with established reputation. Why take any rink? Then patronlso the one responsible financially and otherwise. Only LATEST Business Method* taught, and JUST AS PRACTICAL uh In our most modern business house*. COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND, ENGLISH AND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENTS. Tuitions low as In any other school. Roth sexes: enter any time. Call or address tor catalogue. Wheeling BUSINESS COLLEGE COBMR MAIH AMP IWILITH STREETS. BICYCLES. "Outing" Bicycle, A strictly high grade $85 wheel for f6$. Call and see it at Dillon, Wheat & hancher Co's. FINANCIAL. G. LAMB. Pres. JOsTsEYBOLD. Cashier. J. A. JEFFERSON, Asst. Cashier. BANK OFWHEELING. CAPITAL $200,000, PAID IX. WHEELING, W. VA. DIRECTORS. A lion Brock, Joseph F. Paull, James Cummins, lienry Bleberson, A. Keymann, Joseph Scybold. Gibson Umb. Interest paid on special deposits. Issues drafts on England, Ireland and Scotland. JOSEPH 8EYBOLD, tn yll Cashier. gANK OF THE OHIO VALLEY. CAPITAL--, ,<....'..-$175,000. WILLIAM A. I SETT) T... President MORTIMER POLLOCK.... Vice President ^Drafts on England. Ireland, France and DIRECTORS. William A. Isett, Mortimer Pollock, J. A. Millar. Robert Simpson. E. M. Atkinson. John K. Botsford. Julius Pollock. _ ja!8 J. A. MILLER, Caehler. XCllANGE LA.NL CAPI PAL. ~ S300.000J. N. VANCE President JOHN FREW Vice President DIRECTORS. J. N. Vance, George K.'StlfcU J. M. Brown, William Ellinghaxn, John Frew, John L. Dickey* John Wuterhouse. W. E. Stone, W. IT. Frank. Drafts Issued on England. Ireland, Scotland and all points In Europe. L. E. SANDS. Cashier. RAILROADS. ytfffi^BALT^'oKircilo" AMRggHUfk Dcparturo and arrlv?1 or trains at WheelH ln*; , Eastern ^ time. ^ill VUCWfc rtUV. *Kor lia! [imore^'p^ino^^BWttuQS^r delphlu and Now York, Cumberland Accommodation, Ufoo a. m., daily except Sunday. Grafton Accommodation. 3:40 p. in. dally. ARRIVE. From New York. Philadelphia and Bal* tlroore. 8:20 a. m., dally. Cumberland Exprew, 4:25 p. m., dally. Cumberland Accommodation, i:25 p. m., except Sunday. Grafton Accommodation, 10:10 a. m., dally. TRANS-OHIO DIVISION. For Columbus and Chicago, 7:35 a. m. and 3:45 p. m.. dally. Columbus and Cincinnati Express 10:ib a. m. dally. 11:40 p. m. dally, except Saturday, and 2:40 a. m. Sunday only. Sandusky Mall 10:15 a. m., dally. Newark Accommodation, 3:10 p. nv dnlly, except Sunday. ?St Clalrxvlllo Accommodation, 10:18 a. m., and 3:10 p. m.. except Sunday. ARRIVE. Chicago Express, 1:16 a. m. and 11:10 a. "cThcliinntl Express, MS a. m. and 5:30 p. "s'snduaia Mull. I:? p m., daily. Newark AJ'omniodatluii. 10:5s a. m., dally except 8unday._ Hi GUUrSVlllO Jlrconiinutgminn, ju:? n m. and r.:30 p. m.. dnlly. "xorpl Sunday. WHEELING * PITTSBURGH DtV. For PlttMmrith. 5:10 ?;iJ 7:00 a. m. and C:40 i>. m . dally. *nil 1:SS p. m.. dally, ex. '"for rttlaDUWli and the East. S:10 a. m. and S:<0 p. m.. dnlly. AltHIVE. From Pittsburgh. 10:10 a. m. and S:5S p. m.. -iully: il:S? P- m.. dally, Hutuf. day, and S:30 a. m.. Sunday only; i2:3u p. in excoPl Sujulny. in., excel e|1AS Q SCULL. O. P. A.. BolUmora, aid. OHIO RIVER RAILROAD COMPANY. Time Table In ?'fr<>ct July 12, jjioc. Dally f Dally oxeppt Bunday. Kaatern Tlmo. Hout h Hound./ | 1 I < I 5 J 'T vin P.TCJC.&St.Ipi Jo. mTpTnT "~ Pittsburgh, I'tt .l.v. I *9:I0{tl2:-IS hi. in. p. in. WluM'lInu' i*!!:.,.. i.(av. * m-lp- m.lp. nT * Wheeling ?:25112:0I *i:iR Motindnvllln 12:3*} New Martinsville... 8:00| l:i'.% BlUlcnvH"* \YI1llatn?towii ? 3:03! 7tf3 a ni. Parkoraburg I0.W .1:3(1 j *8mo ;7:ixj Havenawood ii:io 4:40 p. m. &j.rj Maxon City ]-:'} p.45 K M. .1 unction... 12:60 jq.<hi point Pleaaant ljlO CtfS *f* \ u k 5 .m. fly. p. m. i> iii p gr K. & M. June....Mr. 12:29 *7:12 v:2i . P. in. p. m. p. in< Charleston ...... A r.| | 9:23 f,:05 (lalllfnll* J 1:MJ 7:10 "lrt;32 Huntington i 2:80| 8j20 tit :57 Via <\ A b! RjTi !p. in. n. in. ~ p. ni Lv. Huntington i t2:35i *2:30 2:3;, Ip. tn.|;i. m. p. m. Ar. Charlonton.W.V.; fl:27| *3:46 4:27 Konova Ar.i"*2:4on$*46 Fl2;lG [p. ni.ip. m. p. m. Via C. & O. Hy. |p. m.|a. in. n. ni. p. in. Kenova Lv.l 2:5i?l *4: nJ.-M 1 In. in. p. in. Cincinnati. O Ar. 7:001 S:M *7:00 la. in. p. in. Lexington. Kjr...Ar.( 7:201 9:00a.m. 7:21 JOI1.VJ. AKCJ1 Klt. A. <i 1?: A. /K m Pays for n Year's %L I Subscription to the... U> I Weekly Intelligencer. RAILWAY TIME CARD. ' 1 aod dopartur* of train* on and . nrt#?r November Ti, 1?w. Explanation, ol * Rttforriico Mnrka: 'Dally, tDally, excapc K :V\ Sunday. iDolly, except Saturday. tJDally, g exempt Monday. {Sunday* only. 8mtur? > daylronly. Kaatern Standard Time. SSSfC I B.&O.?MaiiTGacTSaat.! Arrive. 7 12:1: am \Vaa?u. iial.. Phil., N.Y. *k.2u am . ? 3:<W jim Wanh.. Hal.. Phil.. N.Y .. ' 17:00 um ..Cumberland A?-com.. t7:i'6 pm A *:?? !>*? Grafton Ac-com *10:10 am -i0:rf?in ..Washington City Ex.. '4:23 pm ' / Depari."'DivT, W??t| Arrlva. i iA:'^r a,n ,''or Coltimbua and Chi. *1:16 am J9:'5 am ..Columbus and Clnein.. pm' ./ Jil^O pm ..Columbua and Clnein.. *5:06 am Sr.40 ?m ..Columbua and Clnein < '/,] 5:!ii Pnicoliiinbun and Chi. Ex. *11:10 am .3: ? W??iSMMVllto Arcom... Tl'J:55 am 110:15 ri.imviHo Accom.. 110:56 am tluo pm;..8t. cialrsvillo Accom.. t!:?0 pm . J J?fl5?m|......B?ndu?liyM?ll !:?pm ' b- *."b.-jc pra; wv: isfsax'. m a For Pittsburgh '10:1(1 am If: "m Plti?l)ur*H *6:55 pm . 6.40 pm ..Pittsburgh and FJart.. pm .-! Pittsburgh and East.. |i;so am % <A .W-g.Pm Pitulmrih Wiaopiu t7?Saim C'p?,\ ? St' L* Ry Arrive. " ? ? a?I ?; * ? Pittsburgh 19:05 pm l':? am "M, ?n<1 w?l ?:'? uiS SS SSUS?"1!'* Accom.. W:M'pn :> U!s J .Pttiburth and N. Y.. ?:25 pm fi ?-m ?!? I ,'^ ^ rKli and tN. y.. 1:J0 am P" ...Htttfmjjh Accom... tjisoata !J:K 5 ?* . On. and fit. Ixiulu *7:13 am H:~ ?"> Ex.. Cln. and St. Louli 16:15 pm $8J3 . ' .&Srfc S 'iB V ,ttnlon ""d Toledo.. IS M ?.,,a.ncc ?,rd Cleveland tt:S5 pm j> Tr.'m ?tfut>?nvii!o axirt Pitts. 19:15 pm . V v?*S ?12 ?.leub4lnv,,i? and PJtt?. tll:05 am K:8- 22 F2.rt Wa>'n? ?nd Chi. 16:10 pm I,on and Toledo.. 16:10 pm H'.li p n ?"l*nco and Cleveland tl:I5 pm J...W pmSteub'e and Wellsvllle lit-JS pm 15:5j ptn Philadelphia and N. Y. 16:10 pm 16.&4 pm ..Baltimore and Wash.. 16:10 pro JtjSI pm Bteub'e and Wellsvllle 16:10 pm J * ?>R*rl W. & L. e. Arrive. iili S "."Toledo and West.... #?:10 pm in: ~m Akron & Canton 6:10 pm i -- ?? Bnlllant and Steuben'e *6:10 pm ^ P.?1 v?ISwH,,,0n and Canton. *11:10 am % _"4M pm Brilliant and^ Steuben'e *11:10 am depart. C., J.. & YV.?Brldgep't. Arrive. ' ' 1 Eastern Time. !; jf? u,n i~evo., Toledo unci cm. pm 21 :S ,,m Ck-ve.. Toledo and Chi. tS:00 pm v ti:?9 pm Maiwlllon Accom U1:00 am WiM ?>? ..Hf. Clalntvllln Accom.. 19:28 am 110:08 am ..St. CJalntvllIe Accom.. fiaoftm t2:26 pm ..St. ciulrnvill* Accom.. 44:40 pm . ?:2j pm ..St. Clalrxvllle Accom.. 1 :M pm V tt:?j pni Local Freight. tll:50 am ; y Departr Ohio Rfver R."*R. Arrive. * , ?'v! am PRHccnger *10:45 am l.:0l pm l'aiweuger 1:23 pm *4^U> pm Passenger 6:60pm u- , Bellalre. "Bellalre. n . z. & C. R. R. Arrive. ft 10:10 am Bellalre, 4:10 pm 6:16 pm Woodsfleld 9:45 am . 2:28 pm and ZaneavlUe. 1:25 pm RAILROADS. 'i "the Cleveland, Lorain & Wheeling RAILWAY COMPANY. Central Standard Time. Time Schedule of Passenger Trains .In effect Sunday. January 3, 1M7. Cleveland Depot Foot South Water Street. DEPART. i 2 I 4 1 III . fa. m.*a. m. p. m. p. m. Bridgeport 6:05 12:28 3:50 - 5* Uhrjclmvllle 5:30 R:10 2:35 6:00 , : New Philadelphia... 5:47 8:28 2:58 6:19 Canal Dover 5:51 8:W 2:00 6:26 ~ V. JustuK ?:23 9:08 3:30 6:5S. Maaalllon K:40 9:2S 3:45 7:13 Warwick 7:05 9:49 4:10 Sterling 7:27 10:12 4:33 : Seville 7:34 10:18 4:39 ^ Medina 7:56 10:37 5:00 , 1.ester 8:37 10:50 5:44 Grafton 8:55 11:07 6:9T, ^ Ulyrla 9:10 11:21 6:21 ^ Lorain 9:25 11:85 6:35 Lester Junction 8:10 10:49 5:15 Cleveland 9:10 11:50 6:15 a. m. p. m. p. nL ARRIVE. ; | I II 3 I s I T }p. m. p. m. p. m. Bridgeport 1:30 7:G0 10:06 ' Vhrlch?vHlo 11:25 4:52 8:20 7:44 New Philadelphia... 10:*?2 4:17 8:?0 7:23 Canal Dover 10:45 4:(? 7:52 .7:16 .IitKtttu 10:15 3:29 7:21 6:46 Misailion 9:!? 2:22 7:04 6:10 Warwick 9:33 3:5s fi:S7 a. m. Sterling 9:10 2:3*5 ?:lfi Seville 9:04 2:29 4:15 Medina 8*4 2:09 5:47 v ' Lester S:3," 1:53 5:05 xs Grafton 7:41 1:26 4:4? X Elyrla. 7:23 1:19 4:2* Lorain 7:03 1:05 4:10 r mim Lester Junction 8:S2 1:57 6:34 Cleveland 7:30 1:00 4:30 \>f, a. m. p.jn. p. ro. All train* daily except Sunday. Paasenfrerft between Wheeling:. Martln'a FVrry, Bel la I re and Brldceport, take Eleo trie Hallway. M. O. CARREL. General Passenger Agent. .V.';; FKST TIME * f? ovun *5? PENNSYLVANIA SHORT LIKES "PAN* HANDLE ROUTE." LEAVE WHEELING 9:45 A. Mm CITD TIME. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Arrive COLUMBUS 2:25 p. m. Arrive CINCINNATI 6:05 p. m. Arrive INDIANAPOLIS 10:15 p. m* Arrive ST. LOUTS 7:00 n. m. PENNSYLVANIA STANDARD ^^Pennsylvania DINING CAR. ,d Pill MAN CARS I'ROM WHEELING JUNCTON THROUGH WITHOUT ?? J CHANGE. OTHER TRAINS LEAVE WHEELING. For Steubenvlllo anil Pittsburgh a. m week days: tor imtaburBh and th? vk?> nnd for Columbu* and Chicago at iKd m weejt days: for Pittsburgh, Harrlfbnrc. Baiumor*. Washington, Phlladel- 8 nh la and New York at 1:55 p. ro. dally; for Seville ami Dennuan at 3:SS p. m. dully- for Pittsburgh at .:00 p. m. week days: for Columbus. Dayton, Cincinnati, inillanapolla and SI. Louis at 8:30 p. in. p?rlorCar toVlttjbuarti *>? 3:55 P'mi p. m. i rain*. Persons contemplating a trip *111 And It orofttablc In pleasure and convenlMica 1 !I> communicate wllh the undersigned, who will make all nercssary arrangemanti for a delightful journey. Vlcke s will be provided nnd baugago chccked through to destination. JQHV G TOmuNSON. rassenfrer nnd Ticket Agent. Wliertlng. W. V#. ...oc3 . WHEELING fi ELM GROVE RAILROAD On nnd after Saturday. February IMS, trains will run us follows, city time: Leave Wheeling. . I-eav* Elm Groya. Tr'n rmv Tr'nfmeTr'n T'me Tr'nT'ma No. a. m.lNO. p. m.|Ao. u. p. m. 2.... 1?:00.20 n;no: I.... tfi.oci)*.... 2:00 4.... 7:00 22.... 4:00 3.... 7:00.21.... 4:00 fi.... S:^ 24.... 5:W 8:00 23.... 5:00 Ji..., 9:C0l2fi.... fi:C0 7.... 19:00!2S..., 6.00 10.... 10:00'2S.... 7:00 P.... 10:00127.... 7:00 , 12.... 11:00 30.... fi:fl0 11.... 11:00)39..., 8;00 p. m. ?... 9:00 p. m.iSl.... 9:00 14.... *12:00 34.... 10:00 JR.... 12:00|M..., 10:00 J lfi.... l^OttB.... 11:00 IK.... 1:00]85.... IS... 2:00', ? 17.... 2:00) tDally, except Sunday. Sunday church trains will Iravn Elm Grove at 9:43 a. m. end WJieHlna at U;lf p. m. 11. E. WKISGERBER. Oeneral Manager. WHEELING BRIDGE 4 TBRMINXL RY C. O. BREWSTKR, Receiver. Tlmo Table No. 13, to mkr effect If:01 a. Sunday. November 19. 18W.Leave Wheeling?tSiOO, <9:45, |ll:?0 a. m., 1" :?. 3:lt?. 14:30. {0:00 p. m. Leave Peninsula?t8:W. 19:51, {11:46 a. m.. t2:2?J, 3:21, <4:S?. *9:06 p. in. Leave Martln'a Kerry~t8:l2. tfl:57, |U:fit n. in.. J2:C. 9:27, *4:42. J9:12 p. m. Arrive Terminal Junction?tRjn, 10:M. Ill'M n. m.. ?2::tS. *3:82, t4:4fl, 89:18 p. m. Leave Terminal Junction? <7:22, |9;00 a. in., *12:40 a. m., 13:59, 84:05. t&:14, t?:45 p. m. Leave Martln'a Kerry-t7:28, {9:07 a. m., 12:45, 84:05. >4:10. f5:l?, tS:52 p. m. Leave I'enlnffula?t7:S4. 59:14 a. m., *12:8114:11. t4:l7, t5:95, fK:5$ p. m. Arrive Wh. cllnR-t7:IO, J9:20 a. m., *12:57, t4:l7, t4:25. +5:31. t9:05 p. m. Dally. tDally except Sunday. fStindaya only. All train* will run on Eastern Time. J. E. TAlrB8l<?. Superintendent 1J1VERY DESCRIPTION OF ? ROOKTJOR, NEWSPAPER AND POSTER PRINTING Done ill reasonable rates at THE INTBUJGENCKR JUR PRINTING OKI*ICE. . * J5 and 27 Fourteenth Street. , k . .'-v - hi .