Newspaper Page Text
[ THE BIG FIGHT. ? CARSOX, Navada, Feb. Ifcrjjphn llcVcy, Corbetf* principal traliiSPrtiaa unbounded conOdence In tlx ability or bin charge to defeat Fltaalmnwn*. Concerning the chkmplon'a Kcncrn! condition and Kla method of training, McVry aaya: "Corbett la a very ea?y man l? train. I never have to tell hltn-Vrhat to do, for be la a. perfect wolf fsrjvork and keepa rlfht at It. whether-}' atn mere or not. Hs la the mnat consclenlloui fellotv I ever amv about (Oat He 4oo? more aolhl hard jrrlnd tliart any hllow 1 ever trained. Jim tumblei out for bed at 7 o'clock anu nan oreuKiau of soft boiled < *??. toast and tea. At ? o'clock the business of the day begins. Klrst cornea half an hour practice runIn p on irelghts to strengthen Ills srHts. Than he punches the bar for while. There Is no rest {or him between 9 and U, and he slmptr changes from on; kind of exercise to pother. He tights about three or four rounds with earh man and you bet hedocs not rest until he Beta throuKh with them, rlther. After that I take charge of blm and give him a Rood nib down with coarse towels. I do alt that work myself. I then give him > good rait water bath and alcohol rub. Before eating ills lunch he rests by walking around the training quarters, reading or sciim'thln* hnf rarelv lies dou'll C.t Ui UWI ?? 'I ? ? cept when wo want to Aweaf?1tlm. At lunch htf eats rare beef and vegetables. His big meal la served at 6 o'clock, when he can have ail the meat*, vegetables and fruits ho wants, wjtlr a bottle of wine to top oft on. He-la not a hearty eater, so I let him have as much as he wants of a certain kind of food, but no pastries, bread or sweets. At 2 o'clock, 1 bundle him up: Ih whalers and heavy ciothe? and ha begin* his road exercise. This means ttfet he runs snd walks from fifteen t?S "Eighteen miles. Of course he conies back to me dripping net and ready for another rub down and bath. After a *hort re.?t he is ready for a game tit handball, which lasts an hour or cwa and puts him In good trim for another boxing bout. This time he boxes about fin* rounds and after that an-f hl? bath, he can do as he pleases, for the day's work is eaded. But promptly at 10 o'clock I put him to bed. and he sleeps like a baby, too. As for the camIns fighi, he can't help winning. for he is In better condition than he-has over 1 I? n nuvl nifin ? nrf n bard hitter, (>ut he cannot stand up against Jim. Why Jim will worry the life out of him. Fltxalmmons ho.i u ri?h: hard punch that would do damage. If it got there. hut It won't, and, mark my it'oids, Jum will get oft riihout being finished. You know Corb?it' Is as cool .? cucumber and never loses his lt.*nd. nhUe FitxsimmonH lsjuat the opposite. "The* fight may; last ten tonrds, but I don't think so. In about i ?*? third o- fourth round, Jtitrwlll tanuilse the life out of that Wng Austral/an. for If Fitzsim:non:i don't win then h? will go all to pieces and fight wild. What do I consider Corbett's b?-st Mow? Well, that's hard <6 say. He ha* a right body punch that Is a corker. but his left hand liooki wduld knock d"wn a house." Last niRht a delegation consisting of half a dozen citizens of JCmpire, came Into town and offered Julian induce mcnts to rent the training quarters In the neighborhood. He refused, however. to break his agreement with Cook. The .little manageiwfhad a disagreeable experience duriasp.the afternoon. Abou: 4 o'clock he took a sleigh and drove out In a blinding storm, to the ranch. He started Cor home at dark, lost his ?v&> in the^Mge brush and was compelled to get cu&and hunt f?>r the rood on foot WjjBR he was searching In the dark togattgns of a trade, his h<irae belted WCCOhe sleigh and ran over a mile, linaJH* .palling up In front of the Xcvada^nWBltentin: y, with the vehicle pretty nearly smnnhfd to pio.etf. It took Julian about three huurs to walk back Juuue. The pluns for the amphftfteatre have been accepted, as a San IfeancHco architect carried off the prlx?V*he building was different In appearance from any structure used for thr-same purpose. In shape it i? to b a perfect octagon. The ring will occuvk a central #nuate and In a parallel .ffiuare outslde of it will be the $40 fcuijc *eats and press stands. Converging from all J Ides'of the walls to tho of the outxlde square will ipn twelve very large* wctions, rising jSrhidiwlly In ItHght to the sides of tin enclosure and Riving the whole Interior somewhat the effect of a coliseum. Kachj of these sections will hold 2.000'? Oople, the square circilnr the ring having a seat* In* accommodation for 4.000' or more. The ring !s to be pitched at * height of live feet and the seats for -the accommodation of members of the press will be placed directly under 1U .... ( atlirr lit tltr Xhrtccli, Rob. SALT LAKE, Utah. Feb. 19.--A large crowd greeted Bob Fit&hntnons at ti?e Grand Opera Mouse last^ night, tie i Rave an exhibition of bag* punching onH H-Kmifliit tnv #i?n mlnntmi with Rr. nest Roeber. In his pracHco with Hickey, his sparring partner, he ruvi* ?n Illustration of how he tfftacked out Maher and Sharkey. The pugilist appeared to be in good fighting condition. He leaves for the west at noon to-day. STATE FAIR RACES. Yesterday afternoon Secretary ft?'orge Hook, of the 1V>*t Virginia Bute Fair Association, gave out the speed programme that will form the principal feature at the state 'air of 3837. (Tho programme Is the best ever ?rranfred at this fair and will without doubt, Interest the owners of a higher ciass of horses than Ih usually in evidence. There are three rayeg on *?arh Huaui AM Hiionflfnlltf uiun uiu uiai/ciuuj. r? u" people do no. They eat much nnd /Kctdao but little. The aaho* of food combustion pIok th? system. Tlioy take on unhealthy fat and Krow podgy and wrinkled, villi*, the skin lo*c? lt? lino texture and elasticity. The synu.m 1m being clogged and polHoned. Tim kidney* are choked ana don't half do their duty. 8!e*n la too poor or too heavy. Haokacho, headache and neuralgia appear. fthtMimatlpm In not uncommon. They become nervous nnd irritable. Why? IJccause Nature'** rail to elenuHo und purify the blood by kivplMtf the kidney* strong and healthy, Is Wlhg systrm uticaiiy niarefaroeo. Take mcr#? exerulae and occft|lpnully tulcc Dr. Hobbs Sparagas Kidney Pills to flimh your ki?ln?*y* nnd put them In run?liiion 10 ulcunne and purify tfduc ldoo?l. *riir?n you will feeI like u hoy of 20, ln?f??d or belnic n JHftthUMlih al/10. A Prominent Ju%lke Rrrommri^ft Ibrm. WHKKMXO, W. Va.. NfeVJ 11, IBM. IfohtiM Remedy t'o. 'Ji*ntl?*iwn:~Youm of the 9th at hand, and would My in r?i?ly that i'our Hobb* Hparaam Kidney Pill* are all rl&ht. and thoy have dono mi* mope Rood, ihim any pill f over fried. I ftliall r?coHwl|eml Ihern to tin* public whenever l cad. M. J. FITZPATRlf'K. J. P.. IR07 Charm to *tr?"?t. Or. Hobb? ftperjQwt Kidney Ww/fifl rente a he*. jinkbH Remedy Co.. Projn-Jptor*, Chinus. ft. OOETZK, Reliable UrwgBliI, Market ad JSth 8U. -.V. Hiii 'f-i'-i'i- a ' of fottr d(iy? of the fair.; there beltif no inclns on Monday, n? umj.iI. though the inanaKcment mil) taktnuv the matter (If cycle racing for -the opening day. I .flat year Secretary liook thought of giving the cycler* a ilny on the week'* raclug programme. but tbe Idea was not carried out. The radon imubiiIiiuuc In ua fultutve; Tua?tl?y, Still, f. 2:30 p-iee, $260. 2:27 trot, JSIiXI. 5:18 paw, JtOC. IVeflnecdiiyt H?|it.?. 1:11 pace. 1400, 2:40 tr*it. 1(00, S:M pace, 1400. TlmrMUy# * [>!. 9. 1:40 pace. 1400. trot, |400. S 1:14 pace. XOu. ,2 2:30 (rot. 1400. . <S:!S pai-e, WOO. ?' 2:18 trot, 1400. Entrlca ?lnii! Aumiat'30, 1SSJ BASE BAIL In a letter from Mapaier Coyje, of the Wheeling club, received last n'lght, he says that he in nut yet prepared to gl.vo .out a llat of the players. Although he has sinned fourteen men already, he has received applications from aotne good men, .and the personnel of the team may be changed considerably. Among other applications received ivan one froin Harry Prltchard, of this city, who was on the Steubenvllle mid Wheeling teams two years ago, and last season ployed with Dalla*, in the Texas leugiie, where he fielded at over a .900 clip and batted more than .300. Harry has been seasoned since he wore Wheel lag's uniform and would no doubt make a valuable man for the Mallerst though It has seemed In the past as-though Wheeling players were not appreciated at their true- worth- on the local team. Manager Coyle says that President Power has about doalded that Af.ron shall have the eighth franchise* In the league. con Bfroutners, wno vu given the Mansfield franchise, will oivn the Akron club. As stated In yestcr^y'a Intelllgeftcer, he has received considerable encouragement in the oatmeal town. The Southern league wee ins to be very shaky, and If It goes to pieces, there will be many excellent players thrown on the market. Manager Coyle la anticipating the break of the Southern organisation and has prepared his hook and bait for a cast or two in southern waters. It his been suggested tlint the fence ; at the lower end of the Island park be , extended farther Fouth. so there will be room for carriages. In the park as it was? arranged in '90, there was no room for carriages. The circuit of the Ohio-Went Virgin- I ! ?- Parbofihnrr I lis I'-.ih uc >0 na > 'invo f . .... , ?w. Marietta. Zanosvllle and Canal Dover. Cambridge may succeed Canal Dover. < There isn't as hotter ball town of Its I sise In the country. The Inter-state schedule will be published very ?con. President Power I* > now at work on It. Sprlwrtleld will probably open with Dayton, Toledo with Fort Wayne, Wheeling with Akron, and New Castle with Youngstown. Sprlngfletd. Toledo. Youngstown and ' New Castle have already captured the pennant in their minds. Wheeling ' naylnji nothing just now. "See you la- 1 ter," says Manager Hcrrlngton. Campbell Is still holding out for i more money. Manager Strobcl has obtained two 1 more tdgned .contracts. One Is from Billy Smith, the Toledo boy, who ploy- 1 ed left field on the team lost year, while the other Is a young fellow namod I John Morri?ey. a left-handed batter,' who played second base with Strobel. | when he had his Pacific coast team. In three seasons he has played his record - * * - 1 ?? K??? fnnr 19 mm IJO u?s ?l? uin WHt ??> .v? times. He la described as being very much of a gentleman, and of strictly temperate habits.?Toledo Blade. Up to date. Manager Torreyson, of Day ton, hat* signed the following men. whom he thinks are fast In their positions: Klmer Flick, last season with Youngstown, to play in the fleld. Ho is a good fielder an?ao excellent batsman, being seconf* In the Inter-state League batting averages. "Chic" Car- , ffc. who was wltlF Washington, Pa., last season, will hold the third bag down. He is an excellent fielder and his average with the willow is .350. Armour will bo played in centre fleld. He is a good fielder and batsman, and is one o? the owners of she club. Iteimer will be in right field, he being signed. Thayer M. Torreyjfcn, brother of Manager Torreyson, will hold down first base, and captain the team. His record Is a good one. his batting and lleldlng being very good. Dan Shay, an amateur, who was on trial with Oil City and Butler, Pa., will be given a trial in the infield. Manager Torreyson is i after "Hemphill," of Saginaw.Mich. He is a very fast man In the fleld and the j fans hope that he will Bucce^omnecunn# , him. No pitcher? have been securcd an yet. but Manager Torreyson Is on the , l.xikout for good ones, auu hopes to sign them In a f??vv days. Roach, last i season with Houston. Texas, and Hadklnw.n. of the Atlantic League, are I likely to be signed as pitchers. i Iloro's n truth that Is on the "dead level," On which you may saMy depend. m The pluy??r bunt on raising the dovll, WlPl low.. hlmwUlntjn end.^ ^ I There come the best reports about ] Cecil, the youug third baseman, Hays a Grand Rapids dispatch. Toledo Is the authority for the Information that he Is n comer, and his record In the Inter- ; state League last summer show* him ; up as being a good Uelder and hitter. Gallagher, who halls from Detroit, iiind ; I.i said to be mo nuracm nimor mm coines from the Interstate, la ready for the fight to eommencc. He Is In good | trim nnd working hard. 'He Is the , young fielder scoured. and those who have ever seen him play do not hesitate In saying he I* the equal of any fielder that ever enme Into this league. , MABIIM'8 FEBEY, Hup* ami MUltapilii the Thriving City Acroaa thr Itlvrr. The municlnal and township eloctlons will take place on Monday. April ?, six weeks from next Monday, and the He- J publican primaries will probably he , held oil Saturday. March 13. The indl- . catlotm ate that candidates will be nu- , merous. . In the city of Martln'H Perry one wa- / t",v workw trustee In to be elected for i three yearn, to succeed J. M. Crowl. One councilman In to be elected In the First. Third. Fourth and Fifth wards, and two f in the aecond. The extra councilman in * the Second I" to succeed Lewis Kother- : niund, deceased. * Three members of tho board of edu- ? cation are to be elected to succeed * o Hntmon. A. W. Kerr and ? Thomas Lloyd. One cemetery trustee J will lie fleeted to ftticcccd Joseph Pa- . vldson. In ?*aoh ward one assessor will , be elected. It Ik probable that threw elec- . trie light trustees will b? elected. in the township the ofllcers to be elect- . ed ore one trustee to sticcood Theo. llurrl*. treasurer to succeed Fred Fox, constable to succred T. H, Stanton; uIho six supervisor* and two nssvsors. * .. c H 0 1 ii It irmilt Two hundred and ?fiy jtentn were re- f nerved hi half an hour yesteray after- , noon at Ong's drug store for the char- / Ity entertainment to he given at the j Opera House thin evening under the auspice* of the King's Duughtera. Much time has been spent In getting up the i entertainment, and the programme* will be flrat-cluiis throughout. The Indlca- I tlona are that the house will b? crowd* ed. Thonfc who have not already ??cured reserved Kent* should get theni all early us possible. Anulcnr Thunltm. St. Mary'n Literary Society will render tho drama, "CltMirlnK the Mlvtn," at Mactinerchor hull on Thursday evening, February an. The pluy wm written i?y Dr. J. M. Jlouuii, of Murtla's Ferry, and tho scene Is laid In Warnock. Uelmont county. Ohio. All those who take i>urt are homo tulent. The cast pf characters will be as follows: Col. Rufus 11 ail ley. father of Vixen.. Wllllum Aek^rman Pat. from Klllurm-y William O'Neill Arlliur Burton,- Loiena PrMtoti's lover Louis Inilemeyer Lawrmmo Duflleld, iwtlc yvuny man.. ? Krrd HufTraan Reginald Morton, admlror of Laura... ; Dr. llojfan Lorena Preson, a Indy of honor Annie At-kcnnan Laura Cattleman, a schemer..Nora Mopjan Alxen, the lost child Qortrude McCaDe Will l?? Observed, Washington's birthday will bo observed in every room in the Martin's Ferry public schools next Monday, to which tho public is cordially invited. Tho preparation* are mor* elaborate than ever before. Exercises commemorative of Washington will be held In the different rooms at 9 o'clock on Monday, after which the pupils will b? dismissed , until Tuesday. Each of the room* have been decorated with pictures and stars and stripes, and they pretftnt a beautiful appeurance. Ity the Wheeling Oratorio. The "Holy City" will bo rendered at the Martin's Perry Opera House on Tuesday evening by the Wheeling Oratorio Society. There will be 100 persons In the chorus, and the soloists will be Mrs. Frank liupp, Mrs, Peebles Tatutn, Mr. William Clemens and Mr. A. A. Taylor. The full Opera House orchestra will ploy, and tickets will bo sold at popular prices. The sale of reserved seuts will commence this morning at 7 o'clock. Tho patronesses will number 100 ladles of Martin's Ferry, IWarttu'a Ferry llrlefr. Rev. Charles Bogle, of Richmond, O., formprlv of Mnrtln'n Ferrv. will be inar rled at Kenton. O.. on Wednesday afternoon at l! o'clock to Mis* Gertrude Hoover, of that city. Rev. S. J. Bogle, of the "Martin's Ferry Presbyterian church, who is the father of the pros-1 pective groom, will perform the ceremony. At the annual election of the stockholders of the Belmont Brick and Tile Works yesterday Charles Carpenter was re-elected president and manager and G. ShaVer secretary and treasurer. The hop given by the Phoenix club at Scheehle's hall last night was largely uttended and was a very enjoyable affair. Quite a number of out of town people were present. Rev. J. W. Robins will officiate at the funeral of Marquis Francis i'axton this iifternoon at 1 o'clock. The Interment! will be at Weeks* cemetery. Lnst night Wanota Tribe, I. O. R. M., celebrated Washington's birthday by j giving a smoker, this meeting being the neiirest to the <Jay. The slaughter house of Chris Jerger I was entered on Thursday night, a beef1 cut up and the best of It taken. George Rupp, who was hurt at tho I Laughlln mill, Is able to walk about and continues to Improve. Robert Carmlchael and his daughter, MIm Anna, whoh ave been sick, have ?lmost recovered. The work of appraising the goods In Conrad Long's hardware store was finished yesterday. Last night Miss Ruth McCleary, of Vine street, entertained a party of friends. John Stringer, of Portland station, ?I>ent yesterday in Martin's Ferry. Charles McKlm, of Wellsvllle, visited tils home In this city yesterday. Miss Edith McKim was a Hellalre visitor yesterday. Mrs. Callahan, of Clay street, Is crltin Mrs. Alex. Dixon continue* to Improve. Mr*. Matthew Cooly Is very ilck. ^^ The instinct of <51|J~ jt motherhood shorn 41?VmI itself in a girl's CjJ earliest years. Hei JsH doll-baby, or it 2355552^^ Ina/ be a cat-baby, rilj* Vv^ia her most clierZL--*' ) 'S'1C<1 companion. IGfUvlLV From til: cradle to I" NX/ r] the ETare maternal V / / instinct i? the cen/]WK' I ter and source of a / I jlm / woman's woman*yJ\ * y hood; and all her V \ / I physical life is in/ nuenccd for good "Ov or had bv the con~ -i -ii*i? ?- UIVIUU Ul IUC ? cate organism most Intimately conccrncd in reproduction. ' Hverv mother of a crowing girl ought to anticipate the earliest indications of approaching womanhood and take every percaution to insure health and sound* ness in this one particular. The slightest indication of weakness should be corrected immediately by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription the unfailing specific for these delicate complaints. It gives special strength and healthy tone to the feminine organism, and the nerve centres, thus overcoming many distressing symptoms which are wrongfully attributed to neuraleia or dvspepayi or insomnia but are really caused by an unhealthy condition of the special organism. Mothers may consult Dr. Pierce either r\#mnna11v or bv letter, concerning their children'* health or their own, in tfie mo?t absolute confidence, and will receive professional. id vice free of charge. Dr.- Pierce bait been for thirty years chief consulting physician of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y. The best fruits of hi* lifelong experience are embodied in a thousand-page illustrated book, "The Common Sense Medical Adviser," containing explicit directions for hometreatment of many complaints which may be successfully managed without a physlcian, and a vast amount of vAluable information about the human anatomy and physiology. A paper-bound copy will b? sent free for 21 one-cent stamps to pay the bare cost of mailing, or cloth-bound for ten cents extra. Address above Institute, IF you have over seen a child In the iRuny of croup, you can appreciate the rratitude of the mothers who know hat One Minute Couplt Cure relievos heir little ones as quickly a:i It Is ndnlnlstered. Many homes In this city are ir*vor without It. C. R. Ooolxe. cori?>r Twelfth and Market streets: Hnwlo k Co.. Bridgeport; Pea body A Hon, jftmvood, 6 Save Yonr Life 3y using "The New Great South Amerl :an Kidney Cure.- xnia new mneuy s a irr^ac surprise on account of tta exleading promptness In relieving pain In hu Kidneys, Bladder and Back In male >r female. tt relieve* retention of vnter and pain In passing It almost Immediately. Bavo yourselve* by using his marvelous cure. Its uso will pre,vnt fetal ?*onaequences In almost all :ases by Its groat alterative and liealng powers. Sold by II. J I. List, drug;lst, Wheeling, W. Va. IT Is surprising wlmt ? "wee bit of-a hlng" can accomplish. Hick headache, unsilpatlon, dyspepnla, sour stomach. llxxIncH*. are quickly banished by DeYltt'H Little Karly Risers. Bmall pill, iufe pill. Ilest pill. It. Goetise, eorler Twelfth and Market streets: Bowie t Co., Hrldgeport; I'eabody & Hon, Jen wood. _ i OA0TOniA. K sJA ifiQ Fifty Years Ago, This ia the stamp that the letter bore Which carried the story'far autl wide, Of ccrtaio core for the loathsome aore That bubbled up from the tainted tide Of the blood below. And 'twas Ayer'tf name And his saraaparilla, that all now, know, That waa )u?t beginning its fight of fam? With its curea of go years ago. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the original narsapnrilla. It has behind it a record for oures unoquailed by any blood purifying compound. It is the only Barsaparllla honored by a medal at the World's Fair of 1893. Others imitate the remedy; they oau't imitate the record: SO Yeara of Curw. BELLAIRE. All 8oru of Local Xiwiaitd Ooulp From (be UlaMCUy* The fair and festival given by the Junior Order United American Mechanics. was well attended laat evening. Dancing wan the chief amusement from 11 o'clock to 12 o'clock, and consequent!;' there was a large crowd present. Mrs. Edward Merydlth and family, of Pittsburgh, are the guests of relative* - a" * 1 ?.?* *.M. in ine orcouu nuiu. Msunn ivm<i?b thoir future home in Chambersburg, Va. Miss Mary shamefelt will accompany them home. The Knights of Pythias have decided to turn out Monday with a. band; also the Odd Fellow*) ivill be out In large numbers to participate In the demonstration. An entertainment wad given in the Second Methodist Episcopal ciiurch last evening, consisting of songs, recitations and Instrumental music. Dr. Striss, ot New Castle,' Pa., who thought of locating here, and has been spending a few days *ere, left yesterday for Marietta. The Ariel Mandolin Club, of Wheeling, was entertained Thursday by the Misses Steger, at their home in the Second ward. The "Good Samaritan Club" will give a select hop In the Odd Fellows' hall on the night of March 3. Christian Rife has accepted the position of boss roller at the plate mill. Joseph Rogers resigned. | The Chautauqua Circle was entertained by Miss Ellsa Leasure, In the Fifth ward. Mrs. M. Cropper, of Steubenvllle. is the guest of relatives in the Fifth ward. Mrs. William J. McCIaltn. of Columbus. was In the city yesterday on busiI ness. I Joseph McXabb has returned home from a visit with friends in Pittsburgh. Literary exercises will be glvej^ in the high school room next week. V Harvey Sanders has been In Washington, Pa., for a few days punt. Griffith's "Faust" appears at* the Elyslan theatre this evening. Mrs. M. Baurogarner Is the' guest of relatives In Woodsfield. The bottle house is not working on account of poor trade. There was a water haul at the may Ul r? WMIk JWI.V.M-/. The Odd Fellows held ?n Important meeting last night John D. Hays was In the city yesterday on business, Several tow boats exchanged tows here yesterday. yesterday was pay-day at the blast furnace. DO not allow your system to get weak and debilitated. It Is easy to Iteep well and strong by taking Hood's UarsapaH1U ? K'MECHEN. Breny ,\nn Illmi OaUitnd In Ike n?ir Marshall County Town. The funeral of Henry Blglow took place yesterday afternoon from the .M. R. church.' Deceased was forty-seven years old, and wan a resident of this place for twenty-live years. He leaves a wife and five children. R. J. Stephens, of Sclo, Ohio, traveling: for the American Bible Society, will preach to-morrow evening at the Christian church. The funeral of David Tea garden's child, took place yesterday; Interment at Burton, Wolsel county. John A. Goodwin, an aged and respected citizen of this place, has a severe attack of grip. The condition of Nathan Vanam Is unchanged. Hneklru'a A rule* Halve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcer.1', salt rheum, fever acres, tetter, chapped hands, chilblulns, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money rofunded. Prioo 23 cents per box. For salo by Logan Drug Co. K. El TURNER, of Compton, Mo., tiTiiox us that after suffering from piled for seventeen years, he completely cured them by using three boxes of DeWltt's Witch Haael Salve. It euros eczema, and severe skin diseases. C. It. CJootze. corner Twelfth and .Market streets; Bowie & Co., Bridgeport; Peabody & Son, Benwood. 6 Pllnl I'llut ItrliliiK PIImI Symptoms?Moisture; In tonne Itching ana stlnRlni;: most nt night: wonc by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, which ofton blood on ulcerato, becoming very *oro. HWAYNK'S OIN'TMKNT "tops the Itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and In mon ratten reinavos tho tumors. At druggets or by 1 mall, for M cents. Dr. Swayno & Son. Philadelphia. lltnv lo Ctirn All Skin DUtaici," Blinply apply SWAYNK'8 OfNTMKNT. I No Internal modiolus required. Cures tetter, eczema,. Itch, all eruptions on the 1 face, hand*, noec, etc., leaving the nkln , cloor. white and healthy. Its greut heal Ing and curative powers are ponrooMed biro other remedy. Awk your dniRglst for . BWAVNF/8 OINTMKNT. tths&w CASTORIA For Infant* and Children. nun.~ SOMETHING NfiJWGeo. E. Si Something ] And of spccial interest desires perfect fit and foj U>CU HIIU ICtUlllllltllUtU cities. HACHERELLE m [ Made Under the Personal Suj Four Y " WORTH," The only article ever made f< TING DRESS, always retainii away with all wadding and pad( it has no equal. It produces tli making: casv. Now used' bv all DIRECTIONS?Take "size and all side bodies according each pair. Haste same to' bust f shoulders. When this is done for fitting, the bust and' darts in all sizes, from 28 to 44. With each set of forms we g INSURING PERFECT Ell ONLY at our lining departmen Silk Department SPECIAL AT FOULARDS?the popular, blue grounds with white, juste FOULARD, 23 inches wide, 1 at 65c, 69c, 75c, 89c and 98c a Japanese Wastt FAST COLORS, There's a difference in Wash: arc Retting: the best Our new come in all dainty combination resent the choicest styles, at 35 LOWER | Sing|e WINDOW J- y DISPLAY. J An elegant line of these am fancy designs, from 42c a pair 1 ====== Geo. E. Si CLAIRVOYANT. Prof. Charles M. Leon'challenge* the world as a Clairvoyant and Business Me To the Heavy Hearted.?There In no home ho dreary and Mad, no lire so wrecked or blighted, no heart go rod and lonely, no conditions or circumstances so complicated or Incomprehensible that cannot bo set right and kept right after a visit to this Inspired Medium of Modern Times. Is your wife or hufcband untrue or unkind? Has the demon "Rum" assailed the happy quietude of your home? Does another share the love and attention that should belonir to you? Is the "green eyed monster" Jealousy eating your heart out? If so, come and loom a sure and swift remedy thai will dispel the dark clouds and lift the load from your aching heart. What ore you flttod for? Don't you know? Well, you should find out at once, beforo you enter a trade, business or profession for which you are not adapted, for many nre th* failures, many afo the ruined, wrecked or disappointed lives# mode 90 by entering a business for which nature has not intended them. Whom will you marry? If you don't know, he will tetl you whom you will marrv tliA M*mi. air#, occupation and financial standing of your futuro husband or wife, and date of marriage, with a complete reading of how to make It a prosperous, peaceful and happy union. Do you wish to win the love or affection of any one? If so call and secure his never failing assistance, and If you have enemies he will toll you how to overcome them and convert them Into friends. Burled or hidden treasures, lost or stolen Sronerty and missing friends are located y his superhuman powers. I fs your business dull? Do you want to become prosperous? Como and get the I advice of this man. to whom many a prosperous nmn owes his success. Letters with stamp answered. 1027 ChapHnc street. Hours 10 a m. to 9 p. m. fclS PROPOSALS. ' J>R0P0SAL8 FOR PAVING BRICK. Sealed proposals will be received by the Hourd or Public Works of the city of Wheeling until 12 o'clock noon, Monday, \ia?r.h i iw? fnr MO.uOO or niUl'H I of the best quality or vitrified paving brick. Specifications can bo obtained at the office of the board. The successful bidder will be required to furnish bond in the sum of three thou?atid (13.000) dollars. with two or more sureties to be approved by the board, for the faithful performance of tho contract. Tho board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Proposals to bo marked "Proposals for Pnvinir Brick" fe? WM, If. HORNISH, Clerk. pROPOSALS FOR 8KYVER PIPK. Sealod proposal* Will be received by the Hoard of Public Works of tho city of Wheeling until 12 o'clock noon, Monday, March 1. 1807. for rumlshlng sewor pipe during tho year 1897. Specifications can bo obtained at the office of tho board. The successful bidder will bo required to furnish bond in the sum of one thousand Ul.uou) dollars, with sureties to be approved by the hoard. The board reserves tho rig-lit to reject any or nil bids. propocaln to be marked "Proposals for Sewer Pipe." felS WM. If. HORNISH. Clerk. jVR0P08AL8 FOR CURBING. _ 8ciiWhI propo*aI? will be received by thi HOimi Ol ruuur ?? uinn \.i uro Ult; %J. Wheeling, until 12 o'clock noon. Monday. March 1, 1K>7. for furnlflhlni? curbing during tho year 1897. Specification* can be obtained ut the ottlce of the board. Tho successful bidder or bidders will be required to furnish bond In the autu of nne thousand (S1.?U0) dollars, with sureties to be approved by the board. Th? l>oard reserves the right to rejeot any or all bids. proposals to bo marked "Proposals for Curbing." fem WM. H. HORN18IT. Clerk. BICYCLES. "Outing'7" Bicycle, A strictly high grade wheel for : 65. Call and see It at Dillon, Wheat & Handier Co'-s. oqo. 15. STtFEL * CO. ' '2-i M tifel & Co. ? - ? SJew | to 'every lady and dressmaker 'who rm in.dresses. Practical, because ifs by the leading modistes in thilarger V. S *? PARIS GLOVE FITTING BUST jervision of Mr. Hacherclle, for Y:, cars v.ith <( OF PARIS. : '; rt producing a PERFECT-FIT^'' -?'\ ig its shape and elasticity; does ling. AS AN INTERLINING, ' ; e desired effect and makes dress i i first-class dressmakers. -Jt bust required. Then cut back . ' 'M to paper pattern furnished with i orm by lines under arm and over '. you have complete waist ready 1 : requiring 110 alterations. Made. ' ivc a full waist pattern?THUS1 i r AND COMFORT. SOLD v.. t,at 75c a set. t. L? TRACTIONS. the desirable?light and darfc . ~~'j >pened a new lot of these INDIA, V it 48c a yard; also other colors, ' i. j?d. Silks. , NEW STYLES. Silks, so you want to bcsure you , line of CHRYSTAL CORDS" 'cM is of Bars and Stripes, and repic a yard. and Couch Blankets. d double Blankets, in solid and ?p. , i I HB !C i i *r i r /> titer & to. HELP WANTED-MALB. | Agents-fifty cents on ^a<4h Jljjf dollar; no experience necesiary.Write ^ for sample copy. Address THE CATHCK LIC NEWS, 13 Barclay St., New Tort^'i WANTED. SITU ATI ON?AS HOUSEKEEPER FOR widower or bachelor by thoroughly -J competent woman. Address X., care In* ; telllgencer. fe!7? 8& WANTED?LIVE AGENTS TO IN- . TRODUCE household necessities. jj Good pay. Premiums riven away . free. :$ Bring references. C. F. ADAMS CO,, lOf . Main street. South End Stone Bridge.'-r WANTED-HEN AND WOMEN. . young and old, to work for us in ; -.-: their own homes in spare time, day evening. We bay 110 to <16 per week. 'No canvassing. Any child can do tho work. Send address to-day. We send work at f onoe.pTHE VAIL ART CO., Degt^SV j FOR 8ALB. T^OR SALE?CIRCULAR 8 AW. TABL8L | Jj etc. Cheap. Inquire at Intelllgonear Office, 25 and 27 Fourteenth street fflK> jga XTIOR SALE?CANARY BIRDS?A Flfj* i II in? nf Voln nnd Krmale vM HENRY~ HELMBR1QHT8, Ml, Mark*! " $ street. f?lT, f M CJT0CK8 FOR SALE. 0 10 shares Wheeling Title and Trust Co. "4. 1 Whltaker Iron Worka bond. ?0 shares Wheeling Steal and Iron,Co.; tag 20 shares German Fire Insurant* Co. [:'rM 60 shares Wheeling Railway Co. . 5 Wheeling Pottery bonds. 6 per cent. 3 Wheeling 8te?l A Iron Co. 6 p, c. bonds. M . 20 shares Belial re Steel Co. 60 shares Wheeling Bridge Co. V s? 6 shares Exchange Bank. R. S. IRWIN, Broker, 23 TWSlfth BC ^OR SALE. . 1 FEW CHOICE LOTS AT EDGIRGTON. CUF.AP ANI> OX EASY TEttMV . . W. V. HOGE, . . il CltT B?mc Building, HOP M?rk?t fib" fob bent. For rf.nt-a fine, large room, . with board. Unfurnished. Address L., care Intelligencer office. falB T^OR RENT-SEVERAL GOOD ROOMS . Jj In tha City Bank Building. Inquire at V.v: 1 the City Bank of Wheeling. mrtO . ^ For rent-no. iss fifteenth street, all modem improvements, both ; ^ gascn, hot and cold water, bath, in tide and outside water cloweta. Apply to M.< A. . CHEW, Wheeling Boiler Works office, or A) 186 Fifteenth street jail $8 F~ OR RENT-BEST OFF2CB ROOM" IN the city; large and plenty of light: centrally located In best sdvertlsed build- v ing in the clt*. Also Urge hall for rent. 3Efl Apply at HUB CLOTHIERS. Fourteenth 1 and Market streets. 1 JaU RBNT.. Desirable rooms on Market ntrtjot, sdlta- . j ble for great variety of purposes. Will remodel to suit tenunL^Apigl^o^1^^ "Jot i.Mi IfarltAt iRmwt.' ' MRRHT * room*, jr per month, on. xJ ntni. island. In alley noar Stispen* y.l nlon Bridge. 10 LOAn. *s oo? on 1(006 real Mtttc PAD QUE Improved InlanVl property, fUn OALft. paying it per cent. "Alio v?. cant River Lot near Yacht Landing. m JAMEH L. HAWLET. l&g Real Bitate and Loan Agent, 10W Main .81,; |H FOR - RENT FOR OFFICE PURPOSES. S Two Front Rooms< 'Second floor, over Stanton's Book | Store. Apply to HOWARD HAZLETT, AQSNT. .....