Newspaper Page Text
POWERFtl pi Of the SlaiitlniM Oil Compmiy litis Keen Oi-gmil/cif. rOl'R BIG CDMPANlliS COMBINE tlirlr luUrctU t'lulrrlhr TliU of itir Pur* Oil Company?A Cnpltal ?tf ,'1,000,00(1 C?> lie Kmployeil t)rjjH?il?i>il to mttl UulittaiitAii luilrprmlciit Riltleitct Out* lilr Hi* Tru?t.. NKW YORK, Feb. 28.?The Mercantlla nud 1'lnanetal Timet pubuitifl? tlu* following: For many year* past till* paper has been an earnest and consistent opponent the Standard Oil Trust: uuri from Ural to last probably hundred* vt columns haw bfon devoted to the purpose of set* tlnff forth the roafeons why it ought not ' to bo allowed to exUt. It is. consequently, with wapeoial pleasure that wo a if able to announce the fact at lwicth "thii boirlimiiii* .i;' iht> pail" I* tu sight. A most powerful combination has b?en formed for the express purjiom! of lighting this tnunstorous mono* |H?|y. ami It has without doubt the sympathy of every decent nun uad woman in the country. A vear ago there was orgl^mied under the laws of New York a concern known u* the Pure Oil Company, the capital of which Is $1,000,000. The other day tin* annual meeting of that company was held, and arrangements were effected by virtue of which the Puiv OlCCompuny is Joined by the United States Pipe Line Company. the Producers' Pipe Line Company. and the Producers' Oil Company, limited. The capital invested in these companies Is over $;:.o<hmn>o. and a vigorous campaign is to be en I* rod upon. The investors in these companies have <>\ r 20,000,000 employed In oil pro duclng and oil refining properties. Into the details of wtiat t* to be done It is not at present proper to ?*ntcr i.t faet. the leas -aid about it the letter. SutTiro It lo say that the Standard Oil Triwrf is fast apItroaching the *vnd of its wiw," it will be destroyed as surely us It has<de?troyod and ruined hundreds and thouftinda ?>f honest men who have dared lo oppose Its scivroes. We-attach the more imporjapce to the n^vv company for the reasor'ihat us direction is in the hands of men of singular ability, courage ar.d determination, us will be seen by the following list ?>f directors: Michael Murphy. JPhUudelphla; C. P. Collins. Bradford. Pa.; li 11. Jennlnv?, Pittsburgh; J. \V.l>e. Pittaburgh: V. K. Phillips, Rutin;*. Pa.; Peter Tha?bold, Oil City. Pa.; T. JL W-.?teott. TltusTllIe. Pa.; Lewis Kmery. Bradford, IV-: AHd liu^.1 IMUR. i>t'w luru, .At a meeting of the dlrcctfrs the fiill"?vinp ofTlccr* were chosen: Resident, J. \V. Leo; vice prudent Michael Murphy; snd treasurer. Hue!. King. '>n?j of the. principal r-asonj for pushing thf fljtht aglnst th" Standard at thin time i-? found in thr fac: tr. at th? independent producer* ha\ hem'filing ron>i ! rabid oil during the last, year, l?tit on account "f the Standard uifd??rselling thrm in N w York and k< i'lajt tliem nm > ( the foreign trade, and orhfci wise Interfering with them it was <ji*d(ded to reorguuize and conduct. th?y bujjjicss on tho name basi- as th - Standard; They uere shut out of ri?e oilier ports \-\ ti'e Standard buying all ib<4 tankige. It !> non to* intention t-? dlttftbute their ? .' } fn'in Antwerp, ll<>tt< < Jam and other pla- ? }'lp* line.; bav ? tve-.vextended to tho * board, and the independent reflnera will now li abl?* to export oil. Wh shnb wateh with interest the cotn'.tijr trupci? between tli"#o colloasal r.uv.y. but without any fear*as to the outcome. Outside of thofe who prosper by virtue of Standard oil iniquities the whol American people are against that monopoly. A MIIfISIEH'3 8T0RY. Drclnrra \\ r.vlrr S?l I lit* Ainrrltau I'ati. port unt Xoi <iao(l.( WASHINGTON. D. C.. Jvb^S.?Kepresentative Stalling*. of Alabama, will accompany Henry W. McDonnell, of Point Clear, Ala., who is part owner of a large plantation near Havana, to the Mote department on Monday and aid lilnt in the presenttlon of his claim for damages against Spain for tho'defcirucllon of his plantation in Cuba; Mr. McDonnell, who I? a minister, arrived here yesterday fro.n Havana, where he says lie was coutcirptnouely treated by ( Jenera! Weyfcr and his claim American citizenship spurned. Ho went there early In February to look after his property Interest?. *nd found his plantation in ruins-and thy machinery gone or destroyed. on his return to Havana ho gav?? vent to his feelings in frank American fashion, he says, and was arrested un<l bvougiu hefore Weyler. When he displayed hla passport and demanded his release General Weyler took th" paper and threw It contemptuously aside, flaying it was valueless in Havana. llr. McDonnell says General Weyler did not. as reported, stump the document under foot, nor ?!i?l the l?i< Id in occur In the presence "f Consul General Subsequently, at thf request of General I<ec, Mr. McHoiin.'ll was released, and lie forthwith hastened t?? this ?ity. Mr. Stallinxa says tils constituent is a mints'er ?>f the gospel and i-ntitl'<1 t-. absolute credence. So f^xr as he knows, however, Mr. McDonnell does r."t contemplate the filing of a claim for damages for his temporary arrest, but only for property destroyed. Dr. ( I'oity Comity. Indianapolis Journal: Sonus, w wspapers have been airing their supposed wit over a bill Introduced In "the legislature to recognize a new mathematical discovery or solution of the problem of squaring the circle, made by Dr. Goodwin, of Posey county. It may net lie the function of a legislature w indorse such discoveries, but the averftgfc editor will not gain much by trying to make fuuof a discovery that lias been indorsed by the American Mathematical Journal, approved by the protvssorn ??f tie* National Astronomical ObHi.rv.itory at Washington, Including Prof. Hall, who discovered the moon? of Mors; dcclared absolutely perfect by profensora at Ann Arbor and John Hopkins ITnl' fiHltlea, and copyrighted as original In seven countries of Kurope. The av-. Tagr editor 5s hardly well enough vern I In high mathemath's to attempt to down su. li an army of authorities as thai. l)r. Ooodv/ln'H dlncovery I" as R-Mruiiio that of Ni-v.tnn or Galileo, Mid !t will endure whether tho loghiluture Indorses It or not. Muit-I* nI Ihr Ifmtl. Aujf. J. Jiopel. tin' leading finiteRk: of Hhr^veport. I.a . ?ay?: I?r. J<:ri,7'.i New Discovery te Ihe only ihln^ t!ia.t curr-fl my cough. And !i Is tlie best fc i.<-r 1 iinv?\" .f. K. Campbell, fm-r of Hafford, Arte., wrlto?: "Dr. King's New DlBCovery I ' all that It l? lairnod for It; It never falK and Ih .? Mir? cum for consumption, < <>tigln and -.1i cmnnot *? .> enough for il? nn-ri;?." Dr. Klnr'n N'.'W Dimovery forronniipplton, couMh* and cokD in n ?i an rxiwrttnent. It ha.'i b^r-n tried for a quart*rof u century, and to-day st.ind.; ?it the Vad. it ni'Vcr dlrf*i'pomt8. l^/nn 1 ?rug Co. 1 I'rltnlc Z'*|iilr|illi- KmillnvlMin nt UAH I poll*, Ohio. For the treatment and cure of KplhpHy. it in lh" only Institution of t)i? j?|nd In the I nlti d HtatvH. l-'xperlencf hen d?-rr.oim rati d thut opll# j- >' can ho i" d v.-Jf-n tin; j?iitJriiL la itiivl' l'- tli dH.'iy con'rrd of a phyxl".'nn who uudori.'. idii all tho different formn of i di/ieaae. Addre?H 1)11. .J AMI:f? JOHNSTft.V. (ialllpoliK, Ohio, AKTI.8CAl.PIN0 BILL (*? ( tlic llutu* of ItrprcaciiUtlv#* 1>y 11 Ilia Unjurlty. WASHINGTON, 1). C.. Feb. The house after a tlv*? hours' hi niggle v<h? b-?day, pn.^sofl the nntt-rallioud ticket HgttjplHft pi l?>' rt vote. Of 143 to Gl, The adversaries ??r the theaouto reported :> RllUwptiTJnjf tactics, l>u! they wore? defeated by an overwhelmInur majority. At thu conclusion of the debate th*. reading of the engrossed copy of th? hill was demanded, It wn.i purely :i tee.'inleal point, made In the hope < : postponing the Until vote until Monda;. and thin aeon-n-dng the chance* of t'.u blH^paPflhiK the senate. Hut this technicality was circumvented by th. house remaining In session and votltij' down repeated motions to adjourr while I he bill was being engrossed bj the clerks. The bill was supported by Sherman, (Hep., X. Y ). Wheeler. (Dem-. Ala ) and Hepburn, (Dem., Ark.), and oppo d by Terry. (Dem., Ark.), Patterson (Doiii., Teiwt.), Northway, (Hop., O.) Mahany. (Hep.. N.^Y.), Magulre. (Deni i/ociuuy, utiii,, .?iu.;, unu l'?l4 liett, (Hem., Vu.) Tho bill applies only to lnter-stat< commerce transportation. It requires all carrier* subject to tho Intrr-staU commerce acl to provide agents authorised to .sell their tickets with certiflcutes. mul makes it a mlsdcamou punhhahle by a line of $ 1.000 or Imprisonment for one year, for any person not duly authorised to sell tickets It require* carrier* to redeem unusoil tickets and makes the forgery or toun forfeiting: of tlcketj punishable by lm prlsonment f-?r two years. A Joint resolution was adopted to prevent the Introduction and spread ol contagious diseases It empowered the inspected port* and wa* ju'tssed as 11 precaution against th^ introduction ol tho bubonic plague. freeIurT foremen. A MIiIiI|;nii .lull (Iffrit tu lieitd 111* l)l? rovrry Fin Claim* to be a Urtirfiu lm o \\>m Ueiinl Man Mud. There is always more or less suspicion attached to anything that Is offered freo bi t sometimes a man so overflows wlili generosity that he cannot rest until hi." discovery is known to the world, in ordi r that his fallow men may profit b> what he has discovered. It is upon this principle that a resident of Kalamazoo, Mich;, desires to send free to mankind a prescription -which will cure them ol any form of nervous ceblllty; relieves them of all tho doubt and uncertainty v.J.lcli such men are peculiarly liable to and restores tho organs to natural size and vigor. As it. costs nothing to try tho experiment it would seem that any man. sufTering with the nervous troubles that usually attack men whe never stopped to realise what might b? tho MuaJ result, ough: to he deeply Interested in a remedy which will restore them to health, strength and vigor, without which they continue to live an existence o? untold misery. As the rem?/iv in miPKtlan waa tho resu't of mnnv years research as to wha; combination would be peculiarly effective In restoring to men Hie PtreriKt i they need, li would secin (bat all men suffering wllli any form of nervous weakness ought to write for such a remedy ot onco. A request to 11. C. Old*, Box 1766. Kalamazoo. Mich.. stating thai you are not sending for the prescription out of idle curiosity, but that you wish to mekti uce of ibe medicine by giving it a trial, will b- answered promptly and wlthbui evidenco as to where Information cam?i from. Th?> prescription 1a sent free and although some may wonder how .Mr. Oldi can afford tc\ give away his discovery there 1.1 no doubt about the offer belns genuine. Cut this out and send to Mr Olds so lhat he may know how you came to write to htm. THKY ore so small that the mosl sensitive persons take them, they ar? affective that the most obstinati cases ?-f constipation, headache ant torpid liver >! I?l :<> them. That Is whj DfWItt's Little ICarly Risers are know: as th?? famous little pills. C. it. Goetze corner Twelfth and Market streets; Bowie & Co.. Bridgeport; Pea body ."i Son, Benwood. _ 7 FLATTLKXCE is cured by BCtX'H AM S PILLS _ FINANCE AND TBADu TI?t Frnltirra nf the Muikj- mid Stork .tltirkrf*. NK\Y YORK. Feb. S7.-*oyty on cai easy ?t iw?r cent; prime mer. antile paper l5i per cent. Sterling exchange firm, with actual business Ir bankers' bills at $i 87<JH S7V& for de< mand, and fi.SjfM 85% for sixty days jms.cJ rates $4 J?3'a#4 86 and $l S7'ifi 4 8S. Commercial bills SI 84 Vi. Bai silver W?T4c. Mexican dollars fcO&c. The London and New York siocli niarketa yesterday .and to-day havt shown results liko a chemical actlot: and reaction. The strong upward movement which characterized the In ter dealings here was reflected In tlx London mnrket, again gave the tone t? the opening dealings here, Yesterday's strength was continued In to-day's marke: and the beats round them.selves unable to cope with the situation. Ther - wan, Indeed, a notable absence of effort to stem the course o prices and the shorts were content t( g?-: In under cover In face of the bull i*h temper of the market. With thr exception or slight reaction shortly before the close, due to prollt taking (ivr Sunday, the market held tlrm with a market upward tendencj throiiRliout the day. Apparently th? determination of the senate at Washington tn continue the talk on Cubs has iio further terrors for Wall streei in the absence of any itpeoitic proposa of hu aggressive character before thai body The rise of prices was accompanied by a notable activity in trad lug. Tlie volume of the dealings was over thj- e tIrxio^ as great as was th< case on the half holiday last Saturday It was noticeable, nlt'o, that the leadlug Industrials sunk in relative Importance in thi? di-alinsK *o that thej ronxuni'-d considerably less than third of the totnl dealings. In to-day'i market the railway list attracted ai Increased proportion of attention, esp.-? lally the grangers. There wai juite a iar?e amount of buying through commission houses on outside orders. The very encouraging tralllc returr frun railways Tor tie* third week it February must bo credited with a par of the strength In tlie railway share; and bv reflection in the general list Undoubtedly, also, to-day's movemeni iva* In part due to an Intention tf (lUrmint the improvement In value.' which lias for some time boeti conll lenity counted upon In connccMor with the liwniKtiratln/i of the n -u president. Yesterday's and to-Uay'i markets Indicate that there are sotni buyers who have confidence thiit thej ' ran foresee The effect of the now mitninlstrntion on business and property To-day Is the llrst time for man* weekH that an upward movement ol prices has survived anything mor< than it short lived covering uf shorts Now Jersey rontral, however conspicuously weak and Ml 1 p??r cenl in Ihe early hour, hut th?? other coal> i'h held fairly steady. I^:?lc^? Shore attracted ritleiitlnn In to-day's markcl on account of pronounced strength The market cloned active and strong with price* :ii about the be^t, Th" total s/ilei of stocks to-day wen SO,MO shares. IIONDH A NI> STOCK QUOTATIONS. New r. S i,? r? :;i.,t'ired. New I.*, H. H coupon r s u reffi??tt'H'?l u.i\ iH. fii coupon. I i r. H. in registered, x-lntf?i*?:?t iw*j i r. k. ? < oiijhiii n;i r. H. :h rrumirrtil ! .*' 1 i',n ii'?? <; ? of ]? -.:* I .\u i i "> 11 r, | Adams I3xim ''h j ik ' iiAitiuiuie a- i:? catiuila Sojithern -liiji ; central raiillo Jtty iP^ ISSt' f y H -=- J tiresome * - /business that will suffer by it. ' But if you want the easiest, < of washing and cleaning?ther i There's nothing else, among I ' with, that can be compared to i Chcwpcakr & Ohio 17', j ! I'hicaRo .v Alton 105 Chicago. I'.urlitiKton & Qulney 75$ . Chlcaku <?ttH 7G-\i (Mrvi'liind. Cincinnati. (Mil. & St. I.... Colorado foul .V: Iron 'v , ' Cotton ou Or 11 lieu t km >:*? I>clawaru & Hudson lo?H? ] Delaware. I.uckawunua A Western...153% i L Denver & Klo Grande preferrwl 41 . ISrlo UK <lo [(referred HVa do second preferred if* I Illinois Central ... W ! Kansas & Texan preferred 2WU ' Lake ICrle Xt Western V;'? do preferred W'i . I .all'- Short; Igjfc , I.ead Trust -3*4 Louisville ?t Nashvlllo Mlclilnun Central 91 Missouri Pacific 21 Nashville fi- Chattanooga ' <?, New Jersey Ontral W*i Norfolk iSL- Western preferred Ityi Northern Paolllc H i <lo pr?*ferr?'it ? ?U p Northwestern I'M* do preferred lnj New York Central Mftt t New Vork iV .Ww Ktiglund 37 , Oregon Navigation 1* Pacific Mall ,??Va 1 Pittsburgh ]&? i Pullman Palace l Heading 2J,? Hock Island Sr. I'aul tiX l do preferred 133 St. I'aul & Omaha jjl'a ! do preferred 13ti& \ Sugar Refinery 11?% Tennenrtet' Coal & Iron ' Texas Pacific '-' a Toledo <>hlo Central preferred W l I'nlon Paeitle .. ~'i . I'nlted States Express 3."> Waba?h. St. Louis & Pacific do preferred ISl-s Welts Fargo Kxpress 99 1 Western I'nlon 83U Wheeling & Krle 1\ i do preferred 5ft . | (Senerul Kleetrlc , American Sugar preferred .....103 I*. H. I,oat her tirt>ferr#d ?9M ! Tobacco "'>\A J do preferred 103 llrmilatnir* mill Provision*. | CHICAGO ? Wheat, notwithstanding i iho exceptional dullness of trading, i closed firm at a Vifr-\c advance. Crop damage reports and a good cash de' niand were features of the closing ^ strength. Corn, oatsund provisions were ' almose lifeless and closed at xubstantial, ly yesterday's Anal prices. Wheat open; ed at a little Improvement over yester1 days closing figures. May 74V?@74Hc, an . advance of ',4c. There was considerable ? bull news on hand at the opening. Ltv. crpool was %d higher and Consols a ' shade lower although they were previ ously so high that the decline was not 1 regarded seriously. The cold wave fulfilled in Us bitterness all the predictions of the weather bureau and domestic re1 celpts were light. Chicago Inspection ' showing only lu carloads, compared with ' M a year at;o and Minneapolis and Du| luth 230 car loads, against 301 the week before, and 490 the corresponding day of 1 lent year. The week's clearances of wheat and flour from both coast* were the smallest from the crop, the total being only 1.313,316 bushels, against 3,130,(?)u bushels the week bsfore. The Argentine ilpraents to Europe were only lfio,ooo bushels compared with 1,232,000 on the C'irresponding week of ISM. Then In addition crop damage reports from the southwest were persistently t circulated and St. Louis an was the case yesterday, sent a good many buying or. ders on the strength of them. The price slowly rose to 74',-jc and then the inev(cable #p~k came. Business was extremely dull, duller In fact than at ( any previous time during the present .;eas n. The price of wheat usually declines ' when trading In light and to-day's inar1 ket was no exception to the rule, the rule, the price slowly reacting from 74,.-2C to 73"i074c. Then it commenccd to ri?e again, helped by a good cash demand. People from various districts were here to-day buying spring whoac for need because their winter wheat was dead. The orders for spring seed came from twenty-four i > twenty-five scattered localities in ihis state. , Owing to the persistency of the claim* of widespread damage ?? wheat, July was more in demand than May. Near the cloats of th?* session, rumors of inerea.Hlng complications growing out of Greece-Cretan trouble** were added to other matters already referred to, and the market closed strong at nearly the best prices of the day. May finally sold up to 74*??74v?c. and closed at 74'fce. Corn was very dull. The price almost stood still, fluctuating confined to a lie margin. Clearances w- re large again, 1.105,000 bushels. May opened unchanged at 24c, ?old to 23%^-3'^c, j and closed s toady at the opening price. Oat* held about steady with fluctuations confined to :? narrow range. Dullness was the only feature of the early I market and for want of any means of support price* were inclined to sag. Shortly before the Close, the covering of a fa If-sired ?hort line, and the late I strength ??f wheat created a better feellug and put the market on its feet again. May open -d a shade lower at ir?%<Trl7c. I There v. :s very little doing In provisions. but not withstanding the smallneau of the transactions the feeling was firm, except Immediately at the opening. Short filers 'lid not appear inclined to attack the markvt and packers were not offering much. At the dose May pork was unchanged at $x 07'j. May lard 2'^c lower at $1 ??7and May ribs a #hade higher at (I 17*i?-4 20. Estimated receipts Monday: Wheat 15 cars: corn .100 cars; oats 250 care; hogs ff.OOO head. \ Jopei) ! 1 lljrh- Low- Olos, lug. est. est. lug. Wheat No. 2.1 _.J .... , ] >!> ! -I -?. i. i"j May "I'll T':TJ 74', ' July 1 ;i?'. "J'? ;i?y jjij s?'pt ; o;> i?f 70",! ia??i! 70*4 1 Coir. So. 1'. I I |.\.|> I 22'i 23'4 22\ M11 y ! $ :< I p\\ 22% July ...1 2!'- . 2..", L'ItM 2.1 ; Hfpt ! 2?;\| y\\ :v?| 2UVi On t h. No. 2. ! I i I r-h ; r.'.i iv, 1.W Vr\ Mhv l<;,? i' i?a. if'i. July 17\ 17*i I I7'fc Mini Cork. I I | M (i v J ho;';' S I2!j 8 07'-.' F 10 July , .... 8 20 Lnnl. M? v ! ' ? I" 4 <171,i 4 07*4 ! July ... II-' I 20 4 17'il 4 174 Short Itlb*. ! I I M;iv 4 17' .' 4 10 1 4 4 20 . : July ..( * i'vlJlJ JK 1 4 27 fash <111 itatloii.1* wore a? followi: i Flour?Dull, u Inter patents si ;io{M r.O; ft t'.'i I it h 1 ' SI OOffM 20; nprliiv patents (ip.vial.H SI 4o: ?.prlnir patent* li ooft 1 jr.; anilirhi- * " W":1 70; I in ken* s;i 000/:: 10. Win it -N" 2 prime No. 3 spring' . 72c; No. red S::VoM'-e. run, \'<>. 2. ~~,,-j6i'22%c; No. 2 yellow j ' corn 221.-22 VM.i No. Ififilfltyo: No. 2 white 17?C1 fi-JI.-; N whit'- I6#18ftc. 11> No . | Marley No. 2 nomlnnl; No. 3, 21 ft26c. , ? I So. I. 7?l!Tf77sHo. TlmoUiya n-il--Prlnu*. $2 ri!?ffi 2 lit). Mi }? pork?per barrel, $7 05(93 00. I I .aril I'?*r loo l???i. JI 00. ! Short ribs?Sides (loose) $:i 95fy4 25. j 'Every one to her taste ?as the old woman said when she kissed the cow." If ou'd rather do your washing and cleaning in a siow, laborious way, spending your V, time and strength in useless, , ruinous rubbing, it's nobody's but yours. You are the one quickest, most economical way i you'll have to use Pearline. hintrs absolutely safe to wash it. faPearline INCREASE YOUR INCOME BY SPECULATION IN GRAIN, PROVISIONS AND STOCKS. fontlntiou* quotation? from Chicago nnd New York received direct by private wires. I (>., Itrukrra, I.TW Mmkct HI. Telephone 275. Commission ,l-li? Dry oalted shoulders (boxed) 4,(?@4%C. Short clear sides (boxed) 4'i?4%(.\ Whisky?Distillers' finished goods, per gallon $1 17. Hug-am?Cut loaf 5.26c; granulated 4.64c. lJutter?Market linn; creameries 14? 18c; dairies 16c. Cheese?Steady at iJ'-jfoNHic. i'Jggs? 'Weak; fresh 14'ic. NEW YORK.?Flour, receipts 1G.OOO barrels;-exports 23,630 barrels; market fairly steady, wllh a moderate demand for winter wheat brands; winter patents 54 60&4 85; Minnesota patents $4 25@ 4 40; Mllnn?*sota bakers' S3 75?3 90; winter low grades $4 6Ujf4 80. Wheat, receipts 20.350 bushels; exports 36,213 bushels; spot dull: No. i hard 87*4c options opened steadier and closed barely steady at a partial advance of He; March closed at 80"*e; May closed at 79%c. Corn, receipts 91,650 bushels; exports 36,159 bushels; spot Inactive; No. 2 28%c; options opened steady and ruled dull all the forenooon. closing unchanged; May closed at 2916c. Oats, receipts 86,400 bushels; exports 5.839 bushels; spot quiet; No. 2 21?ic; option's dull and barely steady, closing ftc net lower; May closed at 21%c. Hay quiet. Hops quiet. Hides quiet. Leather firm. Eeef quiet. Cutmeats firm. Lard steady; western steamed $4 25; refined firm. Pork dull. Tallow firm. ROflih quiet. Turpentine firmer. Itice steady. Molasses quiet; New Orleans 22@>30c. Coffee, options closed steady, unchanged to 5 points lower, and closed steady. 5 points lower to 5 points higher; sales 5.750 bacs. Sucar, raw steady; centrl fugal. 96 tost. 3*4c; refined quiet; standard 4*ic: confectioners' A 4Uc; cutlonf 5c; powdered 4ty?c; granulated 4?ic. Cotton seed oil steady. BALTIMORE*?Flour firm, but quiet; proces unchanged; receipt? 7.6S0 barrels; exports 20.57;! barrel.-'. Wheat dull; No. 2 red spot 88M.C hid; May 81 j? SI Vic; receipts 14.367 bushels; exports none; southern by sample 90@91c; do on grade 84089c. Corn easy; mixed spot 25,.i<?25%c; May 27?27%c; steamer mixed 24\4<8>24He; receipts 178.479 bufthels; exports 279.805 bushels; southern white 27?27^c; do yellow 2*?T?> 28l/-c. Oats quiet; No. II White 23024c; receipts 2.519 bushels; exports 57.500 bushels. Rye easier; No. - western 41c; receipts 4.393 bushels; exports none. Hay quiet and steady: choice timothy $i;: 60|il4 00. Butter and eggs steady and unchanged. Cheese firm and active and unchanged. CINCINNATI ? Flour quiet and steady. Wheat quiet; No. 2 red 89c; receipts 1.000 bushels; shipments none. Corn easy; No. 2 mixed 21&c. Oats quiet; No. 2 mixed 18Vie. Rye nominal; No. 36e. Lard firm at l.i 90. Bulkmeats quiet at $4 23. Bacon firm nt Jj 00. Whiskey quiet; sales 572 barrels on basis of $1 17 for spirits. Butter dull. Sugar steady. Eggs quiet ut 11c. Cheese firm. TOLEDO?Wheat dull and firm; No. 2 cash S7'jc; May 88c. Corn dull and steady; No. 2 mixed 22?/aC. Oats dull; No. '1 mixed 37c. Rye quiet; No. : cash 36c. Cloverseed active and steady; prime cash and March $4 70. PHILADELPHIA. ? Butter steady and In moderate demand; fancy western creamery 19c; do Pennsylvania prints, do do jobbers 21$24c. Eggs dull and 'a Hflc lower; fresh nearby and do western 15c. Cheese quiet but steady. lilvr Stuck. CHICAGO.?1There was the usual "? n b..iiii-i1ov viinnlv nT rnttlA In th?? peris to-day. There were sufficient, however, to satisfy a very light ,demand, buyers being few and far between. Prices were nubstantlally unchanged from yesterday's quotations. Sales of hogs to-day were at a range of S3 COfi 3 75, which are the highest prices paid in a long time, the bulk of the sales being at $3 R503 65, The quality of the offering* as a rule whs good. There was an active demand for sheep and prices were strong. Sheep sold In a few Instances as low as S2 2S@'J 50 and as high as }4 i5fF4 25 for fancy natives. Western sold at S3 506*4 10. The bulk of the native and western fed sheep wont for $3 T.'.'/i 4 10. Lambs sold at $3 60?3 75 for the poorest to S3 10{i> 20 for an occasional prime lot, the bulk going at $4 25 #4 75. Receipts: Cattle. 300 head; hogs, 25,000 head: sheep, 2,000head. I KAST LIBERTY.?Cattle steady; | prime $4 7004 90; feeders $3 60@4 00: bulla, stags and cows 51 75?3 50. Ifogs fair; prime medium and host Yorkers S3 Mffi'3 85; fair Yorkers and pigs $3 70? .1 80; heavy $3 50$f3 t?0; roughs S2 50? J 3 25. Sheep steady; Ohio fed westerns $4 00ffi>4 20; prime natives $4 20(fl>4 30; common $2 G0(fi3 30; choice lambs $5 00 {jP 5 25. Veal calves SO 00?6 25. CINCINNATI?Hogs active at S3 00*f 3 75; receipts 1,100 head; shipments 1,100 head. Tile Hnuk Statement. NI3W YORK.?The weekly bank statement shows the following changes: Reserve Increase, J1,855,025; loans, decrease, 11,137,000; apt cie Inc rertse, 51.12a.900; legal ten'ders. Increase, Jl.005.SOO: deposits, Increase, SI,096,700; circulation, decrease. S122.300. Te hanks now hold-S57,520,975 In excess of the requirements of the 2o per cent rule. Fetrulrum. 1 NEW YOjilv.?I'Piroieiim sionuy; Pennsylvania crude Mc March. OIL CITY.?Credit balancca 01c; certificates, no Mrlitla. NEW YORK ?PIk iron hIow; southern Jl<> 2B012 00; northern $10 50(ffl^r?0. I Copper easy; brokers' sr.!'00. Lend HtronK; brokers' $.'! 05. Tin, plutoa dull. Wool. NEW YORK.?Wool quiet; fleoco 15{i' 20c; pulled iGflJMSc. ilcailache and Xeuvataln cured by Or. MILES'PAIN 1'ILLS. "Ono cent a dosu." CASTORIA For Infants and Children. / EDUCATIONAL. MRS. HART'S SCHOOL FOR YOUNG .. LADIES AND CHILDREN. IJ?6 AMD |)? MAKKr.f SIRttl, W11!IIISC. W. VA. SIXTH ANNUAL SESSION. This whooi offers a complete and thorough education In Practical* Kngllah. Mat hematic*. KiitfllHh i.'Iui?hIc?, Latin. Modern UuiKiiaifCH uml Elocution. ART STUDIO, conducted by Mra. Eva Tluhburd. offers superior advantages for Pencil, Charcoal, water Color, Crayon Drawing ami Oil Painting. Doys received In the Primary and Interm?*d In teTiepnrt mentis. For circular?* or ln? terviuw, apply to MRS. M. STLVCNS HART, Principal. n linbKUiU! ??. in. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL The only school In the city with establlxhed reputation. Why tako any risk? Then putronlzo the one responsible financially and otherwise. Only LATEST Business Method.1* taught, and JUST A8 PRACTICAL as in our moat modern business house*. COMMERCIAL. SHORTHAND, ENGLISH AND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENTS. Tuitions low as In any other school. Both sexes; enter any time. Call or addrens for catalogue, \Yhelling BUSINESS C0lUGE' COITSfR MAW AHD TWIUIM STUtEIS. FINANCIAL. O, LAMB. PreR. JOS. SEVBOLD. Cashier. J. A. JEFFERSON. Ass'L Cashier. BANK OFWHEELM CAPITAL $200,000. PAID IV. WHEELING. W. VA. DIRECTORS. Allen Brock, .luscph F. Pa till, James Cummins. Henry Bleberson, A. Reyinauu. Joseph Seybold, Gibson Lamb. Interest paid on special deposits. Issued drafts on England, Ireland and Scotland. JOSEPH SEYBOLD, _myll Cashier. pXCIlANGE BANK. CAP! fAL. $300,000. J. N. VANCE President JOHN FREW Vie* Prealdent DIRECTORS. J. N. Vance. George E. Stlfel. J. M. Brown, William Elllngbam, John Frew. JohikL. Dickey, John Water house. W. JB 3 ton?, W. If. Frank. Drarts Issued on England. Ireland. Scotland and all points In Europe. L. E. 8ANDS. Caahltr. JJANK OF THE OHIO VALLEY. CAPITAL ?$175,000. WILLIAM A. I8ETT President MORTIMER POLLOCK....Vice President Drafts on England. Ireland, France and Germany. DIRECTORS. William A. Isett, Mortimer PoNock, J. A. Miller. Robert Simpson. E. M. Atkinson. John K. Botsford, JullUH Pollock. ja!8 J. A. MILLER. Cashier. SHOEMAKER. i os e p h~j7s m i t hT ? 1400 MARKET STREET, PRACTICAL SHOEMAKER. Shoes neatly repaired and half aoled while you wait. MA1.F SOI.INI. f J'Mt4iKl> ?.U5c AM) IIICUI.ING. (HKWKU ??o HOP Market street, corner Fourteenth. STEAMERS. FOR C1NCIN N ATI. ? LOUISVILLE. LOWER OHIO, NASHVILLE. ST. LOUIS. MEMPHIS. NEW ORLEANS, and Intermediate points take palatial steamers of the PUtsburijh ^ ClncinIng wharfboat. foot of Eleventh street, as folSteamer VIRGINIA?T. S. Talhoon, Master: R. H. Kerr. Clerk. Every Sunday. s a. m. Steamer KEYSTONE STATE?Charles W. Knox. Master; Dan Lacey. Clerk. Every Tuesday. K a. m. Steamer HUDSON?Robert R. Agnew. Master; James Alexander, Clerk. Every Thursday. 8 a. m. For freight or passage telephone SSO. CROCKARD & BOOTH, feJ) Agents. RAILROADS. _ FHST TIME 9 ovuh. PENNSYLVANIA SHORT LINES "PAX HANDLE HOUl'E." LEAVE WHEELING 9:45 A. M., CITY TIME. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Arrlvo COLl'MBUS 2:23 p. in. Arrive CINCINNATI 6:05 p. m. Arrive INDIANAPOLIS 10:13 p. ra. Arrive ST. LOUIS 7:00 a. in. PBNNSYLVANIA STANDARD COACHES. . . PENNSYLVANIA DININO CAR PULLMAN CARS FROM WHEELING JUNCTION THROUGH WITHOUT CHANGE. OTHER TRAINS LEAVE WHEELING. For Steubenvllle and Pittsburgh 7:25 a, m. week days; for Pittsburgh and the East and for Columbus and Chicago at 1:25 p. in. week days: for Pittsburgh, llarrisburg. Baltimore. \N ashlngton, Philadelphia and New \orkat 3:66 p. m. dally; for Bteubenville a"d Dennison at 3:f?f> p. m. dally; for Pittsburgh at 7:00 p. ni. week days: for Columbux. Dayton. Cincinnati, Indianapolis and St. Louis at 9:30 p, m. weekdays. City time. Parlor Car to Pittsburgh on 3:53 p. in. and 7 p. m. Trains. Persons contcinplatlnt; a trip will find It profltablo In pleasure and convenience to communicate with the undersigned, who will make all necessary arrftiiRcments for a delightful journey. Tickets will ho provided and bag^igo checked through to destination. ^ n T0MUNg0N. Pnsnenger and Ticket Agent. Wheeling. W. Va. oc3 OHIO RIVER RAILROAD COMPANY. Time Table In effect February 14. 1881 Pally. IDally except Sunday. Eastern Time. South Bound. | 1 | 3_ | 5 | 7"* , Via P..C.,C.&sLL.R. a. m. p. m. Pittsburgh. Pa..Lv. *9:10112:43 a. m. p. m .......? a . *a-*>n WllPeu II h :? -? i.<av.-. h in, it. in; ,,. mT Wheeling 6:30 ti2:or? N:i:. MOUIHIHVIIW* ......... i:?2 1-:I" 4:."??) Nov.- Martinsville... S:oo r.Miij SimerRVllle 1 : '? ?:i;. Wllllumfttown 9:41 3:14 r.Wa.m. Pnrkemhurg 10:1? 3:?0( K:00| 17:10 Kuvennwooa ii .:I 4:*iS|p, m.l smo Mutton City J-MN ? K. & M. Junction... I2:.i0 .mo jo -;, Point Ploawtnt luo 7:001 | \ Ift k. .V. Jit. K\. ! ?..- p. m p. m K. & M. Junc....Lv.( ;2:2? *7:12 2*23 p. m. p. in. )p. m. Charleston Ar.| ?o:0.|__ / r?;05 CinlllpollH I 1:20J 7:10 M0:tt Huntington 2:20| 8:20 |fJl:37 Via C & O. fty. fp. m. ii. m "* jp in Lv. Huntington | t2::u"?| I':.".-, . IP. m. p. ni. Ar. Charleston,W.V.| 14:27| | 4:27 Keriovu Ar. ' 2M0l"fS:<0 fl2;JG p. m.lp, m. p. in. Via C. & O. Uy. p. in In. in. u. ni. p. in. Konovu Lv. 2:tol M : !.'? 2:fi5 i )n. ni. I?. in. Cincinnati. O Ar. 7:001 *S:&j *7:00 ]n. ni. p. m. 1 Lexington, Ky...Ar. 7:20, 9:00a. in. *7:^o | JOHN J. A ltd I Kit, O. P. A. n ? ! RAILWAY TIME CARD. Arrival and dcparturn of trains on an* after February H, im?7. Explanation or Itefcrrnce Marks: Dnlly. iDally, except Sunday. JDnlly, except Saturday. except Monday. ISundayn only. Satur*' | dayn only. KaHtern Standard Time. J Wp?iTTiTito^Main r.rrioBMt.1 Arrlva; ,' isas ainiWanli., Bat. Phil.. N.Y. ?:? am 3.11 pin Wanli.. Hal.. 1'hll . N.Y.|...j.. *1 a ml.. Cumberland Aecom..i '*1:21i pn# *f:<v pm <;ruftou Aeeorn i*10:!0 am .11:00 ani|..\Vr.j?hlnKion City Ex..| *4:25 pm n?'part. irC&O.?C.O, I>lv., West) Arrive!' um}For Columbu* and Chi. *1:15 ara , J?:!5 ..Columbun and Clncln.. 5:30 piu Pm ..Columbus and Clncln.. *6:06 am am ..Columbus and Clncln.. 3M0 pm'CniumbuH and Chi. Kx. -11:50 am nQ:I5 am!..Si. ciiilrHvllle Aeeom.. til:S0 am .3:40 pm ..St. ClalriiVlllo Accom.. T5:30 pm J0;1.?umi, Sandusky Mall *5:30 pm Depart. B7&: o'.-W.T r B. Dlv.| Arrive.' 6:10 am For Pittsburgh i*ji>;lo am .I'M am ritmburaii *6:65 pm 5:10 pin|..plttnbmirh Mf.d J-'aHt.-ltll rM nm Pittsburgh and Kost.. fJ:30 am . |*S* PW Plttsl/urgh tl2:30 pm m ?epar;. I>, c., r. A- Ki.*L. Jty "Arrive!"" Kan. Pittsburgh 19:01 pm um Steubwivllle and West 1?:1S pm ]? ? nm 8i?ubsnvlll? Accom.. 16:15 pm U:r$ l>m "Pittsburgh snd N. Y.. 13:25 pm . . J; ..Pittsburgh snd N. Y.. *11:20 sm T'.wpn ...Pittsburgh Accom... 19:30 sm west 12 !m nrn ?* ? c,n- and Nt. Louis 17:12 sm 19.30 prn Ex.. Cln. and St. Louis ir,:ir pm ?1 p,n "5*. Steub. and Chi.. 43:25 pm _ l?fip pm ?PUts. and Pennlson.. 11:30 am 5?P*rt C. & P.?Bridgeport. Arrive. ; 15.BI am Port Wayne and Chi. 19:15 pm lee? a,n -Canton and Toledo.. 19:35 pm to.53 urn Alliance and Cleveland 19:35 pm n,n Steulienvllle and Pitts. 19:35 pm 110:09 am Steube villa and Pitts. 111:05 am 12:10 pin Fort Wayne and Chi. 16:10 pm 12: 0 pm ..Canton and Toledo.. 16:10 pm 12:10 prn Alliance and Cleveland 11:35 pm 13:58 ptniStcub'e and W?'11hv1I1? 13:35 pm fS:M pm Philadelphia and N. Y. 1G:10 pm lfi:w pm!.. Halt I more and Wash.. 16:10 pm 1j: .I prniStoub'o _a?d Wellsvllls 16:10 pm I W. Jt h. E. Arrivs. 0:fo tiro!....Toledo and Wat... >?J? pm I!2:52 nm Clove., Akron 4 Canton 6:10 pm !?:S um Brilliant and Ht.uhfn'e ?6:10 pm 4:55 prn .Mnsslllon und Canton. *11:10 am 4JJHJKE Brilliant and Steuben'* ni:10 sm J>part. C., L. &. W ?Rrldgop't Arrive. j ...Eastern T1tne. 17:05 am Cfeve., Toledo and Chi. 12:30 ptrt 11:25 pm Cleve., Toledo and Chi. 18:00 pm tl-W prn Mssslllon Accom lU.OO am 18:01 am ..St. Clalrsvlllo Accom.. 19:? sm 110:f? am ..St. Clalrsvllle Accom.. 11:30 pm 12:?? pm ..St. Clalrsvllle Accom.. t4:40 pm 16:26 pm ..St. Clalrsvllle Accom.. W:M,pm jrL40j?m ^..Local Freight Ml-50 am "Depart.; bhlb'Blver R. R. Arrlvo. 6:30 am! Passenger ....... *J0:i0 am 12:05 pm Passenger 3:40 pm *4:15 pm. Passenger *6:80 pm Belfalro. J - BeTlalrs. ' Leave. ( B., Z. & C. R B. Arrive. 9:10 am Bellaln-. 2:45 pm 4:15 pm' Woodsfleld 8:46 am 1:25 pm] and Zan^svllle 12:25 pm RAILROADS. this Cleveland, Loraiu & Wheeling RAILWAY COSIPANY. funti-oI Qtnrwlnfrl Tim* Time Schedule of Passenger Trains la effect Sunday. January 3,1S97. Cleveland Depot Foot South Water Street. DEPART.. I 2 I 4 I 6 | 8" a. m. a. in. p. nClp. m. Bridgeport 6:05 12:25 3:fi0 t'hrlclisvllln 5:30 #:lu 2:3.1 6:00 New Philadelphia... 6:47 S:2S 2:M 6:10 Canal Dover 6:54 8:36 .*5:00 6;W Justus 6:23 9:<w 3:*) 6:55 Mawlllon 6:40 9:23 3:45 7:11 Warwick 7:05 9:49 4:10 Sterling 7:27 10:12 4:23 Seville 7:34 10:1S 4:? Medina 7:55 10:37 5:00 lister 5:37 10:60 6:44 Grafton *:'? 11 :??7 ?:0:< Klyrla 9:10 11:21 6:21 Lorain . ... 9:25 11:35 ?:35 Lester Junction 8:10 10:49 6:15 Cleveland 9:10 11:60 6:15 . a. ra. p. m. p. to. . ARRIVE. i i i ? i > i f~ I p. m.'p. m. p. m. p. m. Bridgeport 1:3" 1?:?? Ulirlchavllle 1J:2S 4:52 S:? ::tt Now Philadelphia... 30:52 4:17 8:00 7:3 Canal Dover 10:15 COS 7:52 7:18 Justus 10:15 3:33 7:2. 6:41 MasBillon 9:? 2:22 7:M 6 ? Warwick 5:33 3:5S 6:37 a. m. Sterling: 8:10 2:M 6:16 Seville ?:01 2:28 6:15 Medina S:ll 2:09 5:47 lister 8:35 1:13 5A Grafton 7:11 1:36 4:? Klyrla 7:2.1 1:19 4:28 Lorain 7:05 1:05 4:10 hosier Junction ? 8:32 1 6:34 Cleveland 7:30 1:U0 4:30 , a. m. p. ni p. m. All trains dally except Sunday. Passengers between Wheeling. Martin Ferry. Bellalre and Bridgeport, take Electric Hallway. sr. G. CAnRET* General Passenger Agent BALTIMORE4 OHIO. Departure and arrlrnl trains at Whitl^a^^^^K^Q'sciiedulo In cffcct Feb. IM1 feJfljEJjfif-I]4;-, ix)* T TTT* EAST. VgKn^yilV For Baltimore. Phila^^pfMUiayiiey delphla and New York. 12:25 and 11:00 a. m. and Cumberland AecommodaUo^^bo a. m.. dally except Sunday. Grafton Accommodation. 8:40 p. m. dally. ARRIVE. From New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore. 8:20 a. m.. dally. Cumberland Express. 4:2S p. m.. dally. Cumberland Accommodation. (jip.nL, except Sunday. Grafton Accommodation. 10:19 a. nu, dally. TRANS-OHIO DIVISION. --A ^hln'suH 1.9K m ? I'Or l uiuiliuun uuu n u? ami ."HO p. m.. daily. Columbus and Cincinnati Express, 10:11 a. ni. dally. 11:40 p. m. dally, except Saturday. and 2:40 a. m. Sunday only. Sandusky Mall 10:15 a. m.. dally. St. Clatrsvllle Accommodation, 10:11 a, m., and 3:40 p. m.. excep^Sunday. ARRIVE. Chicago Express, l:l& a. m. and 11:50 a. m.-dally. Cincinnati Express, 5:05 a. m. and 5:10 n, m.. dally. Sandusky Mall, 5:20 p. m.. dally. St. Clalrsvlllo Accommodation. 11:50 a. m. and 5:30 p. m., dally, except Sunday. WHEELING &. PITTSBURGH DIV. . For Pittsburgh, 5:10 and 7:00 a. m. and 5:40 p. in., daily, and 1:35 p. n?., daily. ?xc?pt Sunday. , ? , . For Pittsburgh and the East, 6:10 a. m, and 5:40 p. in., dally. ARRIVE. From Pittsburgh. lu:lo a. m. and 6:55 p. in., dally: 11:30 p. m., dally, cxcept Saturday. and 2:30 u. ui.. Sunday only; 12:? p. in., except Sunday. ' CHAS. O. SCULL, O. P. A.. , * Baltimore, aid, J. T. LANE, T. V. A.. Wheeling. W. Va. WHEELING! ELM GROVE RAILROAD On and after Saturday. February 2. 1SJ^ trains will run as follows, city time: Leave Wheeling. 1 I^ave Kim Grove. Tr'n T'nm Tr'n'l meTr'n T'melTr'nT'ma No. a m.|No. p. m.lNo. a. m. No. p. m. 2.... 1?;:00;J0.... 2:(X.| 1.... tfi:0019.... S;nn 4.... LP0 22.... 4:i)0l ".... 7:0021.... 4:00 6 .1 'O0 24.... 5.... SrOOlM.... 5;0r? X.... 9:00126.... G:C0 7.... 19:00j25.... 6:00 10.... 10:00'2S.... 7:<?>| !>.... 10:00 27.... 7:0o 12.... llioofao ?V0011.... 11:00.29.... S:(V) p. m.i32.... 9:00| p.m. 31.... ?:oo 14 .. 34.... 10:00113.... 12:00 33.... 10:00 l?. .. l-.none.... 11:00 15.... 1:00 35.... 11:0? " IS.... 2:00| e 17.... 2:00] t Dally, except Sunday. Sunday church trains will leave Elm Grovo at 9:43 a. m. and Whrnllnc at 12:17 m. H. K- WEISOKRBER. V.iMirnu mnunKnr. WHEELING BRIDGE S. TERMINAL RT C. O. BREWSTER. Receiver. Time Tulilo No. 13, to take effect 12:01a. m., Hnnilny. Novoinbrr 19, 1S95. Lrnvn NVheeling?18:00. 19:45. SUMO a. m., (2:20, *3:1.',. +4:30. ?9:00 p. m. i.ouve I'cnlnsmla?*S:iH5, 19:31, {11:46 a. m? t2:2C, *3:21. t4:36. {9:0G p. in. Loavo Martin's Ferry?<S:12, 19:57, |U:S3 n. in.. 12:32. M:27. 14:12. |9:12 p. m. Ariivo Terminal Junction?tS:17, 10:01 (11:6S n. m.. t2:S8. *3:33. 14MB. {9:18 p. in. I.oiive Terminal Junction?17:22, {9.00 a. in., *12:40 ii. in.. ?3:K?. {4:05. <6:14. H:45 p. m. I.oavo Martln'H Kerry?17:28, {9:07 a. ni., 12:46. {4:05, !:10. 16:19, iS:52 p. m. Leave lVnlnmila?*7:34. {3:14 a. m., *12:61. [1:11. * 1:17. '5:25, tS:5S p. m. Arrive Wheeling?17:40, 19:20 a. m., *12:67, 14:17, 14:25, 16:31. 19:05 p. m. Dully. t Dally except Sunday. ISundaya only. All trains will run en Eastern Time. J. K. TAI'SSli.', Superintendent. r M11H INTELUIO ENCER PRINTING J. Establishment?Neat, accurate, prompt.