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I THE INTELLIGENCER PaMMrt telly, Uc>I tartar, fcr The lotelltgeflcar PubiMiag Co. 39 MB 27 rOUtlUMM 51*11. Tifiu< Pir Y?ar? by Mali, tin AAunoi Postage Prepaid. I. ^ltt th* w"k) 1 Dally Six Months U.f< Mir, Tfcvoe Month. ? 1.3< Dally (Three Days 1m UitWctk) 3,01 Dally (Two Daya lu Cke Week) Slot Dally (One Month). 41 Weekly (Ou. Year la Advanc*)...^ MM Weekly (tlx Months) ?H THE DAILY INTELLIGENCER Is dillv . ered by carriers In Whoellng and ad Jacent towns at 10 cents per week. V Persons wishlnjr to subscribe to-THI DAILY INTELLIGENCER can do s< by sending in their orders to the IN TELLIGENCER office on postal card! or otherwise. They will be punctual^ served by carriers. Tributes of Respect and Obituary Notice] fiO cents per Inch. Correspondence containing Importani news solicited from every part of th< surrounding country. r- , Rejected communications will not be re K* turned unless accompanied by sum olent postage. L. ' [The INTELLIGENCER, embracing Iti ^ jufltlnna itiiturM In th? Post Iofrico at Wheeling, W7"vi.,~ Mseco'nd-claai matter.) TKLKTHOSt M'.KRKRS: fawn ai31 co?u#q tt?m. sr THE INTELLIGENCER: WHKittiao.~M~*KCH 11, un. The PrNldiat and the People. An opposition newspaper publishes i picture of the palace car In which Majoi McKlnley goes to Washington and th< ordinary coach in which Mr. Llncolr made the journey* The idea is to shun - that Mr. Lincoln was a plain person, oni i' of the people, and that Major McK tales gets as far away from the people as hi can. pi When Mr. Lincoln went to Wathlng[ ": ton to take his scat as President the palk ace car of to-day had not been developed || His Journey was made thlrty-?lx years t ago. when railroading conveniences wcr< | in their Infancy. He had no more chancc ; to go to Washington in such a car as Ma? Jor McKlnley use* than Ge.?rge Wash* ij: : ington had to steam into the national i; capluil on a gravel train, p Appeals of'thij sort are wasted on th< |v American people, who are glad for theii te chosen Chief Magistrate to have all Che comfort he.can get. There has been s guoU deal of banging at our President* for using government dNpateh boats foi thejr pleasure. President Cleveland has been a flne target for that sort of thing (! but the people have had no sympathy ivlfh it. i'v So long as the President docs his dutj the people are willing that he shall hav? | the best that is going-, and If he desire tc J:; use a government boat not needed at th< time they are perfectly willing that h< | shall do so. And when the President has occasion to make a Journey by rail the people dc not ask that he shall be at pains to rid< !;. in the shabbiest and least comfortabh car he can find. The great Americas | public is neither mean nor craxy. I_. Better Hnilnea*. Business is looking up. The country [-. has confidence in the Republican party i the distinctive business party of th< country. Producers and traders of a! sorts know that whatever else may "hap l:' pen the business of th? country will con ; tlnue to be done on a solid monetarj basis. Then there Is the assurance thai [. the Republican party will pass an Amer lean tariff law if it can get the votes, ant the hope that It may And the votes to d< | so at a very early day. r . It Is known that the new Preslden ^ will call Congress to meet in extraordi % nary session on or about March 15, foi [ . the purpose of considering the tariff bll j prepared by the ways and means com p mittee of the house. The confident ex ? pectatlon that the Republican party wil 1 live up to Its pledges and Its record fill: | the country with a buoyant hope that ii reflected fn the general Improvement I: trade. [ .Itisnotasyctai'crymarkedimpnn'e meat, but tt is a welcome indication o an early return of the normal pulie-bea of our industries and exchanges. Wi re going to have better times, and wi are going to have them soon. Japan and the tiold Standard. Japan, determined to be In the proces Ion of the progressive nations, give notice that she is about to adopt the go!< standard, and the relation of her silve coin to her standard gold coin will bi a 32K to 1. The monetary ratio Is Jus about the present commercial ratio. This means that Japan has seen th folly of the silver standard. Her wage earners have felt it. Pricea have ad vanced twice as much as wages, and ii nany industries wages have not ad vanced at all. The Japanese laborer ha icored a distinct loss under the sllve standard. Our own country would have lookei well dropping to the silver basis at a dis honest ratio while Japan Is about to hav for her monetary standard that of th highest civilation. While Mr. Bryan Is talking he woUli do well to address himself to this lates chapter ,in the history of the nations tha have repudiated the sliver basis. On to C'harleatou. Governor-elect Atkinson, accompanlei by a pariy of friends, leaves to-day to Charleston,' where he Is presently to tak the oath.of. office 83 governor of Wea Virginia. Many years have r*ssed sine Ohio county borrowed Mr. Atkinson froti Kanawha. He was then a promising young mar Being a man who keeps his promises, h goes back to his native county the chosci tftfolnf nf fhl<4 MllCh 9 Ohio county re*ret* to lose him even to a time, she lend* him to Kanawha fc? four years and expects him to be return cd In as good condition a* now, reason able wear and tear excepted. With affectionate regard Ohio count; speed* the governor-elect on hi* wa> wishing for him and the Mtnte a succew ful administration. West Virginia ha never had a governor who knew her poo pie so well, and certainly none mor earnestly desirous of promoting the wel fare of all the people. Tlie ConimlMloiiera ami th? F'IIm. The county commissioner* went wronj yesterday?and thou tvent rucht?on tli proposition to hpond more than $#.009 n the county's money on new files for th clerks' ofllrcrt. The second vote, b; which the measure waa referred i<? th finance committee; might well have come ?] flrst. This vote la understood to mean the death of the project. It should meun i juat thaU tilnco the expenditure la not Justified by the public needs, It cannot be Justified at all. , If there were any need of new fllea the proper proceeding would be to ascertain > wh*rethe county may buy <*>lhe boat ad> vantage. In tho present case but one > concern haa been consulted, and tho rep* ' reaentatlve of that ono seemed to own [ Ohio county for the moment. ( It will be creditable to the county com1 mlseHoncrs If no mure bo heard of this . matter. Nevada's High Art Spirit. 2 Tho great state of Nevada 1s going In > strong for art To accommodate the tls tlo artists and to elevato tho tone of her 1 people, she made the prise light legal on p her sacred aoll. The effect of thla waa at . once seen. Immigration was stimulated as It had not been for years, t Pitsslmmons and his party and Cor1 bett and his gang moved In and camped. Capital came. All the aporta brought ' more or lesa money. Business boomed. : chiefly tho telegraph business, but any I sort of business boom la welcome out > there. Now the art sense has taken a : higher tllirtit. v. A bill to appropriate $3,000 to buy u ! champion belt for the winner of the Corbctt-Fltxslmmona flght has been Introi duced in the legislature. The amount 1s : small, to be sure, but It shows tho spirit of a free. Independent, high-minded and ambitious people. Nevada may be as a cundle that Is almost burned out, but she haa made up her mind to attract the world with one mighty splutter before she gives up the ghost. * The lnaagaral Pageant. Newspapers that complain of the great cost of the Inaugural festivities in .Washington are barking up the wrong trie. All that Congress luu? appropriated is $5,000. The rest Is raised by popular Subscription apd the sale of privileges. The subscription Is In the nature of a guarantee fund. It 1s believed that about $75,000 will be realized. Any balance remaining after paying expenses will be given to charities In the District of Cilumbta. Outside of all this a large amount of money will be spent by visitors. but they are glad to spend it and are , not proper objects of sympathy. So long as the people make the display, .at, their own cost and in their own way, , a pageant at the time of Inaugurating a President will not necessarily suggest that the underpinning of the republic is being knocked away. Unless all signs fall the Cretan trouble will prove to be the beginning of the end of the Turk In Europe. The powers will fall to lighting. Turkey will be driven out of Europe and confined in Asia, what Is now Europcnn Turkey will be spliced up and divided among the powers. Crete will be Joined to Greece. There will be hard fighting with great loss of life and treasure, but that will be the price that , civilization will have to pay to get the Turk out of Europe. The official who stands next to the r President, heretofore called the private secrethry, Is hereafter to be called the J secretary to the President. This what he I Is In fact, not really the President's prl. vate secretary. The office Is an Import. ant one, but not so important as Private f Secretary Thurber has thought. The int cumbent Is not really a bigger man than . the President. 1 Charleston will not have so large or so J grand a demonstration as the national affair In Washington, but the Charleston ' demonstration will be ahead of anything of the kind West Virginia has had; and r it will all be In honor of a worthy man who will be a goo# governor if he has t" work twenty-four hours every day to be J fliaL i "A. R."?The Spanish word "Incommu9 nlcado," In the dispatches from Havana i means "solitary confinement." Why it li thought necessary to use the Spanish * word wc do not know. f 1 t President McKlnlcy will be more inB terested to get necessary things well 8 started than to distribute tho pap. Let the hungry take notice and govern themselves accordingly. If-money were more plentiful more of * Wheeling would go to Charleston. J Enough will be there to show good will, r and those who can't go will send their 6 kindly greeting. Mr. Olney mifiht get a place on WeyIcr's staff. Probably he. does not speak Spanish, but Olney and Weyler speak the common language of sympathy. 1 Before Secretary Olney goea out of " office he should make a confession In the 9 Consul General Lee matter, r m SCIENCE AND TOBACCO. Praf. 91 alley's Account of Ills Warfare With th? Weed. 6 Exchange : At a debate on smoking e among the members of tho British association many speakers denounced and " others advocated tho practice. Professor ' HlSloy said: "For forty years of my life 1 tobacco had been a deadly poison to me. (Loud cheers from the anti-tobacconists.) Jn my youth, as a medical stu] dent, I tried to smoke. In vain! At r every fresh attempt my Jnslduous foe * stretched tne prostrate on the floor. (Rcl pcatcd cheers.) 1 entered the navy; 0 again I tried to smoke, and again inet u with defeat. I Imtcd tobacco. I could almost have lent my support to any iuL stitutlon that had for Its object the putc ting of tobacco smokers to death. (Von clferous applause.) A few years ago I ft'Bi? In Brittany with some friends. We went to an Inn. They began to smoke, r They looked very happy, and outside it r was very wet and dismal. I thought I . would try a cigar. (Murmurs.) 1 did so. (Great expectations.) I smoked that * cigar?It was delicious (Groans.) From that moment 1 was a changed man, and v 1 now feel Mint smoking In moderation I? li comiorutuiR ami lamiam*.* inavuvu. and It productive <>f goo' J. (Dliimay and > rnnfufcion of the amMob-icennlHl*. Koavs h of laughter from tho timokerc.) There la no more harm In a. pipe than there In in ii cup of tea. YOu may polnon yourself c by drinking loo much green tea, and kill - yuirxolf hy eating too many beefsteaks. For my own part. I consider that tobacco. In moderation, I* a mveetener' and equalizer of temper." (Total rout of tha nntl*tobncconl?iH and complete triumph t of the smokers.) o ' PKKMATPIlK baldness may be prevented and the hair mud" to grow on .. head# already bald, by the use of I rail's Vegetable Sicilian llalr Renew" et I ?/ : .i . . ' $3,400,00 As follow*: 4 Flnt Prfns, aaoh of S100 Cnli' :: "iWW Cuh ind Prins glvao aioh month Total given during 12 mos. 1897, |4j HOW TO OBTAIN THEM. WSfiraaPg fflpfegtenferog i^iasssa'iws e&Z dnsrampis; ZW* ~a~ tzspdsi a The New England Mflcs. . falo, Ho?tonM?1 Now York. Kittedwith!Uftitford Tlr??t Flril Cliu Nlekls Lsmpu Nw DiDMjjri Boll. Standard UycloQKtf, and Hunt Lsosbsddls. THE STATESMAN OWWB UP. In AU Tntlcurt Many Trlrks, mid Sonic times In Politics. Detroit Free Press: "I'm what you might call a retired statesman," said the old lawyer, whose practice is chiefly that of a counselor. "But before the was I was in politics up to my eyes," and his face grew younger with the memory. "I was in Kentuck, and the first time I ran for Congress 1 beat one of the best campaigners in that state, Und no state has better. He was a veteran who had been over the course several times and sneered at the thought of my being a serious opponent. He had the old system of being a hall fellow well met, gossiped by the hour with the women, kissed the babies while he was filling them up with candy and Jollied along with the men as though each one was his especial friend. I knew It was no use to'fight him at his own game, so I Invented some new tactics. "Without the fact attracting any particular attention, it was made public that there were to be from three to five shooting matches and ail around tournament* in each county of th?' district. Nothing Is dearer to the heart Df the real Kentucklan. I was an athlete and a good shot, und 1 was at every one of those contsts. 1 knew Just who to beat and who not to beat When the county had a champion it was proud of I managed it so that he always got the best of me, and I sounded his praises till the male population were lighting friends of mine. My opponent did not shine in feats of strength or skill and 1 smoothly managed to create a sentiment wherever I went that the women had belter send one of their own number to Congress if they were to run the elections; for my part I believed that the men should run the government. I won easily* and 1 kept right on winning until 1 left the state." SOME LATE NEW THINGS. A newly designed hanger f<?r shade rollers Is made of metal. In sections, slidably connected ivith each other. ?o that the holder will take any length roller and the curtain can be hold outward from the wall any desired distance. A current water wheel recently patented is composed of two floats fastened together and holding a horizontal shaft, tc which V-shaped buckets are attached In spiral lines, a portion of the. buckets l>*. lng always In position to receive thi water. A new medicine timer consists of a metal frame to clasp a tumbler or neck of a bottle and an upright portion, holding a number of dials, which can be sel at any desirable time, also indicating the sijje of dose and lapse of time between doses. An apparatus to operate torpedoes foi the blowing up of ships recently patented consists of a trolley line running on the river or ocean bed, on whlfch a torpedo Is fastened, sliding along on the wire until it strikes the bottom of the vessel. To keep a coat from wrinkling and getting out of shape a new hanger is made of two tfprlng wires crossed X-ahaped two upright wire bowa connecting the ends of tho springs. the shoulders of thf coat resting on the bows to keep thorn ii: shape. Tho combination of a rurtain pole and bracket recently patented is formed by n ball to whidi two rods are fa*tonrd al right angles, tho shorter rod ending In n wall bracket and the longer one running to the other aide of the? window to hold the curtain. For use in catching mail bags a now device has a lever running down on th? aide of the car truck to engage a block which Is only in position when a mail pouch is hung on the discharging arms, the lever throwing the catcher Into posttlon on the car. To prevent extravagant use of gas bj turning it on full force a new tip is hollowed out on tho under side to hold a bal and spring, a thermostat, being plam Just inside the tip to raise the ball aw 'decrease the gas pressure as the burncj becomes heated. Tho use of pneumatic pressure to run i bicycle has recently boon patented, th< pedals being mounted on Jevers to compress the air. which is stored in tw< drums surrounding the back axle am runs through pipes to two air motors attached to the hub of the rear wheel. Yon Can lie Well When your blood is pure, rich and nourishing for nervi-n and muscles The blood is the vital fluid, and wher K Is poor, thin and impure you niusl either suffer from some distressing disease or you will easily fall a vlctlir to auddrn changes, exposure or overwork. Keep your Wood pure will: Hood'a Sarsaparilla and be well. HOOD'S PILLS are th<? best afterdinner pHl: assist digestion, curc headache. 25 cents^ 2 President!*! fnangtiratloii nt W??hlng< ton, D. C., March <1, l*U7. For the above occasion, the Italtimorr & Ohio Company will sell excursloi tickets, March 1, 2 and .1, at reducer: round trip rates, good returning Marc! 4 to 8. The Baltimore & Ohio is the mils direct lln?! from Wheeling to Washing ton, D. C. Trains leave Wheeling al 12:2a, 5:10 and 11:00 a. in. and 3:40 an<! r?:to p. m. Through Pullman Sleeper or the 12:25 a. m. train from Wheeling, re turning this sleeper arrives at Wheeling at 8:20 a. m. daily. Holler In Nix Hour*. Distressing kidney and bladder diseases relieved In Hlx hours by the "NKW GHKAT SOUTH AMKRICAN KID NKY CUItR." This now remedy la t surprise on account of Its exceed lug promptness In relieving pain in th? blnddwr, kidneys, back nud every pari of thu urinary passago In male or fe male. It relieves retention of water nni pain In passing It almost Immediately If you want uulck rellfcf and cure this In your remedy. Sold by R. H, List druggist, Wheeling, W. Vu. IF you have ever seen n child In tin ngonv of croup, you run appreciate tin gratitude ?>f the mothers who knov (lint One Minute Cough Cure relieve! their little ones ni <tulckly jih It In ad ministered. Many homex in Mils city an never without It. !?. Oootae, cor ner Twelfth and Market street.;; Howli & Co.. Hrldgeport; lreabody & Son Heinvood, & I AND GI VEN FREE ZES EACH MONTH Slight 3,800,00 WRAPPERS RULE8* 1. Kvevf month dorine 1W7 o( tbe4dl?UleU .h. Md.1. lb. SrSfiSS^fllM Vjuih wotlit at winner'* W option a lad)? urgnDtlaroan'a Fierce B-ffiSSfeS-S 2. The Competition*willCtoee the Uil Du of of bnr Urol here, Ltd., and their families, wede* t?r11 vrTitadfl^ofwinomlo CorapXIlnt'lilUtrlot will be forwarded to OomptUlora io about SI dajra After each competition clooea. A. I?v?r Brutbara. Ltd., will endeavor to award the prTiea lair)/ to the beat of their ability ud Judgment, but It i< underatood tbat all whoooinpetea?t?o to accept the award of Lever Brother*. lid., aa flnaL l.KVBtt BUOH., Ltd., New York. THE UNIVERSITY, What file L?(lalatara Did for It?The I rial itntloit Never Before In KncH Favor. I Special Dispatch to the Intelllgencer. CHARLESTON, W. Va., March 1.? . So much has been said In the newspa, pers conecrnlng contemplated action of the legislature affecting the University t that it is well, perhaps, to state what was done, now that the legislature has adjourned. f The board of regents will remain i composed of nine members, not more , than live of whom shall be of the same party. * 1 The preparatory department was not i disturbed, everybody being of the opin ion that we do not have enough high I schools yet in West Virginia to prepare our boys and girls for the University; and the preparatory work at the Unl versity is or sucn " '?k? oiun : that here is nothing yet to fully take Its place. Appropriations were made for the 1 building of a wing to one of the buildings, th<* purchase of more grounds, etc.. besides for the operating expenses of the University. The report of the joint committee of the legislature that visited the University concludes as follows: The West Virginia University is a great institution, and the more we Investigated its magnitude, management, and the work of each department In detail. the prouder we were of the great ; achievements and powerful Influence for good gone out from this noble Institution into all parts of our state and country, and as It would require too much time and space to report sepa, rately each and every department In detail, we will only add that the recent management has been exceptionally good, and we recommend the proper i support and encouragement of this Institution." ' This report expressed the sentiment and Judgment of the entire legislature. The University never before stood in such high favor w ith the people of West Virginia and the country ut large. Wool Trad*. Bradstrcet's: The market remains ! strong, with purchases free, when tho : large business dnoe since the year | opened Is considered. Boston wool ! sales since January 1 foot up 59,264,500 pounds. The business tHe past week was in excess of 6,000,000 pounds, over half being foreign fine wool. The latter > Included 1,600,000 pounds South Amerli can cross-bred, of which 1.300,000 pounds were taken by one manufac turer. The sales also included 870.000 pounds Australian and about 1,400,000 i territory grades. This business is all ; due to the expectation of a duty being put on wool, and manufacturers are : storking ahead. General prices are not materially different, and are based eni tirely on the cost to import. Quarter and three-eighth blood unwashed . fleeces are about He higher, however, the range being from 17Hc down as to , quality. Teh next London auction sale , of wool will commence March 9. Tli? Fourth of March. , Impatiently we're waiting for the Fourth , of March to coin?; For the creaming of the trumpets and the clamor of the drum; ' For the serried ranks of soldiers all along > the avenue; i For the merry, tramping stragglers who will there bo gathered, too. What though the ksles 1>? stormy and the I blustering wind be chill? i 'Mong*t the many thought* awakened, one Indocd will gaily thrill; [ 'Tin but h step from that time to the gentle rule of Slay, ; When the mercury will trun around and 1 run tho other way. Ah, then we may expect to see our cherished land advance In aelrnre, art and morals and especially ; finance; I That day will be the threshold whero we , leave a tloomy past And walk through Kolden portals to a place whore none may fast; And the chimneys where the drifting smoke Is hung like sable plum** Shall breathe an incenso sweeter than the 1 orient's perfumes, I And best or all!?to this at least no ukeptle shall cry "nay," \ The mercury will turn around and run tho other way. ?Washington Star. i How'aThUI We offer Olio Hundred Dollars Re> ward for any <cas?? of Catarrh that 1 cannot be curtd by Hull's Catarrh Cure! F. J. CHUNKY & CO., Props., Toledo, Ohio. "We, the undersigned, have known F, I J. Cheney for the last fifteen years, and believe him perfectly honorable in J all business transactions and Unaticit ally able to carry out any obligation > made by their firm. J WKST & TRUAX. Whole Druggists, Toledo, O. . WALDINO. K INN AN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O., Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally. acting directly upon the blood , and mucuous surfaces of the nystPtn. Price 7f>c per bottle. S<yid by all druggists. Testimonials free. ON15 iMInule Is all the time nccosk sary to decide from personal experl| ence that One Minute Cough Cure does I what its name Implies. C. R. Ooetzc, , Corner Twelfth and Market streets; , Howie & Co.. nrUlgeport; I'eabody & Son, Ren wood. _ 1 Ullnw in l'n? .til Kblll 1 Simply apply SWAYNB'S OINTMENT 1 No Interna) medicine required. Cure* tot tor, eczema,, Itch, alj eruption* on the ? face, hand*, no*?\ etc., Icavlnu tho skin clear, white and healthy. Its croat healIhk and curative pow?r? are pmuieaaed l?y no other remedy. A?k your druKKlni for SNVAVNE'S OINTMKNT. ttha&w ' K. 15. TURNER. of Complon, Mo., writes \is* thni after nurferltiK front piles for aeventccn yearn, he complcte ly mired them by iislnR three boxen of DeVVltt's Witch Ilaxel Solve. It cures t eexema and Revere Hkln dlHonaes. C. H. J Gootxe, corner Twelfth nnd Market 1 Htreetn; Howie A Co.. Bridgeport; Pen body ?Sr Son. Ben wood. C CASTORIA For Infants nnd Children. lit f?e- /y : 'B,. J, 8. RHODES * CD. This Week's Bargains. One case of New Printed Dimities at 10c, the 15c grade. 75 pairs Hansome Tapestry Portieres, with heavy fringe, at $2.50 a pair. 80 Chenelle 6-4 Fringed Table Covers at 39c. Another lot of those extra large Crcihet Quilts at 85c. They look cheap at $1.25. New Dress Gxjds for Evening Wear. Silk Striped Ettamine. Handsome and inexpensive. 40 inches wide?50c a yard. Colors, Cream, Pink, T ___j JTU> Dl,.? JLavenaer ?uiu wjjih wiuw. j. s. rhodes & go. WALL PAPER. wallpaper: . NEW SPRING STYLES, Embracing the latest designs in Wall and Ceiling Decorations. We are confident we can satisfy you, both in our goods and prices, if you will kindly give us a trial. JOHN FRIEDEL & CO., 1119 MAIV STREET. AMUSEMENTS. OPBRH - HOUSE. TUESDAY, MARCH 2. The Nineteenth Cenlury David Garrick. ?Detroit Free Press. TITO MURPHY, The man who made "A Texas Steer" famous. In two artistic achievements at each performance. Tho laughing success in thrco merry acts, . v OLD INNOCENCE, Funnier than "A Texas Steer," and the dramatic sensation. "SIR HENRY HYPNOTIZED." A grand doublo biil at each performance. Prices?O.00, "5 and GO cents. Seats on sale at C. A. House's Music Storo Saturday, February 27. fem ?OPERH HOUSE* THURSDAY. MARCH 4. Swept SiiiRnr Hweet singer CHAS. A. GARDNER, In his Grand Comedy, KARL, THE PEDDLER. Largo and Brilliant Specialty Companv. All Original Scenery Carried. New Comedy Scene*. Beautiful and Catchy Music. New Tyrolean Dances. Karl Gardner's, Latest Songs*. "The Lily." "Hunter song/' "Karisinvitation," "Bachun and WmV "Soap Bubble." "Boballnk," "German Swell, "Spinning Wheel." "Alpine Choruses." Prices?11.00, "5 and uO cent*. Seats on dale at C. A. Ilouso's Music Storo Tussday. March 1'. fe2G pi HAND OPERA HOUSE. Three nights, commencing Monday, March 1. Matinee Wednesday. Special limited engagement of the Sterling Soubrotte, Miss Lillian Kennedy, supported by a company of first-class artists, presenting Annie Pixlcy's THE DEACON'S DAUGHTER. Night prices?15, 25, 35 and 50c. Matinee prices?15. it. and 35a g fc20 f1 RAND OPERA HOUSE. Thursday. Friday and Saturday and Saturday inatlnee, March 4, 5 and 6. The Famous GUS HILL'S NOVELTIES. Always something now. First and only appearanco hero this season. Usual prices. mri HOP3BFURNI8BINQ GOODS. WOMEN! Who nro anxious to accomplish the best results, for the leant money, should examine tho Cinderella Ranges before they buy. Tlioy are good bakers, perfect roasters, and have every now feature of practical worth. They havo pleased thousands of housewives and will pleaso you. Nesbitt & Bro., 1313 Market str??H, CXy Agmt?. ^ PLUMBING, ETC. TRIMBLE & LUTZ COMPANY, SUPPLY HOUSE. rlmnbltip anil (lot Fltllu;, Sleam mill Hut Wator Heath;. A Full Line ?1 lUc Celebrated ?? SNOW STEAM PUMPS ? -~Kei?tfou*ti>iitiv oil lined. ROBT. W. KYLE, Practical Plnmbsr Gas anil siAimUiiis? 1155 MARKET STREET. rCMwid KMotrli iniinudoUora. Kllior.t. nml Taylor Um ituriicr-a n.,yinity. lUrl ^yjLLUll lUlUi A s>oX Practical Plumbers, HAS AM) STKAM HTlliUS. No. 33 Twelfth Str?or. All Work Done Promptly ?t Koftioiubta Prlaii M KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. \\rasti:n- fwi> j:<j(>ms vi (Tif : WiltWHto family. Addr < ** Box u 1 r%L*TMJj?A GOOD (Jim. lY,17np* W YrAL housework. Only a '0?' tent person need apply. Call atVlntiiJJ "fool.-- _ inri'* OTQCK8 I'DH SALIVAK'f.NA-KTAVM AjII> Iron una Htee| Company hh<i til!' lalraBteel Mill*. WW. A. Mc.vh;c?m>v Ht. V^rxvllle, Ohio. Tel. & nrHEiCHALFONTR " 1 V ATLANTIC CITY. N . On the Ocean Front. Hall ,I\r? Iioumim Kleviiuir. Room* en -mt, , f* attached. Booklet on upiili#Mti<.ri ' 1 _J*ftOCr- ^IgllNISTRATOR'S NOTlci; " All psmons who may have rluimn us tlit* f state of Ocor?o A. Llvin^m,,,, 2 ceauea! will please present tfc?- num?- u.L at o?co for puymcnt. *? ' O. W. ATKINSON. WfemBnir. W. Vn.. March's."'/^;'' QPERA jiousi:. Friday, March r.. Wfl/n University of JVnn8v:v.v. OlrerlwiJo and Mandolin ciiil. t, r ,l six qWIhth In a splendid proKtummmusnSTrid son*. Prices?3Tic, fiOc and 75c. Seats ;,t y \< Baumcr Co.'s Music titoro WY<in?>M. M?reli|<t mr: "^yjQMAN'8 IIOSPJTAL ASBOCIatVOX. Tho regular mating of tho w , Hosptia 15Association will : . Hospital on Wednesday. March 3:30 j?. in. A full attendance i mt^. j' 4, the election of officers and other Im^urr*,,. business will com# before the a > . MISS MARTHA J IIAfiP mr^,. ..r; AVlll ij# S0CIETV* ThJI rAfular monthly m? etlnt' of k Woman's Union Benevolent So ,. t?e. h?# 3tt tho. Y. M. C. A. to-tnono* /U'<.i1nntfdav\ gfirrannn af ' /.VI, . , ? * ' MRS. W. J. W. COW I M,\' mrgjfl ^ T? 'ary. yo%pa. All members of Whrellnc Lo'Iro No * Hhb'I?P4>f Jlonor, an- requested to their halt. < orner of Forty-third und Jj streets, Wedn*.?day, Marrh 3. i> ._it o'clock p. tn. uhnrp. for the jmrpo . o' ,v tending tho funentl of our ?! cwim brother, William Bom. Members of n.>... lodges uro Invited to attorn. WM. I>. R K<" K KIL, W. 1L AUG. 0. REMKE. i: s Q price enables u* to civn you ?or;!,yg Q goods ho low as to make It worth vmir ft Q while to buy for further need>. Q a lot of Parlor Brooms. the ^ ft Q you'd pay Zic 1'or anywhere u< r,fr,.rA 6 then^i^ls week at 17c. Anoth?r lotn O at 22r. q o HUEBEL'S GROCRRV HOT'PE, X O 'Phone C31'. "251 Market Street. 0 ooooooooooooopyjoofyyoooooi -yyALL. i>aper cleaner. A Fresh Supply of Wall Pap*r Cleaner now In stock. It b!m cleans Fresco. Water Colon Window Shades. TTLBfiHgT STOLZB g CO.. EDAM. NEUFCHATEL. CAM EM BURT, FROMAflK DE RU1K. PHILADELPHIA CREAK, Just rccelvcd. H. F. BEHRENS CO., 2217 Market Ptrr?t pAT ?.-ALOGUES OF 1S97 BICYCLE Now ready. All they cost is a postal in? quiry. GEO. W. JOHNSON'S SOKS. 1210 Main Sf f $1.50 * PER DOZEN j> SI.50 Cabinet Photographs. Hi gains' Gallery. $1.50 > PER DOZEN * SI.50 A C0L0NUL PARTY In ?o$ume, will be given at ths ''jS o. V. W. HALL. OX TUESDAY EVENING. MARCH i BY THE KING'S DAUGHTERS Of the I^otO-th Street M. E. church. Solutions from?*The Courtship of Mibs StandIsh" will bo read, and the tc*t illustrate by tableaux. Refreshments will bo served ] Admission ccnis. n... IF YflllP FYF^n^ attention v-?'t 11 lUUK LI LJ mir Optical raent. Wo have aocured tb? sarvlre* of Mr. H. W. EwaJt. of Cleveland, Ohio, a* optician, and can guarantee Hat In fact ion to outxuv tomers. _____ Dillon, Wheat & Hancher Co. A WELL ESTABLISHED f. FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE BUSINESS =--FOR SALE. Intending to close out m.v Business en or beforo April 1. l$97. I offer niv ftock of goodu, tortures and entire equipment lot sale, InBlu&njr one pair brown mules, years n?. thoroughly broke; also wagoi and halTlcifft complete. The building <**n be lean?*d for a term of yearn, and It iJ completely tilted up for the business. TM local ioii i.^ii very deairabJo one. JAMKS CRAKGLE. f?S4 l.'.tO Main St.. Wheeling. W. Reduction in Crepe Paper. Wo have just received 4 large stock of the lies' American Crepe Paper made, tvfiich we guarantee to be full length. This lot goes at 12 CENTS PER ROLL. '? DKRLB BROS. ? rpnvBWirs SAI.E. Hv virtue of a deed of trust tnn?!e \\ llllnn \\\ Klpley and I'nrollnn KIpIOlib* wife, let nu\ as trustee, da tod iv.vm* 1mm- iz.rwt recorded in the otiiee of clerk ?tf;t'&> county court of Ohlft court > Wont VTrelnlu. In Deed of Trust Rook 34. paRe .V\ I will fell nt tlir north fron* door of tho court house of wild county, ou 8AWRDAV, THK 2TT1I DAY OK MARCH, 1897. commencing at W o'clock a. m.. th? fo|* lowing described property, that is to p,>; l.ot number seventeen and lot luinii"'Huh teen In Belvedere addition to ?"?/ ot Wheeling. Ohio county. West VtrK?',,*#* The coal underlying said lots In excepted and will not he conveyed. TERMS OK SA Id: -One-thlnl *nd "< much more as the purchaser elects :o im.* In cash on the day of sah. the Imlim ' two equal Installments at one and years, notes hearing Interest from the d?x of sale to l>e Riven tor the deferred p?f ments. \\\ ,1. W. t'OWDEN. Trout e? \V ? HA1.1.KYI. \m tlo? w ' J. 8 jfilLY INTELLIGENCER O 8 REDUCED TO 0 8 JO CENTS PMR WEEK. O O " O+O A Send In your order,'* nt oner O O hyj^iistal card or Tclophona Q 8d&86ooooo+ooaooooooo -