Newspaper Page Text
I1 DRAPSRIK8, ETC, Stone & DRAPERY [ ATTRACTIVE PRICES ? .. 25 Paira RwU Saxony Brunscls Low 10 palm Real Antique Lace Curtalru m it 60 pnlro 3Vfc and 4-yard long: Real Irlit value ??.00 to $40.00, at CARPET Dl i>,v; PRICES FOR A | CO plecea Hartford Axmlnnter Carpel at ; ! 100 Rolls Lowell. Blgelow and Tacomj IL26. at ?sf WALL l- 8,000 rolls "Wall Paper, worth up to 2C To-day At Wt have placed on the Bargain C Stock Pattern 10 be closed out. Rea the price of common ware. Plates at 15 Cups and ? Also Covered Dishes. Sauce Tureen Haviland Chlnn TCetll* Drum S*ti six different styles. Hand Painted Dec To-dai Haviland China Chocolato Seta, C late Cups and Saucers, were $8.75, To-da} A rare opportunity to buy line Chin Extra for Two New Patterns of Dinner War n/t TWnvallAn* lfirt nla/>a ninnar U< To-day Stone & SHIHTS?G EO. Why(??l Worry With i5p|j pcrfect fitting, genuine WAP PROTECTED button hole.;, At.... ^ Impossible for the collar give you the nervous fidgets : At $1.00 each the cel< protected button holes. Night Shirts of both plai and boys, 50c to 63c. No us the best here at these prices. 25c. Any size you want in Market street door. TONS OF NES~^ Merchandise already here an more coming every day. Wisl it distinctly understood that w do not handle Trashy good: Trashy goods are not chea at any price. Geo. IVU S SHIRTS-I 1 oooooooo McFADDEN'S 1320 AND 1322 ?8T0NB It THOMAS. Thomas, j __ 1 )EPARTMENT, J FOR ELEGANT GOODS. J ,.c.u!'!*!n': $11.98 PAIR \ $12.48 PAIR ] L1?.'."' .^r...Cu. oa: $15.00 PAIR \ EPARTMENT. I FEW DAYS ONLY. J $1.00 TARD i r Body liruKttelH, valuo 98c YARD ^ PAPER, at | : 93^C \ THE BASEMENT. ) ia Ware Chances. j !ountnr one lot of Havlland Chlnn. Oppn ^ I Hand Painted HavUand China to go at i c, J 9c and 25c. j saucers at 25c. j a. Pickle Dishes, etc., In this lot ^ 9. Coke Flat#, Teapot, Sugar and Cream, ; orations, wore $4.26, ! at $2.75. hocolate Pot, Large Tray and Six Choco- 5 r at $6.25. a at less than cost to import r ay. e Ju?t received. Elegant New Shapes ft at $9.95. Thomas. 41. SNOOK & CO. 4irts That have UNPROTECTED I I button holes at back of neck, I when we sel! you well-made, flSUTTA Muslin Shirts, with 1 < I ,0c&ch? : button to chafe your nec< and if you wear these shirts. rbrated Pearl Shirts, also with in and twilled Muslins for men ;e to pay more when you can get Elegant Chevio' Work Shirts at all thesj lines. Find them near MFGR'S. SHORT ENDS j Of Foille du Nord Ginghams, . worth 10c, at 5 3-4cyard. ^ Bleached Muslins, worth 8c, e at 6 l-4c yard. Best Fast Colored Prints, worth 6 J-4c, at 5c yard, fcxtra good yard wide s P Unblcached Muslin, worth I 6 l-4c, at 4 J-2c yard. nook & Co. ????__ M'FADDBN'S. 1 ly Tip*#*# |, To you to como In and hoc tlio 2 ' 75c LAUNDFRLD MCI IGII ' + + SHIRTS I OK 48c i ' is onotirh. You'll not !?? worry If you rom*. 4 \V? wtll ?how you km bright. u?w Hiirlu*; X ' Ivl?"H of parents hIjIiIk nil hn v* p'-rf'i t ' flttlnic colln r*? nl'-o iruff* -yok^t porkot*--- A * (t< 11hi'! MMWCI *"nms j'i*?.. M to 17. \ ooooooooooo SHIRT STORE, \ market street. t t SHOES-ALEXANDER. >+ ? + .? /+ V i 'you?' !know is, ; ! Willi* you DON'T know the vurluiiH manufacture* of < > whom. Therwfor* wo want you lo rely upon n* at? to tli?? merit* of any abon wo noil <' you. Wit Invito aurh rcaponi hi I It y. Wo have dwvotod a i i i lifetime to Hoourimc tho k knowledge tieccioiary to judgo . r wboen. an?l wo buy solely no- *' cordlnK to our Judgment. i WIS ari' good for every prom- { > lf?o made- that in the prot?c^ tloo we offer you. ^ ^ \ i> I ALEXANDER, " [ Shoe Seller. 1049 Main St. (( <> ^ GBSQDDaaa |) I- U UUUU 2 Muwtfl1 To buy a plnno which hns not raj! been thoroughly tested? We jKff say no! and bellevo you agree with ?8. Then, why not buy a Krakauer Piano??a. slnglo dls- tSL Battened purehoser of which wo Hp have as yet to hoar of, and j2T there are over one thousand K& of them sold In this vicinity. W Gw F.W.BaumerCo. ? 1310 .MARKET STICKKT. *S SKf3ntflligcncer oittrr: Nos. iiml -7 lrnurl?i?utli Mr??u XfW A?lrertl?*?ueiiU. For Rent?James A. Henry. Flat for Hem. Opera House?The Wrong Mr. Wright Lost?PocUetboOlC. Wanted?Safe. Lout-Bird Dot Pittsburgh. wheeling & Kentucky Raiload Company. Flower S?>eui??R. II. IJflt. This Weak?11. F. Behrens Co. Why Worry With Shirts?Geo. M. Snoek i Co.?ElKhth Pi?k?. The Geo. R. Taylor Co.?Fifth Page, ('urpwt Whips?G. Mendel ?fc Co.?Fifth *ajco. 1100 Reward?Mrs. Win. FAlloure. Ranges?O?*o. W. Johnson'}* Sons. More Broom Bargalu*? Huebel'a Gro fry iioii#f wall Pnper?John Friodel A Co. Pythian Castle?Damon and Pythias -Second Page, FOR RENT. The Hall corner Main and Fourteenth. AUGUSTUS POI.I.ACK. SPRING OPENING 01 C. HESS & SONS. \\> lmv> itmr nil ethlhU nil tha latest inveKlralti Snlllitc*. TroHterlnga, Fancy i'eitlHK* and Overcoating*. 't lir NtylUh appearaiwe, good lit, dnrailllty and entire ?a*l?factlo<? of our garneuta Itoar re |inl? t Ion. Price* of onr Milllii|(i thlt aprtng will m )'jl).0(l and niit rron?erlng? 91.0U and i|i. (Inr (.fiiU' Fnriil.liliiK department complete. T*i? l?e?t Koodi at lowut irloc*. C. IIK-? A SD.Vi, I .Til and lltta Market Street. THAT HEAVY, TIRED FEELING," 'anted by reading tne elf-prnlalng ad a. it ?elf-name?I optical riprrti <?', doc* or* II', prufnwiK ill and rlalrvoyanta <T1 nn lit mrfil without publicity by ?l% \V? rahb, Optician. Prompt Pay men ik. Alpha Lodgo No. 424, Knights of Honor, of Wheeling, through Its tru&tvs. Messrs. J. 1>. McFadden, Q. A. Beall md Charles J. Ellg, delivered yesterday o Mrs. Elisabeth Frew. wlduw of the nt?? Alex. Frew, a check for $2,000, the imount of insurance carried by her husband. Th?* check came from, the tmjrem? lodge at St. I?oul*. Thr I nlimited Syetrm. It 151 understood that the national president of the American Flint Glassworkers' Union has sent a circular to he different locals asking that a vote ?e taken on tho unlimited system which 40 many manufacturers huve wanted for yeanpaist. This Is wluit recently raused thV* trouble at Hellalre and danvsvill'-. The only articles un the unllmltel list In the union factories tr-i blown and pressed tumblers. l.rnteu I?rctnrc al M. I.nUc'o. J. King Goodrlck. of Host on, will driver a Lenten lecture in St. Luke's ;hurch on Friday evening at 7:.'l0 o'clock. \lr. Goodrich has been an extensive raveler-in thin and foreign countries, I* I man ot great literary knowledge, and ius tilled the chnlr of English literature II the University of Jupan. Those who itlend the lecture will enjoy a. rare .reat. There will be no admisslou fee whatever charged. Knttrrnl of <'<i??maii .Mueller. The funeral of Cosaman Mueller took dace from his lute residence 10".r? Market itreet, yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. rii?? deceased had :> lu^t of friends who vere present to pay their last tributes of vspect. Th" Krh-ger WrHn, headed by he Opera lPouse band, precede ! a Ions >>\v >>f carriage.! : ? St. Alphonsus hureh, Where the funeral service* wetit-Id. A special motor conveyed u grea't nany to Mr. <*atvary cemetery, where he remains were interred. Flue Mpit I-'Itt* The Geo. H. Taylor Co.'s opening yeslertlay afternoon was n great success. I'he store decorations and the display >f goodi were equally admired and verybody seemed pleased. The store :>;*m been remodeled and modern deiMces Introduced for the expeditious ransacilon ?.f their business. They have iildfd :i Indies' reception room with :? 'nil supply of stationery ?nd writing imf-rlals. I'he rtlspl.'iy will be continued the utlance of this week Am-floit Frlrmnl I'rWat* Ah many persons do not care to attend lift Ion Hairs, Sheff Bros. havo decided i? give to the public an opportunity to my goods at prlvuto wile nt auction )rir?'H during the morning hour.". Their Miction hiiN'S will continue at and ::tt) p. in. "I was completely covered Willi ores. Kvn v muscle in my body ached, lad been sick for live y?Mirs. Doctors ould do me m? good. Most of iny lime vmm spent III bed; was a complete vreck. llurdork lllood Hitters have fompletely cured me In three months." lira. Annie Zoepen, Crookstown, Minn. 3 Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Hyrtip Is a lerfwit .euro for coughs and colds of nil ortst - FROM THE TROPICS. l)r. K. W. Ha/lctt Return* Alter a Sojourn In I'lorlJu. TELLS OF MANY INCIDENTS Tf *n Un|oyikbl? Trip?Orlando a Town Tlmt If a? I.0114tOOO of It* Population In Two Yoart?Tli? "Frarze of 'Oft" U an Epoch Homiilhliig l,lki fits "Flood of 'H" lu <h? Ohio Valley?Tlia Native* lilp on Iht Yank era In Clio Winter. Dr. Robert W. Uazlett i? home from a two nionthH' sojourn in Florida, whither ho went early In January laat with lil.s wife and daughter In qucut of health for the former. The two latter have remained behind for <1 yet further sojourn, because of the good result* thus far experienced, und will come gradually north aH the season ad vunces. The doctor is looking an xnouKn the trip had agreed with him, and speaks In glowing terms of the delight* of the climate us a resort for Invalids, as also for people In good health. Ills Kojourn waa divided between Orlando, in the Interior, and Duytona, on the Atlantic cuast. Uoth places are pleasant localities, but the former Is especially attractive during the colder weather. It is a prominent centre In the orange belt and is in the locality where ex-Senator Camden and Colonel Chancellor, of Parkeroburg, have oruugo groves. Two years ago it claimed to have Mix or seven thousand people, but to-day it would hardly claim over two thousand. The explanation, in the fewest number of words. Is the great frost, or freeze rather, of February s, 1885, whereby about five millions of valuable property were practically wiped out, and an impulse given to emigration quite us strong as that which had formerly attracted immigration. People down there no longer speak of the war as "the Iliad of their woes," but ruther of "the great freeze of '85," Just an at Charleston, 6. C., for several years following 1886, they spoke of the earthquake of that year ;is the cap-sheaf of their calamities. Ah an object lesson of the ruin the freeze had wrought at Orlando, the doctor was pointed to on old gentleman who on February 7th, 1895, the day before the calamity, had been offered $32,000 for his crop of oranges, on his treew? Justaa they hung on that day?the having an orchard of HO acres) but he stood out for 538,000. That niHht a north easter blew up, and the thermometer dropped to 15 above zero, and was us fatal as thu wind that blew out of the flea "chilling and killing Annabel I,ee." It swept the country as with the besom of desolation, leaving practically nothing to represent a crop valued that year at half a million dollars in that particular county, and, as was remarked. wiped out trees valued at Ave millions. The old man referred to, sup poseu to oe worm uay *?w,uw ??..? above all his debts, was sold out afterwards to satisfy a bank debt of $18,000. and his 140 acres did not bring the amount of thu debt. In fact, the bank failed, not only that bank but other bank* throughout the belt, for they all had debtors like th* old man. and all their bills receivable had been blasted by the north caster that blasted tiie oranges. When the sun rose on the 8th t ho fruit began to drop, and In two days it covered the whole belt-?hundreds of square miles in extent?two or three layers deep, with what was once golden, but now blackened oranges. At once the heglra began. Just a* !t did when the great Honunza mine wave out In Nevada. The sale of property for a song also begun. A plao* for which Colonel Chancellor had offered $32,000 cash, sold for $3,600. The line property in which Dr. Ilaziett and family hod rooms and choice uccommodutlonn this winter, which had cost (the house, alone) several thousand dollars, was sold for $1,200. In fact, values went all fo pieces llk?? fancy slocks in a panic. The furor was to ?*-ll and g?-t away. Just what the freeze actually cost Florida, has perhaps never been accurately known, but an Immense sum, mounting up to tens of millions, much of It northern capital Invested like that of Mvssrs. Camden and Chancellor. These two, and many others like them, who still had meatis left, began at once to cut their trees off pretty close to the ground, In order to let them grow again to the best jtossible advantage, and hence the country Is now a land of orange bushes rather than of orange trees, as It was two years ago. The trees that wen* not thus cared for, but abandoned, sprouted near the ground and are growing wild and worthless to a large extent. They have probably no future. As to the others. It is yet a problem as to Just what they will amount to. Meanwhile there Is an apparent compensation coming to the rescue t>f Florida la the shape of the pine apple, which Is giving former areas the appearance of cabbage gardens rather than groves of perennial green. The opinion Is gaining ground that the pine apple will more than take the place of Ihe orange, and will be a more reliable crop, because it can be protected. A good large head sells for 50 cents by the lot, and there is tin active shipping demand from the north for all that are raised In and uruund Orlando. Hut for the north, Florida would be poor Indeed. Somebody told the doctor that at least a part of the natives lived on fish In the summer and on Yankees In winter. Northern capital set the country in orange trees and Is now setting it in pine apple, it also built th?% railroads and the hotels, and keeps tho country in circulating medium by the expenditures of visitors who overrun the country from Jacksonville to Key West during the fall, winter and spring. THE unprecedented sale of Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup provokes competition: but the people cling to Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Nurnlgla radically cures In one to throe days. Its action upon the system Is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause und tho disease immediately disappears. Tho first dose greatly benefits. I T. F. Anthony, ox-post mnster of' Promise rity, Iowa, soys: "I bought ono I bottle of 'Mystic Cure* for Rheumatism, and two doses of it did me mora good than any medicine I ever took." Sold by It. II. List. 1010 Mnln street, Charles Menkemeller. corner Market and Twenty-second streets, druggists, I Wheeling. If (lie lUbj- t? Culling Trrlli lie nuro nnd use that old ami well-tried ' remedy, Mrs. Wlnslow'ft Soothing Syrup. tot children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays a'.! pain, cures wind rollc ami Is th? best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-live cents a bottl'-. mwf&w. THE NEW WAY~ A (.RUT SMTINS ICR fllTIW All KINDS 01 MIS WI1M MASSIS. Our new sclentIflo method of examining tho oyes r.nd fitting glusxes without putHiUX dvuu? in tho eye* and mnUlng tho patient blind for a week, or having thorn nit for hours looking at chart* and trying to fit theinHslves until they become no bewildered they cannot toll what they can nee. We fit tho nyn for cxnmlnatlon with- ! nut depending on (ho patient and know when they nro fitted correctly. Consultation and examination froo. PROF. H. SHEFF, Thn Hclriitin.- Optician, TelcDliono No. aj. JJlu Muiii HUoot. TH0 HUB-CLOTHIER WE HAVEPRE FEAS u Men's and S( For this coming spring passes anythinsr ever I ing. Already the advs and we are prepared to supply you with the Men's T( Men's and. Men's and Spring N Spring Hal And other wearables 1 eluding a choice line Suits, Sweaters, etc., fabrics, all up to our u; sold at our usual low p THEClothiers, Hatter* I *riTt? rnDurt) rnxTDTPPVTi UUil VUU>1Utlf A VUUAUUilAJ Wheeling's Largest and Onl THE GEO. R. The Geo. R, mttutttttztttttt H Store Mo U Interior New ? JJ Goods j 3 Good Taste an tt Judgment. .. 8 N Se Styles and Vali In our endeavor to perpetuate the be to keep the same character of Roods I sen tat Ions may he considered equivalent A cordial invitation is extended to < stock now being opened and displayed. 1150 Main street the only entrance. GEO. R. JAM SHOES?J. H. LOCI I The Very ] i ~ ' * ! ' | J. H. LOCKE WILLIAMS TYPEWRITER The Williams Typewriter Prints like a press, and you can ue every fetter and every word the moment printed. The Intelligencer uses and recommends the William*. & ** COPP & DEVQRE, SUMMER RRSORT3. The chalkonti . ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. On the Orr?n Front. Hult ImthH In tlin house. Elevator. Ituonis en nolle, ballm nltai'hcd. Jitoklct on npnllrntlnn. U. RUHURTS' HUN 3* 8 AND yPBNIBHBBS. PAREDA " IT OF GOOD THINGS sr iys' Wearables season that far surjefore seen in Wheelince guards are here, at a moment's notice latest correct style in in fftflts J VV/U/IUj Boys' Suits, Boys' Hats, eckwear, ierdashery ror Men and Boys, inof Golf and Bicycle of the latest styles and >ual high standard and irices. "hub, > and Furnishers, r ivn u i DTrrm OTDPPTB 1 A.lll JlAUULii. OJLlAJUUlJi y Strictly One Price Home. TAYLOR CO. __ -Taylor Co. dernized. and Beautiful. Ml New ? H Id ~ tt H n splayed in...... jj electing Them. jt jes the Latest. | business of Goo. R. Tnylor our aim will to kept, and In selling them our repro* to n guarantee. ill to visit our store and see the no* Market street entrance closed. ORCOMPANY. LB 8HOB COMPANY. Latest j Gentlemen's Brown Patent Leather J does, finest silk vesting top. made on f ie PKACH, the newest production o. | ie lnst )inkers. When we say tlir>' Rr* k ary AUams & Co.'a newest nn-l he*J a wul.t 'Villi win know t h,. r.<1 L'all unJ " c Hum. VvtdiltH from A up. r SHOE CO.j STIOFMAKKR. _ JOSEPH J. SMITH, 1400 MAIIKBT ?TnW;ri PRACTICAL SHOEMAKER. Shoes neatly tepnlred nnd half ,0'^ while you wait. HAM Mll.IMs i S ami llin.i.iNn. UCO Market Ptreet. corner Fourteen^ RESTAURANT AND CAKF.. ^ JUST OPEHED t U02 Market Strcot. Wsum wen Is served In their be?t Dl'ulnjr rooms coi oy nnd snuff. All order cooklnc, and prloen reasonable rcxiaurant thai provides * "^,V.Viar I.$rtlrn' and <;rnU?Mnen'H Pining ? *r* lOjitinnre on Fourteenth street. Merclinnt.V Dinner Pally. Si cents. First-class French Chof. nolo H nUUHAifKU. rropHttof^. rilHR j N TBtiu OT5NCE R rlMNTI?ntl JL E3tablJ?bmonl-Ncat.accuratc,BN)W*