Newspaper Page Text
1CITY ENGINEER i to iUye a Fixed Salary and Fixed Duties In Future. HE ORDINANCE COMMITTEE ilitn Kttewded Km ion liti NlRht, mud Framed tu OrdlBKUM toy which (he Sal* uy la Placed at tM0O~The F?i In the Put Have Amranhd to 93|000 Par Aawja-Thirt was Soma Objection to hOary-Other Unalucta Traiiaactad. The city council comraltteo on ordlmeet held an extended meeting last en I ok, not adjourning until about U :lock. Nearly all the tlmo was put In ' the measure reported from the siibmmUteo defining tbe duties and tlxlns salary or the city engineer, to tho id that the city may get something betantial for tho money expended, d at the same tlmo save some money, le ;neiv mcasuro Is an ordinance lending the rules of tho board of pubworks, and before It can go to counwlll have to be acted upon favorably the board. There were present, la dttion lo the membership of the eomIttee, the city solicitor and city enBeer. One or two member# of tho ard of public works also dropp*?d In make a suggestion that the proposed lary be paid out of the general city lids, aa other city salaries are. and not t of the funds of the board?this gely for the reason that the engineer 11 do work for the pus and weter dortments. and possibly for others, as ill aa for tho board of public works, the same time, however, he will be officer of the bourd. and will be nomlled to council by that body. Pho proposed ordinance was read Ice, the second time by sections, for lendment and debate, both the sollc '?'?* ??* avnlalHlnO mVlmu n* I, the reading progressc-d. The most protracted debat" was occasioned over the question of salary. The average fee* ptld by the city for the last eight years , have been J3.00" per year, with a result j i that much bad and faulty work has been doue. while the city has neither aurveys. documents. (tapers, Held notes, nor anything else t<? show for the years g or work and tens of thousands of dollars, these notes ?nd documents, where made, remaining the property of the en5& glneer. It Is proposed to change all this. Bv nave th* engineer give his whole time ??. to the afTalrK of the city, make all maps, S&" profiles, notes and drawings of whatm ever nature or description the property , of the city: he Is to draw up all specifications, mak** all estimates, supervise | work when necessary, make an accurate survey of the city, netting up permancnt er other monuments, etc.. ?.v and compile a map of the entire city. ^ and In general to do all work devolving i'il *upon a city engineer Tor this he Is ?** to receive a fixed salary of $2.oflrt per1 M , annum, while all fee* coming Into his j?> office for surveys of lots, etc., which are &"! to be charged for at th* rate of ten cents p: per lineal foot, are to go Into the city treasury. One or two members of the S$ji: committee thought ?he salary was a lit :;V tie high, but upon vote It was allowed to stand by a large majority. The salp' arle# of engineers of other cities or an# : proximately the site of Wheeling are 1^: as follows: Cities. Pop. Salary. . Portland, Me aM2? $3,4QV .Newton. Mass ? 2<..179 3.000 & llolyoke, Mass :C?.6.t7 2.600 H Norfolk. Vb ?.?! MOO Xew Bedford. Mass 40.7:>S 2.500 E&',' Brockton. Mass 27.294 2,500 fib;. Pawtucket. R. I 27.S.T, 2,500 &V Duluth, Minn XUIS 2,40*> ?& Waterbury. Conn 28.6l? 2,500 Binghampton. X. Y...... .15,005 2,500 p;.-,' At the Completion oi the consideration of the measure the ordinance wan trans'wf, mltted to the board of public works. It will not b?? in shar*? to come Iwfore county dl this evening. The "curfcw" ordlIft,.'-. nance was laid on the table, which .Is , equivalent lf? saying It If* In its grave, f And Utile children will not bo molested or made ?fra!d by the police. The stockyard ordinance was referred to the sotllclior for an opinion as to the right* of the city ns affected by a decision o? the circuit court some yearti uro. IKR. MEYER'S CONDITION. The lnjnml Mau w?i fUilluc Eaif ?mrly Till* Morning. [=. The condition of Prosecuting Attorney Meyer, who was seriously Injured by beIng thrown out of hi* buggy In a runa- j : wy accident on Sunday afternoon, waa much improved at 2 o'clock this mom, Ing. Mr. Meyer was Irrational yesterday In the fore part of tin.* day. but through the afternoon anil evening he rested very easy am1 his condition la j much more cheering than It has been at any time since the accident. ! Had Mr. Meyer alighted on the left I i side of his head. it in said he would have suffered fatal Injuries, physicians eaying that the left gide of the head Js weaker than tlie right side, it is reaaonably ceitain that he will recover, I ho greatest danger being feared from a possible attack of brain fever. That he will soon be well Is the wish of Mr. Meyer'* large circle of friends. ? ONLY ONE WILL " Was Jltde bj> (he I??te Jacob Hnyder-t-Ltfl for Probate Monds}'. /. Yesterday afternoon the will of the late p . Jacob Snyder, which bear* date NoS vember, waa presented at Clerk Roherl? . son's office for probate. By Its term*. :? the estate of the decfaned. whicli Is said * to be wortii $200,000. Is t?? be divided prov portlonately among the children, and the ?! ; jrrandchildren in proportion to the chare of their parent.?. -T ' The executors named are the three & alder sons, Jacob. George and Benjamin. l\ They are to have control of the estate, ?v including the h?avy hardware and iron ig> ' business on Main street. IT There wan a reporr m circulation i?u: last night that another and later will Jn i' ' which n different disposition of the propj. arty was madr, had b<vn entered f<?r pro5>v "bate, but inquiry developed a denial by , the Interested person*. In Clerk IlobirlMin't Offlcr. The certificate of Incorporation of the ? / International Exploration, Developed ment and Investment Company, of New ? York City, was left for record at Cleric 8 Robertson's office yesterday. The incorporators arc Damascus K. Mason, John H. Ross, Malc olm V. Mclnner, Giles H. Williams, Robert L. Johnson. ^ John B. Crittell. William 8. Milne and ?> William W. Rice, all of Toronto, Cana& da. One thousand dollars has been sub? scribed, one hundred paid In, and the ; limit Is one million. Deeds were recorded an follows: f Deed made March 0. 1897, by VV. M. v; Dunlap to Clara M. Miller, wife of Robert N. Miller, for one acrc, two roods /. and twelve poles of land near Potomac; fo consideration, $135. # Deed made March 12, 1897, by A. M. ; Rldgeley and wife, of West Liberty, to ? Hamuel Rodgers. for lot No. 28, In West ' Liberty; consideration, $2,000. f,'. Deed made March 6, 1887. by H. K. r;; Dunlap. trustee, to W. M. Dunlap. for one acrc, two roods and twelve poles of si. land near Potomac; consideration. $88. Deed made March 22. 1897. by Caroline % Nledermeyer to August Neumann and ? ; wife, for the east half of lot No. I, In t square No. 12, In South Wheeling; con\\ slderntion. $r?. i>. Six deeds of trust were left for record j-j yesterday. III llltJtlNflW Nliopl. In Squire Fltspatrlck's court last & night, Fred Pressor was fined $1 and f': costs for profanity. M, Presser, bis P". brother, was dismissed on a charge <?f assault and battery, and the caw of Clara Presser, charged with wilfully disturbing the peace, was continued until the 24th, so that more witnesses could b* 0(11*4. Tha complainant In all tlio caaaa waa Daniel Cram backer, and thn mn? of tho trouble waa In Kast Wheeling on Sunday. HA1 THE HYDROPHOBIA,! William HiQlilliUi of Ilia Nouth 8l?lcf flu Latin Vleilm ofllit Mad D<i|, William HiiTJllM. ono of tho personi bltton by the* mad dog In tho Flftl ward, on January 27,is now lying at hU homo, 1347 KofT street, In a critical condition, suffering from hydrophobia. It will too remembered that tho nmd dog bit a numbtv of people, unions whom woro Officer Zimmerman, who received bin Injuries while shooting th< do*, and Victor Bouer, an employe ol Bumf & Church, expressmen. Zimmerman and Bouer woro the greatest suffererea. and they speodlly went to th? Paatour Institute, New York, for treatment'The other victims*, among whoir woro Hugglns, seemrd to have aottoi well, to all appearance*, and it win thought the last of tho mad dog had been heard of. but the strange symptoms manifested by fiusftins on Sunday alarmed his relative*. ar.ul Dr. Baguley being callod pronounced tho young man's ca*e to be hydrophobia. Ho display*, iymptoms of that drend dlaeaae, from which recovery Is almost hopeless, hydrophobia being a kind of afflict lor that has almost universally baffled medical skill. For a few days back, lluggln* bar complained of choking seiu&itlon* In his throat, and on Sunday at noon ho l??cjmo so III that he took to hfj? botf. Sine* then he has refused food or drink, and the slaht of liquids throws hfan Into con. vulsions. The malady ccntem about his throat, a certain sign of hydrophobia. His divad of water 1* very ureal, thr loam drop of It in his night starts him Into convulsions. There were a number of medical men yesterday to see -the young man, as n case of hydrophobia is very rare. To an intelligencer reporter, Dr. Baguley stated that there wa? hardly n case on record, where the victim got well. The young man rested easy yesterday afternoon, but his rest was due to ophites. It may be that he will recover, thaunh all the chuuocs ore against him. and death is not expected for a few days, at least. William Huggins is about twenty-two years of age and is a Hon or William Muggins. who was until lately bookkeeper for W. H Chapman & Sons, paint and glass dealers. The father arrived from Valley Mills, near Parkersburg, last night* where he has been visiting. The iud case of the young man was a current topic on the streets yesi terday, and the afflicted family have the sympathy of the citizens at large, i Hugglns* injuries from th? mad dog wero apparently slight the only part of him be]ng harmed was his cheek, and I it appeared at the time to be merely I scratched, but later developments seem | <o prove that the poisonous fangs of the | dog sank deeper than was Imagined. THE GBAND COMMANDERY | OfU'iitVirgluU Kiilgltft Templar Preparing for tlie Encampment. I West Virginia's Knight Templar grnml I encampment will occur in Wheeling this I spring, and already the knights op* preparing to come to this city In strength. | The following order has been Issued by Imminent Commander John C. Jliheldaf| fer: I General Order N"o. 2. To the Officers of the Grand Commander/ ef West Virginia, and t? the Eminent <V>mmandern . Generalissimos, 4'?ptHln Generals, and Knights of the Subordlnate.Cotnmanderles under our obedient: Toil ar* hereby summoned to attend the I twenty-third annual conclave of the Ht. Km. Grand Commandery Knights Templar and appendant orders of the state of Went Virginia, to lw holden In the elty of Wheeling. county of Ohio, nnd state of West Virginia, on Wednesday, oti Wednesday, the IJth day of Ma v. A. I). 1K?7. A. O. 77r?. at 12 o'clock m., for th?? transaction of such business an may come before It. In addition the regular business of the Grand Conclave, Hlnton Commandery. I*. D.., of Hlnton, may make application for a charter. All Knights Templar In good standing are courteously and fraternally Invited to visit the Grand Commandery at the time indicated, uniformed and equipped for inspection and review. Death ofStn, ITpdrgrafT. The Steuhenvllfa Herald of last even?'?? ?kn f.JInmlnrr nmutnt .if thr. death of Mm. Elizabeth UpdegrafT, well known all over eastern Ohio: Mrs. Elizabeth, widow of the late Hon. J. T. UpdesrroJT. died at her homo In Mt. Pleawnt. this county, early on Monday, from a complication of diseases. She wan taken down last December and has been confined to her bed since that time until about two weeks ago, when she whs able 40 sit up. A'relapse took place last week, and she suffered intensely until death came to her relief.* Deceased was fifty-two years of ape, and a native of Mt. Pleasant. She was the daughter of Richard L. and Missouri P. W. Kicks, her father still living. Her husband was Hon. J. T. Uptegraff, who died in December, 1882. while serving his third term a* member of Congress fr<?m this district. Two son.?. Fred C. and Charles T., survive her. with throe sisters. Mr*. Marcia, wife of J. A. White; Mrs. Julia R.. wife of W. M. WWte. both of Mt Pleasant, ?nd Mrs. Mary M.. widow of James Newby, of Maryvllle. Texas. Mrs. Updegraff was a member of the Friendschurch. and was widely known and highly esteemed. Funeral at 10 a. in. on Wednesday. SITUATION RELIEVED. Xo Immediate Dmigrr Front Floods In tli? Korlhwcit MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. March 2:.Dispatches to-day from points along the Missouri river indicate that the situation Is much relieved and there Is no Immediate danger of serious Moods. The river ban broken above Vermillion, 8. D., and la running freely, while the cool nights above have checked the flow of snow water. The ground is absorbing much of the moisture and along North Dakota points on the river its Ice is solid for several days to cornoi The Yellowstone and the large affluents are yet unbroken, so there Is little danger of gorges. The snoW in the entire northwest could hardly go oft better than it has. Why Tliry urn There. Special Pinpatch to tho Intclllgenccr. KINOr.OOD, W. Va., March 22.? Captain B. H. Oorsuch, a passenger conductor, William List, bagagc master, and O. F. Cooper, passenger brakeman, all oMhe Baltimore & Ohio rn^* rOUUt Ol ?? IKTI'IIIIKi IH-ir ? i",,,, to give evidence before the grand Jury now in session here In the circuit court. Those railroaders wore accompanied by a detective of the road. Mr. Columbus Mend, of Baltimore. They were here to testify nRalnst nr. (}. T. Roggess. a well known physician of Terra Alia, who Is charged with throwing stones nt train No. 4H one day last fall. Capt. Oorsuch said that Dr. BoggoHs refused to pay his faro, and he was compelled to put him off. He th?in hurled a stone nt tho train, narrowly missing a lady pnssonKor. The ?rand Jurv returned an Indictment against the doctor. H'?t Virginia 1'rnnlona. 8p??clnl Dispatch to the Jntclllc?ncer. WASHINGTON. March 2'-\-Penslon* to West Virginians have been granted as follows; Original?Albert C. Fuchs, Sherrard, Marshall c-unty. Koatoratlon and additional?Harrison F. Garrett, deceased. Rraxton county. Original widows?America A. Garrett, Braxton county. MANY cases of "Grippe" have Intoly boon cured i?y Ono Minute Cough Cure. This preparation seems especially nenpted I" I he euro nf this diKcasc. It acts quickly, thun preventing serious complications and bud effects In which ibis disease often leaves the patient. C. It. Ooet*e, corner Twelfth and Market streets; Howie $r Co.. Bridgeport; I'oabody oc Son, Benwood* 8 AW OLD PROJECT BBVITO. PJttalmrgh CaplialiiMwUI Bnlld a Komi " Frum Alouougnhala City lo Wliaelliig. Ilanuilivftili ltonte Itelitfc Consider ?(! Tiio old projoot to bUild a railroad from , Monongahela City to Wheeling has been revived. Control of the, Pittsburgh, i Monongahela ft Wheeling railroad has been secured by Col J. M. Guffey and i nfjipr Pittsburgh capitalists, nnd It 1* said the line will be contracted at onco at' a cost of 93,000,000. Engineer* have already been put to work surveying the line preparatory to awarding, contract*. The scheme to build this short cut road, - says yesterday's Pittsburgh Dispatch, ! ww started by James H. MeCreory two year* ago. It was designed to start from MonOngaheht City, point through Ten i Mile Village and Amity, ten miles south of Washington, In a straight line to the i head of Wheeling creek and down ilmt i stream to Wheeling, where the Ohio i River and Wheeling ft Lake Krlo roa<ls would be Joined by means of the Wheeling terminal (system. General w. G. Dacey, General C. C. Dodge, A. L. Broadbont, of New York, ' H. C. Boulton. of Cleveland, Captuln John Dravo, of Beaver, and G. H. Anderson were Interested In th? scheme ami the contract for the building of the llrst 1 ten miles of lino from Monongahela City west to Ten Mile Village was awarded to Joseph Glunlnnl, of this city. The panic . came nnd the work was never started. 1 The company was also practically dls- i banded. j At cfTort at reviving the schome was < made several months ngo, when H. C. ? Roulton, ,T. If. McCreery and others or- j . ganteed the Pittsburgh, Connelsvlllo & j Wheeling, designed to follow* the game j route as the old Monongahela ft Wheel- < 1 I ng road. Jonathan Barrett was chosen < chief engineer, but nothing so far has , been done to award contracts or con- < struct the line. I Recently negotiations have been going / on between some of the directors of the i old company nnd Colonel J. M. Guffey i and Atorney Willis McCook for an In- | tcrcat In t'he venture. These are now < said to have been concluded. A now j board of directors ha;i been formed, with i Colonel Guffey as president, and General < Dodge, General Dacey and Mr. Broad- | bent :ih principal directors. ICnglneers j Wllkns and Davidson have born secured i to survey the line and prepare the road j for building. ? A meeting of the reorganized company i will be held In a few days, and It Is as- i sorted by those Interested that arrange- < mcnts will bp ma do for building the road i rhl.i year. They claim men of sufticiorrt i means to build th<? Iln?? have tnken hold I of t'he schenio and that it will now be I 1 put through. ? ?- -? *-- - ?<?? U\lioil tttwm I I i ne prujat iw.i imn .... business men as one of the best scheme* 1 for a railroad near Pittsburgh. (Senoral I Dodge nr..! others Interested have mo- , cured 'arge plots of coal land near Ton i Mil* Village and Amity and the scheme ! I* to develop thf* large flelrt. Options i have been taken on a larue river frontage i near Wheeling. and If the road it* built i coal will be shipped there and loaded on I barge* and boats Gor southern shipment. f It I.* claimed for this that the numerous \ dangerous brdges and bars In the 1-5 ; milen of river will b* avoided and that t the con I can be very cheaply handled with Improved machlnrry. i At the time the scheme was flrst made public delegation* of citizen* wore sent from Moundsvllle. to secure the terminal * for that prowl tip town. A bonus of $50.- r 000 wn,? offered by the county and free h sand for the docks and station were in- ( chined. The offer wan looked upon fav- j orably at that time, although I he grades t were made slightly heavier by coins: into t MouudsvllJiei than into Wheeling. A t charter wart also taken out for that strip of road. Friends of the new company claim that ( the venture will now be put through and j that tlx; contract, for the road for the Hr*t ten tniles out of Monongaheia City will bo awarded this spring. Connection with ^ the Pittsburgh, MrKeeaport & Youghiogheny road have already Iwen made. I The road will open up one of the beat undeveloped coal fields near Pittsburgh. c The company now has lu.000 acres under option and A. W. Mellon has large tracts f near Amity. It is believed that he will t be interested in the scheme. ,j PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATIONS. I Five Important Appointment* Mntla hy j I'rraldriit MrKliiley. WASHINGTON. V. C.. March 22.? i The President to-day went the following nominations to the senate: 8 State?Joseph I. Hrlstow. of Kansas, to be fourth assistant j>oslinastcr general. Interior?Binger Hermann. of Ore- s gon. to bo commissioner of the general land ofllcc. ' Justice?James I). Elliott, of South c Dakota, to be attorney of the United * States for the district of South Da- I kota. v Treasury?Ernest G. Tlmme, of Wis- I; cousin, to be auditor for the state mid I other departments (fifth auditor). < Navy?Commodore Joscpu x\. .timer, ? to bo rear admiral. w ONK Minuie ib all I ho tlnv? necftwary * to decide from personal experience that H One Minute Coiigh Cure does what lt? 1 name implies. C. It. Gopucc. comer * Twelfth and Market street*; Bowl? & 1 Co.. Bridgeport; IVabody & Son, lien- r wood. 1 I; " <1 n 1 Are worthless name5 forged? ' Or unpopular Roods imitated? J! No. [ Because it isn't worth while. Therefore the extensive counterfeiting of our labels > and capsuie5 is the strongest evidence of the merit of our n "Canadian Club" Whisky, i , jware of these counter- \ fcits, and write us regarding i anything which you suspect. The quality of . . "CANADIAN CLUB" is always fully maintained. . *. Imitations are always inferior. HIRAM WALKER A SONS. Lira's, Walkcrvllle. Ctn?J?. For names o( dealers , handling the genuine whisky apply to ui. OPTICIANS-JOHN DECKER & CO. ' "announcement." i John Becker & Co., ; JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS, 1 3.VJ7?)fieob Klr<iet, Have enRaffcd Mr. Jolin II. Coon, nf Till- a not*, n grmionto of tho l&lutn Ophthalmic * roUffso, to tnko clmriro of Tenting tho t ICyen und Fit iluff of OfnflKoM. Whon yon , find yotirnolf In no?d of Hprctnclon It will _ pay you lo ronmilt tin. Wo enn glvo yon ' good Horvlce and nnvo you money on your 1 purchnnoii. Very respectfully, h JOHN BECKER & CO. i AMUSEMENTS. It wax not surprising that tho Initial performance In Wheeling of tho "Wlzird or tho Nile" should havo attracted i 1 arge and fashlonablo audience. To >egln with, Wheeling theatre-goer# ronember funny frank Daniels for his loccellent work In comedy, and anticipated that his talonts would And room Tor even greater expansion In comic 'pern. Then, too, tho music of tho op ra was known to Wheeling inuslc lovers through tho mastorly Interpretation >y the composer of the piece, Mr. Vicar Herbert. th'J loader of tho Cilmorc >and. Thirdly, It was naturally expcct?d that tho dialogue would ho bright ind funny, for it In tho handiwork of Harry Smith. JSvery expectation was realized. Frank DjuiIcJh la funnier than ever, ho music la slumherlngly beautiful, tho tupport la excellent, the chorus girls hisschs moro beauty than la;'usually teen, and altogether tho piece made a pronounced hit. Tho scenery Is the oinpany's own from start to finish, and. Ike ihu costumes, Is beuutlful and avlsh. The engagement closes this evening, rho sale of seats multcs u large house :crtalu. Sprurer and lltnuig. To those unaccustomcd to a Now STork reproduction of a pluy \vjth Its iceuery, costumes and entire ensemblo ilstorlcally correct, and used to' seeinu inly the worn and familiar statfo set linR" ot incir I'lovmciai <ii?.-?irc, productions of legitimate dratnu to be riven by Kllhu Spencer at the Opem House next Friday and Saturday, will some as a revelation. Not only Is every costume, armour, ivig, shoe and tandal worn Jn tho different plays a complete reproduction of the exact coslume of the time, l?ut every one of tho ^ (cones of tho play Is an exact and faith- ; fill representation of the locality whore \ the scene is Ini'l. This has been a ^ romendous undertaking; and In tho ac- 1 jompllshing of It a vast outl.iyof money t ms been required. ?o lurge that It would seem almost folly to expend such a sum < :itj scenery alone. Hut .Mr. Spencer anew what he was about, and the Knowledge that In witnessing: his performance an auditor will net only have 1 perfect performance of Shakespeare's ureal works, hut also nee before his ipuse an exact reproduction of every icene In the ploy, as well as the exact wstunilng and dross of tho period, will nuke IPs presentation of the play a houeand times rnoru attractive than If, Ike other tragedians, he depended soley ujK>n his own power# to draw an tudlence. Mr. Spencer Is a great actor, * uit lie does not, like some great actors, relieve that because a city may hava n Iftleth ns much population as New k'ork It should bo given a slovenly and ndifferent performance, while exacting S'ew York rates of admission. Mr. Spencer should be commended for th?* Hand he Ims taken, and that he will ecelve the patronage of the good peo>le of Wheeling who appreciate the . 'ompllment he Is paying their intelli. jcence and liberality In bringing such in enormous production as he carries a o the city, goes without saying. d A Dmitri* Mlor/rltr, 1 Frank Daniels has an English gover- <j less at his home In Rye, N. Y.. and one I light last summer when the sentiment- - il and the alluring temperature had In- g Ittced Mr. Daniels to warble for the irnefit of his assembled family upon . ho piazza and In the mooullght with {y lie aid of n "light guitar," at one of he pauses In the hurst of melody, the ' [overness said: O "Oh. Mr. Daniels, won't you sing that < y 'harming American song, "The Llttlo ( . 3lue Pitcher?'" "Never heard of It." said Daniels. 1 ' "Oh. but It is an American song, and < va* very popular In England." , y "More than It was here, then," said . Xinlels. "Fancy!" said tho governess. "How < aid!" < l Mrs. Daniels, who Is an English wo- < y nan. but has been many years In this . jountry. was as much puzzled ns her nisband at first. But being more apt ' > o remember the differences In expres- < > Ions la the two countries, was sudden- < > y possessed of nn explanation of the .. natter, and said to the governess: .'I'l,.. 1 IIIU Umivn Itifr * i t APPLIES TO RAILROADS. 1?b Blierninit Anll-Truit Illll Uplielil by Che Nnprrnte Court. WASHINGTON. D. C.. March 22.? 'he supreme court has decided the case f the United States vs. the Trnns-MIsourl Freight Association against the allroaclK. Tho opinion wjv? rendered iy Justice I'eckhatu and njveraca the leclslon of the courl below and holds he antitrust law of 18!>rt to he appllahle to railroad transportation and the rafllc agreement of the pool illegal. Sit More Victim*. NEW YORK, March A boat of he St. Mazalrc was picked up by the teamer Creole, which arrived tliln nornlng from New Orleans. Six dead >odles were In the boat. No one alive vns In It. THK: Wheeling & Lake Rrle IU?IN vay will grant to all purchasers of leket* reading to New York ami K)lntn west thereof a stop-over of ten lays at Washington, I). C, See Wheelng & Lake Krle railway agents for nil Information, or call on or address t. 10. Lawrence, general agent Wheelng & Lake Krlo railway. City Hank ? itilldlng, Wheeling. W. Va. IK yon have ever seen a child In the igony of croup, you can appreciate the rralltude ?'f the mothers who know ha I Olio Minute Coiujh Cure relieves heir llttl*-* oti"s oh quickly as 11 Is adnlnlsttT'Ml, Many homes In this city nre levi-r without it. f\ It. Goctxe, eorler Twelfth and Market streets; Howie i Co., Ill Idgcpoi t? i'eabody & Bon. Jen wood. 0 F ... .... . . \.j. "ALL WOf Dr. Greene's Nervi of Strength, Ei Dr. Greene's Nervura Energy and Stn Take it Now, for1 of Spring Medicir Jn the death of jrreat and ftlfted men and women, who liave filled the public mind and who are hold In tender and tearful remembrance*, how many have pone bccatue thev lou t you?" 41 "Oh. yes." said the poverness. "How i illly of me to forget the color." I mile Akrriilroiii. t Vllle Akerstrom opened a week's en mgenicnt at the Grand Opera House Y ant night In "Miss libra," a sparkling 2 omedy-drarna In four acts. Tlie house A van well filled by a well pleased and ap- I >reelatlve audience. The play, which x ran written by .Miss Akerstroin express- V y ror ner company, was wen pichciih-->i, y t affords excellent opportunity for the ompany to display their talents, and .. he strong points were nicely brought nit. Many oC the situations are ex- <h reinely Interesting and there Is Just i b nough comedy In the piece to keep the 4 > ludiencc wreathed In smiles and laugh* ., er from beginning to the end of the ?erformance. Miss Akerstrom's lllus- < rated songs made a decided hit and she < * esponded to several encores. The coin- ^ (l lany Is an unusually strong one. Intro- . luring many bright specialties. The ' ttract Ion to-night will be "The Sultan's < h Jaughter," said to be one of the fun- i ? ilest of comedies. A change of play 4 h I III boglven every performance, and . 1( i-ith such a strong company at prices ' D. L'O and .'to cents, the house will proba- < y ily be packed at every performance. < 11 QEK. FOLLEHTON'S BODY [ lot Vet DUcovwid?Mm?y Mr?? Srnrrlatng < '< For It. | ii OAKLAND. Md.. March 22.?Th" i h parch for the body of (Jen. Joseph S. < ? 'ullerton, of St. Louis, who was killed < m II the railway accident on Saturday, < >< ns resumed this morning at daybreak. I( 'he si-nrolling party was reinforced by ! party of ten export rlvermcn from ' ^ Baltimore, employed by the Baltimore i M r Ohio company. This makes about < f?o men engaged in the work. The Pullnan car In which Hen. FuUerton met T, lis death, and under which his body g n thought to be lying, was removed " rom tlie river, but up to mid-day no = race of the remains have been found. ?rhom wo have personally mown, who have teemed Is o wear tlioir precious liven TO >ut all too won because heir deaths were premature. The world feels heir loss keonly for its sndden ending. They were not worked out; they were ticcd Wt, exiiausted. They stopper! tannine thev amid to no greater v \lcir ^ca,;cn* go, Dr. flrwne. studying this deep problem, liscovered its prime cause and nl onre pet bout its correction. He found the *catof lealth to bo strength and rigor xof nerve and mre blood, aud determined todismvera remely that would rft-energlr* the nerve* and purify id cnrich the blood when both become weak*; EVERY AMERICA! HISTORY OF HIS THE NEW YORK Has securcd the entire first Hlatory of tho United 8tr clubs bcIIh single copies foi price, and upon easy terms Invited to tako adv&ntap preparation Scribner's H OF THE T L I 1 * Is complete. 3,500 pages, 1,600 Must i > than $100,000. It Is the only lai I > tho many excellent email hlstor ( down to date, superbly Illustrated. 1 of intelligent American families. 1 1 ' hvld by William Cullcn Bryant, the i i > Howard Gay. Noah Brooks, Edwi , > E. Scudder, Rossi tcr Johnson, and I FZ1IOX20 A.HE ' J A large part of the entire first edl 1 been subscribed for. but all who Join i con have the set delivered for $2.< l > months?about 7 cents a day. Rea lug usually. It costs 11.00 a mor 1' NO RISK.-?It la impossible to des i > We are so confident of Its value wo i turn tho books If not satisfactory. ,. mall AT ONCE. ' REMEMBER?Thls set of books 1 Tribune has tho entire edition. Ord \ > exhausted. I J Sir BIS TltinU.VK. NKH* YORK. X I hereby subscribe through Trt 1' g ULAR HISTORY OF THE UNIT ( X volumes. I agreo to pay $2.00 r I > X to THE TRIBUNE ASSOCIAT1 ,. O 12 00 monthly for nine months. I g Pries In Half Leather, $1.00 A I* y Blgnature Address J? I refor to '. OOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOf Address: THE N 'i 8zttttzzzzszttzzx GOLD All Cleai ??.',>.%; '/?}?&< . ;'j!%>4 ivAi .'. iaftk'.v.ti: ,, IKED OUT." ira the Regenerate! ergy and Vigor. Restores the Snap, Vim, jngth You Have Lost, fou Need this Grandest les. s encd, and to prevent, If taken in ,nPR lapse of phvsiml force. Ho suteerdrd i? .JX an extent that Dr. Greene's Ncrnjra blood, J nerve remedy lias Rained a world-wide i?nnu! Hon tlirough its wonderful cures and the C*? (lut It tia? conferred on the thouiands whobw used lu In hi* fctudy of litis subjett ),? i... alio boeotoe the lead lug authority mi blvdiM nervoua ailments, and no is aonght ?? cian I>y i*ople everywhere. Jlo charsei B0 fee for hi? opinion, and ran rons^uetitir U consulted, free of cuarge, by JcUcr or a person. There belnp nothing to pay forcnncultjtinn examination or advice, the low price ol hit wonderfulcurativo ^ medicine* places a \ U i sure cure in rench \ AjL jZ. of everybody. y~>S<J Write Jnm if you i, cannot ^ ' na down or you feel "out of sort?," or if rw want to ovoid the ills, weakness and exhaustion i>o sure to come ot this season of tlic year, don't delay. Get this grand restorer of and strength. Dr. Greene's Nenura bind and nerve remedv at once, and it will ruaVe you well. It ft the true sprite mcdicm*. ikt I?etii spring tonic and restorative for blood and nerves you can powdbly take. Dr. Greene's Cathartic Pills are thft sure nin for biliousness and constipation. Small, sen: coated, easy to take, certain and pleasant toirt. Dr. Greene, 35 West 14th St., New YorkC :r. I the most successful physician in curing dis! cases, can be consulted free, personally or tr ! letter. There is nothing to pay for eonwm. i tion. examination or advice, and the ion prt I of his wonderful curative medicine* plut?? 16urc euro within rcach of all* M NEEDS THE STANDARD H i OWN COUNTRY ?. !! TRIBUNE ? L edition of the new sr*at Standard J? Ltes, and by forming subscribers Into ]j : one-third less than the regular . and readers of the Intelligencer are U ) of this offer. After years ot u istory ? Inited States I ff rations, costing nlone more ge work (notwithstanding ^ ics) which is full, brought if meeting all the demands J* 'ho plan of the History was text written by Sydney ff ird Everett Hale. Horace ff many other specialists. if ADVAJxroipja. O tion which the Tribune secured has ff a Tribune Club now (no club fee) ff )0 down and $2.00 a month for nine ff dors have ordered the leather bind- ii Jth more, but It will last a lifetime. T! tcrlbe this book In a limited space, ff offer to send it upon approval. Re* ff Fill out the following blank and Is for sale nowhere else. The ] cr quickly or the edition may be ff 30000000000000000000000 |j bune Cluh to SCRtBNER'S POP- 8 ft [ ED STATUS, complete In ftv? H f J >n receipt of books and to remit X ff ON. Tribune Building, Now York, Q ft i MONTH UOHB. I as to my responsibility. S f4 IOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOO Jj EW YOitK TRIBUNE, }! rlhinio lltiildiiig', New York. 0 ^ ^ DUST. ling about the house, paint, floorf. pots and pans, dishes and glassware, silver and tinware, can be done better, quicker and cheaper with mSHING PoWDft than with any other cleansing compound. Largest packagegreatest economy. THE H. K. FAIRBAHK COKPAHT. 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