Newspaper Page Text
The past week brought a boo t no lmporiuii clungea In the club winding In the Soyfh Side Bowling League. but the HareMi are sotne nearer Randy Bom and Fatted bora ex pact to ba abla to land In third place at the finish. Thli and DMt ?tek*a games artnd up the winter seaeon race to the 8outb Side League. It la already aettled that Famom will via out and It Is,about <i much ot a aura thin* that Tnal Ware will ret asooad place. Tha principal contest now. aa stated. la between Randy Boos and Harvest for third position. The stand tag: ttT?ama. Won. Lost.- Per. At. riawj...., a iT;C3i. ca TMafWsvee M a Th m Riutdy Booa M n JN HI Harvest It a JE M Auroras B >1 ,0? >M Malt Pouch it tt ->?? <S Orsmka S u "UH ? Aber-NIt It St .1t> *53 The Individual standing hag changed greatly since last week. two.0T ths leaders. Campbell and O'Neill, dropping several pets. Rahr. the Tidal Wave man. Is nosr In the lead, but tha margin Is slender. ana ur one or nve or u X 4n? in the lead ot the finish. T?? flrires: HamtjTeams. A v. Vch. 11 Ch'*? Rahr. TVU1 Wim 13* js< l Jtdtson. Auroras 13 is l <? W?lty.J?moin ia 157 1 i Haijclinar.Famous ia *1B l W. Pette. Harvest 13- i? ? UlU ruta 153. 151 1 r L. Ceramics in: * 150 l Crarcr. Randr Boo* 151 ' iftl . ? fetohU Mail Pouch 13 ia Harvest l?s. i? Spied*!. Humt 14*?. m 1 # ,15 \ {? :!? 5 Arall. Randy Boos I4? ::m j Rieswuwer. Harvest 144 141 1 SMtnon. Harvest 144 -144 ? Tugwr. -Aber-jt't M4 145 1 F. Brash. Randv Booe.... 1?T 145 1 ? Bfaah Randy Boea . 144 145 1 Trake. Tidal Waves 144-1M _ Roth. Auroras 141 m i S^f'-.^ody Itooa lO ; . l? j wSkAKS&':~:::::: \i\ !Ji r Rom. Hall Pouch ii? i? 1 KNelln#. Hall Pouch 1M 140 ? Wajtrfr. Aaroras 140 * 14* ? (toslfy. Famous i? ;;; m < Baumann, Harvest is is ~ Schroeder, Ceramic* U7lt .. 1J7 ? SVilT.' TWV w*v? - n: -- is Jfartln. Certain 1S5 " 155 ? Nordeman. Mall Pouch.. 13? m 3 Uasaotb. Aurora* m? US 1 Hdrtainan, Auroraa 13<"jm ? Ruff, Aber-NIc 1SI m _ 4,??* -.... in ?a 1 Huncerman. Ceramics.., 133- _ 1U ; Frans. Mall Pooch is in 1 Scbaits. Ceramics in- m ? ftprtngsr. Randy Boos.... J3tu ? 13 ? Rolf/ Randy Boos 130 2* ? Bchmtrihach. Famous .... 19..,,F19 ? Bartolas. Tidal Warn... ur-1- ir I Auber, Aber-Nlt 19 33 ? Schafrr, Aber-Xit 13 19 ? Halt. Budf Boo* 19*" 19 ? HoMtetlfr, Ab*r-Nlt 131 V. ? Brahler. Aber-Nlt U JS Htlensteln. Ceramics .... 19 13 ? Oohtetv Aber-Nlt. 121 1:4 ? KUrar. Aber-Nlt 13 13 ? Hatch. Aber-Nlt 19 Foy. Auroras lis ? ? Schulta. Aber-Nlt 114 114 ? WalUrs. Aber-Nlt 1 04 ' i?? 4 Sefcroeder. Aber-NU ICS * 5 Hofravter. Auroras SJOO M ? Whjrtc. Aber-Ntt SI ? ? This week's schedule is a4>tolV"v*: Monday?Mail Pouch vnTIdal Waves. Tuesday?Auroras vj*. Af^r Sit. {Thursday?Handy Boos y*. Famous. Friday?Harve#: v*. <>camjc?. Hknllttiaiia Pttubnr^li. Pittsburgh and Wheeling Aowlers will soon be able to determine which arc the better players. Saturday W. C. Handlan, Jr. and A. E. Marschner. of Wheeling. met Charles Allum at Pittsburgh, says Sunday's Post, and agreed to play two matches, one a team and the other on Individual match. Each Hide deponed ISO as a forfeit- The team match * to.b* played by six men on each side, best (our in seven games. Four of the gamevwlll be played in Pittsburgh on the Auditorium alleys and three In Wheeling, on the Muxart park alloys. The match will bo for not less than 1200 a side. The Individual match will be for not less than 1100 a side. Contestants will be selected from the men making the best record In the team match. They will play seven games in Pittsburgh and seven In Wheeling. In case of a tt* the alleys for the deciding conxpmt will be determined by toss. The matches will take placo during the month of May, the exact date* not being fixed. These matchesgive a boom to bowling In both ci|}e? BASH BALL Will "White, the veteran ball toaser, once manager of the Wheellrfijp. return* cd Saturday afternoon from Cleveland. While In the Forest City, "Billy" went around to the Cleveland gymnasium, where Tebeau's Spiders are getting In shape for the feason. The f Mese from the lake was blowing fifty tnlles an hour?and It was a frigid breexe, too, making the weuther altogether unsuitable for the out of door work which Te* beau was anxious to put his men at. White suggested that tho Cleveland* come down to Wheeling this week and remain until a* few days txtforo the opening of the National Letfftbe season, lie guaranteed the Cleveland chieftain that there would be plenty of good weather here, and as an additional at* trautton a series of games- between Wheeling and Cleveland could be played. Tcbeau wasn't altogether averse to the Idea, and White wax looking for Ooyle to tell him about It Saturday afternoon, but did not see him. tjie Wheeling manager bring out of town. Even if Cleveland doesn't come here for spring practice, there will be two or three games here with Cleveland. And now Strouthers has claimed the pennant. AH aboard! Mont of the Mansfield team la made up of ex-Southern leaguer*. Very few of the players are known on the InterHtate circuit. Kennedy pitched In fifteen vIctorieT and twenty-two defeat* for Brooklyn last year. It was his most unsuccessful season with the Bridegroom*. Spalding's Base Ball Guide for 1897 has Just been published. As usual, the Ouldo has been compiled by the veteran "Father" Chadwlck. than whom there In no abler writer on the national game. l>*!de* the new plsying rules, which differ considerably from those of last year, the Guide also contains the full official League records, complied by Secretary Young; the monthly standing of the clubs during the 1896 campaign; averages of all the minor league and college clubs, with a complete record of games played by the latter; articles on batting, pitching, fielding and basetunning; Cardinal Gibbon*', jiddres* on ball playing, and many Interesting ar? tides on the game. The players signed for (he Dayton team will I** on hand next Thursdsy, rays tho Dayton News. Th*y will at once go into practice, and one week from to-day the public will be given its first opportunity of seeing the men all together. On Saturday afternoon, April 3. there will be a game between two nines made up from the home club. The twenty men under contract will then In* on the grounds and the two teams will be chosen from their number, !93SP?f! Pvnlikai Povar, of tie latar.aiaie L?r?. ha* UiuoJ (be following bulHW'*-' * ?w. ytJ:i gSTkSSS "?'?$?: Curtly Kdward UcCHrinl*. W. H. Taylor, Thomaa O'Brien. Ikniiw J. a Strouihen, at tb* iUn?J?M Jbur-rcate dub. haa announce tb* {oUovtaf pUyere aimed: Pitchers, J. W. Ely. Lebanon, Pa.; John Selbert. Baltimore. MiL. anil ma Kuhin. .of Cl^ietand; catcher. Ed Lynch, of Chicago: outfielders, Joaeph Kan, Peldlnr, Mich.: George statu, Uutoaiter, Pa.: Roger Gordon, Kilnnimo. Mlcb.: Pater Sotnera, ManaflaM, and H. B. Salomon. Oak Rubor; Ft*nk Carroll, of Cleveland, third bane. Manager 8trouthere will play flrat base. A. aeocmd baaeman and abort top an yet to be aimed. mimi run ianutwul W'Onlimiu by the NEW YoAk. March 22.-The Coney Island Club make* the following announceineo t of oondltloas (or tlx ueal Champion stake of 128,000, tor three year old* and upward*, to be run daring the autumn meetings beginning 1*00, entries to close each year oa July IS: Foal* of lt*T are to be entered July IS, ISM, by tubsortpUon ef SS each to accompany the entry, the only liability it declared out by July II, ISM. If left In after that date there ataall be additional costs as follows: Hi If declared by July is, ISM; IJ0 if declared by February 1. IM0; or (ISO It left In after that date. By flllnc prior to July It, ISM, an accepted transfer of the foal entry accompanied nlth all forfeits to said date, the nominator will be released from further liability. Foals of ISM to be entered July 15.1S?7. by subscription of 250 each, the only liability If declared by July li, ISM; of SIM If declared by February 1, 1M0. If left In after that date S2S0 each. Starters to , pay >100 additional. Guaranteed cash value 125.MO. of which SM0 to the winner; 22.000 to the second horse; STW to the third hone; 21.000 to < the ow ner of the winner at the time of entry; 2S00 to the owner of the seowd hone at time of entry; S2u0 to the owner of . third hone at time ogrentry, and 2500 to . the trainer of winner at time of race. Three year olds, 1H pounds; four year < olds. 120 pounds; tire year old and up- , wards 121 pounds. Sex and gelding allowances. Winner of any race (handicaps when carrying lass than weight for I n excepted) of the value of 27,000 to i - wttinita ?Ttn: at two such : races or one of III. 000. hv? pounds extra. Tiro miles and a quarter. "amusements. Ollrer Byron will open at .the Opera House next Friday night tn"The Up? and Downs of Life." Tite play la* melodrama brimful of comedy, creatine roars nf laughter during the tour acta ot the piece. He will be ably supported by Kate Byron and an excellent company. The comedy portion of the play hinges fn a matrimonial advertisement. An Irtih servant (lrl advertises for a husband ami elms herself a lady ot tank. She it answered by another menial who passes off as a lord. The situation .Is very funny. Kate Byron as Jane Judklns is simply Immense and baa earned well deserved applause. Oliver Byron as Vivian Bansome tbe hero ot the piece, is a part well suited to him. Fred Warren, the popular comedian. It Immensely funny at Lord Alphooao Smith. The company 1s a strong one and the piece well mounted by new and beautiful scenery. A Ikkel. Freeman'* t"un Makers will- peasant Joseph M. Gal tea' farce-comedy. "A Railroad Ticket" at the Grand tor a return engagement the last of this week. This season It Is stronger and better than ever, having been rewritten op to the hour and many new features, songs, medleys and dances are introduce^. The company Is composed ot wen* known far>f-oomedy and vaudeville people. Including Louis Wesley, who plays the part of "Chips," bis original creation In the flrst production of this l>lere. Marie Stuart, ine uuuu^ co-American singer. one of the highest < salaried artists In her line, has been ! specially engaged to* play "Nora." a French maid, and introduce her specialties. The balance of the cast includes t Gus Plxley. of the New York Casino I Company, Charles Burke, the original Snags." In Hoyt's "Bunch of Keys," Harry Porter, his fifth succcssful season with this attractio, Arthur Moulton, four seasons leading comedian with the Frank Daniels Company., Mattie Lockette, the peerless little soubrette. and an ( ensemble of pretty girls. "A Railroad Ticket" will be staged with special scenery carried by the company. THE RIVER ; yesterdays departures. Pittsburgh...BEN HUR. m. PltUbursh...KANAWHA. 10 a. m. < Pittsburgh...KEYSTONE STATE, 10 a, m. Cincinnati....VIRGINIA, 8 a. m. Zanesvllle....LORENA, 4 a. m. * BOATS LEAVING TO-DAY. Parkersburg.BEN HUR. 4 p. m. , SistersTille...RUTH. 1:J0 n. m. Clarlngton....LEROY, 3:30 p. m. ' BOATS LEAVING TO-MORROW. Cincinnati....KEY8TONE 8TATE,' S a. m. , Pittsburgh...HUDSON; 7 a. m. Parkersnurg.ARGAND. 11 a. in. Mataraoraa...LEXINGTON. 11 a. m. BI"t?r*vHl*...RirrH. 330 p: m. Clarlngton....I,EROY, 3:30 p. m. i Along tin UniIIbk> The James Mornn pas??d down with coal at 7 a. m. Sunday. The marks at fi p. m. showed IS feet 3 , inches and falling. Weather, clear , and warm. All records for taking large ton's frnm Pittsburah were broken Saturday, i by the Raymond Horner. She left tier i landing with fourteen foul boats. two barges and nix nam. TMs ivlll be the i slxe of the ton' until sha gets to BelUlre. where ahe will hitch In to nix < Additional boat*, being taken down liy i the Rescue. John H. Dlnpold ami : Charles Bowles are the pilots on tho Horner and Abner Gould U In command. The amount of coal bandied h ! over a half a million bushels,?Pitts- i burgh Post. River Telegrams* OIL CITY?River 5 feet 3 Inches and i falling. Clear and cool. WARREN?River 4 feet 4 Inches. Clear and cold. OREBN?BORO-<Rlver to feet J Inches and falling. Clear and slightly warmer. The James f*. Blaine Is flu# up and down on Monday. MOHOANTOWN?River 9 feet 9 lnch?s and falling. Clear and pleasant. IITTSBUROH-Rlver 10.4 feet and , falling at the dam. Clear and cool. STKIIBENVIULE-Rlver 14 feet 3 Inches and falling. Clear and cool. Passed down?The Ida Uudd.Josn Cook. Rescue, Raymond Horner, B. D. Wood. Passed up?The Ben Hur. Keystone Htate, Kanawha, Tom Reea No. 2: the laiter was lowing the faille, which has a broken shaft. I'AItKHHSBrRU lllvrr li feet 5 Inches anil falling. Cloudy and mercury , at It. Passed down?The Virginia. Passed down with coal-The Belle McOowan. J. C. Rlsher. Passed up with empties?The Bam Clark. The Little i Kanawha Is falling. Passed up-Tho i Hilton. i RIDPATH'8 Universal .History. i YOU can trust our piano movers to ! move your piano safely. f. \v. baumbh co. 1310 Market ftrset. , ' -== \ Fifty Years Ago* Who could Imagine that thla ?bould be The place where, ta eifbteea ai*cty4hrc? That white war id-wonder af arch tad dome Should shadow the nations, pol jchreae... Bcre at the Fair waa the prlte conferred on AjrefvFttlit by the world preferred. Cklcagvllhe, they a record ahow, iiace thejr tuncd-fo ymn f> Ayer's Cathartic Pills ha Ye, from the tin* of their preparation, been a continuous suooess with the public. And that means that Ayer's Pills accomplish what is promised for them; they cur* when outers rati, it wis niun*. therefore, that the world-wide popularity of these pills should be recognised by the World's Fair medal of 1893?a fact which emphasizes the record: 50 Years of Cures. os. Howm-eroroAL DeearrW la Cbnluri > ? tin UiMtl Hli H.UU.., Mr. K. n. Oct. tarSays Gunday'a Clevelsnd Leader: rhft funeral services of the late Dr William Paul) Howell, from the homi of hla brother-in-law, Mr. E. W, Otltbay, durinc the last week. wer< particularly aad anil impressive. Th< beautiful Episcopal burial aervlce wai read by Bishop .Leonard, anlated bj Dean William*, who only a few yean Co read the marriage sen-Ice at Trinity Cathedral, which united Dr. How. ell and Miss Julia Crewell Clark in th< bonds of holy matrimony. Dr. Howell's remains were brouclil to Cleveland for Interment from tb< Adirondack*, where be passed quietly fcnd peacefully away on the ttth Inst., it hla home at Saranac I.skf. He ni a brother of Mrs. E. W. Ojlebay, ol this city. Dr. Howell, until recently, was a resident of Philadelphia, havinr taker lila decree from the medical school ol the University of Pennsylvania In I SSI. afterwards serving: as resident physician at the Pennsylvania hospital tor nearly three years, at the expiration )f which term he went abroad and took a special course In the medical school! and hospital* of London. Upon hla return he .came almost directly to Clavelad to claim the hand In marriage ol Ulss Julia Crowell Clark, daughter ol Mr*. Henry_F. Clart. _Dr. ^Howell tool DiB onae to rnuwieifaw^nucic u? ?# m%r tlced hit profession until about a yeai igo, when his physician ordered him to the Adirondack* on account of his railing health, due entirely to hi* faithful and Incessant labors in hospitali ind di*pen*arle*. Hi* devotion to hi* calling In ltf?, roupled with hi* charitable and sympathetic natore, gradually undermine*] his constitution and resulted In his untimely death. During his residence in the Adirondack* he was a brave and most patient sufferer from a disease rrom which he, as a physician, realised he could scarcely expect to recover. Hid noble fight is well known to his friends in Cleveland and Philadelphia. In thli long battle against tubercular laryngitis, the most palnrul form of consumption, to which he finally succumb* sd. he had the loving and tender nursing of a devoted wife, for whose nakfl Dnly he fought so manfully against his powerful foe. It la only a fitting tribute to his memory to say that his love fot his wife and his family, and their absolute devotion to him, prolonged hU life many months. 8IXIEKK MOM8VBVIVOB8 Ofllii Title de St. Naulrt Pleknl Up by a BrltUh S(canter. LONDON, March 28.?Tha British steamship, Yanariva. Captain Weston, which left Newport News on March 10, bound for Glasgow, arrived at Greenock to-night. The captain reports that Dn March 12, while In latitude 31. longitude 71, he picked up a small boat, containing sixteen survivors of the steamship Ville de 8l Nasalre, of the West Indian line of the Compagnle Senerals trans-Atlantlque, which foundered in the great storms of March 7, iff th* Virginia Capes. They had been without food and wat?r for four days, and were In a state of extreme exhaustion, and tvere bordering on madness. The officers and crew of the Yanarlva did all In their power for the unhappy victims of an ocean horror, and Anally learned their pitiful story piece by piece. They say that four boats were launched, two containing twenty-nine each, the third seventeen, and the fourth six. The boat picked up by the Yanarlva was one ol the two that took ofT twenty-nine, bui thirteen of these succumbed to exposure. hunger and thirst. The last the survivor* saw of the other boat was on the day the vessel foundered, when they saw two of them lashed together and empty. For some time after the rescue, th? captain of the Yanarlva kept an officer at the masthead, sweeping the horI son with a glass In the hope of getting some trace of the other *>at?: but there was no signs of thcin. As night wan falling rapidly and the sen unci winds were Increasing, with mist and rain, the Yanarlva proceeded. The second officer of the VHle de St. Naxaire i.%among the rescued, who will be taken In charge by the French consul at Glasgow. A STOCK of over sixty pianos now In our warerooms gives an unequalled opportunity for selection. F. W. UAUMER CO. 1310 Market street. Frn Pllla. flenfr your address to H. E. Bucklen & Company, Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merlts% These pills are easy in action and are partlculsrly effective In the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved Invalnablet Th?> arc guaranteed to be p*rfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to the stomach and bowels greatly Invigorate Ihe system. Regular sixe 25c per box. Sold by LoIran Drug Company. Piles I Pile* I Itching Pllra t Symptoms?Moisture; intense Itching and sunning; most at night; worse by icratchlng. If allowed to continue tumors form, wliTi h orten bleed an ulcerate, be. coming very sore. 8WAYNE'S OINTMENT stops the Itching and bleeding lieals ulceration, and In most cast** removes the tumors. At druggist* or by mall, for '<0 cents. Dr. <Jou, Philadelphia. ^ D,T1?M8vfM.w"h south mwom rtoni Object I* Uw Aliased tta*<lrae>* af ? < oaacll of tlenwiw*. To the EtHior uf tlio lataUlvrnkw. SIR:?1 (IMIkv very much to appear In th? role of faultltoder or critic: but when men who are elteteJ to public ottlee for the purpoM of tnnMctlnff biutndw far *11 rh< peuple of Die community, bccron* o recreant to the trun Impaled la tlvn at to allow their NltMioeM to orer-rtt'e their better judgment, to the detriment Mid eufferlnf Of a portion of the people. It 1* dm* to eater public promt. The action of the majority' of the Ben wood council la refuXo* <0 tar ? eewer In North Benvood and thu* afford the relief for which the cUtaeo* of tha? if it of town have ions entreated them, to which call* for vlgorotn denunciation from ?U reasonable minded penona who know anything In fegard <o the clwpinetaocea There mitfit be caaae In whloh Ignorance of the urgent need of notion, or the expenee Involved would IwU** lay. But Id the flagrant Injuatlw perpetuated upon the cltUena of North Benwood by the reoeot actloo of council oo luch excuata can be offered. The meotdsc unltiry oonflttoo ?* *? place to which referenoel* made haalong been known to council. UMt yearirten the oouncllm?n ftwn thl? word eucoeeded in obtaining a majority vote la favor of taxing the aewer. th? eaundtai?fr?m the lower ward* by aoma mean* defeated It an/1 inMt ahwMlf M <VW> for StfNt PtV" in* id tbe lower end of Bra wood. It ?u generally supposed by the people that when that ni done tlx out ipproprU. '.Ion would be ftv the tawtr In die north end. Had this ben true tbere wou!4 not bare beta the central feeUnr of IndlgTiatloa thai now prevadte In tbM locality. But now when everything thaJ bad bitberto stood In the way had been removed, and after a committee of oounoM bad viewed the sttuatkn, tfeey. admitting (ae we believe every oouadtoan In the city baa> that the need of sewerage here waa more urgent than In nay other part, and In total disregard to tbe petition and entreaties of the ctdsens of the First ward, a majority of the council voted again* giving as any renal And among those who thus vuted wen part of that committee who. wfeen viewing the situation promised us their aid. One objection urged by the eouncUmen from the lower wards waa in regard to tbe amount of money required to lay the I eewei?the length of one equate being required! But an offer by a responsible . man from this ward to do tbe work for MM silenced that objection and oom' petted tbe opposition to seek some other i flimsy pretext to vote as they did. But their great consistency^) la sbosrn by , their further action at tbe tuit meeting. ' In voting to lay sewetw In tbe kxver i wards at a probable cost of SUM or i more, where the sanitary condition. ; while It may be bad. is so much better i than that existing in North Benwoud. . that It does not admit of a comparison . with the latter. Why men of Intelligence, being folly aware of the dangers to which tbe heaKh of this community I* now subject, and , which will be greatly Increased aa soon as warm weather comes, will allow them, selves to be led by sinister motives to i such extremes of narrow mtndednesa Is ! hard to understand. Personally or politically I have no issue with any of the i officials referred to. but with their injui diclous management of pubUo affairs by ! which they have discriminated against i us. denying us tbe rights to which we are : entitled, we meet emphatically take ls[ sue,, and will continue to do so until we i are relieved from tbe present oppressive : situation. VOX POPUIJ. qanuaail I Uk ilUIUI wvunvw Benwood, March 28. JlM 1 A duet with death. It is one of the grim realities of life that in a brilliant city drawing-room and modest country parlor, at city reception and country pafty, the pretty ana cultured young woman, who charms every one with her mastery of music, is frequently almost within the clutch of death. The woman who through ignorance or careless* ' ness neglects the delicate and important organs distinctly feminine, is trifling, with i death. At the best she is dooming herself to a life of ill-heslth and agony. No woman need suffer from ill-health of a local nsture if she will but resort to the Tight remedy. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre* criptJcn cures all weakness and disease of this description. It acts directly on the delicate and important organs that make wifehood and motherhood possible. It makes them strong and vigorous. It does awsy with the usual discomforts of the period of anticipation and makes baby's advent easy and almost painless. It pre* pares young women for wifehood, and wives fbr motherhood. At all medicine stores. 441 suffered from Irregularity* a disagreeable ; drain and could hardly stand oa my feet," writes Mrs. J. Albert Itakina. of 14S Main Street. Dallas, 1 Texas. "I thocfht 1 should go Insane sometimes. X took Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, and bis' Golden Medical Discovery' and 'Pica** ant Pellets.' Th^jr have helped me woaderftaQy.H Rvcry wise and careful housewife recognises the value of a good home medical book. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is that kind of a book and the best of its kind. It used to sell for $1.50 per copy. Now a big edition is being given away?tor*. For paper-covered copy, send si one-cent stamp*, to cover mailing only. French cloth binding ten cents extra. Ad* ! dress, Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. RID PATH'S Universal History. YOU can trust us to move your piano safely. Our men have had fourteen years' experience with us. F- W. BAUMBR CO.. 1310 Market 8treeL Relief tn Six Hoars. Distressing kidney ud bladder dls. eua relieved In ill hours by the "NEW GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE." This new remedy Is a ' grrst surprlso on aecuurt of It* exceedIn! promptness In relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passags In male or famale. It relieves retention of water and pain In passing It almost Immediately. If you want quick relief and curs thla Is your remedy. Sold by R. H. List, druggist. Wheeling. W. Vs. BICYCLES. Bicycles. Tribune. 4 Styles .... $100. Pierce. 7 Styles . $60, $75, $100. Stormer, 6 Styles . . $40, $50, $60. (GEO. W. JOHNSON'S SONS, 1 1210 MAIN STRUT. -i BWK>m> tiU-OM Geo. E. St Lace this ^ Curtains! ** * * .* SPECIAL Included in this is every, Lac ment, hundreds of which J?*e ing been in the house longer t up and get ready for the stock ticketed and re-marked in plain vlban Lace Curtains wees ever c Itxou can otiy one, nro, uircc choose. iWe have them in all 1 a pair. Some idea of .what .we i the following items: Irish Ppint .Curtains, a great .variety handsome pattens, to JiSjOO a pair, Dne lot of three eleg; ' tains that were now foe $2-50 foe th .One lot of fout Not the regular price m this sale (he lot goes Four Nottingham <Gui , $5.50 a pair, sale pr lot One lot two choice pa .Curtain^ were $15.0 pair. One lot of fovv Bruss $1.50 a pair. fThis lc .These are only a few of the b permit further enumeration. 1 predate these exceptional barg: Geo. E. St CLAIRVOYANT, f. 1 Health?Wealth?and Happlneaa by con- 2 ultlnx Prof. Charles M Leon, the celebrated Clairvoyant and Trance Medium. ~ lie will read your future without mistake. Qlvea valuable Information on all J affairs of life. Prof. Leon baa been pro- ? nounced the world over as the greatest G Clairvoyant In the 19th century. Through his aid and advice a great many people F have been made happy. He overcomes your enemies, removes family troubles, restores lost affections, causes marriage with the one you love. Removes evil Influences, bad habits, and 1 will give you correct Information on law-. J aultn. divorcee, lost friends, etc. x Never falling advice to young people on * marriage and how to chooae a husband 7 or wire for happiness, and what business ; Is best adapted for speedy riches. * iK'wttsaiss c ladles on love, courtship and marriage. and tells whether your lover Is true or _ false, and date of marriage. Thousands i have consulted him and found that his aid I and advice led to prosperity and happiness. He advertises nothing but what he can x do, and does not wish to be classed with ?r ; hopes have been blasted, who have been deceived and disappointed by falee predlo- tlons of others, before giving up in den pair C are Invited to call and be convinced of the K above sUtement without delay. Hundreds ' of persons have an evil influence around them that they know nothing about Sometimes It Is caused by other persons, some times It comes of Itself. Come and have It removed snd happlneaa and success will follow. Business strictly confidential. People living out of city wishing to know particulars as to terms, etc., enclose stamp for reply. ? Office and residence, 1057 Chapllne street Hours from 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. mrt r MALE HELP WANTE IX J A,r EN' W ANTE I>?TO 8BL.L A FIRST- I .IVi CLASS, low price water Alter. No atralner. Makes wster perfectly clear, pure and aparkllng. Quick seller. Largo profits. Circulars free. THE CHAMriON FILTER CO., 74 Frsnkfort street Cleveland, O. tarn FOR BENT. T710R RENT?SEVERAL GOOD ROOMS j In the city Bank Building, Inquire at io City Bank of Wheeling. mrtO "TIOR RENT?BE8T OFFICE ROOM IN r j the elty: largo and plenty of light: ! centrally located in best advertised building in the city. Also large hall for rent Apply at HUB CLOTHIERS, Fourteenth and Market streets. Jan FAR RRKT 4 rooms. IS per month, on run ttfifli. I aland, in alley near Suspen Ion Bridge. " IU iiUflfl. MW on luw a FOR SALB. 1 cant River Lot near Yacht Landing. J J A XIF, 8 L. HAWLBT. Real Estate and Lean Ajrent. 1065 Alain St = T GENERAL NOTICES. 11 _____ ^ The State Board of Health will meet In 0 Charleiton April 20, SI. and 2& proximo, ji for the examination of appllcanta for tho j board'a certificate to practice In the atate. ? N. D. BAKBR M. D.. g mr!7 Secretary State Board of Health. c R. K. Giffcn & Co., g V Sucet"on 10 James Crangle. . S To iiy Wlend* and Patronn. J, Havlnir cloved out my business to the ? reliable and well known Arm of K. K. V U Iff en A Co., 1 take thin method of thank* ? In* my friends and the trade generally ? for the kind patronage bestowed on me In the past, anil ask for my 8UCCH880R8 i: the Hume liberal patronaae heretofore ac- f corded me. Very respectfully, ? JAMES CRANGLE f . . = T pVBRY DESCRIPTION OF Cj BOOK, JOB. NEWSPAPER B AND PORTER PRINTING ? Dorp at r?-?M iv.ble rate* at tiib i\t::i.?.k5)>nckb T JOB PRINTING OFFICE. 1 M and It Fourle.nth Strut. . . HHHHhmIHI . *. ?wl?6O. ' . ifel & Co. = t | Lace /EEK- Curtains : SALE .A e Curtain in oar btg departnever been shown, not ha*> than It takes to check them i. All others have been re> - figures. Mat lower price* ? pioted at before. or a doeea o? a kind if jroo ' kinds, from 19c each to $30 Bean to do caata had jsom ; of handsome pattens, from from |i.oo each ng ant [Tamtkrail Cur1.00 a pair, jve sell e lot tingham Curtains, r . is ?1.50 a pais. In for ?1.00. pure Curtains, sold ice Is 53.50 for th# tterns, ol vftunKoui) 0 a pair, nan $4.15 sels Curtains, were < >twe close at ?i?Q. ig valuer but space jriU not ivery_ housekeeper will api!H* einrJlf ?UW ?* jfeT& Co. WAUTKD. tROWN BKOS. CO.. Fochwter. N^T" 4 GENTS WANTED IN EVERT i. county to *11 the only authentic story f the HatAeld-UcCoy feud. 8ells for So. tood pay to active worker*. For teraa nd territoiT writ* BARCLAY A CO., iibHslftrs. Cincinnati. O. mrfr-tthA^ FOB SALR [J10R BALB-CANAHT BIRDS-A FIN* J lot of Male And Female Canaries at IENKY 21ELMBBIQHT8. 6U Market treat. ftfi^ S! SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR SALE IS? s2M H10R8AU5. One Yery old Flax Thread Spinning VbeeL One wool rode SpintUnf wheel: Ho. Two one-cut enap crack R*els. will arry four to six cuts eaoh. For prtoa STOCKS FOR BALE. ^ WhUxter Jro**Wor2 boM? f^SSfniPottiSr bSSS^l p?r out jMfSS Tmlfth St . W t ' f<OR SALE. . FEW CHOICE LOIS IT BDGMftOL CBIAT AJ?D OK KA1T TTOJO. W. V. HOQE, <J City B?k BalldlM. IMP MmrkM M.- y FOR S-AIjEL v 28 SHARES IELLAIRE STEEL COMPANY.' HOWARD HA'ZLETT, CXCHAN6C BANK BUUMNG. TOCKS, BONDS AND INVESTMENTS* FOR + SHLE. Th. National Collection AgmtT, ot P.shlnfton, D. C, will CUpoM ot til* (0t> >wln? Judjmtnu: WEST VWarNUL , ~ .tlnatnn (*l?l and Cok. CO_ B?Uu. Upta' cft Son.' V , P. fcowcrmaiUr, Bructton .? g !: ?: M?.^::::::::::J! . i j: Baker, V?tt?rm?n Ill tfS^feF?=3| 1 ifiSs3&fe:::c::: l 4 :l?asfe==:| !. B. BUnd * Co., Button |j|'.< s?te=si SEND BIDS TO HE HiTIOHAL COLIBCTIOH 46EBCI. JVABaiNQTON, ft a ^ c^'r;|