Newspaper Page Text
:t-ioch wlio Vftm Goods la Nut MUt a*?iM ln a Una of ootorlni -U*ob Btaek StoUten Cloth, S9o to& 4fo FlfurM Mohair*. II pattern* 1 SIL fj.Wtt 7*rt< M-lnch Foulard 8111a. Soul |aK'' >X Dm of If ploonn Rich Heiry Black ?v..v whw: BLACK BBOCAJ5E, BLA< R ;& r dollar quality, at..... sh; M Tarda Lao* Strip* Lawns and Dli ?. to Jiiaces Silk Striped CtaUIes. lis qua] Eft'' I.0M yards W-tnci Percsdea at Iv MIom l*dlw Whlto Hemstitched. ;. Willi oolored Borders, Co and Is qui I;: IN dona Ladles' Par* Linen Banstl K ..Friday at | MO Uj*OM Nainsook Bmbrolderles, 3 to jaiila BmQuailiy Cambric! aii i ESy t.(? yards 30-Inch Busselette Lining, : Kr'/UH Tarda 30-lnch Bleached Muslin, i tfc , IM yards Lonsdale and Ladles* Cbot< BE- 30,000 yards Lancaster Glnghama at..., BBI?j H Weices Good Grade Straw Tickings i ! . 0-4 UohleaeJKd Seamless Sheetings at HP'-; ttxtt Bleached Moalln Pillow Cases at rants Twilled Toilet Toweling at UO pieces AH Ltnoo Brows Crash at.. places Barntsley An Linen Crash at Jk;, W-'jnch Bed and Wllte Tails Bamask b"; 60 pieces .Beat Stair On Cloth. Friday i E?v. UK "Window Shadea. mounted on Sprli ||jp,v 1M doaeb tForteatlou Corsets." our re, H > WALL f: 3,000 rolls (JUnuner Wall Paper. New i KSs&V *' fle Ptptn. Friday at K:%jto rttte JHmuttfnl So and 10c Wall ) MOO rolls Kl ecut 10c and 1?H? Wall Bs. Friday ?X If! 0? entir? ipxk at So and Ms WaU J COKE DJ THE HOI I Stone & Bjp.S LAOm OPBTAmB-Ol b" \y/e ^ wot seuia?u i w NOT selling NewYor K-> are selling lots of Lace Curtail [i f bought them in your life time! Knowing HOW and WHE f prices that will stand the test ||> choose to make! P Our HARVELOUSLY L< |\ which are in full public view ii windows?will cotumue an in I from cheapest Nottingham at J 4 I JL* Is crowded to e H tHtH Suits, Skirts, fl" KU Wrappers. A - JHK just arrived ye wk OTK^of^thenw InSfSBL this will place ^our immense Iii I Geo. M. Sf Bp ' WHR1TB-M Ef; I ' ? * I i: BBcosts n 1 : McFADDEN's' B, ' | 1830 AND 1823 MARK! Thomas (, Brackh IGii DAY. ,?, . ures, HHc value*. Friday it...*. 10o yard [s, All Wool Filling, 25c quality, . int assortment of Mixtures, 39c .....?? 19c yard values, at :*> yard or your selection, 4to quality, at.. He ,KS. lful Patterns, iie quality, at $ s?o yard SQIcs, Including the following :k abmube, buck momie, Mo yard nltles, 10c quality, at Mle lty, at: - Uo yard ?%c also Hemstitched Handkerchiefs kilties, at - 3c yard tcbed Handkerchiefs, Ua value, , So I Inches wide, <c and 10c quality, ?... Co xilors, ?t....... ................ 3c yard Site quality, at. 7*c %c quality, at ?4c ? Bleached Muslin at K? it..... . 6c ?4c 5c ? ? - ; j*o yird """ ""yard at - ,. He yard ?r yard - So IK Roller*, at lie pilar Mc Coreeta, Friday at . 39c PAPER. ind Elecant Stylo, ordinary So So Paper*. Friday at So paper* In Rich Dark Coloring*, ..... .TWO Papers FViday at 18c INING IF POSSIBLE. Thomas. BO. M. SNOOK ACQ. ' iblistef ! TAKE THE PUCE OF T*Q I LACE CURTAIN FACT! [ O 1 FOR INSTANCE.^ ice Curtains at cost We AR] k City quantities either, but w is cheaper than you have eve IRE to buy, permits us to quot of any comparison you ma' DW Curtain Prices?some c 1 both Main and Market stree is week. Anything you want l-2c each to finestRealBrussels (-MADE DEPARTMENT xcess with this season's Choices Jackets, Reefers, Waists afi very heavy shipment of the iatfe sterday, and this cut illustrate ny new styles. OUR NEV : ready in about ten days, am us in a position to do justice t< les of Ready Made Goods. EASTER DRESS IS HERE. look & Co, 'FAPPBITB. THING nd It will do you lot* of good, to come i and bco the elegant 7Sc Perc*to hlrtu wo are telllnc (or Wc?each Shirt u two nlco collar* and X pair cufr?? ley are all very pretty pattern*?every l?ht Is warranted a perfect flt?iliei >m 14 to 17. SHIRT STORE, IT STREET. WHEELING. J ' I ^.aua,*, 1 <tjp THERE ARE SOME PEOPLE Who think It doca not pay to put muob money la Children'! Bhoea; than an otbara who will Save no make but IJLlBD, SCHOI1KK * CO.'fl. They do Mat mora, but they ara worth the pries. ,We repnvant the Una In Wheella*. ALEXANDER, SHocsaia. KwmtrsT. -S_AhfttiL_iA6 8 | the Only 1 I a* People 1 M Who do not Uk* the new A style LUDWIQ PIANOB W K nut selling, era thou A who' are trying to sell W b mb? other kind. But B W w* can't pleue arery- V | | j? F.W.BaumerCo. 8 & uio Kuucn nun. ?3 (tKc SttteUijcitrer Oltoi Km. IS and tl tonwntt to.*. Kew AdrertleeMMe. Public Sale-Fifth jwe. Kxecutor's Notice?Fifth. P*Q-. Public Sale of Buelneee Property. _ Agents Wanted?History of Pearl Bryan M[1o?t'orTSto?en^Eidy'< Oold .Watch and C\Yanted-Stluatlon aa Cook. Wanted?<Jlrt for Housework. For Sal*?A Well Established Umin?*a. 1 Foreclosure of Mortgage?Dr. Hobbs Sparagus Kidney Pill*?Sixth pags. i BherlfTa Sale of Horses and Wagons. . "Chronic Kicker*"?Second page. Funeral Director-Kennedy F. FttwrFlfUi past). Sharp as a Snake's Tooth?Duffy's Purs Malt WMkey?Tblnl paxe. Friday Bargain Day?Slope ft ThomaoERujr* SuPbruggets-Geo. E. Stlfe! A Co. ?Third psge. It Costa Nothing?McFadden'a Shirt SlB^SiffailaSffrcl ? Hoebel's Grocery Bouse. If you are doing to Move?Jos. Graves' Son. Blank BiQs-Stanton's Old City Book Slorc THAT HEAVY, TIRED FZELIHG,'* , CiNKd bjr rtftdlMK U?? sel (Upraising ads. ~ of Mlf-narard optical cxpwta (1J, doeton (1), prpft?n it) ud clairvoyants (1i . ran b? cnr?d without pablldly Uf J. IV. Urabb, Optician. SPRING OPENING OF C. HESS & SONS. We have uovr ou exhibit alt flu latest navel ilea In Sulllngi, TroucrlRgft Fancy Vntlni* and Overcoating*. The stylish appearance, good fit. darabUlty and entire saslafactien of oar garmenu 1* oar reputation. Prices or oar Uniting* this spring Will , be (40.00 and np,t'ronseriags 99.00 and I op. Oar Oeatr Furnishing department I* complete. The beet goods at lowest prices. C. HEM A SOX?, | 13*1 and 1333 Market Street. Tax Bfetlce. Having been ordered by the Finance , Committee to push the collection of 1 taxes. I hereby notify all persons owing city taxes, that unless some are . paid by April 10 I will be compelled to c enforce the ordinance governing the collection of aame. J. K. HALL, r Oily Collector. Eschange Bank Dividend. The regular quarterly dividend of the g Exchange Bank of Wheeling, amounting to one per cent, has been declared, and is . payable at the banking house on and after f Ajmii. m Uoliten Wedding. Mr. and Mr*. G to ore Oram celebrated if their golden weddlnc at their home at Elm Grove yesterday. They were the t recipients of many congratulation., ' and iieveral friend* went out from the city. The day was enjoyably spent, > .nil Vr an.i Mn. Oram proved dellxht- _ rul entertainer*. 1 > < German!* Hull 9loekh?Id?n? Tho stockholders of the Oermanla ' hall will meet at Beethoven hall thli [evening to discuss the (election of a site for the new building. An noted tn the Intelligencer, the Main street location has been abandoned, and the one In view on North Market atreet aeema to ? be received with general favor, j Miraculous Kirn)w. j, A. twelve-year-old boy named milman, living on Twenty-eighth atreet, ? miraculously escaped being crushed by t the shifting engine at the Riverside d mills yesterday. He attempted to jump on the engine, but faded, and fortu nately fell to the side of the trucks, and J was uninjured, with the exception of a few bruises. Alleahtlm llentflt. An entertainment will be lrlven in the Opera House <>a the evening of April 20, for tho benclK of AHenhclm. It will be of musical and literary talent, on the lines of the excellent entertainment given a year ago. No doubt the entertainment will be the occasion of a large audience, . for there Is no charitable Institution In Wheeling worthier or HMlsUuice. ~ TWO years ago It J. Warren, a druggist at Pleaiant Brook, X. T? bought u - small supply of Chamberlain's Cough ? ltemedv. He sums up the result as fol;. lows: "At that time the goods were un1' known in this section; to-day ChamI > tierUlu'a Cough Jtemedy Is a household I > word." It l? the same in hundreds of i. nmmunltles. Wherever tho good qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy 1 become known the people will have nothing else. For sale by druggists. gave Venr Mft By using "The New Oroat South Amerl' can Kidney Cure." This new remedy 1 Is a great surprise on account of Its exi cecdlng promptness In relieving pain In . ths Kidneys, Bladder and Back In male ?r femalSL It relieves retention of I water and pain In paaslng It almost ImI mediately. Bave yourselves by using I this marvslous cure. Its us* wlU proI vent fatal oonsequonoos In almost all f case* by Its great alterative and healI lng powers. Sold by R. H. List, drug} gist, .Wheeling, ,W. .Va. IS HE DEAD? riiu Myitcrlou* DUrfppeanmcc of Frank E. IQmnUnil*'' ' THE MAN'CAME TO WHEELING frmm Uli Mam* B| Dallu, Kankall Cmwtft -UM Dnnliqr. M< rf?r pwnil M Complililjr m? Tboafk Swalliwri Vp-ilaUft Uw hnun' Mr Wklk> bnl liw Muwl-ni rcltoinalWrnrlu A ?tringo cue at myatcrloiu dlMpMcmnoe In this city hu Ju?t tome to Jlbt On Tbaradiy ot lut WMfc Frank B Klmmlnj, of D*11m, out In lfenlwU . - ??. ... j :ounur, came uj wweuui auu imisiu' !d at th? Farmer*' Home. In the upper Market square. He ?u assigned a *0001 at tbe fiotel. About I o'clock be left tbe bote) for a it roll about town, and that 1a the last hut baa been eeen or beard of bin. The polio* have been at work on the mo, but *0 tar notblng baa developed Jut would lead to a clue. Klmmlm las disappeared as completely ae hough he bad itepped Into the Ohio? rbere so many cases of disappearance lave been finally cleared ud. The young man's father la In tbe city, lolne all In bis power to aid the police n their efforts to learn of tbe man's novements after he started on that itroll. Hk does not believe that his son ?mniltted suicide, for be was In (ood I icaltb and bad plenty of money. His wife had been 111 recently, however, ind one theory to that youn* Klmmlns irooded over his wife's misfortune and n his wanderdlngs walked Into the lver and was drowned. This, of course, s merely conjecture, wtlhout a fact to back It up. Another theory 1* that idmmlni was the victim of foul play: :hls theory, too. Is entirely without foundation, so far as evidence tending :o show anything of the kind la eoncerned. Klmmlns has been encased in the luslnees of leasing oil lands in Marshall md adjoining counties, and usually tarried a goodly sum of money on bis Mrson. Perhaps he was assaulted by obbers and proved so troublesome a :u>tomer that a tragedy ensued. The following to a description of the nlMlng man; Height, 6 feet 10 inches; rather slim; ;yes. brown; mustache, sandy; clothe*, lUJfc. hat, derby style; wore a mackAX ACT OF SOOItX. Inw Act U lit* Uu Alexander KlU. djr at CkmtbWM. Speaking of the late Alexander Mc!onnen Kenady, formerly of Wheeling, . Mexican wer veteran, who died recently at Waahlngton, the New Tork Inn tells of thl* act of heroin during leott'* triumphant march from Vera Irus to Mexico City: He was In New Orieana when the [exlcan war broke out and promptly minted, and waa made aergaant of Company G.. Third dragoona, In OenerI Worth'* brigade. At Cberubaaco Serearn Kenady waa detailed with a deachmeot of hi* company a* a guard t General Worth** headquarter* In the leld. While General Worth aad General lllow were In conference the Mexican una eet Ore. to a powder wagon loaded nth packagea of cartridge* and Kenidy and a comrade Jumped Into the turning vehicle, and, at the Imminent >erll of their live*, dumped package afer package of cartridge* covered with i eort of gunny bag that waa exeeedlngy hot to handle without glove*. Into a Utch half filled with -water, which ran Jou by, while another comrade turned hem over In the water, with hie aa>er. The timely unloading of thl* wag>s probably aa-ved the live* of every nan within a radius of *lx hundred .-aril*, including Qeneral* Pillow and tVorth. THE lAOBOAP EVAKQELXIZ KlwJnaletaallkOpuua SoiwofKMttog* la IhU City. Mia* Jennie Smith, the railroad evantelUt, 1* (pending a few days In the :lty. Her meetings yesterday afternoon tnd last evening in the Fourth Street tt. E. church were helpful to all prm nt, but especially waa thls'true in the >venln* meeting, when a lady secured he "pearl of great price." 8he will hold a children's meeting In Thomson church la the afternoon, tolay, and deliver a disoourae at the fourth Street church In the evening: Saturday she win hold service* In he North Street church at 3 p. m., and ?:? p. m.. and alio at 10:20 a. m.; on iunday. No oae seeking a better and nobler Ufa can attend her meeting* without profll. and Indeed her appeals o the thoughtlei* move the stubborn leart, "BOB" CLIlTB'" 1TKW PUCK ParchuM tha Well Known C?f? aad Unth HooaMor".11Uu>? H?ru?. Mr. Robert D. Cllue has purchased the nrell-known eetabUahment of "Mike", tie* roe. No. U61 Market street, where be will continue the cafe and lunch business. Mr. Cllne has Just taken hold at the place, but already he has cotnnenced numerous Improvements which will add greatly to the comfort of pa;rona. The rear room* will b? remodelid and rclltted, where a merchant'* dlnIjrwjll be served dally, the tables be In* supplied with *11 the dtlUIUHH Ul !he Kimn. The cafe will be refurblih!d and palntwl so that It will virtually I w a now eatabllshraent. The excellent | unch counter tvlll be In charge of an experienced attendant, and It will be I :hc aim of Sir. Ollne to add (till furh?r to the reputation It trained under I Mr. Hearne'a management. I At the bar will be found the choicest lines,liquors and clgars.where the pubic will be guaranteed the politest Her-1 X, Im> brings to Ills business a I lpe experience, having for some years luccessfully managed the While Cloud I hotel. "Rob" Is very popular and has | a wide circle of frlondf, all of whom he Invites to drop In on him, assuring! [hem of a moat cordial welcome. MICRIMr. 1,1100 Tirkllli jUrh TowrU. worth 10c. I for Ir, St U*. <iOOD *. CO.'S. IT Is surprising what a "we* bit of a I tblng" can accomplish. Sick headache, I ronitlpstlon. dyspepsia, sour stomach, rilsslncss, are quickly banished by De-1 Witt's Little Early Risers. Small pill. | Safe pill, nest pill. C. R. Goctxe, cor-1 ner Twelfth and Market streets; Bowie I S-. Co., Bridgeport; Feabodr A Son, Henwiml. I I THE NEW WAY. = A GKtAT SUXtSS fOt mi KG AU I Of CHS WITH GUSSIS. t jH^r I Our new selontlflo method of exsmlnlns I tbo eyes and titling glasses without out. ting drugs in the eyes and making th, ktlenl blind for a week, or having them . .f?f.^ou ,looklng at charts and trying to ?t thtmselvos until they become so bewildered fhey cannot tell what they out ee. We (It the eye for examtaatlon with-1 out depending an the patient and know when they are mied correeily. w Consultation and examination free. PROF. H. SHEFF, ^ '' :'C3f ' '' : Made a p ggggl v ; ' When he t most unfqi Hc^i found more rema what to we; sunihino?; not been n weights, bu Hut's why.' and know c the largest! much com] point cond Of course il should lead it to be so. lien's Suits Boys' Long Pants Suits.**., .. i Boys' Short Pants Suits, i Juvenile Suits n.,i ? -? A FEW HUB LEI The best $rox? Covert Oofh Top i The best $10.00 Clay Worsted S The best 98c All-Wool Filled Jea state. (The best 50c All-.Wool, ? Knee Boys' Pants in the state. thIT Clothiers, Hattei 1 \ ? .'r SUB CORNER, FOURTEEN1 Wheetiaq't Lergewt mi C " TAH.OR-MADB DBJESf Geo. RJ Our stock being entire ting .the latest prevailin THIS WEEK WE CALL SPECIAL A Tailor-MadeDress To be opened and placed 01 and materials strictly correct dresses exactly the satde. F finish and lit. ' This Week We Wilt irtoow New Dreaa Good* at Saltlnsa and a great variety of Shi Waltts and Parasota. Thomson's Gtove-Fitting Corsets, In ah&pea aaltable to all flenn Alao, aline of the "P.p." Cambric Underwear. Our atock now In, and Is choice atylea and materials. Geo. R. 1 MARKET STREET * bhobs-j. a. lc , | Ladies' Fine TIci Kid Shoes, ,, Chocolate and Wine Color, S < , Gentlemen's One Tici Kid Sh < > Chocolate and Wine Color. X That npratat everything you as 7 price* I J. H. LOCK WALL PAPER. , WALLPAPER NEW SPRING STYLES, Embracing the latest designs i Wall and Ceiling Decoration We are confident we ca satisfy you, both in our good and prices, it, you will kindl give us a trial. JOHN FRIEDEL & C0. 1119 MAIN ITILKKT. 3KS AND | Me ieM up New England weather as th'q e novelty, of meteorological variety ! .Wheeling weather of the past weeH rkable. Hasn't it kept you guessing ir. A little rain?a little snow?a littla i little blow?a little of everything. Has tn infM? itiA n?f<ie(!fv fnr liJ.i lUiwii iv U45V wtw iibwvraii^ t if it comes it'll come in a hurry, and we've been asking yon to look around >{ your own knowledge that we've go( variety and the best values. Don't take parison to settle that, and the prices usvely. - The difference is so marked ts to be expected with our facilities wa [? and ,WE D.O. LEAD. iVou'Il fin] $5x0 to $25.00. $3^00 to $15x10. $1.50 to $10.00. $1.00 to $ 8.00. MRS. Coat in the state. uit in the state. ins Pants in! the louble Seat and l.V HTub, rs and Furnishers, rH AND MARKET STfiBBTSi Strictly One Price Home. MB-QBO. B. TAYLOR CO. Baylor Co. ly new, you are sure of get. g styles in every department TTOfTJON TO OUi UTt SHIPMINT Of es,SkirtsandJackets i sale Monday morning. Styles Exclusive designs, and no two reiich Modiste to superintend the New Wash Goods id In Organdie*, Lawns, B*ti?te.Broch? rt Swiss In new coloring*. Pari* Muillns, etc.. In great variety, on ?lq this week. Don't forget that every* thing we *how in every Departmeol Is NEW. When you are looking fe< ?,! Lace Curtains ! Come In and tea our new BRVS* SELS. IRISH POINTand RENAIS* 8ANCB, and you will be pteajrt In : with the Improved dolfnl and tit I good valued. faylor Co. ENTRANCE CLOSED. iCgg 8BOB COMPANY. . .? ? ? ?????*> Button aud Law, a eedle and* Coin Toes, I $2.50.! dm, Lnee and Congress, c o ftft Coin Toos, .... q>J.VU + ? 1 >1 a tlu Y i pif ana more uuq you Win cxpai ?v* ? | E SHOE CQ.j _ | ' OPTICIAN. ir YOUR*EVES:,'^^^^ 11 Imcnt. H Wo liavo Koctircd tho acrvlcc* or >*r.' s? W. Kwult, of Cleveland. Ohio. onticwjj and can guarantee satisfaction to our c??.. tomorn. ? Dillon, Wheat & Hancher Coy ~ BHOBMAKHB. IOSEPH J. SMITH.' ? J ? MOO JtMltKET STRKrt PRACTICAL SHOEMAKER. Bhou KMtlr rapitr?d ant to" Ml" wlillo you wait. f HALFSOMKO (PkOllll) ? JJJ AN1> HRtfil.INO, i. I1WIO ltoo lUrmt itrMt. eomu tourtMnf- i