Newspaper Page Text
Bp ARE WORSE the Threat Wn Hade to p|Blook?de Port* of Greece. pHE POWERS ARE DISTRUSTFUL BlOTO? U?<fcir n? OaMartXitN MarB|fcl?)iw M U WW, ? < kumby la UM Me tfCIM. IjO.VDOk April t-R b mi I I month aim tkt ? f U?t eooeert of Ki jpoown UriMMil Ux blockade of HfcreU, wntch be*. proved quite tneffecBfr"*' betar continually eraded. end to day the anxrchy in Crete tad the amMwlfcut In K?ropee? council* are wone BBpi *?*? The repllaa of the parliaB roml.ry aeereUqr for the foreltn ofHm>\Wr. Canon, to loquirlei on th* eahjtct ahow it to be by DO nxane eer tain that all the power* bare aetnllx BffW??<t fn tif"*1" Iha Omk dotU. I Wait news Indicate* that France Italy an (till advent to thl? oict la, the power*' distrust of inottor tsdoces them to Impotence. ?:ot umb want a general war, aop being able to ton?* what It* MMl result would be. It I* Mimed Rata la and Germany, and perhaps rta. want a localised war. bopjn* Turkey, being victorious, will lay ce at the mercy of European dlon. In the meantime the two coinnt*. a* well aa the power* hesitate ear the odium at commencing the rmany'e attitude In setting on the r powers while herself abstaining i-aoi active share In'the struggle rihrarsally condemned aa being a raceful diplomatic betrayal. Russia Mently playing her own game, and _ Mil ?_ aai ' In /Vafa vhl(CUfT ? ii ?mn .mill, in ?in in K-troop* the other power* auggeet*. hope* EXthat the blockade of Greece trill Incite K^aoaething that Mm to be extremly Btprobable. ?* the King ot Greece stoutly T- maintains hi* original determination, Wf;: tend (he premier M. DelyannU declares p. that nothing will prevent war If the Knmweri perdat in refusing their consent By to the onion of Crete to Greece. Russia Kir la confident that Greece will k)*e the Kt llr*t battle, and Bulgaria and Servla, Km .will not move except at Rusela'* order*. |:I .' Idalnla tikanlalp WaUnm. Kp The admiral* of the foreign fleets In ^""Cretan water* continue dally asking for R^'.; definite Instruction* from their respecjy"1 tlve government*. They hare urgently B^advleed the appointment or a European coventor. *a they are Incapable ot rulK'iiW the Uland. EV It I* a remarkable feel that Colonel b ' Vaaso* and the Greek* inspire the B? KreatnK sympathy among all the forB.-;' elgn correspondents, the futile mea*of the power* being daily denounc : Mr.Gladstone has wrlttet^notheMrt^ ( ter on. Cretaa kttln and with r*r?rt enoe to the concert of Europe. He says -the attitude o/ the power* recalls the (Uyi of Castlereagh and Metternleh. * when Greece was unable to fcuy armaments in Europe on credit, while Tur: key had not difficulty whatever In doing eo. It la atated that Greece wilt trr to ftatoe aa,Internal loan ot ?1.000.000. i The report* thai Greek Insurgents Save already crossed the Macedonian E frontier turn out to be Incorrect. A wtll-lnformeU diplomat at Vienna i'.'4aclana that aome of the powers are i determined to maintain the blockade of I Grew* If that nation declares war, and (hue deprive her of one ot her moat formidable mean* of attack*. n 11 Hi "1lp|i - lale rente. - A report from Athens aaya that a eon '.' of Admiral Harris, the British commander In Cretan waters, ha* arrived ? there a* a volunteer. It to understood that Russia has stopt per Turkey's negotiations to sell the ls: land of Crete to Greece by a threat to t occupy Anatolia, If the negotiations are ' persisted in. In connection with the warlike aspect i-'of affairs In Europe and 8ooth Africa. - If la significantly annourced that Lonl 'WeWay. the British commander-ln_ehw hv hU aide-de-camp I win soon start (or Gibraltar to inspect that (ortress. Ttae- details of President Krurer'* claim again Great Britain for Ifadiemnttr .a* a mult of tbe Transvaal -raid are now definitely' known. In addition to the ram ot etnjm. which la aaid to bat the expense which, the. raid, entailed, Including Imroenjie compensation to the railway and telegraph companies, burgher* eta, the Transvaal demands ?1.000,000 (or moral and Intetlectnsl damage. This appear* aa a separate tad additional Item. Colonel Francis Rhodes, the brother a( Cecil Rhode*, estimated before the parBamentarr commission that the con at engineering the raid was ?550,000. Will Create fnuuln. X sanation among the member* of lb* eocmnisston I* expected on Tuesday text, when Charle* Leonard, one of the reform ! eoaamittec, la to present an exhaustive ft." ' atatexnent dealing with the grievances C' of th Ultlanders of the Transvaal. Er TM Radical member* of parliament E>v have oneartbed the fact that the presI ant caar eaeaped taxation amounting to f ?10.000 id death dutlee on money tying I In the Bank of England, when his falhI tr. died. Thla complaisance upon the Rt p??t of the governmeat toward Russia I will be warmly deprecated. E&V The government has refused to allow (?'. ' a lands to be erected In the public parka K.', for the queen's diamond Jubilee pro| cession. An offer of ?70,000 was made ft for permission to erect a stand In the El Green park, facing Ptcadllly. F' At tbo last ball ot the Reform club E;- every candidate bearing a German I name was blackballed as a demonstraI, (Ion against Emperor William. L it is reported that the Jubilee peerf ages will Include the grandson ot Mr. : and lira. Gladstone. I IsUrasUssal ArMlnllos. [, On Monday next. President Faure will ; receive the secretary of the peace aoL ciety, who will present him with an Inp.'" teaoationaf petition In favor of arbitration. It waa written on vellum in ten {J, languages, and la signed by members of L rail Fiona bodies throughout Europe and America. Dr. Bteinlts, the well-known cbeM player. threaten# to brlnr actions for damages against the United States conaul at Mdsoow and others concerned In bl* detention In an asylum there. | A large and Influential committee of At Work Again. A few applications of Salvation Oil Will readily core sprains and bruises, and b?al cots, boms and scalds. It Is wnAiMmtiT Oi? l?it rain-cm-n nn tlia market, and ihould be, ready for use,la every boms in the land. Mr. Frank : fitnbenbaver 1337 Elm St., Dubuque, Iowa, states: "I used Salvation Oil on (pained elbow, which Uireatened to jrevent me from working, and after evenl thorough robbings, I awoke the vary next morning much relieved and able to go to work. Hnd I not cud Salvation OD I certainly would have lost a week'a work, which would have amounted to man; tiroes the cost or a botlleofOll. Everybody should keep Salvation OH in the houso." It Is sold everywhere for only 25 cents. London raimx tamarranp* ? *>?t"l;arli'!i liarrt (iSdwr of the tw< Sir que'Interest, aupported'byui? kidln'r ^bSTSt U. proftNMto". will b. oftend. Amonr the ?ommMee or* Lady iSS* Sir JLltx. Wr Arthur Sullivan, F. C. Ifumird. jyOyley trtf. Arthur Roberta. Mwavd ferry and Chart ea WradVun. The 8t George hall. or 'rMattaee the ter." a? It to to be called. wlH bo r?ouened Baater.wlth a new two-act comIc opera, the libretto of which la by Arthur Eliot, and the ecore by C. Wycloai. R I* entitled -The Money Spender." MMOIM HOW. Ttor IHilil, Ml Om m? ?T U Hmi Witt Um Parttag-A WkMllac OUun 1* IV ippjrJIow. "Putin*"?a word of sorrow generKxcepttoni? Tern. Sometime* "tls Parting with friendi may be painful. But parting from pain mat be Joyftfl. FOr instance, a pain In the back. Not a friend you will ?ay, * Ob, no, but It sticks Ilk* one. Bard to ahake off a bad back. A back that la lame la weak or ache's really a friend In need. It la warning you of danger to come. Il's the kidneys talking trouble. Kidneys are near tbe small of the bACka And If tbe kidneys are troubled so Is ^Held *tie warnings backache brings. Or things mors serious follow. Urinary troubles. Diabetes, Brigbt's disease. __Esjl_wltb lliem before It Is too lata. Bad back and a Are now itranrera?(hey parted. Mr*. R Bonena, of No. <2 Eleventh ttm, aay*:?"I ?u troubled with weak kidney* mm or le** *11 my Ufe. but It la only of recent year* that It eemed to have become chronic. Then iu continual, dull, worrying pain* acroaa my kidney*, attack* of lnflainmatory rheumatlam when I caught cold or In changeable weather. The different remedies I bad tried failed to Sir* me more than temporary relief and I thought I would try Doan's Kidney Pill*, and I s?t a box at the Logan Drue Company. My back at the time wa* troubling me a great deal, but the Brat few dosea helped me and In a short time all trace* of the complaint disappeared. 1 highly recommend Doan'a kidney Pllta In an Ilk* caaea." For sale by all dealer*. Price M cent* per box. *tx boxes St It. Sent by mall on receipt of price by Poeter-MUburn Co., Buffalo, N. T.. aole agent* tec the United State*. WALL PAPER lc a bolt at Chew *. mm Tr?U? TriUly VmU Withmmt VarnUh u WtH PalsOam. "Stomach deranged, system deranged." Physicians affirm It, facts prov* it. The sufferer from stomachic trouble proves the foregoing statement. The etomach is the mill that grinds the food that suataina the body. The slightest ailment interferes with Its workings and all becomes wrong. It is the immediate ailment that one must guard against. The most common forms of stomach troubles an> wlad on the stomach, indigestion. colic, sour stomach, etc. Lightning Hot Drops Is a remedy that immediately and absolutely affords relief, and In every case effects a permanent and lasting cure. Where Lightning Hot Drops is found, stomachic troubles cease to exist. It has cured thousands of obstinate and unyielding cases, and It will curs others. It hss never. In any Instance, failed. Llchtninir Hot Drops stands to-day without a peer, a priceless remedy ror offerers from all stomach troubles. It la pat up and sold In It and to cent sixes. WAJ.L PAPER lc a bolt at Chew's. tATtipmn hh tromoH. BrautkafeU of * PfeysteUn's bprrlnuBl with tb? X-Rays. CHICAGO, April 2.?With a lltUe machine which looks like an etc beater. Dr. Fenton B. Torek has performed the feat of laundering the Inalda of a man's stomach at the post graduate medical school, and by means or the Roentgen ray he at the same time viewed the Internal apartment where his little device was at work. The operation marks an era of procress in the medical world, as the experiment waa the first of ita kind made in full view of the operator. One of the largest and most corapleta was furnished to the college for the experiment. ' Attached to the end of Dr. Torek's Instrument, which M called a gyromtle or revolving sound, waa a flexible cable of spiral win on the end of which was a small sponege. The cable waa inclosed in a rubber tube, and this, with the sponge, was swallowed by the patient. The latter, who was stripped (o the waist, then stepped before the Roentgen light, the doctor put the flu. oroscope to his eyer. and an attendant turned the handle of the gyromele. The cable revolved as fast or as slow as waa dealred. the sponge at the farther end ??*" u-nrlf ftf iwmrlBf the pjuutiuuiH uj iui ii wmnivwwpvOT Inner walls of the patient's stomach, while the doctor, through the fluoro cope. viewed tho work by locating the metallic cable by means of the X rays. By pushing or pulling on the cable, the various portions of the inner walls of the stomach were operated upon, and the matter which was gathered in the sponge was then removed for microscopic examination. The patient felt no nausea or other discomfort, though he stood before the ray* for over ai\ hour, while the doctors in attendance, the nurses, the operator of the X ray outfit and a newspaper man examined his Interior. At the close of the ordeal he was offended that no one of the party would gratify his curiosity to ses the operation by temporarily taking his place as patient and swallowing ths sponge and tube, dtsplto his assertions that it had not hurt him. The Roentgen ray outfit used In the operation Is capable of throwing a four* teen Inch spark of great density and Illuminating a very large Crooked tube. MiIB. neans It was pot only possible to || see the ribs and backbone or me pauom but to view the vibration* of the heart and to outltno the liver and kidney*. Dr. Turck ta enthualastlc over the success of the experiment. WALL PAPER lc a bolt at Chew'g. BuckleuU A rates !*! ?. The beet waive In the world for cuts, bruise^ sores, ulcere, salt rheum, fever core*, tetter, chapped hands, chilblain?, corna and all akin eruptions, and posilively curea piles, or no pay acquired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satlsfacHon or money refunded. Prloa 25 cent* per box. For sale by Logan Drug Co. WALL PAPER lc a bolt a^ Chew's, MANY caaea of "Grippe" have lately been cured by One Minute Cough Cure. Thla preparation seems specially acapted to the cure of this dlaeuse. It a#** nulrklv. thUB nreventirixr serlou? complication* and bad effect* In which thin dlneaau often leaven the patient, c. R. Goetxe, corner Twelfth and Markat streets; Bowie & Co., Bridgeport; Peabody oc Son. Ben wood. 8 WALL PAPER 1c a bolt at Chcw'a. All drujrjrteta gwMtm-Dr. MIW Paij PiUiltoBtop lloadacho. "Onecent a data/* WALL PAPER lc a bolt at Chcw'8. WALL l'Al'ER lc a bolt at ChOK'l, mnn mrt llifi XMUIN l? n* Amw OM (Mn An Bp worth League rally win be held la the Martin's retry M. ? church to-morrow (Tuesday) -evening, which promises to to a rooat in terestlng affair. II I* npwtM that altl of the churches In the eub-diatrlct will be represented, this Including those In the War ronton charge, AUrtla'n Ferry. Bridgeport. Bridgeport cftarcM. Weit Wheeling and other*. Each cbroreh has been assigned a toplo and the w will be dlKuieed. Considerable latere*C l( mantreated and there wtn doohtl tin be a larce attendance. All are tnvtmd to attend the rally. At to-day's city election Hit Martin's Ferry, officer* an to be elect ed aa followa: One aneeeor la each trard; one councilman in the Urn, Third, Fourth and Fifth ward, and two In tho Second; one water work* trustee: one oemetery truetee: three electrlo light trustees, and time atembers ol the boaitl of education. In the old concrete house on the George lfcCleary property oo. Seoood street, torn down hut week, was the tint bakery hi Martin's Ferry. That was In MM and It wa* contacted by Chris Enalngcr. known br ttan old reeldetrte of the city. The Dnlreralty Extension tdass now number* nearly fifty metnbei*. all secared In flre days last weeflu The membership will doubtless roach seventy-are members this week, after which .11 V. -J?"-* Mr. FUber. ot Wellington. Ohio. arrived last evening, over the Wheeling A Lake Sri*, to attend the funeral ot hi* brother, C. M. Fisher. who died it Bridgeport, very niddenly. Mrs. Georg* Twe*dy. who ha* been sick with typhoid fever, is able to sit up and her am. Walter, I* able to be oat of bad, after a four months' siege. On Saturday night Dr. J. W. Dimh wis elected a detente to represent th* Independent Hose Company at the Firemen's Tournament at Coshocton. Mis* Emma Fletcher, a teacher In th* Martin'* Ferry schools. I* spending ber vacation at her home at Bealltvllle, and E. E. Meek at Olencoe. Howard and William Stewart, who have been spending their vaaatkra* at home, wlU return to Washington -Jeffer oo college, on Wedn**d*y. Mr. and Mrs. Kvan Davis are entertaining Mrs. David Ashworth. of PJttshnm?. enrner Pearl .ml 11 adI?o n streets. The Young Ladles' BocietK of the Preiibyterlaa church will give a cake walk at the Presbyterian church to* morrow evening. The German Lutheran Bandar acbool haa changed the time of meeting from Sunday afternoon to Sunday morning at 1:15. Rev. Dr. W. C. D. Bond, paator of the Baptist chuirh. lias preached every Sunday for eight years; a good record. The Pittsburgh Christian Advocate aaya Rev. A. W. Harris it* doing good work at Sonora and la appreciated. Mra W. B. Francis returned last night from Mt. Pleasant, where she has been at the bedside of her mother. I The Ladles' Missionary Society of the tT. p. church, will have a thank offering on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. TV. Carlisle attended the funeral of the tatter's mother, In Guersser county, yesterday. The Standard Home and Saving Association has moved Into J. C. Gray's office. on Fourth street. George W. Reece, S. J. Anthony and William IfcWllllams are beautifying their residence* Churl*** Wrstwooa weni la wanfiu on Saturday to spend the April vacation with relatives. The Colernln Farmer'# Club will hold a lortf Institute at Coleraln to-morrow evening. The evening meetings at the Presbyterian charch will being at 7:30 hereafter. ?. 1 ? Hereafter the drn* stores will be open on Sunday evening* from l:M to 7: JO. Edison's magnlscope will be at the Martin's Ferrr opera bouse this week. Mr. and Mrs. Clem McCabe, of Dtllonvale. spent Sunday here. Fred and Caleb Duff spent Bandar with Steubenrllle relatives. The Martin's Ferrr public schools will have a vacation this week. Charles Otto, of Henderson's hardware store,' is sick. Mrs. James McCleary was at Tiltoovllle yesterday. The township trustees will meet tomorrow evening. ' Miss Nora Clark retorned to Barnef- I vllle on Friday. A. L. Moore, of SUabeovlVe, was In towjv ygUcnlay. -rnomaa v?on returned to Rmlthfleid last evening. Humphrey Harvey, the grocer, la sick. Soda water sign* are appearing. J Dr. Klai'i flew DIMvuy for CoasajapUan. This is the best medicine In the world for all forms of Conghs and Colds and for Consumption. Every bottle is guaranteed. It will cure and not disappoint It has no equal for Whooping Cough, Asthma. Hay Fever. Pneumonia, Bronchitis. La Qrippe, Cold In the Head and | for Consumption. Jt Is safe for all ages, pleasant to take, and, above all. a sure cureu It la always well to tako Dr. ' King's New Life Fills In connection with Dr. King's New Discovery, as they regulate and tone the stomach and bowels. We guarantee perfect satisfaction or return money. Regular six* SO cents and II 00. At Logan Drug Co.'s drug store. I WALL PAPER lc atwit at Chaw's. ALL those terrible. Itching diseases of ths skin that help to raako life miserable (or lis are caused by external parasites. Doan's Ointment kills the parasite and cures the disease. Perfectly harmless, never falls. 4 WALL PAPER lc a bolt at Chew** Kcllef 1st (tlx Hour*. Distressing kidney and bladder diseases relieved In six hours by the "NEW OREAT SOUTH AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE." This new remedy Is a great surprise on aoaiunt of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passage In male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain In passing It almost Immediately, if you want quick relief and curs this is your remedy. Bold by JR. H. List, druggist. Wheellng. W. Va. WALL PAPER lc a bolt at Chew's. WHEN dlity or drowsy lake BEEOHAM'S FILLS WALL PAPER lc a bolt at Chew's. THF MIRK T I Ilk VVIIVk Of manklnd-^ontaglons blood poison?claimed as its viotlm Mr. Frank B. Martin, 926 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D. C., and tho usual phynlclan's treatment did him not the slightest good. Bis condition readied that deplorable stag* which only this terrible disease oan produce. THECURE After all else failed, WM'at last found in S. 8. B.?the greatest of all blood remedies. Eighteen bottles removed the disease permanently, and loft bla skin without a blemish. 8.0. 8. la fnvMtmt rarely vegstaMA; an<1 ItUinanijr known oon awe tJfcJS# iimn* AlllertiefLwl * * ? ? Mp IM HMOIsmCMT. The auction in tkto dlr and town hlp to-Jay wilt fill a number of local offlcva of importance, mm of tbaca beIBC of auoh a character a* to excite any particular enthnetaam, tot during the part taw dajrt It aeemi to be better underatood that the election ebotHd claim the attention of all cltiaena long enough at leaat to vote for tho moat capable man for the place* to All. TUB Republican* ban nothing to loae by ooroparlaon of the local Uckeu. All that la neceaaary to (antra a complete victory la to let the vote oat and an ettoet win be made to do thla. The election of at leaat two of tha three Republican candidate for Justice of On peace M conceded and the other ona majr be tonight. For membera of the achool board there will be some cutting both wara, while for councilman aad aaaeeaora only the count of the vote will give a correct Idea of tha remit. In the (ownahlp the Democrat* are counting on aome auoceaa, but lb* Republican* are more actlv* now than they have been and It will have an effect on the reault The Barnard Brtck Company made an aailgnment lait Saturday to Hunter 8. Armstrong and R. L. Bowman, for tha ?? enUHnn. Thl* announce roent was a surprise to Ills subtle and It I* universally regretted. The plant w*j built by tbe late William G. Barnard and after Mf death wu told by the administrator at public sale In ltn and was bouirbt by W. 8. McColknigh tor HUM. Tb* competition was bliak because It was then regarded a* a substantial plant, but since that time the oompany which now (alls have added modern Improvements that cost about 111,0(0. The liabilities are about *?.NO. The (allure was due to the loss of two or three large contract* and a lack of working capital, la tact the latter has been a drawback all along and the company Anally adopted the course Indicated. It dee* not seem at all probable that any of the creditors will lose by this failure; the heaviest losers an perhaps tbe membera of the company. The public hopes to see the plant operatd soon, as a number of men were employed tbrre and the weekly payroll will be missed. WIIM.-, Mh.ll, <h. nM?[ son of I Thosiuu E. Sheltjr, the well known manacer of th* Crystal Glass Company. <u<a at his home here yesterday. after a lone nines* with an effect Ion of the bowel*. Be was nineteen yean of axe and was a very promUlnr boy. Hie death la a severe blow to hi* parents, who have the syrapathyp of all who know them. Bellalre has at leaat four candidates for federal appointments outside ot the Places regarded aa local, and tor the local place* th* candidate* are leirlon. But why not? All these men are votera and their aspiration* are In line with those who have become President*. The greatest pity Is that all cannot snccerd In securing fat berth*. Mlase* Theresa L/ents and Margaret McQaw. school teacher*, have returned from 9t. Clalrsvllle anil Moundsvllle. respectively. where they have been spending a week. The supply store of the puonc schools has been Improved in appearance by a new metal celling being placed in the room and the wood work newly palmed. The funeral of Mr. John Oswald took place yesterday afternoon, from his late home In the Third ward. Interment in Rose Hill cemetery. There will be a meeting of the congregation of the First Presbyterian church next Wednesday night, to elect several new trustees. The Women's Home and Foreign Missionary 8odety meets next Thursday night at the heme of Mrs. J. T. Lane, in tht Fourth ward. Miss Franklin Ward returned Saturday to Delaware, where she is attending college, after visiting her parents In this city. Miss Leah Stewart and Mary Sanders have returned to their home in Allegheny. after a pleasant visit with relatives here. Miss Lulu Kelson will return to-day to Bethany. W. Va., after spending a few dsys with her parents In the Fourth ward. Mlis Elisabeth Gallaher has return od to college >t Marietta, after spending a week with her parent* In this dtr. Jam mi Morgan has moved hla family from Ravenswood to this city, where they will real do In the future. Martin Ney and Albert Hartensteln will return to-dar (o 8cto, to resume their atudlea at college. Mix Ellsa Carmlchael has returned to the city, after spending a week at her home In WeUaburg. William George left last evening for Cincinnati, where he Joins the BL Paul, Minn., base ball team. IV. E. Danford has returned to the city, after spending a week with relatives at Kettb, Ohio. Mrs. James Ludley and son. of Ironton, Ohio, are the guests or relatives In the Fifth ward. Ex-Ctty Solicitor Armstrong spent yesterday with his father and mother, at Woodsfleld. Miss Lucy Darby has returned borne from a visit with relatives In St Clairsville. Mlsa Stella Faweett has returned from a visit with relatives at St. Clairsville. The steel works will not go on to-day gain. A big run was mad* last week. Mr, John Davis has been confined to bis home for a few days past, quite IIL Miss Lucy Brown has returned from a visit with relatives at Belpre, Ohio, School resumes this morning, after a ">?"lr'm uanollnn DMftaen Ckaaot In Orn4 by local application*, a* they cannot reaoh ths diseased portion of the ear. There is only way to cure Deafness, and that la by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an lnfiarped condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect heating, and when it Is entirely closed Deafness Is the result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and the tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever: nine cases out of ten are cauwd by catarrh, which hi nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucoua surface*. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY * Co., Toledo. O. WALL PAPER lc a bolt at Chew's. Brooklyn. N. Y.. Dec. 19, 1M6. Messrs. Ely Broi.:?I have used Ely's Cream Balm a number of years and And it works like a chnrm. It has cured me of the most obstinate cane of cold in the head in less than forty-eight hours from the time I felt the cold coming on. 1 would not be without It. Respectfully yours, ? ... "Wtww 283 Hart HI. r nuu n. r num. Cream Balm Is kept by all drunlst*. Full ?l*? 80c. Trial flic 10 centa. We mall H. , ELY BROS., M Warren 81., New York City. WALL PArER 1c a bolt at Chew'a. Important chiKi* In Tim*. On artil after Sunday. March 28, passenger trains of tho Wheeling & Lake Erie lull way Company will leave Wheeling as follows: Train No. (. for ataMlllon. Canton, Akron. Cleveland, Toledo and, points ra?t and west at 8:50 ?. m., Central time. Tr?ln No. 8. Maaalllon oecommodntlon. for all points betwoen Wheeling and Maeelllon, nt 3:50 p. m., Central time. I<\>r further particular* ace time table*, or apply to ajrenta of the Wheeling & Lake Railway Cgmpanr. * .WALL PAPER lc a bolt at Chew'a. 1 " 1 '"! J. ' : / f \ MMDVOAU % i jtHBN i'well known mtohtor tfto W nAfliic for you* with bMitdl** * M,kemd,llkiitlmpMl that ho ahooM poblkh lb* tec* <or tho benoit of otboa. Ear. J. J Smith. M Italian Bt, Mtlmora. IML, wirltw! "Ttx ywn I raflorod from a WTera form of heart dlMu*. land Dr. MUeo'New Heart Com, and my bout Is now la rood condition. Recently, other affliction* ffwt opes ttvt Thar* was bumming, painful tn?Uon* on top and back at aay head. Fifteen mln PiPP|BBQtM reading would FVo^HttUKmealaortvlldi that* vere pulling and drawing enaatteniIn fWHW** ' all lb* UM. I could not lit wbr "V." ... CMstUL In this coodlIHuod I began tnklnf BflflHMHBDr. mw Bavmu** Nsrrtne and Its effect ?aa simply wonderful. I heartily commend yoor remedies.* Dr. Miles' Bemedles an sold by all drnf fist* nnder a posture guarantee, Srit bottle benelts or money refunded. Book on Heart and Hems sent free to all applicants. DB. MIXJB8 MKJ3I0AL 00. BhUart. lad. CMWtRH chuur? "of Get a well-known p h a r n>? ii i ii l Iff leal remaOy,am J Ely's Cream Bilmfcr jgfl ft l? quickly M,^tvss||E^^9| s&iiisssu ""COLD ^ HEAD Allays Inflammation. Heal* aod-dProtects the llambrane. Restores the Bfaaea ( Taste and Smell No Cocaine. No M*rcruy. No Injurfoua Drug. Pull Sice 60c; Trial Slxe 10c, at Drurjn?t? or by malt v ELY BROTHERS. mwf&wy PS Warren 8treet, Nesf Torlc. n CUMAMU m.1 t'rnSmi.., PENNYRSm^tLS e^^siMttrsSlTfas^r my?-mthAs-irj?ovr J. 8. RHODES A CD. BIG DRIVE IN ? ? ? "- --.--l-i bill UULUgDUJUIS Printed Foulards. 29c a Yard, worth 50c. 6m duplar In South .Window. < Ladies fash Waists. Mad* by th* beet makers In" th* land-now opened. The ?WtJ nd price* an rljhL . ? - M ' 1 spring Dress uooas. Plain and Fancy, Blacir ind Colors. Tha largest aasorfjumt in oar business history, Jiftc to ,14.00 a yard. . X" J. S. RHODES & CO. STATIONERY, BOOKS, ETO. ~ . i Reduction in Qepe Paper. We have just received a large stock of the best American Crepe Paper made, which we guarantee to be full length. This lot goes at 12 CENTS PER ROLL ? CBRLB BROS. ? DO YOU SEND OUT Quarterly Bills ? If *o we can supply INDEXED MEMS, (for entering name anil amount*). BLANK BILL AND STATEMENT HEADS. In padt; COLLECTORS' .WALLETS and HILL HOLDERS. Our Blank Book and Office Supply demrtKMnl la thu IspmsI and hital <.1111 In. pcd In the state. stanwsI^Sh VALENTINES, FINS AND COMIC, ! At wholesale and retail. Orders filled! firomptly. Paper* and Magazines at pubIshers' lowest prices. School and Ml?c?llaneous Books. Stationery. Go it pel llymns. C. H. QUI7UtBY. Ja? ltll Market Street ' ? I RESTAURANT AND CAPE. JUST OPBIED t JSaSKSSftSEi. 1409 Market street. Warm meale ecrred in their but nljr'ei Dlnlnx roomi coRoy and ?nu*. All hortorder rooklni, and prtcee rwaonaklo. Only rraiaurant that prpvldee a ilrat-olasi Ladloa' and Umilemen'e tilnlm Parlor. Entrance on ggurteenth elreet. jJerchantj' blnner Daii?, H centa. noW S. BUUDAKISR, Proprietor. ' V.* -i'-jlij ,i - l . , Vuiij.'lr ' 7UVBTMWB BALI. By' virtue oi a deed of trust ma?i* by Jaekaon Z>. EMfer and Jano C. Porter, hfa wilt, JoMpb 1ft, Chambers and Rarh?l It. Chamber*, h**-.wlfe. to me. a* traate* bearln* date oftHhe twenty-clshth rl?y ol March, 1Mk>. an now of record in th?i clerk'* office ofglhe county court of Oh!<i county. .W*at Virginia, (n Deed of Truit Boot No ttlpit M, i will on gATCBlUVt, THE KTH DAT 0? . APRII* m aell at public auction at the north front door of tip court houae of Ohio county, West Virginia, commencing at ten o'clock a. m., the following described property, to-wit: All that certain tract of inn<i situated on tb? waters of Middle WhaMinr croak. In tbd. district of Liberty, county of Ohio, and state of West Virginia rani within one nuio or wwt ai?*ana?r. Pennaytvanla), and bounded and described ai follows; Banning at a cheat nut tr^on the top of a knob or knoll, and running thence north ?? west 34 poles with th? line oI laaatt Darla; thence with Un* of Crow north jte**ast2f poles to a stake In the edge of old road, corner to Crow and Whlthsm brothers; thence north tt* *ast Jti poup; thlWce south CT east 22 poiai; thence south 8* aaat 10 pole*: thenc? *outh 71* east 8 MM-to a pojnt below a spring thenco north ?W* tast O poles; then?* north 72U- east 23 boles: th?nce south !! east It jKilea to a post (the courses herein* before flven bein* by a ?umy m?di on January St, 1*77, and thone hereinafter atren being by a snirvjy made in WO); thence south 71* east ?t2 po?*s to % post; thence south. IT aaat M pole* to * ujrar tree in the state line: and thence by the state Una south 201 poles to a whit* oak; thence vouth M* west 171 pol?s to a while oak; thence north W wwt lost poles; thence north 73W east 16* poles to the place of beirlnninfr. and containing three hundretf and eieven (311) acres, mora or less. This beln* what Is known as the Porter faKiMSndj* one or. the best farma In Ohio county). There are two flnrt-ciaas farm dweUinx booses on this property, and other ffcrm%ulJdla*s. ao situated ss to maJcntbfl wowru busivuuuiu ui uiiuiug Into first-class fsrma. TERMS OF SALE?One-third of the pur. chase money, and ax much morn a* the purchaser may elect to pay in cash on 4?r of sale; the balance in two tquml payciest* at on# and two years, with Interest from day of sale, the purchaser giving his not* for th# deferred Installments, with th? interest on the second deferred Instsilmw payable annually, the title to b? retatnM &> PflS , ,..i. Trustee. _ rUSTBinriALB OF OHIO COUNT! REAL ESTATE. By virtue'Wf a deed of trust mart* b* Reason Mot In so and Carrie B. Mosingo, his wife, and Thomas Mozingo. to mc. ? trustee, bearing date on the twenty-**;-, enth day of June. 1S9S, and now of record In the clerk's office of the county court of Ohio county. West' Virginia, in iMttS otTrttH Book No. 43, pago 116. I will on SATURDAY. THE TWENTY-FOURTH DAY OP APRIL. 1157, sell at public auction at the north front door ol the court of Ohio county, West Virginia, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m.. the following described two tracts of lantf, situated on the waters of McCraw'8 Run and Battle Run. in Liberty district Ohio county. West Virginia, ar<4 bountfed and described ss follows: First tract?Beginning at a stone near a white oak 10'Peddicora's line and corner to lan*< of Melvln and Martin Bowman, and thence with Bowman's line north 33* went 1W.7 poles to a stake in the line of Morrow >ibsop; thence with Gibson's line north 77* west 2k2poles to a beech stump: then?* north 14V vest C poles to a stake; thenoi north (Mb* west 23.5 poles to a stone cor* per to other lands of Reason Mozlnxo; thence with Mozingo'g line north Mb' east 414 poles to an iron-wood; thence north 3V wrst 17.? poles to a white-oak comes -j?? ! I 111 II-- ? to l&nas oi jbcoo weKMltao, wicmvw tjp? east 44.2 poles to a post: thence south 4S* east O poles to a locust: thence aoutfc "Wi* east ft poles to the place of Win. wing, and containing forty-eight <?> acrfi ana seventy <70xppi?, more or ien ts but. vered by k. J. McClearv on the llth day of June. 18957 this own* the aam^propertr that was coomryed to the said Reazoo art Thomas Mosingo by Kelvin and Martia Bowman. Second tracW? adjolnln* the above de. scribed tract, and Is bounded as followai Beginning at 'or near a beech In the line of lands formerly owned by Edward Hay and corner to lands now owned by Richard Tacaart. and running thence with Tag. gaiTa Une south ? east S poles: thence south ?' west M.79 pole* to the Une of Mor? row Gibson, formerly Edward Ray: then* with nibson's line south 89ha east po'es to the line of tbe flnt tract her-ua deecribed: theoce north Wi* eait U9 poles to an Iron-wood: thence north 5 weet 17 poles: thence north ? west at p?l? to the line of James A. Rice; thence wits Rice's line south S* west U.U poise to lilt Disc* of beginning, and containing sli:~n (10 acres and one hundred and fortr-etrtit (Ml) poles, more or less: this being tki ?ame tract of land that was eonrtyed to the said Reason Mosingo by W. IL Duo. lap, special commissioner. TERMS OK SALS. One-third.?f tbe purchase money. an4 ss much mon as the purchaser m* y elect to pay In cash on day of sals; the balance In two equsl payments at one and twe yean, with Interest from day of sale, tbe purchaser string hli notes with approroj personal security for the deferred Installments, with the Interest on the second deferred Installment payable annually, the title to be retained by the trustee until the ProPg* ***** fffDUyLAP. Tra>tec ( WILLIAMS TYPiiWttiTHIi. inrri TVT?11? Ine wuuams Typewriter Print! Hkei pres, &od y*w aa tt? every letter ?ad tnrjmti die moment printed. The Inteffigrnco ma usd re> cmroeadt the J? J? COPP & DEVORE plpmbiho. btto. _ THIMBU! 4 LOTZ COM, SUPPLY HOUSE. PlaaUac and Gu Ftttlsc, Bteun ana not niter ue*u?j. A rail 14m ?ttb? Oelrtrmd? SNOW STEAM PUMPS ' I?i OoniuaUr oo ROBT. W. KYLE. PmtlcalPI&aitor.Gaj ud SteioFlttu, 1155 MARKET STREET. a-QMiuI Rloetrla ChudaUta. mm ?1 Tiytor Ou Baram ? nxcHllr. "" yylLUAM 11A&B * SOX Practical Plumbers, GAS 1X0 STEAM FITTERS. No. SS Twelfth Street. INSURANCE. _ RBAZi HSTAT? TITLE?INSURANCE. Ilyon purtha** or m?lro l<wn ?n f estate tuva the UU? iaiurad by tba Wheeling Title and Trust Co., NO. ISIS MAUKJST (TOKKT. h. ?. Rrssm. u r. mwjj^ C.J.1UW1.ISU 1.1 HWO^SS. VJm ITwtfvlent. A?* l & E. K UILCUBUT. IxtBUaw ol nu^, PHOTOOHAPHT. Ml'LES^ ART STUDIO. Photographs. I ais4 ikrin strbbt. Lftli liit&jVi vikfej tlxk'S -ciTi'si i * * >4