Newspaper Page Text
PBM8 OOODB, BTO.Stone & I OFFER 55 pieces 44-lnch t Imported All Wool | Covert Cloth, ;/ value 85c, at 59c. . . . . . . . . . - . . . !jr ??# ???? ? ? I 35 pieces 38-inch I Silk and Wool ; > Check Dress Goods, p value 65c, at 138C. 5(Hnch wide Black Sicilian Cloth at 33c. 158 pieces 24-inch wide Foulard Silks, All New Spring Shadings, at 29c. YABD SPEC I In Wall Paper Departri In Up ===== Stone & I ' HOUSEHOLD OOODS-Q _____ I BLEACHED TABLE LINENS. Remnants from th* mil), containing from 2 to Vh yards, at the following: low prices: IS cent quality at 29c yard 75 cent quality at Mc yard 90c quality at CCc yard 1100 quality at TSc yard ALL Table Linens In stock at greatly reduced prices this week. PILLOW CASEST SHEETS AND BOLSTERS. Posted women will never think of buying the materials when they can come here this week and purchase perfectly made Pillows, Sheets and Bolsters at LESS than tho cost of materials. Good Pillows 7c up. Goods Sheets ttc up. !We have odorlHm feather and half-down filled TJcktof PIUow? very cheap. MATHNGS. Buy from ua and you -will be SURE of RAcurins fresh, toft and pliable Mattln**. and not brittle, breakable stock from prevIoum immhi. We keep no cheap grad"*, but atart food Mattlnjr? at 10c yurd. Ten vradea, all tho way up to Uc yard. <tf 3Q A SUN $1*07 COMFOI Thefle art full ilz*. made of bent plain a white cotton. Only 100 ot them and price || J Geo. M. Sn HATS?M'F I I; To Keep Thing i for :; ?? ooooooooooooc - McFADDEN'S 1330 AND 1323 MARKE' I > ? ? ?? ?' -gTONg Si THOMA8. Thomas. m / urr nn 25 Young Ladles' Silk Lined Covert Cloth Jackets $4.95. 100 pieces Smith's Velvet Carpets, 30 stvles. value $1,00, at 85c. 90 pieces Hartford Axminster Carpets, value $1.35, at $1.00. 20 pieces extra quality in a number of designs, 98c quality Black Silks, at 69c. y a no. IALS nent. iholstery Department. J Thomas. EO. M. SNOOK & CO. ; a few prices on OLD GOODS ' Interest economically Inceepers for miles around. _ r t<_? *1/ i. a sior mis ween uniy. BED SPREAD BARGAINS. 1W Hummed Crochet Spread* 49c earh 15n Hemmed Crochet Spreads w?c earh Fine Marseille* Sprutda proportionately cheap. TOWELS. ' W dozen largo Honeycomb Towels 4c each. CO doxrn InrjrtHt and fo*?*t Turkish Bath Towels In thf? Hty at ICe each. Good lluck Towel*. *lz? 22x44. at 124c. The Ianrest nnd t>e*i hemmed Huck Towel ever offered at 2Sc. Just note the tlzr, 34*50 Inches. 2." dozen fiatln Dama?k Napkins 29c dozen. Others In proportion. MUSLINS. Finest Bleached Mu*lin In 12 to 3)-yard ICIIK'lin .11 ?*?1 tdl<l, Fine 4Mnch'l nbleached Muslin at 4*ic yard, and yard wide at *V?c yard. RUGS-DRUGGETS. Only pretty on** hir?, which w Know will wear. ANOORA MOIIAIH l(L"Q8 nr* ornithine NEW. They're aoft. luitrnua and durable. AH *lx?'S and colon*. UaichcMan Hug* In fln*r a**ortmmt than ver. It Includes a new *hsp? for piano uw. High Art Rev*r#lbl? Myxnntlnc Ituga, slzrn Kx26 Incliea up to OxlJ feet. IMER 1 OQ *T AT nd figured Bllkallnca and flllod with soft only |!.W. look & to. 'ADDON'S. ;s Moving ! In week we nro (joins to nell nn extra .. * *2.00 quality of Men's HtIff Until ( > $1.60?every hat I* the very latest ( ^ rect Purine ntylr?<iohr* black or th? ( , uant golden brown?In quality, trim- { ( ftg and eolor they all look n? fln?? iih ,> r 13 hat. { } OOOOOOOOOOOO <' HAT STORE,; r STREET, WHEELING. anOES-ALBXANQFR. THERE ARE SOME PEOPLE money In'ChUdnTrn Bhowsi'there Vro 0 th- . era who will have no mnko but )?AIfU>, 8CH0BKK A CO.'B. They do cont more, but they uro worth tho price. yVtt represent tho lino In Wheel* in*. ALEXANDER, SHOtSOim 1049 MAW ST. S About <? f I the Only I | & People | < iWho do not Uke the new jr? lyle UJDWIG PIANOS 5? we are selling, are those fix who are trying to veil K ? Rome other kind. But ?? * w? can't please every- jS * F.W.BaumerCo. ? ? M mo MARKET frrnsET. S (l t ?\f.3ntclligcnrer : Oltlr*! Nih. ?S uuU ~T Fourt??iUh Mr??U j/ !*??r Advrrtlirmfitt*. ^Quarter-Day Extended?Mutual Savings t, xiana. .. Step Ladders?II. F. Behrens Co. Stocks for Salo?Howard Hazlett. . Blank Books, Btc.-Carla Bros. ? Another New Oreal?Albert Btolse & Co. b Dr. W. S. Hutchtns?Iteinoved to 910 K Main Street h Combination Sale?O. B. On*. ?; Notice'Woman's Hospital Association. For Kent?Four Rooms. Two Good Bal**m*n Wanted. Found?A. Small Common YeKow Dog, t Salesmen?110 Dully Made. t Stockholder's Meeting? York Manufac- a turtnir Company. Notice of Dissolution of Partnership? ? Geo. B. Dryden. J. F. Park. Wanted?A Live, Energetic Man. Our Opening Day Was a Success?Palace I Furniture Co.?Fifth Page. H OfTer?Stone & Thotna*?Eighth Page. s Our Ships are In?Q. Mendel &, Co.?Second Paife. The Sermon?Baer*s Clothing House? Eighth Page. "THAT HEAVY, TIRED FSEI.IHO," V Canard by reading tb* aelf-praUIng ails. of arlf-uametl optical expert* (J), doe* S tor* (t;, professor* ;? and clalrrojranU >lj t< ran htCHrtd WllhOtlt UObllcllf I?f J* W, Urabb, Optician. _~ H spring opening or c mess & sons. j Wt 1m*? now on exhibit all 111* latest novrltlra in IniUnr. Troaeerlage, Ftnef 0 Vesting* and Ornroniinp. The atyllih ppraranrt, ?ood fit, dintIiMlty and ent lr* tMlifittlou of oar fir- j menta U oar rapatatlon. _ Price* of our Sultlug* till* aprln* will " be rJ0.00 and up, rrontrrlnKa 95.00 and ? up. Oar Ueutv Parulablug department t U complete. Tl*e best foodi at lowest o price*. C. IIICIH * AO.MB, b IMl and 132.1 Market Street. || (I OPEJUffti Taeedar and Wedneeda?. v HOHld. 1090 Mala Strret. j| TPBHEB8 EL8CT J Ofllrrra for the Knanlng Year-A Clan S' Kntertalnment loon. Last nljrht the Wheeling Tumvwln R met at Turner hall. North Market ? Htreet. and elected officer* for the year. On April 2G the clans that Is to represent this turnvereln at St. Louis In May. * will fllve an exhibition and ball far their benefit. The officers elected axe: President?Joseph Welsgerber. i Vice President?Nick Plume. il First Turnwert?Louis Bartens. . T?Muvri-?t. Kriiff Secretary?Martin Rug?aber. Corresponding Secretary ? James ^ Schenk. d Financial Secretory?Joseph M. Kurtz. Treasurer? K. H. Vaai. First Property Holder?Frank S/roub. tl Second Propertj' Holder?George h Brandfas*. Librarian?Albert Fisher. Hall Committee?Joseph Welsgerber, p H. E. Schambra and Andrew Blschoff. OPENING OP THE PALACK ,, Furniture ('oni|mnf'i Placa of BhiIiini <1 Yeatcrdar. The opening of the furniture emporium of the Palace Furniture Company yea- /] teniay afternoon and last night. wo* an event that drew large crowds of expect- 7 ant customers to the new establishment. The building, at 1115 Main street and 1116 Water atree:. had been filled with a most complete and up-to-date a took of furniture. carpel* a ml household good/9, in aJl t gradea and styles, making the stock one c that excell* for assortment, quantity and '1 quality. The new firm certainly had a ^ most successful opening day, which war- ? ranted the pleased smiles that were r nntlced on the faces of the managers. J From ili? IfoaptMl. Brakeman Sarber, of the Wheeling 1 Bridge & Terminal Company, who was Injured by falling from n ear. n short j time ago, was taken from the City hos- c! filial to the Itoltlmoru & Ohio depot in I the cliy ambulanee, yesterday morn- 1 -?. I.... V....IA1 ,-tf hla Mnncapi lliK. i urn* ij? iiw . v~ and he was taken to his home In Pittsburgh to die. FOR rheumatism and neuralgia use Salvation oil, tho greatest euro on nrth for pain, it in an Infallible euro. 25 cent*. _ o SEE Kldpath's Historical Library. * fl(ilio|i|N-r'? OpmlHg. Our Millinery Opening of fine Tat tern Hat* and Bonnets will take plaeo on Tuesday and YVeflneiday. April 6 and 7. E. HCHOPPEK, 1067 Main street. OPKMNU i tirtila v and Wixfueitfar. U'OIII.M, IIHi it Street. < ATTRND iilf- upertlnff Of MlM TJ. L. Par I, Tu c?6ny, "NVMnfsdny and Thursday. _ OPKM?f(l orituxpnllfriii April 13, 1145 Mnlii?lrr?t. MIMJRMIK MvUDAJI. flEJE Kldputh'* Historical Library. OABTOIIXA. y ANOTHER GOES. Ubcrt Spcldcl, the Secoud Hydro phobia Suspect, Departs :0R THE PASTEUR TREATMENT it fhe JfifT York Inetltnte-Eneoaraglng Report Received from fw*??The En? tertaluiuant at the Grand To-nl*hJ-Tki Bale of Tlckete LarRti bat There art Many Good fteata Yel Available?A Vcrj fine Programme Prepared* The Hydrophobia Relief Fund. oncph Speldcl I 25 0 ohn 8. Naylor 25 0 aeh G ? ,'aeh : 10 0 'a-'ih 25 0 'aah loo *anh.. r? o !. Hots & Bonn JO a 'anil 2 0 1. P. Hehrenn' Company lo 0 'aah 10 V. Va. Clrrla So. 251. Protected Homo Circle SO ?iwl Ijihnr Ax mio vain-; ? - ? ? ? ^ sornbly ?.? 0 inron idocii. Now York ..... GO 0 Ainuol H. Bloch 2T? CM ,otii* Wbft t 0 talph Klin* 5 a tr?. Morris Horkhelmer 6 tt lOMtl 1 01 ,e? Fredrrtch 6 01 leorffo PunII 10 0 Irs. J. R. Hell, Weft Alexander & u lash 1 0< Irs. John B. Garden, treasurer "The LMestrlck 8kuh" under the aunElces of the King's D&uuhtors, tnlted Presbyterian Church 1M 71 ?. W. O. Hard man, Mlddlebournc, \V. Va S 0) Roman's Musical Club, concert...... 15 2! iLfh 1 u Total M4I 0 Yesterday another of the hydrophobic uspects was started on his Journey t( few York for treatment at the Pas pur Institute. He was Albert Speldel f the South Side, one of the ecverai ho u-ere bitten by that mad dog on th< iorn!ng of January 28. Bpeldel was accompanied to the Pennsylvania mtailor y several of his friends, w-ho, with the ntelllgencer man. who purchased hli allroad ticket, sent him on his Journej i a very cheerful mood. Like Freese, e will receive a fifteen days' course ol reatment at the Pasteur Institute. Interest lias now centered In thl oncert at the Grand Oprru House this vetting, for the beueflt of the I nielliencer's hydrophobia relief fund, whlc* ) to be given by "MUfical Wheeling,' or many of the representatives of th< liUHlcal colony have freely volunteered heir services and make an array o! ilent that It sure to result <n nothing ut an excellent entertainment. The tickets are now on sale at a numer of places in the city, and seats cat e reserved at the music store of M11Uan, Wilkin & Company. Already ther? as been a large advance sale, bul here are ? number of first class seats tot yet taken. People desiring to atend a first class entertainment and al he name time contribute to a noble efart in charity, should not fall tooccupj seat at the Grand to-night. It Is probable enough money will b< dded to the fund to send one and po?Ibly two more of the suftpect* to th? asteur Institute. If the bouse Is filled I is certain two caa be sent. And 11 houtd be tilled. Site Will HKortr. <hn inmate of an ftasl I'heeling house, who tried to bid adieu 3 the world by means of mcrphlne. on unday night, will recover. Her atimpt, which was exclusively published i yesterday's Intelligencer, was nearly uccessful. and the doctors who had >een summoned at 9:30 o'clock thai lght. did not cease their efforts tc ring her to life until 7 o'clock yesteray roornl&rr. MRS. A. IN*VEEN*, residing at 72C fenry St.. Alton. 111., suffered with ?cltic rheumatism for over eight months, he doctored for It nearly the whole ol his time, using various remedies recmmended by friends, and was treated y the physicians, but received no re. ef. She then used one and a half botles of Chamberlain's Pain Baltrvwhlcfc fleeted & complete cure. This in pubshed at her tcuupxt, as she wants othrs similarly afflicted to knon- what ured her. The 25 and 50 cent sizes foi al? by druggists. PETER CLAXJS. corner of Zane and turon streets, has his IceCream parlors pen for the season. All orders filled n short notice. DOX'T mlii Wort*' Optttlnic Tnr?d?f ud WdnrnUy, I03M Main Mrc?l. BEE Rldpath'e Historical Library, III IIVPIIV Opening Tuesday and llUiUlRIU Wednesday. April * and 7. ,11 Invited. MAR8DEN L. COLVIO. ATTEND the opening of Miss B. L 'art. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursay. MMH JKKdt: .lieADAM will np?M m nm !??# afmlUlntry TJifiruUy. April ?. Will ve opfulnf of Anr vMi?rti? April 15. MUkJEMlR .HeAIIA.M. I.&O. Ricnrilon to U'aihlnclon, D. C., Thnrtrfajr April H, 1#1?7. Round trip $10. Tickets good returnUK on all regular trains, within ten lays. Including date of Male. Through 'oilman sleeper from Wheeling on th? 2:25 a. m. train. iPPVIVfi ll\V Opening Tuesday and 1 L.M.iu Wednesday. April 6 and . All Invited. MAKHDEN L. COLVIG SEE Rldpath's Historical Library. IT Is surprising what a "wee Mt of ji hing" can acconipll?h. Sick headache onstlpatlon. dyspepsia, sour stomach Izslne**, are quickly banlihed by fteVllt's Little Early ltls**rs. Kmall pill lafe pill. Best pill. C. B. Qoetze. corier Twelfth and Market streets; BoivW i Co.. Bridgeport; Peabody & Son leu ivood. 4 I. AO. Kxctirvlon lo Waiblniion D. C., nil Baltimore, ThttraiUy, April ft, 1*97. Round trip J10. Tickets good returnng on all regular trains, within ter lays, Including dat<? of sale. Througl Mjllnian weepers rrom w?< 2:35 u. m. Bill! 0:40 p. m. trains. OOVT mix Weill' Op??lii? Tnttdiy nil W<dnr?lar< !??? MM11 ?!? ?. SEE Rldpsth'l llHtnrlcal Library.' I'liflF, FIELD'S tvurm po?v<ler? m>!(; n a ^'i: try th'Mii: at _<lrtigglnts rWNEW^WAY. a out swciss io? rmw mi MM>S 01 Our new Mcicnilflo method of examining ho ?yo? r.nd flttlnf glaaaeai without put inn (1 ruff a In the eyoa and making ih? latlent blind for a week. or having than: ll for hour* looking at ohartn and trying o fit thrm?tlvo? until they become ho bo vildered they cannot tell what they car fo. We flt tho eye for examination with nit depending nn the patient ana knew khen they ere fitted rorreotly. Conaultatlon and examination fr??. PROF. H. SHEFF, The Scientific Optician, Telephone No. S4J. U19 llalu UtrnU . THE HUB?CLOTUIB! THE HI Brings1 , Tliis Spring?a greater?a rlcbei i a satisfaction that grows ont ol ' that Is realized In increased vain faction that comes with a largei isfaction that is found only in pe Men's Clothing. Our stock of 8prliiff Suits and Spring Overcoats barely crowdf in our flret floor. It Is tailored, *k>. The best ttie best band# In the craft can turn out. We have thought of you with your whims. J and you of the extra atout and exra slim site, whose belt you ; would have to untie to be flited. -Just take our nice Suits and Overcoats and compare 'em with anybody's, In every way?worknanshlp, materia!, trimmings, fit, price. If anywhnre in Wheeling you find as satisfactory at anything like our prices, come back and get your money. Bulta 15 to ( 325. Spring Overcoats 5i? to jis. ' Dress Trousers Jl.SO to 56.00. ; Easter Scarfs, To-morrow we shall open what | we've hat) designed and made up J especially for Easter. As strong in the 25c and 50c grades as anybody eto at 50c and 75c. Stronger In variety. THEN Clothiers, Hatter HUB COBXER, FOCBTEEXT Wheefing's largest and On BASH'8 OLO' ' HIT?PI life, and the Clothing Business . We are proud to state that our our Clothing, "EQUAL TO CUSTOM are winning not only the Coni Friendship of the people as w< i * BME CLOTHIN | * 8HOES-J. H. LOC 1 I Ladies' Kino Yicl Kill Shoes. 1 ; I Chocolate and Wino Color, Net f : i 4 Gentlemen's lino Yicl Kid Shoo , Chocolate and Wine Color. C X Tht* represent everylhinj you cin g . A P"? \ J. H.. LOCKE Wall paper. : WALL PAPER, NEW SPRING STYLES, Embracing the latest designs in Wall and Ceiling Decorations. We arc confident we can r satisfy you, both in our goods and prices, if you will kindly : give us a trial. I JOHN FRIEDEL & CO., j 1110 MAIN STKKKT. (13 AND FURN?l3nBB1. UB ITaii QofinfrtflfJ An iuu uaiidiauiiuu r?a taller satisfaction than ererf redoubled effort?a satisfaction les and decreased prices?a satis rarlotjr?a wider serTice?a hat. rfectlon. IDAnci' Plnthinrf JJUJO UlVlllillg. I If you would only ilke n l-wtj , around first you'd come bacic her? and buy. with ?o much great*? appreciation of our values and varieties, you'd understand h*t? ter Just what we mean by lowec prices and better qualities nnd larger assortment. Our eye$ irt on our Boys' Clothes from th? very beginning of the miking and to the end of the wearlar, too. for our iruararrtee zoe* with 'em when you buy them, if tlwy waver in their service, giving back, they are to come to us ?t1 back the money la to go to y<n* Short Pants Suits J1 to ly>ng Pants Suits 13.50 to $15. Novelty Suit* ' $L25 to S6. We're *>lt agents for the Mrs, Bopldm Knee Fasxa and Golt Coattaa# tlon Suits. Free..... To every purchaser 5n our Boy^ ami Children's Wear Des>arta<a| during this and next we*k w* shall give one of the latest and greatest craze, The-Cocm-ln-ta* Hole-Puzzle. Lota of fun la 'to, ( boys. HUB, s and Furnishers, II AND MABKET STBEETi ty Strictly One Price House. rHINO HOP8E. The fiprmnn. V-fVl (llVfll* Do right! Don't mi? represent! Don't try to tak# advantage of those who havt confidence in you. What a wonderful amount of meaning there is in that one won? CONFIDENCE! The bust ness of the world hinges upon it. It applies to all walks ot ; in particular. Methods and 1 mdl" ilpi idence, but the M " M BRS# G HOUSE. KB SHOE COMPANY. iutton mid Lace, 4 ;<ue Mild coin Toes, $2.50.| ?, I.nce and Comrrcss, ? o nn oiu Toes, .... ;ct, ind more thin you will up?t lor tht I r SHOE COj OPTICIAN. . it HHK im ^ m#nt. M We have ppoured the <ervlrr? of Mr ^ TV ?.*?? .. 1. ikl.ln MS . nml . ?n Kuuran'tVc utTsfaJiionto our customers. Dillon, Wheat & Handier Co. MioEMAKSK. ; JOSEPH J. SmTThT" U 1400 A UK i:r ?TBKKT? PRACTICAL SHOEMAKER. Shoes neatly repaired iind halt while you w?it. 1IM.P SOLING i PkttHKI) ?Sal * v" OlflM IVfl . .IPU'CII 1 j