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-M. POTMAN * 00. Ready Tt >ck of Children's Wearing 11 ir any other city. ) S HEARS OF AGE, we * siraMc fabrici made up in , 3^, JUNIOR SUITS, , >1? ==== OHOiDRBN'B OLOTHINO We Are s tWith the largest and best stc Apparel ever brought1 to this c FOR BOYS FROM 3 TC have the newest and most di REEFER SUITS, ETON ! SAILOR SUITS, 1iLOUS SUITS, handsomely ifiade and than other stores ask^or inferi FOR BOYS FROJt 8 TO desirable Plaids and Checks, v season. (, SUITS FOR YOUNG MI the fashionable tailors to shari in up-to-date style. WE HAVE SOLD a grei Children's $2.25 and ! Some choice ones still left, bu want to share in this bargain It M filJTMv MAIN AND TWEL REAL ESTATE. " FOR SAXiEl. i New II-roomed dwelling on Fifteenth street. Dwelling Pleasant Valley, .finest location , in Ohio county. Property corner Front and Virginia street*. front* 124 feet on Virginia. tS feet i pn Front ^"$5 location. , The very Ibest lots* at'pfcaiian4. Valley, 1 fuid It does not com * fornm* to buy one. 8piendld lot North Front* .40x4ft)- high i ana desirable in every rottpfct; cheap. , Helvedern lot*. flSO to S3u0 . WW for good lot on Jacob street, over the 1 creek. r^-. rv SMITH. ! txchanqt Bank Building. Homes and Rooms for Rent No. 70 Indiana street, 7 room*. J13.U0. Office rooms Illt???e * Itulldinj;. : rooms No. 1118 Mo'^iw alley. Stable rear No. CO South Br<mn*ay. No. 930 Main ft root. $ room* and bath. No. 121 Thirty-third street, 6 room." 3 rooms corner indlAna and Erie streets. Iio.w. : rooms corner Twelfth and Market 8ta. No. 903 Main street, 7 rooms and bath. No. 123 Zane street. 9 rooms. No. 9? Ohio street. & rooms No. 1401 Chapliao street. S rooms, bath a and laundry. ,ftJ* m* k nuimi anrond floor. No. ?s 8, Broadway. 7 rooms and bath. No. 63 8. Pcnn st., s rooms and bath. ] No. 1011 Main St., storeroom. No. ITT Fourteenth sl. i rooms and bath. No. 13 14th st. 7-room dwelling. No. 5< tfane it, 7 rooms | No. W Ohio ct., 3 rooms. i No. r* ?7th st., ? roomj , No. 95 Ohio St., 3 rooms, J7.E0. ' Office or sleeping rooms, Luta Building, furnished or unfurnished. , Storeroom corner Sd and Market sts. . Nos. SIS and Stf Market st.. stores and dwelling. ' Not. IMS and 1M7 McColloch st. I Houses and Lots for Sals. Money to ' Loan on City Real Estate. , RINEHART & TATUM, 1 aTV BANK BUILDING, T>Upln?i>? tfltf. Room No. 0. j FORJR/E3STT. 6?lbert homestead, Pleasant Valloy, ] 2 houses. U rooms $25 M . No. ill fllxteenth streot 25 oo 1 - - -- - O (k.1 1 jfo. ssus warn ??"?? ; rrx No. 452 National Road 9 J? ; No. 71 Seventeenth slteet. 4 room* .. 10 00 4 rooms on Alley in rear of 120 Fourttenth street ? No. iu> Main street, 4 room* 14 00 No. est: Chapltre street ..... No. 1C14 Matn street, 4 rooms, both 1 rases .-IS 00 | No. m Mair street. 3 room*. both liases furnished, for 9 w , No. 127 Fourteenth street....- ~r" No. ? Seventeenth struct, both gnse*. 1? 00 i No. 1X1 Fourteenth street, both Raw*. 24 W < No. wa Main street, store room, both 1 fc, **? -< . I7 00 No. S37 Main ?t.. saloon and 3 room*.. 20 00 No. 34 Sixteenth street, store room.. jS w Residence Edjclngton Lntte. 11 rooms. Z arre* around. 200 fruit trees ~T~I1 No. 2Sft4 Main street ? 00 , Fsloon in Martin * Ferry ... ? 1 4'Roomed house. Crescent Place... .... 1 00 j ...* ttfinrhMtor roftl Worka, east of Mt. d? Cbantal... J5 each 2 room* Helbert property, on Wheel? Inc croek S 00 No. Si2 Market street, blacksmith fhop -,vi ?? Stable rear of German Dank. FOR SALE. Ground 100 feat square on Twenty-seventh street. with buildings tlier?*on. ntsldence on Jacob street foT $1,100. N" 2X7 Chapilna street. $7,000. Flve-roomcd house aouthcast rorner of Elbtabeth and Twelfth street, tf.100. Real estate of every description. JAMES A. HENRY. Real Estate Acrnt. Collector, Notarv Public and Pension Attorney, No. 1612 Main * llll.', | FOR SALE?"baboaT^ ? 11,500 buy* residence on Fifteenth, be. Kofi and Jacob streets. Ten rooms, )>#ib. attic, very di?*lrable. ] .Vroom houao on Virginia strcf^between York and Huron streets, ch??i>. t-roonj brick house on Thirteenth street on eaaj" terms. ( * rooms, bath. No. 29 Vermont utreot, it a low figure. C '-ota on South Huron street on easy , term*. 1 i-arge fot at T^eatherwood. fctee 50x252 feet t f.ot* in PloNHnnt Valley In Sefbert's Car- ( <J*n, *ixr>* fo. 90 and IW feet front, on easy i term*. fxit in tfreonwood and Mt. Wood ccme- c tfrr at h low figure. Money to loan-1300.00 to $5,000.00, 1 ?ROLF & ZRNE.? > No. 30 Fourteenth Htrei^t. f FOBSALB. TfouM, f? rooms and liull. lot 41x175, North Main atreet, cheap. liou*., s room*, lot 14x1* fe*t. Market MMO*' ctWoen eighth and Ninth ?trcetn, 1 room*. brick, and stable. Elgh- n tfenUt str^iJ. Jl.JW) * lot*, Utxlto trot. Thirtieth utreet. 1100 ' each; j.? caflh, balance In one yeaf. * HonAn, H roomii. hull and largo lot, Elgh- i tfenth wtr^ct; cheap, on very cany lermn , * .2,?*lho ,l<"1 corner lot? on Llnd atreet ' lor |*(:,; one-third ca?h, balancc In one and f two yeni , ?J.?rn' r ,ot on rherry atreet for 11*5; on*. f inim r;,nh. halanco In one and two yeura. . 2* ?on Cherry atreet for 1160: ono-thlrd faijh, bnlanee In one and two ynorn. Jwo houne? on Main utroet. near Soventh I tre^t, i-in-np; on cany terms. Iiiouno " room*. brick. Mlxtcenth afreet. I firm* ran)', Imllrtinir *lte for dwelling FourtMnth mrffflt and on Hlxtrrenth cir*'-tHou??i 6 room* and 4-rooni houso In rear. ! Fifth ward, tf-rni* #a?y. t&.iW. f Thft Jjunb property, No. 2UW Chaplin* , tr**t, rhmp, tcrrnn ^nny. noijBo .1 mum*. Jnroo Ftrrrt. on wen , Twenty-fourth ?nrl Twenty-fifth ntrocta,' j clmip, J1.IOO t 2 lot* on Jncob utroct. North Jlf?nwood, \ m each. Houn*. B ronmn, Eighteenth *tr*?#?t, fi.i&o I'M will huy ?\ nlct> lot fronting on I.Intl "trret; onu-third ca?h, balance on ?n*y terms. Iy*> will htiy n son/j two-roomed honne, <?n t'hapllno Mfe*>t, nrnr 'JVnth. , V'V> will buy hoUM of 2 room* on Wllunn ; *tr/?>t, Centre Wheelln; 1100 caah, balanco r In rpnt. /i l.ntp nn T.\nd flreet, Chwy *trr*t end t MnCollorh Street at from ISO to $900 cftch ?n iy term*, . M'.nry Jo loan on rtly rral estate. ^ NESBITT & DEVINE. No l:a Market Street. I li $U I I b and Aliuu x, > trimijicd, and at tower prices ? or gMds. ; 15 YEARS, all the nobby, ,0 ,'hicli arc so fashionable this g} c? Ca JN that would put some of iv- .Tlie right goods, made gSft-S H. f ? Cu it many of our last years w, 53.50. Easily worth, double. 01 t don't wait too long if you *? k 1 .. . RM Mi Cm. Lo o? 4N & CO.! WWWWWWWWWW \ Wi ,FTH STREETS. i| LOCAL BREVITIES. attar* of Minor Moment In nml A boat m? Cltr. He The La Bolls nail factory went on yea- c0 terday. ha The Wheeling* Pottery Company re- da reived more order* for Rood* in the j,,, month of March than J? any one month , n Its history. m The council committees on health and ^ tvater works have been called to meet, tlo :he former this evening and the latter be; o-morrow nljfht at 7:30 o'clock. Harry Gardner, a South Side boy. re- b , :elved a very painful gash In hi* le* l>y falling off a fence on South Chap- Th Ine slree*. He waa taken to the office th( >f Dr. Ackerman and several atltchea ircre required to sew up the cut. . A horse belonging to Jacob Jochum, the East Wheeling: coal dealer, waa ni itruek by a Baltimore & Ohio engine, lea it the corner of Fourteenth and Baltl- ?u) more streets. last night shortly before th< ? o'clock. The horse waa severely Inlured, and u bullet from Officer Ed ^ kllchaels cut short Its suffering. m A I ABOOT P10PLE. JU liraniemuiiiiviir ann ? ?K ru... Abroad* The Misses C. A. Murphy and M. E. J? Moloney. of Wheeling. are registered at JJJ, :he Continental HoteJ. New York City. J},( Mrs. Wolxcr atttTfier son, Harry, who ta< fiavu been viiiMing Mr. John 1*. Heln Cai ein, on the South Side, have returned lie ionie to St. Louis. 1 Miss Addle Sarber, of Willlamstown, W' who was i-he truest of Annie Dorff, of thi South Eoff street, has returned home. Or iccompsnled Uy her brother, K. D. Sar- do; jer, who met with an accident on the *** terminal road a few weeks ago. Ho th? vas at the City Hospital and Is getting lis >etter. ?J m ? Oil DEATH OF CHA&LZS HAKKL -m . trci la Old and lllglifr Eilwmrd German nl| Cltlitn P?hm A waj. ce* - - - -- - -1.1 I. .1 VI Yesterday aricrooon o o uuvn, ^ liis hoine, 1422 Market street, occurred the death of Mr. Charles Hanke, an old rot and highly esteemed German citlsen. doHe became ill with pneumonia last Sat- f iirday and could not successfully battle ivith the disease. *?, Mr. Hanke was born In Brunswick. Gtarmany in 1829. and came to the United States in 1849, landing at Baltimore and coming direct to Wheeling, La where he had friends. He was employed in rolling mills and engaged In ? nteamboatlnff. In 1850 he entered the cigar business, and has since been a leading dealer and manufacturer in bo Wheeling stogies. His first business Io- ur cation was in Bltchietown; then he A moved to Water street in Centra Wheeling, then to Main, and thence to the ' corner of Fourteenth and Market 8h itreets. and last to his present location, r, 1425 Market street. He was Interested n mnnv of Wheeltnar'a Industries, being ? stockholder of the German bank, the eri Schmulbach llrewlng Company. Ex hange bank, and other corporation)". His success In business wan slynal, and ! :he more remarkable that It came from I!" i humhle beginning. In 1SK; Mr. Hanke married Hannah C.. daughter of Dr. William Allen, of Philadelphia. There were eleven chll- "J dren, of whom eight survive. as follows: Alonio L.. Mina. Eugene Z..A1- "" [rod A.. Elwood S. (of Pittsburgh), The- *" ulnre S.. Ed car U and Fannie C The u" leceaaed was n member of the German Lutheran church. dr, The funeral will occur Thursday af- " ternoon. with Intennent at Peninsular " -cmeterv. Ualtlmore Lodge, Knights >r ryintas, win aucnu. ch( RETAIL DBCOOim J?' llnlil H?lln| and Elect 0?etri-*r. Jj< icbn?|if Is Pretldrnt. WJJ The Wheeling Retail Druggist* Ar??- ?<c : I at ion met yeaterday afternoon In the cle rlty building. The meeting was largely j?|j i ttAnHod <inH nthllftfa^tlc ihrOUChOUt. .... Phe membprrfhlp of the association was In# onslderably enlarged by taking In the : Irugglsta of McMechen, Ben wood, fui Uoundsvlile, Bpllalre, Martin's Perry of uid Bridgeport. tal The date set for ihe annual outing nt Ch iVheellnrr Park Is May 5. The outlnir th< vlll be made very enjoyobl.?. mid prlxes del nay be offered fov contents In bowling, wo 'tc The old officers were elected for the ?u< nsutng year* and ara u follow*: tin PreSldent?ChrlyMan Sehnep.*, 1 Vice prr*ldent~John Klar'. hU Secretary?Charles It Owt.Tfc. th< Funeral of r. M. Fiilirr, cai The bnrlnl services of C. M. FUhcr, igrnt of the Cleveland,Lorain & Wheel- |(. ng railroad, were largely attended. The wa iervlces were held at his late residence. n Kirk wood, at 10 o'clock yrsterday ?'c orenddn. Hev* Ulxon and Donaltay tfnclated. A large number of railroad nen were In attendance. The floral of- v ' <?iInffM were very fine. Among them van a miniature railroad track embedled In a nu*s of flowers, showing a f, irokon rail. The funeral party wn* to- J|' ten to Llnwood by :i special train. *~~ """ p Itncklru't A riilrn *?lve. p'r( The bost salVe In the world for cut*. ne, >rulscs, sores, ulcers, suit rheum, fever f lorea, totter, chopped hands, chilblains, toli rorns and all *kln eruptions, /and posl- p0l Ively currs pllns, or no p.iy required. It |fl s guaranteed to tflve perfect satlsfac- , Ion or monny refunded. Prion 25 cent* nrf )cr box. For sain by Log^n Drug Co. ||JO ' in it HICK Rldpath'a Historical Library, hui PEBHOXAL.^The gentleman who tin' nrioyed lh?- <,on?re?atlon last Sunday, fea y continually'coughing, tvlll find Insunt a l lief by using Ojie Minim* Cough'Cure, lief i Mpei'uy in l liitrmicNK rrmedy for ih?i hroat i:i<1 lung* Ov>arl-M 11, fJoets?\ ?>r ornor Market nn?l T;vclfth atn-oiH; T {on-It* Ai Co,. Brldwport: Piwbody & wh Ion, I'.ciuvood 3 tr<* That, bainr fltir/t can *? rurrtl with tl?M )r. Mile*' NfcUVK PLAOT'Klt Oalyfflc. Die 'TIS CLIMBING. ie Iulollfgcnccr'a Kellvf Fund is Crowing. iVO $25 CONTRIBUTIONS MADE ' Ibt llrawlui Coui|Mur and h? Ualldtra' Kiclini|i-Uii Nl|bl,i tatartatiiweiu al ihiUraud wm^iIU wiMHtal, ?ntl wilt Nil a CoutUlirabl* t mount tor lh? Fund -Tli? Mailt* I 'rograiuut* wauii KuiIIcmi On*. Th? llrifruphoblM ItrlUf Pawl. leph Spoldrl $ 20 00 hn 8. NAyior 25 00 8 00 all 10 00 h sr. oo h JO 00 Mil 5 00 Hob* & Hon* 1" 00 III 2 00 P. Ilehrena' Company lo uO Mh 1 00 Vi Circle No. 251, Protected lotne CI 6 00 ilo Valley Trade* una l?ubor Amenibly 25 00 ron uloch, Now York to 00 muel 8. Illoi h 25 00 uln Whit 5 00 Iph Kline 5 00 m. Morrl* Horkhelmer 5 00 ah 1 00 ? Frederloh 5 00 org* Paull 10 00 *. J. H. Bell, Went Alrxunder & 00 Mil 1 00 a. John B. Harden, treuMtirrr "The >epMtrick Kkule" unaer the bumilcea of the KlnK'a Daughter*. 'nlted PrpMbytr-rlan Church 154 <5 W. O. Hard man. Mlddlebourne, V. Va 5 00 uman'i Musical Club, concert 15 25 Mh 1 00 ymann llr^wlng Company 25 00 heeling Bulldem' Kxchunge 25 00 TOIBI HHJ W rhe Intelligencer's hydrophobia ref fund movement Ik not at alt In the mil tone state that It had appeared to v? fallen Into on Sunday and Mony, where there was a disappointing -up in the stream of personal conbuttons that had been in evidence, festerday two handsome subscripts were made to the fund, one of 125 Ing by the Reymann Brewing Comny, and the otlier of the same amount the Wheeling Builders' Exchange, ils sends the fund up to within 14 of 5 J&00 mark, and wVth the receipts of s "Musical Wheeling" entertainment -en last night al the Grand Opera moo will main* It tmnalble fn vend At tat one and possibly two more of the spects to New York for treatment ut ? Pasteur Institute. rhe Intelligencer Is thankfu! for the ntrtbutlons that have be*n madd by renerous public, but there should be <t ady stream of subscription* until ough money Is secured to send every 0 of the hydrophobia suspects to the .steur Institute, for if one or two ould be unable to take the treat?nt through inability to raise the >ney, it might evenuatc In those who 1 not take the treatment being at jura vy ins urraii uyurutiuuuiikniiii.-n n be prevented If the Wheeling pubresponds with sufficient liberality. Phe Intelligencer and the people of heeling* take this occasion to extend inks to Manager Pelnler, of the uti<l Opera House, who 90 generously nated tho use of hi* place of amuse;nt for last night's entertainment; to > many capable and distinguished arts* who sail under the title. "MuslcWheellng;" to Manager John Moire, manager, and Ernest Baer.treas fr, of the wheeling Amateur orcnesu under the auspices of which last cht's concert was carried to so eucrsful a conclusion, and to all other* to contributed to lt? roccea. All can >1 that they have assisted In a burn* work that may have saved one or n-e unfortunates from a terrible am. Personal subscriptions to the relief id can be made In person or by teleono at the Intelligencer counting >ms. _ "FOE SWEET CHARITY." it Night's Conctn at tit* Oranil t)p*r* IIohma Ifaccni. L,ast night at the Grand Opera House u hydrophobia relief fund got another ost, as a result of the concert given iaer me auspices ul me nacvimg nateur Orchestra. There were not as many present as ould have been, for such a galaxy of Untie entertainers should have packthe house. The best musical and litiry talent In Wheeling were gathertogether for the humane purpose of slsting In the effort to raise enough >ney to send all the hydrophobia aspects" to the Pasteur Institute, at tw York, for treatment, but the and had many vacant seats last 5ht. It was impossible to ascertain e proceeds, owing to there being a mber of tickets out yet. but the jount made will be ascertained toy. [*he programme was .carried out Just published In the Intelligencer, and It ew forth appreciative applause at b conclusion of every number. No cores were allowed. The selections asen by the performers were happily osen, and the concert was one of the >st delightful ever given in the city, seemed as though everything possl> hnd been done for the success of the tertalnment. Tho use of the Grand s generously donated by Manager harley" Felnler, and he and his elll nt stag* force aid an in tneir power the affair, and they plated all tha rangement.s and appurtenance* of ? theatre In the handa of the Wheel: Amateur Orchestra. rtllllgnn, Wilkin & Company kindly -n I shed a piano and program mes free charge, and carriages for the ladles ilng part were donated by Durns A urch, expressmen. The members of 5 Wheeling Amateur Orchestra, unr whose auspices the entertainment a given spared no pains to make It a ;cess, and thoy deserve the thanks of ? community. !*or the performers, nothing but the .1 . ... l_? 1. ,1.... TVi.ili- ni-tluttn H1CHI |H Bine in WU?-. ...... orts are appreciated, they excelling ?mnelven la*t night for tho Rood m All are well known concert fa. rltcH, ranking hl?h nn exponents of idle and elocution. The Phllharnionquartet. le*i? known t<? the public, * tho recipient of genuine applaune. double number being far from fufllnt for the nudlenre. Llkewine laudwere the other* who took part: The dli'M' Quartette, ronxIdtltiR of Mid. ira William*. MI?fU*? Nellie Bgerter, rtha Sehulta* and Theresa Phllllpx; * Nellie Sweeney Palmer, Mr*. Nellie irren Holloway. Mr**. Flora William*, in Ilouiie orchestra. R. C Darrah. W HURhe*. Hoy Choral Club, W. B. v. Charle* Zulauf, 11. C. Sweeney. W Nenbllt: and la?t but n??t least, if lluRh Whyte and apavrlng jmrt\ Jaaon C. Stamp. 'ho novel innovation ??r n noxinj: cont woe only equalled !>y the Hpeeeh of j jiiH'llninn llnrrj' McLure, tho referee. Introducing the principalis. It wiu a nut," nnd nhould have been on tho j grnmme, though It probnbly ro enjoyed becnuHe the audience wn? aware beforehand of ro much Intent I mor belng at the command <?f Hur? h tongue. Thope who wer prem?tit at <Jrnnd lant night had an Intellectual Kt. and accomplished much toward , humane object. Furthering the re. ' fund wore nil tho*6 connected with entertainment, nnd to whom thnnkn the clUmm at Inrgo nro due. "he Wheeling Amateur Orchestra, leh manna nlmoualy undertook the uble Incidental to arranging for the icert. In composed of nine young gen* men who are United together for the Mure they derive from music. They seek no pecuniary gain, ualng their talent for charitable entertainments lolely. The orchontra wu organised about a year ago. At present the ensemble la aa follow*: Prof. A. Farber, director, first violin; Robert Luke, flute; Fred Husemon. drum*: Dr. John McClure, cornet; Eugene Baer, clarinet; CVirence Owen, second violin; J<#s??i*h Pollack, viola; Robert Yahrllng, double bass, and Joseph Kraus, trombone, ORDINANCECOMMITTEE Of Hie t'lty t'omictl Mtili mid Decide* to Kaoomntvud th? Cllf Engluirr Ordl1M.VHI.A.. .?.! Vw<lllll> Nil. kct In ilM tecoud Ward. The council committee oti ordinance had a long find Important meeting laat night. The ordinance relating to the duties of the city engineer ww the chief Item yf bualness. It came back to the committee after being acted upon by the board of publl.'. works, and three of the amendment* tacked on by that body were rejected by the committee liiHt night. City Solicitor Nesbltt presented the ordinance, and an it now stands, provides: That the city engineer shall be elected by the board of public works, after Its regular statutory election by council, and said election of engineer to be approved by council. His bond shall be IS,000. and his salary $2,GOO per annum. His duties are numerous. He must locate the lines and grades of all streets, sidewalks, alleys, or other public ways; determine the sise or construction of all sewers, water works, drulnage canals, bridges, culverts, etc., and prepare plans for the same; and furnish estimates and specifications of said work, when required by the board of public works, board of goa trustees or city council. He shall have general supervision of all contract or other work, and shall anualiy report condition of all bridges In the city. He shall furnish all Information in his power to the city solicitor concerning any matter that may come under his jurisdiction, and assist the city solicitor In litigation to which the city is a party, when it is considered necssary by the city solicitor. The city engineer must make a complete survey of th?? entire city, which shall constitute and be the official survey of the city. In making the survey he must repor: his progress every month to the commute on streets, alleys and grades, until the survey la completed. He must keep In his office certified copies of all held notes, maps or pro. flies relating to all city surveys. As soon as the official survey shall have been extended over any portion of the city, It shall be unlawful for any person or persona to erect buildings upon the line of any street or public highway embraced within the limits of such survey, without aplicatlon to the city engineer. Persons violating this are subject to fine. He shall also charge, for the benefit of the city, fees for making surveys for owners of property ordering the work, or against whom the work is properly chargeable. He shall employ all assistants necessary, subject to au thorizatlon and approval of the board of public works. He shall devote all his personal time and attention to the requirements of hi* office. The ordinance shall take effect after May 1.1897, and It was recommended to council for its approval. The ordinance regulating the hours of opening and closing the Second ward market house was submitted by City Solicitor Nesbitt. It provides that market shall be held In the upper market house on Wednesdays and Saturdays of each week, commencing at 5 a. m.. and ending at 10 a. m., from April 1 to October 1; and commencing at 6 a. m.. and ending at 10 a. in., from October 1 until April 1. There was little discussion on the ordinance, it being the concensus of opinion of the committee that market in the evening at the Second ward market house would be injurious to butchers, who would bo unable to attend both markets at once. The ordinance was recomendcd to council, thus killing afternoon or evening market at the Sec ona waru jiarm ?wu? The petition of the Wheeling Stockyard Company, for permission to erect a stockyard at Sixteenth and Main streets, wn? laid over until the city solicitor could frame a new ordinance regulating the stockyard.!. Col. Robert White addressed the committee In behalf of the petitioners. He argued that the city had no right to legislate against business, and could not define a certain locality for a certain business, referring to a recent decision of the supreme court to substantiate hla argument. Clerk O'Brien read the resolution from the first branch of council asking that an ordinance be drafted, putting a tax upon all doctor*, specialists or merchants doing business In the city who are not bona nde residents of Wheel log, This resolution was aimed at traveling specialists, and Itinerant vendor*, but the latter claw It* already regulated by the ordinance which makes outsider* pay a license for selling goods In the city. The annual license ordinance came up before the committee and the license ordinance was amended no as to Include specialists, thus putting a tax on foreign eye doctors, etc., doing business in Wheeling in future. SPECIAL SALE of Ladles* Pine Kid Shoes, Button and Lace, about 300 pairs worth $2 50 and S3 00. at $1 50. Money refunded if not as represented. DINGER'S SHOE STORE. 26 Eleventh Street SEE Rldpath's Historical Library. Sehoppcr'i Oprniuf. Our Millinery Opening of fine Pattern Hats and Bonnets will tako place on Tuesday and Wednesday. April 6 nnd 7. E. SCHOPPER, 1067 Main street. RAQTPR Opening of exclusive styles In unOilill jjne medium Millinery. All Invited. MARS DEN L. COLVIO. ATTEND the openlns: of Miss B. L. Carl, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs-1 day. NOT only acute lung troubles, which may prove fatal in n few days, but old , chronic coughs and throat troubles | may receive immediate relief and be permanently cured by One Minute Cough Cure. Charles R. Ooetse. corner Market and Twelfth streets; Bowie ft Co., Bridgeport; Peabody & Son, Benwood. _ 5 SEE Ridpath's Historical Library, ! pita HANKE-At lit* Int.' ronldj'nce. No. U2J, Market Htreet. on TtiMday. Anrlft MPT. jit 4:40 o'clock ??. m. CHARLKH riANKE, in tho ?th year of hi* a**. ; Funeral from hi* late residence on Thur?day afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment private nt ronmwnmr cpmr^ry. UNDERTAKING. LOUIS BERTSCHY, (Formerly of Frew & Bertichy.) Funeral Diivrlor anil Arterial Kmlialiner, 1110 MAW STREET. EAST SIDE. /'?ii j i.v mlmluin* nmwrrod tlnv nr nliriit. Store telophonek 636j_reMldfnce. 606. KENNEDY f. TRIM. Graduate of U. 5. (olleqe of tmtMlrainq. | f UN! RAL DIRECTOR AND EMBAIMCR. With ^ ALEXANDER FREW. 1*13 MAIN vrilKl.T. Ulrphonr 120. (Imiyif?r? ^ Pay* 'or a Year's &L I Subscription to tho. .. <4/1 Weekly Intelligencer. BPBIWO BOTT8KBAUS KOBBI EASTER" JTou will surdy want your m but come In and nee our 1 Heady-to-Wear Spring Clot! showing of Clothing than w able styles and unequaled v prestige among careful drej twnety dollar*, with plenty < Come on a tour of lnvestl much as you please. Our ? uvcr w<iii new tiuiijto, vk> < In, and they certainly are tl See our Arrow brand Coll thirty styles of Collars and < twenty-five cent Collars la U KRAUS "WHEELING'S FORE Strictly One Price. TAILOR-llADE DRESSES Geo. R. T Our stock being entirely ting the latest prevailing s THIS WEEK WE CALL SPECIAL A TIE Tailor-Made Dresses To be opened and placed on sa and materials strictly correct. I dresses exactly the s'tie. Kreti< finish and fit. This Week Wc will ahow New Dress Good* and Suitings and a great variety of Shirt Waists and Parasols. Thomson's Glove-Fitting Corsets, Jn shape* suitable to all flcures. Also, a line of the "P. D." Cambric Underwear. Our stock now In. and is choice in styles and materials. Geo. R. T MARKET STREET F.N II JWrSetaHePrcparationfor Assimilating ftcToodandfiefitilaUqg il^StiKSchs andBaiiels of ??BSEB[?I| BomtftesDj^sBoaChBerfulKcas and Best.Contains neither mSt nicotic. Mcim ^cua-smmiamn Pm&mSmi' jit Trn/m * MMMmtmd* SS3mm>' ?Sfc. ) i Mwful DMnnrlu fnpf*Anal!n.t. I nuuuti iiliuvu^ tvi wvtw>Y? ? tion. Sour Stomach,Dianhoea, H Worms^onvulsions.FemislV' oess and Loss OF SLEEP. I TicSimile Signalurt oC NEW YORK. ESfflDBSHSJSSBSBffilM B' FffTntimrfMnMn EXACT COPY OF WRAPPEH, 91 "*<&" EVER W^L-'J ' loaiteHDMds rtllibh, mfc^pS T UxBpomidxoKttk 3v (h, Dr. Poal's f ^ Vv Thi?r frwnp*? W*IO ?r<? peri ^ noint, Pint RuvwUusc, 81.00. For nal* by CIIAS. K. OOKTZE. corner soinc ^>ear''1 clothes. You need it to clear cleaned your wheel. Pearlin cleaning and washing anythi Wheelmen and wheelwomen for Pearline. Unequalled as a r-.-m KRAP8 BB08. ICT KL0THIN6. --== j 'ill Soon Be Hoc! f w ?ult by that time, no don't put It off, wonderful aggregation of Up-to-Data ^ let. a U'KKcr, ovuer. aior? vancu e have ever known before. The admlruluefl can't foil to increase this store's ; isers. Prices range flrom eight to >f choice between. ration, examine and price things as Hirnlshing Department fairly bubbles New Manhattan Negligees are now all le prettiest ever gotten out j ar display in North Window?over ?uffs, representing the best two for ie market. "BROS., MOST CLOTHIERS, 1319 Market Street mw&f * - -OEO.XB. TAYLOH CO. aylor Co. . , new, you are sure of gettyles in every department NTtON TO OUR LATE SHIPMENT OF i,SkirtsandJackets le Monday morning. Styles Exclusive designs, and no two :h Modiste to superintend the H 11/ L. i1cw ttq9ii vwu9 In Organdies. Lawns, Batlste.Brocba Swiss In new colorings. Paris Muslins, etc.. In great variety, on salt this week. Don't forget that evsry thing we show in every Department is NEW. When you are looking for Lace Curtains Come in and see our new BRUSSELS. IRISH POINT and RENAISSANCE, and you will bo pleased with the improved designs and the good values. aylor Co. ITRlANCH closed. ? . SEE THATIHE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE ?OF? 'IS.ON THE WRAPPER '* OF BOTTLE OF CASTOR 111 Oaitoria ! pat ap ia oat-alx# bottlea ealyf* A i not sold la balk. Don't allow anycna to mQ roa anything alia on the plea er promiw that II a "Just at rood" and "will miw itvtj par* ma." MZ*Rm? tKst von Mi C-A-8-T-0-B.IX - Y WOMAN wrtkly, ncnUUac m?4lda?. Only hwml?? ?* ?nldW?Mcd. If j?av?Biih?bai,t?t Pennyroyal Pills a!n in rt% alt. Thpp?ijae(l)r. Fail's) rdittp. ACdroa Fjul Muucarn Co., CltvtUnd, O. Market and Twelfth St roots. mrl ,ke along le. Keep ;i little in your ?, Bicycle tool-bag. It (p cleans dirty and greasy 't hands quicker and -vl better than any soap lJ can. Takes grease and mud stains out of your i yourself with, after you've e and water is the best for ng that water won't hurt. Itave a hundred good uses lubricant for the chains. - >//?! , . ..i.-y , M