Newspaper Page Text
I BASE BALL i; The exhibition a<*a?on of the Wheeling I ba?* ball club was to have 'opened yea terday afternoon with a same between I the Nailers anil the team of Pittsburgh I professionals led by the well known oneI armed pitcher, George England, who la better known here ?? one of the Iron and Oil league umpire* in ms. Unfortu (IIAttly rain "i urn muruiiiK ?? ?? o?? hard that the grounds were in very bad shape i*? *he early afternoon aiul ut :i cluck U wm announced that ther* would be no KUin?'. To-day. however, If (he weather Is at ail favoraWt? the two teams will come together, and as KnRUnd's team la made up of food material. II Li assured that a good game will be wn. As this J? the first opportunity the local fans have had to see the players at work who have been *igm-d by the Whrellnjr management. aououea* mrrr will be * lurit* attendahc*. The phywi of th? Wheeling team put jn part of the moriilri# anil an hour or two of the afternoon In practice work; ond the crowd of early bird fan* who were out to pot a line on th? player* ?**l.reMcd thera*?rtves as delighted with tlumen. Individual mention Is not ,gry??>very man of the lot dnUwd w*?rlc and Manager Coyle has a hnr.l <..k ahead in plcJclof <?ui fourteen rile>1 who t I- . A., ih* l ti fht* win ww ..... . . mson. O'Brien. Kr**v*. Lyoua. Tuylor. Uratltt, Qurt|tf, McGinnl* gn'd McSleen nr.* supjW'-d to l* fl.xtuiv.j. although th-ifood work of McXrimurn may #iv hint a regular ptat-eon theteam. At l-.i a ii w ill be kept an a gen-rai utility man. or the pitchers it Is believed Ooylft, Kaitou. Campbell and CTfcrvey ?.r Bafefcr %v 111 b? k'pJ. though ot the >\>ojik bloods who are to b?? tried out in thfl.e*hlbltkm ??ason may oust Mmo of the old-tlm?*i .?. It to bad oi;*?uira that (h? w Cu ir.urant-Ouarrflan .should tftal hrtdily from the bav kill vjlumn. but when other Ityter-state paper* reproduce the name netv-jrnml glva credit to the paper that wa* jollity of the thef:. It time to make u cry. Glasscock i* hUt(nn at a nierry clip for Si. Paul in the exhibition n*usoi\. but Wily G+orK* does not wni l? have got !?!* optic# on the Spaldlnf yet. Hut he'll come around all r!pht ere k?n?.; SprimrfieUfB new roaynr. a Democrat, and the only one IttCOetaful ?t th?? mum* clpal rleodon there ihla werk. Is the president of the Inter-atate club, and thH H ixken to mean that Sunday oall will be piayed in the Ohio town. Con ? trout hers has not*.* Seventeen men ricned for his Man sfleM-team. and th* only roason iahi wnjr n?w- w. vcv i ordered to report !s that the new park !.? nnr ready for use. eays the* Columbur Journal. When his players jo arrive and (fct a few days' practice together, thf Mansfield people will,<Jigcover that they are to be represented by a real haste ball team this season, and If they are not. In the first division after th-? canon Is fairly under way, It wlU be ibecauso all of the teams are go evenlv matched that the position in the race fluctuates each day. To read one of the Toledo papers one might think that they have a lot of National league talent up there tlrot ev eryonr numa iu ??? ??>>; . v.... Strobel is har?l up and is trying to sell .-nme of his players, but at* >vc no on-ha* accepted the bait. It is claimed by the pipe artist of that city, who ha a wheels In rcore ways than one, thai Columbus w.rnts four or five of the ToIfdo playors. This Is an absurd tlon. as there Is not a man on the t?*nm who could be used br Manager Loftus, and no effort has been mad" to secure players under contract to MamqerStmh*l. who will know more about base ball nr.d have less money when he gets through at Toledo. That town Is no dead on base ball that the papers assert that It will be positively necessary to hnve a park right in the heart of the city, or at least within easy walking distance of the central points. That Is all that can bo expected in a trolley car In^ue. but In Columbus the people go three miles by electric car*, and turn out well at that.?Columbus Journal. "BlU" Jonnson was in a tonvruvm.-nui mood at the Howell last nlfcht, and being ft natural cornelian, {rot off some "good one*." Ho Intends to play ball thi.< year, though. un>l sayn lie will travel on hin ToM behavior, hone-forth. "Bill" muj: havo had ambitions In hid youth to pos?' as the "tatooed man" at a circus, for th?> num'-rou* hieroglyphic* on hi* arm* wpre scratched when he was t?*n years old. Anatrallaii Ball PUytra. BAN FRANCISCO, April J.-The Au?trallan base ball players who are ttartIni out on a tour of the world, have arrived In thla city on the steamer Monowai. Thry will spend a f*w day* in stfht-i??inp before practicing for their opening came, which will be with the f?lympi?*s t? week from Sunday at Central park. Th# nervy athletes who haw? con#? thousands of mile* to hncertain how the bent ball playors of .Australia compart with Uios<? of thin country and to learn points !f deficient are thirteen In number. The team lun error*! substitutes, to they may play cricket aa well as base ball. CYCLING. It was at ? Canadian fit"* meet In '85. Fred f^ouRhead was present, and. helnfi the star of the country. had won a!! Tour races of the day. says Bearttifr*. That's good," said Fred to n friend itundtag near. "I promised this ston<* to my ulster, and she will bp, e fad I i;?t It." Rut your ulster Is not-prfsent, and *n?? could not have wn th?tc particular diamonds. Ho?v could .?h* say which on* sh'% wanted?" Oh, l?ut sli" saw them nil right. Th*-Hr. diamonds are ruinilltir tn her," Mid Fred. "I owned them owe, arul fold them only thin morning lu the pro n^nv .>ow incy imiwnR 10 nic *iral?, nnd 1 can kIv* her th<* one who wanted. Loughead won feventy-elKht flrnt.n In ' ? ami /.ImmTinnii oil'- huri'iv'1 ;it"1 BICYCLES-JA80N C. STAMP. 8j? eighteen years nm j?6 8oooooooooooooooooooooooo8 Mo experiment* to pay for, and no freak ideas to be exploded by use. JASON G STAMP, 1623'MARKET STREET. fnrf-tthA* J one In *!>3. Th??*e two lead In the number of winnings for a eaxun. lCddioHaldhunnot hud mueh fhance to do any outdoor trulnlnir on account of the wmithor, but ha* dons comdderablH Indoor wo I'll ut LouUvlllo, with Otto Maya a* a tparrlug partner, Hardly a day t!u?? a,,,?th?"' fhnnce for * match race la not offcivd him. Now Owen Klmblc H after him, with prospect* of ucoena In the ftrrangciih'ttt. KliObW Iiam offered to tide him eiuier from ?cratrh or from opposite sides or thf* track, but Hald has so far inalstea on pacemakers, which are tmpossitue to get now. us none of the men are in condition to ride fa?t enough for such un event. Trainer McDonald l? y\v nnxlaun to have the match take place. One afternoon during the p?vHlil.n meet in San Francisco, JamesJ. corbett, the defeated champion lit the ring, but the undefeated cham^on ln talking matches, rode ontt l?P on the track,? Hearings. His hair flood on end as lie dismounted from his Jj?*1; * ffSJ was Willi*', ami ?h?i yptvf*?*?# ?out nil over him. I was riding right into lh#? side of :i stotie*w.iJI," said h?. "and the wall was hitting ni?? right In the face all through that terrible experience." Corbett went om again on a tandem, behind Dixon, but was Juki an bail there. He was unable to push a pouiul while rounding the banks, and during the ride he hung on for grim death. "I would rather have another blow from Kits than try that ugaln." said he. swearing til to Hecrcey who were present. But the Story leaked out. Fierce Fl?h? *i MiltnUllt. Special Dispatch to the Intelligencer. fUSTERSVIIvLK, \V, Vi.. April P.? Tliis afternoon a tight was pulled off in this city, between Charles Craven cud Matthew Arnold, for fifty dollars a side and the receipts. It wa* a fierce fight nnd was won by CroVeri. About two hundred people attended. WUEcSjoT MATTERS. A ItuiuwRf ilugluo Thing*. .\?w? MoIh and pfrioutli. A peculiar accident occurred In the Baltimore & Ohio yard at Ben wood Junction. yesterday morning about )2:20 a. m. Engine No. R71 In charge of Engineer John Garvcy and Pirenjan Erin-st Bro*traeyer, had been run out of the round-house for train No. 8. By *oroe m?-ans the *t??am from the throttle escaped unnoticed nnd ull at once the engine stalled off down the Irack. Engineer Garvey, who wi?a on the around ?i( the time, leaped aboard, but could not g**t it stopped The engine ran down the ice-house track lo MgMechen and crashed Into yard engine No HOI. pushing It Into u train standing there, smashing a oaboos* and neveral cars before he could get It stopped. Fireman Brostmeyer hjirolned his wii?t vury badly in the accident. No blame can be attached to anyone for the occurrence, an Engineer (Jarvey used every m*an? at his command to prevent the accident. Mr. W. Uk McMachen has commenced work on a*new four-story brick building on tiie corner of Pike street and McMechen avenue. It Is to be sixty feet wide, by one hundred feet long. The low??r story is to toa used by Mr. McMechen as a place of business and the upper portion aa a hall. There was a bad illp In the narrows below town, yesterday morning, the reMilt of the heavy rains. All trains were delayed several hours. Hub Jones and Prank Kincaid. of the Haltlmore & Ohio nhop force, have resigned their positions to go into other business. Mr. Charles Stewart, recently of Oklahoma. contemplates a trip to Hunt-' Ington, W. Va.. in the near future. B. J. Stewart, of SteubenvlIIe. O.. Ik visiting his son. Brakeman Thomas Stew.irt. Edward Morris and wife are visiting friends in Bridgeport. MOUSDSmiX iliw.iuiiiant MeUtUf of Minor Slot" Uri from .Marihall'i Metropolis. J. W. Yates was committed to Jail yesterday, charged with adultery.: He was brought down from Benwood by nn officer from Squire Lacey's court. He gets ten days In Jell. Mary Jane Chance was brought in from Meade district and put l:i jnll for bigamy ;o remain several day*. Tii*' third new arrival at Jailor Cunningham's hostelery ts James Gorby. who ussuulted C. 3. Good lu Liberty district. The funeral of Dr. G. W. Honklnson will take place from his late residence on Jefferson! avenue this afternoon a: 3 o'clock. It-v. J. B. Smith, pastor of th<Christian church, will officiate. Harry Wiedtnan and Mist Ada Wilson were married on Wednesday evening, at Olen Enston, by Rev. 1). W. RubN*. They have taken tip their future residence in Wheeling. Miss Julia McOlll Is quite sick,threat cn'-d with typhoid fever. T((f; RIVER. YESTERDAY'S DEPARTURES. Pittsburgh...VIRGINIA, 2 a. m. I'nrkernhurif.BEN W'R. 11 n. m. HI?fT*vnjr... Kf *TFf, J:? p. m. ?'lurtn*ton. ..LEROY, 3:3fl p. m. HO ATS LEAVING TO-DAT. Charleston...II. K. REDFORP. ?:30 a. m. Parkeraburic. AHUANI). 11 a. ni. Mnthtnoms...LEXINGTON, 11 r. m. Bhtcravllle...RI'TH. 3:? p. m ClarinRton.. ..I.KROV. 3 30 p m. ROATS LEAVING TO-MORROW. Pittsburgh... BEN HLTK, 4 a. m. Plttfihurgh...KANAWHA, i h. m. Pittsburgh...KEYSTONE STATE. 6 a. m. Zjuieavllle... .I.ORKNA. 2 n. in. Cincinnati....VIRGINIA, 8 a. m. Alone *)* Undins. The mark* at 6 p. in. showed 12 feet 5 Inches and rJsinjf. Weather cloudy and cold. The steamer Lexington left yesterday with 173 packages ?>f Sohmulbach* bock beer for river point*. OIL CITY?Hlvcr 3 feet JO Inches and rising. Weather cloudy and cold. WA RREN?River - fett. Weather cloudy and cold. OHEENSBORO?River 11 feet and rising. Weather cloudy and cold. The .latTi'-H O. Blaine is due up and doivn on Saturday MORGANTOWX? River 12 feet and rising. Weather, aprlnking rain; mercury nt 44. PITTSBURGH? River J?> f-et and rising nt the dam. Raining. STKU13EXV ILLE? River 11 f- -t 1 Inchon and rising. Weather, cloudy and cold, raised up?The Virginia. Passed down?The If. K. Bedford. The ferryboat, Nathaniel, which hart !>?? *? uground on the Went Virginia shon>. for several weeks was gotten afloat this evening, ii ft??r being repaired. PARKERHBURO~Th? Ohio river la 1: fe.?t 10 Inches and rising^ rajddly. !'.? -fl up ;?nu "own -iif- v ; . Ito*?cd up?The Algnnd n?'l Adelle. ]?nm*d ilown?The'HmlHon. i ml- ?lownThe Hen 11 nr. The Jfudrona P?',r ?' port* ilnnfcerouit ?na? hun<ii?.i yard* above Captlna I <lan.l. ! Inn up nre warned t?? keep totho rwii. Th?- Little Kanawha H rlslnjr ?*" " tlmh'-r flow anlteJpated. LocalB on lime. TUB n*v. W. II. W>*v??r, pastor of (h?? f*. K. church. Dlllfibur/r. Pa, r?vngnlrrs th?- valw* of Chambcrlnln'R Cough Remedy. Mnd <lo?? not hosltato In toll fit about II. "I ||f|VP U?'n| C'bumberlfllu'* Coufli U??m#dy," h-' guys, "and And it an WNlleni midtdne fur cnlrfN. rough* ami hoarstfUffin." Kn doox everyone who given It m trial. Sold l?V flruggiatfl. KMMV. ft (Mr la I Kiilf of Ii III Mlu??i < h. f. tiOOIt A-10.'H. WllVilnn'l ynn Irr Mrlimnltmcli BrfM Iiik I'n.'i llrrr I All drucirUlM Kii><rnnt<<n IV. MIIim' Pain PiUMtoiiiov JIlMlUlMJjr. "Olid cent h due*." k Y 1. 4 Under the Weather. That is ite common Spring oomplaiat. You teal "logy," dull. Tour appatlte is poor. Nothing tastes good. You don't sleep well. Work drags. You cross ev?ry bridge before you oome to it. There's lot* of people have felt like you until they toned up the system b7 taking the great spring remedy Ayer's Sarsaparilla It's been curing: such coses for 60 years. Try it yourself. ficad for the "Curctook " too p?fe? frea. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell. M???. MARTIN'S FERRY Unfit suit Jlulupi In ttic 't'hrlvhut Across the Rlvrr. David Xeal, fowtter known aa "Fa.tila" NVmJ, m>'s he 1it the man who burglarized the residence of Jesde Bonar, on locust ?tre#t, on WVdnenday morning. He uaw that the authorities had work*d up a strong: cane against him and made a confession yesterday to Mayor George B. Barr and Marshal William Burns, sayin* that he alone robbed the house while he was drunk. He saya he entered the house through a rear window down stairs. could not find anything of value and seeing a trunk upstairs*. decided to take It. This he carried out. ransacked it and finding the money, amounting to 5210, left town. He ways he crossed th?* Union bridge to Wheeling, remained there until Wednesday. went t.? Bellalre, bought a suit of clothes at Blum Bros', j>ut on the new suit and left $100 tied up In a handkerchief In his old clothe-, which were left at Blum'f. The *210 consisted of a 1100 bill, o So0 bill and six $10. At Blum's a $.r?0 bill was Klven In payment for the clothing and Neal received the change. This bill was found In a bank by Marshal Burns, on It appeared blood, supposed to be from n cut In Neat's finger, which waa done as he waa entering the house, and blood was also found In the window, on the trunk and on .Wal's old clothing. A piece of button was found below the window and the remainder on Neal's vest. When Neal was arrested In Wheeling only $23 was found on his person, which Js I1S7 lews than Bottar had deposited In the tiunk. Bonar expected to uae the money In the purcha?? of a small place in the country. Rev. W. J. Williams, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal chun-h, will preach .? special sermon In the church to-morrow morning nt J 0:30, to chi? Junior Mechanics. Special music has been prepared for the occasion. Th<* Juniors who heard the Rev. Rev. Mr. Williams talk at their Uan,.,tol n..,r? Mir Mi* With lllttl I and th-.-y will turn out In larire numb* . Jtoth the Hiawatha anJ .Standard council* will meet at the Mechanic* hall atAll Junior M^ohuni'-.1* and former members of (he order ur?* cordially Invited to turn out and niar.-h ti> the churrb In ? body. The edifice ha< ln?en Riven a thorough overhauling. President M. M. fUrland. of thAmalgamated Association of Iron anil Steel Workers, will address the members o( Mountain City Lodge. No. W?, at a special meetinjf to be held In the iodgf nK)m thi>? morning at 10:20. The meeting will be an important one and a large attendance Is desired Ah most of the mills at the A?*tna-8tandnrd Are ofT to-day. there will doubtle?* be a large turnout. For road supervisor in the BurHnffton district. John Smith and Thomas Nevln each received seventeen votes at tne eiectfon on Monday. Ytiterday a copper was tossed by Thomas Smith, John's father, and NevJn tvo:i. Yf^rterday the board of election supervisor* met a: St. Clalrsville, transacted routine business and isued certificate* to th" different Justice* of th* peace electtd at the recent election. Mrs. Kliza Taylor died at Coleraln on Thursday, aged seventy-eight year*. The Interment will he at the Short Creek cemetery this afternoon. The deceased was a sinter of Mrs. Rebecca Dean, of Martin'* Perry. Miss Nellie Edwards nnd Ross Fowler were quietly married on Thuixlny evening, by Rev. W. J. William?, of the Episcopal church. Martin's Ferry people wishing- t > ?ttinscribe for the intelligencer, should leave their names at the brancn office, on Fourth street. Nearly all of the mills nt the AetnaStandard except the tin mill* w?re off yesterday, on account of the shortage of natural gas. Communion will be held nt the Presbyterian ehtirch to-morrow. and at the U. " nimreh ta-morrow week. The Aetnavllle Olee Club Rill Klve a concert In the Welsh Congregational church this evening. Charted Sebright haa taken charse of (1;:i stone quarry on the farm of Washington Dcianoy. Mr* John Cecil, of Zane street. la enterutlnlntr Mrs. Henry SnedlUer, of MoumUvllIe. .1 T. Hanea has been contVial lo his home by Illness this week. Mr*. K. rt. rtalley. who b?? been very slclt, continue* to Improve. Mis* Ine* Wilson entertained on Thursday evening. Phllllj) Leonard hn* moved lo l'lttsImrtrh Chester Lloyd has returned from Pittsburgh. Wild iluckn nr<* plentiful In the river. MJ?s Mngjcle Groves In wick. Iturnru t'annnt l?? <wr*d by local application*, an they cannot reach th> dlseaaod portion of the ear. Them l? only way to cure Deafness*. and thai l<* l>y constitutional remedies. Deafness I* caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Kustachtan Tube. When thin tube gets Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when It In entirely closed DeofnenX la the raault, and unles* th?? inflammation can be taken out and the lube restored to It* normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed forever; nine caiea out <?f t?*ii are caused by oatarrh, which Ih nothing but an Inflotned condltlon -?f the muoous ?urfnr/-w. We will Rive One Hundred Dollar* for any ca??> "f Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CllKNKY A Co.. Toledo, O. BELLA! RR AIIHorlM ofhoiul ,??* ?ui| liofip Kriim the <;!? city. The foJIowlnji la the proRrnmme that will he rendered at I lie concert given at iho CStynlftti theatre' thia evening. for (he benefit of the steel worker*: Overture I'. .i.T." Prof. Ueorge TurnbuU's Mandolin Club, Solo Ain't 1 Sweet?. Miss l.ena Archer. Violin Holo Bounds from Homo Mis* Kern Myrr*. Vocal Duel I llenni a Voice Mrs. P. hVurnM and Ming A. llartenstoln. Harltone Solo Cast 'Aside ('limit's Strahl Cornet Bolo Pretty Hlue-Kyrd Nell F. Henttleld. Piano Holo Hippie* of the Alabama MIhs Ida Campbell. Violin Solo .. .Polish Dance Miss Jennie Kunkle. Tenor Solo Selected A. (Jeraghty. Flute Solo Saloustuck (Jeoigo Turnbull. Vocal Solo Paulino Miss Anna Kunkle. Cornet Solo Selected Miss Roller. Pass Solo....One Thousand Fathoms Deep Ff U. Archer. I'iunoSolo Mpuium Takes the Cake A. I mi Roche and Mi?s J). Bhaunafeit. Vacol Solo ? Wlwn the Children Hay Good-NJght _ Miss Anna Velerson. MIhb Lillltt ha floe lie. Trombone l>urt Life Drrum O'er P. Stewart and John Hopkln*. hadle*' Uuarteite Mrs. P. Kern, Mlsnes A. Hnrten?t?ln, M. Pallet t and A. Travis. David Neal. tlw felloe who stole the trunk and JJ10 from Jess* IJonar, at Martin's Perry, came to Bellalrc Immediately after making his rich pull and bought a suit of clothe*, new hut. etc., at Mum Bros.. leaving hi* old clothes at the tfinre. These old clothes now turn up as indisputable evidorice against Neal. and In paying for them he gave a bill, was not content to use any of the tens, though In the money fitolen then* was one $100 bill, one $50 bill and ?ix $10 bill* Neal wanted change and used the j;,o bill the first opportunity he had to spend nny money, except hta Ture to this city, llut hi* career of pleasure was cut short by that Wheeling policeman who arrested him. Postofflce Inspector HolmcH left the city yesterday morning. His report as to th<* conditions for free delivery here will he anxiously awaited. But as Bella Ire is entitled to that service by reason of both population and the receipts ?<f the office, no minor details ore likely to interfere, and the service will be granted some time during the ensuing year, beginning July 1. Louis Long, :i miner working In Morgan's coal mine, was caught 1n a fall of *oap stone In that bank on Thursday and seriously mashed. He was taken to his home in the Fourth ward, and an examination made. No bones were broken, but he will be confined to his home for some time. The cylinder head on an engine at the steel works blew out Friday morning, throwing the men out of work the rest of this week. The plate mill had to close down, al*o. It Is said the steel works will resume Monday. Samuel Robinson, advance agen-. for "O'Hooiigun's Wedding." was in the city yesterday, making arrangements for that attraction here. James Kinney has returned from Piedmont. Vs.. where he was on business the fore port of this week. James Dolan will move his family <o % - - -ry .t? n? iI.a flruf nt imtt wpf*lt A\tMV V/BAUU, JI M., i.i> v. where they wilt reside in the futur-. .Mr. E. Criswell will leave Monday, for Youngstown. Ohio, where he will visit friends and relatives. The two-week's old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tobln was burled yesterday. in the Catholic cemetery. Mrs. G. A. Stephens, who h?* hcen seriously III for some time i?ast, is Kjvatly Improved. The Stewart Enameling works will put about iwi?nty-flve more girls to work next week. There was no srhocd in the Belmont biilldln?r yesterday, on account of the gas being off. Mr. Charles Keyaer, of WoodKfleld. Is the guest of friend* and relatives In the Seeond ward. Miss Marl" McCIaln. of "Wheeling. Is tho uuof,t of friends and relatives In the Second ward. The bottle house did not work yesterday. o? account of there being no natural gas. Hon. John h. Means, of Steubenville. was calling on friends In tills city yesterday. H. Hartenstein and family, of chlcaqo, 1s the guest of relatives iri the city. A man and woman was arrested yesterday afternoon, for drunkenness. Rev. 1?. M. Weiss is spending a few da}-s with relatives in Canton. Mrs. H. W. Bdhra is quite ill at her home on Guernsey street. A. Kern has a tine new delivery wagon. 91 When a wo* H man foes to a hospital Tor an operation, she realizes last the niintake she ban made in disregarding what ahe thought were iriflinf symptoms. Whenever there is the slightest disorder of the organs distinct It feminine, a woman's health and life arr threatened. A cure cannot come too quickly ?a woman cannot be too careful. Low of lirr health meant more than low 01 me. u mean* the losa of deare.* things?thr loss of husband's love, the losa of children # happiness, the loss of possible children. Whenever a woman is siek she should look for the cause in some disturbance of the purely feminine organism. and she should take prompt measures to stop it. She should take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. This wonderful medicine is thr invention of a regularly graduated, skilled and expert specialist in the disease of women, and has had the most marvelous success of any medicine ever prepared. Mrs. P. H. Canning*, of No. 4JJO Humphrey St , St. l?oul?. Ma. writes: "I am now a happy mother of a fine, healthy baby airl Peel tint jrour 'Favorite Pre?criptfon 'and little Pellets' have done me wore good than anything l hnve ever taken. Three mouths previous to n*y confinement J sent for one of your 'Medical Advisers,' read some of the most iuiportaut points, and felt satisfied to try j-our medicine, i took three liottlriof the' Prescription' and th? little Pellets' a!*o. Consequences were I wa? only in labor fortv-five minutes. With my first baby i anflered iR hours, then had to lose him. Up was verv delicate and oalv lived u hours. For two re?rn 1 Buffered untold Agony, antl in the meanilntr had two iniacarriiKe*. Cannot ?p?ak toe hialilv of Your medicine, ai I leel that it ha* Mvrd both tnv child and mytelf Mv baby wa? born iitt of March. She li not yet three we*k* old and I do not think I ever felt better in my life. J took the Prc?cri#ion * through my cwifiMwent and am (till lacing it Find it atrengtkto* tag te myactf and to the baby." \VHICN tho uprinff time come*. "gentle Aniil?*." IIU?' all othor t<enHlb|.> p?-r*on?, will rlcttri3<* the liver nml renoviiti* th<- system with PeWltf* Little Early Risers, famous little j?UN for i}j.IIvol* nn<l stomaeh fill the your round. ChnrbII. Oootze, rornor Market nn<i Twelfth ulreota; Hotvlr A Co., Hritlge pott; I'm bods* * Non, Urn wood. , PIImI ItvhliigPllril flymptome-Molnture: Intenne Itching unci ?UnKlHR; moit ni night; wore* l?y ncrntchlng. If nllowrd to continue Unnor.i form, which often blrvil tin tiicnrato. bo"Sung very Mr?. 8WAYXITH olNTMi:NT ?tow? the Itehlnir 11,1,1 hleodinir, lirnln ulcriatioti. awl III mobt cane* rrtnovri the tuniom. At driiirgletii or by mall, for DO cent* IJr. Bwayno & 8on, Philadelphia. The Sewers of Chicago Kn-|) down the denlh rati? of that rlly. Th" people depend upon thorn for health. Our hcdbi Jin- like law? oliu*. ivrffot wi?wcrotfi? ih absolutely ewicntlul to health. Th" kidneys aro the sewer* of our bodle*. Th'-y rauy off th*> polnou* that produce l>l?ruKi\ Jtheomathm, Gout, etc. Dr. Hoitus Sparagas Kidney PIHs clean hp and heal the newer* of file hody. Healthy kidu* y.< purify mid rloanao the Idood. Pure blood in a condition necessary lo perfect health. Them? PlMw are small, hut their work 1* preat. Tney have cured thou winds of sufferers from kidney l rouble*. They will euro you. Cured of Backache and Inflammation of the Bladder. CINCINNATI. Nov. 2*. 111*. For u year I have had backnoh* and Inflammation of the bladder, cmuhIiik mc a great deal of pain and annoyance. Spent a icri'at deal of money and tried various patent medicines without success. A box of llobbs Spa rag uh Kidney I'll Is has relieved nw of these troubles so much that 1 am uhle to attend to my work, and perform my dutlws with satlufaetlon. THANK SWALLOW. 1414 John streoc. HO WIS REMI'.DY CO.. PnoruiEroM, Chicamo. Dr. Ilohbk FIIU l or Sain lu WKKKLINO. by CHAN. H. aOETZE, JWiabJo DruggUt, 3Iark?t mu isui su. BENWOOD. I(ciiia From tli* Lively fnilnt* (rial 'i'owu. Tho sick railroader who 1? being cared for at the city building will be able to leave for his home in Sharon, Pa., in a few day*. He come here a week ago In search of bin slater, who has recently moved to Canal Dover. While here he took sick and being without money, was forced to seek the city building* "The children were 1n their element yesterday, and an old-time "harbinger of sprint; was on deck fit the same time. It wan the performing bear and his antics drew a large crowd, which lessened at times as the bruin's attendants passed the hat. To-morrow afternoon at .1 o'clock the Knights of St. John will organize its ladies auxiliary here; the ceremony will take place at St. John'* hall, and will be an Interesting even' to the order and menus. A farewell party to John Polan, of Grafton, uan tendered* ThurHduy eveniiuv. at the residence <?f Mr. James Geruk'htv. A lar*e number was present, and the evening was enjoyably upent. Hamuel Armour Is down from Duc\ut'?nr, Pa., to attend the funeral of his toother, whose death occurred Thursday morning. Yesterday J W. Yates, the wife deserter. was taken to Moundsvllle to serve out a thirty day sentence. Great Interest Is being taken In the quarterly meeting at the M. E. church, to-morrow. Peter Joyce has recovered from his Illness, and Is conducting his tailor shop as of yore. The Riverside *tcsl worker* will meet at the city hall Monday morning. T^ouis Ooecke is improving his property on Main and Water streets*. Mr.". William Llnsley was calling on friends In McMechen yesterday. I >r. Meighen returned from a brief visit to Littleton, yesterday. DH. THOMAS* ECLECTRIC OIL has cured hundreds of cases of deafness that were supposed to be incurable. It never fails to cure earache. 1 UNCONDITIONAL surrender, is the only terms those fannms little pill* known as DcWltt's Little Eariv Risers will make with constipation, sick headache and stomach troubles. Charles R Goctze, corner Market and Twelfth streets: Bowie & Co.. Bridgeport; Peabody & Son, Benwood. 2 "THE: Wheeling fi- Lak?? Erie Rail, way will grant to oil purchasers of tickets reading to Now York and points west thereof a stop-over of ten days at Washington. D. C. See Wheeling & Lake Erie railway agents for full Information, or call on or address R. E. Lawrence, general agent Wheelini? .& Tj?u.> ErIr? railwai*. Cltv Bank biilltflntr. Wh<"'lini7. W, Va. BICYCLES. Bicycles. OUR EXHIBIT OF Bicycles and Sundries Will be found in the Gymna sium, Y. M. C. A., during the Bicycle Show. GEO. W. JOHNSON'S SONS, 1210 MAIN STREET. WALL PAPER. IF YOU ARE /> * a a _ ooing to Move Or Clean House W1 KM PI USIO 10 REMIND VOtl WL SUL WALL 5 newest shades 8 I* paper j Sealing Wax Reds, ? Olive Green, amd x? ir ^ Delft Blue, etc. room 8 Lincruster and o H.-inrlMadePaoers. MOULDINGS ? AT JOS. GRAVES' SON'S. no. sn t\vr;i,i:rii OPTICIANS-JOHN BECKER & CO. ANNOUNCEMENT. John Becker & Co., JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. 3JW7 .Jacob Ktr*i?t, llava enRngcd Mr. John II. t'oon. of Tillnol*. ft graduato of tl*o KlK'n Ophthalmic ColUg*. to lake charc? of '1 eating the i.yps and Kitting or tun:"-. \N*"7J you And youorlf In need of f'Pfl^taele*It will i>ny yoti to consult u*. We enn alvo >oti Kood *ervlc? nnd nave you money on your purchases* Very respectfully. JOHN BECKER & CO. U3iBRnu,An-aKr. STlFEL lf CO. April Shov Need ncr hinder you from with in umbrella that will I keep its <olor. This ntcds i Umbrc!!;, for wc are scllii Paragon Framed, Natural I n n yc Two styles ck saw Twilled 1 Paragon Frame, mounted o den Han lies, at $1.98 and $ Hundred of styles of f Black afd Colored timbrel MMM ninnnic .? HMDDUmO tl To match almost any colo any style, at any pricc. Moire. Satin, Checks, Gauz rowest baby ribbons to th hanckome styles for Tics, WARKS, Purses and Jev sign? and very low priccs i Sets, Sleeve and Collar Bi Geo. E. SI h CLAIHVUYAN I. Health?Wealth .1 nrl Happiness by consulting Prof. Charles M. Leon. the celebrated Clairvoyant and Trance .Medium. 1 f?* will read >01.: future without mistake. Gives VahiuMe information on all affairs of life. I'r>i!. Leon has been pronounced the worM over as the greatest Clairvoyant In the Uth century. Through his aid and advlr- a great many people have been made happy. He overcomes your enemies, removes family troubles, restores Ion afTeai-.ns, causes marriage with the one yon lave. Removes evil Influences, bad habits, and will give you corr-.-t Information on lawsuits. divorce?, los: friends, etc. Never falling advice to young peoj?!#? on marriage jind how to choose a husband or wife for hapj.lness, and what business Is best adapted for speedy riches. Mining Stocks 1 culatlon a specialty. Also gives indisp.-nslble advice to youiig ladles on love, courtship and marriage, and tells whether your lo\tr is true "or false, and date or marriage. Thousands have consulted him and found that his aid and advice led to prosperity and happiness. He advertises nothing but what he can do. and docs not wish to be classed with the many cheap pretenders found In ever;' city. AH who are m trouble, whose fond hopes have been blasted, who have been deceived and disappointed by false predictions of others, before giving up in despair ore invited to call ami be convinced of the above statement without delay. Hundreds of persons have an evil influence around them that they Know nothing about. ir is mused hv other persons. Home times It conifs of Itself. Come ami have It removed una happiness una success will follov ruslness strictly conildentlal. People living out of city wishing to know particular us to terms, etc., ??nfclose stamp for reply. Ofllce ant residence, 1027 Chapttne street. Hours from lfra m tog p. m. mr2 FUR SALF. TTIOR 8ALK- f'ANAR Y~R IRDS - A FINIS Ij Jot of Male ami Tomato Canaries at HENRY 1IELM13BIGHT'S. 601 Market street. >e!5 STOCK8 FOR SALE. 10 shares Wheeling Title and Trust C?. 1 Whltuker Iron Works bond. 60 shares Wheeling Steei and Iron Co. ffl shares German Ffro Insurance Co. ?0 share* Wheeling Railway Co. 3 Wheeling Pottery bonds. C por cent. 8 Wheeling St'*''! & Iron Co. 6 p. c. bonds, 20 shares Rellalre Stepj Co. CO sha?*es Wheeling Bridge Co. 6 shares Exchange RuiiK. R. 8. IRWIN, Uroker. 2 Twelfth St. Jail yOR SALE. i FEW CHOICE LOTS AT EDGINGTON. CHEAP ANI? O.V KASV TERMS. W. V. HOCE. CltT H?nli nnUrll'ig I .-tun M.irLM ?i. STOCKS FOR SALE. 10 shares Bank Ohio Valley. 15 shares Riverside Glass Co. HOWARD HAZLETT, i\CN4%M BSW RHIDING STOCKS, BONDS AND INVESTMINIS. GROCERIES. ? A j^AVK TIM K A ND NTUKNOT I1 4 1 By using AntURuh Witching Prrpara-l y tlon. Will not^rn ili?? olotVs y??l-Y ?HUEBEL'S CR3CEKY HOUSE, f < > 2TjI Matket Street. 4 5? - -? - - -- - - o isilOK I&PAIK1NG. nnvinN mini hi uirinc; rn.. 1741 Market Street. PRACTICAL ^HOT-MAKERS. Shoes nrally ivp I ml and half noled while i'ou wait. HALF BOMN< AND IIBKMXC2. I'BOHliO .... fiOc. 1741 Ma kot Sti?OU N ). ?. 8TIFBL A CO. ST1FEL ? C0. /ers going out if you arc provided turn the rain, also one that will iot necessarily be aa expensive lg a good Fast Black Gloria, A?ood Handle .Lmbrdla at C. Gloria Umbrellas, tight rolling, m Steel Rods, with Ucvi Dxes2.98 Each. landles in 3-adies and Gents' las, from S2.00 to $12.00 each. ID GLOVES. Be sure you liavc the best make of Kid Glove before you purchase. MONARCH leads the race?its perfection in every sense being real kid, coming in ail colors, and having the large and stylish clasp in metal and pearl; also full assorted lines in "MAGGION1" FRANCESCO (original Ccntcmeri), the V?a?4- (ittitin KitHnn nrlmra tJl<? uwi uvung, umiuu - market in Blacks and Colors. These gloves are cheaper than other brands because the); wear longer.' * r under the sun, in any; ividth", Roman, Dresden Moire, Plain e, Stripes, Plaids, from the nare wide sash widtlis. Specially Cravats and Belts. SMALL! ,'elry. New ideas, elegant den Jeweled Belts, Purses, lYaist lttonf, Hat Pins, etc, Jfel & Co. WANTED. Bookcase wanted-a large, second-hand bookcase. for law books, wanted cheap. Address N. C. H.. Box 24-4. aps-tth&s* Wanted-position by a young mail hs traveling salesman or^ In stor* or omce. siricuy xcmpvjm**, address. strong and not ^ra,? J* *?rk. Excellent reference. Address HLSTL?BK. IniMHtrcncer office. aPAGENTS WANTED. srt.L THR Indelible Check Perforator: retail; at *3.00: large commission. WE8LM MF(l. CO.. 41 Park K"*- N"*' A "rU AGENTS?HI'-Kh. is A 400 per cont profit. 13 to {3 a day sun-. Every man and woman u possible cn?tomer. Send silver dlmo for 25c uample. CHICAGO COUPON CO.. Chicago. ?P3' \tTA NT ED?AG ENTS TO SELL THE f T Indelible Check Perforator; retail* nt 13.00: larjje commission. WESLEY. MFG. CO.. 41 Park Row. New York. ?p3* SALESMEN?LOCAL AND TRAVELING, to handle a necessity for all lines of retail trade. $f?.oo per day and expenses. Light samples. Addrrxa JiOL., SMS Market street, Philadelphia Pa. npT>__ Agents wanted in every county to sell the only authentic story of the Hatfleid-McCoy feud. Sells for 23c. Good pay to active workers. For terms and territory write BARCLAY & CO., Publishers. Cincinnati, O. mr23-tth&s WANTED?A LIVE. ENERGETIC man to sell and collect In a Rood country town near Wheeling; alio 1 man for Wheeling and vicinity. Call on or address THE SINGER MFG. CO.. TO Twelfth street. Wheeling. W. Va. apfi-tth&s Agents everywhere to sell History of the Pearl Bryan Murder. Thrilling account of this startling crime with details of trial, conviction ana tragic hanging of the murderers, Jackson and Walling. Many full-pa*? Illustrations. Price 25 cents. Sells on sight. Send for terms and list of fast selling 23c. books. BARCLAY & CO., Pub'rs. Cincinnati, O. ap2-mw&f. FOR RENT. TJ10R RENT-SEVERAL GOOD ROOMS .1: In the City Bank Building. Inquire at tho City Bank of Wheeling. mrtO Hotel for rent and furniture in same for sale cheap. Enquire of r. t. Howell or w? v. Campbell, Bridgeport. Ohio. my" 1.10R RENT-BEST OFFICE ROOM IN : the city; large and plenty of light: centrally loeated in best advertised building in the city. Alco lar^e hall for rent. Apply at HUB CLOTHIER8, Fourteenth and Market atreets. Ja22 1 IOH A""' ? ft Room. ?nd Hall, 100T Main St., f-iO. t. Itonma, with hall ??* bath, 1004 Main St.. I'W. w t * Room. .?Jg.? AVVLEY. ?... E.,.?p.nd H?1 EJ.M. .J..n I? OR RENT. Month. < rooms, cottar*. SS Kmi!ucVv ^ !11 M 5 three-room^ tenements, 6- Mfijn *t.? Jj 2 thrce-roornod tenements. 64 Main at.. 5 60 1 four-roomod tenement, 70 Main 5? 2 ?tore rooms nnd cellars.J* Main st... 1? 00 6 rooms. No. 1^fJ?^?Ij.:glrcC Lots No. 9 and ^ lialtlmoresU web. i^t ? in R. J I. GlUcsny's addition, 1100 each. maSi-tf R. IT. , Office Spcoml wnr?I Mnrki't Iiouew. INSURANCE. RBAIi estate TITLE INSURANCE. Ifrou purebMa or make ? iota on rati eiute tiara the title injured bj the Wheeling Title and Trust Go., SO. If.5 MARKET KTIXKKT. n. M. RUSSKLl. L. r. 8TIFFU PrMld?at s?cr?Urf. C. J. RAWl.INU S. L 8IN(JUCTON. Vice PrwMont. An'l Swreiarf. G. R. L UlLCHKlsr. Examiner of Tiltn del7 /-VRDRR8"FOTTTIVB MOST COUPLU fJcATKD ANL) INTIUCATK DB81GN3 Of PRINTING carefully nnd Intelligently cotnnlHrd at the INTELLIGENCER JOB PRINTING OFFICE.