Newspaper Page Text
PRIM OOOPB-8' Stone & 5 " ; Yhecomingw 1 To be | ThisS Dress Goods. I At 25c M-lnch Pi*ure<l Mohairs, W-lnch AH Wool NovrMlr*. 3S-lnch Novelty Mixtures, 28-Inch All Wool K Henrietta, 3S-lnch Check*. Values I iwurty beyond any, wo have ever stoowtu At 39c Over 100 stylet of the celebrated Jwrwtown and Folwell American Novelties. Styles equal to goods costing 75c yard. I At 59c 46-fnch All Wool Covert Cloth In IS different Shadings, 46-inch v ' wide fk*?tch Mixtures. 42 to 46 Inch wide Novelty Suitings, u wonderful collection at Me. Black Goods, SS piccff M-lrteh Figured Mohmln, til, quarter kind, at 17c. 40-!ne5i Figured Mohairs, hall dollar .quality, at 39c. 40-Inch Gold Medal. All Wool Figured Jacquards, at , At\~ Magnificent collection of High Clan French. Gorman and Engllah. also ?bt? celebrated Priestley** Blade Dreva Gouda, from.. 73c to $3.50 Yard. AVTCTT t0 either oui holstery Dep Stone & ALTERATION SALE-G All Whe Was NOT at our st( WERE there. Thos Iiave taken cognizant MENTS held forth inducements still exi: 1 For instance, am could buy: Figured Foulard Silks as wide as gii and all other plain and fancy Silks, iwliirtlnnc toir Mnvfltv Drp? glVBk Z~ ? ? 50c Black Henriettas at 39c. 50c at ings at 36c, and all fine black and c at great reduction*. I2$e bright cc iVeilings at 4c yard. 35c Spong-; Ci at 3?c yard. Prints at 3jc and 4AC 2|c yard. DressTrimmings ic yar< pair. Hosiery 7c pair. Fancy Ei Screens 98c, and many other interest Prices on Hnusel tinned this week. ***??Onc line of tl sale price 25c yard. Come to the ... Ready-Made De[ To-day?want to slu in Suits, Skirts, NVr; crs ever offered I "" Remember, SALE will only conl IWILL' iYOU BE .WITH US TO-I GEO. M. St HATH-M'I \ EASTER HATS * * flflff If?f?-*xtr? fln? quality?col, I on Black or elegant Ooldrn llrown? FOR ONLY 9I.50- ? \ McFADDEN'S 1320 AND 1322 MARKE fONB O THOMAS. Thomas. EEK JS Jt the (ireatest Une that [tore Has Ever Known. | Ladies' Suits. IN ALL THE LATEST AND BEST 8PIUNO STYLES. A irell made Fly Front or Eaton Suit of All Wool 8er** or Cloth. Coat Silk Lined. In black, liluo and Green, at $4.95. A mijwb All Wool Covert Cloth Suit. Jacket Silk Lined. In Tttn, the New Tale Bluo or Block, at.. $4.90. Ladle* Suit* In other material* on | up to $35.00. Silk Waists. Ladle** Fancy Changeable Taffeta Silk Walft*. btrjfrt aascrtment of color combinations, at.. $2.48. Ladles Figured Changeable Taffeta Silk Walets. trimmed In Loco and Velvet, at $4.45. Separate Skirts. La/lies' Fimirrd Black Mohair Skirts. A apedal purchase of 100 well lined, Velwt Bound, and * auperlor quality of Hlack Mo najr, regular i-.bQ value, at $1.68. Carpet, Wall Paper or Upartment will prove interesting Citable to you. Thomas. xrn u ovnow ** no eling jrc yesterday, but immense throngs ;e who did NOT get in, might not :e of the UNRIVALED INDUCEin our big "ad." yesterday. These St. long other things, we said you ighams at 48r yard. up to the finest, at i3 Goods at 6Jc yard. id Ooc Novelty Suit olored Dress oood , >lored Cotton Nun's rcpon (2 vards wide; yard, (.linghams at 1. Fabric Cloves 9c nbroidereil Japanese ting things. told Goods quoted last week" conItis season's 38c French Organdies? > >t. )W you the GREATEST VALUES ips, Wrappers and Children's ReefIlia t this GREAT ALTERATION tinuc nine days longer. )AYi iOOK I CO. FADDBN'S. ??? < THESE ARE THE !! ? CORRECT STYLES. , | Alpln* Kofi Hats?the mrrrrl *, Hi*(n>nt quality?colors IJIsck or (Jold- (> < ?;n Jlrown? ^ ^ for only es cents. o hat store,:: !t street, wheeling. ' ' ' . 8UOB3--AI.SXANDBtt. o THE MOST PERFECT Footwear Bldl In thi* world eomw from tho factory of I.olr<1, Hohrwt>??r ? Pn Tlialp iiK.yf n? llroMM HhO< for MfHdftn In a Cloth Top Button, 01 th? Colonial LaM. S2JM. Children! Sixes ftamo shoe. S2.00. ALEXANDER, SHOt Statu. 1040 MAW St. | Dollars f /t ? & Jtiiat. A yD Sf Yoor dollars will buy most any ?J J31 piano* but if you will exomino A. J? THE NEW STYLE W LIDWIG PIANO ?| Your good feme will tell you & EL it's the oely piano you Heat ft W ?? ? F.W.BaumerCo. ? 1310 MARKET NTRCET. W ffltr.3ntciliacnrer ^ Ofllrvi No?, 1.i nml ^7 yourUiuUiNlmi. \rw AdvrrlWnunti. Wall Paper at Half Price?Jos. Graves Son. Fromaxe de Bri*?H. P. B?hren* Co. To Louu-J3.0W. I2.UW and JGOO?Eraklne & Allison. Wanted?A Good Farm Hand. For dale?100 8hade Trees. Palace Furniture Company-Fifth Page Oriental Palms?G. Mendel & Co.?Will Page. Hoys' Clothing-naer's?Eighth Pag". All Wheeling?Geo. M. Snook A Co.Elxhth Page. Another .New Cereal?Albert Stolze & Co Dr. W. S. UutctiittM?Removed to W< j Main Street. faster Hats?McFadden's Hat Store! Eighth Paso. Reef. Wine nnd Iron?R. H. T.lst. Easter ?'ards and Booklet*?Stanton'i Old City Honk Store. To Whom it May Concern?Wheeling Icc Exchange. Williams Typewriter?Copp A Devore. ' "THAT HEAVY. TIRED 7ZELUH}," rauarti ,ny reacting tne iru*pntmn( wis, of arlf-natned optical riDrrli t?', dotttora (! f prufriiort (?) and clairvoyants t?l I ran lir rnrnl wllhoRl publicity bf J. \V, I Urabb, Optician. SPRING OPLNlNG^OrTriitSS & SONS. j Wf Iiita n?w ou ethlblf all the latest ! nairltlr* In Halting*, I'roufrlugt, Fancy Vratlnc" * '? Oeerroatlnga. 'I he aivltali appearance, good fit, durability and entire aaaUfactlon of onr garinrii'tn la onr repntatton. Wlrfi of onr snltlnga thla aprlnc will be 940.00 and np, Tronaerlng* 95.00 and up. Oar ( ruts' Fornlahliig department la complete* The beat snodi at lownt price*. C. IIP.'W * HO**, 1.191 and 1343 Market Slmt. TIMKI7 U'llflfailed to get waited on yes1 lluoD ?liUt,.r(jflyt W||| And equally im great Inducements to-day. GEO. M. SNOOK & CO. Kselllng Election. j Yesterday at Mingo Junction, up th< j river, the school board election was th< most exciting ever held there, the featuw belns the large number of women whe turned out and worked and voted. Thert were five candidates; they and their vote . are as follows: James McKay. 234: Roman Devore, | 214: B. F. Coombs. 202: J. W. Patterson, I 1M: David Jordiin. 1;". Messrs. McKay ""/I n?vnr? trArc r>Ir?r?tf?d. Th??lr force* I were efficiently handled by Messrs. Taylor Griffith nnd Wetland Thomas, "the yellow kids from Hogan'a Alley." F.pworlb Election. The Fourth Street Bpworth League held It* annual election of officers la?1 night, with the following result: President?Dr. J. A. Cox. First vice president?Miss Pearl Dillon. Second vlco president?Miss Kstella ^Third vice president?Mis* Edna Palrd. FourUi vice president?Miss JeanctU Balrd. Secretary?I)r. Ernest Dullard. Treasurer?Mrs. Jessie MeAdams. orgunlM?Miss N. Montgomery. Musical director?Miss Kate Wlncher a onrt-r ovnPT R aouvi i uv> ui? Strangtraln lh? City ami WhHlim Polks Abroad. W. L. McMorrls, of Parkcrnburpr. !i registered at the Windsor. Charles Olflln wn* u Buekhannon res I dent at the Howell yesterday. Cnptalrr Robert II. Bronx?, of r.rapi Island, was In tho cKy yesterday. J. K. W. McCulley 1? seriously 111 o lunic fever ut his home, In the Easi End. Mrs. O. N. Koen and Miss Dnl.?v L ICoen. of Mannintrton, are stopping a th?? Stamm. Mrs. Mary A. Mcllwnlne. formerly o this city. I?a? oppnca a coi tnge In Atlantic City, for th?* season. Dench, the Pittsburgh cycler, wlu won the recent nix day'?* race ?t Detroit, H the guest of ft relative In Mar tin's Ferry, Zenas Erwln. Ilo expecti to tnk'> tu the path thl? lumnur am will also content In several Indoor low dlslanco race*. FOR cure of rhoumnflsni, neuralgia rut*, sprains burns, stlnps. chilblains sciatica, and lumbago, one Salvatlor Oil. _ THE Oreat Universal Referenco Rid path's Universal History. IF you want I*?co Curtains, Curtail Poles or Window Shade*, go to th< nn i*tful f i )i alrnft npvt tr the Exchange Bank. TlinnQAVI^of dollars worth of mer I IFO c)i<in?llMo At 111 to unlond lake advantage of our wonderfully low prices. GEO. M. SNOOK A CO. A NICE Kranlch & Bach upright pin no. I)til llillo uwd. ?III 0cll at u bar gain. Come la and ? II. P. W. UAUMKR CO. THE Unlveriuil Refcraaco Rid path'* ITnlvemal History. ONI? thing sure, If you want Clothlni or Hlioe*. yon will And the bent valuw at Bonth'a now atoro on Twelfth street WHEELING WINS. The Well Known Brilliant Tub Works Que Decided IN FAVOR OF WHEELING PEOPLI Who ContMUd th? AMlgnraent that H? Knr Mad* by the Ofleiri WilhMt th Formality of ft MHtlug of lh? Board < Director*?The Property Sow Oo? lad the IIaudi of Ilrcolvar PrlMl?Will ti Pal Kip tor HaI*? n Reader* of the Intelligencer will r? k member the light of last fall, when th 5 Brilliant Tube and Pipe Work*, c * Brilliant, Ohio, went into the hands c tin am* iff nee through uctlon t^ken b President Jackson, a Pittsburgher. Thl action woa opposed by the Wheelln stockholders of the concern, promlnen among whom were Messrs. Joseph Spel ; del and George K. Wheat The matte went into court end the Wheeling pea pie had a receiver, H. M. Priest, u tfteubenvllle, named, but he was unabl to obtain possession of the work! wmcn were ucm u> .wsihii'-*: ters. There has been a MTiM of legal pre ceedtngs since, and the latent occurre yesterday, at SteubenvlUe, when Judg Mansfield handed down a decision in th case of Joseph Speldel et al. of Wheel Ing. The court held the deed of assign ment which had been made without meeting of the board of directors to b void, thus setting aside the de?*d. 13 consent of the plaintiff, th?? recelvci Mr. Priest, was ordered to pa* out c the proceeds of the property sum o |4G$ DC, due the watchmen and laborer employed by Assignee McMasters. Th other claims of the assignee, tneludin l.i. ..n-n t..f ivininMnMlliin nn?l hln Hi torney's fee*, were refuafd. to whlc finding McMosters took exception an gave notice of appeal. This declalo place* tJie property in the handa of He cvlver Prieat, who has already bee granted permission to sell the property THE POPULARITY OF THE KLAIAUE] PIAWO. V* W. Baimtr Companf Onlcr B*T*nt Carload* of ThtflU From Mualc Trade*. Tho blading Mus 1c Trade papw pub llahed in New York, contain)* tin* fol lowing very complimentary notice o the F. W. Ha inner Company, of thl city, toffether with a haJf-puge plctur : of the two carload* of Krakauer Pla noa recently received by this enterprla . in?r Arm. "An Illustration on another pace o this issuo of Music Trade jri/es an ide : of the popularity of the Krakow Broa.' pianos. When a concern like th F. W. Bautner Company, of Wheelinp YV. V?s. one of th-? strongest a no mw \ reputable Arms of dealers in the trad* order aoch a shipment of piano*. It oai be depended upon thai the imitrumen Is a good one and that they are wlllin, to recommend it to their customers. I } shows that It has already gained stronghold in their territory. The pride of this great firm of deal era. who only handle reputable inake< Is to have Instruments that they ca; 1 conscientiously recommend to *hel ( customers. The P. W. Baumer Com pany haa pushed the Krakauer plan for over fourteen years, and hav? hai an ample chance to fully test the mcr Jls of the instrument. It l? a icrea compliment and testimonial to Messri Krakuuer Bros. ?o luive surh a con cern place on order with them of sucl dimensions. The Baumer Company ho never feared to praise this Instrumen to any piano buyer, and they hav placed the piano in the hounes of man; of the most prominent people, both I: the social and musical world. Iti the! district, and hold many testimonial! praising the merits of the Krukauer pi ano In the highest terms. This Is the largest single shipment o pianos ever received In Wheeling. Wftl the great push and energy of the Bau mer house. It will soon be followed b; as large, if not larger, shipment or in Krakauer Instruments." Wheeling has reason to be proud o this hous**. which is doing so much t ! advance the cause of musio In this see (ton. MOZART PARK LXAOUS. Board of Directors Organizes?A Sara me Howling The season at Morart park, the popu ' far hill-top resort on the South Slde.wJ! [ soon open and the board of directors t , preparing for a successful season bj arranging for several attractions som of which cannot be made public at thl ; time. The board has organlxed by elect ! Ing the following officers. President?W. C. Handlan, sr. Vice President and SuperintendentCharl<? Horstmann. Secretary and Manager?Will C Handlan. Jr. , Treasurer?Charles A. Bower*. Ticket seller?William Horstmann. k Manager Handlan has already ar ranged some strong bowling attraction for the park this spring ami summer, j summer bowling league has alread; been partially organlxed with six club and applications for two other club will receive favorable consUleratlor Applications should be made to Mana ger Handlan at an early date. In nddl Mm? th<?ri? will be several lndlvflufl tournaments. Teams from Pittsburg Allegheny. Cannonsbur*:. (Pa.), an Cincinnati will too brought here durln the Hiuninrf. _ nnvT \IKCOo. M. finook & Co: liUii 1 iHIOOcreat Alternation Sale. ' TUB now store on Twelfth street wl be opened on Wednesday, April 14. Th Arm does not claim ihu largest stocl but the cheapest In the town. Car. > and low prices Is the motto. A genen: lin?* tif clothing, shoos, ladies' nn , g-nts' furnishing goods, hosiery, mat ' tings, rugs. etc.. etc., will be sold. Fin door above the Exchange Batik. A FINE used Kranlch & Bach U| ' ripht piano, In good condition. Will so at a very low figure f F. W. RAUMHR CO. it iffifnrmnKsi.t? ?t nn win ?,? ? i , ALL nAIMS l?>r cent bcloxv mark* . prices. Not an old one Among them. . r.EO. M. SNOOK & ro. t J Mtliinery Oponlnjr on TuecdJty at No. \ Mnln utreat MRS. JEflfllB McADAM. THE NEW WAY. * ckat suctuu ro? rnmr. ? i IMS Of ms Win tlASMS. I Our n*w frientlflft method of fxnmlnln thn eyi?i? r.nd mtln* plu*?M without put " time drucs In tlis eyes and tnaklns th paifrut blind for a wc?k. or bavin* th?r It for hour* looklim at chart* and tryln to lit Ihemnelvoe until they broom* bo 1m wlldert-d they cannot tell what I hey rn pre. We fit tlie rye for examination with out depending on the patient and knoi when they are fitted correctly. Consultation and examination free. PROF, a SHEFF, * Tha Scientific Optician. STolephono No. H3. UIO Main Street. THB HPB-OLOTHrgna AND FPRWlagBBg. " I .Turn On I ; The X Ray , Of sound judgment, let it penetrate through all th& claims of variety and value that arc being made. Don't stop it till it gets down to the l>onc of fact. I Others' offerings won't cast a shadow beside the variety of the long rows of tables here, filled full ' - * !!?!? > !/!??/? /lHilifit In/I if oi inc (angiuic cviuvuvt ui i?ai?}??....?, if _ variety, and backed by a guarantee litat's as gooil y ' as a government bond I TURN IT ON TO THESE. ir ( * -> iOur $10 and I $12 Grade=^ n ? Of Suits and Spring Overcoats. _wc coma nang our rcpa? J tation on that peg. It's a popular grade. Kverybodi if knows we've made it so. Tisn't the cheapest. "We've gy J $5 and $8.50 grades. 'Tisn't the best. We've got 'cm up b to $25; but it's a between price, with more quality to eommend tlian you'll find for $5 more elsewhere or can get madj to order for $20, with a good three times the variety. Otlif; n folks don't dare to raise their curtains above the S7.50 notch. Too much light would reveal the weakness of their stock, ; Boys' Clothing. f Especially in these days, just preceding Eaiter, we ?rt equipped for the great rush that always surges to us to.- the youngsters' apparel. It is becausc year alter year vou havs found the greatest satisfaction in our qualities, variety ir.d prices, that sends you unhesitatingly here. You are on the right track more so this season than ever before, Cqpn-is. thc-Hole Puzzle with every Boys' Suit, 11 ~ t THE - HUB, n ' r ? Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers, HUB COBNER, FOURTEENTH AND MARKET STREETS, I Wheeling's Largest and Only Strictly One Price House. j; baer'3 clothing hoose. i ; BAER'S, twelfth?street, | 7 1 t) attn' ; Duy& |||if Clothing. : or 5r?Ji >..Y il if ?M< Iium T rtt*c tA rlppcc vnr VP I e lliuu " an interest in tliis Clothing Store I Tg TOMK MB QtHHT? |?I>BI M an(] ,'ts Joints?because it is con- I stantly raising the standard oi I Boys' Clothing. The stock we show is tailored to perfection. Loc!( I at it?prove its merits by the hardest tests you know, rrove nr comparison?that is the court of last resort in fixing the degree ci merit. ROYS' SHORT PANTS SUITS ..... $2 S 6 BOYS' LOXG PANTS SUITS $5 to $ij CLOTHING HOUSE. a SHOES?J. H. LOCKE SHOE COMPANT. 0, \ J tallies' Finn Vicl Kid Shoes, Mutton and Lace, |j i, Chocolate and Wine Color, Needlo und Coin Toes i j; $2.50. jj ,, Gentlemen's fine Vicl Kid Shoes, i,tiro and Congress, aa j <1 Chorolato and Wine Color. Coin Toos .... vJ'"" f . i .1. T I Tiiese represent everything you can pet, and more than you will expect ior ' "* f pn ? | I = |j. H. LOCKE ^OE C?J| 13 WALL PAPER. | OrTIOIAN. I ; WALL PAPER, j i srw w;7Sn,lS. ,r,;7n|s ,: Embracing the latest designs in m#n? , u | tVr K J /- r\ . have i??curc?J the srrvlro* or . ! Wall and Ceiling Decorations, w ?t < <>i?.wY00?"?* ? nnd can guarantee *ntl?fucUon to out Wc arc confident we can r satisfy you, both in our goods Dillon, Wheat & Hanchcr Cft and prices, if you will kindly " . ... PHOTOGRAPHY. J ? give us a trial. n MYLE8' ABT STUDIO. w john friedel & co., Photographs. EES I 1