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BOTB' SUITS?M. qUTUAN O 03. *pT CAN MAKE A BOY tt look like a gentleman And feel like a King In one of our NOBBY SPRING SUITS. This Una was selected with a view to making both parents and boys our friends. The boys want suite that look rlght-the parents want suits that oost right, and the combination is guaranteed at this store. ?rrn Confirmation Suits. ? A wonderful line of MEN'S SACK AND FROCK SUITS-pertfminor. latest effects In Chevlota. the tailoring Is the best I WW We're enthusiastic over them. Come and see what you think. AFRESH LINE OF SPRING OVERCOATS just In?a selection worthy the attention of every man who wears good clothing and wants to save on his tailor bill. IT PAYS TO TRADE WITH US. M. 6UTMAN & CO. MAIN AND TWELFTH STREETS. -.T-IPATT,. n.aiagaiia,T. AUCTION SALE. ? Auction 9rilp -fe Household Goods. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20 AND 21 / CORNER TffEHTY-THIRD AND MARKET STREETS. ? 1 . m. 1 - Parlor Soites, Gasoline Stoves, Bed Room Suites, Cooking Stoves, Bedsteads, i Folding Beds, Dining Chairs, Sideboards, Odd Wash Stands, Parlor Stands, Odd Dressers, } Mattresses, Kitchen Chairs, Springs, Dining'Tables,! Mattings, Oil Cloths, | Bogs, CARPET REMNANTS. The above goods are all new and first-class. You will miss great bargains if you do not attend to this sale, as this is house cleaning time. All goods delivered free. Sale commences at 9 a. m. WH. H. HALLER, Auctioneer. ro BE RIGHT UR IO DATE YOU MOST HAVE THE Daily <?> & Intelligencer, <VG .. .^.REDUCED TO?? ? Ten Cents Per Week. I Al l THF NEWS FROM EVERYWHERE. > > > > Send in Your Orders ot Oncc by Postal Card or Telej* phone No. 822. > Under eminent scientific con APE The Best Natura, The most certain and com constipation and sluggish liv STATE SOCIETY"! Of the Duughtern of the Kcvolittton Formed Lass Night. Till: ATTENDANCE WAS LARGE And luullitMlmm wu ? Fralar* of (lie Proceeding*?Mr*. C. W. MrockMlllrr. of Whrclluc, Eltclnl lt*g*ut-> A Local ('h*|ilrr lo wblcli (be \*uir of llial llcrolr Cilrl. Kllubtlh'/dir, WM dl*?. | Mfiulwri I'lrtuullr Eul*rtalnrd. Laj?t night at the home of Mr. C. W. Brookunler. North Main street, the tein purary organisation or a state society 01 the Daughters of the Revolution, which was effected a few weeks ugo, was chrystallied Into a permanent organization. Following the organization of the state society, M local chapter of the Daughter* ??f the Revolution, to be known as the Elisabeth Zane chapter, wae organized. The organizations were formed from the call l?*u<?d by the general officers at New York, and last night was especially fitting for the ceremonle*. being the one hundred and .second anniversary of the battle of Lexington. Th*re was a large attendance of those eligible to membership and they were hospitably entertained by the Misses Brockunler. The Continental colors. bufT and blue, were very much In evidence. The meeting VU CHlira xo urun Mm. C. W. Brockunler. temporary regent. The communication from th<* general society authorizing the f<'rmatlon of a Mate society ww read, and the constitution submitted and adopted. Officer* for the ensuing year H ere then elected as follows: Regent?Mm. C\ W. Brockunler. Vice regent?Mrs. J. J. Holloway. Secretary- Miss E. S .Brockunler. Treasurer? Mrs. J M. Wl??stllng. Historian and registrar?M Us Julia Wllaon. The board of managers consists of the regent, secretary and the following five members: Mm. M. Balrd. Miss A. B. Carter. Mis* Elizabeth Sooy, Mm. P. J. Hupp. Mrs. Andrew Wilson. Receta ffu th^n tak?-n. during wtllcb refreshment]* wore served. The board of managers then met.and passing upon the application* for menibernhlp. authorized the establishment of a local chapter, to bf called the Elizabeth Zane chapter. The local chapter then went Into session. and organized by adopting a constitution and electing the following officers: Regent?Mm. Reed M. Balrd. Vice regent?Mm. A. B. Tarter. Secretary?Miss Sophia Carr. Treasurer?Mm. F. J. Hupp. Historian?Miss Todd Balrd. The election of an executive commit Th* members <>f the society, are j also members of the local chapter. The j pre#eac member*hJp will doubtlau be Jneheaaed as there are many In the city who are eligible to membership. The following la the membership: Mwdameis? Reed M. Italrd. S. Brady, 1 C. W. Brockunier. A. B. Carter, Dr. K. A- Hlldreth, C. P. Dickinson, Clark Hamilton. Andrew Wilson. J. J. Holloway. Mary Norton. William HeUkeK. I*. F. J. Hupp. J. M WlMtilw. Mini Todd Baird. Helen Caldwell, Mary Brockunier. I-aura Caldwell. Shirley It. ockunkr. Klisubeth F. Soov, Sophia Carr. Julia Wilson . I Martha Caldwell. Kdna MeCourtney, Kate Hunter, Ida I'pdegrafT. Sue Caldwell, 1 HHtaberh Z?ne chapter will mef?t monthly, but the meetings will be chiefly of a social nature, an.l probably a aeries of entertainments will be given to ral?e | money for the erection of a tablet commemorative of the battle of Fort Henry. | "OUB AMERICAN COUSIN" Glv?n B?fdrtaLar|? AadUnn I.??t Evening by lite Carroll Dramatic t'lab-Pca* The Carroll Dramatic Club scored a triumph last night In 1ta presentation of I "Cur American Cousin," at the Carroll.j Club Auditorium, a large crowd being present, and tiie beautiful comedy-drama. being rendered In an artistic manner. The cast of characters, printed in yesterday's Jntelllgencer.wa* able and well drilled, and all the magnificent scenery of thin handsome little theatre being called into requisition, the play proved a veritable mine of pleasure. Throughout the three acta applause was frequently manifested, and it was the applause that springs from true appreciation of worth. The parts had been carefully assigned, and as stated above, wero in good keeping. Tho bright particular stars were Charles H. Kay. as Asa Trenchard, the "American Cousin," and Mlsi Mary Ray, as "Florence Trenchnrd." Both Mr. Ray and Miss Ray displayed genuine noting, and it is not lavish praise to say that there is a legion of professionals much inferior. Fred R. Slathers, as "Lord Dunreary" furnished a world of fun. , Miss Mamie Owens was a sweet and winsome "Mary Murcott," and sang excellently a little ballad while at the spinning wheel. The fates seem prejudiced a pa Inst J. Bernard Handian. for, oh In previous productions. he wa* oaflt M 1,0 heavy villain. He improves with cach production, too. ? /- ???% ,.<1,1 A? "Abel Murcott." waiter , was gocd. III.h part t?mpto<l him to overdo It. but he gave it conscicntlous treatment. For the other character*, praise la a!fo due. The othera (akltiK pnrt were: Mlaxea Ella Waterhouse, Nora O'Brien, Clara Wlngerter, Annie Kughlen. Emma Zoeckler: and Messrs. K. P. Hughes. Vincent Owen*. Bernle Wlngerter, John Wlngerter, (Jus Weltxell, and George Klein. Tlio Opera House orchestra furnished the mualc. "MY huahand had two cancera taken from his face, and another was coming on hifl Hp. Ho took two bottles of Burdock'* Blood Bitter* and it dhappeared He Is completely well." Mrs. William Kir by. Akron, Erie County, X. Y. 3 \l \TTIVfN *orlh 2Ko-:,t v'r ;11.1IIMU0 <!KO. M. HNOOK & CO. WHEN* a cold 1" contracted, cure it at once. One Minute Couffh Cure will s?'t you on the toad to recovery In a minute It will cure pneumonia, bronchitis. croup and all forms of lung and throat troubles. Charlea It. (Jrietge, corner Market and Twelfth streets; Bowie A (To., Bridgeport; Pea body &. Hon. Bens WtHMl. H'llCTC nt Alteration Snh- pr'oc* 11 \IMo 11i:n m sxo">K & CO All druffffNt" fotirnnlw* Pr. M1W PAW Pii."<w""l. ll'iKltcho. 0??C"??do. . OABTOH.IA. trol. NTA" (Laxative Water. for table cathartic in cases of er or piles. UllllV'O LVU'TL'II II til AllllM O li.lOlMl U.ibli* rite Animal Eviiil ot llila Koclcty !?? Or- { raitttii of ISrlllUiit ( thrrliiK U?t Xl|lit-Kliic Itfdtlral Programme. The annual Raster concert and ball of the Arlon took place at Its hall last night, and was a very enjoyable affair. 11 was not co largely attended an have been ninny of tb?? Prion's functions, yet th? spacious hall was filled with the members and their wives and sweethearts. The concert began at 8 o'clock, continuing until after 10 o'clock. The pro gramme presented an array of varied numbers that highly pleased the audience. and the programme certainly should have done so, for It was an artistic musical melange. The concert wot given under the auspices of the Arlon's singing section, assisted by Mrs. Flora Williams. Misses Flora Morgan, Berthtt Kchultz. Amanda and Ida Spell, Mr. F.. W. 81 If el, Dr. O. W. Burdatts. and Master Helnrlch We Her. The following was the programme: Overture Opernhaus Orchester. Oster Cantato?"Chor mh Solo" Curl (Jertler Arion Gesamr-Sectlon und Herr Jnqufs Front. Sopran Solo-"Thv Thistle" ? M. V. White Fran Flora William*. Piano Duett?"On HloomlnK Meadows" Rive-King Frla. Amanda und Ida April. Overture OpernhatM Oreheatrr. | Quartett?"Where the Violet* Grow".. J'YJ#. Flora Morgan und Bertha Schultt und Ilarren Ed. W. Stlfel und Dr. O. W. lturdat*. Tenor Solo? "Werberlltd aus dera ZlgeUnerbaron" Johatin Strauss llerr Juques Front. Violin Solo?"Mil Air Varie" De Beriot Hrrr llelnrlch Weller. Sopran Solo? fa> "D?r Asm" RublnsleJn <l>) "Violet. <'oin?? Rejoice With Me" Mm rat on Frau Flora William*. I Chor?"Krleger-Scene" C. I*. Fisher Arton f?e?ang-Sectlon. Director?I'rof. H. M. Sohockey. After the concert, the floor wan cleared and dancing to the music of the Opera House orchestra. followed until an early hour this morning. At midnight a tempt In* luncheon was nerved in the lining rootn. During the evening, many who did not dance enjoyed themselves with cards and kindred pastimes in the parlors. The affair was one of the most enjoyable In the history of the society. LOCAL BREVITIES Matter*of Minor Moment tn and Abnnt fh? nrr. Grand, to-night?The Flints, hypnotists. The LaBclle nail factory started tn full forcc yesterday. Mr. Frank Neuman. of Welliburg. was a visitor in the city yesterday. Council commltfe on finance !?truKpl??<i with municipal finances again la?t night. The Arlon's annual Easter ball was one of the molt brilliant social events of a brilllnnt season In Wheeling. Miss Anna Hall, of Wellsburg. returned t.? her home yesterday, after a pleasant visit to friends on the Inland. "Our American Cousin," by the Carroll Dramatic section scored a triumph at the Carroll Club auditorium laat night. Secretary J. W. Wellman. of the state penitentiary. In another column advertises for supplies for the institution, bids to close on April 27. At the Busy Bee restaurant a profuse *how of flowers, palms and potted plants haa been made, the window displays being particularly fine. The fc.aund was surveyed yesterday frt?? th? dtooi frtot hrldr?> to b? built over tht? Baltimore 6 Ohio tracks at the Riverside Jron work*. In another column Clt*rk Walter Hall, of the board of education, advertises for bids for the erection of the Clay annex building. Bids are to close on April 27. The council committee on police has been called to meet on Friday nt 7 :K) p. m.: the committee on streets, alleys and grades and railroad* will meet on Friday at 2 p. m. Among the arrests by the police yesterday were the following: Harry Joyce and H. P. Maxwell, disorderly, by lieutenant Clemans; Mike Daugherty, drunk. Officer Holmes. The children of 8t. James German Evangelical Lutheran church gave an excellent concert In the class room of the church last night. There was a large attendance. and the children highly pleaded their audience. On'- of two boys while fighting on arrant vmtendav. threw a atone at his antagonist, but the stone missed It* mark an<l onuthed through a window in Harry Kramer's bafber shop. Both boys then took to thtlr heels. Before Squire ntxpatrlck yesterday O. W. HIte was committed to Jail In default of bond for hfa appearand* before the grand Jury. Hlte relieved the pocket of a friend of his, Louts Heinz, of Piedmont, of l&o. while both were drinking in a Market street saloon. The remains of William Stewart, who was found drowned near the Baltimore Ohio bridge at Caldwell's run. Sunday morning, were removed from Schroeder's undertaking establishment to the dead man's home nt the head of Twelfth street, night, and the funeral occura this afternoon. The university center now being established In this city by Prof. M. Davis I* nn assured success and will receive the patronage of many of Wheeling's citizens. The school teachers are already largely represented in in* orpniMuw. ..... Davis ha* ff?ne to Kast Liverpool nnd will return on Wednesday to complete the work here. _ THE Innumerable testimonials In the pnnne^lon of It* proprietors show the good work Salvation Oil Is doln*. cents. liorsfiiioLit xiat AUtrutlon s"? OKU M. SNOOK & CO. DIED. LOT/.?On aitunlny. April IT, 1SPT, ?t 8:10 o'clock |i m.. 0HR18TIAN l.OTZ, hi lil. 74tli yrnr. Punernl trom lil? late rwldcMr. No. TM Market street, Tilwltv mornln* ?t S:M o'clock. Service* ut flt. Alphonum church ut 9 o'clock. Interment at Mt. (Mvftlrv c?,nietr?ry. UNDERTAKING. LOUIS BERTSCHY, ~ (Formerly of Frew & Bert achy > Funeral Hircclor ami Arterial Emlialmer, 1111 MAIN BTHKET, EAST eml-.. Tall* by (elephoti* an*w<?rcd <1 ay ojnight. Rtort tekphonr. &&. rwlMnw, ** t/cnnedy i. rifcw, i\ br?iln?tn of t. S. <oil*)' ol (m'jAlm.nq. IUNERAI DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER, ! With Jl ALEXANDER FREW. 111.1 MAIN HTItEKT. | Irlmhonf 229. (Innp?r?rt 9?art?rt.l palaces ppgymr I0. N. kOCN, Preeldeot. 1. r. HOCN, Vice PrnWral. HOMER R. kOlN, Secret $3 W This Six-Piece Spring Edge, hogany Frame, and uphol O Plush or Silk Tapestry <. II FOR ONE WEEK^??p^ i! Every purchaser of; 14 or CREDIT, will bi jt sonic piece of Tripk of Tea Pols, Sugar Jj Bowls, Etc \\ Palace Furi 1115 Main and 1116 KID GLOVES--GEO. Geo. R. T; Talking About <? ^ CENTEME Having secured the agency for this eel city, we can supply you with any kind, cc same price charged at headquarters In No ? nf thASrf ftlnVM. for It i iiiiik nuv m *?.v ... ...x-. .... feet. Price for ihe &-hutu?n. colored, ply Hlack and embroidered cost a little ni *? Mourning We make a apeclaliy of the belter khi mourning, and experience In Belling: the inand? Prieatley'a manufacture In nearly i choice line of SILK WARP HENRIETTA CLOT CLOTH. SILK WARP MELROSE VEILING, SILK WARP MARCE FOR VEILS. Nl'N'S VEILS WIT1 AND 42x60. ALL PRIESTLEY'S GOODS AND JE' iw-lf or fend n friend to make the selectio; AT THE RIGHT PRICES. New Tailor Made Dresses and Dr ' ? p * Geo. K. i mmm For m. br CHAS. R. OOKTZE. ror?r .M "A HANDFUL OF DIRT FUL OF SHAME." CL! SARC RANGES?NESBITT & BRO. Cinderella Ranges. ' NOTHING BUT THE BEST Material and workmanship enters Into the construction of the Cindorella Range*. Made tn aft styles ami with u view of suiting the most critical. at a moderate J cost. Call and examine them. Nesbitt & Bro., 1312 Market St root. City Agents. WALL PAPER. j JOS. GRAVES' SON ....SELLS.... Wall Paper AT One-Half Price. Nice Delfts and Reds, 10 cts. , 50 Patterns 10c Paper. Gilts and Glimmers at 5 cts. Borders to match. Mouldings from 2 ccnts up. ALSO I CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES. JOS. GRAVES' SON, no. *n TWELtrn htrkkt. RE COUP ANY. ::::::: GIO. C. CHRISTUO. ' JOHN APPIEGAIL ary and (rcdwrcr. vil; | Oak or Ma- CT " stered in Silk J) / J U, * * jf- i ?. <K> , t > i Parlor Suit, either for CASH' <k, S presented with a large, hand- < < i .-Plated Silverware, consisting (i t Howls, Cream Pitchers, Berry < < > HI liture Co., ii: Water Streets. ' J | tttittztutittm R. TAYLOR CO. i r\ ^ ayior uu. <t ?jit Rl KID GLOVES. f*brated make of Kid Gloves for ihla lor or ?i7." you may dc^re at the w Tork. Not necessary to ?ay anyIrt generally known to bo simply perIn stitching and large button* la $1.33. ore. Goods* <? ides of Dress Goods and veiling* ror m has taught u# that our trade deall cases, which Induces us to keep 11. SILK WARP EUDORA CLOTH. ALL WOOL NUN'S LLITA. NUN'S VEILING I WOVEN BORDERS, 41'x7Z T BLACK. Whether you come yourn you are sure to get the best and ess Skirts Opened This Week. aylor Co. When In doubt what to u?e it Nervous Debility. Loss of Powrr. I Isnpotency, Afrophr. Varicocele aM v\ other weaknesse?, from any cause, MJ use Sexine Pills. Drains checked L and full vigor quickly restored. iLfz\ irBIMtra. Men imtmrxH ?.u.. Mailed for $1.00; boxc< $&D0. With HpH >5.00 ofdrr* we ? euumnxee to fll*Jl nire or refund the taoney. Addreu rmin PtAL MEDICI IE CO.. Cleveland, 0. arlcot and Twelfth MAY BE A HOUSEiAN HOUSE WITH )LIO J. S. RHODES St CD. Easter Gloves. TRY the: celebrated Clementina Kid Gloves. dfi Price $1.15. Ktjual to any dollar and a half <id Glove on the market, Blade md Colors. J. S. RHODES & CO., SOI.K AGENT. Hal/ Price Sale of Fringed Lunch Cloths. This Season's Goods. An Importer's Odds and linds. J. S. RHODES ft CO. RESTAURANT AND CAFE. JUST OPENED t 1402 Market Street. Warm meals aerved In their be ft atyla Dining room* cosey ana anus. All abort,rder cook In*. and pi lcea reasonable. Onlr restaurant that provide* a flrat OllH I nill**"' Gentlemen's Pining Parlor. Kntrance on Fourteenth atrect. Merchant*' Dinner Dally. cents. Ktrat-cla*a Krenoh Chef. _ iioi" S inti:llAKi-P- rroprmor. SnOK IIEPA1RINO. BOSlON SIIOr REPAIRING CO., ?4 174 J Market Street* PRACTICAL SHOEMAKERS. Bhoca neatly repaired and half aol?* HALF BOLlNO AND HEELING. l'K(iliKI) 500. 1*41 Market Street A'lJ , ' ??i i