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! for big damages. The Case* of Two People's Party Leaders Against the i PROPRIETORS OF THE REGISTER fifr V?rA!li|MlBliiMl?nnPBUlMtlMMD?f I?| Um LaU Canpalfii, Plfrnred la the 0 Ctnmtt Comrt of Obi o Cmm miy VtilinU/. r.s TIm MMUh to (Imuk Uu W'rU Had* by p. - IIm Defendant S?t for Consideration ou I: May S?Doing* at in* rmtme nanau?g. Yesterday. In the circuit court. Judge Hervey on the bench. the damage su Us of two well known People'* party leaders against tho West Virginia Printing Company, publisher* of the Wheeling Register. figured in tho day'* proceeding?*. I The parties to the suit appeared by their attorneys. The motion of the Register's attorneys. Messr*. Caldwell & Caldwell, for th*? quashing of tho writ and the return thereon, was net for consideration before Judg? Hervey, on May 9. The attorneys for Messrs. Sp?nce and Ffersol worn Messrs. Hutchinson & Archer, of Parker bunr. The damage ?uitj?. each of which In for S3&000. grow out of a publication In the Register during th<? late national cam II, vtdgn. In which ft was alleged time |j,' Uetwrf. Spence and Piersol were dlrectfInr their influence in the Popallat orjrinisxtUn to che success of the KepuMlc-nn } *tate and national tickets? in other words that they had sold out to the Rc. publicans. ytmoy Council Commdlm. I Many council committees will meet on Friday. At 2 p. m. the committer < on railroads and streets, alleys and \{. grades will meet to consider the Reymann switch, and In the evening these will meet: Finance, petitions and remoo* trances. police. The flnanee will linlKA the work of mnatrurtlng p. nual appropriation ordinance. la Cltrk lloberfson's OHm. titIn Clerk Jtohertaon'a office the foJjf. lowing transfer* of real estate were rei corded yesterday: g?v- Deed mad** April 21, 1W7. by Re Iter ?nd Caroline Rtaater, to JL M. Kau; F deed of correction. $? ' . Deed made April 9, 1S97. by H. C. and p? Menu Soric. to Lout* NVJbersal, srrantgIflff right and tic! In hit ?7, on Bcff p\ Klrcet. between Forty-fourth and For1;". ty-flfth streets. p In the matter of the estate of John I*. c,.'. CampO.U. dcceuned. Jame* Campbe'l I ?t?v^ln?.jd administrator. tml kiv I- l*1 M,rn S10.000. with tho \ hCht vui securities. ii" is ?1ko appolat1 ed guardian of Genevieve Campbell. ? 9 '.minor child or John P. Campbell; iond, s W>0t Jad;c Herrrj Decline*. % Yesterday, on Judge Hervey> nide of I;: the circuit cour:. the appeal of William Eaton from the decision of Jug?- Hu? cub In declining to reduce hi." bat! bond $* from $10,000 to or, wa? >/ heard, and Judge Hervejr too dfHin?>d % to reduce the bond, no it i? now finally settled that it will remain at JlO.OOO. !;! Appeal will b?? mad?- to Justice EnsS llah. of the utate snprevne court of ap? peal*, according to .Mr. HI Ilia* staroij went last night. I- Till: RAILROADS. H&j .The railway situation briefly, [3 this. . . outlined by the Railway- Age: The gt*n v ' erl outlook to-day is eminently dlscour| aging. The legalisation of pooling will 1- not in Itself make reasonable earnings. jjV-/ but without such legalization reasonable earning# seem 1c# be impossible. Nor is It the interests of th?* railways only that '}' are involved It i* the interest# of the whole American people. Without more lability in rates ami prices, without % greater amfldence In business circles, a full return of prosperity is impossible. &' There cannot Ix* such strength of tone. U auch stability, or such confidence, *> long as th?* r.':!r ?'!f a:?* with.nit mean:* of agreement, but are l-.-ft t?> th* mercy of I nnre/tr.i *umj*-:i:ion. There nro those, broad-minded and far-sighted i men. who -!o n-.f he*.'tat? to *ay that \ without th?->r. ->r the pooling law a ; return of c:iy < .n?i<2erab|e measure ??f K prosperity in unattainable; that the pr<?si; tnt admtn!svr*tion cannot Justify the exl pectatior.s that have been formed of it. & and rhar. (iait yenr* hence, a defeat for l?i? the cauof national honor and *>und f money will bp inevitable, w newer or ^ not this rea*->mnjc is risrht. thin much 1* | certain: that the chaos which now (. f, threatens to involve the railway interests ;! of the cour/ry mu?t seriously retard the g return of good time* The passage of a 8? pooling Mil alone seenrn to promise ear cape from the peril* of the situation. and the passage of nuch a bill has become a ! national necessity. Laflits .N"*W Ralla. The Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern will begin laying 6,000 ton* of 75 pound ra at eel ra.l! next month. About half is to ? be placed in the Mississippi division ft, track* an-! th^ rest between Parkcraburg & and Chill loot ho. Will 1m lloyal tllnc." The through coaches of the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern which ar?? used !>? tween the west and Baltimore Afc Ohio points ere to be painted Royal Blue, the n*w standard color of the Baltimore & e? Ohio. The n?*t of the passenger equip?. ment will be the standard Pullman color. C0HT8XPT CASE DICIDEE. p AsKnilntfr wlio Aliinilouril lilt Train I* Vnrrr*I Io r?r n rmr. CLEVELAND. Ohio. April Jt-Chlef |k P. M. Arthur, of the Brotherhood of Lof comotlve Engineer* feels very much : disappointed over the action of th?? suprcme court in the case of Engineer Lennon, who was fined $50 for contempt i}- of court in the Ann Arbor strike of 1893. ; "Engineer Jy?nnon was aware that ?n 'I Injunction had been Issued. but had not ^ been served with a copy of the proceeds'^ inga. His crime consisted In leaving !? hit train on the track when he dtecovor(: ed that ho had on Ann Arbor car in It. We carrle-I th?> ch.??- to the highest trlbunal its the land and bow to the court's ji decision. The supreme court's decision ? sustaining the contempt proceedings es&, tabllshes tli" fact that It i? not nn cm proyen action m iuiuuik ???.?, SK manner In which if l? done that constitute* contempt. AH dorl-slon* hold that nn Individual hat* a rlfcht t'? leavo th< 5 employ of an"th??r, but the manner of r quitting: munt guarded." ANOTHER FAIKY TALE \' Of the (Irtal and <*oo<1 Mr. Wrjrlrr?Tli* *> ., liianrgtnt Cmif HAVANA. April 21.?The well known >.y, Insurant l.?ntl^r Julian Zarrngn. tvho nurrendered with Ave of hi* follower* to the Spanish authorities In Plnar del Rln on April JO, ha ' made a f-> h<> 8 Mj.n? Htmin li,? hu?? admitted to rjen J.' eral Inolun that ho h;i:i personally ijyiiul stilted tralni In the province of plnar do I v Klo and aays ho surrendered b?-cau*e he considers tho Inmtrjcent eauae to he la-tZ.irraKit added that the Independence of f Cuba. would mean ehao* and Dual ratnx' ? trophf for the Inland under complete ; jjeRTo domination. I' Seven hundred balea of tobacco were thlpped to-day on American account. f PimrilAQRRQ of Dreaii Ooods above 4Hc . 1 liilMlftOblUl yori5 will receive "Com1nff Style*," by the ?r??at co*tument of R Europe, free of charge. GEO, M, SNOOK & CO. r UtOLTmOWS REPORTED To til* ro?atltutl*n?l front IM Nnto-COMmlKM-A Very n?jr. Special Dispatch to the Intelligencer. CHARLESTON. W. Va.. April The constitutional committee put In another busy day to-day. Moro resolution! were offered and referred to the sub-committee* and a number of reports , were made by the various sub-committees on resolutions formerly offered. Among the number were the following: Through Senator Whltaker, a report, without recommendation, on the proposed amendment to pay member* of the legislature $300 per sesalon. Irrespective of duration of session. e?e. rec- I ommendlng tin* amounts, and that no | session of the legislature shall continue longer than sixty days, with a forty-live day limit f??r the admission ??f bills; a favorable report on the proportion to elect the secretary of state and adjutant general by popular vote: also recommending that no executive officer shall hold any other office during his term, and the governor to he Ineligible to succeed himself Immediately, and recom mending the propo*ltion giving the governor authority to fill any vacancy In j the executive offices. These reports wlW com** up for con- ! sldenitlon and action to-morrow. The probability of one or two special nubcommittees being appointed to vlalt the j different section* of the state to collect data, etc., on the work of revision, reported In the Intelligencer som?- time ago, wan provided for to-day In a tv*<?- j lutlon offered by Mr. Toler. which will come up for action to-morrow. The Venerable Judge Jnm^tt II. Fcr- j guson, of thin city, madf an extended address beforo th<? committee thl? afternoon, offering many valuable suggesllon*. Hon. David D. Johnson, of Parkersburg, also spoke before th?* committee. He favored the right of religious soeletle# to be Incorporated und hold property. CRORY-KUKUK. Ttr* of Falrmnnt't .Social U?d?ri Jollied j by the Bond* of Matrimony. Special Dispatch to th* Intelllgenccr. FAIRMONT. W. Va.. April 21.-Chrtst Episcopal church was the scone to-night of a very pretty wedding. The contracting parties were Mr. Harry Nickel McCrory, a prominent drugjrist of this place. and Miss Bessie I*ee, oldcat daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Nuzum. The church was most elegantly decorated with Mowers, and crowded !> yond Its capacity. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J,. W. Dogged. pastor of the church. The maid of honor was Miss Martha Dale Nuzum. sister of the bride, and the best man was Mayor Kendall. The bridesmaids were Miss Mary Wiila Cavendar. of Connellsvllle. Pa., and Miss Nellie Crane, of this place. Mate Mnprtma Court. finatla.1 nisnatch to the InlclHcence r. CHARLESTON. W. V.i . April 21.? TfAi statr* supreme court disposed of th< tallowing ctute* to-day : rnlflep Bros. vs. Teter, from Barbour county, opinion by MoWhorti r; reveries aud remand-d Conaway's administrator vs. Stanley et al.. from Pleasant < county, opinion by Dent, reversed and remanded. Morrison vs. Waarjry, from Hrnxton county, opinion by Dent; ?t!lrm*d Currence vs Ward, from itandolph county, opinion by Brannon ntttrnv?<l Jack-on vs. N. & W. R. R. Co., from Mercer county, opinion bv Brannon; r?-versed, and remanded, Judg; Den. dissenting. Pifer vs. Brown. fr.?m Upshur county. opinion by Knsllsh; reversed and remanded. Tlrplett's administrators vs I,nk*. from Taylor county.opini .'i by English, decree corrected nnd affirmed. Prlct* vs. Chesapeake & Ohio Itailroad Company, from Fayette county, writ of error and superseded. allowed; bond, 11.0(f). Parsons vs. Building & Loan Association. from Cabell county, appeal and supersedeas allowed; bond. S1.50O. Long vs. Cunningham. from Harrison county, petition for app^I refused. Adjourned until Saturday. Hprnccr Asylum Ituartt. Special Dispatrh to the Intelligencer BPENCEB. W. Va.. April 21.-M<*?r.x Neil Roblneon. of Charleston; W. If. Howard, of Point Pleasant; J. M. Hayden. of W??sion; L It. Shaw, of Klnirivood: B. W. Foster. Of HunMnqton. and Dr. T. B. Camden, of Pj*rker*t,urg. members of the board of directors of the second hospital for th<? Insane, urrlved her? to-day to hold their anmiAJ meetlnsr. Messrs. Hayden.Shav/ ami How?r?l having been appointed to All the vacancies caused by the- expiration of the terms of Hon. A. B Well' and W. E. Lively ami th?* death ot Judge Dills. _ Ilobblii* MnrtlirCMi) i'ompUtnt. Special Dispatch to the Intelligencer. HUNTINGTON*. W. Va., April 21.?| Pro?ecutln? Attorney Williams eonclud- j *d the argument In the Etta Bobbins murder case this evening. nnd the case | is in the beads of the jary. The prison-, er broke down completely in the court room and wept aloud. Public sentiment f Is about equally divided In regard to the result. The trial of George Harbour, charged with waylaying and killing Robert Ross, will be called to-morrow. An itir*ndlary I'lrr. Special Dispatch to the Intelligencer. NBWBURG. W. Va.. April 21.?The large barn belonging to Mary Simpson, j with all its content*, burned to the ground tills* evening. Th" barn contained .t complete outilt of farming implements. and several t??nn of feed and grain. The Are In supposed to be of incendiary origin, with no clue t.> the Ilend. 1 ir: lun da jcv M uimitv". Took PoImii by MUlwhf. Special Dispatch to th?* !nt"lllB0Ti< or. KING WOOD, W. Va., April 21. Mr-'. Sarah Godwin, v.ifo of Captain J. M. Godwin. of this place, Mm" near dying U?t night fi'??m a dote of jxilsnn the lady took by ini.uak" for medicine. The physician worked moat of the night to aflve her life. _ Prmloni to W VUgt?Uw?. Special Dispatch to the Intelligencer. WASHINGTON. D. C.. April 21.? Went Virginia poitmasters were Appointed to-'lay as follow: At Cornwall!!, J. B. Mclntlr*. vice D. R. Gilbert, removed. Cotven, Webator county. Mrs. R. I*. Miller, vice W. O. Wood*. resigned. Hebron. Pleaaants county. T. K. CIovin, vice O. D. Cllne. r?'slKn<'<!. Miner,Monongalia county.J. O. Clark, vice A. G. Chaplin. re?lgn"d. Ponnnboro, \V. IJ. Kolly, vice J. K. R Woddell. resigned. Hlnnonvlllt*. Kanawha county. W. H. Staatx, \ic?? J. N. Johnnpn. resigned. U'nt Virglnlmi IMimiilril. Special Dispatch 10 the Intelligent'?r. WAHHINOTON. D. April 21 Tiidftuis J. MiKihuit iif U'imi Vlririn* la. wan re-Instated to-day a? a special agent of th?* general land offle". WmI Virginia I'fiulom. Special UlHpatch to thn Intelligencer. WASHINGTON, I>. r? April 21.?.V certificate of the allowance of nn original pension waa l**u?'d 10-day, to Thomas J. Rockey, of Charleston, O.VR application of Dr Thomas' I'olectrlf! Oil takes aivay the pain <?f the moat severe burn. It In an Ideal family liniment. 1 WASH. & JEFF. Q tee. Hon Jo and Mandolin clulm will e.n-r to the musical taste of the Wheeling people, at the Opera House, April 26. \ THE GOVERNOR Of Weit Virginia and u Brilliant Staff Will Witness THli GRANT TGMb DEDICATION On Sot thi il?U-Th? Party will la l*ark?r?barj( on Hatarday ErcHlH|, and w II go Through on Private Car a ad M??p?r via. (he lialCI. mora fe Ohio-A Itactpllou by the Union Lagae Clahou (he 1'rogramiuv of III* VUlt. Although West Virginia's military will not be represented in the Grant memorial exercliea in New York City, next Tuesday afternoon. Governor Atkinson and hi)* brilliantly uniformed Ktaff will be there, no West Virginia will not be entirely a ?t ranged to the occasion. The governor and staff arc to gather at Parkersburg. next Saturday afternoon, and at 6:30 p. m., will leave <>n <t special train on the Baltimore & Ohio, for New York. The train will be made up of a baggage car, Superintendent Thomas Fitxgerald's private car. and a Pullman sleeper. The train Hill reach New York the following morning and the party will upend Sunday and Monday in the metropolis quietly, making their headquarters at th?? Fifth Avenue hotel. It was th? Intention of the governor to leave New York Tuesday evening at the conclusion of the ceremonies, but It has been determined to remain over until the following morning, so that the party can attend the reception given Tuesday evening, at the Union Tragus I Club. In honor of President AIcKlnluy, ! Vice President llobart and the gover nors. This will be the most brilliant feature of the occasion. In the West Virginia party will be Governor Atkinson. Surgeon General Mayer, Paymaster General Cowden.AdJutant General Appleton, Colonel Mor| rJs HorkhpJn>?-r, Colonel Gould, Colon"! ! Curtln. Colonvl Hewitt. Colon* ! Frank j J. Hearne, Colonel Davis Elklna. together with Commissary S?-rgoant Tummy Lewis, of Wheeling, who has proved hlmM'lf to be invaluable ! the governor and staff arc on dress parade. In addition to these, tho partv will j Include Hevretary Howard Atkinson and I Hon. N. B. tfcott. TSMNTT To-nlcht. at the Opera Uou>?. Wheeling will enjoy an evening of grand opera, the first had litre for several year*. The attraction Li the I>" Poarifialt Cranrf Otw>ra Citinpanv. and I i front the testimonial* of tli?- pr?\s? and j public it 1h evident that a mutd'al m at 1* in store for th^ audleno? that will assemble In the Opera House. The pr<?. gramme Includes "Cavallerla Kustlcana," and the second act of "Martha" and the third act of "Faust." In which the characters will be taken as follows: CAVALLKWA III'STIC AN A. Santuzza, a village Kir! Sl?nora It* rale* I>e Paginal! Lola, wife of Alrto Slgnorlna Malanda Jtarberinl Turlddu, a young <oldler Slgnor ManKiont I>* Pa squall | Alllo. a teamster Slsnor Lulgl Sartor! Lads, mother o! Turlddu SgMrim Maland". Barb<rlnl FA I: ST. i Marzurrite.. Rlttnora B*rn?ce l>e Pasquaii Martha SlKnurlna .Malar.da itartn-nnl I Fuuhi Sl?;nor Msnglonl Ijo Papuan M^phif.tophoh^H Sltrnor Luisi Sartorl i SleiK-l Slgnorlna Malanda. liarberini MARTHA. Lady Henrietta (disguised a Marthas. Slsnora Hemic? Do Pa.-?ju".li Xaney, her roaJd I SlKnorina Malandt Barberlni Lionel. a young: faiTnor Si* nor Mansion! De PasquaH Plunket, his frl-nd...8lmor Lulgt Sartor: Tlia Flint*. ! The Flints continue to delight biff audlI cnces at the Grand Opera Houae. In their hypnotic entertainment, whlcJi Is certalnI ly the most Interesting exhibition of the kind ever given In this city. Last night | the feature of the programme tvns the balloon ascension, which was Irresistibly I funny, and fairly convulsed the audience i with laughter. The cla*s of subjects I were mat!- t?? d?> very many other amuaI ing thing.'. at the bidding of Dr. Flint and accomplished daughter. To-night there will be other new features ami the programme Is certain to please all who enjoy a hearty laugh. Miss Ada St. Clair Is creating a decidedly favorable impression by her remarkable contralto voice, and the spirit and expression with which ,?ho gives her selections. The Hints will hold the boards durJnjr the | remainder of the week. ."Vol Unlllf. CHICAGO. April 21.?The jury In the Quinlan-Badenoch damage suit, which retired laft evening, brought In a verdict to-day. ??f not guilty. The case ha* Ix'en on hearing before Judge Chetlaln for two w< < ki\ Mrs. K\io C. Qulnlan, the wife of a Janitor for 11. H. Holmes, and who wxs under arrest for .1 week during th- excitement over the police Investigation into th?f "Holme* castle" .1 year ago, sued ex-Chief of Police John J. Badenoch for JS,CK? for false nrrest. The Jury finds that ltadcnoch wan warranted In what fie did. A second defendant was Inspector Fitzpatrick. but he was discharged afte** <he prosecution had ?uurniuea us eviuenuc. All At conn line hfilrnl. INDIANAPOLIS. Tnd.. April 21.? Judge Woods, in the United State.' courl to-day, decided lhat the ?tat?* of Indiana liny bring suit in the xtate courts against th?r Vandiilia I tali road Company, under no act of the last l*gi<*latur>' to decide what amount ii?-> railroad company ow?-s to the sure on account of the school fund. IlllnnU Slrrl Mrrtliitf. NRW YORK. April 21.?An informal meeting of th? director!* of the Illinois Steel Company was held here to-day. All information concerning? (he meeting was withheld and it could not be ascertained what action. If any, had been taken regarding the $.s,000,000 contract for armor plate which the Russian government placed with the company. AMERICAN'S are the most Inventive people on oarth. To them hove been i.iSUed nearly 600,000 patents, ur inor" than on^-thlrU of all the patents Issued In the world. No discovery of modern yi krs has I n of greater benefit to mankind than Chamberlain'* Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, or has done more to relieve pain and suffering J. W. Vaugn, of OaUton, Ky.. says; I . have us??d Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera | and Diarrhoea Remedy in my f.imilv ) r..f uuuomI v.inrn ami final It ta li?? the I beat medicine I ever lined for crampn In the Htomnch ami bowels. For sale by drugglnK _ NOT only acute lung troubles, which muK jirove fatal In ? few <layn. but old chronic cough* and throat trouble* niny receive Immediate relief and be Permanently cured f?y one Minute <.*ougli Cure. Charles It Goetie, corner Market and Twelfth ftrect*; Howl" A' ??., Bridgeport; Pea body & Hon, llen i. :? "YJULLEN D1VISK>N A II. A apeclal meeting if called for Thurutin y evening lit 7:.w nharp of Mullen Division. A. u. II., at their hall. Hy order T. W. K11.MCKN, flpU President MAinrs mil, ll?p? ami Hiah?|m In lit* Thrlrluf City Ac rot* fha River. T!w meeting of the Women'* Club at the residence of Afrs. A. J. 8u*lth, yesterday afternoon, wa* one of the enjoyable In the hlntory of the society. Thlrty-?lx member? were prweoL Papers were read by Mrs. John f.cld and Ml*4* Anna Boyd and th#?r<? wm a nolo t>y MiM Emily Hove, all of which were | much enjoyed, a* were.aUo. th* refresh- \ menu which u>re very choice. Thl? | wn? the farewell nveetlmi of the club until October, a fact that I* regretted by many of the member*. The follow ing ouicern wru: citrvtru. _. Drennen, president; Mrs. K. G. Bailey, first vice president; Mrs. Will ft. "Kail, second vice president; Mrs. K. C. Boyd, secretary ami treasurer; Mrs. George H Smith, Mrs. William H. Wood and Miss Maggie Armstrong, executive committee. At 8:30 o'clock last night Mr. James Moore and Miss Luur.i May Coaa nor" quietly married ?t tho Presbyterian church. toy Rev. S. J. Bogle. Th?* attendants wore Mr. Thomas Gruy:K?n and Miss Ada Barber. The bride i* ? daughter of Mr. WIITlam 11. and the groom is a son of Mr. William H. Moore, and both tire well and moat favorably known. They will go to j housekeeping at oncc. The committee Appointed by Thoburn Post, G. A. B.. to make arrangement* for Ijeeoratlon Day. met last night, and decided to hold the exercises on Saturday morning. May ?0 T. H. Stanton was appointed a committee on music, I and Albert Llpphardt, Bobert Lewi* and G H, Harper a soliciting committor The grneraJ committee adjourned j to meet on Friday evening. Messrs, George Tweedy. George G. B?l*ton. Lewis Scheehlo and Thomas B. Lloyd, members of the board of education visited th<> Central and .South schools yesterday. The pupils in tin* South were photographed. _?? v?n,wi. hna rnlh?,| & i. nan -wui? ?ma ting of the county central committef to be held at ?t. Clalrsvlll*. on Friday. April 30,to arrange the time and place of holding the next county convention. A camp nt hall will lx< placed nn the Belmont brick work* ground* on Saturday afternoon. between the v\ heeling Laundry team and a picked nine of Martin's Ferry. Martin's Ferry pe- pie wishing to si,biwribe f?>r th.* Intelligencer should leave cfirlr iwme* at the Martin s Ferry ofllr.* <>n Fourth street. The pap$r Is sold her*-. Yesterday William Selby. .foreman of the plekhng department at the Laugh: ... L ..UiM llm faw nn tin mm?. wa? ??u.... arms and breast, with add. An Important meeting of the Presbyterian congregation wtll bf? held in the rhurrh this evenioH nt 7:30. A largo attendance 1* desired. Phil Hp John" n nn>]^s Moreland expect to leave next month on a trip ?outh In a *kiff, the gulf being their domination. The Phoenix CJuh has decided to fljih nt a point near Marietta this summer, nnd will c?> into camp right after the Fborth of July. James, a rtve-ycar-old ?on of Dnvid Thomas, narrowly escaped helm? run over by a ear on Broadway, last evening. I lev. Everett .Morris, of Millsboro.Pa.. is visiting his father. Captain Charles Morris, ??n Fourth street. Hayward J>ong and Thomas L. Williams have i>urehased a tandem of the Cleveland make Miss Moor'1, who has been visitina Miss Daisy Biggs, returned to Proctor, yesterday. W. F. Kldgeley. a well known SteubenvlUe man, was in Martin's Ferry yesterday. Miss May Fortney. of West Wheeling:, spent yesterday with Martin's Ferry friend*. Mrs. Jacob Arn Is at the bedside of ? n/wifrev ciassar. at Hannl bal. George Buhana and Mia* Maggie Myers wore married on Tuesday night. <3eors?? Walker, of Mt. Pleasant, ivas a Martin's Ferry visitor yesterday. The 8 and 9-lnch guide mills at the Aetna-Standard are Idle. To-day Rosa Robinson goes to Grandview, to visit relatives. Charles Lewis and Robert Hatch go to Smithfleld. Mrs. Eliza Holltday Is on th? sick list. C'al McAnlnch has the pneumonia. MR St. A. JX VEEN, residing at 720 Henry St.. Alton, III. suffered with sciatic rheumatism for ovr eight month* She doctored for It nearly the whole of this time, using various remedle* recommended by friends, and was treated by the physicians, but received no relief. J?h?* then used on?? and a half bottle* of Chamberlain's Pain Balm.whlc!i effected a complete cure. This is published at her request, as she wants others similarly aflllcted to know what cured her. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by drungists. IIU'R vnn the* lightning artist at 11.1 fIJ 1UU w0rk In <>ur Market str?**t window? His work 1m great. Call and learn particulars. tSKQ. M. SNOOK & CO IF YOU HAVE HEARD of the great popularity of "Canadian Club" Whisky and feel disposed to try It, or If you are already one of its admirers, BEWARE of the counterfeits of our labels and capsules. They are very dangerous. So Is the whisky the public are thereby Induced to purchase. You can Invariably tell "CANADIAN CLUB" by lis fine quality. When you find apparently good labels but undoubtedly bad ; whisky, please write to us. lURAM WALKER * SONS. tJm'J. Wilkcrvllle, Canadl. For names of dealers handling the genuine whisky apply to us. OPTICIANS?JOHN BECKER 1: CO. ANNOUNCEMENT. John Becker & Co., JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. 3."S7 .Iiicuh Slroftt, Have rDmed Mr. John IF. Coon, of 1111- ; nols. a Rraduntn of tho Elgin Ophthalmic j CoIIoko, to take churefl of Tcatln^ tho Eye* and FlitliiK of GhMH?-* W hen you find yourself In need of Snecianlna it will pay you ?o commit tw. we con glvo yon Hood Hmicc mid Kuvfi you money on your purchases. Very rcjtpwtfuUy, JOHN BECKER & CO. ' A WOMAN'S BODY. I A YV'Wl / What It? TSaglaot Loads to. Ifct Chit, I gl"|/' Experience. KK!PSBEiE3 A woroao# ?*? ? ??- rcjwaiujry or M & i /iCSSS 01041 d**110*1* m4M'hat,i'tuJ in tlif. .. \ realm of creation, and yet moat v./,-;Jrri [WlHBM^ w'" out of order and keep QBHEHvpN/v|SflM^ order, justafl if it were of noeonacqu / vfj^ I F'" Their bark* ache and heads thro , 3ri^ ^3?y# v V burn: thev hare wandering-pains, now_ lie <ffb\ \ \ bow there. Tbey txperiene# extreme 1? ,,i? ill l' 11 thntdrm t^care ar?l want-lo-lK-kft-alfciii- f,. . /IV l\ excitability. Irritability, nervotisncu. I II \ it A tlio Miu-4. vet v. ill r?> ah. i.v. jf j\ \ I | work until they can scarcely fclunii';a tiu :r ' I ? ' swollen feet, and do nothing to liclp ' ,c.r * B rhe?e are the positive fore-runners of aerioiw womb complications. ?n,i . ' given immediate- attention will result in untoB :ni--r.v. if not H Lydia E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound will, beyond thi H doubt, relieve all this trouble Wore It aeriotu. nod . , ronny after their troubles had become chro:..-. The Compoan4 ahould be taken fmmerifately ngkra the appearan. of a , < H *h<*4A)ivmDtoma above enumerated. It in a vegetable tonie which , and stimulates the entire female organism. ana win produce me same h* m flcial results in the case of any sick woman it did with MBS. Cuak. Kin., * [*'. I Rosewood St., Philadelphia. J'a.. Jettcr we attach: H "I write these few lines, thanking you for restoring my health. Kor t* l I years I suffered with pains impossible to describe. I had bcarin^-down f? , a | backache, burning-*cn^at ion in mjr stomach, chills, headach?. and alwav* 'Ti I black specks before ray ey."S. I was afraid to stay alone, for I aomeliniet I four and five fainting- spelis a day. I had several doctors and tried mnnr I I cat medicine*. Two years a^o I was so bad that I bad to r-o to bed an i ha-^"' I ??- A'... i.' t.;', '* m I trained nurse. Through her, A commcnccu tJ. , ,UHnao. _ Vegetable Compound, and I ncvt*r had anything ffire me the relief that .t ylk* I I hare taken eight bottles, and am now enjoying the best of health again"* t I I can truthfully say it has cured me." ' & THE CRERT * I John Robinson I . . . AND ... I Franklin Bros. Enormous Shows, COMBINED :^^^33>r5os? 'Dockr/,7\ 2 COMPLETE CIRCUSES. J ....301) rMrl)KMKH5.... 2 SEPARATE MENAGERIES. ACRES OF TENTS. 2 ROMAN HIPPODROMES. + 3 CIRCUS RINGS. + 20 FEROCIOUS LIONS IN A 50-F00T OPEN DEN. TWO COMPLETE PERFORMANCES DAILY AT 2 AND S P. M. Doors Open One Hour tamer, una i ickbi Aamiis 10 ah. WHEELING, FRIDAY, APRIL 3# ?pa-S-3 il EVERY AMERICAN NEEDS THE STANDARD ft ll HISTORY OF H!S OWN COUNTRY ? II U ll tut urn/ vnni/ "ninitur ai jj inc. nlyt iwi\rv umouiil ^ lifts secured the entire first edition of the new great Standard JJ Hlatory of the Unitrd States, and by forming eubscrlbers Into ? 44 clubs sells single copies for one-third, less than the regular 1a price, and upon easy t*rms. and renders of the Intelligencer are ai Invited to take advantage of thla offer. After years of IX T preparation $ Scribner's History ? Xi -!H1- Tlnifnrl y uiiiicu oiaico ? r *i Is complete. 3,500 page** I.COO illustrations, costing nlone tnor* 4* AA than 1100,000. It is the only large work (notwithstanding M X( } the many excclle&t small histories) which is full, brought AA down to date, sup??rbly illustrated, meeting all the demands T* V > of Intelligent American families. The plan of the History was m > isld by William Cullen Bryant, the text written by Sydney " A, > Howard Clay. Noah Brooks. Edward Everett Hale. Horace M X( t E. Scudder. Rosslter Johnson, and many other specialists. Ao PRICES ARB ADVANOIIMO. H ^ 1 A large part of the entire flrst edition which the Tribune secured has been subscribed for, but all who Join a Tribune Club now (no club fee) , can havo the sot delivered for 5100 down and 12.00 a month for nine u months?about 7 cents n day. Readers have ordered the leather bind- aI YX tn_u?ual 1 y. Jt costs II.00 a month mor-. but it will Inst a lifetime. JJ WW IUBJV.?II 19 impoksiuin iv uciuiue wns inhik tit a iinii<<~>i ? AA We ?r?* bo confident of Its value we offer to send It upon approval. ReXX turn the books If not satisfactory. Pill out the following blank and AA TT mail AT ONCE. II y REMEMBER?This set of books !* for snle nowhere else. The 44 Tribune has the entire edition. Order quickly or the edition may be ff AA exhausted. if OOOOOOOCOGOOOOOOOOOOOOC OOOOOOOOOOCSOOOOOOOOOOOO f? |i riiK TianuvK, m:w yoiiic. q fl ff Q I hereby subscribe through Tribune Club to SCRTRNER'S POP- Q J! V ULAR HISTORY OF THE I N1TKD STATES, complete In five X fj 44 X volumes. 1 n*rne to pay $100 on receipt of books and to remit X O A Q ,0 T,IK TRIBUNE ASSOCIATION. Tribune Building, New York. X A+ I O $2 00 monthly for nine months. O a 1 o In Hnlf nor si no A MnVTH \mi1E_ 0 TT B Signature 8 || ^ Ad'lros.t ^ || i ^ I refer to ns to my responsibility. o II S Hi! Y? OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO'CXXSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Tj 2! Address: THK XKVV YORK TIM III'NK. ?# Trlbnuo ISuUiting, Now York. i ?ZtZUZZZZZZZZZZZ8tXZZZZZZZZZZZZtX%