Newspaper Page Text
1 ? u ~ BIOYCLB BUITfl-M. QUTMAN A QQ. ^ There May 8e An Argument. l. tn which In ill a hnat main nl IIIpvMa. S'nmn ncnfur one^uako, some another. But there can bo no differ- ^ ?nce of opinion in regard to the merits of our RTf,YCf,F, SUITS. I They are ?lmpl}' perfection. Undo of material that will resist hard wear, and not show dust or dirt, e double seat, sewed with the best linen nnd silk thread, 'J they are almost Indestructible. Many of the patterns ~ are exclusive with us and can be fuuud nowhere else. t PRICES $4 TO $10 PER SUIT. J mi'mmnnu unuv/nrrvrio 41/11 f iinci*1 ? F.XTUA PANTS, all at lower prices than elsewhere. t Nothing hut reliable goods here. ? ~ ' 1 " ~ L in mitiu am &. rn ill utiiri/iii u j MAIN AND TWELFTH STREETS. ; THE CREHT -K? I ( It ? - ?? m t John Robinson i 11 c A, 1ST JU i ii 1??innlr1m DviAn rraiiMiu dius. c n Enormous Shows, ! A C - r COMBINED ? 1 COMPLETE CIRCUSES. ....300 PERFORMERS.... I SEPARATE MENAGERIES. ACRES OF TENTS. 2 ROMAN HIPPODROMES. + 3 CIRCUS RINGS. + J 20 FEROCIOUS LIONS IN A 50-F0GT OPEN DEN. TWO COMPLETE PERFORMANCES DAILY AT 2 AND 8 P. M. Ooora Open Ona Hour Earlier. One Ticket Admits to All. WHEELING, FRIDAY, APRIL 30 iip;i?2S-o seT IQQnjJraJyJ .gui|??f THAT THE FAC-SIM1LE , AVfEttoble Preparation for As - SIGNATURE 1 slmiU t i ng tteTood and Reg u la - I tiHgtheSiomadisawlBoKclsaf h ?of? PromotesDigcslioaChctrfiif- j ncssandltest.Contofns neither , ^ gmim,Morphine nor Mineral. jg ON THE ' U ?U? ilAUIiUHV. I WRAPPER i hn Smi' A Jbctmtm * IS l 22Z??r OF EVEEY $&&u? I fcjftfc,. 1 BOTTLE OF )M| I astta. lAIATAAIfl ! N"nnj .Convulsions,feverish- HI 11% fig 1M uJt I Si |i ntss and Loss of Sleep. !fl||fi|o i kJHeqH I TacSinalc Signature of fl ~mr ? ! _ VKVV YORK. Ciatori* li pnt np In 05?-ffr? bMtlei on'.y. Il i mimmmr. fc** W'nOTWMTOIiW Al. "la?: M food" and "will ?0?w?r Ttrjjw CP? mV*9'" **"?c07oaCci 0-A-8-T-0-E-I-A, RAILROAD SCANDAL. Vliccling it Luke I'.ric Stockholders S?y Crooked Work ULL Bt SHOWN l'l' VLRY SUUN. K It AIUjimI thai uliiu IU? \VI???Uu? Ks tension w?i Unlit III* Contractor* II ecclvad |*?y far lluidivi)- that was Kirtr fomirMtwl IliiWNU Martiu's Ftrrf and Bcllalra?It U Said a Halt will b? Uroaght ftoou at Toledo. Sensational developments are promlsd In Wheeling & Lako Erie Hallway Natters. It Is given out on Ihe best of uthorlty that an notion will be begun gainst (he syndicate that built the exenslon to Bowers town, Wheeling and teubenvllle, which Is composed of five envy stockholders and bondholder*. It Is claimed that they waited until hey received their January Interest, nd then threw the matter Into court, 'his syndicate, it will be alleged, was l? receive bonds and stock for conduction. But it Will also be alleged In suit to toe begun In New York, that his syndicate did not build the num>er of miles for which stock wan Isued. When the extension was turveyd there wa? no bridge across the river t Wheeling, and the original Intention ran to cross the river at Bellalr*. While fie road was being constructed, tho Vheellng Bridge K- Terminal Comany's bridge at Wheeling was built. This changed plana and shortened the | cork of the construction several miles, lut the syndicate, it Is alleged, reported * many miles taillt as were surveyed, t Is upon this that the dlseatlsfled lond ana stocirnoiaers raise u" uuj?clun. Another charge that Is to be made ? that all the money received for ceroid stocks was not expended for the itirpose the stock was Issued. It will ?e claimed the ptock wan sold at one rice and reported a* sold at another, 'he dissatisfied stockholders promise everal sensations when these matters hall be aired In court, and that many nysterle* In connection with the flnanlul management of the road will be feared uj?. Very bad blood now exists etween the tiw factions. The papers ur beginning suit at Toledo, are now in ourae of preparation. Unprofitable Until"**. Considerable bad feeling has developd among th.? Western roads over 'hrlsiUn Endeavor Association busies*. The understanding l^at no oads should contract any of tills busileys until a definite arrangement ha?i ?een arrived at concerning rates and n.'thod* of routing. Now It la reported hat some of the road* have gone In nd contracted large parties In the ast. It la not aliened that the agreed ate* have been cut. but the fact that oncracts have been made relieves the ther roads. It 1* claimed, from their ibllgation to maintain the agreed rate, i general demoralisation is likely to reult from the present friction. There Is idmlttediy no money ior mc ... he business at the rare that has been creed upon, and why any road should fnirc to ko In and demoralise things till further Is what a majority of the nads cannot understand. Prcoittl Week K?riiliig?> Earnings for the w-coml ??k ln Iprll: Toledo and Ohio Central. 1*9?. 31.131; Is*:#. $3*.563: decrease. $7,432; Vheeltn* * Lake Erie. 1S97. $23,202; Vj<1 126.543; decrease, $.1,311: Lake Brie k Western, 18?7. 161.316: l?W. W-M* ' lecrease. 11.3X1; Cleveland & Lake Erie, 897. $26,003; 1S96. $24.S83; Increase, $1,120. IK THE OIL FIELDS*tr InfrlUirntt of Op?catto?M In All of the Weal VlrgluU FI?W?. The Elk Fork pool, in \ryier county, i? howlng up a little bettor than It did a ew days oro. says "D. S. W." Treat. Crawford & Boyd Bros.* well, on the 3. P. Hawkins farm, east of the Lyaan Woods No. 1. was drilled Into the >ny and was reported flowing at the ate of eighteen barrels an hour. The ocatlon of the well U the farthest east >t developments and shows an extenlon ?'f about eight hundred feet in that llrectlon. Tin* Brenneraan well, on the JVetxel farm, 1* a gusher, but not th? tind desired. Deep In the Big Injun iand salt water was encountered and hen began flowing the saline fluid at he rato of fifteen barrel* an hour. The inly wells reported making one hundred >arrels a day or more In the Elk Fork >ool are as follow.*: Wood Not, 1 and 2. [70 barrel?; Church lot. 350 barrels; Joy ot. ISO barrels, and School lot, 200 barvis. The Hayseed Oil Company will five their No. 1. Wood, a shot to-mor ow. The production of the pool Is now ibout 1.500 barrels a day. W. A. McCoach. of Parkersburg. has >een appointed receiver for the Hayseed )U Company, and Nlchol & Company ook charge of the property. The Hayiced compnny Is composed of residents ? tko ,.,^11 >f SiHtersvilie ana unum liiu <11 ? ... .. >n Uie Wood farm more than n month iffo. The well came In a good producer ind later developed into a Rusher, with leeper drilling. It wan this venture hat save this Impetus to the work on 21k Fork. Near Cornwallls, Hltchlc county. Cox, Peters & Company have drilled In n veil on the C. DourIub farm that Is retried making twenty barrels an hour. This Is the largest producer that hus >ecn discovered in that locality. North of the Ilendershot pool, In tVood county, T. N. Harnsdal! Is srartim a test well on the Williams farm ?nd has a rig up for a tejt on fhu> Hal(ton farm In the Ogden dnvelopment. ti the Cow Run sand development at Hebron, the South Penn Oil Company las drilled In It* No. 7 on the Cutch loncs farm and has a sixty-barrel prolucer. McFadden Twltchell have not yet lucceeded In drilling the bnller out. lo?t .. tv>*\r n*'1. Wltchey, when only u vw feet above the Rand. ?it. Panl's Pink ?T?." The Concordia Society, of St. Paul's Herman Lutheran church Rave a ?ucr.-Hful and delightful entertainment, a Ink tea. In the Sunday school room of he church last nlwhi The room was astefully decorated for the affair, pink >elng the prevailing color, ntid further ?mbelllshment was added by profuse ioral decoration*. Supper was served from nix to night )'clock. nfter which ? musical and lit>rnry programme was rendered. Ile reshmenM were served throughout the >venlng. It was an enjoyable afT.iir. ind the proceed! netted a substantial mm. m TUB iunum".iui? " '?... ?.. )()nn.?n?u?n of Uh proprietors show tin' joorl work Salvation Oil h ?Uilnic. -.* ;l* II t ft. m r\\SlllON.\BLE?,,laI"t.i1,ck"t'- nt GEO. M. SNOOK & CO. Itrll't lit *1* II..,.,.. Dl?iri'?lnit Kltlm y mid Hla.l.lcr <,l?r.'lli'Vf.l In fix hours h,- "New Ircu South American Kidney Cur-." t l<? a KT'Mt sur,trine on account of Its nv?tim' |iromptnu?? In P'llcvlnR pain ii Dlinni'i, r female BHIevc* retention almost mmiMlliitoly. If > >mm quirk roller in.l nil''. \hl? t? UK' i' SiM by i ll Llil. Uriidlfl". WhpflliiK, w. Va. thf&a CROITP and whooplnir ?'<>URh are 'hlldhood'n terror*; tout Ilk'* pneumonia. uonehUK mid other throat ?nd lun<T rouble, '.in ctirr/1 bv iwliw Inr Minute CoUHl 1 ; iot'lxi' n>rner Mnrltet .infl rwi'l lit iinMtn: Ikuvle * '-'.v. UrlrfR -jio-.t: I'mjuilv & Son. H?n?vood. 1 WHAT IS THE GRIP ? Tills Jfyilirlois aud Terrible DI?mm (' rrfully Analysed anil Oiurlbtd. WUat la Da tvitru It Comet* Nearly every physician, every scientist and every sufferer hu.s been unking this great question: What Is (he Grip? Whatever It may be. It Is certain that It 1h Horni'thltiK within the body which ! < fighting with the body to undermine the life. What would common sense dictate In such an emergency? Counteract the enemy. Drive It from the system. Do not trifle with It. Act promptly and wisely at the first approach, which you can readily detect. Take something which can counteract their deadly Influence. Spirits of some kind are the best thing to tnkp and whlaia-L- is nreferable to any other kind of spirit; but It should be borne very carefully in mind that only pure whisky will "have the effect, nnd It should n1*o be remembered that Duffy'? pure malt whiskey stands at the head of all preparations, and is the only medicinal whiskey upon the market. Hclcutlsts have urtxerted this, the doctors have verified It, and million* of people have proven It beyond a doubt. There are many unscrupulous dealers who will assure you that any whlakey will answer the purpose, but they are wrong and are trying: to deceive you. In case of Grip you cannot afford to take any chances, therefore take that which \r. beyond question, pure, medicinal and the only valuable whiskey upon the market. VAA8-MEIE A Young Inatiriinea Man TakriOnl* Lift l*oltey<-('oti|fmtMlBtloii? lu Order. Mr. Ed. Vaas, an employe of.the German Insurance Company. stole'a march on his friends Wednesday evening, by taking out u risk on which there was no premium usked. In fuel Jielng in the insurance business himself, he thought lie could write his own policy? and h?* did it. ltev. *Verder signed it, and It was for life. This only paves the way to the wedding that transpired at the house of the bride's father. on Sixteenth -ureet.Wednesday evening. On that occasion Mr. Edward?Vaaa stood up and was joined In holy wedlock with Miss Frederlcka Melr, bv the He v. A. W. Werder, pastor of the St. James Evangelical Lutheran church. The attendants wer* Mr. Edward Plankey. and Miss Lena Melr. tne sister or me nriae. ?r. vms buiu? u responsible position in the German Insurance Company'? offlce, and has many friends In business and social connections, who wish him and his bride health, happiness and prosperity. OLD MAIDS' COWVEHTIOW At Mouitdavllle Uit E?*i?Im| was Hlgual fmcffiii Last night nt the Moundsvllle Opera House, the forty-seventh annual Old Maids' convention was Riven under the auspices of Simpson chapter No. 135. of the Epworth League, to a packed house, it was an unique and enjoyable affair throughout, and the audience was convulsed with laughter from the opening to the closing of the convention. The much abused "old molds" were out ill force on the stage, and their quaint costumes and savings were the principal features. The drill by a number of young: ladle* was also greatly enjoyed. The greal success of the affair reflects credit on it? promoter*, and the participants worked hard for several weeks past. The programme was carried out as printed in yesterday's Intelligencer, but the names of the following were Inadvertently omitted: Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Walton, who sang a plrasing duet, and Miss Henrietta Johnson, who gave a recitation. Tclrphonlc Wcatlirr Hnrni. Manager M. R Wolfe, of the local Bell telephone system, completed arrangements yesterday with Uncle Sam's weather man. at Washington, whereby all subscribers of the company will re ceive the weatner xorecasi 101 mc c?suing twenty-four hours by ringing up "Central," and asking "What's the weather {or to-morrow?" This is an innovation that wll! be appreciated by all persona uslnn 'phonos. The Information will be of special benefit tn persons in the country, and crops may be cut or left out. at the farmer's option, an soon as he h?*ars from Wheeling. for the central office in this city will he the "weather bureau" for the district. _ In Clerk Itobartfoir* Oilier, Yesterday in Clerk Robertson's office a marriage license was issued to Thomas Jefferson (widower), aged fifty years, and Viola Gowens. aged thirtyone years, of Wheeling, both colored. BUCKINGHAM'S Dye for the Whiskers does Its work thoroughly, coloring a uniform brown or black, which, when dry, will neither rub, wasn oir, nor soif linen. _ WiKKat 127 50 that are worth 127 50. ii .1I? )lo Waists, at 50c that are worth 85c, Inspect the finest line In Wheeling, at GEO. M. SNOOK A CO.'S. SECURE seats for W. & J. fllee Club concert ut House's, after Thursday, April 26. STOXE A THOMAS' Wall Paper Dcpartmnit offers tin roll* Wall I*?|?er and Hirr? MHpe Harder, enough far room, at AO, 70 and 91 10 prr room. WHEN a cold Is contracted, cure It nt once. One Minute Cough Cure will set you on the road to recovery in a minute. It will cure pneumonia, bronchitis, croup and all forma of lung and throat troubles. Charles R. Qoetze. corner Market and Twelfth ntreets; Bowlo & Co.,Bridgeport; Peabody & Son. Benwood. 8 HEAR Mr. R. J. McDowell, one of I .. * nt Pltuluipirh In \V inP H'ttUIIIK iciiuia w? . ... & J. concert Monday, April 26. It K, \ I) Ngpitr A Tltom**' (>. died! HEYMAN?Ob Wednesday. Anrll 21. 1W7, at 7o'clock p. in.. MAYER HKYMAN, In the 74th year of hi* use. Funeral from hln late residence, No. 11W Chapllne *treet. this (Friday) afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Interment ai Jewish cemetery. Friend* of tho family are invited. No flower*. III'UHKR-On Thursday. April 22. l?7. at 9:30 o'clock a. rn.. HRlLHiFT, r?'llct oi the late John Hughes, In the 71th year of her ns?v Funeral will take place from her lute real, dence, No. 4001 Jacoh Htreet, Saturday morning at 8:3?) o'clock. Requiem man* at the church of the Immaculate Con. ceptlon ot 3 o'clock. Interment at Mt. Calvary cemetery. Friend* of the family are Invited to attend. DAt*HHlt-On Thursday, April 22. 1897. at 7 o'clock a. m , JACOH DAUHKR, In Mn 63d year Funeral aervlce* at family residence. No. W Alley 3, Saturday afternoon at J o'clock. Krlends of the fnmlly respectfully Invited to attend. Interment at Mt. NVotwl remetory. UNDEJKTAKINO. ^ LOUIS BERTSCHY, ~ (Formerly of frew A Bertachy.) Funeral Director anil Arterial Maimer, I 1116 MAIN STREET, EAST BIDE. Calls by telephone ?n?wer?l tiny or nlKhl Storf tvtaphone. 636; riwlilcnrc. W* Kinmoy i. iKrw, (iredeet* ol li. S. Collpqr ol I mb?lmln?, iliniru. director a\d imbaimlr, With j? ALEXANDER FREW. 1313 MAIS iTHKKT. I Irtcflwne 220. iln?|x>r?ry Q?rlw?.l KORRBCT KLOTHIN KRAPS' KORRE Are You Op< To Argumen Everybody has a differcn Some cioimers lain pru.cs be sold chcap. But that's make QUALITY our s strengthen our hold on pri don't come off; our seams get out of shape; we're no in an age. Something coi man. Come in and sec ou KRAUS WHEELING'S FOREJ Strictly One Price. CARPET WHIPS?O. Carpet j a Whips | 10c- | J Clothes ! Iff .t! ^ JI G. Mendel! & Co, j 1124 MAIN STREET. + KID GLOVES?GEO. Geo. R. T Talking About <. CENTEME Having secured the agency for this ce city, we can supply you with any kind, ci same price charged at headquarters in Ni thing about the flt of these Gloves, for it feet. Price for the 5-button. colored, plj Black and embroidered cost a little n .*t Mntirninp Q We make a specialty of the better Rri mourning, and exporh-nce tn (telling thi mandf Prlrstloy's manufacture In nearly a choice lino of SILK WARP HENRIETTA CLO: CLOTH. SILK WARP MELROSE VEILING, SILK WARP MARCI FOR VEILS. NUN'S VEILS WIT AND 42x60. ALL PRIESTLEVS GOODS AND JE self or nend a friend to make the setoctic AT THE RIGHT PRICES. New Tailor Made Dresses and Dr Geo. K. l T3* EVER1 SoaittaM nteda ? reliable, moi (fl vt 1 ihepWMldiufiilwf Sf' Dr. Peal's ^ ^ T>i?r &r* nroDct, i*f# nrd c*rt* r + ^ ooin'i. S*ut ^Twbcr?, fl.w). For ??lr by CHAP. R. GOKTZK. corncr "HE THAT WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CL SAPC RESTAURANT AND CAFK. mi flPKNED 4 nJJL? ZZA?u I HOr Market Slreet. Worm mrnlit mrved In their be*t style. Dining room* coney and ami*. All ?hortorder cooking. and price* reationable. Only restaurant that provide* ? flr*t-eia?* Ladlea' and Gentleiutn'f Dining l'arlor. Entrance on Fourteenth atreet Merchanta' Dinner Daily. 35 centa. Flrat-claaa French Chef. nolO 8. linilHAKKn. Proprietor . 8HOR REPAIRING. _ BOSION SHOE Rt PAIRING CO.. .* 1741 Market Street. 1 practical shoemakers. Shoe* nently repnIrf>i] mill half nolcil , while you wall half soli no and 1-ikki.inu. I'KMCiKD 3()c. I 1741 Market Street. O-KBAPS BROS. CT KL0THIN6.1 ?n ,4.^ iir t rfictliod of doing business. ill the time; anything so it can the dearest kind to buy. We tudy?how to better, how to :scnt customers. Our buttons T don't rip; our garments don't it asked for money back once In . (liinWliff = 5 BROS., IOST CLOTHIERS, 1319 Market Street MENDBL & OO. \ Made of & | Best 1 Cnr?ivm i opi my I Steel l j Wire. \ Carpet Whips thirty1 .six inches long. Clothes I lVhips twenty-four inches f long. Polished hard ivood 7 handles and brass ferrule. I The how is guaranteed , I not to couio out of the t handle. jG. Mendel J & Co., 1124 NAIN STREET. B. TAYLOR CO. aylor Co. * <? :ri kid gloves. lebrated make of Kid Gloves for this olor or elze you nifty desire at the ?\v Tork. Not necessary to say any- 3 la generally knon-n to be simply per- v.,? iln stitching and large buttons is $1.35. -;J lore. ; Goods. ^ ados of Dress Goods and Veiling* for em has taught us that our trade deall cases, which Induces us to keep , TH. SILK WARP EUDORA' J CLOTH. ALL WOOL NUN'S 3LLITA, NUN'S VEILING II WOVEN BORDERS, 42x73 :T BLACK. Whether you come your >n you are sure to get the best and ess Skirts Opened This Week. ? 1 ' ? aylor Co. j v WOMAN Btfalr,rafalatlBf medlelnt. Only hcmlm tltf iMtonMd. lfy*avuttb?bcM,f6t Pennyroyal Pills la In ranlt. The rMtlni (Dr. Pnl'a) v?r dinp. ^udroa* ilnricuni C%? Clettltnd, O. Mnrkfft and Twelfth Streets. mrl EASILY, WORKS EAN HOUSE WITH )LIO FEATHER RENOVATOR. Wives ana Housekeepers. IKl.l.PHONi: NO. <0!>. To All Whom It May Concern? The undertdRned have purchased Hamilton's Improved Feather Renovator, and alio an improved Carpet Heater, which I* Kimramecd to neither rip nor r*vel >> mid arc now prepared to do work promptly ?r.d at rcaaonable prices. Work called for mid delivered free of clmrse. Leava orflars at TV Luke's Livery, No- 1439 Marktt btrcet, or address cnon .c, HAMMPN. . v. ...... Corner Lichtrcnth ?nd Chaplin* Strotti Wheeling, W. V*.