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I- WBLCOMB 8IB KNIOHTa?8TONB a THOMA3. Stone & Thomas. I WELCOME,SIR KNIGBTS. I WHEELING'S BIG STORE BIDS YOU WELCOME..... l r.v, A cordial invitation is here extended to you to make this your headquarters. Not only are you welcome, but this great mercantile establishment is one of the sights of the city. We'll try to make your stay here pleasant. If you intend to combine business with pleasure, this is the place of places for you to come. A wonderful collection of merchandise from the leading makers of the world is here for your selection. Extra inducements in all departments this convention week. Stone & Thomas. WAIST8.STC.~QBO. M, SNOOK A CO. [GEO. M. SNOOK & CO.'S w w W A w Am WAl^ 1 Stock led all others last season, and this season we have surpassed even ourselves. There's no mistake about it; this store positively shows MORE and FINER Shirt Waists than any other Wheeling store. Price from 50c to $27.50 each. The Sprinkling Our Linen Collars Of summer Dress Materials in For both Men and Women both Main and Market street are safe styles to "tie" to. We windows gives one but an im- also furnish the right kind of perfect idea of the magnitude of ties to go with our collars. this great line. Four different lines of bright colored linings, irom J2 i-2c yard up, to wear MUS[jn arKJ Other under these gauzy beauties. Prices on summer Dress Fab- Underwear Department is the -1? * -? e mrA inA k?c? two m ware climb by easy stages up to 85c. I All (897 styles. Prices right. OUR NEW ROOM Is almost ready for occupancy. Alterations have now advanced to a stage that do not interfere with perfect service to our patrons. To-day's prices on Suits, Jackets, Skirts and Reefers for Children are very interesting. Beautiful new line Brocaded Silk Skirts at $7.90. Have you seen the Big New Window? Something in it for you! GEO. M. SNOOK t CO. HATS?M'FADDEN'8. t Up-to-Date i: |!Stiff Hats! | In nl! tho very lnfe*t Fprlnr And Summer X. . W ' all tin* ii< w rolor*. Havana Ilrown, > M*PIf. Goldrn Brown. Hla. k -.-v ry hut > mad* of i-xtrn r.n?> material- all Bilk trim- Ai . Y* ' mi<l and "litin lined they look u* flno and j A ) wi nra? ?* any S3 Go hat- #4 ; ^jSUgS^ our price only $1.50. n I , irKrarjr Hat ta Union mad*. f I I: McFADDEN'S HAT STORE, t 8HOK3--ALEXANDER. :: - : ;; Difference ;; ? In the coat of Show that ^ > fit and thoae that do not ^ ( I > 1* nothlnir. Tho differ- ^} . t ? nco In the wear and . ( 4, comfort In everything. <, ^ , The reoaon some atorea j , cannot kIvo you a good j > fit la simply becauae < ( X they do not carry < > X t-nouffh stock to have all 4 > X widths and ehupea. < > twEDo. ;; | Alexander, ; | StlW.^ ^ ^ IVUto Si I 1 Piano 1 m May be good and it Ba | X nuy not. You run no ? I ? risk in buying a *> %> 5 ' g KJUUie. There is f8& | ? no piano made which Jj ^ pleases purchasers more. 3 1 w ? I ^F.W. ** I 0 BaumerCo., I ffij 1310 M4XUCET STRJCET. K ?kc.3ntel%eitrcr Offlr?; N#?. Si anil 47 Knur(??nthMr*r(. Kcw Ailvrrti^mrnli. IJnt's Excelnlor Baklnjr Powder. Notice of Stockholders' Meettnjc. Pin Money Plcklea?H. F. Behnu. I-aco CurtaJnn?J. S. Hhodv* & Co. Bonds for Sale? Howard lLuletL for Sale?G. O. Smith. Sale of Farm Property?Nelson C Hubbard. Wanted?Position as Second-Hand Bak?-r. Will .You (To to the Country?Ceo. E 9<lfcl & Co.-Third Pa*e. Welcome. Sir Knlshta?Stona & Thotoas ?Eighth Paac. To I<oan?Erakine & Alll?on. Private or Public Libraries?Stanton's 0!d City Book Store. rp-to-ftai** Htirr Huts?McFadden'a Hat Store?Eighth Pas?. TO THt LADIES WHO ARC BIYISG rtRSlSHlNG GOODS FOR GtOTlEMC*. Wc rccpectfWlly call yoor attention to Mr (irnli' KarnUhlttg DcpartiMMt, which la roinpln* tn irtry detail. The Blchml# Whit* Hhlrt (Halm A??bU>. Th? Iml fitting ihlrt mad* at 91.00 and p. Other whit* thirl* at 30c and np. t'olorrd KhlrU (oomplct* lloti, ilu* mm larft a* 40 neck and 00 body, at 50c and op. ? -- "Vrt- ml HOe anil an. Half IIomi nolnl for their durability, Inraru and faat colors, at l."V, 45 and 30c. MNkwar, Collar* and i ntTm, alwars Ch* la teat. C. HKM dt NOX*, Kaahloaable Tailor* and Fin# Vnruiah r?, K?M. 1SII and 1J? Market Street. THAT HEAVT, TtBED FEELIHG,* Caawd by reading the self-praising ads. oC Mlf*uamM! optical experts ||<, doctor* (1>, profeasora l and clairvoyant* (I j can be eared vrlthont pRbllettf by ?J. W. Urnbb, Optician. LOCAL BREVITIES. Matter* of Minor Moment In and Abont the Cltr. Base boll this afternoon. 3:30 p. m. Knights Templar parade. 2:30 p. m. M. U McLaughlin has been admitted to the practice of law In the circuit courts. William Sauors Ib building an extensive addition to his home on South Jacob street. The Sunday school teachers of Union district. Marshall county, will hold their annual convention at the Kenwood M. E. church this evening. Th?* annual conference of the Metho- J tli?t EniscoDol church of West Virginia, | will lie held nt Morgantown this year, commencing September 23. and continuing for a week. Bishop Mallclieu will preside. The Aetna-Standard mill presents vr ry appearance of returning prosperity. Kvery mill in this biR establishment is In operation, the first tltne for seven montlis. Every wheel In the different departments was in operation yesterday. Thomas Me Venus, tlie rann who shot himself, as detailed in yesterday's In* telllgencer, died yesterday morning at '? o'clock, in the city hospital. It was known he could not recover, when the physicians made an examination Monday nl?;ht. Vice President David Llewellyn, of the Amalgamated Association, leaves to-day for Detroit to attend the national convention. Tin* Martin's Perry delegates, Charles James, Won Williams. Joseph IHlton, Thomas 1). Edmunds and Walter Larklns leave next week. Mr. Llewellyn goes in advance t<? confer with the officials before the opening of the convention proper. ABOUT PEOPLE Htrnagervtii thi Citr I Wlietllt? Folki Abwii. Alex, r Campbell, of Bethany, was In the city yesterday. Miss Maggie Hathaway, of South Jacob street, is Indisposed. Miss Maggie Curtis, of West Liberty, Is the guest of Miss Zona I'llum. of the Island. J. P. Potts, of Wellsburg. passed through the city yesterday, having made a business trip to Washington and oincr l'ennsytvantu mwna. Mr*. Coleman, who 1ms been 111 for nome time at the home ??f her daughter. Mr*. Samuel Sloan. Sixteenth street. Is POTTfwhHt better, and the prospect# are good for her recovery. Ilnrktrn'a Amir* *alr?. The brpt solve In th-' world for rut*, bruise#, miw. ulcers. salt rheum, fever sore*. ikit, chapped hands, chilblains, corn? and all nkln eruptions, and posltlvely cures piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect antlsfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cent* per box. For aale by I^ognn Drug Co. WHEN the spring time come*. "g*ntlo Annie." like all other sensible j?eraons, will cleanse <hc liver and renovate the nyotern with DeWltt's Little Itarly lllsors, famous llttlo pills for the liver and stomach all tho year round. Char lea u. Goetxc. corner Market and Twelfth atreets; Bowie Sc Co.. Uridge| port; Peabody & Son. Hen wood. T [ SHIELD OF HONOR Of West Virginia Hold* IN Annual Grand lodga Convention IN THIS CITY YESTERDAY. Tli* win lUld ml Odd FtlUwt' llall-firaiid SMnluf K?lb?r*i lUporft Hhowed IncruM oI 91 out b?r?lt fp and KtMAMCMtn titod CoadlUM-WbtfilM MmM u (U* Point for XfH Yaar'aCoavcutlou-Ofllcan KlMtod. The mate grand lodge of the Shield of Honor hold Us annual convention In this city yesterday. The convention took place at Odd Fellows' hall, and about thirty delegates were present. The proceedings begun at 10 o'clock In the morning, and all the business before the lodge was transacted by evening. The discussions* bore mainly on proposes! changes In the laws governing u ..rwi li'iipa not of nubile im- ' I lit? UIUVI, U..WI ..... ?_ ? . port. The representatives to the supreme lodge were instructed to favor the i?*uance of Insurance certificates of the amounts of f&OO. $1,000. 12.000. and *3.000. The election of representatives to the supreme lodges resulted a* follows: H. J. Felber and Dr. D. H. Taylor; alternate. J. A. Wood, and August 11. Knoke. Officers for the ensuing year were el??cted as follow*: Grand Master?Louis C. Hess. Junior Grand Master?Charles Ilolderman. Grand Secretary?H. J. Felber. Grand Treasurer?Louis Shau. Grand Chaplain?J. W, Wells. Grand Conductor?William G. Merer. Grand Inside Guard?D. L. Hentch. Grand Outside Guard?Louis Deagle. The installation of officers was conducted by Past Grand Master Dr. D. H. Taylor. Tho next annual convention of the grand lodge was net for thy second Tuesday in May, 1S97, to be held in Wheeling. The secretary's report for the past year showed an Increase In membership. and the tlnanccs of Che lodge to be in good condition. SXITfl.GIBSON NUPTIALS. A Q?trt nut! Pretty Weeding at the Home of Prof. Fnubcr. At high noon yesterday there was a quiet but pretty wedding at the residence of Prof. J. Af. Frasher. The eon .. .1 KI- ,i....n>,rAr MM iracunic tunica wnc ma ....... ?... Zanna Frasher Gltwon and Dr. Dunlel Sherman Smith, of Lancaster. Pa. The ceremony waa performed by the Rev. J. T. McClure. I). D. From 12:30 to 3 o'clock a reception was given to th<? Intimate friends of the couple. The bride and groom left on the 3:S5 train for a tw.? weeks' trip, after which they will be at homo at 151 Koat Klug street, Lancaster, Fa. The out-of-town guests were Mrs. Clarence W. Flndlcy, Akron. O.: Mr. Fielding Frasher. Pittsburgh: Mr. Wm. H Gol!. Lancaster. Pa., and Mr. "Walter Groff, Lancaster. Pa. Fell Into an Old Urmv*. John Eichenberg. a well-known and harmless old man. who occasionally figures In the police court for being drunk, yesterday evening about 5:30 o'clock fell Into a vault tn the old Catholic cemetery, bark of the Reyraann brewery. The distance h? fell wa# about ten feet, and he sustained painful Injuries. He was disoovervd later by some employ** of the Central gla?s house, and wua taken In the patrol wagon to the loekuD. where Dr. Jepson sewed several stitches in his bead, which was uauiy cut up by the fall. Bichenberger is a steady drlnkar, Is subject to flts, and has often collapsed from the fits. It Is not thought that he is seriously .hurt In Clerk Roberlaon'a Office. Yesterday In Clerk Robertson's office a marriage license was Issued to E. Otis Cox. aged seventeen years, and Berth* Pipes, aged nineteen years, of i Barnesvllle, Ohio. Monday night a license was Issued George Shafer. of Wetsel county, aged forty-seven years, and Caroline Homman, aged forty-six years, of Wheeling. The following deed was recorded: De*-d. made September 27. 1S95. S. C. Patterson to Lavisa Davis: consideration. |2i0: transferring lot 4 in Patter- ! son's addition to th?* town of Elm Grove, Trtadelphia district. CoiMert at Nourt Park. Preparations are being made at Moxart park for the large crowds which will doubtless be hauled up the Incline next Sunday afternoon and evening for the concert given at the hiii-top resort by the Great Western band, of Pittsburgh. The reputation of this famous organization is itself a drawing card, and with good weather, the concert will be a success in every respect. THERE b? more Catarrh In thin section ?>t the country than ull oihar diseases put together. and until the few retnl wa? supposed to be incurable. Fbr a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease, and proscribed local remedies, und by constantly falling to cure with local treatment. pronounced It incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires con*stltutlonal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally In doses from ten drops to a teaspoon ful. It acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case It fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address. F J CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Drnsgl.<ts^7:.c. Ragle 4Z*liiak, Ladles* Tailor*. Dresses made to order from 110 up. Correspondence solicited. No. 1113 Main Street. M3TB2VOGIIAPHV." A rare npportnultjr (a Work an ?ffl* rltnl lUnoiraphrr la olftrcd la a Npeclal Claaa now Jati boat bfglnnlnc at Motir'i Hailncu Acailrmr. I'nplti who bf(in only tkm month* stare are OBTAINIXU ElrLOVnEXTi and arc giving perfect aatUfartlon. MtniiMn'i Iterlaed** Is the system taaght. and Is the only one guaranteeing aneh remits. Far Urtni and particular* m or wmra I. II. MOIHK, 141* Main Mml. Wtil Virginia Mat* Urand Commandfrr Knlghta Templar, at U littllnc. Slay 14 and 1.1, 1*07. For the above occasion, the Baltimore & Ohio will sell excursion ticket* from Went Virginia point* lo Wheeling. May 11 and 12. at one faro for the round trip. returning until the 14:)i. IncluMv. + SECOND SIGHT. + When you feel you havo tMed every* h In r and everyone, conduit us. A dally occuri?-nce Is th*? surprise shown by benefited patients at our office. Do you have headache? He your eyes water? I?o they burn or smart? Does print run toother when reading? Feel as if scurn before the eyes? Do things appear double or mixed up? Have a desire to rub the eyes, twitching? Do you have weak eyes? Does the light pain them? For any trouble of your aye* consult us During this month w?> devote much time m children's eyes. We make glasses at popular price.* (one reason of our popularity)- make a careful examination fn*o of charge. The l*eft proof of our success is the number of recommendation* from* our old patients. pnoy. BXZBF7, Scientific Optician, Corner Main and Eleventh 8trecti, THB HUB -CLQTHHB Nowher In the Can a dollar buy moro Clothing dred cents worth of quality. J superior facilities bring moro fection in making to our garm Our big business necessarily gi' enable* us to sell closer than gather make our clothes the bes isfaction greatest?mako this th< proof of this, we ask you to con or Doy, Wltn anyooay anywwuir: Think what you'r? up aga money paying: tho tailors 120, |2 abaolultly can and do sell at 91fl We are dally convincing If our claim i? not bona flde, vertlslng it. Your money bacl safe footing. Dozen of pattern) Boys Knov That whatever they weai Hots, or Furnlahlngs, 19 know they are well dr?? pride in It accordingly? get more wear out of It, Suits. etlk embroidery. (3 an low as SL Junior Suits Middy Suits, Ions or she 6 to 15 years, 11.50 to 18.50, All-Wool, $5 to 115. Look in at our Wind 50c. and White Dand Gc they, aro cleaned up. THE^ Clothiers, Hatter HUB CORNER, FOURTEEXT Wheeling*! Largest and On DUTCHESS TROUSERSY01 HAVE HEAR BUT HAVE YOU 1 ij PERFECT FITTING. i;j I I jj PERFECT SHAPE. jj! " TRIMMED WELL. jjj T MADE WELL. ij: | | AT POPULAR PRICES. I WKRF Tou buy n pair of Dl'TI $2.00. $2.50. $3.00, $3.50 c months. For eTery suspem will pay you ten cents. If will pay you fifty cents. II where we will pay you one i BEST IN THE WORL t-> a rn?c DAL n o SOLE AGENTS FOR ] 6HOBS-7J. H. LOC < t Indies' Fine Yici Kid Shoes, 1 X Chocolate and M ine Color, Net m a Gentlemen's line Yici Kid Sho< 4 Chocolato and Wine Color. C I The* rcpfaent tvcrytliins yoo em j T price* J. H. LOCKE WALL PAPER. WALLPAPER. NEW SPRING STYLES, Embracing the latest designs in Wall and Ceiling Decorations. We arc confident we can satisfy you, both in our goods and prices, if you will kindly give us a trial. JOHN FRIEDEL & CO., 1110 MAIN STUB ITT. RB AHP FPRMI5HBB3. e Civilized World than It doea of w?ft lull huni lifetime of experience and Btylo?a higher dcjroo of perenta than aro found In others. vub ua purchaalng power that anyone el00. All these tot?our pricca lowest?your (sates leading atoro of the atate. For iparo our Hulta, cither for man lnat You're only wasting your 5 and $30 for a Suit that we I, $12 and $15. more of (he public of this fact we're burning our money alc if dissatisfied puts you on a i to choose from. v r that comes from this store, Clothing, Juit right In every particular. They ised, have the best there is, and take tako better care of it.too, and therefor? , and the cost is no more either. Sailor to J6. Some without silk embroidery, ? in All-Wool Madras J! to Jj. Eton and irt pants, 52.50 to JC. Short Pants Suits, . Boys' Long Pants Suits. 12 to 20 yean, low Display of Madras Cloth Shirts at lods at 58c. Make a selection before HUB, s and furnishers, II AND MARKET STREETS, ly Strictly One Price House. -BARB'S CLOTHING HOUSE. DOF, IVORN ?. 4 UltllC39 rousers [VERY PAIR WARRANTED. fflNTY. CHESS WOOL TROUSERS at ir $4.00, and wear them tiro ler button that comes off wo they rip at the waistband we f they rip in the seat or elselollar, or gire yon a new pair. .D. TRY A PAIR. P.I OTHINP, V HOUSE. DUTCHESS TROUSERS. KE SHOB COMPANY. _ ?* ? ? + + ??0 Sutton and Lace, + *lle and Coin Toes, i $2.50.j ?, Lare and Congress, c nft oin Tom, .... ? ;rt, u>l mm thin yoa will expel lor the J r SHOE CO. | -1 WILLIAMS TTPBWRITEIL The Williams Typewriter <.* Frints like a p-vr. .mi yw MC every letter and every the moment printed. | The Intelligence: uszs ani ft?* H emmends the Willixm*. J* J? I copp & devore i I IiOTlXfRA.rH Y. I MILES' ART STUDIO. I Photographs ?';r I 2151 7WTKIN STREET I