Newspaper Page Text
i CRHHT FONCIER ! . For Amcrka to be Submitted to Congrcu Soon. .GIGANTIC FINANCIAL SCHEME !;'To Save the People $100,000,000 a Tear in Interest Charges. MONEY LOANED AT A LOW KATE : Of UMllt M* PAUL ! BUf PVMHll. TataK?llonil In 1H CIWMtntud lute tha Supervision mt lb* OcmiiHWt. ' FnfMlllon U to IUm?T? tk? Hart|a|? FiriMM-VtiMU tonand ifateamra ofolt Ihirtlrt SaWI to VliMr tk? Plu-Thi Ichinu Si|?UlMd. I WU& Bmk tht Powi r of WaU MmL ft NEW YORK, May 17.?Following 1st , mn abstract of a lengthy publication ^.gned* by the New York Press: S& Coagress will be naked within two weeto to grant a charter to a ilnanclal Inattention which expects to exceed In ? comprehensiveness und importance the '' famous Credit Fonder of France. Ita prime purpose Is to lend money to the farmers, especially ot the west and south. at a rate almost half that which they are now paying. Tbe system upon which the instil u ! tioa la to be managed In similar to that upon which the Credit Fonder is managed, bat improvements on that system are planned, based upon the principles Of the beat known utid most successful of the national building and loan ascoclatloas. In addition, the charter will authorise the company to do a general trust and banking business within well deilned limits, the object of this branch of the business being (o give farmers short loans on crops and the more imperishable farm products. As"proJected it would be the great?*: financial Institution in the world Its capital would be $100,000,000. It may. undtr the ?barter as drawn, do a mortgage and lean business of twenty times thai, or two billions ot dollars. The savin# In luterest charges to the borrowing portion of the couutry Is put at $100,000,000 a year. All those who listened to the arguments advanced in the recent campaign will comprehend what that means. There are behind this institution twenty or thirty of tho best known and most powerful capitalists and financier* of America. The most Important immediate effect of the chartering and operation of the new Institution Is expectrd to be tho wane of the power of Wall street. The money changers of the street who for many yeans have laughed at the warnI inf firmer of lht> Almiirhtv n* tvmhnll. *ed In Old Trinity will And their doom. Some of the most prominent figures ot the street are clamoring to jet into the company. Dm Pumm If at the Charter. John R. Dos rassos. the lawyer, who perhaps more than any other 1s familiar With banking and the ways of Wall r. street, has the charter for the new Institution !n his liroad street office. lie refused yesterday to five the name of any of the persons associated with him He declared, indeed, that he did nut want any New York bankers in the Inatltution. He wants, he declares, the mechanics, the artisans, the laborers? the people?to become shareholders. H~ says the wramon people will subscribe for the J J 00,000.00 of mock twice over. They wiil leave th?* saving* hanks, he says, because this stock wil pay them better. "But." said Mr. Dos rassos yester day. "U -the people do not become up and subscribe for the amount, as I confidently expert them to do. then there is a aydJcate ready to take the balance." This is the greatest effort of my 11M," said Mr. Dos Passos. "I have been three months drawing this charter. I have with me here a gentleman who was connected with the Credit Foncler of France, and he has been almost invaluable to roe in furnishing Ideas and Statistics. We have familiarized ourselves not only with the Credit Foncler of Franoe, but with the Institution of the same name In Austria, and institution of the same character In Germany which has been running successfully for a hundred years. "I shall have the charter Introduced In Congress in ten days or two weeks. and I can say to you that K will go through." Mr. Dos Passos Intimated that President McKlnley, Secretary Gage anil xnaoy senators and members of Congress of all parties were favorable to the plan. He declared: "Nobody will oppose this when understood. It Is a measure to relieve the people. The Popullata, the Democrat liver and gold, the Republicans?all will be In favor of It. "We have enough money In this country. The only trouble Is It has not been distributed properly. We purpose giving the farmers of the south and west Just aa good and Just as cheap credit facilities as the merchant of New York enjoys." The gentlemen Interested have begun a campaign of education. Last month two articles by Maurice L. Mulilrman. Deputy Assistant Treasurer in New Tork. appeared In the Sunday Issue of a New York newspaper. The burden of the article was to show that tho Interest rates In the farming sections, specially In the wnst and south. are too bigh, while the banking facilities arc too meagre. Thna Months' Charier Work. It la on the lines marked out by Mr. Sluhlemun that the charter of the Loan and Mortgage Company of the United States la drawn. As Mr. Dos Passon has been at work three months on tho charter It might be that Mr. Muhleman's suggestions were derived from Mr. Dos Prt^soH's draft rather than Mr. Dos Passos draft from Mr. Muhleman's aujwestions. No such Institution n* (his could succeed without the absolute confidence of the people. That confidence Is to be obtained. it Is declared Its projectors, first, from nn intimate aaaoclation with the national Kovernment Itself, and, aecond, from an enormotiB capital? 100,000,000?every dollar of which can be traced through monthly reports by every person in the United States. The association with the national government is to be 00 intimate ns to iiSFTsi?: Friend Sis Nausea, and so prepares the system that the time of recovery is shortened and many say "stronger after than before confinement." It insures safety to life of both mother and child. All who have used "Mother Friend" say they will never be without it again. No other rem edy robs confinement of its pain RM* "TO aXnCTANT MOTHERS" nillnl rrse,?ontalniri(rTftlusblo information and vol* uutary testimonials. tmc radfikld reoulator co, atlanta,0a. ??io av iu osuooikta *r ni.oo sea mottle* | make it Almost a part of the government. The government is not. to b?? asked to subscribe, alt the capWal coming from the people, the purpoie being l now that no one person can h?*ve more Uhun $1,600 In share*. On the <?mtrary. I 2*e company t? to bind Itself to be \ ready at all times to advance* \o the I ffovommsnt any sum up to $155,000,000 at the current rates of interest. llut the government 1a to atypervlse the operations of the company. The President of the United States In to appoint a supervisor In general. The ?i?nate Is to have a man on guard, and so Is the hou^o, while the treasury ilepv.rtment Is to appoint an uuditor. The auditor Is to make examinations each mont>h and to report, the reports to be published and be available to any person. It is further proposed that the Presldent of the United Btatcs shall have a sort of veto power over the election of the president of th? company, nnd shall have the power also to name two of the directors of the company. i m/nimnrd Mr. Don ' uvcrjr |iu?eiu?i ...... Passoa says, will be put at the dl*i>o*aI of the government, the object being to! eliminate every possibility of dlHtrrust. The association with the national | government Is to be no intimate that subscriptions for the shares of stock in the company will be opened In the postoffices throughout the country. A list is to be placed in the postoflfce in New York aud opened under the- rule "first come first served." Lists may be placed also in the national banks. To Benefit th* Farmers. The directors chosen, the officers elected and the $100,000,000 so disposed of. the company is ready to undertake the work for which it was created. The first and most important work Is the lending of money to the farmers, especially those in the Houth and west, who are groaning under interest rates of from 6 to 15 per cent. A vast machine is necessary to reach the farmers. This machine, it is the intention, shall follow the lines of the machinery of the government of the United 8tatea. The central office of tin* loan and mortgage company will be In Washington, though offices have been secured In New York for the preliminary organisation work. Then there will be a branch office at the c?|h. ital of every state. Subordinate to the state branch wlil be a branch office at the seat of every county, and the county office will have Its agents in every township. The agents of the townships are to have their offices in the postoffices. Now. suppose you were a farmer in. say. South Dakota, and wished to borrow money. You would make your wishes known at your postoffice. and in iiuu way you nuuiu imhi mc To him you would make your application for a loan. It is an Iron-clad rendition. embodied In the charter, that loans will be made on property only up theBOper cent of Its value.ascertained by actual appraisement. Details u to Ixnum. The agent will set the machinery In motion to have your title examined and your property appraised. There are now In nearly all sections of the country title guarantee companies, which not only insure title, but also five guaranteed appraisements. It Is through such companies that the big company expects to work. The title examined and the property appraised the agent will tell you how much of a loan wlil be made. The syndicate back of the company has decided that the company will charge 4 cr. per cent interest. That Is not ho low a* the Credit Foncler of France makes Its rate, but Interest rates arc higher In this country. In time. Mr. Dos i'aHsos says, the company will be able to reduce the rute below 4.65 per cent. Suppose your l'arm has been appraised at $2.COO and you wish to borrow $1,000. which Is all you can borrow on that valuation. You will give the company a mortgage on your farm for $1,000. to run the length of time you desire. not less than fifteen years. It may run for seventy-five years and the probabilities are that, you will take the long time, because there Is a provision by which you may pay earlier if you wish to do so. The mortgage you give Is provided with couoons. one for each quarter for each o' the seventy-five yearn. Every time you come to make your payment you get a coupon, and when you get all your coupons the mortgage is released. It Is in the fixing of the amount of the payments that we come upon the vital principle of the company?the principle utilised in building and loan associatlon?. In addition to the direct charge for Interest, there In a charge for a Inking fund, and that charge is so regulated that when the end of the term In reached the debt Is extinguished. On a seventy-five year loan the sinking fund charges amounts to .85 (eighty-five hundredths) per cent., so that the total you would pay each year would be 5.50 per cent. And you woul pay that In quarterly Installments. Bend* for th? Mortgage. Now as to what you would get in return for your mortgage. Tou would not get money. You would get bonds, and these bond? would bear Interest at the rate of 3.$5 per cent. These bonds are to be In denominations of ten, fifty and one hundred dollars. They will have been listed on the stock exchange* and are to be salable as government bonds?perhaps not at first, but eventually. It Is the Intention to have them eventually pasa as money, and thereby increase the circulating medium. Hash dollar of such bonds would be burked by the two dollars tied up In your farm and also by the hundred millions of the capital of the company. Ii Is stated an a foot by Mr. Dos Passos that the bonds of the Credit Fonder of France actually h?-I1 higher than the bonds ?>f the government of France. He expects the same thing to happen here. After you have received $1,000 In bonds and bought what you wished with them, you begin the work of paying your Interest and the principal In the quarterly Installments. You will see that you are paying the Interest on your loan and nt the sam* time extinguishing your debt and still paying not as much as the average farmer is ??ayIng on his mortgage to-day. Now, suppose you prosper and are able t<> save enough to make your quarterly payments. Jt Is provided that you may pay off your debt as fast as you are a mind to. You may pay. too. in the bonds of the company, and if for some reason the bonds happen to be quoted low the day you have the money in your pocket you may buy and pay off your debt at a great advantage. If you could raise the money there Is no reason why you could not pay off all your 1 AAA >L.. n ... Ti,v?v m<r lunv /car, uniy you would nave to make nome sacrifices, a pnrt of the payments you hu<l made toward the sinking fund. Let us look now .hi ipcratifrns of the company from the viewpoint of the holder oif the shares of stock. What return will he get for his Investment? Moiify .Vol Krpi IcSlr. It hns been made clear thnt It Is not the $100,000,000 raised by the sale of shares thnt Is to be lent. The $100,000.000 Htnnds simply as a guarantee thnt the bonds Iwll be paid at maturity?thnt no bad mortRases have been taken. Hut the 1100.000,01.0 wl!i no, ? k?pt Idle. As hus been said. $2f>.000.000 goes into Interest bearing United Htates securi ties. fart of the remainder will go Into other safe securities. Only ji comparatively small amount will ho kept Idle to meet running expense*. Ho most of th'- $100,000.000 will be earning money of itself. The balance I "shake into your shoes.Allen's Toot-Kase a powder for tlio feet. It euros painful, swollen, smarting feet | nn'l Instantly tiike* the stln?c nut of corn* and bunions. It's the gredtest comfort discovery of the age. Allen's font-Mane make* UKlit-rminK or new shoes feel ea*y. It Is a certain cure for sweating. cullous i anil hot. tired, aahlruf fert. Try It to-dny. . Bold by all druggists ami shoe stores. Ity mull for 2'-o In stamp m. Trial package 1 KRBR Address, Allen H. Olmstead, l?o Itrtv. N. V. myll-tthAa ?f the profit to tho shareholder* come* In through the company'* margin of profit between the rut.* of Interest on the mortgage* and the rate on the bond*. Thin margin hua been fixed at I per cent?the difference between 4.60 per cent, the rate on the mortgage, and 3.?u in t ? ent, the rate on >? ? bond* taking no account of the .sinking fund pay* ment. The dividend* on the stock of the Credld Fonder of Frame have ranged In the four year* between 1892 and 1H96 from to V per cent per annum, net of taxes. That i* considered good in Fram e. The dividend* would be higher here on the same busine**. because the margin fixed for the American company 1* greater than that fixed for the Credit Fonder. In nddltlon, the charter will grant! power* unaer which the company eon I advance money on Imperishable farm I products, and even factor those pro* I ducta. For thl* purpose It I* to be empowered to acquire und manege ware- i houses. This provision goe* hand In hand with I the loan feature. For Instance, Huppone I a farmer who ha* given a mortgage tlnds hlmnelf through Home mlnfortune unable to meet a quarterly payment. There is n provision for n period of grace, but the farmer, taking advantage of the warehouMe and factor privilege* of the company, may have the fbcccasary amount to make hi* payment advanced to him on a growing wheat crop. When the crop I* harvested and threshed It 1* turned Into the company'* wnrenouse ana now i>y me company, line farmer getting all but the amount of money which was advanced to him. A CITIZEN'S VIEWa Oa? mi Oar Oldest Cl| Isaac UiTiri Numr ( ood Sonud Ailvlre. When a gentleman possessing the repututlon and the experience of Mr. K. M. Smith, of $0. 2132 Market street, a gentleman who has not und never had any monetary interest in any preparation, come* out tioldly and dedares that preparation "acted promptly and brought positive relief." It ought to stagger the skeptic and non-plus the doubter when they cavil over the claims made for or dHcuas the merits of Doan's Kidney Pills. Mr. Smith has no earthly object in giving publicity to his* opinion but one, via: the dewlro to do his fellow men n service who Buffer front auy derangement of the kidneys. He Is very brief, hut at the same time pointed In his statement. Head It. He says: "I !iad back ache on and off for the past six years, and 1t grew worse steadily. The trouble I think was first brought on by u fall I had while working at my trad* us a carpenter, and a slight cold or the least exposure always produced an attack. In time secretions from the kidneys becam** irregular, and I suffered a great deal from long spell* of dizziness, to bad often when walking on the street I would nearly fall over. I used porous plasters, but us they did me no good, gave up their use. I have also used a great deal of different kinds of medicine but the relief. If any. was only temporary. W?hen 1 saw Doan's Kidney Pills advertised I wo* so oaa i couia not wniK up xown after them, ?o I took a car to the Lojrari Drug Co.'s stor<? and got a box. I n*vw had anything nit ra promptly or do me such positive relief as did Daan'* Kidney Pills and I con conscientiously recommend them a* the very best remedy I have ever found for any form of kidney trouble." Doan's Kidney Tills are for sale by all dealer*. Price W cents per box. ft boxen for S2.&Q. By mall on reccdpt of price by Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. N. Y., *ole agents for the United States. A Valuable Prescription. Editor Morrison, of Worthlngton.Ind.. Sun writes: "You have n valuable prescription in Electric Hitters, and I can cheerfully recommend It for Constipation and Sick Headache, and as a general system tonic it hus no equal." Mrs. Annie Stehle. 28*.'3 Cottage Grove ave., Chicago, was ull run down, could not eat nor digest food, had a backach** which never left her and felt tired and weary, but six bottles of Electric Hitter* restored ber health nnd renewed her strength. Prices GO cents and Si 00. Get a bottlo at Logon Drug Co.'a drug store. G A REMEDY FOR FLESH WOUNDS. Such ti Cnii. Ilnrns, Ilrniara, hcretchn mid (he Ultra of Animal*, which irt toiumon 1'hlug*, but Always I'a Infill ml Oflrn Uaii|{rroui. And very few people escape their full share of such wounds. Indeed, cuts, burns and bruises are of aJmost weekly, cccurrcncc In nearly all fatnillea, for "accidents will happen." you know, and what's more, do happen, at home, on the farm and In the shop. Ordinarily, If Inflammation is kept down, and tho Inflammation Is kept, and the poison neutralized, the hurt heal* quickly. L>Mnlng Hot Drops heals any kind of flesh wound, and It reduces the danger of blood poison to the minimum. Relieves neuralgia, sciatica, rheumatic pains. Sold by all druggists and dealers In medicine at 25c and 60c per bottle. No relief, No Pay. In cases where the pain Is severe, or ihe loss of blood has Induced falntneas. a dose or two of Lightning Hot Drops taken internally will bo found of great service. Made only by Herb Medicine Co.. HprlngfleM. Ohio, 60o stao contains 2Vj times as much as 25c siae. Dr. King's Stw HUcorrry for Conanmp(lon. This Is the boat medicine In the world for nil forms of Coughs and Colds and for ?'onaumptlon. Kvery bottle in guaranteed. It will cure and not disappoint. It ha* no equal for Whooplnjr Cou*h. Asthma. Hay Fever. Pneumonia. Bronchitis. La Grippe, Cold in the Head and for Consumption. n is aafa for nil age*, pleasant to take, and. above all. a Hure rur??. It is always well to tako Or. King'* New Llfo Pilla In connection with Dr. King's New Discovery. as they rogul.iteond tone the stomach nnd bowela Wa guarantee pr-rP-ot aallsfactton or return money. Regular sl*e 60 cents and Jl 00. At Logan Drug Co.'a drug store. 6 THE secret of happiness, "Keep your liver right." Burdock Blood Hitlers 1h nature's remedy for complaints of tbo liver ond bowels. II. * O. Chnnoof Tlmo. On nnd aftrr Sunday, May 10. trains win (i?>pnri anci nrnvc at wnceung u? follows: MAIN LINK DEPART. New York Express, dully, 12:25 a.m.. Cumberland Accommodation, except Hunday. 7:00 a.m., Baltimore Express, dally. 10:50 a.m., Grafton Accommodation, dally 5:00 p. m. ARRIVE, New York Express, dnlly S:?0 a.m., Orafton Accommodation, dally 10:10 Cumberland Accommodation, except Sunday 4:30 p.m., Haiti more Express, dally 10:20 p.m. TRAN8 OHIO DIVISION, DEPART. Chicago Express, dally 7:35 a.m., and 3:25 p.m.. Cambridge Accommodation, except Sunday. 7:35 a. m.. Cincinnati Express, dally 10:40 a.m., nnd 11:40 p.m. ARRIVE. Chicago Express, dally, 1:15 a.m . and 11:50 a.m., Cincinnati Express, dnlly !?:0.r? a in., nnd 6:05 p.m.. Cambridge Accommodation, except Sunday 7.:t0 p.m. W. * P. DIVISION DEPART. Pittsburg ft New York, dally r?:lo n. : m . and 5.10 p.m.. Plttiiburg. dally 7:10 rum . Pittsburg Mall, except Sunday. 1:15 p.m. ARRIVE. Pittsburg New York, dally 10:35 a m.. and 11:30 p.m.. PitlHburg, dnlly, fl:R0 > in., Pittsburg Mall, exfcept Sunday, 12:15 p.m. T. C. IJURKE Passenger and Ticket Agent. BAPTIST WOMEN. . t'lratof (lie firrln of AiMil?er*?rlca Ki?w HtIiik Held In INilaburgli lluuio 8IUaloit Wlrly. PiTTSBUVRGII. Muy 17.-Larg0 delegations or JtaptiMt \>omen from various sections of the country arrived here this morning to attend tho opening exercises tills afternoon of the twentieth anniversary of the Woman's Home Baptist Mission Society. This will be the first series of Muy anniversaries of the different Haptlst bodies to be held h*re during the next ten days, and wlliieh It is expected will bring to this city from l.ROO to U.OUO delegates. The session this afternoon b*Kan at 3 o'clock, with n fellowship meeting, followed with greetings'"from" Mbw Everett. vice president for Kansas; Miss Schiller for Pennsylvania, and Miss Taylor for New York. At 4 p. rn., Mrs. H. J. Smith, of New Jersey, led In a service of prayer and praise. The other anniversaries will be held as follows: American Haptlnt Home Mission Society, May 19; American Baptist Historical Society, May 20; American Baptist Publication Society. May 31; Commission Systematic Christian Henetleence, May 22; Itaptlst Young American Baptist Missionary Union, May 24 and 25. During the week when the financial report of each of the various orgnnlcafho honks will show that the numerous societies ami churchcs have raised a sufficient amount of money to capture the $250,01)0 offered by John D. Rockefeller to I'reo the missionary societies from debt. The total debt ??r ti??* organisation aggregated $4X6,000, and to become entitled to the gift of Mr. Rockefeller It Is necessary that the church raise $326,000. Goodly Hums were raised on the occasion of special service In this direction, in addition, sums ranging from $5 to $1,000 and $5,000 have been contributed. '*11 li th? tl?at on ISartli." That Is what Edwards & Parker,merchants of Plains, Ga., say of Chamberlain's Poln Itulm, for rheumatism, lamo back, deep seated and muscular pains. Sold by druggists. Women's Reliance. Afttr Many Discouragements They Turn to Munyon. Mrs. Rachael Matthews, Shady Slda, Princess Anno County, Md., says: " I had severe pains la my left side und?r my hmrt. which fluently paaiod to my rifbt abouldcr. Several doctor* endeavored to give m* relief, but were unublo I to vlo eo. I began using Munyon'a Rheumatlam Cur? and Narva Cura and wa? Immediately relieved, and in flva day? all tha pain laft roe. and I Uava bad so return irtnee." A aeparato cur* for aach disease. At 1 all druiffiata, mostly 'IS ccnta a vial. P*rnonal latter* to Prof. Munyon, 1,600 Arrh PtnMt. pniiMMpniA, I'*., aBHwerra wiui fr?? m?dic*l advice for any dlseue. MADE ME A MAN J, AJAX TABLETS POSITIVFLT CUIIK ^ Al.l..Srr?us Mnwm-Falling Memffl V7'i5S.^M^5SiSj,???SSJ BL c;*Ufuu, Th-v ouMtlg and imiWu ^7 raator* Lo"i Vitality In old or roan*, tad f: a m?n for?todj, barfoMaor marrU??. aJB^Ixvrvot loaanlty and OooMuopUoa If mum*', llwlrowihow IbhIUX 1bmo?> oraland ftirieta m CVllC ?un all other loll In tat gpn hxiu th? b*buI?? AJ?? Tabtato. Tb?y turncuredtbMMadaand willouraro?.^,o^s.*ffs50cts.ii? j |*cui?i or t>j piix (rail treatment) for |2/0. |)r For m1? In Wheeling* W\ Va.. by Logan Drug Co. f?23-tth&* M Cklohf?t*r?a E>dUk DU?Mid Rrmal Pennyroyal pills I ?Orlflul u4 Oal| fieaaliitk A /i/Tn\ ? . ?! ?? USUI Ml ?\ >J\ y'^y l)rm(llH IN <%kk*iUri Jfcrtu* I'm >?V\ /** * U Urd ?a4 VU4 M4?lil?\\0' V mM ?IU blM rlktw* TakeYy < 1H 0hfb|utUm Xi>id?*Mnn4i<iMt? 1/ - nr !"* **d Att>r?niN?.?r*md4*. I U Jr Is ?ua>|? N* Ji?riku.m at?4 i \V* 0 "KcUef IW fauUee." ia Xtttr. kr rrt?m J -v Js NaU. y*? f*r* ? rCUrk?ct a? If I "qua.*, U fcr U Utal i>ruuuu. I'kllada., i;a. my?-Tnth&B-wyery j To 4DAYCU??^,\. nr Oeemkea. Gtot, ItManftM lad Bfwwhuiw. ( CT No Pain. No Stala. Trtt B^rinst. I tacrtnt* FTniCTminandnil phivatr. rusiuscs. ill/rnitaU, fur?1.0U. . MALYOORMFC.CO.t canonot?f, 0.,U.S.A my?** j Ventilating Fans.: GET ? i RID If J " ""'ao i \\ t~?f turo OF 11] FANS ' FLIES! \ ! "t""1 Iho only V | floor, way by doing away using Ventilating ceiling | fans. | shafting. k ^ i Our Water Motor it (/iifl/Jntectl to do* ?clop a yrentcr amount vi power for the mount of water lifted than any mschino ' known. jl v< wa va o< ; T A IITTS F 1520 1 I rti LIM LL? Market Street. MACHINERY* F dkdman A CO.. !> O GENERAL MACHINISTS. = ASP MAJWFACTtmWW OP MAlUttB ( AND MATIONAI.Y RNOIN13. C 1nJ7 Wholloa. w. H | MEDICAL. A Wonderful Medicine man scr Btnovt anu 2Jor vou j <11*0 ru-ra^ucnau virina Hd Palo In the Btomach, Bl^kiloodoctio, Glddi* noss, Fullness and Swelling liter meals, Dlzrlnessand Drowsiness, Cold CM lis, Fluslilofs of IIoat. Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Con* tlvsnoss, Blotches ou the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Xarvoua and Trombling Sensations, Ac., when those symptoms an causod toy constipation, aa most of them art. THE FIRST 003E WILL CIVB RELIEF IH TWENTY MINUTES. This Is no fiction* JSrery sufferer is earnestly lnrtted to try 000 Box or these Pills 1 and they will be acknowledged to M A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BKECIIAIWH PILLS, taUon as directed, will quickly restore Females to complete health. They promptly remote obstructions or Irrsgo* laritlcs of ttio system. For a Weak Stomach. Impaired Dig;estion Disordered Liver they act liko magio-a fotr doses will work wonders upon tho Vital Organs; strengthening the muscular system, restoring the Jong-lost complexion, bringing back tho koen edge of appotlte, and arousing with tho Rosebnd of Health tho wkolo physical energy of the human frame. Tbeso are facts admitted by thousands, in all classes of society, and one of the bee {.guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated la that Boecham's Pills liavo the Largest Sole of any Patent medietas In tbfi World. WITHOUT A RIVAL Annual Sales more thin 6,000,000 Boxes tse at Drugstore*, or will bo Mat by U.S. AjroQiB. B. r. ALLEN CO., 80S Canal 8l, Nov Sork, post paid, upon rocalpt of prloe. Bode tree upon application, PROPOS A LS. Notice to Contractors. Clerk's* Office. Board of Commissioners of Ohio County. May 10. 1?7. Senled proposal* will ho received at this ofllco until the 2#th Inst., ut 10 a. m.. for tho following county work to be doni during the present yar upon the roads named. Macadamizing an follows: THIADBLP11IA DISTRICT. Cubic Name of Road. Yards. Bogus' illll, Springer's and Bushllefcfa ft) Chanel Run and Springer's hi La id ley's Run to Pennsylvania Stato iJne 35 Middle Wheeling Creek, Ix>wer End... 170 Middle Wheeling Creek, Upper End.... 420 Monument and Big Wheeling: Creek.... KM Peter's Run 146 Stone Church 150 i Valley Grovo and Middlo Wheeling Creek 90 West Union and Roney's Point, first two miles CO West Union and Roney's Point, second two inlles? 72 West Union and Roney's Point, third three miles 118 Laidley's Run to Kidd's Mines 40 Brown's Run 75 Elm Grovo nnd Boggs' Illll To . McCutcheon'8 to Ruchanan's Mill 110 Wheeling and Kim Grove 34 Steenrod a to Mt. de Chantal 100 I Edglngton Lano to Bethany Pike.... 125 > RICHLAND DISTRICT. , Greggsvllle, Clinton and Potomac?1st divisionFront Oreggsvllle to Pogue'H Run... 175 1 From Pogue's Run to Dean's Shop.. 150 j From Dean's Shop to District Line.. 135 , unapei nun unu oj>riii*?w ? ?? ? Kelly's Ham and Dement Cemetery... 26 Pokum's Run 40 Peter*a Run 125 River Road-lst Division *? River Road -2<! Division. 200 . Short Creek?North Fork 200 Short Creek?South Fork 200 Short Creek-Main Stem 175 0., C. & P. to Charry Hill ?0 Britten' Hill. Sprln&er'a and Bushfield's ?g Brown's Run ... . J? Glenn's Run and Cherry Hill 200 Rellly and Delaplalne ISO Waddle and Warden's Run 125 Huff's Run 60 Highland School House.. 8u LIBERTY DISTRICT. Greiejesvllle, Cllntoa & Potomac-2d Division. , From District Line to Harvey's 90 From Harvey's to Potomac 90 , Kelly's Ham and Dement Cemetery.. 25 MoGraw's Run to G.. C. & P. Road.... 130 Rice and Castleman's Run 80 . Valley Grove & Middle Wheeling Creek 60 Wheeling, W., L. & H.-2d Division.... 160 Went Liberty to Wellsburg 15 Rattle Run to O./C. & P. Road SO Dixon's Run to G., C. A P. Road 74 ' Ullmore's Crossing to Patterson's 11111. 40 Rice and Weldman's 100 Btuhlflre's to West Alexander 110 1 West Liberty and Harvey's 75 1 Went Liberty and Cast Ionian's 55 < I1-..I 1 II...IV .? Clptv'a Pnlnf Trestlework' to Rodger'* "5 ' RITCHIE DISTRICT. Wheeling and Elm GrovoWest of School House ISO East of School House 75 Wheeling ami Fairmont 27i, Wheeling anil Ridge 60 Peninsula, Washington district SO Wheeling. W.. L. & B.~l?t division, Trladelnhla and Richland districts... 200 Honey'* Point to B.. 8. & It.? I.owir Half S4 rpner Half 60 Bid* will also Ik* received (or tlm construction of a retaining wall on the Natlonal Itnad. near Mrs. Thompson's. This nail will contain about 1,000 cubic yards ind will bo built a* nrst-cla*s rubble masonry. The county will furnish the cement and such stone In tho old wall as <hnll be found suitable for tho new work. CALDWELL'S RUN. Also rubble masonry retaining wall on fnldwell'a Hun, near Toll House, conmining about CO cubic yards. Macadamising to be of hard blue or gray Imeatona, broken to pan through a thro?nch ring any and every way. Above quantities arc upproxlmnte onlv ind nro subject to chango. 1'ropoxals diould be endorsed "Proposals for County I Work," and must state full names of bldflors, with postOfflce addreas. and must >e accompanied by ihef names <>t tun rriponslble parties who will become sureties or the faithful performance of contructs, f awarded. For further Information apply at this nice or at the office of the County En- 1 rlncer, Drown A: Haslett. Cltv Hank FlulldinK. ? The bonnl reserves the rlfht to rcjcct J my or ftII bids, - T r MOFPAT. : Clerk Ronnl of Conimlnnloncr*. myl<M2-l7-19-24-wyl3-20 ? , IN8URANCB. RKAL BSTATU i FITLE INSURANCE. Jfj-on ptirohftw or mnk?? loMftitrjU c?mi? Imva the Uilt iuturod br lin iVbeeling Title and Trust Co., ' NO. 1818 MAICKKT ST It Hit T !. 51. IIUSBKM. L. F. STIPKL 1'twldant. fccrflUrr. J. RAWllNG S.L 8IN0I.KT0N. Vie* Frosldent. A?s't Secretary. G. H. K. UlLOHUlSl'. Kxtmluor ot Tillaa. dol? f-UOE REPAIRING. r iUSION SliOL HLI'AIHING COTi Jl >741 Mitktl Street* I PRACTICAL SHOLMAKt-RS. 1 Ihooa neatly repaired nnd half uolod whllw yon wait. 11AI.P KOl.lN'G AND 11F.RL1NO. i' l ,(*?. i.: > 30c* 1711 Mmh. l Htr. et vir.T.r.M roll n m . ? -?.mim7i, JCATHp AND IN'1 ItlCATU DESIGNS , IF I'ltlNTlN*? carefully and lmelllK?ntly ' nmidr>l.d at thn INTICLLIGBNeEU JOU JUNTINQ OFFICE. j TAL KOItyniB 1NBANK AT WK0. ton. w. yxr Sealed propotnds will be received at this office until 12 o'clock, noon, on tho thirtytlrnt day of Muy. 1K?7, for furnlnhln^ ail u,? material* ami Jahor rooulrod for erecting In pined complMK, the Hot ifouHe ..n j jN Heating ApparsffV". for the Wejt Vlrdnu Hospital for tfit# Insane. at Wanton, w Va., In accordance witn the plant*. sp*ciiu cations, etc., comes of which may ho ut UMs office, Mil at thy oflloe of Uurtlclt. Hay ward & Ctrl 'Baltimore, aid. Proposal* musthe enclosed in envelop** scaled ami rnvKml "Proposals tor Hot Ifoiim* and Hcjtfjug Apparatus," addr*u. Ml to W. prCRUiniACKRH. M. h Superintendent Hospital for insane, \vM. ton, \V. Va. . myll-tth&M Wwlon: W. WMay 10,1S97. " O- i'l'IcBof fain8upekintkndi.-nt OK THE WK8T VMtUINIA IIOHI'l. TA1. FOR THIS INHA.Ni: AT WK.S. TON. W. V*. Sealed proposal* will be received at this office until 12 ,p'<;lpck. noon, on tin* thirtyflrst day of May. l)&i, for fUrnlHhlng nil the materials and labor rtxiulred for t-r.-ctinic In place complete, the Laundry HulMirit: etc.. Class A.',* Plumbing, etc., <:!*? ? h Heating Appiiralua, etc.. ClaHs c. j.awn: dry Machinery, etc., CJass D., for th?- v.v?t Virginia Hospital for the In*ano at Wi s. ton. W. Va., Inrnccordnnco with tin- plant specifications, idc.. copies of which may I,,', neon at thin otfin'. and at the office of Hartlett, Hayward <fct.'o., Baltimore, Md. I 1'roposals muit I** enclosed In envelopes. ! jwaled and marked "PropvsalH for Laundry Work, Class A."H or 0," according id the classes did upon, and addressed to W. P. OIUTMHAOKEK Superintendent Hospital for insane, Wes. ton, W. Va. . i . , W'estoiu^V. Vfr/ May 10. 1V?7. my ll-tth&s OFFICE OP THE Hl'PEHINTKNr?l NT OF THtf"WTS8T VI HO JNIA HOHPI. TAL FOR THE INSANE AT WKSTON, Wyft'A. Sealed nropomlfi will bo received nt this office until lii o'clock, noon, on th?* thirtyfirst day of May, 18'JT. for furnishing all th#? materials and labor reqtilr?-<j for tlnir In place compile the Boil?*r Houk<> Kit?n Ion. Boilers, Pining. etc. for the Wwt Virginia Hospital (Or the In*an<-. at U>ston w. Va., in *c*?ordanc?. with the plans' specification*. at c.. copies *?f which may b? Hft-n at this office, and at th* of hartlett. Huyward. A Co., Baltimore, Md Proposal* m,uut l?? enclosed In ?-nv?lopM staled and marked "Proposals for BojUr House. Ilollefa. etc.. for W. Va Hospital for the liuuine." and addressed to W. P. fRl'MHACKKR, Superintendent Hospital for the lriaan?, Weston, W. Va. Wei ton, W. Va.. May 10. 187. FFICE OF THE WEST VIRGINIA HOSPITAL FOH THE INSANE AT WEBTON W. VA. Healed propoaals will be r** HvM at the Wont Virginia Hospital for the Insane. m Weaton, W. \a., until 12 o'clock, noon, on the firm day of June. 1&J7. for furnishing all th?? labor and materials for rnaklnjr complete fho Improvements to th?> Old Colored Building at the Went Virginia Hoipltal for the insane, in accordance with the plans. xpoeiilcatlona. etc. cojiU? of which may bo seen at the office of Franfhelm. dels^y As Fart*. Architect*, at Wheeling, W. Va.. and at the Hospital at Weaton. Proposal* must be enclosed In envelop**, sealed and ranrked "Proposal* for improvements to the Old Colored Building h: the West Virginia Hospital for th* Insar*. Weaton, W. Va.," and addressed to th? Board of Director*. West Virginia Hospital for tho Insane. Weston, W. Va. Weaton. W. Va., May 10, 1K?7. myl!-tth&? REAL EST ATS. JACOB SNYDER HOMESTEAD FOR SALE. We offer for sale at a bargain the Ut? residence of Jacob Snyder, deceased, situate and known aa Xo. M5, on tho wwrt rids of North Maio.Btrfet. The houso is an eleleant, large dwelling of three stories, well lighted and 'Ventilated, with all modern Improvement*. and In Urst-olam order. The grounds''are spacious and well kept, extending to the river, and the view alon? the Ohio river Is one of tho flneet In tht city. Will sell the property cither furilshed or unfurnished. A rare chance on a ijulek sale. vFor particulars apply to RINEHART & TATBM, Telephone 219. City Bank ButMlng. TO LET. New, all moaren bouses on tcs south fide of Fourteenth and Jacob street* eight rooms, bath, laundry,; with furnace, electrio n*ht, both gsscs... IThe plumbln? and general finish will be the beat. S2ot^ulon on or about Julx 1188?. #ROL-F St ZKNE? ' 80 Fourteenth Street. FOR SAIiB. fi per cent Bonds, coupons payable stmlinnually. Safe investment. Note for 91,600; secured first leln ondeslnLble city real estate that Is worth ove? twice tho amount of note. Interest 6 p*r ?ent semi-annually for three years; good is government bonds. Desirable seven-roomed houso si U North York street at a bargain. Gh O. SMITH, Exchange Bank Bulldln*. Phono 19. FOB_RJE32STT. No. 1053 McCollooh street flJJJ No. SAM Wood street, S rooms " J? No. 2811 Chapltne street. 3 rooms M No. 37 Seventeenth street WW No. 2*5 Alley 11 ? 00 No. 1614 Alain street, 4 rooms, both hot water 1*2 No. 2fiQ2 Main street ? ) No. 2510 Main street, 2 room* * ^ No. 78 North York strret ! W No. 127 Fourteenth street No. IS* Fourteenth street No. 141 Sixteenth street jj ^ No. fW Seventeenth street ? } ? No. 34 Sixteenth street, Htore room.. ? ?j No. 1*22 Main street, Btoro room . l< w No. 33ft Main street, 3 rooms and both iraae*'furnished, for Summer residence. 4 or 6 rooms. Hubert homestead No. l.v.2 Main street fS No. 4S2 National Road ; No. 117 Main street, saloon nnd 3 ^ w Resldenee Kdflngton Lane. 11 room?. 3 acres ground. JW fruit tree* No K04 Main i-treet Saloon In Martin's Ferry "2 l-rootned houne Craseent r:aro..^. _; ?w : iiouhw near Manchester u?; Workn, oant of Mt. do Chsntal J room# Soifoort property, on Wheell?s creek !.. 6M No.. 2312 .Market street, blacksmith shop -?' Stable rear of Herman Hank *?" FOR SALE. Around 100 feet square on Twenty* lefctyitn street, with buildings thereon. M?. 1W7 I'liapllno street. $i,000. ( Rlvefroomed house southeast corner 01 KlmiNth and Twelfth utreet. 11.100. Ural cMtato of every description. JAMES A. HENRY. R/nU!?lat- Aeon. Collector, VoUry Pt> He nhd Tension Attorney, No. 1612 M?la jdyeet. rorL REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. I)\illdlnR loin on the Inland. Ifo/jeo on North Main street House on I.lnd street. House on the Island. l1eti*o near Twentieth street, with Aoinx. J7.V) on a quick sale. Mopey to loan. INK & BRAUNLICH REAL ESTATE AGENTS, rhone fti7. 1143 /t\ m Pnys for a Year's I Subscription to tho.. 091 Weekly Intelligencer.