Newspaper Page Text
f BAND CONCERTS. Two Umc and Enthiulastlc Audi* encts Drawn to Hear the FAMOUS INNliS MILITARY BAND Vkkh wm tfc? AKratllra at i\VbNllB| Park Cuiao, AflirM?> aatf Kmln|. at far Um UacamltortaMa W?U?r Ik* AIImmUac* waata llava Baa Larfir. i Tkftlola Work In Coan*cUou wltk lh? j Ita4waaa Plaaalns Pcatar*. i; Last night the Innea band received ; recognition from the largest audience ever assembled In tho Wheeling Park Casino. The concerts, afternoon and evening. were a combination of enter- j , ialnlng features which carried unquestionable evidences of high excellence. The programmes at printed were carried through, with an encoru added for each number. Mine. Mnde. America's greatest contralto, was compelled, in fact, to sing three limes. Mr. JSmll Kenecke. cornetlst, was superb, and his selection was frequently broken In upon with applaud, which could no: with such n audience, be restrained. The encore. "Oh, PromJxe Me," was exquisitely given. T. The solo violinist. Miss Webb, who had been heralded as without a peer among the lady violinists of the country, was no disappointment. In fact. : she was one of th<* revelations of the evening. While her work and Instrument, of course, cannot be compared with the others, it may, with honesty and with full Jostle* to all the others, be said that Miss Webb was the solo card of the uvening. Mr. Inne*. as a soloist, was superb, and the Audience thoroughly appreciated the beauties and difficulties to be met with in that instrument in the ! chosen selection "The Two Grenadiers." A repetition was asked, but the re- i sponse was given by a quartette.whose playing of "Riceletto." was thoroughly enjoyed. As director and composer, he appeareo t<v excellent advantage, and It is doubtful whether any conductor ever R.1Q a oaiij- OI iucu uiuic . lv? to his slightest wish, than Mr. Innes. | " Another noteworthy fact, was the attention given by all members to the soloist* of the evening. Usually the stage is unceremoniously left until the tifxt concerted number makes imperative the return. A thought aroused by last night's concert, and especially revelant to Casino performance. Is, that all concert programmes should contain a last number never expected by the performers to be played, and In those conditions all elections rendered would receive the hearing they deserve. Woman'* CJnh Concert. The last Opera House concert of the aeason, !s that of the Woman's Musical Club, bcoked for next Friday night. A more than usually attractive prot gramme has been arranged, and. with | jc the accompaniments of the Op*ra ] ft; House orchestra, a new line of work has been undertaken. Musical Wheeling I has hod all phases of music put before I it this season, except the piano and orchestra combination, and this, with ! the beautiful Ptshermaldeo cantata, is i an especial feature, held forward In th?? coming concert of th*> Woman's Musical Club. THE HOST W.3T8Y5TKK Of the P?nnarlT?ui? Company?Ann sal He port of UntlncM. PITTSBURGH, Pa.. June 1.?The annual meeting of stockholders of the Pennsylvania Company, operating the | lines of the north-west system,was held In this city to-day. The annual report ahnwine the following' results In the proprietary department:1 Total revenue for 1896, $2,399,626 06,out | of which was paid for interest on bonds 1 general expenses, taxes, etc., $2,161,- j | 356 37, leaving a profit for the year of $236,266 69. A decrease as compared with the profit for 1895 of $708,767 7L The results on the principal lines opE" crated were as follows: Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Hallway, a loss of $513,996 38; as compared with a profit for 1895. of $35,533 86. In connection with this line the report states that It is expected that Its tracks will be elevated In the city of .Chicago, between South Park avenue and Fifty-second street, before December 31, 1S99, at an estimated cost of | $$00,000. ^ The Pittsburgh. Youngstown & Ashtabula Railroad shows net earnings for F the year of $435,096 90. n decrease us compared with 1896, of $282,854 34. k The Erie & Pittsburgh railroad shows a loss of $321,755 78, against a profit in 1805 Of $7,524 43. i The Cleveland & Pittsburgh railroad [. shows a profit of $$7,30211. being a decrease as compared with 1895, of $303, 598 61. *r. The Indianapolis & Vlncennes rnll(f: road shows a loss of $110,277 53,belng an increased loss us compared with 1895, of $6,353 76. i'; The New Castle & Beaver Valley i railroad shows a loss for 1896 of $357 15,. being a gain as compared with 1895, of 118.368 10. i> There was a decrease in the tonnage f of the northwest system of 4.902,829 ton*. There ivas an Increase of 145,059 In the number of passengers carried by the same system. ;* The following persons were elected hi directors for the ensuing year: Frank Thomson, of Philadelphia: Jamea McRea, J. T. Brook*, John E, Davidson, and Joseph Wood, of Pittsburgh; John P. Green, W. ti. Barnes. N. P. ShortK ridge, Charles K. Pugh, Samuel Rea, ' . George Wood and C. Stuart Patterson, i" of Philadelphia; William Stewart, of, Pittsburgh The changes In the directory sine* the last annual meeting are as follows: Mr. George Wood, of Philadelphia, succeeds Mr. llenry D. Welsh, deceased. Mr. C. Stuart Patterson, of Philadelphia. succeeds Mr. George B. Roberts, deceased. Mr. William Stewart, of Pittsburgh, succeed* Mr. Amos R. Little, resigned. i The board will meet for organization , at mu ear.'y day. j 11LLMAM TALKS Doran't Kiitiw what llf will Do A bant ( th* l)l?|irn?irr '** WASHINGTON, June 1.?When Senator Tillman was nuked to-day for an expression concerning the decision of Judge Slmonton in the Routh Carolina dlapcnsary cane he said that the state undoubtedly would oppeal the cane to the supreme court of the United States. "There is nothing else to do," heaald, "so far as this rase Is concerned. The state has exhausted present rfsour? ? H and must wait upon the pupremc court and Congress." He said th?* decision practically annulled the Wilson art of 1MW. and that if it should be sustained by the supreme court nothing would l.? left but to got Congress to paxs another law that could be made blndlnj; This, Senator Tillman says, he will use his hest efforts to accomplish, but /.n n/>?miiit nt the inr-thoit of omened. Ing In the house he ha? very little hope of success during ihe present hoiislon. lie think* the senate could be Induced to net If there wan uny ponslhllity of getting action In the house. "We don'i Burrender the principle." h?snM. "and 1 Hhall toko some #?t*-|?n hpr?- to maintain It. but JURt what I Khali do nnd when I Hhnll attempt to do anything will nTCRiiarlly depend upon circumstances." SPHNCER HOSPITAL Far lb* Iiiiihi-HhIImi mt (U* llr.dUhn'MRM^ Sprc-Ial Dl?p?tcli to the Int<-lll?oncer. SPENCER. \V. V*. June 1.?Tho board or Ultvctora for thn wconU ho?pttol for the Insane. arrived here tbU morning, and Immediately after noon orgaulaeU and unanlmounly elected Dr. L. V. Outline, of I'olut Pleaaant. auptrIntendjnt. after which they adjourned until 10 o'clock to-morrow morning. ...v. il. ..i ~-lll lui flll.vH wnfn IOU QUIC: unite* ??< .Dr. Dolvon, of Glenvllle, and Dr. Itoll*. Camden, of Parkfrsuurn, son of Dr. T. B. Cumden. one of the member* of the bo?rd. are both here In the fight for agslsmnt physician's {dace. Dr. Camden lit said to be likely to lecure the place. John Slack, of Charleston. I* here, looking for the clerkship for himself. There an* uld to be 1.400 applicants on Hie for th?* sixty-one positions. Many local aspirants are In the field. STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. Governor AlktaMMt Appoints Ills X?w Board?Tl** Mum#*. Special Dispatch to the Intelligencer. CHARLESTON. W. Va.. June 1.Oovernor Atkinson to-day appointed the members of the state board of health. They are as follows: First district?Drs. John H. Pipe#, of Wheeling, for four years, and A. O. Flowers, of Clarksburg, for two years. Second district?Drs. S. N. Myers, of Martinsburg. four years, and T. F. Lanham. of Newburg. two years. Third district?'Drs. Charles W. Spangler, of Feterstown. four years. and J. Haptonstall. of Stone Cliff, two years. Fourth district?Drs. A. 11. Bar bee, of Point Pleasant, four years, and C. B. Blubaugh. of Parkersburg. two years. PMlMMUri !Yam?<t. Special Dispatch to the Intelligencer. WASHINGTON. D. C.. June 1.?Six| teen West Virginia postmasters of the fourth class were appointed to-day. as follows: W. G. Jones. Bethany. Brooke county; William Young. Carlo#, Roane county; A. 8. Hansford. Cascara. Doddridge county; G. D. Evans, Clifton Mills, Preston county; Marcus Morgan. Porksburg. Marlon county; W. J. Kerns, sr.. Grangevllle. Marlon county; E. E. Thomas, Little Sewell Mountain. Greenbrier county; L. O. Tullls, Long Reach. Tyler county; A. B. Clark. Lynn Camp. Marshall county; Isaac Smith. Lytton. Pleasants county: J. A. RlfTee. McOW; j Taylor county; I. H. Bee. Mattle. Ronne county: J. N. Cottrell. Quiet Dell, Harrison county; Adolphus Livingstone. Veranda. Mason county; W. W. NVells, Vienna. Wood county; Preston Vance. Wlllowton, Mercer county. Weil Virginia Pftitlom. Special Dispatch to the Intelllgonrer. WASHINGTON, D. C.. June 1.?Pension* to West Virginia applicants have been granted as follows: Original?Alfred Johnson. Spangler, Kanawha county. Supplemental?William H. Abrell, Cold Stream. Hampshire county. Increase?G. Wilson Kennedy. Wheeling; Woodward Sprous?\ West Columbia. Mason county: David F. Watson, Little Falls, Monongallu county. Increase of pension has also been granted to Abraham Lotterburg. Canonsburg. Washington county. Pa. ftrrton* W reelt. 6|>ecial Dispatch to tho intelligencer. MARTINSBURG, W. Va.. June L? While bringing two carloads of stone from the Baker Bros.' stone quarry, near the Baltimore & Ohio track to-day, the brakes on the cars gave way and the train rushed Into a sharp curve, where the engine Jumped the track. The engineer and fireman, Jostph Llnthecorn and J. W. Brooks.were burled under the wreck and both badly scalded, the latter so badly that he may not recover. The rest of the train crew saved themselves by Jumping. KUUdby Train. Special Dispatch to the Intelligencer. MARTIN8BURO. W. Va . June 1.? Sitae T. Shaffer, or Qulcksburp. was killed near here on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad to-day. while ivatrhinff an opportunity to steal a ride on on east-bound freight train. He was struck by a passenger train going west. AMERICAN DOCTORS. Sleeting of the Medical Association In Philadelphia?The Ootrfm Jnh'lre. PHLIADKLPHIA.June l.-TheAmerIcan Medical Association began the celebration of Its golden jubilee to-day and will continue four days. The convention was called to order by the president. Dr. Nicholas Senn, of Illinois. Members and their wives to the number of over 3.000 have registered. Mayor Warwick welcomed the association on behalf of the city, and Hon. Charles Emery Smith on behalf of the state. After the committee on arrangement* imu repunru, ncoiucm 8enn delivered his annual address. The report of the committee in the Hush monument fund, which followed, was an appeal for means to erect a more (suitable memorial than the prcaent amount In hand permits. Trainmen Sot to Illamr. NEW YORK, une 1.?President Baldwin. of the Long Island railroad, received reports to-dny from the crew of the train which only yesterday ran down a tally-ho party at Valley Stream, killing Ave and fatally Injuring others of the young pleasure seekers from Brooklyn. .i<>n? ph Colligari, the < "gineer, and conductor ohn Reeves say that he usual warning signal of blowing the locomotive whistle and ringing the bell on the engine were given as the train approarhedt he crossing. Knglmcr Colllpan said he did not soe the tally-ho until it was too late to avoid (he collision. Engineer Oolllgan and Conductor Reeves have been In the employ of the Long Island railroad for many yeurs and have good records. Tltrcn wrrft Klllnt. BLtTEFIELT>, W. Va.. June l.-Englne No. 251 on the Norfolk & Western railway, blew up near Chrlntlansbury. Va., killed Joe Wsinkle. an engineer, whose home waaat Radford; Jim (JUIchi pie, a fireman, and flagman William I Hvrr.. of Roanoke. DIZZINESS | is only one of ^ne danger signals that ; nat?r? MM ti> lull ua that our kidnCYR . arc not ^ lini* right, and that we arc . in danger of Bright's Disease, and other kidney troubles. When the kidi ney? arc not doing their duty aa lit tern I of the blood, the jwison which should I be filtered out through the urine, remains in the system and disease remits. This condition can be CURED Romo two w< oKj? n*ro you sent rn?* n minipin box of Dr. Ilobb* Hpnrnirux KMnoy I'IIIk. I *?mt bark unU bought four boxe*. Tin* action of the pill* ban beon entirely wntlMfnotory. J. H. HAGS DALE, .lumenlown, N. HOBBS Sparaps Kidney Pills. QOU1IB EBMEDY CO., PnoraiSTOM. Cuicsoa A BIG EVENT I In Local Pythian Circlet will be , the Institution ol the ?????? 1 NEW UNIFORM RANK COMPANY ! I Which OcfRrt To-morrow Evening?A Slr*?t IknoiulratlfH In wUlch roar CitniptBlNifillP?rilel|NiU-Tli* Imll. ( Uon at Ohio Valley Caatl# will b? Followrtl by a Uanqnii at P/thlan Caatlr, on Ihtfeonlb Mile. Pythian* of "Wheeling arc preparing for a big ovent.which occurs to-morrow evening?the Institution of the new Uniform Bank Company. James A. McCee Company No. 29. Last evening the local companies of the Uniform Rank were drilling on the streets, and it Is anticipated that the street demonstration will be one of the finest spectacular effects seen here recently. The programme for to-morrow evening's doing* includes the assembling of the four local companies at 7 p. m. Coucr de Leon Company No. 1. Captain Gelger, will assemble at Pythian Castle, South Side, and will be Joined by John W. Mather Company No. 22. of Uenwood. Bernard Shanley Company No. 21. ond the ??eiv Major McGee Company So. 29, will assemble at Ohio Valley Castle, on Market atrct. Shanley and McCk* companies will proceed *outh over the creek to Pythian Castle, where the four companies will assemble In thin order and march up town to Ohio Valley castle: Rand. Couer de I>*>n Company No. 1. Bernard Hhanley Company No, 21. John W. Mather Company No. 22. Major MeGee Company No. 23. At Ohio Valley castle, the beautiful ceremonies attending the Institution of the new company will take place, after which the companies will again form and march .to Pythian Castle. South Side, where a banquet will be spread and enjoyed. Many prominent Knights of Pythias from other portions of the state artexpected to be present. THE WIHTER8TEEN TBIAL Damming Kvldruce Afmdial the Atcmrd Uw/in BLOOM8BURO. Pa.. June 1.?The court room was crowded tu-day when the trial of L. 8. Wlntersteen. who is chargwl with an Attempt to murder by dynamiting the residence of Levi K. Waller, was resumed. Several Philadelphia & Reading conductors testified that Wintersteen went to Reading on their trains. W. II. Snyd< r. a prominent Inw yer, swore that Wlntersteen told him that he would wllllr.sly wrve twerty years In the penitentiary to put a bulle: through Waller'* heart. Theodore Conner. a book-keeper for the Keystone Manufacuring Company, of which Wlntersteen Is a director, corroborated Snyder'a testimony. I. D. White, a prominent merchant of this place and a former manager in the Bloomshurg Car Company's store, of which Wintersteen was one or the owner#, Mwore that he heard th?- defendant My he would like to meet Waller In a dark alley and kill him. MOUNDSVILLfc A Mlwollaiifoiii Melange Minor Matter* rrora Mariiiall'i Hrlropollt, The Juno term of the circuit court opened yesterday morning, at 9 o'clock, with Judge Paull on the bench. The grand Jury was sworn and spent the day examining witnesses On motion of J. A. Ewlng, A. L. Kooton. son of Colonel Hooton. was admitted to practice at the Mamhall county bar. Judge Paull will be here until the opening of the Brooke county court, when Judge Hervey will take the bench. Judge Paul!, after he had charged the jury, spoke In glowing terms of the beautiful appearance of our court room. He congra tula ted the county authorities on the good taste used in beautifying the room, and spoke of it as one of the best court rooms In the state. The following attorneys of Wheeling were here at the opening of the circuit , ?* n>/.,nlria" C'aIiinnl A f- ' CUUTc IMUI . nett. Colonel White, J. Dallas Kwing. 1 John A. Howard. T. S. Riley. l>m Jordan. James I'wlng, Jr., J. B, Wilson ' and John ConlflT. t Seamon'3 cigar factory wan not in operation Monday, on account of the I til of Mr*. A. J. Scamon's mother. ] Work was resumed again yesterday morning. ] Mr. H. W. floe and wife, and Mm. 1 Grass. of Huntington, who have been visiting Mr. and Mr*. J. T. Supple for i a week, returned home yesterday. t Mnry Jane Livingston, of Sherrard, W. Va., was brought to Jail yesterday, j having been convicted of lunacy, by ( Squire Lacy. Th?> Marshall county bar will hold a , meeting In the attorney's room to th* ( left of the court room, to-day, at 2 p. m. , The senior class of the high school will jrive an entertainment nt the school . building next Saturday evening. 1 The Epworth League will hold Its . regular semi-annual election of officers ' to-morrow night. By mutual agreement, the dry goods 1 and grocery mores will close at 7:30 p. m. J Professor I. B. Wilson and family were In Wheeling yeiterdny. S. H. Keyser, of Kiioxfvllle, was a business caller yesterday. ? J. M. Blair. of Pleasant Valley, was j in the city yesterday. t M'MECHEN. llretty Neira Ttrina Matlirrnl In the Rn?? * Marilidl Connl)' Towii. ( William Kberly, wife and family, of Chicago, ore visiting this week, at Iho home of W. S. Cordell, on Lincoln avenue. Rev. T. T. Reynolds. of Chicago, 1h very sick at the home of his parent;*, on Gravel street. M. L. McPan. Baltimore & Ohio engineer. is In Baltimore, this week, on business. J. Sinclair and C. W. Krohnhart. of Benwood, were visitors In this city yesterday. J. C. firaham has resigned his position as tinner at the Baltimore A Ohio < shops. I Mr. and Mrs. Sturglss will leave to- J morrow, for their home In Cincinnati. * Josle Jaco has returned home, after a f pleasant visit to friends at Grafton. \ The funeral of Mrs. Harry linger. took place at Cameron yesterday. W. L. Spear was at Moumlsvllle yes- terday, attending the grand Jury. 11. Welling and William Ouy were visitors in Wheeling yesterday. Th?i (irnlidril Hrmrtlr. Mr. n. B. Oreeve, merchant, of Chi1howle, Va., certifies that h<- had consumption, was given up to die, sought nil medical treatment that money could procure, tried all cough remedies he could hear of, but got no relief; spent many nights sitting up In * a chair; was Induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery, and was cured by use of two bottles. For past ihreo yearn has been attending to business, and | says Dr. King's New Discovery is the i grandest remedy ever made, an it has < done so much for him and also for I others In his community. Dr. !C!ni?s 1 New Discovery is guaranteed for J Coughs, Colds and Consumption, it don't fall. Logan Drug Cos Drug Store. 2 * MABTiri FZEET. Ilapa BMd MtakaiM lu tli. TterlvlMg City AcroM lk> Hirer. Fifteen couples of colored people Ux?k part in the cake walk at Scheehle's hall yesterday morning. The walk commenced sftortfy after midutgat kept up until a few minute* after 1 o'clock. The number wan reduced to five couple In order to determine which couple were the winners and the final walk was between Aaberry Branson and Ml** Sophia Scales, of Martins Ferrv. and Georae Kelsey and Alls* Minnie Llnsey. It was hard for tb* Ive Judges to decide which couple was entitled to the cake and It was finally i warded to Hranson and his lady. The understanding was that the most graceful couple would get the cake and much grace was displayed by most of the walkers, particularly lo the early stage of the game, but latterly several poupleff indulged in comical walking. The most comical couple was Mr.Uran?ot? and Ml?s Scales nnl their agony ind actions brought forth frequent and hearty applause. The graceful movements of Kelsey and his dark complexoned friend was much admired and they were well applauded. The leader >f the walk was Plnkey Sands, a well known artist of Wheeling, whose tnonkejshlncs pleased the crowd. The rake walk was watched with much Interest by those present ami at times ?ome of the colored folks became considerably excited. The announcement I ha i Branson and his lady were th?winners caused enthulastlc applaur.e. Sixteen cake walkers arrived from Wheeling after the coutest was over. Unrlln'i Ferry Hrlrh Miss Louise Francis Seabright. laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Sea-j bright, died yesterday of typhoid fever igc.i twenty-one years. She was born nn September 4. 1S76. She died while the father *.vas absent looking for a nurse. The funeral will take place to^ morrow afternoon. The board of revision will meet on , Friday afternoon, at 1 o'clock. tf> take :estlmony and hear any complaints ;uni mny do nroui?ni mau? r i? construction nnti operating of the eiecric light plant. Rev. Dr. W, F. Pierce. president of rCenyon College. at Gambler, was the ruest of the family of S. O. W. Morrls>n, yesterday. Ho talked briefly to the numbers of the high school. Several Democrats have already anKmnoed themselves as candidates for ieiegates to their county convention. The representat'on Is one delegate for (very fifty votes. W. A. Hunt. Republican candidate or state senator, and John Kay?. J. N. ^arie and Mr. Barnes* Republican canlidatea for treasurer, were In this city restcrday. An open meeting of the Woman's Forelpn Missionary Society will be leld this afternoon at the residence of Vlfred Dew. on Pearl street. David Tamplln and Richard D. -ynch leave to-day for Locust Point, kid., where they are Interested In the In mill recently purchased. W. F. Smith was elected Noble Grand tnd J. R. Wilson, vice Noble Grand, of > jelmont City Lod&e. No. 221. I. O. O. on Monday night. , Seats win be put on sale this mornng at 8:30 o'clock, for the high school commencement. which takes place to- ' norrow night. ' Harry Williams, who recently under- 1 vent an operation at the hospital, will < >e brought home to-day. He Is getting , ilong nicely. ( George Klrby. of Kmerson. Is the ( ruest <>t Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Heaton md will remain until after the com- ' nencement. < I^afct nigh: the Glee Club was pleas- ? ntly entertained by the Misses Hoge. < it their home on Fourth street. ^ Miss I?ou Klnsey and Miss Ella < ilanafleld. of Mt. Pleasant, were it) damn's Ferry yesterday. All of the teachers In th?? Martin's J >rry schools have re-applled for their osltlons thf coming year. A birthday supper will be Riven nt 1 he colored Methodist Episcopal church text Saturday evening. Thomas V. Salisbury. editor of the )hio Valley Workman, has moved his amliy to Wheeling. Mr?. Clem Speldel. of Wellsvllle, O.. vas the guest of her sister. Mrs. Frank ielnrich, yesterday. John Donovan has succeeded I^wls nglemyer a." leader of the Martin's "erry cornet band. Robert Blackford i? home from the University of Pennsylvania at Phllalelphla. Many Martin's Ferry people took In he Innes band concert at Wheeling >ark. Miss Blanch Wetherald, of Frankton. fnd . is visiting friends and relatives ?ere. Miss Luellj* Hardesty, of Barton, O., i/lsited Martin's Ferry friends yesterlay. Sheet mill No. 2 and Jobbing mill So. at the Aetna-Standard will resume tolay. Council did not ge: a quorum last light. Only live members were preset. air*, banson Kmcrson, ot ou v,iain?? rlllo, was In Martin's Ferry, yesterday. Misses Ross Snod grass an?l Maud Dawson have returned from Bellalre. Mrs O. 13. Ong. of Dillon vale, Is visting Mr and Mrs. R. T. Ong. J. S. Harrison, of Barnesvillc, was In own yesterday, on business. I.ymnn Hanes. the wall paper man, L? tome from Pittsburgh. 100 Itcwanl, IIOO, The readers of this paper will be >lea?ed to loam that there Is at leant ?ne dreaded disease that science has >een able to cure In all It* stapes and hat Ij catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure 1* he only positive cure now known to he medical fraternity. Catarrh being a institutional disease, requires a contltutlonnl treatment. Hall's Catarrh Jure Is taken internally, acting direct> upon the blood and mucous surfaces >f the system, thereby destroying the oundatlon of the disease, and giving he patient strength by building up the institution and assisting nature In do. ng Its work. The proprietors have so nuch faith In its curative powers, that hey offer One Hundred Dollars for any ase that it fails to cure. Send for list , if Testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, 0, Sold by Druggists, 75c. UNCONDITIONAL surrender. Is the >nly terms those famous little pills tnown as DeWitt's .Little Early Risers vlll make with constipation, nick headiche and stomach troubles. Charles R. 3oet*e, corner Market and Twelfth itroots; Howie & Co.. Bridgeport; Pea JT' l- , " _ - !? OPTICIANH?JOHN BECKER & CO. ANNOUNCEMENT. John Becker & Co., JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. 3>V4? tlunib StriMil, llnve rn?rnK?l Mr. John II. Coon, of tlllioli?, n RrnUunt* of the KIbIii ophthalmic College. to take charge of Testing the liyrs mill Kitting ot illn*n'i> When you Iml yourself In nerd of ttoectfthies It will [my you to consult uh. Wo can give yon foo<1 service antl nave you money on your -turchssea. Very respectfully. . JOHN BECKER & CO. | POLE largest paduge(THE N. K. FAIR CMe*c*'\ / BL Loan, f Kn i 2 EVERY AMERID I \ \ HISTORY OF HI :: THE NEW YORK Has aecured the entire flri Y History of the United Si -??? '"?!? onnlM ft < ) Ciuw VIIO iiu^iv INl ' price, and upon easy terra Invited to take advontaj * | preparation ! Scribner's ? ;: I OF THE T < H? I I * > h 1 r?* eomplM*. :.500 picn, l.soo mui i than 1100,000. It fa the only le I ,, , the many excellent small histo down to date, superbly illustrated h of Intelligent American families, k ' told by William Cullen Bryant, the i h Howard Gay. Noah Brooks. Edw l H , E. Scudder, Rossiter Johnson, and l N . 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Address: TILE > TO BE RIGHT UP TO D/ Daily Intelligenc ALL THE NEWS FF Jt Send in Your Orders at On phone f r DIRT DEFIES THE SAP IS GREATER THAI ''* ff"" retnod jmja^CMEMl th?cen?*r?tlTou H^mIIIS^BdS! nr Muni vOBlQ|y2|ljK' MiTitnl ^^ F^BNanKHv fumpllnn una In BIIXiSBaSD AlTKh LMNG. iilft'_!*> cure or tn p *?#.?? HI For rnilr l>y Will 8. rUcknon'* MoLuro STATIONERY, DOOK8, ETC. Call <? dt AND Stt OIR USE Of Base Balls. Bat*. Masks, Catchers' Mils and Inlieldcrs' Gkxcs, at. Carle Bros' , j raiiitiui omiLi. ii. griMuv. " Drnlor In Nookw. Stationary. Periodicals, Nowppnpern, Hlhh Hymn Hook*, (lospcl Hymn*. KA8TK.ll CARD8 VlCltV CHKA1*. Bass liall Htock. Foot Hull*, Hummocks. 1UI Market tilreut. > tfUST. ocr telle of dish wa?hin? lose* -J AS d oil household cleaning is quickly and easily by the use of p ihjf %&rl greatest economy. BANK COMPANY ' k'orkt Sotlos, Pblisi]<lph!i. 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