Newspaper Page Text
1~ _ =*= HOPCT rrmNtwHIN08-BTOSB * TH0MA8. Stone & Thomas. House Furnishing & Department! JL Shrewd buyers and economical housekeepers visit this department regularly and save money by talcing advantage of the constantly available bargains. The offerings of this week are exceptional. Shephard's , - Hotfoot, W\ Lightning IT . 63-4c. I Freezers. _ TrT' jnjo Garden iio?, per toot. ffilV .v I-quart SI.R Jj VI ^ . 3-qium n* ill 9 3-4c. <-qu>rt n.i.. jn ?-qu*rt HT5 flQL, i:Hc 0*nlrn Ho?. p?r foot, 'W 10 l-2c. wJTS *1!?i jfJBIa 15c Cardm "??- p?r "?' high. ftdJu?t 27 v ^!w ? MHHBBesesn ro c InrhPH. 12 J-2c. tlTx -dJ ~4w-_?b?rry. wood and un> __________ varnt*hod. 35c. OF COFFEE Hammock*. targe. full colored, cotton wow; Hammocks with metal spreader ? 4?r HEN'XTS T-mon Mi^r ??? *???" ^VEGETABLE ?? PRESS, ^c# ft I ' ? I Turkey 1 Garden Trowels. ^ < r\ **'th black enameled A Feather ?gk Dusters, J Carpathian Stiver Metal Crumb Tray? /teak with scrapers 10c Crumb Trays with Drush 2So ? r Round Tea Tray* JOc > 3C. Mason's Qua^l Fruit Jars, per dozen.. 35c r c T ^ olOINt fc I nUMAd. GRADUATES?OBIO. M. 8NOOK & CO. IN THE STATE, Graduates. 57c Yard / Buys yard wide Washable White Habutai Silks. Think of it! A yard wide and only 57c yard. Wheelwomen, 9c Buys a pair of black imitation Taffeta Silk Gloves. "The best gloves I ever struck for the purpose," said a well known wheclwoman. Only about 200 pairs of these 25c gloves to let out at 9c pair. Silk Buyers, 48c Yard Buys 27-inch wide printed Foulard Silks. The correct thinp for Waists and Dresses. At 89c yard 1 (1 splendid line of the finest Twilled India Foulard Silks. Can be washed or re-dved after hard usage. More of those famous Black Brocadcd Silks ior separate skirls just in . Special prices oil high class Novelty Silks and Grenadines. ( Wash Dress Goods. Laces and Embroideries. THIS STORE SHOWS j Shirt Waists. THE BEST LINES 01 Parasols and Umbrellas. Bright Linings for Thin V Dresses. M Snnnli & fr?. \/V/V/9 I T V V-f Wi? wm v/vr? SHIRTS-M'FADDBN'S. j;;H&HThe Very Latest;; > for Summer I'm TX < ^ N'Tltv" Shin mailo with nockhuiii una whit* wnimi'iind H'n th?M*orif.i iyl? mm ' to ?M.r with whltn (nihil * ruff ( H |it< |>?rf?M t look* wram k'?k>*1 -Im . u . ft ptyh'H f<? plrlt from hIz?? II to I. Full < V i *i;NTH i lA H KMhnr ntor< h rhuw for nn K"'?<1 <h ' 44 ::: I HHLlMrFADDTN'S SHIRT STORE, ? < M > 1320 and 1322 Market Street, Wheeling. 4 > BUOBS?AMIXANDBB. * &? ? ? ? m ROYAL ?>g f I' K u^hoes j > 11 following closely on tin Ivy 'J < ( Green, which have made them- , , ' 1 selves so popular, comes the i > | > Purple Shoes. They are made J ' < i on the newest shapes, and har- i i 11 monbe with most any cos tome. 1 1 0 We have them, not sample pairs, 11 hut sizes and widths In stock 11 IV1M7* ?F ^ n o (i < > Alexander, <> ShotSdlcr. 1019 Miln St <' O PIAWQ3-P. W. BAPMBB Oa I LAST WEEK'S AD. | Wo mentioned seven ex- Kft cellent itquato plana*. ^ Thl? week wo offer eleven m lightly uned organ* at ex- ? trrtnelv low nricM. mnir* K? R inic from T1T..OO to $67.00. ff * n Kach organ is a good * make and a bargain. We fiL ' 9 still have five of the wp j3| square piano* remaining. *? 5 I F.W. Baomer Go. 1 S 1210 MAHKET1TRBBT. g| WE WANT YOU TO VISIT OUR OPTICAL DEPARTMENT, Where you can consult Mr. H. V. EwaJt about your eyes free of charge- If you do not need glasses he will tell you so*jM Dillon, Wheat & Hancher Co. (thcSntclIigcurer OBtrei Kim. 25 nut! *7 fourteenth NfW \<l vn I rnirllta. Mayor"* Proclamation?Second Pace. In Our Last Week's Ad.?P. W. Baurner Co.?Eighth Pai?e. Stock* for Sal??? Howard Hazlctt. Kxerutor'a Sal*' of tho R*?Menc? and All HouMhokl EITNta of tho Lat? Jacob Snyder. at 915 Main Stroft. Stato Board of Health. Wanted?To Engage Hummer Boarders. Notice?Lincoln Council No. 3. Jewett'fl Befrlxerators?Nmbitt/A Bro. Maple Syrup?II. P. Dehrens Co. Lost?A Pocketbook. Graduates?Geo. M. Snook & Co.? Elabth Paga Skirt* and Suits?Geo. E. Stlfel & Co.? Third Pare. 1 lounn Furnishing Department-Stone & ~i nomas?E.iKnin I igo. 8PKCULIALE Of Rllk Krgilgrt ttblrte for Wvdneaday nil Thnrtdar, Im Mmiluiiiiui mul Monarch brand*, worth $3 00, 9.1 AO ami 94 00, go (or 9* 00. it II.I.tJt'TMAX, 1311 Market Mfrect. Sole Agent for Hawei* 93 Hat. rOR THE HOT WEATHER. A complete line of .*ergea, Pin Cheeka and Cheviot Kttlttnga ?ud Trowaerlnga made to order. Nnttliigi 9'40.0(l.aiid np. rrowitrlnii f.VOO and np. Onr repntat Ion la a guarantee for elegance In fit and tvorktnanahlp. lUlhrlggau, Merino and Ll|ht Wool Underwear and lloalrr v a apertalt f. Agenta for the eelabrated Klghinle White Rhlrt. Frlce 91.00. Fnll line of Colored ftltlrta, aa Urge aa ?0 ucck aud 00 l>ody, at 30n and np. C. IIKMM * HOSH, Fashionable Tallora unit tienta* Fnrnlahtrt, 1341 and 13VI3 Market SUcet. 'THAT HEAVY, TIBED FEELING,H ? -?l?" ?H? ? tf.nralaln* uti. of irlf*itamrd optical riiwrU (1>, U?r? lor* (1 i profHMtri (Ilnni! rlnlrvnfinti . I) ran hi> cnrrtl Uillionl publicity by J, \V. <*i nbl>, Optician. Water ItmU Art tinr. Water rents for the six months endIjik September 30. 1897. an* now ready, if paid on or before June 90, 1897, a discount of io per cent will be allowed TtfE CITY WATER BOARD. LOCAL BREVITIES. ? Malteraof Minor Moment In anil Ahont ilie critv. Mi won Bertha and Carrie Klrchner. and Messrs. Albert Ise and Ira Join's k<> this morning to West Liberty to attend the commencement. The State Assembly of the National Union met In the parlors of the Stamm House yesterday afernoon at 3 o'clock. Out "f 15 councils In the state hut live wen; rpprcwriucu. rnii. i>. ?? -ton, of Huntington, wm elected mentor for the tnaulng two year*. J. W. I*each. ('ha*. Mornlngatar, Jo*. A. Farlw, If. M. Adams, of Huntington,ami Mr. Payne, of Charlemqn, were appointed the executive committee. Wheeling Union Chapter No. 1, Royal Arch of Maaon*. elected the following ofllcerH: Them. Camahan. Jr.. M. E. high : T. B. Baffuley, R. K. king; loo. M. Ford. it. E. Hcrlbe; Them. B. Mi i/alti. captain ?>f the ho*t; Richard P. Robb, principal sojourner; Gtorgo Hatch, royal arch captain: Wm. .1. I In milt on ni'iut.-ir of till til vpii: i)finli>l Dinger, ninMer of necond veil; W. J. Luken*, miuitfcr of flrnt veil; Jan. MrC'ahon, trustee; T. \V. Bllnn, tyler. fl.KAIl A !\'CK nA I.K CDIHriMURD. All 91 *3. 91 no, 91 73 mnl 91 Oil Hula OO I'Mlt 00 VKX I'M, l*t lilny nml mIiikU)' only. Till* line rmliimri all SHIT. \liiliir. ( iilmn ?i??l lint* In alarr. ( nil mi lt niul re ftlSM. \vii.i. otri'MAM, 1311 Mnrltel ?trrrf. I'optllnr I'rlrcd lltillrr nml FtiriiUlirr. T M (5AKV1N, npeclal nomtnlfsloner, will pi'II the Jonon properly on Morrow wtreot. it roriHlstn of n houne ,in<l two J.?t-4 ami will In* n ?rood lnvntrrvnt. TIMITLK HOtTI' .in<t Concert to-night at llenly & UltfrV ITCHING PILES, night's horrid pliiu^ I* lifOunily itllfvis! nml permanently cured by Iman's Ointment. Your dealer ought to keep It. What atop* Nouralgla? I>r. Miles* l'alu rills. GROCERS' DAY. Wheeling Grocer* Huve Their Annual Outing To-morrow. GROCERS' STATE CONVENTION Occara mil tfliiuM ?< Ev?ulu*-U?lHtlM Kt pre led Froa? JUujr I'olmi Ilironilionl lh? 8tat?-Vlallors will l>? I?ut?rlaluc?l with Qullug at aiourl Park To-ulght?Pecf Ivl tl?? at Wheeling Park To*niorrutv will Attract tk? (/anal Lars* Crowds* To-day and to-morrow will be busy days for the Wheeling grocer*. Not busy in the Blnne of trade, but buiiy in extending toearh other the "glad hand." To-day they will entertain the visiting grocers coming to Wheeling to the state convention, and to-morrow the care* of bUHlnetM will be forgotten In the Joy? of the anual outing at Wheeling Park. The state convention opens in Grocer's hall, In the Odd Fellow's hall, this afternoon nt 2 o'clock. The convention will be called to order by President John W. Kennen. of the Wheeling Retail Grocers' Association. Mayor J. R. Butts will extend the welcome of the city to the delegates. Sev oral addresses will i>e mauc, peruuuuiB to the trade. A banquet occurs thlL evening at Odd Fellows hall, after which the convention settle* down to installation of officers. An outing at Mozart Park concludes the events of the day. The official list of delegates to theconvention shows that seventy-six towns | are expected to be represented. The reception and entertainment cnmmltttee consists of: H. F. Behrens, Sr.. W. C. Kberts. J. W. Kennen.C. K. Smith.John S. Welty, Thos. Kllleen. H. W. Schrcb* John McKee. Wm. Wend-l. W. C. Sparge, Jacob Kedfox, J. C. StroeboL The convention is expected to place ui>on a solid footing a state association of the retail grocers. Many of the delegates will remain over to-morrow's outing at Wheeling Park. Grocers Day l? onr of the bl? days of the > ? (?r, and their outings are alwaj's the occasion of the gathering of a large? and Joyous multitude. Tho outing will be preceded by a street parade of visiting merchants. Wheeling grocers. Jobbers, clerks and drummers. The starting point will be Odd Fellows' hall, whencc the start Is expected to be made at 9 o'clock, so as to lake the 10 o'clock motors for the park. The opera House band will make music for the purade and the outing. Dinner Willi be served at the park at 12 o'clock, after which some interesting contests will be held, participated In by grocers and their?*mployes. Boxlngcon* tests will be indulged In during the early part of the evening, and balloon ascensions with fireworks will be among the features. Dancing will be another of the amusements. All the grocery stores close to-morow monlng at 8:30 o'clock. Chief Marshal John W. Kennen will have charge of the parade,-hi* assistants being H. W. Schrebe, and Thomas Klllevn. All the various committees have been made up. and to-morrow's festivities will be very enjoyable to the large crowds that will undobtedly attend. CHBIBTIAH ENDEAY0REB5' Moon I.l|ht Excursion on llMm?rI<n,of Wo* Largely Allrniird. The members of the Christian Endeavor societies of Wheeling had a grand time on their moonlight ride last night Two hundred and fifty lighthearted, tnerry Bndeavorers were aboard. Six churches were represented, First Chrlstlnn church, English Lutheran, the First Presbyterian, First Baptist, Third Presbyterian and the n^rman Reformed of the Eighth ward. The mandolin club furnished excellent music. A male quartette also rendered many fine selection*. Refreshment? of all kinds were served. Each Endeavor society had Its color badge. Although many denominations were represented, vet It was ns one happy family of Christian young people. This Is one of the strong points of the Endeavor movement; It promotes fellowship among the different denominations, and at the same time It Is one of the cardinal rules of this order, that each local society Is * -> An ail it nan tn nmmnlt fho welfare of the churvh with which It la connected. The world wants "truehearted, whole-hearted" Christians, broad enough In their sympathies for union work. The social aspect of the work was greatly advanced by last night's excursion. The Endeavor movement 1* gaining strength in this city. The officers and crew of the steamer Leroy were courteous and kind to the young people, nnd did everything they could to contribute to their enjoyment. _ CJKEAT CLRAIUNG SAI.K OF SIIltlTS. HA1.K COXTIXt'KD. All 91 00 and $1 Khlrli In iflffmidinfl botonta. whit* mill color**!. CJo for 73 criita, 73?i ?9r, 75c. WlMOt'TJIAJI. 1.111 9lark?t Sir?*l. Popatar Priceil llattrrand ParuUher. GREATEST OF ALL SALES Of I.aJics' Muslin L'ndcrwcnr for Three Dnvit Only ? Commences Tliiifudiiv nt !) n. til. Cambric Corset Covers, 7c, 10c and 39c. Cambric Umbrella and Tucked Drawers. 14c. 2.1c and 39c. Umbrella Skirts, Embroidery Trimmed. at 9Sc. nnd $1 98. downs at 39c, 49c, 59c. 69c, 79c, and upwards. All flner grades at' money-saving prices. Bee window display. THE BON TON. lloltlrlmiiRD. I Tho-management of the Brunswick. Nos. 1137 and 1138 Market street, has Changed. Mr. F. C. Swift now being Us proprietor. It will be conducted (in the ! European plan, ond meals and lunches served, a regular meal costing 25c. Thn house is convenient anil well furnished, containing twenty-fiw line rooms. Call' and try on?> of our dinners. Everything first-class. TURTLE SOUP and Concert to-night at Healy & Hitler's. PARTIES visiting New York during ' the summer or early fall, will find comforts hie rooms with or without board, at i Mrs. Patterson's, 38 West Thirty-fourth | hiv'-l. + SECOND SIGHT. + When you feel you Imvo tried everything and everyone, consult us. A dally occur* i unco In tho curprlno shown by b<n?nt?nl patient* ?ii our otflce. I to you hftvo hendneh?? I>o your oycn water T I>*? they burn or smart? print run together when reading? I'"eel an If Hcum before ?lit? ?>y?'M7 Do IIiIiikm appear double or mixed up? Huvn a do* Mre lo rub Uio ryes, tWitchingV Do you hnvo weak eyes? I>nes tho light pain I In-ill? For nny trouble of your rye* oonMult tin During thin month we dnvota mucli limn lo children's eyes. \w motor glasses a! popular prlcen (mio reason of our popularity) make a careful exatnlnntlon f'ee of eharge. The boat proof of our sueress I* ilm number of recommendations from our old patients. PROP. MIZIQPF, Helcntlflo Optician. _ Corner Main and Eleventh Streets. THB HUB?CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. Our Great $IU 5lllts. THE BIG STORE WITH THE UTILE PRICES, It is interesting to read, but more interesting: to see, and most interesting to buy Our Great $10.00 Suits. The more men buy these Suits, the more men want them. One purchaser sends another, and thus sales keep on increasing. In spite of the unusually heavy demand, however, the assortment is still in excellent shape, and every man can get JUSt what nc wants. I lie man miu is auci Stjric win ' t find these $10.00 Suits correct representation of the very latest fashions. The man who is after quality will find these $10.00 Suits the very acmo oi strength and durability. The man who is after 2 perfect fit will find these $10.00 Suits faultless form encasers. The man who is after economy will find these $10.00 Suits a quarter to a third lower in price than elsewhere for Suits equally, as good. No question about it. These Suits meet the wants and requirements, tastes and purses of the vast majority of themen of Wheeling and vicinity. Every yard of goods that have entered into the manufacture of these Suits are guaranteed absolute!); all wool. Still a few: of those Juvenile Suits c^Fgeed last week at d>o en vp^.uu. Worth" from ?1.00 to $2.00 more. As usual the moaey, back foe the asking; THE - HUB, Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers, HUB CORNER, FOURTEENTH AND MARKET STREETS. THE DEALERS IN MEN'S AND BOYS' WEARABLES. MEN'S BUrra-BABB'S CLOTHING HOP3B. . We Can Suit You For $10.00,! Or wc can Suit you for $15.00, according to your taste, your requirements and your pocketbook. .We can fit you at a moment's notice. 'No chance to take here, for our tailor is as pood as yours. Even our Suits for $7-5? and $8.50 are of All .Wool Cloth, well shaped and well put together. There's fifty different styles of cloth for you to select from in Suits ranging from $7.50 to $15.00 each. Ever)' Suit is up to the latest fashion, and . . . HI H EQUAL TO fffl CUSTOM BIDE, ? W # m a r^r\jr? r>i n-rwiMP, dae,tts ~v "house. i 30 TWELFTH street. I KEMOVAL-LOGI8 BERTSCHV. _ rNotice of Removal. *jj Wc have removed from our former location, Ills jj II east side Main street, to J J17 west side Main street. 44 i > next building to John Friedel & Co., where we arc JJ T | better prepared, with increased facilities, to serve jj J | our patrons. .? .?? ??* ^ H LOUIS BERTSCHY,& ;rv'".J8 __ . .f HHOES .* I! LQ^CB 8HOB COMPANY. t YOU CAN BE COMFORTABLE | FOR VERY LITTLE MONEY. The hot dny* nro coming on, and wo need not trll V 1 xTl I 4 your foot hurt, you know thai, but wo must toll you that ? . X onay matter t?? atop that, and It coata but llttlo to no a?\ T $1.00 for n nlco Hand Turn, l*ntcnt Tip Oxford. Mark <>r Chocolate. $1.25 iluyh a llttlo batter ono in Chocotato, Wine or Mark. I 4 $1.50 buy a a Viol Kid Oxford, the latr*t atylo Too. all the atylo ana 1 I k comfort wanted, any color. You will want thorn. I jj. H. LOCKE SHOE COj () ***