Newspaper Page Text
I SPORT. | Hose Ball, Boyvliag, Bicycling, '' Boxing, Races, Etc. 1XTER-STATB LBAGDR Won. Lout P*r. St* CasUo t? lit .*? TolHo ? ? payton i?s' M;iimil>*Iil ? S> 23 .4ii'? S't.M|in* 19 24 .413 Younffntown U 23 .430 ?iirtnKtl*ld 1? 14 .415 fort Waynt 17 25 .405 Y? ?t?*rda?'s winners?New Castle, Mnnv field. Springfield. To-day's games?Wheeling at Youngstotrn. New Caalle at Mansfield. Toledo at t^ringfleld, Dayton at Fort Wayne. Special Dispatch to tho Intelligencer. NBW CA8TIJ2. June 17.?Tho game to-day v\uh the most exciting and moat interesting ever ployed in this city, and was Ailed with brilliant work. The playing of both teams was of the giltedge variety, and while Hickman waa tatted only Jlvo times, still his pitching waa almost equalled by Gurvey, who kept the safeties well scattered. MeaM-tt made a double play unassisted, taking a hot fly that looked a buse hit. and catching the runner off flint. Vettors also made a remarkable catch In the ninth. It waa a long run, a Jump in the air and a aide catch. He was cheered. O'Brien waa put out of the same for using Insulting language to Umpire O'Brien. The winning run in the thirteenth Inning was made when Hickman and Fleming were out. Miller made a single nnd Russell got his first on balls. At this point Miller took his shoes off to make a good run, ami the next minute Boss sent out an easy fly to right fleld. Coyle and Curtis both went after It and collided, knocking each other down, and the ball was dropped and timer's sprinting got him hnntA Srrtiv NEW CASTLE. R. BH. PO. A. E. Fleming. r. i 112 0 0 MlUer. :t? 2 3 6 2 0 Russell. lb 1 1 ? 3 0 Ro?a. lb 0 3 0 6 1 N?lri*?, a. ...... 0 3 2 0 0 Ittnehart. I t 0 12 0 1 Tate. c. f 0 14 0 0 l>onovan. ...... 0 0 9 2 0 lilckman. p 0 1 I 1 ToUl* 11 *38 14 3 Toft out on Infield Hy. WHKEMNO. R. BH. PO. A. E. Taylor, *. 0 0 15 2 l.ronn. Ib 0 113 0 O'Brien, lb 1 1 10 1 0 *l?MUt. lb ? ? ? 3 1 Vetttrs. c. f..~ 0 110 0 Covle. 2b .... 0 0 4 1 1 MrOlnntaa. L f 1 0 6 0 0 Curtta. r. f 0 1 2 0 0 Toft, c 0 0 4 0 0 Garvey. p....*. ?... 0 1 3 3 J) Total* 1 1 ? IS 4 New Caxtle. 0 00030000000 1?4 Wheeling 0 0001 01 1 0000 0?3 Two-baa* hit. Flaming. First tasa on Kill*, off Hickman 4: off Garvey 5. Hit by pitch *-<1 ball, by Hickman 3; by Garvey 1. 8truck out. by Hickman S; by Garvey 3 Double play is Donovan and Miller; unaviunru, oiuicu ... .. Cast;** 1 Left on base*. New C**tle 15; Wheeling 7. Ttmo, 2:40. umpire, O'Brien. Whtl! *prlag ?Uld? Win t Special Dispatch to the Intelligencer. SPRINGFIELD. June 17.-After losing eight straight, Sprtngflold won this after* noon from Fort Wayne. Cogswell kopt the hit* well scattered. whllo Herr was batted freely In the fifth and sixth, when eight runs were scored. Scoro: RH E Springfield ...0 0 M U # I '-su i Fort Wayne..! 0 0 0 1 0 t 1 M1H Batteries?Springfield, Cogswell ami Schabel; Fort Wayne, Herr and Campbell. A Warm Game. Special Dispatch to the Intelligencer. ' MANSFIELD. June 17.-Mansfield tied the scor* In the eighth and won out In the ninth, notwithstanding the elegant field work of the visitors, who played an errorless game. Scoro: RHE Mansfield 0 0200001 1-4 10 2 Youngatown ..1 0001010 0-3 6 o Batteries?Mansfield, Ely and Lynch; Youngstown, Kimball and Zlnram. Iltp the Toledo*! Special IM.ipatch to ths Intelligencer. DATTON, June 17.?The vtaitors bunchod hit* In the third an<l won a onc-nldrd game. After the third they wero unable to score again. Score: BIT E Dayton 0 0100000 0-1 N 3 Toledo 0 0 f 0 0 0 0 0 0-4 10 2 lintteries? Dayton. Em!k and Weand; Toledo, Kergueon and Arthur. NATIONAL LEAGUE Won. Lost For. rial Mm ore 33 9 .790 Boston 13 13 .737 Cincinnati 27 14 .?E* New York 23 17 .57T, Philadelphia 21 23 .R22 Cleveland 23 21 .612 Brooklyn 23 33 MO Pittsburgh 20 22 .47* 1 <OU iSV ille 17 2* .IV. Chicago 17 2* .371 U'a?hlnrton 15 W .** Bt. Louis ~ 8 33 .174 Yenterday'ii winners?Cincinnati, new York. Boston. To-day*# camcn-Pittsburgh nt Baltimore. Chicago at Boston* Cincinnati nt Brooklyn. Cleveland at tf+vr York. St. I.oul* at Philadelphia, Louisville at Washington. In the National l<eage tlio game* at Baltimore with PUlnburah, at Philadelphia with fit. Louis, at Washington with Ivoulavllle wet postponed on account of rain. Mail* II Two Straight. , BROOKLYN, June 17.?Tho Clndnnatls made It two straight from tho Brooklyn* at Ka*tern Park this afternoon. Tit" home team gav?- another poor exhlhltlon of fl*ldln?, whll* the work of the Red* wuh perfect In ?-v?*ry rsapect. l>suh WMM to have no ppeed whatever. The Brooklyn club ha? *old Pitcher Korwln to tho Chicago. Score: R II B Brooklyn A 0001)001 0-1 OR Cincinnati ,..,1 H 0 10 3 ! : 0-J18 1 Karned runs, Brooklyn I: Cincinnati 4. I1'aub and Smith; Rhlnoj and Pftltz. Tune, 1:S7. Attendance, 2,624. Umpire, Sheridan. Cnnldn'r Vlniirli lilts. NEW YORK. Junr* J7.?Although tho Indiana hit Meeklti fr**?ly to-day. they were unable to hunch their hltx and hail to be ?ontcnt with a coat of whitowH*h. The f*atun> of the w.n Burknlt's batting und a running catch by Holme* of Teheau's long hit to the left field awcatbox. Score: R If B N?w York ...,1 0 0 0 8 J 0 0 ?6 7 fi r?f?ta /. n n n ? o o o n li i Karord rnn*. Nrw York 1. naft^rlen, M*ekln and Warn*r: Young and OT'onnor. Tlm??, 2:06. Attendance, J,OX). Umpire. O'ltoy. * Anolhfr From Chlragn. HorTON. June 17.?Tho ho?n? f^flm won another n.iniH from Chlcaxo to-day, th*? viRitom bHng entirely unnhl* to kc??p up with th?? fn?t paci? whlrh Ih m*t hy th? Hotton*. ItrlRic" wr# pound*! liard. whllo KlobMnnz Mr-T<l th?? vltdlor* down to a f?'w ami taring hit* for fvn Innlnr*. In t.h? Hjrbfh Hulllvnn w??n! in and Chicago mado n r?w run*. Collin*' playlnjr win hjc.iIii th* feature. Attendance, 10,200. ft-orn; It If P. l!o?tnn R I 0 < I M I *-1# P 2 Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 2-7 12 H Marm-d run*. UOflton |ft; Chicago 4. 11a tflulllvan, KlobntaiUl, YMjier and T?.? rif? n; lirlgi;* nnd Oonohue. Time, 'J:2S. I'mplm, Lynch. Anintntr ll??' (lull. Tho r.uts Uron. Htnra would llko to hear from lli*? Frlxhln for n gam* Hufurdiiy afternoon on th? Jlaltluior?* & Ohio ground*. If ncccpted, wiiiww through the Intelligencer. aell liicytdes that arc good, DILLON, WHEAT & 1JANCHJJU CO. EATON'S TRIAL. / foutttttmj ftotm I'lrat Piigr. j lug, but did not know whether gns wan turned on. There were no ineuns for heating the seooud and third lloors. Witness ?lld' npt' know the exact time <>f the starting of the lire, lie came In to town after 7 o'clock a. m. and saw a tire had occurred. As to the value of the tin goods In Eaton's mock, witness said they were of little value, the patterns l>elnic obsolete. Much of the stock wu made up of sticky fly paper, packed In little wooden crates about twenty Inches In diameter. The morning after the fire, the defendant and witness met and visited the scene of the Are, and defendant said his Insurance did not nearly cover th? loss he had sustained. On cross-examination by Colonet Arnett, witness detailed again the circumstances relating to the signing of tho contract. Colonel Arnett moved thai everything tho witneMM had said relative to occupancy of the room be excluded, but the motion was overruled. An exception was noted on behalf of the defense. In the original lease, Eaton hud *?.? ttrlt/ilMtr.. of IMIltlnUllUI OC cupancy of the building after the term expired, but witness would not ajrree to this*. Smith had only wanted the premise* for a short period, and Knton had represented Smith. Witness had not the power to make an extended lease. .Mnjar J. V* U Ko|tri. The second witness was Major J. V. L. Rodger*, the Insurance agent. ne was examined by Mr. Neebltt, for the state. He represents a number of Insurance companies which he named. Among those were the London Assurance and Fire Association of Philadelphia. He met Eaton In February at 130^ Main street, after Eaton had called at his otllre relative to Insurance. Witness then went to Eaton's place, where the only man present was the colored porter. OrtndlfOD. Later be *aw Eaton. who wanted 13.000 In Insurance. Defendant had given wltne h a schedule Of what his stock consisted of, to he Incorporated in the insurance policies. Witnesc produced this schedule, which was Mibmlttcd to the defense. It was then read to the Jury. It concludes with th-* sentence, ''Other Insurance permitted." After taking $3,000 Insurance on an alleged valuation of $4,500, witness said he would want more in? ?n<?ni I n r nnother larire consignment of goods. The goods in the store. Included plies of crates, about ten inches square and two feet long. These were plied In a spare ten feet square and five or six feet high. Then there were many dry goods boxes, thrown about at random. Witness did not at that time notice marks on the boxes. After the tire he saw boxes having a Huntington mark on them. Witness said the paper given him by Eaton was used as "copy" In making out the policy. Witness was asked If a policy had been Issued. To this question. Colonel Arnett objected. The state then Introduced proof of the incorporation of the Fire Association of Philadelphia. Colonel Arnett objected, claiming it was not properly certified to. The objection was overruled. Col. Arnett ajjain objected, claiming thero should be proof from the state auditor of West Virginia, showing the Fire Association of Philadelphia is qualified to transact business In West Virginia. Witness testified 11,500 was placed In the Fire Association and $1,500 in the Continental, of New York. The policies were delivered to K&ton. Witness had passed the store tho Saturday after February 17, and saw that much of the stock had been removed to the floor - *1 ,? th?. a Dove. \Jn uic -n uiKin; riv..?u.. .. .... lire, Mr. itodgers' attention hail been called to the fact that a line of boxes was placed behind tho front windows on the second floor. The next visit was after the tire, when the tlrst floor was comparatively empty. A stove was In the room, but It was not connoted with pipe. Witness had examine the back door, and it hud a now look?a night, latch. He then went to the second floor, which was "a pretty tough looking place." The goods were only destroyed in part The boxes and orates were arranj:-d around the light shaft, most of thein In the rear. Other parts <?f the n?orn were occupied by boxes tilled with "nothing." Some of these were from "The Hub." others were marked "K? Wheeling," and others had a Huntington mark on them out A photograph of the scene around the light well was shown to the witness. He said It was a faithful representation ??f the sr^ne after the lire. Other photographs, taken by Photographer Krown Just after the tire, were examined by the witness and declared to be faithful representations of the ssene on the second floor. The ^holographs were then shown to the Jury. He next saw Katon Friday or Saturth#. fire. when the latter made his claim for a fire loss under his policies. He told wit news ho (Katon) had bwn In Pittsburgh at the time of the Are. Katun al??o paid his loss was far In exceaa of the Insurance he carried. In this conversation Eaton said he knew nothing of the fire until the morning after. Witness had naked him If ho had not been In Wheeling the day of the fire, and thla he denied, admitting though that he had been in Bellalre. The defense objected to the quostlon by Mr. Nesbltt an to whether a premium had been paid to witness on the policies Issued. The court upheld the objection. The witness said he hnd taken samples of the foods from the Eaton store. These were sent for. On cross-examination. Colonel Arnett attempted to break down the witness's testimony relative to the piling of the boxes buck of the front windows. Ilia attention was called to the piling <>f ?.i* inaiimnro A rents Mor 111".* UW*Cf "/ pan arid Rice on Monday. He and the others tried to effect an entrance, but the doors were locked, and they expected a i\re. Ho had left a notice for Katon at the Stomm house, cancelling his policies. When the fire occurred, though wltn'-H i wan at his homo on the island, he know at once from the box number where the lire had been. This statement was stricken from the testimony. Witness denied that he felt bitter against Eaton. To Mr. Nesbltt, witness said the policies were delivered to Clerk Reynolds, at the Stomm house. Witness and Messrs. Morgan- and Rice had looked closely to the Eaton storo Just before tli" flro. "What was yotir object In going there so often?" Here there was an objection from Colonel Arnett, which Was sustained. 91 r. I). ( Mum*!*. Mr. D. G. Morgan, an Insurance agent, was next on the stand. He made Eaton's acquaintance In February, In his store, 1302 Main street, where he had a lot of boxes. He went there to see about Insurance, and was accompanied toy Mr. Rice, another Insurance agont. They went at the reqin?st of Katon to Sim. about Iwuing Insurance, who said nearly all of the stock was on the second floor. He asked for $1,500 Insurance from It Ice, which was Issin^l. In th?- Western, he believed. I><-r??n?innt fa hi |i? lint] $1,500 insurance already, wllh Major Kodgers. and nald III* good* were worth $4.'>00, and Ills atoelc Ipcressing nil tho time. Ho ft old the Mt??rk would be Worth l-'f.OOO ultimately. KnIon ?-a me to defendant a day or two day* Inter and anfd he wanted more Insurance. The value of the goods then wiifl |8,000 or $9,000, and witness then Isnued a policy for Sl.fiOO In Hi" tendon Insuranre Corporation. Objection and exemption. At thin point Mr. Hommervllle said a notice ha<l been served on Katon on Wednesday (Juno 17) to produce the pollcle*. but up to the present they had not been produced. Knlon had told wltnes* that ho had only $.1,000 concurrent In mini nee, when Iti fort he had more. Katon was told the meaning of the "eighty per rent coInsurance clause," and then told witnun* lie needed more Insurance, ho witness iHnued a policy for $1,600, making, according to Katon. $6,000 Insurance, when In fact It was j7,f?oo. Witness had tried to cancel the Insurance before the Are. Jl?? had found Rstun at the 1'eiinsylvunlu station on Monday at 1:20 p. m. ISaton ..... i be had left nobody at hit store, a* hs could trust nobody In his employ. Witness hud ssked why Katon hud not paid for hta Insurance, and the defendant hud promised to (my tin his return from IMttsbtsrgh. Witness wanted the policies hark, but Eaton declined to return them. Aft?r theflrb witness visited the Turner building, and hta testimony was very much like that of Major Hodgcr*. Atop. in. court adjourned until this morning. THE ELK QHOVE ORDINANCE. "More Anon** en ih? Diftat of Mr* llork* htlmtr'i Amimlcmnt. To tho Editor of the Intslllffenccr. SIK:?From your report of tho proceedings of tho flrst branch of council at the meeting on Tuesday lout. It appeal* that Councilman Horkhelmer offered the following: Providing for the forfeiture of franchlseonunystreet where the company's tracks are In dlsuie, on three months' notice. Defeated 9 to 6. Tne rejection or mac amenamfni mean.*. (If tt has any meaning) that the Wheeling & Klin Grove company, may. or may not occupy the streets wet forth In the ordinance. 80 In the light of tho rejection of that amendment, the Kim Grove ordinance granting that company the right to parallel Itself, hud but one main purpose and that was to keep tho other company out. Tho Horkhelmer amendment was rejected by rhe rote* of Hachman, Haller, Stroebel, Weldebusch, Williams, Zwlcker, Schmidt, List and llazlett. Verily, the Kim Grove company Is all powerful. The way the ordinance has been passed by council suggests conditions not pleasant to contemplate. I will have something to say later on as to the agencies that gave that company such an easy victory over the right. MO UK ANON. Wheeling, W. Vtu, Juno 17. THE CINEOOKAPH Of fh* Fiu-Cortxtt Fix tat to !* Been at Mourt Park Hmudmr Night. Tha Mozart Park Association lias been fortunate enough to secure as the next attraction one of the greatest crowd drawers now before the American public, and one which will Just ulx>ul till the p;irk. It Is nothing more or less than Kdlson'* famous clnetograph. giving an exact reproduction of the Camuii* Fltzslmmoira-Corbett fight a?t Carson City, and it come? next Sunday night, June 20. The dims used are facsimile of those now creating such n sensation lr? all tho large cities, and the pictures are thrown upon canvas, the 4>rinclples showing up In llfe-alxe. The femoua bout will be seen In its entirety from the time that Corbett enters the ring until the finish of the fa--? * (21 toe la \ni iuinicriiM ii'uihj, *??, w.,?. ... seen counting the seconds as Corbett la down, and when the declalon Is rendered. the exciting acenes which actually took plnce, will be seen on the canraas. The price of admission for this biff attraction has been placed at 25 and 50 cents, whiob Includes the round trip on the Incline. Tickets for the same attra?7tlon are felling this week in Cincinnati at |1. Another CorswiUU Wall. Another big oil well was struck at Oornwallls yesterday. The pay was merely tapp?il when the well began flowing oil Into the tanka at the rate of twenty barrels an hour. It Is on the George Wells farm und Is owned by Woodyard, Cox A Co., and Kelly. MobIcy A Stiles Uroth'-rs. The strike extends pool a half mile to the west. BELLAIR& All Sorts ofLaeal News and Gossip Prom ?h? eslmmm Cltr. The Democratic primaries will be held to-morrow to select delegates for their county convention, which !h to meet in this city next Tuesday. But the work of that convention Is so well cut and dried now so far as the ticket Is concerned, that little interest is manifest, except as to the matter of delegates to th?? state convention. Some of the Democrats here do not take kindly to John R. McLean or Paul J. Son?. They want n man or men of inore Popullstlc tendencies, and others want McLean and Sortf as their candidates. So far us the Democratic county ticket Is concerned the following will toe the ticket: FV)r representatives?John 11. Campbell, of liellalre, and Albert W, Brown, of Flushing. For treasurer?John W. Jllngeley, of Barnesville. For commissioner?Fred. Xelnlnger. of Bridgeport. For infirmary director?John W. Riley, of St. Clalrsvllle. For coroner?Dr. Hognn, of Martin's Ferry, There will not be a change of more] than one name In this ticket. It Is Just| possible that Thomas Welsh may be, named instead of Brown for representa-1 tlvc, but Welsh will probably not take! It* The Capitol Base Ball team from this city, will go to New Cumberland tomorrow, to play that team. The Capl- j tola will line up ?s follows: Kern, p.: Glasao, c.; Dunn, lb.; W. Westlake, 2b.; , Davis, 3b.; G. Westlake, SB.; Marling, | If.; Jones, cf.; Krider, rf.. This Is it Vfry strong team and the boys feel confident of victory. Hon. Lorenzo Dnnford was In the city for a phort time yesterday, on his way to sp?>nd a day or two with his aged father, n man now past ninety years of age, but hale and hearty. He will return to Washington probably to-morrow. Mrs. C.oorge Boyoo will arrive In the city to-day, from Gas City, Ind., to inlngle with Menus ana relatives m- . fore going to Betliesda to remain for the summer. The Working Society of the Second Presbyterian church, will give an Ice cream social on the lawn near the I church on Thursday evening, June 2t. I Miss Frankle Ward will be home to- j day, from Delaware, whore she han I linen attending college. She will upend her summer vacation In this city. A number of the grocery stores of the city were closed yesterday afternoon, tho proprietor* taking In the grocers* picnic at Wheeling Park. Mr. and Mrs. CJ. E. Work returned yesterday, to their home In Slstersvllle, after n pleasant visit with friends and relatives In the city. The Oolloher Juniors from Moundsvllle, will play a picked team from this city to-morrow afternoon, on the common!*. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Brown have returned to their home In Chicago, after vlnltlng friends and relative* In the city. A number from thin city attended the /vimmnneement exercises at Bethany yeaterday, roturt?lng home lust evening:. Ferdinand Weill, who Is working Inn large dry goods morn In Chicago, 1* In the cltv, cnlllng on tils parents. Thomns Carey hns returned from n few day*' visit with rein liven and friends In Columbus. MIm Helena Wnlford. of Coraopolls, I'll., In the fluent <?f the Ml use# Jennings In the Fourth ward. Several of th<* Cleveland & Pittsburgh officials were in the city yesterday on nn Inspecting tour. Mrs. John T. Hnnkln, of Wheeling In the guest of friends and relatives In the elty. .Miss Eva Ji'imllton. of SteubenvIHe, If* the Hu?Ht of friends and relatives In tho Second ward. Mm. William Meadows, of Coraopolls, Pa., Is the guest of relatives In the Fourth ward. ltev. II. S. I to yd lectured la*t evening at tho Elyilan theatre, his subject bo In the... > Rain Storm Iia mnn rrnf mnr VAt. Thfl watting gave him a oold. The cold, noglected, developed to a cough. The cough sent him to a bed of sickness. A dose of A&er's Cherry Pectoral, taken at the start, would have nipped the oold in the bud,land saved the sickness, suffering, and ezpens*. The household remedy fcr eolds, coughs, and all lung troubles U Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. j ? Iu4 for the " Csrebook." too >: ? f'M J. C. Ay?r Co., Lowell, Mam. InK "Benefit* of Labor.'* The lecture una for the benefit of the trade* assembly. MIm Kate Rauffh. of Warren, in spending a few days with friends In the Fourth ward. Miss Minnie Coyne, of Steubenville, Is the guest of friends and relatives In the city. Emmett I'icKcti win a. mjc ?;*press and picnic wagon upon the streets. Gyorgf* Westlake Is home from a visit with friends anil relatives In Falrvtew, W. Va. A force of carpenter* nre at work fixIn? the Betlalro Zanosvllle & Cincinnati depot. Charles McWIUiam*. of Mt. Vernon. I? visiting friends and relatives In the city. William Nicholson, of Chicago, Is the guest of friends and relatives In the city. The Knights of Pythias hold a very Interesting meeting last evening. The men at the steel works get a large pay to-morrow. SEE our Bicycles before you buy. $30 to $100 each. DILLON. WHEAT & JIANCHER CO. MABTIH'S rEBET. Haps and Mishap* In the Thriving City Arrou (ha River. The flremn's festival and entertalnmen will open at Maennerchor hall tonight and will doubtless be largely attended. The programme this evening will consist of club swinging by_Wili R<V?ra( wrestling by Long ana Koager*>? sparring by Hyland and Smith, and Holes Broth en*, bar work, music by the Oriental mandolin clab, and plenty to eat. The bicycle parade, which precedes the entertainment, will form In front of the Shreve-Harvey building at 7:30 and will be headed by the Martln'a Ferry cycle club, the members of which will wear their new uniforms. The Belmont county commissioners have not yet succeeded In making a settlement with Bridgeport over the matter of the care of the part of the National pike within the corporation. The commissioners have offered to glv? the town 12,0)0 within four years and to move the toll gnte outside of tho corporation If the town will take the pike and keep It up. Mrs. Eleanor Callahan died at the family residence on Clay street yesterday morning at the nge of seventy-one. She had resided In this neighborhood all of her life and was well and favorably known. Judge Walter I. Ong was struck with an electric car while riding n bicycle In Cleveland and wns badly hurt. The Judge is a brother of Dr. A. R. Ong, of Mnrtln's Ferry. An unsuccessful effort v4u? made to burglarize the residence "f Henry Burkle, on Hanover street, early yesterday morning. MIm Clara Chamberlain entertained a number of young friends hut evening. People ahndder at the tale* of Monte Carlo suicides, but look on with nerfect equanimity while friend* and lovea ones commit juat ascertain suicide by neglecting their health. Trifling disorder* of the digestion persistently ncglected lead to impurity ot the blood, the tiMue* of the body are imperfectly nourished, and emaciation and debility follow. In the case of that dread disease, consumption, imperfectly nourished tissue is built up in the lnngs. forming a suitable soil for the germ* of that deadly disease. One-seventh of all the death* each year are due to consumption. Thla fearful death rate could be easily | avoided if the proper remedy was re| sorted to. I A aure preventive and eure of conaumpj tion la fonod in Dr. l'ierce'a Golden Med' Discovery. It cures 08 per cent. of all I cases. It corrects all disorders of digestion, 1 invigorates the liver, and usakes the blood I pure and plentiful. It it the great bloodmaker, builder, and nerve invigoratnr. It geta into thr blood and acta directly upon the luntra, building up healthy tiaaue and driving out all raipurittea and dfoeaae germs. Thousands have testified to iti wonderful . merit*. DruggLata sell it. MI feel that I must write you telling you of the great benefits derived from the use of vottr rColden Medical W^very,"" writes Mint Laura rierael, of Ka?t Bethlehem, Washington Co., ra. " I** summer my IHends thought I waa wirely going Into enmuiiiptlon, and having tried doctors before with no satisfactory results and hearing ywrr medicine so highly spoken of, I took one bottle. Jkly ftmgh left me altogether with all the dlstrrHting symptoms, and In fact the eure seemol almost miraculous to all who saw ?" ' -?? ?<?? ?..t. e,uu,*h in nralae of the medl- 1 dne. and h??e done much to lnduc? olher? ta u?r it." WilK.V you buy n Bicycle from u.? ' you know it In all right. 1?ILL?).\. WIIKAT A HAXfUKH CO. AUF.NT.S WAN MOD. AC I'.N TS I'Minwm.K KLRCTIlir Fan. No wiring or dynamo. Hp1??n<lld Hi'lli r; retail* for $5.00; romp)* to to ugenta j.l.00. Hen?t Htamp for circular. McKKIjVKY K ?'(>., 110 Maanuchustlta avenua, Indianapolis, I ml. JulS HKIBTB AND 8UIT8-0. Geo. E. St FAULTLESS IN FINISH, 1! PERFECTION IN FIT, FIRST IN STYLB, il GREATEST IN VARIETY, >\ MnnFftTi: * ?IN? * ' PRICE tt are the credentials of each and all of our SKIRTS HIHANDIMH SUITS! SUITED I M' e 4 FOR? X a' \ T SUMMER. | Geo. E. 5t ^^HENRY W. ET The only exclusive ^90VKflH| the largest assortment Glasses* Examicatioi recommended when n I XCHANGC BASK Bill PING, Corner hU WANTED. "IITANTED - DESIRABLE SITE IN I >V Wheeling for a manufacturing enterprise. Will occupy about 10 acre*. Address ELECTRIC SPECIALTY CO., 6205 Penn avenue, Pittsburgh Pa. JcS STOCKHOLDERS* MEETINGS. XTATIONAL AQENCYCOM PANT J> (Of west Virginia). Notice is hereby riven that a special mooting of the stockholder* of the National Agency Company (of West Virginia) will be held on tho 26th day of June, 1897. at 10 o'clock a. m.. at the office of such company, at No. 257 Broadway, In the City of New York, for the purpose of voting upon a resolution to Increase Its capital stock from $800,000. consisting of 4,000 shares of tb? par value of $100 each, to $700,000. to consist of 7.000 shares of the par value of $100 each; and that It Is the intention of Allen S. Apgar. a stockholder and director of said corporation, to ofTer such a resolution for such Increaso of thu capital stock at such meeting. PHINKAS C. LOUNSBT7RY, my28-f President. GENERAL NOTICES. "MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION! TO THE PUBLIG The Tourth of July falling on Sunday, I hereby designate Monday, July 3. as the day for the official celebration of the holiday in Wheeling, and recommend to the public a general and patriotic ob. Mnance. J. R. BUTTS, Mayor. J^OTICB. WHEELING. W. V*., June II. 1SS7. < We. the underpinned Bank*, hereby a*ree to cIoho our iilat'ott of bunlncsa on Saturday*. between the hours of three and six o'clock_p. m.. to take effect June 19. 1KJ7. UUIjIJAK MA>irVU? n. W. Peterson. Cashier. MUTUAL SAVINGS HANK. Alex. Mitchell, Treasurer, GERMAN IA HALF DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK. George Hook, Presldont. WHEELING TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY, Louis F. Stlfcl. Secretary, SOUTH SIDE HANK OF WHEELING, Cha*. A. Powers, Cashier. PROPOSALS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Senled Proposal*. Sealed proposal): will Ik? received until Tuesday, July 13, 1897, at 10 o'clock a. in., for I ho erection of Stone Hulldlng and Iron Cell* at the West Virginia Penitentiary In accordance with plans and specification* adopted hy the Hoard of Directors for the West Virginia Penitentiary. Hhls will he received as follows: FIRST?For tlio excavation and stone work for the proposed new building SECOND?For cells and Iron grille*. THIRD -For carpenter work, glazing, roofing and plastering. Contractor* can get form* for bids from the office of Franshelm, Glc*ey & Farls, urchltects. Wheeling, W. Va., or from John 11. I<aughlln, secretary, Moundsvlllc, \V. Va. All bids to ho Healed and to he mark I'd "Hid* for Proposed Hutldlng," and addressed to the Secretary of the West Virginia Penitentiary, Moundsvlllc, W. Va. Plan* ami specification* can ho *een at the ortlco of the architects and at the warden'* oflloo In the prison, at Moundsvllie, W. Va., after Wednesday, Jitrie 16, isf?7, and the hoard of directors reserve the rlttlit to reject any and all hid*. Hy order of the hoard of director*. JOHN L. LAUGH LIN, Secretary. ( Juno 14, HOT. JulS BO. E. 8TIFEL & CO. fifel & Coi ONE THING to be remenr bered in reading this ad. is. we are not only talking about our Ladies's and Misses' liner suits, but every garment from the CHILD'S 25c Dress up to the Suits at $18 and $20 for Misses and Ladies. Dock Skirts and Suits. These are made of beat quality of pin check Duck or Covert, plain, with reefer coat, In thraa shades, Tan, Blue and Green and White? SUIT . . . $2.98 SKIRT ONLY . . 98c Ladies' Striped Liaen Suit Very showy, the stripe being wbitr, while the body of material la Linen? $3.98 and $5.00. *. Also Novelty Linen Suit at lUt Russia Linen Suits For Miasm and Ladles, hai plain aJOrt. with reefer ooat, trimmed with rid linen bimld^ very nobby, at t . $4.30. Hisses' Suit . Of coarse Russia Linen, mtde with reefer coat with pockets, and button trimmed? $4.98. floyeity Linen Skirt This la a very showy skirt, with colored dot or stripe?price $2.98. Etegut 11ns of Ladle*' and Mhue*' Whits MareeiUw SulU and Skirts, at all prlcaa. ifel & Co. Z, Graduate Optician, OPTICAL PARLOR in the city with and late* styles of Spectacles and Eye a and consultation free. (Hams only eceasary* i?n ond Twelfth Street, Second Floor. ^ LOST. . OST-A POCKBTBOOK CONTAINJ ING visiting cards of Rachcl A. Ru?wll. a pocket knife and norae money. Finder please return to Locke's Shoe Store and receive reward. JttlS ADMINISTRATOR'S 8ALB. AMilUICTD ATflP'C CAT C nismiiuuiunii/u u uauu Of all the personal property of the lata Jerry Crawford, deceased, at No. 1114 Eoff street, on Thursday, June 24. commencing at 10 o'clock, a. m.. of all the household and kltchcn furnlturo and carpenter'! tools of every description, parlor sets, chambor sets, carpcts, dining room and kitchen were. TERMS OF SALE-Csth. P. W. WRIGHT, Administrator.: J. C. HERVEY, Auctioneer. julT. ' FOR RENT. ; OR RENT-SEVERAL GOOD ROOMS In the City Bank Bulldln*. Inquire as the Ct ty Bank of Wheeling. mrH j FOR RBNT?BE8T OFFICE ROOM IN the city; lar?e and plenty of Ufht; ... centrally located In best advertised build* 2&? 8 and knk? itfMM. M* FOR p?u?lo? BrMl?, 98 pjr ntoMlk. _r.IT 5 Itnona .ill Hill, RENT., .1 IMS Mft MI,Wpr>a?llL HEAL KITATE LOANS NEGOTIATED. JAIID U HAWLEY, Real Eittia ana Man Aginc;, ?vwa Htft. a FOR SALE. ~ | OR SALE?A FEW ONE AND TWc? year old Shetland Ponies for sale At the Schmulbach trnlnlnic stablea, north 'j sud of Island. Inquire of O. K18MANN. Jf* . ' FOR SALE-ONE AND ONB-HALF lot In Greenwood cemetery; flno IooaUon; corner lot; adjoining beat Improve- 'm menu In cemetery. Addrcaa CE1&ETKR9B v? LOT, caro Intelligencer office. aplt Stocks fob sale 10 aharea Wheeling Title end Trust Cb. j Whltaker Iron Works bond. 00 shares Reeling Steel and Iron Caw 20 aharea German Fire Insuranoo Co. F shares Wheeling Railway Co. Wheeling Pottery bonds, I per cent. 1 Wheeling 8teol * Iron Co. C pw e. booftb 20 shares ltnllalro Steel Co. 10 shares Wheeling Bridge Co. t shares Exchange Banlc. XL B. IRWIN. Broker. U Twelfth^ j^OR SALE. ~~ K FEW CHOICE LOTS IT BDGII0T01 cheap and on cast tkr3u. W. V. HOCE. City n??k Httlldlm. 1300 Marfc.t Ei. STOCKS FOR SALE. Riverside Glass Co. Bank of tho Ohio Valley. Aetna-Standard Preferred. Aetna-Standard Common. Hellalm Steel Co. v >! IwiHelle Iron Works. Schmulbach Hrewlng Co. Foatorfa Glass Co. lllDi'h Uro?. Tobacco Co. Whrollnif ft Polmont Undue Cb. Wood llriw. l'lanlnx Mill Oo. iVnlral GlnM Co. Warwick l'otttrr Co. .. , l!?u*lr?. Ilrldcrport * Martln'a r?T* Rnllroid WhwUn* lull* ay Co. Whrollnn let- and fl?or*gf Co. Providont l.lf? Inturmooo CO. HOWARD HAZLETT, IKOUKX IWUIM. Stock*, Bonds and Investment*, M