OCR Interpretation

The Wheeling daily intelligencer. [volume] (Wheeling, W. Va.) 1865-1903, December 10, 1897, Image 5

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026844/1897-12-10/ed-1/seq-5/

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We Are Selling
Rig lots of those $10.00 All Wool, We and Black Kersey
Overcoats. Easy to understand the reason?"The best
Overcoat in town for the money," everybody says who has
seen them. All sizes in stock yet, but don't know how long
1 they will last. Some Men's Suits that were $12.50, $13.50
and $15.00 are now $10.00. Some sizes in each lot missing,
the cause of the reduction.
Smoking Jackets $2.50 to $12.50. All materials, all sizes.
Our All Wool Tricot, Satin Cuffs and Collar, at $5.00 is
special good value.
Hath Holies, Lounging Gowns, Gloves, Cashmere anil Silk Muffle:
Holiday Display of Neckwear, Fall Dross Shields, Full Dress Shin
etc., lite. Nice now goods. Largo assortment. Small prici
Don't put off shopping till the last minute. Buy now, we'll
take care of your packages till you want them.
M. Gutman & Co
Retail Department. Main and Twelfth Streets.
Worth of fine Diamonds, Watchcs, Ric
Jewelry, Sterling Silver, Fine Chin
Bronzes, Bric-a-Brac, etc, to be offered
greatly reduced prices from now unt
January ist. Our stock has been selectc
Av\tn fUr* lirrrncf Kr?cf onrl i-nlmK
itum Liiv, uwi, CLUii iuw.ll ILIICIU
houses in the world. -Prices guarantee
as low as any house in America. .
special invitation extended to cach an
everyone to call and see our store an
stock. Respectfully,
Dillon, Wheat & Handier Co.
Tlir (in Olticff People Itcml It and Smiled. ?
The gas ottlco people were consider- 7 B [ I %/
ably amused yesterday by; Mr. Henry X I " I V
Floershelm's criticism of the state- T Vr I L I B C
ments made In tho papers ot Wednes- T
iraclor, Mr. Boyle, ot FJnleyville, who #Q+ +
has heirun Huntilvlne the Wheellnir,imh
works with coal In advance of the"time Wia First Chretien church was t
his contract was to bo Into cffcct, l>e- scene of a pretty wedding yesterday
".Tged TT W
secure a renewal of his contract with I*ov* Joim Tolar, Jr<? ?f Brooklyn,
the gas board last week. Y., who Is now taking a Post gradur
It was learned last evening that Mr. course at Bethany College, arid M
Floerahelm supplied the gas works .
with only six curs of coal between No- . Eunice West wood, a granddaug
vember 30 and December 6, none com- ?* **'r* arid Mra Kdward Wcstwov
Inp on the 30th, which was several days ol 'th<! South Side. The oeremony w
before the strike at Floersheim's works. Performed by Rev. C. M. Watson, of t
He should have furnished at least four Bellalre Christian church and u sch<
cars of coal per day. His failure, which mate of the groom. Miss West wood w
is supposed to have been caused by not becomingly attired In a costume of moi:
having got the coal contract for next desuol over cream, silk, and carrier!
year, placed the gaB board in bad shape. ;)Un?., bridal roses. She was attend
.After two cars of coal had been secur- Jj*v Mi.w Relto Yeagley, of Johnston
?d from a nearby coal works, the board xfa"Vru Jennie lolar, of Bnooklj
mode an arrangement with Contractor Jj* ?" a - ,? ? sroom. Per
Boyle, by which ho at once began fur- Cochran, of UraODltown, la., waa t
nlehfng coal in advance of the contract , t man, and he and the ushers n
he had entered into with tho board. Ills at Bct'hanyCollege. The uriw
coal has been it? uho several days at the .^V I, ~r'.
gas plant and is giving excellent sat- 1'ace, and M. E, Stiokley.
liTaction?ln fact It Is mined <it the . * *? the party w
Place, Flnleyvllle, where Floersheim's ? rl l, mei0!, i! . ' w ^
coal comes from. J?? o clock Mr. and Mrs. ToJar loft i
Some surprise has been expressed be- Vi nT USS^X. *"**! nuntl"r
cause Boyle fumhhes clean lump coal ( Le^, n% ^moriy' "
t si 00, when, according to Floer- fftthep of the gtvoni' and 1
shelm's figures, tho cost per ton Is
about Jl 30 to 91 40 per ton. Tho foct is
Boyle mines coal cheaper than Floer- LmIIm ortiio Arlon.
sheim. He uses electrical mining ina- The ladles of the Arlon gave a kafl
ohlnery In his mines, largely decreos- vlfrite at the socflety'a hall, corner
lag the cost of production although the Twentieth and Main streets, last eve
if V ^ CG1 0,1 Ia*? *8 lug, and It was the enjoyable fundi
criecu ? _ that nil aro given under these ausplci
? The dining room and other parts of I
LOCAL BREVITIES. building wero prettily decorated, and
, . tasty luncheon wns served. There w
I*'1'" ?' '? Ahnl" a tuleiidld sei-li < ut omuxciiMiw, and i
ih? dir. attendunco was large.
Miss Sarah Palmer and Miss Blanche ??
Howard, of Wellsburg, were Visitors In WliltnkcfOlarlc Nuptial*,
i" city yesterday. On Wednesday at noon, In Loulsvll
Miss Mollle Benson, of the Fifth ward. (Ky), occurred the Wedding Of Mr. Ha
adjudged Insane yesterday by rv Cecil Whltaker, of Wheeling, ai
lull' (ireer. and she will be taken to Mir.'* Louise Ilalloy Clark, nt the hon
the Mate asylum at Wcalon, nf the bride's aunt, Miss Elian Clar
'I'h'- special evangelistic meetings The ceremony wns performed by lie
" iiduete. |>y Bishop W. It. Wilson, of J. 0. Mlnnlgerode. The couple depart
'I'-velnnd, at the Macedonia Baptist i'or the east on a trip that /Will la
1 ij'jM-h a re still in progress nnd many until January l. when they will be
"'1 'iiinod away oach night. Tho meet- home at No. '2221 Ohltpllno street. Tl
will (ilfnlniie next week and there m'ooni I': one of Wheeling's best knov
^ n i preaching Hunday by the bishop, tmslness men and a popular socle
''has. P. Klndelberger, of 211 Mnln man. Miss Clark In a beautiful ai
1 t, received a severe Injury to his accomplished Kentucky girl, who w
"Merday morning at the Wheeling t?" an acquisition l>> Wheeling soclel
1 1 i plant In Honwood, where he i t Their many friends unite in congrul1
' ''ployed. Ills i??g was caught under latlons.
lion door whleh fell from lis posl- "<? '
Dr. Alley was summoned and tho roll |innr,pness, sore throat ai
i'Ml man wim conveyed to his homo C011jr,, nr. Mull's r..ugi) Myrup. t
I "iirrlage. np??clllo for nffcotlohs of the throat ai
l; .losepb ii. liausnmn will deliver C|iosf.
11in1' on "A Vankee In Hpaln" In the ?
' M 'A course, ti"xt Tuesday even- NOT a slngh piece of 10, "a, HO or 40 p
Mr ilnusman Is an exceedingly rent Sterling mo ids In our store. V
' ' i Mining ypi nUi t !!/ has traveled jj ive no use for it.
' Mv.ly, and his quick obsrrvnllmi DIM,ON, WIIKAT K HANCIIMIt C
1 admirable deseflpllve powers en
' him to deliver a very bright and itl-'MKMMIOIt Miss lYennlg's ente
'"'lug lecture, talnrnent nt Opora tfouso this evenln
,.<? only 80 ooii'ti fldmltrtoti.
''Willi'J are thottMfids and thntt/f/ttiflft - ???
" 'I' lMon the trrarkct tnnrked "Hler- KOhlD Silver Thimbles, lOeenls enc
lhat will sm iiv only l-iu silver, and hiim week at Hheff Bros',
' "" nr# only bUiid,
"II,I,iin, WIIMAT .* IIANr'llicit CO. IIAVK vi'U M nur llltlo Oliver Cli?
Hniiie Wslrtwf, fully w/ircnirlwl. nt W
,(f' WOiilj'fl Nnnvny IMne Hyrup . t, h"
senl ne a spf-elal piovldeme in piM^oN, WIIIOAT A IIAWHICH Ci
folks rPunint (0 tflkQi |" i ! 1 My "
"I'1"". ???"olulcly miire I., gh" In 10 CI'ltK A rOlill l> fMV
, I'1' I"ll"f III all easff of cold or lung Tn|(P i<n,H||ve Mrorno Quinine Tnblel
* /j| driiggl"'i" lefuinl Ihemoney If It fill
I''IJ Ml; (hrliima. N.nkll.., lun, l? u U' '
Ti'.tum,, m MtrMdin'i, on each t?bl?l
^ It Opens Brilliantlv in the Cam
Club Auditorium.
On the Parlof>tlie fnbllc^Tbl Fair I
(irratSiiccoti, Ilia Several I)c|iartmci
lieln; Novel and Excellcut In Tl?
IllaUr'iip?'The Fcsllvltlr* Opened
Sir. John O. l*ciiillctou-The Booth* I
The wheels were Bet merrily gol
last night at the Cathedral fair, wh
will hold forth In the Carroll Club i
til the 20th. The opening occurred a
o'clock In the auditorium, which v
the scene of a merry throng of patrj
?n<l busy attendants, and auspiciou
*8, started off what promised to be a hl|
. ly successful affair.
'' The preparations have been g<Mng
}8. for several weeks, and when the llg
were turned on lust evening It was I
a glimpse Into fairyland. The spade
auditorium was a circle of gaily dec
utetl booths, with a huge one in 1
center of the floor. The Opera Hoi
orchestra was stationed in the gall<
and rendered a delightful program
all evening. After a selection by t
( orchestra about S o'clock, the fair v
B opened by an address by Hon, John
Pendleton. Seated on the stage were 1
How lllchnn II.. .. V, . . ! -.?. K*.?
??.?. M'\iIi.iuir- linn ivu*. J UI
era Harris, Paquln, McBrlde and l'o
= master M. J. O'Kane. Mr. Pendlei
spoke upon the success of church fa
? In wiping out debts upon n church, a
argued for perseverance liv attempt!
to attain any object. Incidentally,
eulogized America as being a couni
^ where there la no union of church u
Htate, and where all men may worsl
according lo their dlctateaofconscien
At the conclusion of Mr. Pendleto
address, the orchestra struck up a Ih
hly air. All eyes turned to the boot
Fortune tellers, museum men and vt
dors of sundry wares began to ass*
~ themselves. In an Instant there wat
tl? Babel und confusion of tongues. A
tho fair was on.
[it The entrance to the Carroll CI
bears gay streamers, and Inside is I
n climax. To tho right and circling l
room la a chain of one miniature -M
after another, nil displaying fancy i
,.1 tides gotten up in exquisite taste. 1
Xl first attraction to the light Is a wh
of fortune. Then comes the doll boo
lC decorated In white and blue, and p<
seising a neat arrangement of dc
d tfhat will make little girls open th
eyes In delight. Miss Boes superlnter
this booth. \
A A clairvoyant holds forth In a tf
further up the room, and when 1
singe is reacneu in iroiu or 11 in ano
[J or wheel of fortune. Next cornea I
|lwml)61a table, In charge of Mrs.
dDusch, which has fancy articles for I
one holding the lucky number. 1
next, continuing around the room, la 1
home-made candy booth, Bupcrlnteni
by Mrs. George Lutz, whose fame
this line Is wide spread. She has a be
of pretty assistants, wearing pi
waists?no doubt, to harmonize w
the pink and white decorations of I
11 Then comes the Ice cream dlspensa
* with a- miniature garden enclosed
a white fence. Mrs. Kate FlaccUB ci
neatly attired assistants hold sway 01
this pretty nook. The rear end of 1
auditorium, under the gallery, Is a si
cession of amusements. The "Punl
jjj Seed Club" 'have a stand, where I
club's paper, the "Goosetown Jo urn c
O Is on sale, and where guesses are
f corded as to the correct number of set
A In a huge pumpkin. Members of :
X club arc also "at home" In the coun
f store, with Its sweet cider, tinware, a
"the hat me father wore."
Next to the country store Is 1
A Punnli nml .Tllrlv ahmv. rifwl nnnr It !<
3 weight-testing machine. The musei
with its curious freaks, is hack of i
stage, and those who have visited it f
ho some stunge things are to be seen the
nt The handsome booth in the center
the room has a beautiful assortment
J* fancy articles. It is presided over
N. Mrs, James FJlan, and certain to
lie liberally patronized. Another feature
|H?j the fair is the postotllce. The "Gooi
h *?wn Herald" made its first appearai
last night, and is oil right. Joe Welt?
manages it. The supper tables are
catcd in the dining hall, and dinner a
supper will be served throughout J
>?1 fair.
1,3 This evening the young ladles
[s" iMount do Chantal will visit the f
' ? in a body, and some day next week t
0l1 orphans from the North Wheeling n
n? Elm Grove homes, will also pay the fi
'n> n visit. A feature each evening v
W be the presentation of n one-act far
1,0 nnd this may be supplemented by in
re slcal numbers.
'l'S m
aH The lliwnnr for C'lirUflan Cliurtll H
,at Evening mi Oilil t'cllom* 1UII.
A highly successful function <1:
aa takes place this afternoon and evenli
lis will be the bazaar at the Odd Fellot
liall, under tho auspices of the lad
old society of the First Chrlstl
^ church. Great Interest is being tnk
0f 111 the affair, and at all the booths a
n_ tables will be found attractive and vi
on liable articles. Not the lenst nttractl
^ will be the young ladles In charge.
Hut the young men are not to be It
., out. Thev will be found nt the KKt
a'fl dike booth, which Is to be a featu
Good patronago Is certain for tho dl
ner and supper to-day.
XI. I.ttltr'* fCntrrinliunriiti
lP Extensive preparations are bel
fi made for next Thursday evening's c
nd tertalnirtMit under the auspices of )
'Y* Luke's congregation. Tho principal fo
v iuroof the entertainment is the exhll
tlon of McAllster stercoptlcon views
q. Mr. r. <\ Hchmldt, There are nearly !
, views. Including scenes of the Anie
,,, I can civil war, tho American Uevohitlc
World's Fair statuary, sentimental su
jv Jeeis, moving subjects, etc., nnd p.
,*I slbly some local Views. "Colonel" Mn
HI ray l,. Hpnnger, chairman of tho ?-ot
rnltlei' in charge, tnay be Induced
warble a few lines on this occasion.
V ."? HI III If I it m 11 Mnfl'fl Oii|i? to poll dot
I ovnr <0111 for !H?*? wt Mol'iidilnn'*.
KTP3HL1N0 Wlver Teaspoons, 14 00
1(1 $10 00 per set. Lighter weights at low
O. r\ GIONTIIHH Is the man for Hpc
O, taelei. ^
nine I'lv l,lnati <*otlnr? lOe, I'oar I'
' I.Iii *ti < o(Th l'J'.,v, ill lUeCnililMi'K,
ntm store Is crowded every day wl
bniyrnln lnifil? ??
h, | \V, J. LUKICNfl & CO,
FOH enincho, pnl a couple of drops
' I Thomas' I'.'cleetrle Mil oil e lot of re
00 |(?u and place It In the mi The pa
' will stop In a few moment#. Hint)
0. | <'iiough, Isn't It? I
| h i: Iwiv" ciilnn Pimm riii
n ; IMpIi." Ml' il H -m. Tnt /mil llnullli
Is | i 'u|oi and Hjiui'i im, and ai pt i< ? I,tu
J i than anyi i dv,
Have Courage
Even when the bleak air is lull of
)|1 rumois that the grip is around
looking for victims. No doubt the
rumors are true; but the disease
ij won't find you if, at the first sign
,pl a shiver, you have recourse to
m." Duffy's Pure
p Malt Whiskey.
By stirring the torpid blood it
keeps up the supply of that animal
"s heat, which alone is a defense
ln. against the ills of cold and damp.
18 Pure as Alpine snow, full of healing
power, the most useful thing in the
sly housekeeper's medicine chest. It
;h- gives a perfect circulation and that,
as Dr. Magendie says, "is the sccret
of perfect health."
ike .Druggists and firocers have it.
the Their Xciestliy Shown lit ? C'outrllmtlou
ISO Uy* Header.
fry The following contributed by an Intelme
llgencer reader, forcibly illustrates the
the necessity of punctuation. It can be read
'ai In two ways,one making: out a good man
and the other a very bad man, t he reault
depending upon the manner In which It
st- Is punctuated:
on I lo Is an old man experienced In vice and
Irs wickedness lie Is never found In opposing
n,i tlio works of imiufiy in* tukes delight In
' the downfall of Ills neighbors he never reJolcos
in tho prosperity of any of his f?*lhe
low creatures ho Is always ready to assist
try In destroying the peace of society ho takes
nd no pleasure in serving tlie Lord ho Is unu,n
commonly diligent in sowing discord
among his friends and acquaintances he
ce. takes no pride in laboring to promote the
n's cause of Christianity he has not been iick\jq.
Iluont in trying to stigmatize all public
teachers he makes no effort to subdue his
' evil passions he strives bard to build up
'n* Satan's kingdom ho lends no aid to tho
art support of the Gospel among the heathen
i a he contributes lurgely to the evil adversity
nd he pnys ureal heed to the devil be will
never ro to heaven be must go where bo
will receive the Just recoinpenso of reward,
'j And here Is another:
L. A witch of old wrote In the sand
Liie yen letters have I on each hand
aro I'lvo una twenty on nanus aim ion
nr- Who reuds thin right good lurk shall meet.
'ho "~*
ool THE Irritation of the? skin, fo helpful
tj,( In count erecting the tortures of rheunwioa?
tlsm Is promptly produced by Salvation
>lls OH. M
?J!j GOLD Spectacles and Eye-glasses for
* Xmua presents. Wo will put In the
,nt proper glasses, free of charge, after
,r Xmas.
FINK Silk MulHrm, largo !/.?, black or
*? cream, for AMo. ut McFudrien'a.
the Z
'ho W*H aro looking orders for Xmas
the Holly and cut flowers.
VV BOYS* Watches guaranteed for $.1.50
nk each. SHEFF BROS.
Ith m
;he SYRUP of FIGS, regular price Me,
our price, 38c; Castorla, regulur price,
\y> 35c, our price 25c, at cut-rate Patent
)V' Medicine Co., 1139 Market Street.
?'I m
To llir Public,
ir desire to inform the public that
'we aro going to retire from business.
Our entire stock of Diamonds, Watches,
.VI Clocks, Jewelry, etc., must be closed out
l1' before January l,*at auction or private
ri:" sale, every day and night.
W. J. L UK ENS & CO.
I he
try THF fltiral lino or Iron 1'ojh lit the city
at Curio Hroti'., tVOil Market itreet.
he o. C. QENTHER Is the man for Sll*
a vorware.
am ?
tho MACKINTOSHES vrllh Cape?, Men's and
i;iy lloft' alzva tor &2.4U, ?t Mcl'/idden's,
',[( (SOLD filled Chatelaine Watches, with
0f American movement#, $fi 50 to $1S 00.
^ Hue kirn's Ar ulca Sntvr.
up. The best salve In the world for Cuts,
loo Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
:oll Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
io- Chlllblalna, Corns. and all Skin Erupn<l
tlons, and positively cures Plies, or no
he Iin>' required. It Is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Lo?ir
Kan Drug Co. ^ 1
he TIIK11K may bo otlinm, but Uin John
nd Smith Afl Cigar fades (hum al(. On unto
Hit* flverywhero. It, 1". Horkhrimer & Co.,
HI note ncQMtfl.
n(?' OUR Sterling goods aro made by the
lu" best faotorles in the world. Waranted
92.1-1000 nno.
IT nil goon up In auiokot John Smith,
lili f, crnti.
lnt O. C, Oenthrr Is the man for Clocks.
PROSPERITY comes quickest to tho
vs man whose liver Is In good condition,
les DeWltt's Little Early Risers nre fuan
mous little pills for constipation, biliousness,
IndlgosKon find all stomach
and liver troubles. Charles R. Goetze,
nd Market and Twelfth streets; Chatham
al- Sinclair, Forty-sixth and Jacob streets;
on A. H. Scheele. No. (107 .Main street; Exley
Bros, Penn and Zane streets; Bowfifj
le & Co., Bridgeport. 4
lv. | PltlNTlNli l'roilfi, Mngle Lantern* and
... all tin* n??w game* l"??r nalo at Carle llroa,,
1308 .M:irki't utroet.
WAIl M Driving ( love* and AllttoitH, for
JIflo, .'(Ac, 50c, nf Mol'addeu'*.
Hg ?
Kt M\V RFINKY?On Tuosdny, December fi,
1897, at 8 p. in.. MICHAEL HWKKNEV,
n" in Ills ooth year, at tho family rosldence,
,1. No. n Third street.
by Funeral on Friday morning nt 8:30 o'clock.
!(>0 Mnsa at Kt. Joseph's Cathedral nt 0
i'l- o'clock. Friends of the family respect,,l?
fully Invited lo attend. Interment at
Mt. Calvary cemntery.
LPK10NR?On Thursday, Decembers, 1V7,
ir- III n:IA O'clock, MltH ('IIAHLKti UN
n- KIJNS. In her flOth year.
to Funeral nolle? heronftor.
MAHoN?At bis res I donee. No. it South
Broadway, on Thursday, Decombor
va I'. 1HW7, ul !!:!I0 o'clock a. in,, JOHN
II. MA0ON. In his 47th year.
Funeral notice hereafter.
I'> J I. . . . . :
Iiinpriil Director nml
? Artoriol I inliiilmer.
1 117 Mil III Hirer!, W**t Midi*.
ly C-ill" by Toh phono Answered Day
of Night. Hloro Telcphono 1135.
Kenhlcine. DUO. AlRlsluiit's TohIII
phone, CM. an 10
Funeral Director mid i nilmimcr,
|. IPOfl MAIN 9T,
Porter Competent Management
Tolcphom s Wlore, 220; Itosldenes, "M.
II,' hmimi witit iomND imbalmihs
turner Mm hot nail JJil Street*
Tvloplmiiv ?07. Open Day and Nltrhf
Ul luyJI
The recognized headquarters for all that is newest
and best in Suits, Overcoats and Furnishings.**.*
OVFRPOAT you ^ave t0 C?me and see the
\J l LIlLU/i I great stock we have of the choicest and
best selections in the land, made and finished as they should
"t>e. Compare them with others and you will see the difference.
OUR OVERCOATS retain their shape long after goods
bought elsewhere have assumed that tired feeling. See the
values we are offering at $8, $10, $12, $15 and $18.
I ADIFS come 'n an^ see w^at we have t0 ?^er 'n
L/\l/ILJ) holiday gifts for your father, brother or sweetheart.
Store full of hints and suggestions.
? M. J .
Reduction Sale of 2 ? C
f _ T. _f_ _i._
At prices that would appear absurd if we gave
them. We will only state their regular value
and prices ranged from $4.50 to $25.00. If you
are interested in a garment at a fraction of its
value we can give it to you.
In addition, we arc closing out our entire stock of
Geo. R. Taylor Co.
\ 11
Both! #
We do not know which is the worst,
bad tailor or bad ready-made clothier. You pay the
tailor more, but he probably does his best. You pay
the clothier less, but he probably docs his worst
But the way to get your dothes is to
go to your-money-back-if-you-want-it-house, and look,
ask all the questions you can, try on, and buy what
you like?costs nothing to buy there?you have your
money again next day if you like, our guarantee label
on all reliable garments. It's a safe house, the clothes
are safe, and you are safe.
jjCX^'OURS" is the place for your
furnishings; anything you want?it's here. The
many pretty things for Christmas, we have them all in
bust of quality. Come in and look about.
34 and 36 twelfth street.
'I'linifroutnMiiMly f>?r norrrttii pro#tr*tlon luifl nil n?ri>oui(1l?PM<>?of
I .1 UioiriMHTftMyiiuipnJinofiilMtrr Ni?n on* I'roMrMinn. Kail*
i jW. Miitiiii><> i. lni|Hitcnrr,N?Hiiljr l'iitiMioni,TpdthforBrrpfi?
X.'V'Mr Montnl Worri.t .( ?- ;?o iim? of ToWnr oropium, which I*imuo Con*
WPiKSVVIB*' RiintpUon ntKi lnnnu!ty. Willi crny ft ft order we vlro n written ffttar*
Vor Halo l>y Will B. Ulnlnon'n Mul.urn Huiuo I'linnimry. inHI-JJtw
pipppiii Metropolitan hotel
$$ ""I"1/") ORDFR X> T, A. HBNAOHAN, Prop.
I U H L/ Ci 11. W y(ivii,n r?[ Corner Mnln mil Twentieth
Im fnlli lo ordir, $18,00 up. |!3 ftroeti, Wheeling, W. Vi.
j$ Cvrmlsto oMar, $13.03 up. ''ArB *N" "*n ATTAt'"">m^r
w runts lo or.ltr, $100 up, w coooooooooooooooooooooooa
<vj !> wmst 10 ihi .uuiov
II C ALLIG A N ll The Glades Hotel,
ra ' i s ?! oaki and, ml).,
I jjft l > j* Mnr'"^, 9"*nl' g "ALL THE YEAH ROUND."
i SSSC^?3cu5S8888o3SSS8So| Saocooooooooooooooooooooo1

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