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A HELPFUL CHURCH Its Essential Features Outlined by Itev. C. M. Ollpliunt THE ALL-IMPORTANT FACTOR OF A SUCCESSFUL CHURCH CON GREGATION IS TO KEEP MOV ING, FOR "LIGHTNING NEVER STRIKES A MOVING TRAIN." good' MUSIC WILL FILL CHURCH PEWS, AND AN EFFI CIENT MINISTRY NECESSARY. 'A PRACTICAL DISCOURSE. The largo congregation at the First Christian church yesterday morning heard a very Interesting discourse on "The helpful Church," by tho paBtor, 'fccv.rC. M. Ollphant. The essentials of a '.church to bo helpful were set forth In a practical manner. A synop sis of Mr. Ollphant's remarks, as to what o halpful church must have.Is as follows: , . , people need sympathetic help; not arguments only so far aa these lead own to-u better conception of spiritual ?troth. Controversy sometimes drives ?OhrlBtiantly from the Held, and It put mosques where churches formerly stood ; ;*in the Eastern Roman Empire, and very often destroys peace and Joy among God's people. The wise minis- , ter will avoid needless controversy. The old need tho help. The young need the help. The posslbllltes of the young are often underestimated. The sermon should be helpful. Men and wo men need the bread of life, that which will feed them spiritually. The minis ter among the people should be helpful. Every one should be made to feel that In the pastor he has o true friend. The music of the sanctuary Is help ful. The effect of music Is marvelous. It has led armies to victory. Dr. Kane, In the Arctic regions kept his men from despair by having a mnn play an old violin. Alt nations have their music. National songs are inspiring. We read In mythology of Amphion who played upon his lyre until the mountains were moved and the walls of Thebes arose, but religion has a mightier story to tell* of how Christian songs may build whole temples of eternal joy and lift the round eapth Into sympathy with the skies. If the music of the sanctuary be fiood the people will be present, even If the sermon be defective. The prayers >?f the sanctuary make a helpful church. If the whole audience lay hold upon the golden hinge of pray er, the door of the storehouse of love and mercy will be opened. People In bereavement are helped by these pray ers In their behalf. The tempted re ceive strength for overcoming temp tation by the prayers.Those In darkness are.brounht into the light .through these prayers of God's people. If we but understood the grandeur and pa thos of the exercise of prayer, instead of being a dull exercise we might im agine the room full of divine and an gelic appearances. A church abreast of the times Is s helpful. Old methods will not meet the present demands. The Gospel Is the same, but it is to adapt itself to the needs of the hour. Unless the church adapt Itself to the times it will become extinct. No new Gospel, but the old one properly applied to the needs of to day. The church's mission embraces. First?The mlrallty of the city. Second?Civic problems. Third?Sunday questions. Fourth?Society questions. Fifth?Rights of Men. sixth?'The brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of God. Seventh?All things that pertain to the salvation and betterment of man. The church that Is helpful has its Aarons and Hur3 ever ready to hold up the hands of minister, officers and all in every department of Christian work. These are they: . First?Who feel their personal re sponsibility. When the church suc ceeds does the Individual nslc. Have I had a part In this success? When tho <taurch falls, does the Individual Chris tian ask. Have I by my neglect or in difference caused this failure? Second?Who support the church moralv and financially. If a man 1 morally supports the church he will also give it flnanclal support If his moral support has been of the^rlght WThlr<3 ? Who defend the church against all unjust attacks. Do you al ways defend your pastor? Your offi cial board? Your whole church against all injustice? Fourth?Whose lives are consistent with their Christian profession. Are you a living epistle pf Christ known and read of all men? If so you are one tof the Aarons and Hurs. Fifth?Who are moving forward in v Christian service. A railroad train in 'OMo was travelling at the rate of forty ? miles per hour when a. great storm casno up. An old lady In the train ?was aJarmed lest the train would be struck. The conductor qxflett^ her fears ? by assuring her that "lightning never strikes a moving train." So the light ning of sin,, of indifference, of envy, of injustice, or of any wrong will not etrlke the moving Christian or the mov ing church. Be active for Christ, and you are safe. Y. 91. C. A. Rtbl* Rradlns. 'An Interesting meeting" wa9 held at the Y. M. C. A. yesterday afternoon, and the hot wither accountcd for the light attendance. There was no regular ad dress, a Blblo reading being conducted t>y Miv Will McKee, an old Wheeling <boy, now secretary of the South Side branch Y. M. C. A. of Pittsburgh. Tho meeting was In charge of Mr. W. W. Shields, secretary of the Y. M. C. A. at Lawrenceville, Pa. Mr. McKee dwelt on the miracle of Christ curing the In Valid at the pool, and earnestly set forth '4he need of young men accepting Christ. ? ' I>EATH OF ROBERT H. CRANGLE. On last Thursday, at Mandan, North Dakota, ocaurrcd tho dakh suddonly of Robert H. Crangle, a young man who was formerly a resident of Wheel ing. Mr. Crangle had for many years been a resident of Fargo, North, Dako ta., aaidi at tho time of hifl demise was on- a buslnoas trip to Mandan. In the hotel he was altrickcd by congestive chills, and died In a few hours. Tho ibody was to have arrived here Sunday, and It was Intended to baye the funeral service and Interment to-day, but at en early hour this morning. Mr. James Granule, an undo of the deceased, learned that the body had not reached the city. Mrs. Moffat, wife of Rev. James MoTTat, president of Washington and Jefferson College, was a sister of the deceased. _ W?i Not nt? "lm?inn?." Special Dispatch to tho IntelHgoncer. WASHINGTON, Juno C.?Tho roster of the company of lmmunes which was to have been commanded by Mr. W. G. Wilson, of Elklns, is now announced to <be: W. H. Monroe, of Parkersburg, captain; Adolph Schorr, of Grant coun ty, th-Bt lieutenant.; John A. Thuyer, of i<Jrafion, necond ileutentnnt. It Is un iridcrSlood' thut Mrr. Wilson does not como wtflrtn tho description of an lm t?nune, Ihouflb "he may l>o given a com rniiai'Ibrv li??inoifccr command. THE RAILROADS, It Is stated In financial circles, cays the New York Host, that the Whoellng & Lake Erie railroad plan of reorganiza tion -will probably lisuo this week, and that It will provide for an assessment of 11 per cent on the preferred and 8 per cent on the common share* In addition to th 1 por cent already paid. Tho con sol 4s will bo converted Into first prefer red stock, the present preferred, share for irtiare, Into second preferred, and common/ Into new common, with new shares in exchange for tho cash assess ment. 3,534 MILES FpR |4. Thero Is considerable comment on the fact that the southwestern lines have decided to sell tickets at U from St. Louis to Dallas, Tex., and return,, for the encampment of the-Mystic Shrine. When Dallas was decided upon as the meeting place- the Missouri Pacific, St. Louts, and San Franclso, aad Missouri, Kanros & Texas lines made the fare for the round trip $19 45. Since then they havo been seeing how low they can put the rate. The distance from St. Louis to Dallas and return is 1,634 miles. At U, 'tho rate is .0383 cents per mile. ENGINEERS' HEADQUARTERS. Cleveland will be the headquarters-ot the Brotherhood of Locomotivo Engin eers for the next- ten years beginning with 1900. This was decided at the re cent convention of tho organization In Bt. Louis. Tho passenger department of the Bal timore & Ohio railroad Is qulto well pleased with tho number of special par ties handled during the month of May. The total number carried, exclusive of regular and Dccoratlon day travel, was i 28,603. Fully 19,000 of these were troops en route to Palls Church and Chlcka mauga. The Baltimore & Ohio manage- ] ment Is congratulating Itself that this j heavy travel was handled without delay to the regular business and without an accident of any sort HEAVY WESTERN BUSINESS. Edward C. Schoen, district passenger agent of the Northern Pacific railroad, was In tho city yesterday visiting friends. He says that, contrary to the general belief, the business of the great western lines has not largely diminished on account of the relegation of tho Klortdllee' to a back seat as a conse quence of the war. On the contrary, tho Northern Pacific will have one of the best yoars since its reorganization. This Is caused by the very henvy tour isty business which has been attracted by the remarkably low rates now rul ing. The fare from St. Paul to Port land (Ore.) is now at 510 net, a rate that is maiklng all the business the road can handle. The cut was caused1 by the pol icy of the Canadian Pacific. Railroad* Ice Rill". Among the many expenses borne by railroad companies the ice bill figures quite prominently. For instance, on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad it Is expected continue their trip on one of the D. ? C. (lotting palaces. The commmdcrf. delegate, are John J. Conlfl and T. S Riley anil, the/altornateii elected an T. J. Dlckman'iuiil II. Whalan. ABOUT PEOPLE. Klrnitgcri lu (U ? CI If till Wlltclltaj Pro* (itaAbiouil. Frank Howard, of Ravenawood, and John Moore, of Sralthfleld, are Howell guests. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Huth, of Woods field, yesterday registered at the Windsor. A cycling party of (en Pltsburghers were In the city yesterday, and stopped at the MdLurb Mrs. J. i|. Phillips, 6f Tarentum, Pa., Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. E. W. McCulley. Colonel William H. . Exley? leaves this morning on a western trip, his first stopping point being Chicago. ? Lieut E. Groves and family, from Camp Alegr, Va., en route to Colum bus, were guests of tho Stamm last night, Mrs. J. M. Fordyce and daughters. Helen and Mllta, of the South Side, have returned from a Visit to friends In Cameron. Superintendent J. R. Trotter and "Messrs. Waltman Barbe, of Morgan - town, II. W. Ilarmer, of Clarksburg, and O. W. Johnson, of Martlnsburg, members of the state board of normal school regents, were In the city yester day, en route,to the.West Liberty com mencement. WHEELING VOLTJRTEKHB To bo Given ? Chance to Join llio Com pony of Antmnite*. A meeting of the Wheeling volunteers 1b called for this evening Ojt 7:30 o'clock In the second branch of council cham ber, by Capt. Fred R. Huseman. The meeting Is called for the purpose of giv ing all the members of the company who so desire, an opportunity to enllet In the company of lmmuncs being organized In this state by Col. A. A Franzhelm. It Is thought the meeting will be suc cessful In turning out a number of re cruits, but all who will be accepted must pass a good physical examination. Captain Willis* company meets this evening for tho regular drill, at the Hub building, and a large attendance Is de sired. The company Is growing fast, and It 1^ the intention- to have it up lu drill to a high standard when the call for It Is made. ? ^ ROWAN A WEST*VIRGINIAN. Last week the nomination of First Lieutenant Andrew S. Rowan, Nine teenth Infantry, was sent to tho sen ate as lieutenant-colonel of the Sixth United States volunteers In accordance with the recommendation of General Miles, made as a reward for his cour age In recently entering Cuba and conveying dispatches to General Gomez. It Is not often that merit Is so quickly rewarded in the United States, for the simple reason that in time, of peace the war department has no means of dis Power of the Specialist in Treating Grave Diseases. His Advantago Over tho Gon eral Practitioner-How the Best - Treatment Miy bo Obtained for an Insignificant Sum. Even a layman, who ticrer boos a medi cal paper, muat marvel Mtho great advance tho science of healing hoi mado in the last few yean. A decaue has seen more ad vancement, more light, than,til tho seven teenth and eighteenth centuries. This condition bw been broughtabont very largely by the researches of specialists, who have mado some particular organ of tho body their special Btiidjr. IIow to provide tho advantages of special treatinonttotho afilleUwl who have been un ablo to seouro It. has been a problem many have trjed to solve. That it is practicable ha* finally been demonstrated by II. II. "Warner, the original proprietor of the world famed Warner's Safe Cure. Mr. Warner's years of experience in tho treatment of kidney diseases led him to be lieve that equally pood results could be ob tained by offering tho public special treat ment for tho several closse* of disease to which mankind is liable. Sinco he severed disconnection with tlio Warner Safe Cure Company, some fl*o years ago, he has been .working out his present plan,and has formed the Warner Naaaro ilealclno Co. He has completed arrangements.with a number of tho leading specialists of Greater New York, to givo ad rice and treatment to people who could not otherwise avail them selves of theirservice*. In this way epeclul treatments will be prescribed for cach class of dueaso,and special cdvico given to each patient, n Among the diseases for which special treatment can bo had arc, scrofula and all blood and skin diseases; nervous prostra tion, insomnia, chronic headaches, and all nervous disorders: rheumatism and gout: acuto and chronlo catarrh; diseases and weakncascs'of women; special diseases of .men; indigestion and all stomach disorders. MUSICAL WHEELING. Tho Oratorio Soclcty meets to-night Tor rehearsal, when a full attendance Is oxpected. Tho Instrumental part of the "Llfo ot Man," to ho preicnted Friday ovonli'.K Is In tho hands of Mlea Jlcruia 3liradci', jilaalut, and the cituhentm, .lrtd ftfkf llle Bplenilll 'enesroliis werk uoaq laat Jrsliruary in tho "Creation," jr.lieii may fas esjieoiod lit the earning wtofmnHd, elnon tha two flfpaiiisa-. tidSfl iwtt t>er?wln/{ oceiBtoihad. to each rtilicr, The full rehaufsai e? the eooiijiy, doioiaU ftn4 orehoatm will pi-olmulf occur frlilac nfierni)on, ?t which tiwo jSlas Mary ioulati Clary, Mr, Barry J, r.'cllwva iiiul Mr, U. Ji. Perinltt will :i,%va arriyd in tho cliy, Mrs, Flora Williams, Wheeling's contrlnutlon to tiiB tiudrt">tt9 oi unlaw enttascii, is aVttnn'Mo any lima 'ho director zliould call, The oratorio Is beautiful throughout. PASSING UP \M MUNITION FOR THE FLAGSHIP NEW YORK. This is the way they are passing up projectiles to Admiral Sampson's flagship, the New* York. The New York la gottlng ready for battle, and a small urmy oE men is employed la hoisting the great projectiles aboard her. She fires the most powerful guns In the world. It will take over GO.OOO tons of Ice this year to meet the requirements of the service. The gTeuter portion is used in connection with shipment of .perishable goods; tho balance in the passenger train servlco. A great deal of this ico is put up by the company in its own ico houses, but as the past winter has been so worm a very largo proportion will have to be purchased. ?THE CATHEDRAL, KNIGHTS Of St George Will Attend the Detroit Conclave This Month. Tho Cathedral Knights of fit. George will attend the Detroit conclnvo of the Knights of SL John, with which they are affiliated, in a body, and will enter the "prize drill, in which thcro is a $500 first prize and a $250 second prize. The commandery will loave Wheeling on Juno 26, via the Cleveland, I^oraln fz Wheeling road, and fr6m Cleveland will tlngulshlng an officer, ercept by giv ing: him the medal for bravery in a frontier flght, says the New York Post. Llentonant-Oolonel Rowan entered West Point from West Virginia, In July, 1877, and on graduation four ycar3 later was assigned to the Fifteenth Infantry, being, promoted to the Ninth in 1390 and transferred to the Nine teenth q year later. He will reach the rank of captain In the regular nrmy this roar. If the reorganization Is car ried out, which seems to be indellnitcly tied up at present. Prominent Lawyer Drnr|. Special Dispatch to the Intelllponcer. FAIRMONT, W. Va., Jure 5.?James A. Haggerty, one of the most promln la/wycrs at the Fairmont bar, died early -this morning1 at Tils home In Palatine, from a complication) of diseases. He 'was about forty-six years' old- and leaves a widow and two children. and while the first and last choruses are very effective, the one entitled "And though thy sins be as scarlet," Is especially masterful. The solos ore all Rood, and in keeping: of renowned voices, next Friday's concert cannot ?but be a grand finale to a seaaon of stu diousand earnest endeavor on the purt of Musical Wheeling to keep 1S97-'9S, against any odds, up to the standard of previous seasons. Tickets will be placed on sale to-morrow, and as the beautiful music doings at Mount De Chantal will be over before Friday, the oratorio advance sale should not go by default. "Unttlo of Manila" No greater opportunity has ever been furnished for gorgeous spectacle than "tho Battle of Manila," Tuesday, Juno 7, at Wheeling base ball park. In this | stirring spectacflc, mval warfare as It really exists is graphically shown. To ?MOOIUR itWonr.cAN^' HAVANA. OBTTINO HEADY- TO 1NVADH CUIJA. Thirty trans,?rt> pro about to .tart from Now Orleans, Mobile and Tampa for Key \V<wt. Thoy will I- filled with our ?ol aiera. who -form tlio army of Invasion for Cuba. Gen. Miles will bo at Koy Watt to atari tliem on.tholr aU-wotcr routo to tho Island, ?? ^ Warner Naxaro Medicine Company*! Consulting Parlors. The Board of Specif Diagnosing Cases and Prescribing Medicines that Cure* Tiiia plan of special treatment placcs within the reach of all, tho?xperl?ncc?of men who liavo devoted years of study to their ro spcctivo specialties. Many dlicascs that have Ladled the skill of tlio goneral practi tioner can thus bo successfully treated. Chronic cases are especially dcrired. The company invites correspondence frotnevery one suffering from any ailment from which they havo been unablo to secure relief. Its physiciuns are among the ablest In the pro-, resslon. and havo been marvelously success fill in tneir practise. Donotdelav. Disease docs not stand trtill. You are daily, hourly drifting farther from the possibility of a rca-1 toration to health. The method of obtalnln. relief U simple. WriteotitabistorrofToni case, making the statement as comtj!.?. ? possible. Send thU toth. Warner fii Wediclno Company, MO Broadway N-* Yorlc City, -when a complete diapi'aj, j your case will be made by a competent !tX riTllcf Ifvntl r\ri'f?ir n n-mnUxi. LI. .1 1 Thc well-known businessability of Hr/Vfa ncr, anil the fact that he has done 00 mud for suffering humanity in the past, ample assurances of the gcnuincneaicf thk lila latest and greatest work. Write todaj. SHIRTS ?M'FADDKN'S. Men's 50c Soft Front Sfrfrts for 39c. They're nice, cool and perfect fitting hot weather shirts, made from fine Madras and Soft Twill Sateen, all have soft fronts and white neckbands, the correct style to wear with white collars, all new and pretty patterns to pick from, sizes from 14J to i6i, for only 39c. ****Other stores can't match them for less than 50c. McFADBEN'S, ? SHIRTS, HATS, SHOES, 1320 and 1322 Market St. I gain the desired effect enormous ex panse has been gone to and the sen-ices or stage mechanics, dramatic exponents and naval.engineers havo-been generally drawn upon to make a production which for brilliancy, dramatic interest thrill ing: effect and sensationism has, it Is said, never before been equalled! The ships of the American and Spanish squadrons -have been faithfully repro duced. In this production Pain has be come more thbn a purveyor of amuee ment-he has become an instructor, and the startling object lessons will carry more force than could have been shoAvn J? <>ther way. The blowing up of De^y'0 portrait, the stars and stripes and other sensational dis j plays will also*be given. LEWIS BEPffSLICAHS. I Divided Delesnnon. ^ ^ Cimcreiilonol Convention in Various Districts of the Coil lily. Special Dispatch to tho Intelllscneer. WBSTON", W. VtL, June 5.?Tho Re publican district conventions were held throughout Lewis county yesterday to select delegates to the rongresslonal district nominating contention. Tho result of warm- contests between tho rter'1-,i of various candidates and Cap. tain Dovener-s.friends Is that In every j district except twio there are two sets ! of delegates, so that there win be a contest between Dovener ar.d, airtl Dovoner artegirtes in the convention each claiming to be legally elected This affects fourteen1 of the eighteen dele fhlfi h J'^iS:Ilnpr ereu" out ?f n- chargo ' CampteH I ald^Wch'rf!!iD?VCner n'lth 'Deni0CI?tlc ! I aid-, wnJch claim was resented nmi SfMT c<mventlon w?1' have to i settle the issue, so far as the contort, i the coru'erno(1. unless I In some oaer waf , , GOVEBIiOB BESIEGED nr omcer. or Ftr.t ???, yirsl,.U Rest n,e*>tfor Promotion. Special Dispatch to tho Intelligencer CHAJILESTOX, W. Va? June 5? Governor Atkinson has been besieged to-day with telegrams from numerous offlcers as Chlckamauga asklnB for ap. polntments to the pia?s made vacant b> the resignation of Captain J. W IZT; 0i?An3ted' nml Uo Promotion E'klns ,0 "Want general on some brigadier general's staff Fred N. Carr, of this city, who Is now sergeant major/.will be promoted to a second lieutenancy, but it Is expected tnat the appointments of all u-ni j,n made according to seniority ' b? The oillcers recommended hv m* m.?t. and win JEWELERS AND .OPTICIANS. Styles in Gems If you wanfup^fo-datnl"ylcs SSTS.S? exirri'r-t you buy, you e?? te^f ,,,^c-,^\'lint?'cr right. Or ir you have anvis/2, .!?ul >'ou'r? to bo altered, repair oil nni 5^ needs John Becker & Co., J. S. RH0DE3 & CD. Special Umbrella Sale...= ' 200 Hirsh Bros'. Celebrated Melrose 5- Silk Umbrellas, 26-inch Paragon Frame, Steel Rods, Natural and Dresden Handles. I Worth in regular way | 52.25, S2.50 and S3.00. CHOICE OF THE LOT, J. S. Rhodes & Co. PLUMBING, ETC. ? WJL F. C. SCHNELLE ||?D Dealer In all goods pertaining to the trade. Ml2 Main Street. Telephone 37. Wheeling, W.ViJ | J^OBEItT W. KYLE. | Practical Plumber, Gas and Steam fittci No. 1155 Market street. ?.G,q2. nFd Electric Chandeliers, Filters and Taylor Gas Burners a specialty, rori^ "^yiLLlAM HARE & SON. Practical Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters No. 33 Twelfth Street I Work done promptly at reasonable prlcf* [TRIMBLE & LUTZ COMPANY. | '' ? ? % SUPPLY HOUSE -9 plumbing and gas fitting, STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING A full Uno of tho colebruted SNOW STEAM PUMPS ^ The Intelligencer., Job Printing Office ??? Tho largest nnd most compW* ??? Job Printing Establishment m ?J* , tho city and ono of the woJt ??? cxtennlvo In tho Ohio .Valltf ??? Possesses ovoiy. facility ??? prompt execution of nil kind*1? ??? work, from a Neat Card or CU* ??? . cular to a Monster Poster, In *? ??? variety of colors, at th? eh0 f, ??? notlco and on tho most ??? terms. Country merchants f* era and others rtqulrln* &'?* Pills, Public Salo Dill*. etc" ??? llnd It to their advantage to ??? nt or address Tho lntelllS*** ??? Job Printing OlKco.