Newspaper Page Text
.420 BOOOOOOOOOOOCCOCXXXJOOOj; SPORT; ggOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOCOOOOb TO NIGHTS BATTLE. ^1,1! evening Oaoar Gardner and Jerry u?r?h?ll. heroes of many a warm battle to ,t,o n?tto arena, meet before tho Bridgeport Aihlotlo Club, for twanty pirjj or more, anil the largo audience L3tK(p3tcJ will ice & Stubborn oonte?L Kettber roan need* Introduction to Lj'rt of boxing, and whllo tho begins (jt ftvor? Gardner, the dusky Auetra ua tat many ardeni auporters. ?ic contest begins at 9:45 o'clock, and mtohroakiT John Murphy will bo Ii.ite Street cam on both liner will Lion hand after tho contest. The club VU arransed a good cntcruilnment fTi-h N-Klrw at 8:30 o'clock. Hutjkctfa iiaiwlll render several eelectloos, and L drat preliminary will be between So colored youtht in barrel?,' n (urn lycli caused eo much laughter, at tho uvropollun recently. Preceding tho Jiin bout, Eddie Gardner and Chippy naproan *111 spor five rounds, and as ?e Utter Is the best local man at the ?cUbt a good scrappy bout Is assured. 0>rdner and Mirihall weigh In thl? (titmoon ot 3 o'clock. Tho articles call w 1H pounds, give or take two pounds, U] both men will likely make the mlnl -sn. It Is the general Impression that "Omahi Kid" will add another IntSer to his cap, the question most ?Mounded bflng,"lIow many. lounds?" Oct bet was mads that Marshall rculdn't last twenty rounds, while bets ,l?ve that number of rounds have been (Seed on Gardner with no takers. Mar ,5411, on form, and Judged by his pres et good condition, stand* ready to give 0fc>r the stillest argument he lias met loctlly unlf? It bo 'Oene Bcienah. Ho t, a gtvat Jabber, good at long range, cj a ring general TVho will take no nits, nor mil's any opportunity to get tu body out ot tho way of Gardner's ibcrt arm punches, but it will keep him Mir to keep his body out of the rood. Gnlner, however, Is not lnvtnclble, and It he has a tough proposition on Ucd, and the man who expects a rc carkably short contest Is due to be ttoled. Marshall 1s not put out eaRlly, ti his record will show, and Gardner (n't known for putting his man out In dsn order, honce tho audience la cer 010 of getting lta fill. la yesterday's Pittsburgh Post, Tobe JlcCurry, manager of Jack McClelland. that he will be at Bridgeport to tljht to challenge Oscar Gardnet and iccept the $700 purse offered by the Met Npolltan club for Gardner and McClel hsi Provided.', however, mind you, thit the Mansfield club doesn't offer a itallar puree for Yock Hennlger and ItClellar.d. OHIO STATE LEAGUE. Won. Lost. Per. Canton 10 7 .LSI Whcllntr 9 9 .M0 ZancsvIliQ S 3 .500 Cwhoeton 7 7 .COO XasiUlon 4 5 .441' Silen 6 8 SATURDAY'S games. Salem 8, Wheeling' 2. Zanesvllle 2, CantonxL TO-DAY'S*"GAMES'^') I Zancsvlllo at-Wheeling. : ? ; | Canton at Masslllon. At Salem on Saturday the game was for- 1 to Salem 9 to 0 In the first Inning. ] I Ealctn went out In order. Wheeling camo to bat and Wilson hit to Harper. Prltch ' ;rd drew a baso "on balls. Eggert hit ufclr. Russell Bent one-fast to left, over third bare, which Umpire Haxnbaeh de clared foul. Captain Eggert objocted and ^ordered to the;bench. He refused, and tt* umpire gave the game as-stated. The tiixc went on as an exhibition contest Srcre: ... WHEELING. AD. It. BH. PO. A. E. ^ lljon, e. f 5 0 10 0 1 Pritrhfcrd. I. r ..4 0 ? l? ?l 0 0 toert. 2U 3 o li2r^2 3 0 P.well, lb 4 0 2 7 1 0 McCombs, 3b 4 0 1,T "2 2 0, Madden, p 4 0 o''-? 4 0, r. f 4 0 0 4 0 li ErwlT, c.'. 4 2 0" 9 2 0 I Uinton, s. s 4 0 l 'v^-S 3 3 Totals ...S3 2 1 13 5 SALEM. AB. R BH. PO. A. E. Hartzell, 8. s 3 2 0 2 1 1 Tioma*, 3b..... 4 0 2 0 1 0 toi'rt, I f 3 0 0 0 1 0 wwcry, 2b 4 1 0 4 0 0 Palmer, lb...... 4 2 1 S 0 0 ??Sler, r. f 5 2 110 0 {S?. c. f 5 O 2,1 0 0 Williams, c 5 1 1: 10 1 " 1 a*rper. p 4 0 1 , 0, 3 0 Totals 37 S 8 27 7 2 ?corners out for not touching baBC. ? ??>n 0 0302120 D-S Mwellng o 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-2 T*o-base hits, Russell, McCombs. Bases I w bills, off Madden 4; off Harper 1. Hit by pitched ball, by Madden 3. Struck out. ^Madden 3; by Harper 8. Passed bal^. nul.ams 2. Double plays, Prltchard and , Eggert; Madden, Brcneff and McCombs. Empire, Smith. O.VLT TWoTlITS EACH. Social Dispatch tp tl^p Intelllgenccr. CANTON', ,o.. Juno 4.?Zanesvlllo broko with Canton and won tho pret- , J-wt rame of the season. Both pitchers y-? In fine form. The attendance was I i'pt. Manager Durham has withdrawn ws ruarantee and the league will shortly ttwwe. Score: ?;n'on ,.1 0000000 0-1 ^tiviu? o 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0-2 .Hits, Canton 2; Zanesvllle 2. Errors, | Its tho way of the world. Cu pid discov ers a man and a maid putting their heads together In a confidential way. The little frontiersman throws his lasso over them and there you are: two peo ple are made more or 1?FB happy for life. If . ' she 13 a bright, healthy, wterful wifo they will be more and more ? the year* go on. If she is weak oiling and incapable theTC won't be ?ssch happi:jCM fa cither of them. A wtiam a grave mistake who npon tlie obligations and trials^ of oarpcil jjfe tandicappcd by physical or disease. It is her duty to be j? "w* n?r.t. pe??ible condition to support ; ^?e d\nic? of wifehood and motherhood. li fcvsry younn "^oaian who knows of or 22*^ anVf unhealthy condition in her jjjjieal :a?ij:e.tip' would seek competent PJoiMiii^nal "advice she would save herself ? V fltnrc clortification and misery. Dr. ? V. Pierce, chief consulting phyjicinn of Hotel and Surgical Instiiutc Buffalo, N. Y., gladly answers confiden h1' corTt^ondence from women free of nr!'l jives careful fatherly and pro rV^iI3 a'^v'cc? n,tit the individual case, hai, for thirty years been recognired ? ??ong tlie mof.t eminent of living spc rjwts in the treatment of diseaees pecul ^tnen. His "Fnvorite'Prescrip i* the only proprietary rc-mcdr In the d"siKned by an authorircd, educated 1.. t?" 1Peclfically"to cure female trouh lit. . thousand-page illustrated , the "Conmion Sense Medical Ad- I i?ilr w'^ ,,fnt ^ree f?T 21 one-cent | in pay nlt rost Qj iuamn* only, a heavier cloth covercd copy ^ Mud'l, of Indlancreek,, Monroe j.- ??'>, writes: "I am very thankftil forwhot 1 ?>i s f'avoHlr l*rr?erJption did for me. I batti*. down frotn urrvous jjfrttrntlon. miti,ic ta,u'nK your mcdlclne I haw? had morr V'*P frr;m all the doctors. Your' I'avorlts | Sl ' 'Nd me a world of roo?1." i p;' /, inirk constipation ? cure ? Doctor I kS, / I'leasant Pellets. Never H"pc- I ? aubttltutc or imitation. its victims. It puts thorn In the power tbo weak eat organ of the body and makes them its Blavea._ They must eat to uult it, drink to rait It, and llvo a lenten lifo of self-denial AVER'S PILLS have cured many bad cases of dyspepsia?they will caro you, if you are suffering from that disease. Mrs. H. B. Anderson, 15 Williams Stroot, Grand Rapids, Mich., writes: " Ayet'i Pilli enrod mo of djtpepda from which I hid Buffered (or thrw yearn. They belt ersry oth? modi, ctafc" AVER'S PILLS Cure Dyspepsia BASE BALL TO-DAY. wheeling VS. | ZANESVILIE. Island Pork. 4- 3;30 p. m.1 Canton 1; Zanesrllle 1. Batteries, Bell and ! Qulsser; Mahaffey and Kellno, NATIONAL LEAGUE. Won. Lost Per. Cincinnati 2S 10 .737 Cleveland 25 13 Boston 24 14 .632 Baltimore 20 14 .588 New Yfcrk 22 3G . .579 Pittsburgh 21 19 .525 Chicago IS 21 .462 Philadelphia lfi 19 " .457 Brooklyn 15 20 .429 Louisville 14 27 .341 Washington 12 23 .316 St. Louis .'...II 27 .20 SATURDAY'S GAMES. Cincinnati 5, New York 3. Baltimore 7, St. Louis 0. Pittsburgh 4, Philadelphia 3. Brooklyn 6, Chicago 4. i Louisville 4, Washington 2. to-day-Foames. St. Louis at Baltimore. Cleveland at Boston. Cincinnati at New York. Chicago at Brooklyn. Louisville at Washington. Pittsburgh at Philadelphia. MR-STATE LEAGUE. At Toledo. RHE Toledo 0 1 2 2 1 0 0 1 2-083 Springfield ....2 100 0 0 0 0 0?3 5 5 Batteries?Ferguson and Arthur; Cogs well and Gralllus. At Fort Wnyne. RUE Fort Wayno.:.l .3 1 0 0 1 0 0 1-7 15 3 Gr'd Rapids...0 0110000 0-2 93 Batteries?Rleman and T. Campbell; W. Campbell and Cote. At Youngstown. RITE Youngstown 0 0 0 0 0-0 2 2 New Castle 1 0 0 1 '-2 2 1 Batteries?Knlpper and Patterson; Mil ler and Zlnram. Doth teams were arrest ed for violation of tho Sunday law. At Dayton. RII E Dayton 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 7 O-S 10 2 Mansfield 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0?0 3 -1 Batteries?Brown and Donahuo; Miller and Belt. BASE BALL C0H3CEHT. The Wheeling and Zanesville clubs of the Ohio league meet" In the first gamo of a series of three games this afternoon at the Island ball park, and) the bare announcement that these ancient ene mies meet again on: the diamond ought to draw a record breaking audience. Not since the days of *83.have Wheeling and Zanesville been In the same league. Formerly the clubs were the most vio lent of enemies, and there Is no love lost between the pr?3cnt teams. 'Tarson" Nicholson, an old Trl-statef league fa vorite, is on the Zanesville team, and holds down second base. Starr has signed Short-stop Hartzcll and Pitcher Harper, of the Salems. This was made possible by the disin tegration- of most of the Ohio leaguo clubs, Salem among them. These play era are from the Southern league and were entirely too fast for their fellow players of the Salems. It Is saldi Whls son and Minton will be released. The team Is now very fast and with the ad dition of two or three strong players is strong enough to tackle anything In tho Inter-state. Since the Ohio league has practically gone under, Wheeling fans are hoping there will be an opening'In tho Inter-state for Wheeling soon. Canton ministers have succeeded In putting an end to Sunday ball at My er'a Lake, and Masslllon 1b the only cltfr- In the Ohio league where Sunday ball la permitted. Local ministers onco attempted to prevent Sunday playing, but-failed. They mar take courage by the success in Canton, however, and be gin anew. The llasslllon team, which was reorganized Thursday, Is talking of withdrawing from tho league and playing .independently. Tho Ohio league is practically out of existence. The guarantee money has been withdrawn from tho treasury by the respective teams, and the schedule abandoned. The teams will continue to play, however, for some time. BOWLING. MOZART LEAGUE. _ ' Won. Lost. Per. Ave. I. Bowlers .......??<]? JJj 0 K K. K....TT.. 11 4 .<5?4 ?.6 a! c.' c. c ? o ?'?22 8m j. Argonaut* a ? S- vSK 8} r.. sik-nbct! ? ' Ji' 0. All Alike ? J ?f'J 5^ 7. FlUhUKll J.CO.. .0 I .raj 5? 8. Puritan* J . ' .?*;* 2J D. All American*, r. ft .?0 11* 10, 01.1 Cronlo*.... & ]?' ?j?' E? II. Tidal Woven... 5 ? 0 .;jU 12. N. IS. A.A. 1 11 ??<" 7<U The Individual nverniren In tho Mozart Hummer tournament ure on follotvB: Wllhnlm. (3). 173;, UetcUon, (3). ICO, (10, 154; Balzcr, (?), >0-; Jlnder, (15), ICS: Proper, (C). 1C2; II.ick mttn, (ID. W; O'Kitne, (ft), lr.ft; F. Ilraecli. (ft). IMS "? Miller. (0). luSs Kmilte. (B). 151; KtnUlem. (IB). 153; Petit: (8), 1M: Slevt't'it'/ti. (H), 1M; Nolle, (C), ir,2; Kraft, (0), IK; Arntlt, (0). 152; Venko. (M, 101; Oatm, (ft). 151; Nolle, (r.), ir.l; Ilaltr. (12), 151; Kvamt, (0), 181; Wise, (0). 100; Alexander (12), 150; O'Nell, (f), M0! lllcltmcyer, (12). US; Snnklol, (II), US; Clark, (1)). 117; \V. rirntch, (12), 140; Wood, (ft), HO; Wuln wrlght. (12), HO; Schroder, (10), Ml; Sarvttr. (10), HI; Jucltiton, (12), 111; Kemplo, <?), 144; Warrior, (3), 144: Btch. mtfii, (IB), 142) NClKilt, (?),-(42; Coch rn.ii. < 13>,143: Handy, (12). 143; Krom rleh, <?), 142; Falek, (16). 141*. W. Jon??, (16), 141; McDonnell, (12), 141; Wood. (10), 141; Murto, (?), 14l!,Trn'li*, (14), 141; Kioto, (6), 140; Bycott, (12), ISO; Belts, (3), 1SS; .DSnnenberg, (9), 139; Rrader, (16), 13S! Wolvlngton, (16), 138; Turner, (3), 133; Wlnrcrier, (10), 137; Prettyman, (9), 137; Hell, (12), 130; Con I IT, (3), 136; Belswlnirer, (0), 136; Birth, <91, 18#r Hennlnur, (12), 136; Hal lett, (16>, 135: W. McElroy, (7). 134; A. Fotto, <!>), 131; Helm?tdn, (3), 134; Dick, (3), 133; BcrnltaMt, (6), 13S; Zimmer man, (6). 132; II. Welty, (8). 1,11 r Tucker, (3), 130; Cardona, (10), 120; Wcltiel, (1!), 129; Auber, <6)0129: Lrfaeh, (3), 128; Ray. (9), 128; Brett, (10), 120; Wanmuth, (6), 126; Mann, (6). 126; J. Welty. (7), 126; Acker. (15), 123; Frit*, (9), 123; Miller, (7), 131: Fuimte, (6). 119; Daller, (12), 119; F. Fette, (3), 119; H. A. Miller. (6). 118; Baker (7), 116;Beuter,-<8), 116; Car enbauer.,(9),.U6;Mohon, (9), 116; Wolfe, (4), 113: Snyiler, (6), 113; Itothermund, (0), 110; Carney, <C). 109; McFadden, (3). 107; HlUoll, (3), 106; arl. (6), 104. VfS V. A. A. (IdlerM. At a meeting of tho West Virginia University Athletic Association ofllcors ware elected for the comng school year as follows: President, Honry M. 'White; vice president, H. C. Crossland; treas urer, J. C. Long; eecretary, F\ O. Bum gardneh A. P. Romlne was elected to manug? the foot ball team and John B. Sweeney to manage tho base ball team. Palrmont Normal K liool, Spoclal Dispatch to the Intelligencer. FAIRMONT, W. Va? June 5.-At the normal school this morning Rev. Dr. John J. Tlgert, of the Methodist Epis copal church, South, Nashville, Tenn., preached the baccalaureate sermon be fore the graduating class. Last night Professor L. G. Woolery, of the chair of Greek at tho University, addressed the literary societies of the normal school. MARTIN'S FEU BY. IInp? and Ollthnps In the Thriving Clly Across the Itlvrr. "Will Moore, while Intoxlcatcd nt Lutz's saloon, on Second street, Satur day flight, throw a "beer glass at Frank Curtis and Inflicted several severe ?wounds. Curtis was Immediately taken to a physician, who found several stitches were necessary to close the woundB. Moore was arrested early this morning on a warrant sworn out by Curtis. ? Mrs. Florence Richards, of Columbus, who comes here In the Interest of the Anti-Saloon League, delivered two lec tures at the M. E. church yesterday. She Is a very Interesting talker, and pleases her audiences. She will lecture at the U. P. church to-night and to morrow night, at 8 o'clock, nnd with these two addresses will close her en gagement in this city. Roth the Aetna-Standard nnd the Laughlla mills are experenclng much difficulty In securing enough help to carry on their work properly In every department. A number of young boys have taken positions until school opens again In the fall. The funeral of Mrs. Sarnh Hupp, aged eighty-one, who died Saturday after- \ noon, wll take place at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. C. Ulrlch, of Broadway, this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Caldwell's Run. The stockholders of the Locust Point tin mill, largely composed of Martin's Ferry glassworkers, held a meeting at the "Windsor Hotel, In Wheeling, yes terday afternoon. As the new council lias now settled down to work, it Is sincerely hoped that the questloji of a new city building will be ono of the early matters brought up. The West Virginia glass factory will be Idle this week, and possibly longer, on acocunt of the dullness of the glass trade. Mls3 Annie Lewis, of Pltsburgh, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Neely, on Pearl street. The Presbyterian Sunday school will picnic at Wheeling Park Thursday, June 36. Misses Sallle and Mary McCleary spent Sunday with Tlltonvllle friends. J. B. Montgomery and family spent Sunday with frlend9 at Portland. Miss Bess Griffith Is the guest of Steubenvllle friends, and relatives. Clem McCobe, of Dlllonvale,' spent Sunday with relatives here. \ BELLAIRE All Son ? or Local Netva and Gossip From the Glass City. The Liberty Hose Company and the Hnckett's Band have decided to give an outing at the Island Park on June 8. They will have amusements of all kinds and dancing will be Indulged. Mrs. Alex. Ogle, acompanled by her daughter, Mrs. Charles Fltzpatrlck, left yesterday morning on the steamer Virginia to make the round trip to Cincinnati and return. Tho Nature's Remedy Company, which has been showing on the com mons for the week past, left yesterday morning for Parkersburg, after a poor week's business. Miss Blanche TannehlH, of the Third ward, left yesterday for Barnesvllle, wher she will Bpend #wo weeks with relatives. Miss Maggie Saylor left yesterday morning for her home in Marietta after visiting her cousin, Miss Hattie Aplln. Mrs. C. J. LaRoche and son Charles have returned home from a pleasant trip with relatives In Newark. Miss Lottie Lashley, of Eugene. Ind., Is the guest of the family of J. W. Corbett, in the Second ward. Miss Alma Snedeker will leave this morning for Columbus, after spending two days with relatives here. Mrs. J. R. DennlBon, of Chicago, is the guest of Mrs. Charles Blakeney, In the Second ward. Mozart Park and Wheeling Park both drew large crowds from this city yes terday afternoon. Misi Nellie Mem, of St. Clalrsvllle* In the guest of friends and relatives la the Fourth ward. Mis* Margie llonnrstcelo has gone to Pltsburgh to spend a week with friends and relatives. Mia* Mamie Wler? of Youngstown, Is the guest of friends and relatives In the Fifth wsrd. George ICellar Is able to be out after a few day* Illness. The C. & P. freight car will be in tho city Wednesday. OWE TACT Orernrighi aTtiouiotxl cialma-ll'i F??H W? Give Yob, Hacked hjr IVhMllRH Proof. Facti oro what we want An opinion won't do. Opinions differ. . It In hard to pick tho correct one. Even doctors disagree. Tou have a backache; One friend tells you to use plasters; They will curs the backache?that's fills opinion. Another recommends a liniment. You follow the advice of one?perhaps both. But are you cured T Ws think not. ? ' Tho ncbe perhaps leaves for a time, But It comes back. The fact Is you don't reach th? cause Backache mean* kidney ache. Go for the kidneys and the backache Ijoea. ? Doan's Kidney Pills are for the kid* neys. That's why they cure the backache*. This Is a fact?It can bo provon. I Wheeling peoplo eay so?here's one: ! Mr. R. M. Smith, of No. 213S Marhet fstreet, says: "I had backache on and off for six years and It grow worse stead ily. Tho troublo I think, Vas first brought on by a foil I had while work' Ing at my trade as a carpenter, and a slight cold or tho least exposure al ways produced an attack. In tin.* tha 'secretions from <he kidneys been mo lr jregular and I Buffered a great deal from spells of dlzcinoM, so bad often, tha'J I/When walking. or* the street I wouldl I'nearly fall over. I used porous plas-| ? ters, but as they did me no good, I gavej ,up their U3e. I al?o used a gnrrt deal [of different kinds of medicine, but the! j relief, If any, was only temporary. .When I Raw Doan's Kidney Pl'ls ad vertised I was bo bod I could not wrJki up town after them, so I took a car to the Logan Drug Co.^s store and go* box. I never had anything act eo. promptly or do mo such positive relief' as did Doon'fl Kidney Pills and I can! conscientiously recommend them as the] very best remedy I ever found for any, form of kidney trouble." ; Doan's Kidney Pills are for sale fcy alL dealers. Price BO cents per box. Bn ran.ll on receipt of price, by Foster-Mil-; burn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., cole agents for? the United States THE RIVER YESTERDAY'S DEPARTURES. Pittsburgh...BEX HUR. 3 a. m. Pittsburgh...KANAWHA, 8 ft. m. Pittsburgh...KEYSTONE STATE, 8 a.m. Cincinnati....VIRGINIA, 8 a. m. Zanesvllle....LORKNA. 11 a. m. Sistersvilie...LEROY, 7 a. m. BOATS LEAVING TO-DAY. Parkersburg.BEN HUR. 9 p. m. Sistersvillo.. .RUTH, 3:30 p. m. Clarington....LEROY. 3:30 p. m. Steubenville..T. M. BAYNE, 2:30 p. m. BOATS LEAVING TO-MORROW. Cincinnati....KEYSTONE STATE, 8 a. m. Pittsburgh...QUEEN CITY, 6 a. m. Parkersburg.ARGAND, H a. m. Matamoras...LEXINGTON, 11 a. m. BlstersvtUe...RUTir. 3:30 p. m. Clarington....LEROY, 3:30 p. m. StoubenvllIe..T. M. BAYNE, 2:30 p. m. Along the Landing. The marks at 6 p. m. Sunday?5 feet 3 Inches and sttatlonary. Weather Sunddy?Cloudy and warm. The Virginia took a nice trip out of the upper river yesterday morning. Notwithstanding the iow water, the Keystone State passed up yesterday morning on time. When It comes,"to getting out of a 1>oat every Inch of speed there Is In her under difficult conditions, there isn't a better,hand on the river than Captain Charley Knox. The Leroy had a good crowd on_ he? usual SIstersville excursion .yesterday., RItt Telegram*. BROWNSVILLE?River 4 feet 6 Inches and- falling. WARREN?River 1 foot 5 Inches. Clear and warm. OIL CITY?River 1 foot 9 inches and stationary. Clear. ? QREITNSBORO?River 7 feet 4 Inches and failing. Clear and pleasant. MORGANTOWN?River 7 feet .1 Inch and stationary. Clear and warm. PITSBURGII?River 3 feet C Inches and falling at the dam. Clear and warm. STEUBEN VILLE?RI ver 4 feet 7 Inches and stationary. Clear and warm: PARKDRSBURG?Ohio river 7,feet 10 inches and falling. Cloudy; mercury 82. 5100 Reward, 8100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is' at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all Us stages and that la Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is tho only positivo cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh beins a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, acting direct ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in do ing Its own work. The proprietors have bo much faith In its curative powers, that they offer Ono Hundred Dollars ?for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of Testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Bold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family 1*1 Us are the best. '{STANDARD OF THE U. 8. A.' Name Quality Price Please Remember (hat with tlio quality as high as It ever w???-that means LEST?? tho stylo ntul beauty mora striking than ever, with moro noted Improvements than in any othor iSgS wheel UAMULURS are worth noelnR ovou if you 'do not buy ono INSPECTION INVITED JASON C. STAMP. 1523 Market Street. LADIRB' BTO1MBB UJJOEBIE - a i:o. B. 8TIFEL & 00. Our" .Annual June Sale off Offers many new, handsome and attractive garments in MUSLIN, CAMBRIC NAINSOOK UNDERWEAR. New in shape, home-made in workmanship, excellence in style. I CORSET COVER?. Beginning as low at 12Uc for a gtxxS, ser viceable Cambric Muslin, square nock Covers, whilo 25c opens to yoti tho daint iest lino of V or squaro neck, embroidery trimmed Cambric Covers ever shown at this prlco. Then 4Pc to S3.00 completed c. Made of cambric, trimmed neck and lino second to nono In the couatry. sleeve with lace, full wide, neatly Qfc nnnvrne ?do 70C DRAWERS. CAMBRIC GOWN. Ladles* Cambric Drawers, plain hem * med and tucked, deep ruQIo of same Has square neck, embroidery trim- ?1 iQ it no* med, extra width $I?97 Al IlunEDCI/inTC Wo show an elegant line made of cambric, Uftl/CKjIUl\l J, deep umbrella llounce of lace or line em broidery. At this season of light dresses, white pnniVC TTVUEDWCID 6klrts are In special demand; for this rea- CHILD 5 UrUJEluVCAK. son wo have such variety at 29c to 48c. I Theso are short Underskirts In plain, em- Increased demand make new styles ana broidery and lace trimmed, while an ex- better garments. Theso wo now have in c*ptlonal assortment Is here In both long match drawers and skirts, neatly trimmed and short skirts at OSc Jl.25 to U.W each. in laco or embroidery. Of choice muslin, inserting and tucked yoke, wide embroidery ruflle, for only EYES Rft:'~ We Make Them Right, It's our business?our only business. We have, made hundreds RIGHT la Wheeling that weren't RIGHT. We make them RIGHT with the RIGHT glasses. RIGHT glasses, RIQHT prices, RIGHT treatment?these are the three gracce that have established tho RIGHT reputation for us and our work. NRV W FT7 + + optician, ?+ + I'uI "? Exchonqe Conk Building OS CENT* WORD All solid advertisements under ? tho following headings: : : ; ? WANTED, PERSONALS, ? LOST AND POUND, ? FOR RENT, FOR SALE, ? ?? will "bo Inserted at the rato of ? ONE^CENT^AteyyORD 1 ? : FOR RENT. ? I710R RENT?SEVEltAL GOOD ROOMS 3 In tho City Bank Building. lrujulre at the City Bank of Wheeling; mrtO OR REK'T DURING THE SUMMER A furnlBhed six-room house on tho Island. Inquire of W. J. W. COWDEN, 141? Chapllne street. my2G 1710R RENT-OFFICE AND LODGING " rooms at 1606 Market street. Water and both Raaea In each room. Rent very rea sonable. Apply to 3WH Market street. de20-m&tu . . TO LOAN. "^VTONEY, TO LOAN?J5.000.00, $10,000.00, 1VI $15,000.00. $20,000.CO. GEO. J. MATHI SON, Real Estato Agent, 1208 Markot St TO LOAN On City Real Estato security on short notice. Interest at six per cent, in amounts of $500, $700, $1,000, $1,500, 32,000, $3,000, $4,000 awl $5,COO. #ROLF 5t ZHNE,? No. 30 Fourteenth Street. FOR SALE. F IOR SALE?SALOON, NO. 113S WATER stroot, jet QANARY BIRDS?A FINE LOT ~OP Hurt* Mountain Rollers at HENRY LJllIRIGHT'S. corner Market nnd Sixth streets. J ? _api2 ITlOlt SALE-ONE AND ONE-HALK 3 lot In Greenwood cemetery; fine loco* tlon; cornier lot; adjoining bc?t Improve, menu in ccmelery. Address CEMETERY LOT, care Intelligencer office. - ' apl9 171 OR SALE?B R O O K E G L AS S :. Works, at Wellsburg, W. Va., consist ing of ?m|)lo grounds, ton-pot furnacc, lohrs, engines, belts, shafting, moulds, etc. Address RALPH WHITEHEAD, Wheol lng, W. Va. Ji'2 For Salle, Tho two-otory brick house, No. 152 Sixteenth street and houso In tho rear, with ground appurtenunt thereto. . GEOROE E. BOYD, , W. J. W. COWDEN. myM Speclnl Recelvora F OR SALE A FEW CHOICE LOTS AT EDGIMOH. UUIiAl' ANI> OS KASV TKUUi W. V. HOGE, City Hank Building, l.'tul) Market St. /ORDERS FOR THE MOST COMPLT 1/ CATED AND INTRICATE DESIGNS OF PRINTf --x.-.-it HINTING onrefully and Intenlgontly jnloted at tho INTELLIGENCER JOii "Q1KTINO OFFICE. WANTED. TIT"ANTED?THIRTY MINERS AT W the Richland Coal Works. my7 WAN TED-TO TRADE. A NEW Singer sewing machine for a horso. Apply to SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO.. No. 70 Twelfth street. rorlS J : SUMMER RESORTS. OCEA3XT CITY, MX). Atlantic Hotel, directly on tho beach. Open all the year. Modern Improvements. 300 room?. Finest bathing, boating and Usblng, both bay and deop fea. Absolutely, safe irom Invasion by foreign enemy. BUILDING LOTS for sale. low. Easy terms. Own your own Beasldo cottage. Address, JOHN F. WAGGAMAN, ?QQ Fourteenth street, Washington, D. C. my30 Oakland Hotel, Stason 1878. Oakland, Hid. S"?"> 1898. ? Tills well-known hotel, on the ? crest of the Alleghanlcs, will open ? Juno 15. 2d year of new manage ? ment. Modern Improvements and ? ? everything tlrst-clasB. Unsurpaaa-. ?. ? ed as a ple.asuro and health tvjsort. ?? ? 4H hours from Wheeling, without ?? change. Main stem 13. A O. Thrco ? ? trains each way dally. ? ? For Illustrated booklot, diagram ? ? of rooms and terms apply to GEO. ? ? A. MILLS & SON. ?Tho Grafton," ? ? Washington. D. C. my? ?? HOUSEHOLD GOODS. , ? Summer Goods. JEWETT REFRIGERATORS. WHITE MOUNTAIN ICE CREAM FREEZERS. ? GASOLENE STOVES. . GAS STOVES. OVENS FOR GAS OR GASOLENE STOVES. * WATER COOLERS. WATER FILTERS. STANDS FOR WATER COOLERS. RUBBER TUBING FOR GAS STOVES. PURITAN AND ERIE GAS RANGES. We have the larpest assortment of styles of tl?C?0' goods In tho city, and our prices aro tho lowest. Nesbitt & Bro., 1312 Market Streoti THE INTELLIGENCER PRINTING Establishment-^Neat, accurate, pro mi>U