Newspaper Page Text
IN THE COURTS., On Saturday the June term of the* cir cuit court on Judge Paull's tide came to clow, but Judgo Hervey will hold court to-day. Orders were entered In Judge Paull'a court os follow: In tho case of Clarence B. Glffon, ct al, vb. Robert K, Qlffen, et al,; thcro waa a drcrcc for reference In tho case of city vs. Paige, Carey & Co., tho city filed a bill of exceptlona to Commissioner Gilchrist's report In the case of Emma Ebbcrt vs. George Snyder, ct nl.# Nora J. 8nyder was mado a pnrty to the suit, and tho cause waa remanded to rulGe. In the case of John W. Armstrong and another vs. J. W, Kcnnen, etal., the de murrer was withdrawn, and an amended answer to the bill waa filed, sold answer Mntf also in the nature of a cross bill. The cause was remanded to rules. In the case of George L. Durst vs. pora S. Durst, the demurrer to the bill was sustained and the cause was re manded to rules. In the case of city va Paige, Carey & Co.. Alfred Caldwell, executor of W. 8. Coshorn filed an exception to tho report of the commissioner. In the case of Elisabeth Turner's ad ministrator va W. H. Chapman ond T. T. Hutchinson, tho objections to the fll in? of three special pleas were sustain ed. Defendants severally excepted. In tho case of Kate Haller vb. Samuel Elder's executor, the motion for a new trial was overruled and there was Judg ment on the verdict. In the case of mien Wolf vs. Phllopenn Wolf, tho court ascertained that certain property belonged to the petitioner and pave her Judgment In the case of Lydla Wharton va Ja cob Snyder's executors, the declaration was amended In open court, plea of non assumpsit, plea of payment, and plea of the statute of limitation. In the case of George O. Smith va C. F. Dickinson, the award was eet asido ond annulled. Samuel Kuglcn waa appointed a com mittee for 0, P. Barrett, an Insane per son. In the caw of Charlee Muhleman vs. George E. Kurner, the demurrer was eustalned. In the case of F. A. Prltchard & Co. vs. the -Philadelphia Company, a new trial was awarded. In the case of John W. Kennen vs. D. II. Armstrong, the motion to set aside the Judgment and award a new trial was overruled. A stay of sixty days was granted to enable the defendant to go to the court of appeals. Orders entered on Judge Hervey'selde were as follows: In the cose of the Commercial b'ank vs. F. H. Lange, the answers were filed In the case of S. M. Fox and another ts. B. Walker Peterson and others, thero was an order for security for costs. In the matter of the adoption of George Alexander Wood, a favorable decree was entered. The cose of Adolph Knoke, et al., vs. .Wood Bros.* Planing Mill Company was ordered docketed. In the case of E. C. Flaccus vs. C. Floto and others. Christian Kalbltzer filed a petition praying for an attach ment and also tendering a plea in abatement; objection overruled, secur ity for costs given, and motion to quash attachment overruled. In the case of the Belmont Brick and Tile Company vs. H. D. Rumble, thero ?was a decree of refereuce. In the case of Joseph Brown, et al., vs". Wcndel Broa, et al., the sale by the trustee was set aside. In the case of the state vs. George Em blem, convicted of a" felony, a new trial Tas awarded. In the cose of George Salzer v. BenJ. Fisher, the motion for a new trial was overruled land Judgment was entered on the verdict of the Jury. In the case of Ada Korrell vs. Amelia C.-Plate,nhe motion by plaintiff for a rev trial was overruled and thero was , Judgment for defendant. In the case of Barbara Zlllls* execu tor vs. Jennie A. Zlllis, et al., the motion for a new trial was overruled and there was Judgment upon the verdict of tho Jury. In the case of Poole & Purdy vs. John E. Clator and Dennl9 Williams, the mo tion for a new trial was overruled, and lodgment was entered upon the verdict ct the Jury. A stay of sixty days was granted to enable an appeal to the su preme court In the case of Frank Robracht -vs. Henry Robrecht. the court -was of opin ion that all the Items In the bill of par ticulars except the first wero sufficient Snpreme Conrt Proceeding!. The folloirinfr cases were submitted In tie tiito supremo court of appeals Sat trday: Edward M. Atkinson va W. H. and J. *? Winters, writ of error, from Marshall county; submitted. Mary A. Stewart vs. Northern Assur flfice Company, writ of error, from Han cock, county; submitted. John S. mtz, administrator, va city of Wheeling, writ of error, from Ohio coun ty partly argued. Adjourned until Monday at 10 a. m. Penitom, Patent and Poitmn<tcri, WASHINGTON, June 5.?Postmasters 0* the fourth class have been appointed as follows: W. W. Tabor, Ballcngee, Summers county; Tolbert Jarnett, Eck *ft. Boone county; Robert Shuttles *orth, Homlne'a Mills, Harrison county. A patent has been Issued to Sarah Huntington, W. Va., for an un cersklrt. Pensions have been granted to West 'Iranians as follows: Original-John T. Wanless, Dilley's Mill, J12. Renewal ? Barney Wlnesbure, Wolf Bun, jo. Restoration and Increase?Saul Cook, deceased, Slelth, 58 to $10. Restoration, reissue and Increase?! lv hooper, deceased, Kearncys 18 to 112. Increase?John Pearl, Point Pleasant, ? * to J17; James A. Mayfleld, Dellc ?low. 110 to J12. Widows-Amanda Cooper, Kearneys JUie. J8; Sarah- J. Lewis, Charleston, ?: Mary A. Carter. Forks' of Little ^andy, j$. Elizabeth Price, Huffman, V: Ellen Bogles. Elizabeth, *3; Florida wnrner, Spencer, J3. J*?0? ,iave bcen granted. also to larkC. Sprapg, Spragg, Greene county, ' *?> *6; Thomas F. Wilson, Martin's erry, Ohio, $3; Hannah J. Storment, Unonsburg, Pa., $&. Prrr Pills, Send your address to H. E. Bucklen ? >'\ Chicago, and get n freo sample ft**. King's New Life Pills. A "ai win convince you of their merits. rn!.s.e I/'"a are easy In action and aro r?!r.c,u rly fcffectlvo In the cure of ontdpatlon and.Sick Headache. For i 'aiar.a nnd Liver troubles they havo proved Invaluable. They are 10 he, perfectly-free from nut? deleterious substance and to be , HvwWe. They do not weaken th> , action, but by giving tone to tM?r.J030*1 and' bowers greatly lavlg- i W L ? system. Regular size 25c per I ttota bjr Logun Drug Co., drug A; c?tORflL AND COCAINE HABITS ??,&!? P??llve and permanent cure .^lac/r^f1 un** Absolutely harmlexs. ^ 0 TVmcaa ~No substitu* uc?1od. fuieCtt ?rtiraUni kl&itaLx ' conDJ?a?? 41 E... ?; A. flUNN, M.D., 2"1 Street, New Vorlt at*, oniraiaiTY Amiss Pcl'I.," lt.rmoil,,,. H?lwr( |o (')(> nMnj ? 10 lh* '"'?Uleoncfr. MOHOANTOWN w Vr? t..? r IL .""ymonO. This report th.. t?U? "nndli:' fuli^ compl"e ln "? i'f they wS?M m, . '"??"?<?>.. which Umi t?hir.h^,^7?n rccummonda o own f?? ll th? ?"?WblUhmcnl o.' cloven fellowships, one each ln thf? tin. any, soology, geology, mathematlcj mechanical enBtn earing, civil engineer.! Th.??e^n?m l8.' Enftll,h ?"'l a reek. ih? Li h.lp" arn ??tobll?hed for the purpose of ,cncourui{liiB advanced Smd Thi?i- t>romotln" higher scholar. ?? P'.Th^, ,nre worth annually ' (300. 'ho holders will bo excused from tho payment of any fees. AH fellow fnii"* 'le n"ei1 eBC'1 >'e?r, but the f r" ""Wolnto.l for one ad: ? h!!i2 ? v. Tht eI|tabll8hment o( those fellowships li regarded as the moat progressive slep the University has ever taken. President Raymond nas recommended a new library build ing', and the probabilities are that'aa appropriation will be made for It, All of the churches of the town SiSuS2 i ???ra th,s morn^ft and kin* "ervlce at commnece menthall, where Rev. W. H. Crawford edeth? "h 'U,eBh'ny College, preach. berore the Pra('u ? hi. ? .?f university. All of the local ministers took some part dn the services, which were, very beauti ful and Impressive. The music vras fur nished <by the choral society of tho hoi of music of the university. This evening .Dr. Crawford ngaln preached in commencement hall at services held under the ausplces of the University Younff Men's Christian Association. Engineer Corp. l*avt> lor K?r Wet. M ASIIINGTON, June 3.?Information has reached the war department that two companies of tho engineer battalion from Wlllets Point, New York, which have been nt Tampa, have left that place for Key TVest. All their Imple nients, tools and working paraphernalia aiv at the kitter place and the engineers go to put them In shape for Immediate use In the Cuban Invasion. Other than this the officials say that up to this time there have been no departures of United states troops from Tampa, ln addition to those sent to Key "West some time ago. undoubtedly the departure of the engineers from Tampa forms the basis of the statements that troops were being sent out on the Invading expedition. Free! Free! Ten Thousand Bottles'of "Hyomei." ' 'V The New Cure for "Bron chitis, Catarrh, Colds, ^ Coughs and Asthma.' >?-t: . To Be Given Away "Absolutely Without Charge by the Drug-^ gists of This City. The. First Free Test of This Hew Remedy, i Which Cures by Inhalation - Not a ? newspaper Distribution, Controlled bj tie Manufacturer, but an Honest Test Conducted by Reputable Druggists. ^?,J.,VrheproSb?^f^|,hhLPeUb'iC1h" KBfeSSStftti lungs by stomach medicines, liquids NotConlr*tnh- at.omi"rs wa? practically useless! r??t only this, but extremely danierous ?V-se oruys?^??d^men'ybfiTc 5&E 'Production of "Hyomei." the Austral. iff owned ^ SUrC' ,0 ?he Profes,ion and pub nV ?k5 u j .2ew m !n treatment of discuses of the head, throat and lungs. ?"??es It was soon found by the doctors that thU new germicide destroyed at once the disra^ ?."ms ?tarrh, Bronchitis and Asthma- "ha? Coughs and Colds could not exist where it was Mrttftii r0^! thcy discovered that the n"w method of applying 'Hyomei" was the onh nf tZerJH0U'n by wh,chIJal1 the diseased parts of the air passages could be reached. From ami J*SCOnKt?ieVSC by the doctors fditr un?V J!5i ,ncrrQsed.,with astonishing rap. inVftJii today thirty-five hundred physicians and over two-hundred ord fifty thousand pTopU, ? .!-V ,C0Vntry alone, ate using "Ilyomei and testify to its wonderful curntive powers, xet, notwithstanding this great success letted"? rU" ,uC(Js in city who have never ?r f reason that they have been humbugged so often, and so often found that <??' iQmcthinf to U. T j'i??r',llCACn!!l! ?1 2" ?he .people (hat the u',.]' '??'{? c?- decided to give away 10,000 .ni k 5tyome? free from the drug stores Ihhn.r* '? B prov,e bc>'?nd all doubt and without one penny of expense to them that AiiCr..<!i3rl tilre?,ment by fhe Australian Dry Vl L ,1 *iVtL *5rc?,cr rc,icf to the suffrrSr method. m? 5 doctorinff other THE R. T. I300?II CO., 23 Kn?t 20th Street, New York* D. & O. Sunday Bxcnrsloua on Fourth Division* Commencing Sunday, May 2D, and every Sunday thereafter, until Septem ber 25, Inclusive, tho Baltimore & Ohio will sell excursion tickets to and from all stations between Wheeling and Grafton, good returning date of saie, at one fare for the round trip,, with ten cents added. S. E. PARKER, Sharon, Wis,, writes: "I haveMrled Do Witt's 'Witch Hazel Salve for Itching piles and It always stops them In two minutes. I consider DeWItt's Witch Hazel Salve the great est pile cure on the market." Charles R. Goetze, Market and Twelfth otreots; Chatham Sinclair, Forty-sixth and Jacob streets: A. E. Schcchlc, No. f.07 Main street; Exlcy Bros., Penn and Zanc streets; Bowlo & Co., Bridgeport. 4 Vf th? llnliy l? Cntilng Trctli, Be sure and uso that old and well-tried remedy, , Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for children toothing, (it soothes tho child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and Ib tho best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-ilvo centra bottle. m-w&f /)r, Mlloa'IVtln P/7/oaro gunrnutcod to KUrn Z/cculachclzZQ "Oao cont a dcW' CMc. Dyspepsia Cored, aPTER Buffering for nearly thirty yeare from dyspepsia, Mrs. H. ?. Dugdalo, wlfeof a prominent business man of Warsaw, K. V., writes: "For23 years, I was a constant sufferer from dyspepsia and a weak stomach. Tho lightest food produced distress, causing Bovero pain and tho forma-* tlonofgas. No matter how careful of my diet I Buffored agonizing pain after eating. I was treated by many physlclana and tried numerous remedies without permanent hoi p. Two years Ago I began taking Dr. Miles* Kerro and Liver Pills and Ncrrino. Within a week I commcncod Improving, and per sisting la tho trcatmontlwas Boon able to eat what I liked, with no ovil effects I keep them at hand and a slnglo done dispels any old symptoms." Dr. Miles' Bcmodies are sold by all drug gists nnder a positive guarantee, first bottlo benolits or money re funded. Book on dis eases of tho heart and nerves free. Address, DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, lnd. FINANCE AND TEADE. The Featnrc* of (he Money nuil Stock Alnrkett. NEW YORK, June 4.?Money on call steady at per cent. Sterling ex change steady, with actual business in (bankers* bills at $4 86U#4 8G& for de mand and at $4 84U@4 84V? for 60 days; posted rates 54 85<5>4 87; commercial bills $4 83?4 m. Sliver certificates GO^c. Bar 5S^c uncertain. Mex lan dollars 45M:C. The stock and bond maiket has been benefited all week by the evil plight of Admiral Cervera, in control of the chief destructive forces of tho country's ene mies, but 'bottled up and rendered, in nocuous In Santiago harbor. The cer tainty of the destruction of this hostile force has been freely discounted in the week's dealings. Prices Started up with a rush on Tuesday, with the accumula tion of buying orders during the double holiday. The high prices dividend pay ing stocks, notably the grangers, con tinued to lead tho advance. But various factors tended to bring about profit tak ing in theso stocks and a halt in their advance. One fator waa the dividend ations in Bock Island, which had been freely discounted by speculative buying. Another was the collapse In the wheat market on the closing out of speculation on last year's crop. This -had some sympathetic efTect on 'the grangers. The April statements of St. 'Paul and Bur lington showing a large ^proportion of earnings absorbed in operating ex penses, also induced some profit taking. The realizing was well absorbed1 and recessions in prices were ntit notable until Friday's bear raids. It soon be came evident that the profits thus real ized, instead of being withdrawn from the market, were being diverted into the middle and lower grade stocks with prospects of payment of new dividends or of Increase In existing rates. The re cent rise in. these securities has been by no means commensurate with that of t'he leaders and tendency towards equal ization by advancing them Instead of by reaction in the leaders is significant of the strength of the speculative outlook. The pressure of accumulated money seeking employment has also been evi dent in- the where business has been large and prices higher.. Further general gains In price3 were recorded after tho opening. C. C. C. & St. L. was in keen demand and Jumped 4 points on extensive buying. The de mand for low priced stocks continued, but there were few exceptions", including Missouri Paciflo and Spirits preferred, whioh fell below last night's prices. La clede gas preferred also declined a frac tion. The general temper of speculation was very bullish and business was large, the grangers absorbing a generous share ; of the dealings. There was some decline in prices on , the publication of the bank statement, but the lower level brought renewed buying and prices were pushed up to the , best. Realizing reduced the gain in Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis, and Peoples gas, Manhattan and , Tobacco showed some ? 'heaviness. | Northern Pacific was very, buoyant on i dividend rumors and; crossed 30. The j closing waa active and strong near the [ top, net gains ranging between 1 and 2 j per cent for most of the active stocks. Total sales of stock were 252,200 shares. BONDS AND STOCK QUOTATIONS. U. 8. new 4s rcg.123 lOre. R. A Nav.. 51 do coupon 123 Pittsburgh 1G8 U. S. 4s 108% Reading 15% do coupon Ill I do 1st pre 47 do 2ds 05U|Rock Island 106^ U. S. re* lUWSt. l'nul l<Xfy do Cs coupon...Ill Pacific Gs of '03..102H Atchison 13& do preferred... 33\i Bal. Ohio 1914 Can. Pacific 87Vr Can. Southern... Central Pacific.. 14 Chen. A Ohio 23*4 Chi. A Alton IIS Chi., Pur. tit Q..105U C. C. C. ft St. X- 374i do preferred... 70 Del. A Hudson...110% Del., Lack. A W.154 Don. & Rio G.... 12 do preferred... 411% Erlo (new) 13*4 do 1st pro 37 > Fort Wayne ICS Hocking Valley.. 51? Illinois Central..ICR Lako Brio A W. 15% do preferred...'73%' Lake Shore ..103 Lou. A Nash 66% 1 Mich. Central.... 104 Mo. Pacific 35K N. J. Central..r. WV N. Y.\Centrftl....llC}j, Northwestern ... ? do preferred... ? Northern Pno.... 30 do preferred... GS% do preferred...14S% St. P. A Omaha. 78 do preferred... 147 Southern Pac.... 18 Texas A Pac... 12 Union Pacific... G2% Wabash 7^ do preferred... ISIfc Wheel's A L. E. 2% do preforred... 1214 Adams Express.100 American Ex....124 U.. S. Express... 40 Wells Fnrgo 116 Am. Spirits 11% do preferred... 32V Am. Tobacco....' do preferred...117 People's Gas....101^, Col. F. A Iron.. 22% do preferred... DO Gen. Electric... 37% Illinois Steel.... 55 Lead 35% do pref erred..\10fl% Pacific Mall 23^ Pullman Silver Cer K>ff Sugar HS'/jj do proforred...U5 Tenn. Coal A I. 2.714 U. S. leather... 7% do preferred... CR Western Union. 02 DrrmUf tiff* nnU I'roi lulotia. CHICAGO?Tho cncouragomeiit from Liverpool to-day was not quite up to expectations and wheat started a frac tion lower. This weak feeling was mode more marked by favorable crop reports. Later reports, however, complained of cln'ch bugs and runt in the south and southwest and the sentiment turned bullish. Thero was a report current that runt hud appeared in wheat in many points of Hungary* Chicago arrivals were 25 cars, against 21 for the same week last year. Minne apolis find Dulutli received 104 cars, against 310 for the'corresponding week U10 year, before. July opened lower atOIP/fttfpOlc; sold up to 04'/ic, fell to Q3t6b; then firmed up to 91%o.' floptember be gan lower at 70%5i)80?4c, declined to iDftc, milled to 8014c, weakened to ,70Vi<5'70%c, then roRo to. Unfavorable weather In the corn bolts and lower cables created a heavy feel !nn In corn. Buying was mostly aRalnet ?putt. Jujy starud %c lower at 33032?4c, nnd sold down to .15%e. ' Oats sympathised with corn. July opened H,c off tit 24He, rose to 3l?ic, than fell back, to 2<U?. There jvm norae slight nelllnir of pro visions by packers, who report a irood c??h trade over night. July pork open ed 807',5o hlKher at JU 00?11 OSW, ?old up totll evthen doirnjll 00. July lard started unchanged at ?0 1", Hold down to td 12. July ribs 214c better at the ?t?rt at J5 82fiS 85. rose to J5 S705 00. then fell to 15 7TH. \ Wheat-June Jl 12; July 9294c; Au gust S0S4c; September 78Hoi December 7iMc. Corn-June S2c: July 32H?J2%c; Sep. letnber 3.V,ie33Ho. ' Oata?Juno 28>lc; July 24!lc; Septem ber 21Hc. ? Pork-June UO 07; July *10 07; Sep tember J10 87. Lard-June 10 05; July 10 07; Sentcm nor $6 15. be'r'ssV""0 '5 75: JuIy W 75; ScI)tcm Bnrley?Cash No. 3, 3!i0><Oe . Rye-Cash 43c: July 43c. Hax?Cash IL 21; northwest 11 21U lu"? " 21(4; September 11 1214. Timothy?June 12 80. snSS ,V9,riK_r'?ur r>u'ot buc Irmly sustained. Cornmeal cany; yelloiv u-fst s,ffi-75c- ,.H?fley malt dull;'western ? ,o ?P?l market firm; No. Zt Vi, ?' b* onoat, export grade: closed Tae net higher, with late month* under realising- net lower; No. , ntJu?W Wl 02H: closed at wo. *4. Corn, spot easy; No. 2 39&c* options easy and ?old off under liquid fSSi' 'snoring bull new*, and closed H?Uc net lower; July cloned at 37*ic. Oats, upot steady; ^o. 2 32c; No. 2 white 33^;c; opllons' Inactive and easy, corn closing Vie off; July closed v , *Pop> flrmor: state common to onolce, 1895 crop, 3?4c; 189G crop, 607c: 1897 crop, 12@14c; Pacific .coast, 1895 f?3!\8?ic.; 1S&<5 cr?P? 6^7c;.18D7 crop, 12014c. Cheese quiet; light fiklma 0H@ 5%c; port skims 5@5tfc; full aklms 2? 3c. Rice firm; fair to extra 6H9?Kc; Japan, G%<3>Ct. Molasses steady; New ?rleans, open Settle, good .to choice, 28@)33c. Cottonseed oil neglected and rather easy ;prlme crude, 21?22c nom nal; prime crude,f. o. b. mills, 17018c; prime summer yellow 25*402Cc; off sum mer yellow 25@25V4c; butter oil 29@30c; prime winter yellow 30ig)32a BALTIMORE ? Flour unchanged. Wheat Arm; spot |1 12^01 12%; month ?ll/i: asked; July 96@9G\ic; steamer No. 2 red 51 03 bid; southern wheat by sample 51 07@114; do on grade, $1 03? J 13- C?rn steady; spot and month 3G&@3G%'c; July 3G"6@37c; steamer mix ed 3534<5i3Gc; southern white and yel low 37@37>4c. Oats dull and easier; No. 2 white 33&@34c; No. 2 mixed 32?32Hc. CINCINNATI?Flour nominal. Wheat nominal; No. 2 red 51 03? 1 05. Corn dull; No. 2 mixed 35c. Oats dull; No. 3 mixed 23c. Rye easy; No. 2 45c. Lard quiet at 55 85. Bulkmeata steady at 56 15. Bacon firmer at 57 00. CINCINNATI-Whiskey firm at 51 23. Wool. Bradstreet's: The movement In wool is yet moderate end the tone of values ia steady. There is a continued fair de mand for half-blood wools, while three eights bloods are also being taken to some extent. Manufacturers are yet trying the market and are bidding close to dealers, asking rates in many in stances without being able to secure the lots desired. To replace wools now held here would cost much above present asking prices, and holders have no desire to sell except at full rates. Bids on the basis of 64&c for scoured Australian I wool have been turned down this week I when 65c was asked, while to replace 1 these wools the cost would be 70 to 72c. I Manufacturers are Inclined to buy, but are trying every method known to get a little off'.the price, and generally with I poor success. When goods begin to sell | they will have more confidence, but as J yet they are mostly trying to keep in touch with the market. NEW YORK ? Wool steady; fleece 16@22c; Texas 12014c. Drr Gootla. I NEW YORK?The week haa shown | a gradual gain in the market for dry j goods. There has been added strength ' in print cloths, and this has a ben eficial effect on the staple cotton mar- i | ket, particularly ir> the better prices, ! which are quoted all around. Export ; ! goods, on the other hand, are attract- I I ing less Interest than 'formerly, and the week's saJes have been light. Other j staple cotton show unchanged results. Bleached goods are quiet, and wlth ! out feature. Tilve Stock. CHICAGO?Hogs estimated receipts | to-day 13,000 head: l*ft over 2.000 hoad; market active and 5@10c higher; light 53 8504 25; mixed 54 0504 32^; heavy 54 0004 37%; rough 54 0004 10. Cattle, receipts 200 head; market steady and un , changed. ! CINCINNATI?Hogs active at 53 25? 4 27??. Cattle quiot at $2 7o?4 G5. Sheep steady at 52 7504 00. Lambs steady at $3 750 4 85. The Bunk Statement. NEW YORK?The weekly bank state ment shows the collowing changes: Sur plus reserve, decreased, 51,454,900; loans increased, $11,890,800; specie, increased,' ?1.640,100; legal tenders. Increased. 5258 - 300; deposits, increased, J8.500; circula tion, decreased. 56.500. The bnnks now hold 552,249,700 In excess of the require ments of the 25 per cent rule. - Metnia, NEW YORK?Pip Iron quiet; south ern 59 75011 25; northern 111 oixgll 75 Copper steady; brokers, >11 75. Lead quiet; brokers $3 00. Tin plates quiet. THREE spectres that threaten baby's life. Cholera Infantum, dysentery, diar rhoea. Dr. Fowler's Extract of AVIld Strawberry never falls to conquer them. ONE MINUTE Is not long, yet relief Is obtained In half that tlmo by the uhq of One Minute Cough Cure. It pre. Vents consumption and quickly cures colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia la Rrlppe nnd all throat and lung troubles Charles R. Goelze, Market and Twelfth streets; Chatham Sinclair, Forty-sixth and Jacob streets; A. E/Scheehle No 007 Main street; Exley Bros., Penn and Zano streets; Bowie & Co..-Bridgeport. li WAR f utest ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORMN THE Intelligencer. Ten Cents A Week.. HOTELS. ^OOOOOCOCOOQOOOOQOOGOOQOOC ?MARLSl to Tilt S1ATI0V The Glades Hotel, OAKLAND, MD., i "ALL THE YEAR ROUND." 5oooc^ckx)coooooooqoooooo; *1898 Uicyclos Down to S5.00. New 1808 Model Ladles' nnd Gents' Bicy cles arc now" being sold on easy condl tioiw as low an 55.00;' others outright at 113.95, and hl^h-prodo at J19.95 and 122 50 to bo paid far after reoolvod. TC you wlli $.l^lJ.,,lHJ,ol,cc out ,in(1 send to 8EAKS RObllUCK ^ CO., Chlcugo, they will nmwi i?n ri w-iVh'r ,!>lW Ulcycl0 Catalogue inU full j/ui iicuiui u. xnyls ANOLD HOUSE STEAMERS. FOR CINCIN NATI, LOUIS VILLE LOWER , OHIO. NASH- 1 VILLE, ST. LOUIS. MEM- . PHIS. NEW I ORLEANS, anil inVermodl , ato points tako I the now and palatial steam era of the Pitta- i burrrh & Clncln- | ? natl Packet Lino, ! leaving wnariooat. toot of Twelfth strcot, , is follows: . ? . k _ . i Sterner QUEEN CITY-Robert R. Ac- j I new. Master; James Gardner, Purser, i Every Thursday at S a. m. Steamer KEYSTONE STATE?Charles W. Knox, Master; Daniel Lacuy, Purser, i Every Tnrsdny nt 8 a. m. _ ' . Steamer VIRGINIA-T. J. Calhoon, Mas ter: 1L H. ICerr, Purser. Every Sunday at 8 u. n For Fr ? Freight or Passage Telonhone 520. CROCKARD & BOOTH. feH ; Agents. RAILROADS. FHST ? TIME| ? OVDR ? PENNSYLVANIA SHORT LINES "PAN HANDLE ROUTE." LEAVE WHEELING-9M5 A. M.. CITY TIME. DAILY* EXCEPT SUNDAY. Arrrlvo COLUMBUS 2:25 p. m. Arrive CINCINNATI 6:05 p. m. Arrlrvo INDIANAPOLIS 10:15 p. m. Arrive ST. LOUIS 7:00 a. m. PENNSYLVANIA STANDARD COACHES PENNSYLVANIA DINING CAR. PULLMAN CARS FROM WHEELING JUNCTION THROUGH WITHOUT CHANGE. OTHER TRAINS LEAVE WHEELING. For Stcubenvllle and Pittsburgh 7:25 a, I m. week days: for Pittsburgh and tho East and for Columbus and Chicago at 1:25 p. m. week days; for Pittsburgh, Har rlsburg, Baltimore, Washington, Philadel phia and New York at 3:55 p. m. dally; for Steubenvlllc and Dennlson at 3:65 p. m. dally: for Pittsburgh at 7:00 p. tn. week dnys; for Columbus, Dayton, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and St. Louis at 9:30 p. m. week days. City tlmo. Parlor Car to Pittsburgh on 3:55 p. m^nnd 7 p. m: Trains. Persons contemplating, a trip will And It profitable Irt plensuro. and convenlenco to communicate with tho undersigned, who will mako all necessary arrangemonts for a 'delightful Journey. Tickets will bo pro vided and baggago checked through to des tination. JOHN G. TOMLINSON. Passenger and Ticket Agent, Wheeling, | W. Va. oca ? WHEELING 8 ELM GROVE RAILROAD. On and aftor Saturday, February 2, 1S95, trains will run as follows, city time: Leave Wheeling. | Lcavo Elm Grove, ^fr'n T'molTr'n T'lriolTr'n T'mo 1 No. a. m. No. p. m. No. a. m. f 1-- ^?11.... |6:CM> 1! -r:00 ' 5.... &:00 19:00 9.... 10:00 ill.... 11:00 p. m. 13.... 12:00 15.... 1:00 17.... 2:00 tinman. 7:00 22... 8;00 24... D :M :r. 10:00 2S. 11:00 30.. p. m. S3.... 9:CO 14.,.. 112:00134.... 10:00 10.... 1:00 30?11:00 13.... 2:00| Tr'n T'mo No. tDally, oxcept Sunday. Sunday church trains will leave Elm Grove at 9:43 a. m. and Wheeling at 12:17 p. m. 1L E. WE1SGERRBR, ' General Manugor. > esiD oinsoKS is d nouns. .?? rUK cuutts IS 3 1*AYS. 4<? I MEN C.II.0MIS1 S CO., do23 1139 Market Street. Whcullni. FTVANGTW G. LAMB, Pre* JOS. BIfiYBOLU Caihler. J. A. jUKt'EItSON', Au't Cuhlar. . BAN# OF WHEELING. CAPITAL S'JOJ.OOJ, PAID IS. WI IE ELI NO. W. VA. DIRECTORS. Allen Ctock, Joljrj>h F. Paull, James Cummins, Henry Blebersoa, A. Rcymann. Joseph Seybold, Gibson Latnb. % Interest paid on special dopoalts. . Infills drafts on KnuUnd. Ireland ana Scotland. JOSEPH SEYHOLD. jnyll CMhUr.;. ?piXCHANCB BANK. capital...?..^... ?, J. N. VANCE .'/..Prwdrtont JOHN FREW Ylco President L. E. 8ANDS ..Cashier WM. B. IRVINE Ass t. Cashier DIRECTORS. J. N. Vance, George E. Stlfel; J. M. Brown. William Klllnchura. John Frow, John L. Dlclmy, John Waterhoune, W. E. Stont, f W. H. Frank. Drafts Issuod on England, Ireland. Scot land and all points In Europe. - B ANK OF THE OHIO VALLEY. CAPITAL.. ^.-?170,000. WILLIAM A. ISETT . President 1 MORTIMER POLLOCK....Vice President Drafts on England, Ireland, Franco and | Germany. DIRECTORS. I William A. Isott, Mortimer Pollock. J. A. Miller, Robert Simpson, E. M. Atkinson. John K. Botsford. Julius Pollock. 3al8 ? J. A. MILLER. Cashier. % ALSO CLASSIFIED DESIdNS. = $1 each: or the full set of 140 I Designs under one cover for $3. = Portfolio A. 35 designs, costing less than $1500 E M B. 35 " " ? $J5??3500 E ** ? C. 3J --. . 3S?0 to. 3Poo ? " D. 35 " " above $5??? E Including stables, club-bouses, hotels, etc. COST TO BUILD GUARANTEED. Gives floor plans, showing size and arrangement of rooms, accom modations, colors for painting, etc. Returnable aud money refunded if unsatisfactory. Working plans and specifications for any of these designs you may select, furnished in 24. hours. Plans drawn from your own sketches or ideas, and satisfaction guaranteed. ? Addroea mentioning this paper, SHOPPELL'S MODEM HODSES, 203 Broadwayjlew York, N.Y. ? Established 21 Year5 I On receipt of 50c. in r or 2 cent | stamps, we will send post-paid 1 "3H0PPSU/S K0DES1T HOUSES," No. 67, \ just out, and guarantee to forfeit i $1000 In cash 1 if you find therein a design1 ever | before published by us. This 1 sist birthday number is.50 pages, i size of page, 11 x 15 inches, cover | in 3 colors, and contains ?"* 1 25 New Building Designs 1 '" tacked by $1000 in cash. b Also No. 58, Out April 1st, 5OC... RAILWAY TIME CARD; Arrival and departure of trains on and after May 13, uii Explanation otBtftrtrft cnce Marks: 'Dally. iDally, ?xctpUjBuo*^ day. iDally, except Saturday. J DallJ, . cint Monday. ISundays only.? *84turoiiy?jH only. Eastern Standard Time. - i ' Arrive. Impart. ?l!:? am ?4:45 pin 17rOO am ?4MB pm *10:55 am 'impart.* *7:fe am ?10:23 am ?11:40 pm ?3:tt pm t!0:U am 18:25 pm ?10:25 am "DeparC, ?5:25 a: n ?7:16 am| ?5:20 pm U.?0.?Main Lin* EastJ Wash., Lial., PML. NiYj Wash.. Mai.. Phil.. N.Y. ...Cumberland Accom,.. ...\.Urafton Accom. ..Washington City Ex.,, IUtO.-C.O.~Dlv,'; "Veil For Columbus and Chi. .Columbus and Clncln.. ..Columbus and Clncln.. Columbus and Chi. Ex. .St. Clalrsvllle Accom.. .St. Clalrsvllle Accom., .....Sandusky Mall..... u.'i o.-w.", p.b:div; .For Plttrburgh. Pittsburgh ..Pittsburgh and East..! tl:l5 pm Pittsburgh Depart P., C, C. ^ St. L. Ry. t7:25 am Pittsburgh , ?9:45 am Steubenvuie and West 19:45 am ...Hteubcnv'Ue Accom... tl:25 pm ..Pittsburgh and N. Y.J ?3:55 pm ..Pittsburgh nnd N.*Y.. t7:00 pm ...Pittsburgh Accom... WE8T. 19:45 am Ex., Cln. and St. Louis 19:30 pm Ex., Cln. nnd St. Louis *1:25 pm ..Ex., Stoub. and Chi.. '5:55 pm|...Pltts. and Dcnnliotu. "bepart. C. dfP.?Brldneport. 5:63 am .Fort Wayno snd Chi.. 6:53 am ...Canton and Toledo... 5:53 am Alliance and Cleveland t5:53 am Steubenvllle and Pitts. I 110:09 am Steubcnvllle nnd Pitts. 2:10 pm ..Fort Wayno and Chi.. 2:10 p?n ...Canton and Toledo... 12:10 pm Alliance and Cleveland ;3:M pm Steub'e and Wellsvllle. 15:51 pm Philadelphia and N. Y. 15:54 pm...Baltlmore and Wash.., 3:54 pm|.Steub'e and Wellavllla Depart. I St L. E. ?9:40 am....Toledo and West.. ?S:2Q am wRim 1 1*10:10 am 1*11:00 pm fArrlilia ?1:15 ?5:15 pm '?6:J0amj3 ?11 :.iu 111:50 1 15:15 pm ?5:15 pm MB IAfflv?~iffl ?10:20 am '*?:# prnTO ?ll:?pmtti itiOiOo amSH Arrive. 19:15 pm , 15:15 pm **:15 pm 13:25 pmH 1*11:80 am;* t9:30 am t7:12 am t?:15 pm V 13:25 pm 1*11:80 am', ? [Arrive. 0 19:35 pm , 19:35 pm - 19:85 pm ;! 19:85 pm % \ 1:05 am 6:10 pm 5:10 pm 1:85 pm H:58 am C:10 pm 16:10 pm 16:10 pm \ P XrriveT ?9:40 ami ?4:45 pin ?4:45 pml *9:40 am Depart. 7:06 am 2:25 pm ?6:00 pm , tS"i01 am tl0:0S am 12:25 pm 15:30 pm, 11:40 pml Brilliant and Steuben'e! MasMlton and Canton Brilliant and Steuben'e CI eve., Akron & Canton| |C., L. A W.?Brldgep'tl Cleve., Toledo and Chi. Cleve., Toledo and Chi. ....Mnsslllon Accom.... .SL Clalrsvllle Accom..| .8L Clalrsvllle Accom.. ,.8t. Clalrsvllle Accom..1 |..St. Clalrsvllle Accom. .Local Freight.. Depart. *6:30 am , 17:30 am ?11:45 am ?4:15 pml . "Depart. | Bellalre. 10:10 am 3:00 pml 2:30 pml Ohio River R. R. Park, and War Points Charleston and Clncln. Clncln. and Lexington Park, and Way Points B., Z. & C. R. R. Mall, Express nnd Pass. Express and Passenger! Mixed Freight and Pas.' ?5:50 pm ?5:50 pm ? ?10:45 am i*l0:45 am lj5^50_pm $ "Arrlver^ 12:80 pm 19:10 pm 111:00 am \ 19:28 am mrnvmSM pm PPHpin 111:60 am Arrive. *10:50 aro. *3:45 pra C:50 pm tll^Wpm Arrive. Bellalre. 3:30 pm 9:40 pm 1:20 pm RAILROADS. BALTIMORE & OHIO For Baltimore, Departure and ar rival of trains at | Wheeling. Eastern time. Schedule In effect May 15. 1S98. V MAIN LINE EAST. . - Philadelphia and New York, 12:25 and 10:55 a. m. and 4:45 p. m. dally. Cumberland Accommodation, 7:00 a. m. dally, except Sunday. . Grafton Accommodation, 4:45 p. m. dally. ARRIVE. From New York, Philadelphia and Bal | tlmore. 8:20 a. m. dally. Washington Express, 11:00 p. m. dally. Cumberland Accommodation, 4:00 p. m., cxcept Sunday. Grafton Accommodation, 10:10 a. m. dally. TRANS-OHIO DIVISION. * For Columbus and Chicago, 7:35 a. m. and 3:25 p. m. dally. Columbus and Cincinnati Express, 10:25 a. m. and 11:40 p. m. dally. - ?> ?=? SL Clalrsvllle Accommodation, 10:25 a. m. and 3:25 p. m. dally, cxcept Sunday. ARRIVE. Chicago Express, 1:15 a. m. and 11:50 a. ra. dally. ? Cincinnati Express, 5:20 a. m. and 5:15 p. m. daily. Sandusky Mall, 5:15 p. m. daily. I St. Clalrsvllle Accommodation, 11:50 a. I m. and 5:15 p. in. dally, except Sunday. WHEELING & PITTSBURGH DIV, . 3 ?, For Pittsburgh, 5:25 and 7:15 a. m. and 5:20 p. m. dally, and 1:15 p. m. dally, ex cept Sunday. For Pittsburgh and the East, 5ua a. m, and 5:20 p. m. daily. ARRIVE. From Pittsburgh. 10:20 a. m., 6:20 p. m. nnd 11:30 p. m. dally, 10:00 a. m., cxccpt Sunday. T. C. BURKE. Passenger and Ticket Agent. Wheeling. \V. M. GREENE, D. B. MARTIN. General Manager. Manager Passen ger Traffic. Baltimore. O TUB ? I Cleveland, Lorain & Wheeling RAILWAY COMPANY. Schedule In Effect May 15, 1S93. Central Standard Time. ARRIVE. ,> Lorain Branch. Lorain Elyrla Grafton Lester Main Line. Cleveland Brooklyn Lester V. Medina >. Chippewa Lako ... Seville Sterling Warwick Canal Fulton Masflillon Justus Canal Dover New Philadelphia. Uhrlchsvlllo Bridgeport Bellalre la. m. 6:27, 6: 44 7:04 7:23] "l la.HU] 7:201 I'f 8:30 8:41 S:53 S:K 9:1S 9:24 9:45 10:03 10:34| 10:41 11:25 1:30 2:201 2:39 2:55 3:121 lu 2:41 3:26 3:35 3:46 3:55 4:81 4:22 4:29 4:46 5:02 5:31 5:3S 6:05 S:10 S:25 15 4:36 4:40 4:56 _5:15 5 1. mJi a. m. 9 9750 10:05 10:21 10:40 7~* la. m. 5:30 5:47 6:42 6:52 7:03 ?:14 7:20 1 '8:25 8:65 9:02 0:.r 6:30 6:46 7:16 7:23 7:44 10:00 Main Line. Dellalro Bridgeport Uhrlchsvllle New Philadelphia. Canal Dover........ Justus \ Mnsslllon Canal Fulton Warwick Sterling Seville Chippewa Lake...... Medina Lester Brooklyn Cleveland 4:45! 5:0); 5:11 5:41 i> 6:18 C:26 6:48 G:5o 7:04 7:16 7:29 8:14 4< la. xa. ~5:K, 6:05 S:10 8:2S P. m. l:40l 3:4j .4:02. 4:10 .4:39 4:54 5:11. 6:18] 5:40 5:46 5:65 6:07 6:191 7:dl Lorain Branch. ? | '10 J2| 10:1S 10:26' 10:3T< 10:4^ . ?. 11:34. |jS:30|jl:S0|_7:g| i 1S"1 14 10 I la. m.}a. m.|g. xjj.j Lester I 8:25l'l0":50l 0:40 Grafton 8:43 11:07 ,6:581 Elyrla. 1 9:00| U:2l|. 7:16 ... Lorain ....- ?I 0:1S| 11:861 7:30{ 4:li) "Trains Nos. 1, 2. 5 and fi dally between Cleveland and Uhrlchsvlllo. All o(her trains dally, except Sundays. , , Electric cars between Bridgeport and Wheeling and Bridgeport nnd Martin's Ferry nnd Bellalre. , > Consult agents for general Information an .to best routes and passenger rates to all points. M. G. CARREL, G. P. A. RAILROAD GO. ^ Tlmo Table-In Effect Nov. 21. 1S97. East ^vSkorn time. tDally Except Sunday. South Bound. via p.,c..c.&si:l:r| Pittsburgh,. Pa.. .Lv I *7 | t! I *3,1 *6_ Wheeling ? ? Arl Cln. I I Fast ILlne 11:85 12:43 3:25 Leavo. Wheeling | Moundsvlllo New Martlnsvlllo.. Slstersv'.lle Wllllamstown l'arkersburg ltavenswood Mason City I a. m.| ' 1 fl:30i 7:00 7;5?l 9:35| 10:00 Pclnt Pleasant '"ViaiC. &"M. Ry. Point. Pleasant... Lv Charleston Ar| baliipoUs" ...Arl Huntington | ~V\vT'C. sTo. ily. ' Lv. Huntington.... Ar. Charleston...., |a. m. a. m. " 7:30 U:45 7:56 12:17 S:M .1:13 S:57 9:60 10:10 11:10 11:58 p. m. 12:26 4:15 4:47 5:68 6:15 7:53 8:34 6:301 t2:29 T7:10 5:07|__9:25| 12T371- 0:421 1:351 8:001 a. m., 12:85 *2:30 4:27 3:45| Kenova Ar| Via C. O. Ry. Lv. Kenova.; Cincinnati, O Arl Lexington, Ky....Ar Loulrtvllle. Ky....Ar| 1:50 *1:65 6:15 5:20 8:15 JOHN J. ARCHER, G. P. A.