Newspaper Page Text
p UP-TO-DATE RBTAtLINQ-BTONB & THOMAS. Stone & Thomas. . === llp-to-Date Retailing. ' It is our constant aim to make this one of the most complete, pcrfcct and up-to-date stores to be found anywhere in this country. Our New Annex, with oyer 5,000 square feet of ground floor space, relieves us of that crowded condition which was a detriment to pleasant'shopping. To-day ,wc are In a position to invite you to shop with us, assuring you tint wc arc better prepared now than ever before to serve you. Come. Bring your friends and see the new improve-' . ments. Laces and Embroideries. One of the most fortunate deals ever made by this store was consummated the past week. Torday you get the benefit 5,000 yards Imported Valencicnnes Laces; also White and Cream Oriental and Point Vcnise Laces. Among them arc qualities worth up to 39c. Choice to-day per yqrd 1,000 yards Black Silk Laces, 3 to 7 inches wide, styles and qualities that you've never before had an opportunity to buy anywhere near this price. To-day per yard.-.... 8,000 yards Fine Nainsook and Swiss Embroideries, match sets with one or two widths missing, 3 to 9 inches wide, qualities worth from 25c to $1.25 yard. These are divided into three great lots and go on sale to-day at I5c, 25c and 39c Yard IOC 19C Wash Goods. 1 Another large shipment will be placed on sale to-day of those beautiful Floral Lappet Lawns, which we had such a sensational sale of last Tuesday. Over 100 styles to se lect from, qualities that sonic stores right in this town arc selling at I2jc. Our price to-day and as long as they last, per yard .... 6iC Fine P. K's. A delayed shipment of Fine Satin Stripe P. K.'s, which should have been here a month ago. Bought to sell at 75c. The importer made us a special price if we would keep them, which enables us to offer them to-day at, yard See these to-day?you'll thank us for calling you atten tion to them. 48c Stone & Thomas. DRES3 GOODS?OEO. M. SNOOK ii CO. - Snook & Co. DRESS GOODS REMNANT SALE Begins Monday, June 6. Seven large well filled counters of Remnants which will average about J * J J ONE-HALF REGULAR YALUE. Three Counters fnll of Wool Dress Goods Remnants. One'Counter full of Silk Remnants. One Counter full of Black Goods Rem nants. One Counter full of Printed Organdie and Lawn Remnants. One Counter full of White Corded Dimity Remnants. Remnants by Thousands. Some of these Remnants are large enough for small suits, and others are small enough for large waists, skirts and girls' dresses, but you will find Remnants here which are suited for more purposes than we could guess at. We are in aposition to satisfy your greatest expectation. We are fortunate to secure for this sale three large lots of manufacturers' White Corded Dim ity Remnants, containing ten yards each. All at just one-half. Lot 1, at 6}c per yard, worth I2$c. Lot 2, at ioc per yard, worth 20c. Lot 3, at I2jc per yard, worth 25c. DESIRABLE, SCARCE, CHEAP. New Skirt Crepons?New Organdies and Zephyrs?New All Wool Challies 39c?Great shoWing of Lawns, 5c and up. New White Dress Materials and new Laces, Embroid eries, Ribbons and Ruchings for trimming same. The very latest Waist ideas are here. White Fans, Gloves and Sashes, GEO. M. SNOOK & CO. WALL PAPER-JOHN FKIEDBL & OO. GREAT BARGAINS WALL PAPER This is the time of the year wc clear up small lots, left over from the Wholesale Department at ONE-IIALF PRICE. Also re duced a large number of patterns. 8c Paper for.. 5C I2$c Paper for. ............. 8c. 15c Paper for 10c, A variety of Papers above 50c at ONE-IIALF PRICE. , JOHN FRIEDEL & CO., lllO TSO.A.-X.JST stubht. IB ADVERTISE IN A WIDELY CIRCULATED NEWSPAPER. BB0B8-AUSXANDBB. Hot Weather Shoes of tho kind that maktlh thfcfMt Kind thnt thoy have * duty to perform In carrylue you through thlt vul. of tcara. ? LOW SHOES RIGHT. HIGH SHOES RIGHT. ] What Size Do You Wear? W? havft a lot of low nho?, 2^ to 3H. In all width*, black and colored, sold originally at 1X60 to $3.G0?we want to sell them at | + ONE DOLUR AND TWENTY-FIVE. ALEXANDER, SftOE SELtER. ' + 1049 BICYCLES. Cleveland Bicycles ARE A $50.00 THE ? BEST. ^ $75.00 ??o** DILLON, WHEAT & HANCHERCO. ** SOLE AGENTS. 9 | O*0*0*0^0?0?0^0*0*0*o SHOES?NAY BROTHERS. That's It. Wearing a pair of our flno Shoes Isn't reaping tho fruits of victory, but It Is onjoylng the reward of a wlso purchaso. Our leather homes for feet glvo terms of peaco with which even Uncle Sam would nover find fault Now and exclusive styles In Men's light shado Willows?Just In. We aro at home Blx days In the week on those good old staples?Men's R $2.50, J3 and $3.50. Black and colors. Prices right. f Nay Brothers. I ONE PRICE. . SHOES. 1 1317 Market SKeJntelHgettrer Ofllcc: Noi. 23 and 27 Fourteenth Street. New AiWrrtltemeiitl. , For Rent?James I* Hawley.: I Piano?, Prices, Payments?Mllllgan, WI1 | kin & Co. For Sale?W. B. Simpson. For Sale?Howard llazlott. Wheeling Base Bali Park?Pain's Fire | Works. War Boom?Third Page. Hotel Strand. Wanted?Experienced Girl. Wanted?Active Men to Sell Safe3? Wanted?An Experienced Shoe Salesman. [Wanted?A Single, Middle-Aged Woman. To tho Stockholders of the Benwood Wa ter Company. American Ginger Ale?H. F. Bohrens Co. War on Bugs?List's Drug Store. , United States versus Spain?Stanton's I Old City Book Store. 1 Bf-friKerators?Geo. W. Johnson's Sons. Notice to Republicans. Un-to-Dato Retailing?Stone & Thomas Eighth Fuse. Ladles' Summer Ltngerlo?Geo. R Stlfel & Co.?Third Pago. Everything tho Tailor Gives You for $20 and $25?Tho Hub?Eighth Page. June, tho Month of Roses?white. Hand ley A Foster?Eighth Page. Dress Goods Remnant Sale?Goo. M. Snook & Co.?Eighth Page. Admiral Sampson?Kraus Bros.?Fifth Page. Marked Down Sale?Geo. R. Taylor Co.? Fifth Page. Base Ball To-day?Third Page. Will buy n perfect Talk ing .Machine, and an lit strmnent thnt Mill repro duce rocnl nnd ln?trn? umntnl muplo records. For dale by JAHOM XV. CJltUim, Jeweler, 1300 Markot St. I nALF HOSE AND UXDKllWEAIl A SPK 1 CIAI.TY AT C. IIKSS <fc SONS'. Onr Hnlf Hose nro kuou-it for excel, lenco In qnality mid wmr nnil nro sold nt ilio very loiv old prices of 15o, 3 for S?3c, 23 ntul 30c. Uitdrrwear In Dnlbrlaann, Merino nnd Cimrl's Hnlr, ntiiurnasseil for quality nnd weiir, nt 30c, SI.00 nud SI.30, at C. I1E9S Ut)NS?, Fuslilounbln Tailor* nnd Furnishers, 1391 and 1393 Market Street. Wntor Rents are Dne. Water rents for the six months ending September SO, 1893, are now ready. If paid on or beforo June 30, 1898, a dis count of 10 per cent will be allowed. THE CITY WATER BOARD. LOCAL BREVITIES. I Matters of Minor Moment In nud Abont the City. The board of county commissioners meets to-day In regular monthly ees-' I alon. Tho Wheeling company of the sec . ond regiment drills to-night In the Hub I building. Base ball thin afternoon?Wheeling I vsv Our Ancient Enetpy (otherwise Zanosvllle.) | The council committee on real estato I has been called to meet this evening at 7:30 o'clock. | In another column tho first general 1 meeting of the stockholders of the Ben wood Water Company;Is called. It will I bo held In Wheeling on June 21. Willam Bnnkard, of Allqulppa, Pa., | who succeeds James Riddle as master , mechanic nt the Wheeling steel works, i was nt Bon wood yesterday getting: nc- J qunlnted with tho employes. It was supposed that County 8u- j perlntendont of Schools Lewis would I not be a candidate for ronoinlnatlon on | tho Republican ticket, but as will bo scon from his open letter In another column he has decided to make tho run,.' '-V.'.:'. ? In another column Chairman James K. Hall, of the Republican county com mittee, Issues an olllclnl'cnll for tho suggestion, mooting# on noxt Saturday, June 11, for the primaries, Saturday, Juno 25, and for tho county conven tion, on Tuesday, Juno EVERYBODY'S liable to Itching , plies. Rich and poor, old "Mid young? terrible tho torture they suffer. Only one sure cure; Doan's Ointment. Abso lutely safo; can't fall FOR THE JUBILEE At "tlie Mount" tho Sliters nrc Making Preparations ON A MOST ELABORATE SCALE ALREADY BOMB OP THE ALUMNAE ARE ARRIVING IN THE CITT TO ATTEND THE TtmiLEB EXER CISES?MGR. MARTINELU AND ARCHBISHOP KAIN ARB EX PECTED TO ARRIVE TODAY. THE PROGRAMME BEGINS ON TUESDAY MORNING. Tho Slster? of "Tho Mount" uro Jifift finishing "their eloboralo preparation for tho entertainment of tlx* largo num ber of gueeta vrt\o will be here thin woek to attend the Jufbllee of the Mont de Chantal Academy, and It ansuredi they wtil entertain their former pupila in a manner that will cause the Jublleo lo beheld In warm remembrance. Already a number of the alumnae of the Institution have arrived for the week. Among Saturday's arrivals were the Mioses Klerney, of "Weston, tho Mlcaes Vrcnnon, of New York city; Mtea Gannon, of McKeeeport; Ml&s O'lirten, of Toron to, O.: Mies Margaret Sullen, of l/ock Haven. Pa.; Mies Agnes Deck, of Canton, O.. and Mrs. Man* Brabeoa L?lt tloton, of Washington City. Among Sunday's arrivals were Mrs. James Sechtlg and daughter, Miss Anna, of Baltimore; Mrs. Fattertionand Mrs. Bukey, of Wadhlngtom D. C.; Stlw Cora Burns and Miss Theresa /MunhoJl, of Pittsburgh, and Miss Magdalena Ander son, of Altoona, Pa. Tho Interior of tho school buildings have been beautifully decorated for the cccaslpn, and will form a revelation to those who attend this week's function. It expected that Mgr. MartinclH, the papal delegate in America, will arrive at "The Mount" from "Washington City this afternoon. Father McBrlde, of the Cathedral, went -to Washington to meet the noted clergyman, and will accom pany him to Wheeling. Archbishop Kaln, formerly bishop of Wheeling, will probably arrive from St. Louis to-night. Botb will take part In the religious por tion of the Jubilee programme, which !n \Vholo Is os follows: TUESDAY. Solemn Pontifical Maas of Thanksgiving, 10 a. m. Right Rev. J. J. Donahue, D. D., celebrant. . _ _ , _ Sermon by Moat Rev. John J. Kaln, D. D.. of St. Ixnjls. Dramatic Entertainment, Pupils of tho Academy, at 8 p. m. WED N BSD AY. Solemn Pontifical Roqulem Mass, 10 a. m. Moat Rev. J. J. Kaln. D. D., celebrant. Sermon by Rev. P. T. McCarthy, S. J. Fiftieth Annual Commencement, 8 p. m. THURSDAY. Alumnae Day. Meotlng of the Alumnae, 10 a. m. Address by Rev. Joseph Stealer. Alumnae Banquet, 2 p. m. For the pontifical high mass on Tues day, the followtng clergymen are down to take part: Celebrant. Rt. Rev. Bishop Donahue, D. D.; arohprlest. Rev. F. Z. Rooker, D. D., secretary of the apostollo delegation; deacons of honor, Very Rev. Daniel O'Connor, V. G., of Clarksburg, and Very Rev. Joseph Stenger, R. D.. of Charleston; deacon of the mass, Rev. John MoEUlgott, of Graf ton; subdeacon. Rev. Robert E. O'Kane, of Clarksburg; deacons of Jwrior to His Excellency,Most Rev. Sebastian Martlnelll. D. D., Rev. J. Mullen, of Wheeling, and Rev. T. Duffy, of Wellsburg; deacons of honor to Most Rev. Archbishop Kain, D. D., Rev. M. Fitzpatrlck and Rev. H. Minamln. In the pontifical requiem muss on Wednesday morning, the celebrant will be Most Rev. Archbishop Kain. D. D.; deacon, Very Rev. Joseph Stenger, R. D.. of Charleston; sifbdeacon, Rev. John McBride, of Wheeling; attendant to the Rt. Rev. Btehop, Very Rev. Daniel O'Connor, V. G., and Rev. Joheph Mul THE JUBILEE "MOUNT" The Jubilee number of the Mount, Just Issued from the Intelligencer Job rooms. Is an excellent souvenir publication, and Its interesting contents, profusely illus trated with pictures of the buildings and scones at tho Mount, together with portraits of Bishop Whalen, founder of the Visitation academy, and succeeding bishops, combine to make It Invaluable to the student who, at some time during Its half century, has attended thl? fa mous Institution of learning. The Jubi lee number consists of over 200 pages, and the reminiscences of old school days by former pupils are of Intense Interest. All the articles pertain to the golden Jubilee, and tho tasty publication will bo even of more value In the years to come. STEPHEN M'CULMCGH DEAD. On Saturday night at 11 o'clock oc curred the death of Stephen McCul lough, at his home on Fifteenth street, in the seventy-second fear of his age. Mr. McCulIough came to Wheeling man&* years ago from the north of Ireland, and has been a well known man In this eommuntlty. The funeral will occur this afternoon nt I o'clock from tho family home, and friends are Invited to atend. The Interment will follow at Ponlnsulnr cemetery. Oct. tho Klondike. Mr. A, C. Thomas, of Mnrysvllle, Tex., has found a more valuable discovery than has yet been made In the Klon dike. For yenrs he raftered untold ag ony from consumption, accompanied by hemorrhages; and was absolutely cured by Dr. King's New Discovery, for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. He declares that gold Is of little value In comparison with this marvelous cure; would have It, even if It cost a hundred dollara a bottle. Astnmi, Bronchitis jmd nil throat nnd lung atfectlons are positively cured by Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption. Trial bottles freo at Logan Drug Co.'s Drug Store. Regular Blue BO cents and J1.WX Guar anteed to cure or price refunded. 1 DATE to bed and early to rise, pre pares a man for his home In tho skies. Early to bed nnd a Little Early Rtser, the pill that makes life longer and better and wiser. Charles It. GooUe, Market and Twelfth streets; Chatham Sinclair, Forty-sixth and Jacob streets'. A, 12. Schcehle, No. 607 Main street; Exley Bros., l'cnn and Zano streets; Bowie & Co.. llrldgi'port. 1_ WE WILL TELL YOl If your headachos como from weak eyoa; jiIbo If glaBaoa will rellovo them. Do you havo )ieaduclioB7 Do your pyoa water, umart or bum? Doos tho print run to gether whon reading? Do tlilngn uppear (loubio or mixed up? Havo a deslro to rub tho oyo?? Twitching? Tor any troublo of your eyes consult uh. Wo rnaku glaiisou at popular prices. Mako a curoful exam Inntlon frco of charge and rely on our rtUlll and not our patlontu' Judgment or PROF. II. BECBF1P, TDK KXIfl SPECIALIST, Gornor Main nnd Klavontli titrooU* TUB HOB?CtiOrmHSS AND FTOMI9Haas. Everything the Tailor Gives Yon for and $25 Just a5 good cloth?jast as good trimmings?just as ranch style?just as good a fit?just as much ot every thing. Pcrlraps you haven't tried ready-made within the last few years?don't know how much better it is now than it used to be?don't know how near perfection ivc lave brought it The tailor is no longer a necessity, Wc can please you just as well, and save you almost halt at the same time. ,We've got all the popular cloths and patterns we know ot in all of our grades?Plaids, Over-Plaids, Mixtures, Pin Checks, Plain Serges and Cheviots?most cyery style you can call for?having our own tailor in the premises to make all necessary alterations free of charge. You men who want to economize without sacrificing style or quality will find just what you are looking for in our $10, $12 and $15 grade suits. One hundred dozen Soft Shirts with extra cuffs, regular 75c qualities, for 48 cents. v Lot of Hot .Weather Clothing. THE HUB. Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers, LARGEST AND ONLY STRICTLY ONE PRICE HOUSE IN THE STATE. HUB CORNER, FOURTEENTH AND MARKET STREETS WHITE, HANDLBY ? FOSTER. .!? .'I JUNE... ?THE MONTH OF ROSES. At Oar Store We Will R^irn^iJnc Make It the Time of... t*"1 yClllia. iWe have on hand a large assortment of Household Furnishings, which must be sold at once regardless of price. This lot includes Chamber Suits, Odd Dressers, Sideboards, Iron Beds, Parlor Suits, Odd Chairs, Rockers, Bed Lounges, Couches, etc. This is a Genuine Bargain Sale. Herman Frank, Frank E. Foster, Receivers. WHITE, HANDLE! S FOSTER. 2247 and 2249 Market Street J. H. LOCKE SHOE COMPANY. Why Do You Want Trash? Yon don't?it's the PRICE that tempts, ond experience teaches it pays to pv a little more tor A GOOD PAIR OF SHOES, that will giro good weir, keep their shape, ond be perfectly comfortable. WE KEEP THIS KIND IN LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S SHOES AT S2.00. Vou can pay mere ond got less value almost any place else. J. H. Locke Shoe Company. O'frO^O^O^O'^O^O-OO-^O-90-00 THE LAST Portfolio of Uncle Sam's Navy No. 10 Now Ready. -OONTAIJNTS Torpedo 'Adjusted In Deck Tube for Firing. Double-Turreted Monitor Monadnock. Dynamite Cruiser Nlchtheroy. Composite Gunboat Newport, " * Converted Yacht Mayflower, ^ Main Deck of tho Indiana. Arrival of a Battalion- at Tampa. Battleship Texas Coining Out of tho Dry Dock. Brooklyn Navy Yard Dry Dock. Deck of the Training Ship ?a? Entrance to the Brooklyn Navy Marines Drilling at Hampton Ho^f. Ferry-boat Landing: Marines at Brook lyn. ^ Tho Vesuvius, Stripped for Cattle. Eight-inch Gun and Crew of tb? a. Cruiser Prairie, of the AuxHImt TERMS OF DISTRIBUTION. Ever)" reader of tho Intelligencer is entitled to participate in this dlstrlbu tlon of Undo Sam's Navy Portfolios. 'Bring or send to tho IntclllKcncC' Portfolio Department 10 cents in silver, to cover postage, wrapping. nrn,llnf' distribution, eta, together with an order cut from tho Intelligencer, which will bo found In another column of to-day's Issue, and you will receive folio No. 10, containing11C Photographic Reproductions, 11x13 Inches In 0 the several ships of Uncle Sam's Navy. Favor your friends who may not be regular readers of the Intelllp?nccr ^ informing them of tho particulars of this unrivaled distribution. Scud 0 bring 10 cents in silver to tho Portfolio Department of tho Intelligencer. All Back Numbers qf Portfolios Cm Still bo Socurcd at 10 Cent Each, and if By Mail Add 2 Cents Cacli for Postage. ^