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IIMfeyl mmmmm eaaoHi boits-m. potman- & oo. N ? Wear well, look well, hold their shape and do not fade The 6amc workmanship that the high priced tailor puts in a suit arc to be found in these suits. You'll pay more money at your tailor's, but you'll get nothing better. - Our Indigo Blue Serge Suit, strictly all wool, and silk lined, is the talk of the town. $10.00 is the price. BLUE AND BLACK SERGE COATS AND WESTS, unlincd, at $3.75 and $5.00. Just the thing for hot days. LIGHT WEIGHT UNDERWEAR, Plain and Fancy Colors, $1.00 the suit and upwards. NEGLIGEE SHIRTS at 50c, 75c and $1.00, in Madras and Flannel,_cuffs to match. Greatest value . ? town. , 11 MANHATTAN SHIRTS, in Madras, Flannel and Silk, $1.50 and upwards. Exclusive patterns. M. Gutman & Co RETAIL DEPARTMENT, MAIN AND TWELFTH STREETS. BABY CARRIAGES?JOS. GRAVES' SON. Our llth annual season for tho Excelsior Sleeping Couch. We have 'em as low as SI2, tho regular $13 kind. >JC jtjS Jos. Graves' Son, 26 Twelfth Street. FURNITUBE- ALEXANDER FREW. Furniture Buying The styles are here, the high quality is here, the reasonable prices you have been looking for are here. There's everything that makes your furniture buying easy. There is every induce ment that ^yill cause you to buy and bring you back again. Come in and see our special line of fine leather, panti sote and velour Couches. The goods and prices will interest you. Alexander Frew, Furniture, Carpets, Etc. 1208 Main Street. Formerly New Cambridge House, CAMBRIDGE SPAI.NGS, PA. ^"hlch, after tho disastrous Are of a year ago, is now opened In larger and better shape for the accommodation of guests In search of health and pleas ure. presents Itself to Its former Wheeling patrons as the most desirable hotel In which to locate when at Cambridge Springs. Freo bus to and from all trains and sprlnco. Public rooms' aro of large size and well lighted, includ ing orjee, dining room, bath rooms, billiard room and bowling alley. Cham bers with private baths and toilets and everything that tends to make a home like and comfortable resort. For rates apply to HAGGERIY & WHITE, Proprietors, .... Cambridge Springs, Pa, EDUCATIONAL MOUNT DE CHANTAL, Near Wheeling, W. Va. The advantages of thlo Acadomy for mental and physical culturo aro unaur Pa??ed. The day ccholara dlno and lunch at tho Mount, and nro taken to ?na from tho motor by fit conveyanc? Provided by the Olatoro freo of chargo. for terma and other Information, ad cre-9 v oirtctrcss or mount de chantal DENTISTRY. E. E. WORTHEN; DENTIST. BuiUinj, Room No. 301. Martct Street,.. . Whoolliig, W. Vo IAXI E1XVATOIL iril INSURANCE!. REKL ESTHTB TITLE INSURANCE. ' If yoa purchase or make a loan on ro?l estate havo tho title Insured by the Wheeling Title and Trust Co. NO. 1315 MAllICKT STIUSIST. II. M. RUSSMMj.;.. .....?...Froild?nt U F. STIFKfc Secretary a J. ItAWLING Vlco Prealdont WM. M. TRACY A.... Ass'L. Secretary O. R. E. GILCHRIST..Examiner of Tit lot dol7 MACHINERY. JJEDMAN & CO., GENERAL MACHINISTS AND MANUFACTURERS OF MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINES. JulZ .WpfeuUt'i*, W. Va. THE JUBILEE. Mont Do Cliantnl'v Preparations '?r tlii" Week's Dolii?s. THI: FINAL MASS REHEARSAL OCCURRED YESTERDAY ? INCOSr. Igtt^TltAJNS DRINO MANY FOR MER PUPILS or TIIB INOTITU TIO.V?TilE SISTERS HAVE BEEN irAN'DSOStELY REllEiliBERDD / THI? WEEK BY FRIENDS FROJt ALL TARTS OF TIIB COUNTRY'. BISIIOP DONAHUE'S GENEROS ITY OTHER DONORS. ? I Tho Jublleo preparations at Mt. do Chantal are aJmojt completed. The rehearsal of the splendid mass re verberated through the hall* during tho Bvcry traln com? loaded an}hc<Hdyrtttena.lm"Bt ,w" "Qle j im5 nJ l^orn 1,10 ^reo^'"K? of frlenda ! v!rtli,?w5male,'- Thl! Mends of tho their tMUmori f4" T?" K"'"0"8 ln ; , r testimonials of retard Th.< frlenda of Rt. Rev. P. J. DoSe have la^'rh flV0 bundrtd 11 "<l flftj- dol perf?.nal contribution of tho ,260; ilr?- Brown, of flOO-v~ mv.? i M?' Capl- Poutaln,, 1100* vTt S t4"' of Philadelphia/ MOO, J lira Cora Burns, of Pittsburgh, .i-lSf?!?" contributions and courle alee have been, received from* Mr. Georee Heard, of Pittsburgh; TlfTany & Co, Wheeling mV ^ordlnand Weber, of Y^r?c rlfv" q, ,"c" Brenr'^"?. of New .' J1!?1* oC Abingdon, Va_; SI?;0? ?f Frederick, Va.; Sisters of JuMngton. D. C.; Mr. E. A. Bennett ?' T'rjfcvln' PWn. Ohio; JWwX? ' ?al'ton' ?hl?: Mlffi L. uZ% v'fa%ln-: Srrs- ^nman, Ual ^ Broussard, 0f Oal ? !' Misses Durbln, of Graf burgh Pa. VUsack, of PRts ^An.THh,f,?!lon'J?B peopIc from Wheeling contributed: Otto Hess, Anion Rev maxiTi, Stone & Thomas, Geo. E. Stl /J?"' dub. Col. and Mrs. VawI J* f * Register, the Evening Aews, the Intelligencer, Sisters !of St. S5?? i ? * ^Iurtin Thornton, John Ml? ri i ?v& Son' E- lr- Holltdny, Miss Helen. Devrles, Mrs. Mai Forbes Simpson, Mrs. Singleton, Mrs. Win. George Durst. Mrs. Ziegenfelder, Mr. Wllljjutz, Mrs. P. Jane, Mrs. C. A. Hess Mr. J. Kelly, Prlend & Son, .Mr. Walker Peterson, E. Myers, M. Haase, E. B Carney. - The Misses Gannon, of McKeeaport. Pa., are going to give a handsome new noor for tho academy refectory. Be sides these remembrances the former pupils of the Sisters have contributed towards a testimonial which from pres ent indications promises to be a most handsome one, and is to be presented j ? >e.',ast da>" of ,he Jubilee. which Is to be Alumnae day. Monsignor Martlnelll. the Papal dele gate In America, arrived from Wash- ! ington last night and Is a guest at the Cathedral residence. Archbishop Kaln is expected to arrive this morning from bt. Louis. ST. JOSEPH'S ACADEMY Commencement Will Take Place Thia Evening?The Programme. ' 1 The annual comencement exercises of the St. Joseph's Academy will take place this evening at the Carroll Club auditor ium, and the following programme has been prepared: Entrance March Oesten Pianos-Misses Annette Troll. Ma mle MaJooly JJly GernRhty. Mamlo ! Kirk. ' Murgar0t' Shellin, Julia "When PlowrotR are Springing"...Rossini _ . The Class. Instnimental Trio Misses Lor otto Greene, Carrie Gim >VTru __ ,Pers. Helen Carney. Tho Monks Magnificat" .K3 . , Eleanor Howley. Spring s I.lue Eyes" Franz Rie?i . Miss Margaret MeFadden La Serenata" Brac.? SB* S^yn^-Mlsscs Mamlo Loftus, Sara McLaughlin, Lily Ge raghty, Loretto Owens. Second Mandolins?Mls.?es Ella Don Gen'her ? Balt"r and Frederica Essay?"True Knowledge".... vX?ttff\a?d r"li by Mi88 Anna jVpson. ?al;j Brllllnnie Schnlhofr first Piano-Misses EllaMh SiipmR nmJ Eleanor niacli. Sec SSd MatirMcK?n AnnCU? Tr0" "Villanello" ' r. J"" Elsie Gundlinc aUa Caprico Hongrolse" rrp...r vm. tM,8S Eleanor Black."" crcr ^ the ii'i"!!dTio!rrf1n0rtro,n!|H'11- ? Adapted "TTnim- T-r^ 3,, Cff,na Paddcn. Fairy Finders" q ? miuo "Thft Elizabeth Gundiing. ' Tho Erl King" F , Miss Gertrudo III est or." \Vrtffnn of ,lh,? Beautiful" ,.k. tt0?, and r,,Q(1 by Miss Retta Woods 0 cr R^irost<r i^'cC rar?un toln s .... Rossini Miss Margaret Burns. . Chorus-Tho Class. LOCAL BREVITIES. i>I?(tenor Mluor 3Iomeut In and About (lie City. Mt. de Chantal Jubilee begins to-day. vs^Whcellng!'"13 a,tornoon' Zan"vlllf Tho Belial re Volunteers anticipate be lng called upon by Governor llushnell ond ThS? t0 'he front on the st'c h?rmpany drl"a io-nish< The funeral of the late Robert H Crangle, whose death In Dakota wm mentioned in yesterday's Intelligencer will occur to-day from the residence of ? ' cornor of Fourteenth and Chapline streets. The Bachmann Iron; Coal and Coke Company meets in Wheeling on Tue*. i>>;,J:r " 'i? orrccl- a permanent or ?n T. ^ Incorporators are Charles F. Bachmnnn, C. B. Colburn W. C. Ebberls, Elglo Jlyers, Peter Boch 5a5,n- benjamin F- Baehmann, IxjuIs H. Baehmann. To-morrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock 2"':, ?a?u,c' Schwarm, pastor of the English Lutheran church, will perform the ceremony which will unlle In mar r?^T Eph?lm Connor and Miss LotUe Kronewea. of tho North End r,^fTCral 0t^e ltttc st?Phen Me Cullotigh. occurred yesterday from the family home, with tnterment following at Peninsular cemetery. A large num tended f 'mla of ttlc deceased at ABOUT PEOPLE. Stranger. In IlioClly .ii'l M'lic.llti. peo l>ln AIiioniI. Miss Blanche Loughney, of Pllts purgh, is the guest or Blanche Drown at tho McLure Ilouse. Among tho late arrivals at the Mc I-ure House nre Mrs. J. p. Bnrr, Miss. tS '."?5'' ",n -a,Ish Genevieve Moran, of I Ittsburgh, who are here to attend week?XerCiS0JI nt Chantal, this Mr. E. Gourley Hoff, formerly tho In telllgencors correspondent at St. ClalrHvllIc, 0? now edttor and proprie tor of the Bepubllcan, at Stockton, Cedar county, Mo? was In Reeling ye?. t0" ?y onh" way to. St. Clalrsvlllo. He will visit hla old home for three or four weeks. OAETOHIA. 130- ^ CA8B or nooTat A Dojeott InilltalM) far Pacnltar Par fOHl, One would Imagine that In our day ot advancement and Intelligence, and In our time of ?o-calle4 culture, people would have progroued beyond the?ia*e whereon fanntlclara, bigotry and nar row-mlndedneiS eaUt. But It aeeou that It were too much to hope for iuch u realization, becauao'lhey ezlit even amongst thone who profeia to represent a most liberal, broad-minded and arli tocmtlo class. It la not necessary to dl lato. Tho following facte will explain themselves. A few days ago I made arrangement!.to jaa? part ot the mm mer at tho home of Mr. Bell, the prop, erty belonging to Mr. Cecil, between Wheeling Park and Elm Grove. Ar rangements were tn brief satisfactorily made, and nil waa well. Thla morning Mr. Bell called to gee mo. Informing mo that ollhlaboardarawouldleavehlm In abodyln caae he permlltedany Hebrewa to atop at hla home. Under such clrcum stances 1 Immediately consented to re lease Mr. Bell from the contract Into which I had entered with him, conalder Ingmyselfveryfor tu note to h a ve escaped being housed wltb a clnaa that prldea Itaelf on being members of tho aristoc racy, but which In reality deserves to be ostracised from tie circles of all people ivho have nny sense of self-re aped, and who possess gentlemanly and womanly noble qualities. However, enough. ,Wo hnvo here quite a good example of the manner In which some of our so-called aristocracy can boycott If they desire not tone Hebrewa, but an estimable couple who have Been fit to rent their rooms to people wishing to summer at their home. It Is unnec essary to mentlon'names. ."No Hebrewa allowed" waa tho condition on which the house wna rented to Mr. Bell, and It la the condition on which he Is now compelled to secure roomers. And thla la the nineteenth century of llberalltyot "lew! LOUIS WHIT, Proprietor Bon Ton. ,,rAMX,',S ?Flre""ork?. "The Battle of Manila. Base Ball Park to-night. Ad mission 60c. Children S5c. THE human machine itarta but onco and stops but once. You can keep It going longest and moat regularly by using De Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for constipation and all stomach and liver troubles. Charles R. Goetze, Market and Twelfth streets: Chatham Sinclair. Forty-sixth and Ja cob streets; A. E. Schcehle. No. 607 Main street; Exley Bros., Penn and Zane streets; Bowie & Co., Bridgeport. 3 clio! CR^"SI'E-,Al s,[nni|an. North Dakota. ? [Sunday, June:. ISPS. ROBERT H L.RAP*GLL, son of the late Henry Crangle. In the S5th year of his age. Funeral services from the rcsldenco of Mrs, M. E. Dalzetl, comer Fourteenth nnd Chnpllna Btreets, at 10 a. m. on Tuesday, Juno 7. Instead of Monday from Baltimore & Ohio depot, as for merly announced. " HASENAUER?On Monday. June C, 183S, at MS P. m., ANNIE MARIE, daugh ter of Cornelius and tho lato Annie Hasenauer, aged G months and 13 days. Funeral from the residence of her father, 104 Eighteenth street. Wednesday morning at &;30 o'clock. Interment at Mt. Calvary cemetery. Friends of the family aro invited. UNDERTAKING. [ PUIS BERTSCHY, Funeral Director and Arterial Embalmor. 1117 Main Street, TTeatSlde. Calls by Telephono Answered Day or Night Store Telephone 635. ntmi/mi' Assistant's Tele phone. 635. aul0 ALEXANDER FREW, Funeral Director and Embaimer, I208 MAIN ST. Under Competent Management. Telephones-Store. S3: Residence. 750. BRUEMMER <fc HILDEBRANQ, FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBM.MER5, Corntr Murlet and 22d Streets Telephone 207. Open Day and Night myS CLOTHING?D. OdHDma A CO. You Are f Not So Warm m < A-Jk . As you will be during the next few weeks. Why not be one ? *i, 5 i of the comfortable people who wear our cool clothes? Prices are at zero mark, while the quality is 90 in the shade. For .V ' ' ? ' '' * instance, the Summer Suits we are selling at $7.00 ought to sell for $10.00. The $10.00 Suits ought to bring $13.50, and so on. The coolest Suit you can buy is a serge?the fast color kind we arc selling at $10.00, $12.00, $15.00 and $18.00 a suit. Look and wear like custom-made?fit* like custom-made. Crash Suits arc always cool. Prices arc ridiculous. A good Crash Suit for $4.50, a better for $5.00, a better still for $6.00, * all these suits in longs, stouts and regulars. Don't put off buy ing until sweltering weather; come now., . D. Gtindling & Co., STAR CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS, 34 and 36 Twelfth St. MARKED DOWN SALE-GEO. R. TAYLOR CO. MARKED DOWN SALE CAMBRIC UNDERWEAR. GEO. R. TAYLOR CO. Our regular semi-annual sale of Ladies' Cambric Underwear will begin Monday morning, and continue during the week. This special sale will embrace our entire stock of GOWNS, SKIRTS, CHEMISE, DRAWERS and CORSET COVERS, and offers greater inducements to the ladies than any previous sale. THE MARKED DOWN PRICE on each garment not more than you would have to pay for the materials. Every piece manufactured to order for our retail trade. The whole stock?no rerervation?on counters and tables near the entrance. 'MARKED DOWN PRICES IN PLAIN FIGURES. ' This sale will not in any way interfere with the special sale' of Suits and Skirts to be continued this week. Geo. R. TaySor Co, 2e Red Letter Clearance Sale Is not a sale of cheap furniture, but a sale of GOOD FURNITURE / CHEAP, and you can pay the bill a little at a time, weekly or monthly. UtXQBU This Combination Bed Room Suite, antique oak finished dresser with I8i24 Frcncli bevel plate mirror, white enamel iron bed, instead of wood bed, and with Idrgc washstand, makes a very pretty suite, and well worth S20. Red Letter Sale Price >1 PASTEL PICTURES All assorted now subjects, in Bronzo Green Frames, 24x28 Inches. Regular price Sl.50. Red Lottor Salo Price ' K) Carriages now on sale. The Red Letter Prices com mence at Boautiful Couch, upholstered in silk vetour or corduroy, all now shades, 28 inchos wide, 6 feet 6 inches long, best springs, deep tufting, the rogular $12.00 fl*A r a kind. Rod Letter Solo Price ...... ip7?3v Bed Lounge, upholstered in tapestry Carpet, full 48 inches wide when open, has soft cotton top mattress, antique oak frame, a good value at $ J 2.00. Red Letter Sale Price Handsome Spring Soot Couch. iipholstoroi-In Amoricon tapestry. A bargain at SS.OO. Kcd Letter C J AQ Solo Price iJ'i.vO House & Herrmann THE HOME PROVIDERS, FourteentSfand Market Streets, Wheeling, W. Va. lOOOOOOOOOOOO'OOOOOO^O.aCOOOO^OOO^O^aOO'frOS'GOOO-OC^OOOO^OOOOO^O*