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Tipmm FOR GARDNER. <^4jto?caf Gardner duplicated his previous ? kjBfeturles In this section last night at the ^W&rPfrilltnn club house. Jack McClel';\ -- laind. of Pitsburgb, being the victim. As ' was expected, a fftomach'punrh did the 0 Work, ar\d McCielland's knell was sounded in the tenth round. Until he went j down lie gave Gardner a. rattling, hot argument, going at him in hammer and fl I . tons* fashion rrom xne Bluril liiuufen a few stomach boquets In the last few q '' rounds took some of his ginger. When ' Oecar lifted him with one <-ver the heart then, Mac must have react Ms finish, but g his knockout was so suU>! ;n that there Is more than One spectator who thinks i he laid down. p--' Gardner took lots of Ja1?? and punches, ^ it, aq&had to work harder than usual, but ? La he had pguches up his sl-ove, and allow- tr Tr ed McClelland to vt^nd'hln force flrnt. Hj Stilt, no'iine expectejlM.Clelland's finish ?{ what It came. ? f\ tii? friend* -raised the cry of foul, 4 1 claiming that Oscar struck him too low. a | To satisfy them. Referee Pearce held *" ? back his decision until two. doctors ji' r w?ra ?r>r?nri>rt One of them was In the J, j. bunding, and the P!;tsburghers got an- tl other. Both stated that there had been cj j no foul blow struck. No one else thought ho. out the PIttsburghers J , rf gasped at h straw to save their money. 0 v?? And whilo ft was a fair blow, not a few ci "believe that M<nellnnd deliberately 61 quit. He pould land frequently, but his ? I'Jotvs didn't have the knockout ring for / of the Gardner type. 'It was as prptty a battle as one would " wish to gee. Clean and scientific fron> jj the start, and the only marks of pun- * lahtnont visible to-day will be Gardner's left eye. It Is seldom that a contest opens soared hot from the ?*tart, and McClel- R< land's pretty boxing enthused his ad- = mlrers; hut It wasn't a contest for j. points. Hencn. MeClelalnd wasn't in It * at* the end. His defeat was joyful tidings to Kast Wheeling, which went broke when he fixed fiddle* Gardner's 4. clock. About 700 people attended, and f, wcrr well pleased.* Referee Leslie fearre wis a splendid official, and gave h, ihe'vbest of satisfaction. A# OiriM ine i>ri'iiiuiuuiiKo nnipir.iu v* <11 ryund.s by Leslie Pearce's boys, and six 01 rounds by Eddie Gardner and Mark Ktjrnrln. of Pittsburgh. KerivJn is the j( dead cut of Jack McClelland, and put up p] a clever game. No decision wa? given, a, thqugh eo advertised, and the crowd h clamored for one before it started, flj when Leslie Pearce announced that ntfne would be given. Kerwin'e work pleased the Wheeling sports. ^ |\ At 10 o'clock, Oscar Gardner, accom- jj, cf p^hied by attendants, and an array of /buckets, bottles and other ring para- q ptffirrialla, crawled through the ropes. 0 In his corner were his brother Eddie, q and Messrs. Arthurs, Gray. Morgan, and Nau. The Pittsburgh rooters let tj rotae when McClelland appeared, and their yells were returned by the Wheel- ja Ing side of the house. McClelland was ?( aeqpnded by Otto Black, Jack Bennett and another Plttsburgher. Referee i^, Pearce announced that Yock Hennlger t? and Louden Campbell would challenge C! the wlpner. McClelland and Gardner g, shook hands, and the fun began. , y Round 1. Mac lands first, a stiff left f on breast. He repeats It, after some fid- h . ill hi p. Eoth rjiar fast. Oscar taps Jaw. ^ Oagar puts left on stomach. Mac Is C ioiS, ami assumes the defensive. Gong sound,s'and both shake hands. ai Round 2. Oscar lands lightly on Jaw, ?Mne slipping back on the ropes. Jack h$oks l.?ft on body. They mix It. Jack holding his own. He swings twice on Jaw without return. Again he reaches ci the face, and his rooters go wild. Oscar C1 Jabs mouth. They exchange on the face. An filmr mJ.x, Gardner finding the atom- jjJ noh. .Jack Jabs face twice. Very fast ci work. Plttsburghers Jubilant. Pi Round 06car puts left on face. Jack N ' jal* lightly, j?nd then puts two more ? !!g)t ones without effect. Jack rushes $ wltfiout\ffect. Oscar places a bad one j,, on mouth. Jack lands left on face, and St thrh puts a good punch over the heart. Hf !s doing goo-J work. nound 4. Oscar lands on face and P< bM.jy. Jack swings a return on Jaw, Jack hooks left on breast. Oscar slapa hlip on the Jaw. and sends a smasher on the body. Jack puts a stiff right ?I '-?? TT.. Id .Inlnw ln?? rtf Work can': land strong over Oscar's guards. Jl R >und 5. They start In at the usual IlVf ty rate. It'a give and take. Jack Jabs face hard and punches body with right. He Jaba without return. Oscar catches him in a corner and swings both hanile on the Jaw; Jack is landing often. out not hard. Oscar swings hard on K| stomach. Jack keeps Oscar busy, but nl doesn't do much harm. D H und 6. Oscar swings on face twice, m U" ?wings left on stomach In infighting, oj Jack uses both hands well, hits face c;( and then breast. B,oth are hurrying n, martors. Oscar staggers Jack with a p left on the Jaw and a stiff body punch, u Jack rushes him to the ropes. They mix O st a strife pace. Jack Jabbing hard. He g lias Oscar's eye bleeding. Jack's reach counts. p, Hound 7. Oscar lands left on face, p, Jack, thrown Gardner to the floor. Of car K drives him back with a stlft punch on Jaw. Oscnr puts rlicht on body. Jack ? returns c?n face. Jack swings hard right *fi on Jaw. and is punishing Oscar's faco without r turn. They mix face punches. T^tW; l/W-JL f, One of the most eminent and skillftal l. specialists In the United States is the author of a RTcat home medical work that every woman, whether yountc or old, should read. That physician j* I)r. R. V. Pierce, a for thirty year* chief consulting physician . to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Insti- I tUte, at HulTalo, N. Y. This 1h one of the v< greatest medical institutions in the world. In his capacity iu< head of litis Institution, ^ Jjr. Pierce is surronnded by a staff of nearly ci a scaife of able physicians. With the as. eistauce of this staff of physicians, daring the past thirty years. Dr. "Pierce has pre. Ui scribed for many thousands of ailing worn, en. His "Common Sense Medical Ad. . ,r-,. luiiwiiin ?*< ? tmgcn nnu over ,h*i illustration*. It contains several chapters p! devoted to the treatment of diseases pccu- tl, liar to women. A paper-covered copy is on sent free oil receipt of n one-cent stamp*, ar to rover mailing, by the World'" Uispen- At nary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. V. French cloth binding 31 stomps. C, Hvrry woman should read it. It tclla about a medicine that cures all disorders ? and irregularities from which women sttf* r fer. Tim medicine is Dr. I'ierce'n Favorite Prescription. It acta directly on the deli. ratr organs concerned in wifehood and motherhood. It makes them strong, healthy and vigorous. It allays inflamma- n< tioc, heals ulceration. stops debilitating hi drains and soothes pain. It in the great- ?f , ?t of all nerve tfinles. In the "Mcdical nj \Adviser " hundreds of women tell tbflr ex. nr periences with this medicine. The " Pavorite Prescription" la for m!? by all good b, Ofedlcine dealers* & ' fhe ThieyMethod of Treating Diseases f the Masai Passage*, Bronchial Tubes and Lungs HAS BBBy i-uunw I ltd tj Inhalation, the OfllT War Pro* Tided 1)7 nature (or Rucblaf tic i Parts Affected ] ELIEF ALMOST USTMUHEOUS atarrb. Catarrhal Deafheaa, Coujha, y- Coldi, Bronchitis aod AltlUM < nixmrnl) at Ono? to \hm Vrw Autrtllafi pryilr Trwtowat. It Xm OiuuMl. Tint Ciunh. rronchitU and PncQflMala an kcow I more prevalent every year It admitted by *11 medlmen. the treatment* heretofore uied proving of oc due whatever, at only hvoftr tent of all the peopk eated with tprayt, douche*, vapon and atomltert ?ve ever been cured. Understanding this, the mai tccett of " Hyotnei"lt readily explained. FhyW ant who for years have been eareblnc for tom< eans by which tbo onward inarch of these dread jeatet could be ttayed were impressed by the math i uied io the New Australian Dry Air Treatment id toon became convinced that It was tbt only waj t which Mfarit of the air pa us get (a tba head iroat and lungs could ba reacted j fUrtbertnpee,aten !atl* of"ltyomei" itatff proved beyond IT quesUu itt thii ?u the only analeptic known which wouH istroy the germs of theie dfwaset completely. Fron lis time on the uw of " Hyomcl la the trestlpcflj ' diieases of the air passages has grown with suet itonUhiof rapidity that to-day there are thousand] pon thousands of men and women throughout -th< )untry niing the litttle pocket inhakr and beiai ir?d of diseases which have heretofore been consid red incurable. Remember, there Is but one Ifycmti. but 0m )ry AirJTrtatmtnt, and-it it gumratittid. ' " Hyomel" InhaJer OuiBt. txjeo. Em bottle. Hyomei," 10c. "Hyonftl,/Bal?n, a wonderful faier, ?,c. Ou be obtained of your drug1st, or BT KAIL. Pamphlets free/, R. T. BOOTH COMPANY. H>m? 20-21 Auditorial BiiHdliifl. Chicago, III. ick swings a nasty right over Oscar's ripping eye. Round 8. Oscar puts left -hook on 3dy. Jack uppercuts him. He tries tbbing on Ofcar'e eye, tout not very rong, He puts steam 'behind a few on le br< ast. Oscar is cool, and keeps foliwing him up. Rourd 9. After an exchange Oscar jrns Jack around with & left swing a stomach. Jack punches a few on le face. They exchange body swings, ick frequently finds face with left, and its other hand on the body> Jack gets iray from a bad swing. Oscar cheers Is friends by another of his familiar :omach punches. Hound 10. Continued fast work. Os\r lands on stomach. Jack goes after Im, landing several face taps. He uses Is reach In uppercuttlng, but Oscar looks. Then they start to mi* It In scar's corner, "both punching. Suddenly scar swings his left on the pit of Mclelland's stomach. That settles It. Mac rvps on his back. Pearce Is counting le fatal ten. Jack Bennett jumps Into >e ring, excitedly trying to get McClelmd to rise, and next helps to drag him > his corner. Then somebody backing the Plttsurgher cried "Foul." Another voice ikes It up. and then another, until a rowd of the Smoky City -brethren varm around Pearce, telling him that [cClelland was hit too low. Just to itlsfy all parties, as Is characteristic of Im, Leslie suspended his decision un1 two physicians could examine Mclelland. This was done, and they reorted that the knockout blow wasn't Imlnistcred In the place claimed. NATIONAL LEAGUE. lubs. Won. Lost. Per. ncinnatl 4? 23 SM >ston 3R 23 .623 levoland 21 24 .fiOA iJtlnjoro 24 24 .fiSB llcniro 88 26 .m ttsburgh 33 28 .Ml ew York Z) 31 .1X3 illadelphla 27 29 .182 rooklyn 24 34 .414 rashlngton 24 37 .393 Dulsvllle 21 42 .333 .. Louis 21 42 .333 YESTERDAY'S GAME8. Madelphla 17. Cincinnati 3. Brooklyn 8, Pittsburgh 5. Chicago 7, Now York 6. Louisville 9. Baltlmoro 1. Washington 13, St. Louis 3. Boston 10, Cleveland 6. TO-DAY*1?" GAMES. tilladclphla at Cincinnati. New York at Chicago. Ilorton at Clovcland. Baltimore at Louisville. Brooklyn at Pittsburgh. Washington at St. Louis. PITTSBURGH, June W.-Klllen was locked out of the box In the fourth lnng. Pittsburgh could do nothing with unn until the seventh, when Padden ade a homo run on a long drive to left, >d in the eighth, with the bases full, he cared them with a three-bagger. Attendee. 1.200. Score: I TTSBURGH. AB. R. BIT. PO. A. E. onovnn, r. f 6 0 2 1 1 0 Brhn, c. f 4 0 1 3 0 0 pay. 3b 3 1 0 2 0 1 cCarthy, 1. f 3 1 2 2 0 1 avis, lb 4 1 1 10 0 0 idden. 2b 4 1 2 2 5 0 awerman, c 4 0 1 4 2 0 ty, h. 3 0 0 4 3 3 "onnehlll 0 1 0 0 0 0 lllen, p 1 ? J ? J hines, p 2 0 0 0 0 0 Ichrlver 1 0 J> J) TotnlH 34 5 9 27 13 2 Batted for Ely In ninth. tBatted for Rhtnes In ninth. ROOKLYN. AB. R. BH. PO. A. E. rillln, c. f 3 1 1 - 0 0 mcfl, r. f <....5 2 2 1 0 0 "chance, 1. f 6 0 0 2 0 0 urkur, lb.. 3 - 2 12 1 0 allman, 2b 4 1 2 - 3 1 ilndle, 3b 4 1 1 4 fi 0 "i00?- ? 1 i 1 I ! S unn, p 4 0 2 0 2 1 Totals 30 8 12 27 15 1 Ittsburffh 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 1?6 ooklyn 0 0 0 4 2 0 2 0 0?8 Warned runs, Pittsburgh 3; Brooklyn 3. tvo-baso hits, Tucker, ilullmnn, Maroon, tirec-bavo hit, Paddon. Homo run, Pad>n. Stolon base, Donovan. Double plays, ray, Padden and Davis; Donovati and ray; Shlndle and Tucker; Miwoon, Hallan and Tucker. First buso on balls, off Men 2; off Hhlnes 1; off Dunn 2. Hit r pitched boll, Gray. Struck out, by Klln 2; by Rhlnca 1; by Dunn 2. ffiiorlflce ts, O'lirlen, Gray, lime, 1:36. Umpires, ynch and Andrews. WON by"crtpples. CHICAGO, June 30.?Chlcairo presented crippled team to-day, which won nn untorestlng game from New York. The vls:>rs played llHtlwsly. Uoth pltchera wore ;ry wllu. Attendance. 2,200. Score: RHB r>w York ....1 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 0?i* 8 <J itcn/fo 0 0 0 4 0 3 1 0 *?7 (1 3 Earned runs. Now York 1. Tiat lories, lymour and Warner: I?bell and Donahue, tnplref, Snyder and Connolly. Time, 1 MB. ONLY TWBNTY~8HVBN HIT8. CINCINNATI, June 3?.-Dommann nhn/1 nn Tuna.lnu ntu1 tin WflA !)lft frtl* i* riillllcH to-day. Tho vWtOHl mado ily twonty-BOven lilts, That l? mora tlmn ly 1 m )mh inmli' in n icamo thin mmukmi. ttondancc, l.fcOO, Bcoro: n 11 e nrlnnnti ...0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0- 3 7 4 lillndnlp'ii ..4 2 0 C 0 2 1 1 1?17 27 4 Earned run*. Philadelphia IB; Cincinnati Hutt'-rioM, Danunann and I'clt*; Ponaio and MoForland. Umpire*, lSraidla and oydler. Time, 1:60. birds t/lflkanother. LOTJIRVTLT/E. Juno W.-Tho Tllnln wcm ?t at their brut to-day, and tho Colonels ?rt i-H?y nailing. Mcc/raw wan nut out tfi<* qnme ar,< 1 off tho KvounrlH by I>mro O'lJay la thu third (fining. Attendico, SOU. Hcort; mi e iiltflvllln 0 0 4 0 1 I0 3 * 9 l? 1 iltlmor* o 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 6-1 A 8 Earjjod run* LouJavillo 2. BatterJcM, Cunnloifcara and Xjttridtc: > Jjj Clarke. ^Umpire*. 0*Day and McDonald. A BLUaoiNQ MATCH. CI.EVEI-AND, June ?.-To^?y'? ?ame wu? a ululating tt? 2*)? In* the beet of It. The flfldtas ra looee on boUi Hideo. Score: R H E Cleveland ....? 8 II 0 ? ? ? K5 ,2 J Bonton 0 0 i 0 0 6 1 1 1?1015 ? Earned rune. Cleveland 1: Boiton 1. Botterli-e, Young. Wilson. CKCMinor and Itmmer: Lewli, Willie. KlobedanJ ani. Yeaaer. Umulroa, Cuehman and CurrjC Time. 3:90. Attendance. 1.SOO. SENATORS HIT CAUSEY. ST. LOUIS, June ?.-Kld Carter * ? <" h#? ho* to-dav 'tor the Browns, and tno Senators giLvt him an awful thrashing. Croat ?pl& -a flnitcr In tho fifth Inning, ' and will be laid; up. Score: ? Tt K St. LouIi^O 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Ml 2 Wash'gton ...0 8 0 1 J 1 0 0 0-18 14 1 Earned rims, Washington 4. Batteries, ' Car My and Clements; wejfhlng and Far[ rell. Vmplrea, ffwnrtvrood and Wood. 1 [Time, 1*5. ' j CLDVTStiAND BALL CLUB fro be Transferred to Another City, j , Lock of Support the Cause. CLEVELAND, Ohio, June 30.-It Is pnYbable piat no more league base ball games will be played In Cleveland, this season at least, after the series of three gomes with St. Louts, beginning July 7. President RoWson Is out of the city now nrarnglng to have the games transferred. The cause Is lack of support j upon the part of the public, and Preul-??* t>?Ki?,n?...??0l. stvor thft refusal I UCIIfc UUUIOWU O ? [ ot the church element to allow Sunday | game*. $f he succeeds In transferring , the games to other cltlee, It i? probable r that Tebeau and his Indians will be wearing some other uniform than Clevef land's next year. m-sm LEAGUE ' At Toledo. ' HHE .Toledo .........1 2200000 1-<J 93 Gr'il Rapids...0 1 0 0 6 0 0 0 *?7 10 4 Batteries?Ferguson and Arthur; Harper and Cote. At Springfield. RIIE Sprlngflela ....1 0000000 1-2 41 Dayton 0 00000000-052 Batteries?Poole and Grafflus; Brown and Latimer. At Fort Wayne. R H E Ft. Wayne..0 100101008-6 11 3 Mansfield ...0 102000000-3 11 2 Batteries?Herr and C&m'pbell; Kellum and Belt. At Youngstown. RHE Youngstown ,,1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-2 7 2 New Castle ...0 ^0000100-471 Batteries?Martin and Goodhart; Miller, C. Smith and Zinram. BOWLING. - ? ?* M C. C. C. 18U iU. m. . B. Welty 144 13) 129 Oaus 166 171 149 Cochran 172 136 128 Weltsel 138 161 174 1 O'Kane 147 1?4 147 Stevenson 148 191 189 Totals 906 943 908 ARGONAUTS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Evans 171 169 116 Gordon 136 172 133 Sarver 151 163 156 O'Nell 178 1S3 138 McDonnell 153 131 135 Clark 109 133 IV Totals ?8 02$ FITZHUGH LEE. 1st *2d. 8d. Knoko 113 123 136 Kaln , 100 12) 101 Dannenbcrg 153 VA 139 Wapfr 154 165 132 Mann 100 100 136 Robertson 8T 130 131 Totals ... 702 795 765 K. K. K. 1st 2d. M. Jackson 150 137 138 W. McKlroy 106 Itt 148 Ray 164 127 130 By cot t 192 149 152 Hackman 149 137 160 Blind 132 120 147 Totftls 893 808 875 JOHN BRIGHT THE WINNER. CINCINNATI. Ohio. June SO.?Talbott Bros.* great three-year-old colt, John Bright, won the Hlmyar stakes at Latonla to-day, net value to winner, |5,500. Plnkcoat and Han d'Or also ran, ~ t ?/nr? tv TOWN. "SiXtCfKCl iinvin John Mason, of Charleston, better known as "Steeple Jack," Is In "WheelIng again, and was the observed of all observers yesterday afternoon while engaged In regllding the weather vane that tops -the steeple of St. Matthew's P. E. church, on Ch&pllne street. Hundreds of people watched "Jack" during the two or three hours he apent In his perilous occupation. When he finally came down about 8 o'clock and safely entered the tower there was a general sigh of relief. ' GRAND Concert by Caecella Meennerchor and Keller's Orchestra at Mozart Park, Sunday, July S. BBHWOOD. Oreexy ffmi Items Gathered In the Bn?y Mn rait alt Conntr Town. On July 12, the local tribe of Red Men, and auxiliary and side orders,will spend a social evening. The occasion's chief feature will be the presentation of an American flag and banner to Blazing Arrow tribe, by the Haymak era* Association. The Daughtors of Pocahontas will be present. Great Sachem H. C. Showalter, of Harrlsvllle, has been Invited to attend. The following ofllcera have been electI ?/i far fho nnRittnir nix months bv I31nz Ingr Arrow trlbo, No. 10, of the (Red Men: Prophet, Jncob Becker; sachem, John N. Carpenter; senior sngamore.G. W. Carpepter; Junior sagamore, Harry Shepard; collector of wampum, Ell Bean; keeper of wampum, L, W. Logaton; chief of records, Ed. M. Noel. Many Benwood friends shook hands yesterday with Professor G. M. Ford,formerly principal of the Central school, now In charge of the Concord nortoai. Professor Ford.with his wife, Is attending the state education society's meeting. Martin O'Toole, of BHlalre, employed at the lower steel works, had his foot injured yesterday, a piece of Iron fallon It. One toe was amputated by Dr. McDonald. A vei*y large crowd attended the picnic at Mozart park yesterday given by fit. Matthew's congregation, and all spent a very enjoyable time. Squire Lacey bound over to the grand Jury, Albert Schrumpf and William Kelts, charged with bombarding a North Benwood house. Yesterday Louis Davis, who was so badly burned by an Ingot explosion Wednesday night, was resting easy and his recovery Is assured. E. H. Updegraff, a Cleveland, Lorain & wheeling fireman, was visiting ma friend, yc?terday. Druggist W. C. Hums. "Pearl town" has been supplied with another now sign and flag by Its discoverer, Edward Pearl. W. II. Nuztim, of Anderson, Tnd., has ' returned homo after visiting R. 0. flatterfleld. ' lllshop Donahue will confirm a large class at Bt. John's church next Sunday. The colored camp meet Inn at Whiteman's grove Is being largely attended. Dr. Alley has returned from Pitts, burgh. (ITfAND Conrrrt by Canccl la Mnennerclior nnd Keller's Orchestra at Mozart Park, Hunday, July 3. LABOR DAY Picnic of the B. C. T. ft L. V., at Moxart Park Saturday* Jffair & S jfa'nts Jl Is much easier to keep the fittr K-L? t Jl It.. U J- tn tvu%n yuu ruvs u whhi h m iv #?,jfoi* H "tofun iff lost. If yoar htir is "coming oat" it needs insttnt .afienlion. The est of AVER'S HAIR VIGOR tuitt promptly stop the htir from filling, and sttmulsle it to netu growth. " Some yetrs xgo my htir benn ioftll out *ni I itomt quit* btli. I <wu tdvistd to try AJxyers jftcu'r at ISSa vigor Hj -> tnd hid used It bat * Rshort time Men my B?? Mi? hiir cased to fttt out Kp-T-'- ?R?S tnd * nciv tna vigorout gromthtmde ttttp gjSSg?? ptirtnct.NyhnirlsntftB tbuntUnt tnd glossy." Bf-^saraas. Dim RockotUe, Wis. BElLAISt AllSorUor LomI 9f?ws?nd Goulp From lb* UImi ci?r. The Fourth ward hose company was called out at 6:30 o'clock yesterday morning, to extinguish a small blaze at the home of B. Charapucy on Guernsey street, caused by a gasoline stove exploding. Mrs. Champucy was standing near the stove at the time and would have been seriously burned had It not been for her rare presence of mind In wrapping some carpet about herself as her clothing fire. Mrs. Champucy'a left arm was slightly burned. The damage done to the house did not amount to much. The social given by the ladles of the First Presbyterian church at the home of Mrs. Lizzie Woodbrldge, last evening, was largely attended and a neat sum was realized. There will bo a picnic held at Belmont Park to-day,given by the Sunday school of the Disciples' cnurcn or jsast iaverpool. A large crowd from (bis city; went down. Mrs. John Burns received yesterday a check for $1,800 from the Maccabees lodge, for the death benefit carried by her husband, who recently died. George Westlake will go to New Cumberland to-day, where he will play ball to-morrow and Monday with the team of that place. Miss Ms*rtle Clements and brother, Charles will leave next week for Lakeside, O., where they will spend a month. The African Methodist Episcopal church held .a festival in city hall last evening. It will be repeated this even- . ing. ? Sheriff Darby took Mrs. J. A. Peddlcord and Mrs. William Nichols to the asylum at Columbus yesterday morning. Harry Thompson and wife will leave to-morrow for Barnesvllle, where they will spend two weeks with relatives. Amos Roacoe and sister have return ed home from a ten days' visit with friends and relatives In Cleveland. Mra Mary Murray and daughter, Clara left yesterday for Epworth Park where they will spend the summer. j Mrs. J. A. DrJjJgs, of the Fifth ward, Vina orrtno tn CMi?V#?lnnd to snend two J weeks with relatives. Miss Mary Paul has returned home : from New Athens, where she spent a week with relatives. Mrs. Edward Ebcrllne and son, of . Pittsburgh, are the guests of relatives j in the Fourth ward. J Miss Gale Hornbroolc, of Wheeling Is- ] land, is visiting friends in this city. J Miss Alice Douglas, of Pittsburgh, Is i visiting friend# In the city. ? To-morrow Is pay day for the cm- \ pJoyes of the steel works. LABOR DAY Picnic of the B. C. T. & L. U., at Mosart Park Saturday. GRAND Concert by Caecclla Maennerchor and Keller's Orchestra at Mo- { zart Pork, Sunday, July 3. j O i 4th of Jnly Excaralon Tim P<uniflr?nl? Llnti. July 2, S and 4 excursion tickets, at one J fare for tho round trip, will be sold ac- ] count 4th of July festivities via Penn- * sylvania lines; return coupons good until Tuesday, July 6, inclusive. 28-30-2 TO LOAN. , Monet to, 110.000.00. * 115.000.00. $20,000.00. GEO. J. MATIII, Real Estate Agent. 130S Market Ht. np8 BICYCLES. . OUR, Leading Wheels are Rambler, Sterling, Victor, Irflnal ? UCUli s ALL OTHERS s J jt j* j* Will be closed out at less than cost. This * means a few good bargains ji in wheels. |1 r 1' -JL-- K q JASON C. STAMP, 1523 Market Street. BTTMMSB UMBIIIWliB-iOl A r*Tr T7^P<f rf ll tT It^l //5 AWJL-IUi Vf#*? A WI FOR To-day we offer seven) dozen of Ladies', Men': S'ajimmnier^ Uni Hrl/1 linnc in manv in! vuu *?? mm... j ing of Ladies' square, neck, short or long slee lieu or Jersey ribbed i shirts and drawejs, ball short sleeve-shirts; dra^ and finished top. All I in Children's garments. Gee-Half Still Oo Sale Today, Elegant ORGAI DIMIT] and SWISS] New St} White and Colored Shirts for Men, 50c quality Geo. E. Stir (Tj)NE CENI^B w \J =A WORD -V^r W ?? All solid advertisements under - 5 ? the following headings: : : ' WANTED. PERSONALS, TIT LOST AND POUND, gplcoi FOR RENT, FOR SALE, to a 1 will be Inserted at tho rate of p!u QNE^CENT^AMWORD! W town 1 1 1 to ta iT.o * nl!f? R0P09AL8?HOTElI nfjln outfit Bids will bo received until tho 1st day of Tulj. A. D. 189S, for the building of a now If AN ?otel building by Brast Bros., of Now Mar- tno T insville, W. Va. Drawings and speclllca Ions can be seen at the Brant House, New Martinsville, and at the office of Tho W, 3. O'Neill Co., architects. Marietta, Ohio. Bids* are wanted for the several parts of :he building, each trade being bid upon -fc A ?eparntely, and for tho entire work. Tho jwners reserve the right to rejeot any and TTOJ ill bids. BBA8T BROS.. Ij o Je9 New Martinsville, W. Va. at No ?FOB SALFl. q OR SALE -SALOON. NO. 1188 WATER H, street. je< ?. QANARY BrRPS-A FINE LOT OF S" Hartz Mountain Boilers at HENRY ?2* :LMBH1QHT'S, corner Markot and JXT Sixth streets. apH T* fjioR SALE?ONE AND ONE-HALF = |J lot in Greenwood cemetery; fin? localion; corner lot; adjoining best Improvenents In cemetery. Address CEMETERY -%.-rrv LOT, care Intelligencer office. apH X" ^ Foir Sale. sft havin Tho two-story brick house, No. prcsei 52 Sixteenth street and houfe In tho rear, Pith ground appurtcnusit thereto. Jc2!> GEORGE E. BOYD, W. J. W. COWDEN. XT? _my2fl Spcclal Rccelvor* ^ pOR SALE r&r offer I FEW CHOICE LOTS AT EDGMuTOH. jj? CUEAP A^O ON FASV TtSltlU {jjjj* W. V. HOGE, "Krm nty Bank HullUlng. lauP Market St. _Je29 FOR; SALE. A" ^<otl Central QIms Works Stock. Willis Fostorla Glass Co. Stock. the h< Crystal Glass Co. 8tock. lr.doht Went Virginia GIjish Co. Stock. aceoui Warwick China Co. Stork qu<?tc Aetna-Standard Preferred Stock. 0f the Aetna-Sutnlurd Common Stock. Hnnk of Wheeling Stock. 1c29 Wheeling & Belmont HrldRo Co. Stock. - _ Wheeling Riidge Co. Stork. Wheeling Rrldge Co. Ronds. J3I Wheeling Pottery Bond*. All i FOR RENT. hereb; Fine residence, completely furnished. JJJ.1/? rlth nil modern conveniences, on ChapIne between Twelfth and Fourteenth In'9 n trecta. Pouenaion can bo had at once. jc?s-( HOWARD HAZLETT. TUCKS, HON IIS AMI 1XVF.1TJIF.KT5, Not, Eiehango llnuk llillltltnic. J >. , debteil T.TCGAL NOTIOE8. ro TfiK crkiiYtous or THIS nAisn countSONS CI ROCK 11 COMPANY : You ore hereby notified that the under* ~:_~r toned have been, by the United States clruit court for tho Dietrlct of Went Vlrin hi. In the milt In equity therein pond- Notl r-ir whWeln B, 8. Baer and other* nr* Connu lutotirrn. and the liner Bonn Oroe*r Com* proprl any and other* aro defendant*. appointed Comix pealvorn for eald Baer Sons Qrocer Com- for th iiirfy and of all property, real and per- Per* mm I. and you nrc hereby notMed and re- reque* ucfftou 10 hip wnn ub ni nn onnjr a ?my within h practicable your claim* nteuln*t fit Ul r-rod ofenrtnnt company for adjustment and quente ayimnt. . _ enble IIOWAHD HAZLETT, attain* B. S. KAHH, pnyinr Hecolvcr*. Wheeling, W. Va., June 85, 1S08. Jc28 je38-i 1 1 ' 1 1 ygg x a. BXiwg. > oo. laps HIOLE DOLLAR J FIFTY CENTS. | ty-five or eighty s and Children's stances; consist- . V, high or low :ve vests, Richerlrowprc TVfpn's """" * sriggan, long or || vers, knit ankle <inds and sizes All at Pridell J ? j toies, [ES j? * ' ' I ^Iss, 15c a Yard. _ 25c each-> ' fel Co. j WANTED. v.-;^ ANTED-LADY CLERK. ADDRESS . // A. B., care Intelligencer office: Joy \" L ANTED?TO TRADE, A NEW /1 Singer sewing machine for a horse. LJ r to SINGER SEWING MACHINE 2*" No. 70 Twelfth street. mrlS . r ANTED-AGENTS AT. ONCE) TO sell teas, coffees, baking powder. I i and extracts. Promotion assured kooiI, hustling man; must give bond. ND UNION TEA CO.. Johnstown, je2&* ANTED?3 MEN IN WHEHG7NO j and one man in each unoccupied I in West Virginia and adjoining states i ke orders for mcn'tt made to order at $4.50 to ?15.00, mostly 11.60 to $10.00; ^ . 11.50 to 3G.U0. 560.00 per month made t ginncrs without experience. We fur- ? lull lino of samples and all necessary For application and reference v and full particulars address AMER- SBSsf : woolen mills co., Tailor* for rade, Chicago, 111. Je8 FOR RENT. ,v1-1 T?T^.VT_RP?VT^T? AT. OOOH ROOMH n the City Bank Building. Inquire at S& Ity Bank of Wh?ling. wtW . I REXT-nTHRBE ROOM8 ON SECND floor. All conveniences. Apply \ . >. H? South Broadway. jell Nine (D) dture room* (fluglo t or together) on Tenth and Mala . I streets. Five IB) room* second (loot J at 30 Virginia street. Store room at 30 Virginia St. JAMES L. HARTLEY, , Real Eiitnte. 100ft Main St. i i ??m ASSIGNEES' NOTICES. ctce. persona knowing thomselvee In1 to tfio firm of B. F. Horkhelmer & ;JH please cnll and settle. Those K claims against thorn will please at them for adjudication. . e. BUCKMAN, Assignee, Room is, fyt change Bank Building-. tick. Buckman, having been appointed 100 of the firm of 13. P. Horkhelmor '-J?? , do hereby gtvo nottco that I will ;r ; for ^alo th? entire stock an?l flxsltuntr In Hoom 18, Exchange Bank 4 ng, belonging to said firm, either in or In whole, to the highest bidder. . j can l>e seen and examined at any ? In aforesaid room. Terms to bs 1 upon at tlino of sale. E. BUCKMAN. , Assignee. JIGNEE'S NOTICE. ice Ik hereby given that R. H. D. hns mado an nsslKnment to mo for went of hln creditor*. All nersoos ed to him ore required to nettle their ut* without delay. Creditors are ro>d to file with mv verified statements :> lr claims for adjustment. <V. B. HIGGINS. .! Trusteo and Assignee. HCE. persons Indebted to J. M. Stuart aro y notified to rail at my ofTlco and Immediately. Hutt will be brought <t ail parties falling to comply with Mjurst within thirty days. T. M. GARVIN, Assignee, tu ims Chapllno Street. .'i hck. eo Ik hereby pi von thnt It, B. Crt*? in* mad* nn alignment to mo for neflt of hU cnHlltom. All thou* Inl will plca^n call and, eettlo without creditor* will plon>?o fllo their *c- * properly probated, ut once. T. M. GARVIN, AMlgnoe. t? 1515 Chaplin* Street. PICK. pc Is hereby Riven thnt the Flintier*, mem ? Trade* Addre** Company, < etora of the Commercial Printing vny, linn mad* nn iu<Mlirnmnnt to mo o benefit or It h creditor*. ortH indehteil to wold company aro tetl to call ami aettlo their nccounta C it delay. , ^ , d (cor* nn- hereby notified and red to fllo with mo n? *oon nn prnCtl- tj th?>lr claim*. properly pro'mted. i t *nld company ror adjustment And " T. M. OA.ltVIN, AwHcnws i tu J518 Chopllne Street.