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I THE INTELLIGENCER. I MiM Mr. Caca*t taMr. Iff lie InteOSgeocar FobOsUag Co., ntm & fourraxn smn. ' tornU? P?r lar, br WI. ? j rnu>> Pr*p*K. . Daily on ?>r> i? tlx Wxk) i T?i-.* !/ Dally, ?xH?atl.? 1M ' Dally, T)|tm Mo??h?_ XM \ Dally (Thraa Days la tlw W?ak).___ S-00 l_: Jfally(Tw? UuWMk) ?.00 ' ' Ualiy (Om? M<mtk) ? ? . ? Waaklj, (On* Y?ar la Unaa|__. 1.00 I Waakly (dx Hoatka) , ? ?0 THE DAILY INTELLIGENCER ll dallTmt by carriers In Wh?lint and j Jaunt towns at 10 emu ptr weak. Ptrsonx wishing to sulMcrlba to THE k. nilT-T TVTPT.T.TriffVPir.R An ma I Rb by tending to their orders to the Inly'1, / TELLIGENCER office on postal cards or otherwise. They will be punctually Pj'f, served by carriers. ?w tribute# Of Respect and Obituary Notices re' 60 cents per inch. p Correspondence containing Important j*, news solicited from every part of the Kg; v 'surrounding country. . Rejected communications will not be rep!turntd unless accompanied by sufficient IjT l*"0 ia lAajuiuanuan, cuiu hviub seVeftl editions, la entered In the Postoffice at Wheeling, W. Va^ aa tecond-claaa TELKWOKB IftJMOIIU C^Horial toowt 8711 Coeetiaj K?.....!.g23 THE jNTELLIGf NCER. WHMELtHO, JPLY 8, tMi. iF ~~ /BhrggBk ttWCEH^ ^ FlMf of. the free heart's hope and hornet joy uni nunu? iw ? ?? Si Thy aura have lit the welkin dome, "> And all thy hues were born In Heaven. ? Forever float that standard sheet! Where breathes the foe but falls be& fore us, .With Freedom's sotl beneath our feet, And Freedom's banner streaming oer us? ^ ?Joseph Rodman Drake. CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION. K The First Congressional District Republican Convention will be held in the Park Casino, Wheeling, on Thunday,- July 14, 18& at 11 o'clock a. m.. to nominate a can* ' dldate for Representative In the Congress W: of the Unlt??d States, to be voted for at the election to be held In November next. < TOe counties of the district shajl be en<: titled to choose delegates to said conven tlon as follows: -r' Brooke 9 Lewis 18 Braxton IS Marshall 96 ?j> Doddridge 17 Ohio ............... 57 . Gilmer 10 Tyler 24 fi2> Harrison 80 wetsel 1? Hancock 8 E By order of the committee. C. D. ELLIOTT, Chairman. I ^W^XW. CQWPBW. Secretary. OHIO COUNTY REPUBLICAN TICKET. (Nominated June 28, 1898.) For House of Delegates* ? , H. P. BEHRENB, B. W. CONNELLY. . kv . HARRY W. McLUREl i . RALPH McCOY. J The General Situation. The decision, to send Watson and his squadron to Spain at once, and the news from Dewey to the effect that the Amer lean troops have been landed, and are ft ? comortably quartered, are important features of the news this morning. Bath Items relieve the public mind of some ' anxiety, and future* developments in the Philippines and the demonstrations gainst the Spanish coast will be await: ed with great Interest as having important bearings on the-general situation. The feeling in this country and Europe, that the aggressive movements of ; the Vnlted States, and the succession of disheartening reverses s ustained by Spain are surely hastening peace, 4s growing. The condition of the Spaniards at Santiago is of the most discouraging nature, and the decisive blow to be delivered there will bring matters to a climax in Spain's domestic situation. The persistent reports from London from tifgn sources mat ?pain win bcok [I- peace negotiations within a short time are of the deepest significance, and there is'little doubt that developments of unusual Importance In this connection are brewing. The government Is not giving out Its plans with regard to the active operations at Santiago, but reinforcements and supplies will be hurried to the front. It will depend upon the decision arrived at by the navy and military commanders at (he scene when the flnal blow will be delivered. There <s everything In the general situation to encourage a hope for an early peace movement on Spain*! part. With her rests tho responsibility for a continuance of the war. Schley Kept hit Promise. When, on the 29th of May, Commodore Schley, of the 'flying squadron, discovered the Spanish lleet In Santiago harbor, lie exclaimed: "I have got them, and they wJU never get home." On the third of July, three days over five weeks later, the opportunity offered, and he kept that promise. In the meantime, Schley'.* squadron had been combined with Sampson's, and the entire fleet was under Sampson's command. But circumstances so shaped themselves thai when the moment came for Cervera to make his desperate but courageous dash for JJberty, It happened that Schley was In temporary command of the American fleet, and It fell to his lot to perform the work of annihilation of the Spanish fleet and to end Spain's sea power. There are Fatalists who may regard the fact that It was Schley who was In temporary command at the precise moweokfl after his declaration. *I have got them, and they will never get home," tin a fulfillment of the law of Inevitable necessity. There are others who regard the two Incident#, and the circumstances placing Schley In the ponit fori ho was in the absence of the commander of the American fleet, as the work of an overruling Divine Power In orderthat the bra ve American officer who made the famous declaration might 1><> the one to verify It, and thereby fulfill a destiny marked out for him. .WJia/evsr theories tnco huJd, and I whatever faith <hfy bold, whether Fatalists or Mlnm In i'rorldetifcUl dispensation, whatever they find In shaping of circumstance* so that flchley should be suddenly confronted with the opportunity to make good his promise, anijwlu the distinction of having performed one of the moat marvellous feats In the history of naval wars. In vindication of their beliefs, Schley made the promise and performed the duty. That la the one fact to the minds ?f all, and for (that faithful pefortnance be will receive the honors he won so bravely. The title ha won to honorable promotion la indisputable. The Hawagto Annexation, The passage of the .Hawaiian resolution by the senate was no surprise, aa It waa known all along that h would have a clear majority, but the slse of the ma Jorlty was larger than was expected. .The final action, wbtcli will make the Hawaiian Islands a part of the United States, and give this country an Important vantage point In the Pacific, Is an act of long delayed Justice. Recent events have demonstrated the necesstty for the acquirement of the territory, and brought about a withdrawal of mdch of the opposition which existed previous to the war. The large majority the resolution haa received in the senate and house <s a fair reflex of public opinion. Senator Elklna, In Us brief expressions on the subject contained <h a Washington special la yesterday's Intelligencer, takes a practical view of the necessity for the action at this time. Congressman Dovener glio tersely gives a common-sense view of h. Whatever opposition has been urged, and whatever mar be aald now against tfie annexation of the islands, cannot off-set I the necessity pointed out by the send or. The .great majority of the people have undoubtedly favored (he course, as was witnessed by the almost universal condemnation of President Cleveland's policy in hauling down the American .flag la Honolulu, and withdrawing from the senate the annexation treaty, which was popularly supported under the administration of President Harrl son. The argument that this action 1s but a step in a general poller "imperialIsm" la arrant nonsense, and Is urged for a purpose. The annexation of Hawaii has been advocated by our leading statesmen for more than halt & century, and by statesmen whose careers would belle any tendency toward imperialism they might be accused of. president Harrison, eight years ago, never had such an accusation brought against him. This argument in the Hawaiian matter simply serves a purpose on the part of the opponents. Time will vindicate the Judgment of the congressmen and senators who votea for the resolution, irrespective of party lines. A Cowardly Crew. The awful tragedy at eea In whtch more than 600 lives were lost by the sinking of the French liner Ixt Bourgogne was accompanied by scenes of terror and death which were unprecedented, almost. In the annals of auch disasters, and It Is a pity that every oowardly wretch who added murder to (he ayful work of the coWslon, and unmercifully -slaughtered defenseless women and weaker men while struggling for their lives was not spared to die upon the gallows, or to meet some ?rorse fate than drowning. The crimes that were committed by the foreigners In the iteerage, who were, for the most port, a tow class of Italians, "to the effort to save themselves, add a horror to the disaster which a reading of the details can give but a faint conception of. If among the survivors of the wreok there are any who can be Identified as having been guilty of the cowardly aotlons chronicled, swift Justice should be meted out to them. No less dastardly was the action of the French sailors manning the steamer, who fought the passengers from the boats with knives, and battered the helpless passengers from their only hope of escape, with the result that the strong overcame the weak, and but one j women out of 125 on board was saved, wMIe the cowardly brutes held possession of the means of salvation. A more lamentable fact in this connection Is that cowardice made wild beasts of the crew .of the great French trans-Atlantic liner, which liad prcj vtously carried across the ocean thounftiA mioOif havp af Anv time. been victims of such uncivilized cruelty as was exhibited on- this occasion. The conduct of the ignorant Italians, who did not hesitate to use their knives on women, right and left, to keep them from the boats?the savagery displayed by them was nothing compared with the brutality of a crew of a vessel owned by & great company, which enjoys the patronage of thousands of travellers to and from Europe annually. In all the disasters at sea such a total absence of heroic discipline which distinguishes, as a rule, the crews of civilized countries at such a ttme, has never been witnessed. Suggestion to Wheeling; Churches* Inronnectlon with President MoKlnley a proclamation letting apart the aiming .Sunday a? a day of Thanksstvlng throughout the country, for ttie succrsi of our soldiers and seamen In the war for humanity, and of prayer for the men at the front, that they may t>e pared from disease and suffering, and for the speedy restoration of peace, it Is suggested that, In this city, It would be nn opportune time In all.places of worship m,vD anppiAt* for the lte<l Croaa Auxiliary Society, lo-bc organic Saturday. Tho auggeatlon la a good one, and d?ubtle?? nil o' the churches In the community will heartily unite In Ita adoption. The noble work In which the Bed Cro?? la engaged la known to nil the clvlllied world. The organlaatlon of tho local branch la for tho purpoao of contributing aid to tho work In the proaent war. The people of Wheeling generally are ready to encourage the ladtea who have Inaugurated the movement, nnd will respond liberally; but no more approprlnte feature of the lh?nk?irlvlnK and prayer eervlcw to be held In the city churchc? Sunday, In response u>the eloquent appealof the President of the United fltaten, could be adopted than the taking of a collection for the benefl* of the AuxiUary. to order that It mar be assisted to a haiii tor the active work before It to tile great cauM of humanity to connection with the vrar. Not only would it he appropriate, but It would he to direct accord with the'spirit which prompted the President to Issue his proclamation, and which will prompt all who bHleve to the Divine guidance tore righteous cause to respond. In tha name at charity yesterday the members of the Women's Christian Benevolent Union, with a corps of fair young conductors, Cook possession of the Whedins street ralway, and put In-? day's good work Is gathering the farm to be devoted for the worthy purpose* of the organisation. The generosity of the suet car company and the services performed by the handsome conductors and their chaperones will be appreciated by the beneficiaries of the proceeds, as well as by the general public. The exodus of the people of Santiago to escape the bombardment Is accompanied by scenes of suffering among the thousands of men, women and children that are almost Indescribable. Such horrors always accompany war. The Spanish authorities brought upon these people the terrfble experiences they are Undergoing by their stubborn policy of remittance In ft hopeless cause. They count not the value of <he Uvea of the Innocents. One of our Ideal contemporaries refers to Wheeling'.'saloon-keepers who never permit anything like Immortality on their premises," tut who "frequently entertain respectable citizens and their families," which goes to show how easily a typographical error may moke a statement ridiculous. That little "t" which crept Into Immorality conferred extraordinary powers on the saloon Spain la reaping the eeed the government has sown by the systematlo deceit of the people In regard to the war equation. Already there are lamentations and muttering* of anger among the people on learning the fate of Cervera's fleet, after they had teen officially Informed that It had escaped, and were celebrating the supposed fact that It was safely on Its way to Havana. The exchange of Hobson and his brave . J tk.l? bo fa HaIIVWV companions, turn uini >?*?*. ?, within the American lines at Santiago, la news that wiilfce hailed with satisfaction throughout the country. All anxiety as to their possible fate in the event of the proposed bombardment is now at rest Hobson and his men And waiting for them honors in the way of promotions which are fitting tributes to their courage. 8TATE PRE8S GLEANINGS. In the event that we are a candidate? this year we are entitled to some consideration at. the hands of the farmers. We have a broad hoe that we use less than half of the time, a mabtock with which we dig sassafras root and a mowing scythe to harvest our dog fennel.? Calhoun Chronicle. What'9 on? Why Watson's on to Spain by way of the main?that's what's on?Martlnsburg Independent. The Telegram predicts that West Virginia wiH again be represented in the national congTese by a united Republican delegation. The Republican convention in the Third district named Hon. WVn. S. Edwards by acclamation. In the Second tne aeiepues, so iar Delected, make it certain that Dayton will be nominated, as he has fully nfnetenths of the delegates up to this Ume. Dovener's friends flirure that he now has 131 of the delegate* so far selected, with Ave counties, Including Harrison, to hear from. Dovener only needs 126 to nominate. In the Fourth district It 4? said that Miller will go in with little opposition, since Judge Freer has decided not to push his claims. This,?ln brief, is a summary of the congressional situation.?Clarksburg Telegram. A Rutherford, New Jersey, dJspatch in the Fairmont Expositor says: Mrs. Emily Mleyers, of Rutherford, and Robert J. Fleming, of Fairmont, W. Va., wero united' in: marriage at the Baptist parsonage last Wednesday evening by Rev. W. W. Ca*re, the pastor. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. W. E. WW4er, Mrs WaHer being- the daughter of the bride This marriage completed In a most pleasing way a most pleasing romance of forty years' standing. When a girl Mrs. Meyers lived in Holyoke, Mass., and Mir. Fleming was a resident of East Hampton in the same state. At sixteen the couple were lovers. But they were parted. Mr. Fleming married and went into West Virginia. Mrs. Meyera after her marriage came to this place. For forty yearn they did not see each other or hear of each other. A family grew up around Mr. Fleming and made homes for themselves, he having but one unmarried son at home. He was left a widower some time ago. Mrs. Meyers also saw a family grow up around her and marry, and she aim has but one unmarried son left. Her husband died several years ago. Last year Mrs. Meyers visited her old home in Massachusetts. She met J some relatives of Mr. Fleming, who ad- | vised him of her visit. A letter came from Fairmont to this city ami Its answer paved the way for the uniting: of the severed hearts. Two weeks ago Mr. Fleming came here and the couple met. The old Are did not need rekindling, and resulted as above. A gigging party saw two eels at the mouth of Knapps creek last Friday night. They are very unusual in these waters, pwlng, no doubt, to the fact that our river# Mow to the southern sens. Just across In Virginia they are plentiful. It Is authoritatively stated that eels only spawn in the ocean In temperate latitudes, and the number to be found in our rlver? corresponds with the eels that are to be found in landlocked waters. It may he that mlKrn.tory aquatic birds carry some of the spawn from the sua.?Pocahontas Times. About ton year? ago the suckers of Greenbrier river died by the hundred* front a large sore on their head or sides, soy? the Pocahontas Tlm<s. It was suggested that It was caused by the bans "horning" them. It was undoubtedly a dlieanc. Several suckers have been seen lately with the same kind of sores, and It may be this season will see an epidemic among- them again. The river hns Just begun to be well tin irnln u-llh ihlii flili In speaking of ... ?ome one suggested that the wet weather recently was the cause of It. . The biggest baby over born In thin section, no fur ns Is known, arrived at the home of J urnes W. Shrout. near town. Inrt Saturday. It waf a plrl baby ind kicked the beam at sixteen pounds. ,tn<3 httK beon named BJva.?-KlngwooA Argus. The farmers down about Hudsnrv, snys the West Virginia Argus, will surely ?? * - PIANOS. THe Stultz & Bauer Is a strictly high grade make of piano, that does not cost you extra for the reputation I I You pay for quality only* SOLD ONLY BY Milligan, Wilkin & Co. ALSO SELL ? JfflABE AND CAPEN PIANOS. UNITED STATES AND MILLER ORGANS. have a big buckwheat crop this year. They were In here last week after pho?phato that had been shipped' to this point and It made the oldi town lively for a little while. They hauled away three car loads from here, about 600 socks In all. One' car load went out Wednesday and two on Friday. That morning they came in' like a wagon train with the army, about forty teams In aM. P01HTED PAEAQRAPH8. The stamp clerk often weighs o{ber people's wordsi The fewer acquaintances a man haa the less he Is bored. Cut glassware wouldi be more popular If dealers would cut prices. A man Is srfdOm interested In the weight of another man's burden. Some men owe their goodness to the fact that they have never been tempted. Rumor Is gosjrtp's stTon<g fort and truth is. the dynamite gun that reduces It. A bicycle puts the person- who Is learning to ride it in touch with the whole earth. Some people are disagreeable because they can't attract attention any other way. It's a wise man who can appear stupid at -times, but some men carry it to excess. Some girl9 admit that engagements are failures, but they have their doubts as to marriages. Tha u-apV nf ?nm? flptlntd whft to be wedded to art doesn't Indicate that there la even an engagement. They say that matches are made in heavenv but his Saitanical majesty seems to have a corner on the brimstone market. In the International checker game the Prince of v. ales Is slowly nearing the king row and little Alphonso seems to be cornered in it.?Chicago News. ironical in. If a man is ignorant he soon publishes the fact. If a man itches for fame it umudly keeps him scratching. , If a man is a loafer he probably labors under a delusion If it was a moccasin snake no wonder Eve put her foot in it. If you want to please some men just tell them they look like actors. If you have plenty of dust it is an easy matter to blind the public eye. If a pugilist goes on the stage the audience has a poor show for its money. If a woman misses her husband when he is away her aim may be more accurate when he Is at home. If a man would know how much he is appreciated he should pose as a defendant in a breach of promise suit.?Chicago News. How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known P. J. Cheney for the last fifteen years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. ? .. mriTT IV WVaI...U . V> r.Dl ? inUrtA, IIUUICOUIB "iUftgists, Toledo, O. WAL.DINO. KIN'NAN & MARVIN. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall'* Catarrh euro is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 76c. per bottle. Sold by druggists. Hall's Family Pills are the best Blood Hiimnrs Whether itching, burning, blooding, scaly* crusted, pimply, or blotchy, whethor slaplo, scrofulous, or hereditary, from infancy to age, speedily cured by warm baths with Ctrricoiu Boap, gentlo anointings with Ctrncc*a(oiutment), the great skin our?, and mild doses Of CnTTOtTRA. RWOLTKNT. greatest Of blood purifiers and humor cures. j ?ticura ittnld throughouttb*world. roTTSlDino akbCsbk. Iwy Btoofl Humor," ft*. FACE HUMORS " THE INTELLIGENCER " NAVAL COUPON. ***** This coupon onu J TEN CENTS * presented at the bu?!noss office of the Intelligencer will entitle the holder to any one of the Intelligencer's Great Art Portfolios of mmmr WTST/t* r o 1 ll(r? it i (Til uniLC aAffli lUYi, containing 10 beautiful pictures of the United States wor vessels, JMAll back number* can still be had at 10 cents each, and if by mail add 2 cents each for postage. HKALBaTATB. PORJj^EIsTT. No. 119 Virginia street?. ......4 9 00 No. 129 Fiurteenth street 20 00 No. 1408 Warren street 9 00 No. 837 Wain street, .store room or double room with gas range and both cases furnished ? ?? 4-roomed house Second street. Martin's Ferry. Ohio ;.v 9 00 No. 175 Seventeenth street. S rooms.... 7 00 No. 2608 Woods street, 3 rooms 7 00 No. 2509 Jacob street 11 00 No. 8 Crescent Place 7 00 No. 2620 Alley B, 2 rooms 5 00 No. 2602 Main street, 8 rooms 6 00 No. 60 North Front street 18 00 No. 80 Sixteenth street, bottling cellar 1200 No. 82 Sixteenth street 10 00 No. 8f Sixteenth street, first floor..., 17 00' Store room on Market street Blacksmith ' shop near corner of Twenty-fourth end Market Ste....? 10 00 Stable 1H6 Alley B 5 00 2509 Alley B 8 00 No. 1816 Maln'street, store room 12 00 FOR BALE. , ?Two cottages on Moundsvllle Camp Ground. One Emerson Piano, cheap, .. , i JAMES A. HENRY. Heal Estate Agent. Collector, Notary Public and Pension Attorney, No. 1613 Main street Jel7 Real Estate for Sale. A BARGAIN IN NO. 9tZ MAIN BT.-9 rooms with all modern improvements, including laundry with largo wster Alter; splendid cellars: river view; side entrance. NO. 90 FOURTEENTH 8T.-2-Blory brick, 7 rooms, modern. NO. 118 FOURTEENTH ST.-# rooms and 1 finished attics; modern improvements; all in good order. NOfl. ? AND 6S TWELFTH ST.-Btores and dwelling; 10 feet front. . NO. 150 NORTH JilOJVA" bx,-f jug uuua dwflllnc; river lot. . NO. fl OHIO ST.?Fine brick dwelling; Jot ehlSO feet. - A* FINE FRAME DWELLING IN ELM GROVE, with an acre of ground. THE "THOMPSON HOMESTEAD." on the Pike botween Fulton and Leatherwood. BUILDING LOTS IN THE COUNTRY. Loans negotiated on Life Insurance Palirlen: on Stock* and Bonds, and on City Re|i Estate. RINEHART & TATUM, THE cm BA1K BUILDING.' Telephone 219. Room No. 6. WE OFFER FOR SALE -Building lot on Fourteenth street; no better location In the city; 35 by 320 feet. Lot in South Wheeling, on street railway, 60 by 100 feet, fl,60o?less than cost. One-half lot In South Wheeling, on street railway. 25 by 100 feet, J700. Cheap house, frame, 4 rooms; lot 40 by 160 feet; $600 only; East McColloch street. A Country Residence in moat desirable part of Pleasant Valley, on Elm Grovo motor and electrical line; one-third cash; balntina An flmn Large building sit? In Keaaant Vatoy, fronting on National Road, 106 by 230 feet, only $1,700 caah. * C. A. SCHAEFER & CO., jt Fourteenth md Market BtrwU. STO lbt.^ 6-roomed dwelling, modern conveniences, at 68 Zane street. 8-roomed dwelling, all the conveniences, at 22 South Penn street J , it 7-roomed dwelling, good location, 129 Fourteenth street. 7-roomed dwelling 87 South Front street. First floor 97 Bouth Front street. Second floor 66 Zane .street. 9-roomed dwelling 135 Zane street Will rent cheap to one or two famlllcf. 6-roomed house 12 South Broadway. 3-roomed houBe 106 Virginia. 6 rooms and bath 44 South Huron street. 6 rooms, bath, etc., with good stable. 193 iiMAt nn I ruble for 2 families. Gk O. SMITH, . Exchange Bank Building. oe FOR RENT. * 78 Zane street, o rooms and stable. 49 South York street, 7 rooms and bath and stable. 61 South York street. 7 rootns and bath. 41 New Jersey street. 5 rooms. S00 Main street. 8 rooms and bath. 1148 Water street, saloon. MONEY TO LOAN. theo.~wT fink, REAL ESTATE AGENT1320 Market Street. aUMMBlt BBSOttTS. OOHABT OITY, MD. Atlantto Hotel, directly on the beach. Open *11 the year. Modern Improvement*. 30o rooms. Finest bathing, boating and fishing, both bay and deep ?ea. Absolutely safe from invasion by foreign enemy. THFX). L PAGE, Manager. mm TMVtn t nTO /A. ..i. 1 JJUlliuiiiu uuia iur null), iuw. j'.usy terms. Own your own seaside cottage. Addreas. JOHN P. WAGGAMAN. ,00 ; Fourteenth utroot, Washington, D. C. roy30 SOTBD STRAND, Formerly the Monterey. Ocean end Virginia ave. Flnet?t location. Capacity 200. Entirely new throughout. Excellent in every appointment. Superior table. Ocean view. Write for booklet. Special rates for 4th of July. FAIRBAIRN & WILLIAMS, Atlantic City, N. J. Bow'? Botol. Directly on the Beach at Illinois Ave., Atlantic City, N. J. Undoubtedly the finest location. Every modern appointment. Including elevator, hot and cold sea water baths In the houte. Perfect service. American and European plan*. Je2I RICHARD BEW. 1 BorlL?hlro Inn. Virginia Ave., 100 feet from Beach. Atlantic City, N. J. Reduced rates for Juno and July. Capacity 300. First-class hotel with every convenience. Elevator to street level. Full ocean view. Culslno and service the best. Write for booklet. showing- Motel. new steel pier, golf link*, etc. jelS O. FRANK COPE. OHIISTXin. XBJ3XT. Orean end New York Ave., Atlnntlc City, N. J. Open all tho year. |2.w) per day. tlO to 11X80 weekly. Jel8 D. KNAVBR. INSURANCES. REHLESTATE TITLE INSURANCE. If yoa purchase or make a loan on real estate have the title Inaured by the Wheeling Title and Trait Go. ryt. 131.1 MAKKNr STKKCr. H. M. RUSS^i.L President L. F. 8T1F18L Socretury C. J. RAWL1NQ Vice President WM. li. TRACY*. Am't. Secretary G. R. B. Q1LCHIU8T.. Examiner ot Titles do!7 | UTtsl ASSOCUTtD PRESS i RIPORI IN THL ; || Intelligencer. 4* Ten Cents A Week... # ? ? . CTW ADVreTISt^taMT, ANTED?POSITION ^~TS LADT by * younc UJP r?r?rinr??. Andrrna "M. llttnoer oflloe. My \irA.NrED~AaEHTB TO s-fc-zrlV ooffco. Bplcc* and BaklnrtviS*; to famlilM; liberal commlulotu VSJ Kor ternw utiply to ORAND UNMcn^SSr CO., HQS FUth wain,. Pltubuoih. JjpCrflCB. ~Y A CAlW meeting of the Woman's r. pltal Association trill be held at the flt Hospital on Saturday morning. July jV 10 o'clock, for tho purpose of fonnlarf "Clara Barton Auxiliary." t By order of Executive Committee . I MRS. HOWARD HAZLETT. Sec',1 MR& WM. T. BUTLBR, Chalman/jJ Fifteenth Street Property TOR SALIC ? X am authorised to sell at a bargain ? sold quickly, the full lot on Fiftwn* street, at the corner of Alley E, on whiS ore three dwellings, numbered 45, ^ 49 Fifteenth street ^ J A MICH L. HAWUSf, ? 1065 Main Street. /LUTINGS AND PICNIC& The greatest solectlon of Delicaci* for M Camping Out you ever heard of-Chfck? I Tammies, Hot Vienna Sausage*. Whok (?1 Tongue, Roost Chicken and Turkey, ted Chicken. Ham, Beef and Tongue, 841 I mon. Sardines, Russian Caviar, etc.; alto I a fine selection of Cheese, Crackers im I Ilcklea. , 1 ALBERT STOLZE & CO. Root Beer 5Ctottle! H. F. Behrens Co. DEVELOPING AND PRINTlNj" ?FOB kmnianr PtinfAirriinliare ttllllUVUl 1 Ilvfrv?I wpilvlj* Mail Orders Solicited. W. G. BROWN. 1222 Market St. Fv t, tuHtt with hnriiche LSOil I and neunlgti when i Red Cross Powder 4 will cure you in 15 minutes* Sold by R. H. LIST, DRUGG1STJ?J?J? 1010 IWlin Stmt BcstuMfi CIIMUFD PTAniMf. (JUITIITlUt ItUVlUIIIUi fl American Copyright Novels by tlw Bat Writers, M Cloth Binding*. Illustrated to be sold at 33 1-3 PER CENT fROM PI* USHER'S PRICE- SI.50 Books for 5L00, etc., etc- See front table, near door. STANTON'S BBK We have a few Extra targe Refrigerators you can buy cheap. If you are in need of sometMng large and good we cm salt you. GEO. W. JOHNSON'S SONS, , 1210 Mala Street Summer School LEARN ^ WRITE AND HOW TO DO*USI.V?SS AT THE Wheeling Business College. bookkeeping. SHORTHAND, > TYPEWRITING TELEGRAPHY, and any of tho ENGLISH branch* JUST AS BUSINESS MEN REQUIRB THEM. SPECIAL arrangements for TEACH ERS and SCHOOL CHILDREN durtn; VACATION. Clauses formed each MO.V* DAY. VERY LOW PRICES. Call at or address the Collega, coma Main and Twelfth stroeta. Jel Marked Down Sale, SlifflM. Two thousand dollars' woni more than we ought to have at to season, and must be sold. Ail marked in plain figures thi will make them move quickly. Soma are soiled, but you c:! save more than the price of a bars of soap Oil each garment. Some fine Cambric eoods, to trimmed, in the lot. Call soon;-while your size is ? stock. This Underwear was made 1" Siegel Bros., of New York. arc noted *?aV?rs of high goods. ,1. S. Rhndfts Hi ft i iv > *? w wvv v? ERSONAL?FOU VERY 1IKS1Uc?. notary, iotffi and co? icq in, rubber utampf, revolving d;iur* iiaiin. duplicator*. tdmplex print'-' '* ,l!^H lihf. Idnnk book* and lodpc rock bottom price*. wrlto to Pub'r ? Inn I inn nor,' Piedmont, W. V?. ''-r ipond< nee aolli Ited H L? w u \ wo li Til of i: fl o 1UU UllCASIO navod tin- J' ktiiper by unlnK the Eleclrlc Onk uid Dropper. lie* ?* uny kind o> ' ?*' L to 6 minute*, and drop* In pan una of hpoon. Agents nrr coining . H Sample by ?*prc?s 76c .(<? lU'NNlKO A- CO.. U Hulbcrt Ulodk clnnutU O.