Newspaper Page Text
ONK-POUBT3 OP One-Foi CC the Pf'ce of ?v il or Cheviot Sui Suits that were considered (jj rj ?/ Iifceap at JK.O0 now.. V Suits that were considered ff> Q A/ clitap at $11M now.. V Suits that were considered $4 4 0| cheap at $I5.N now.. IjUl.fli SIMILAR REDUCTIONS ON ALI Negligee Shirts at 50c. If you value your dolt .1-!. lino aaiw* M.Gutrr MAIN AND TW CLOTHING?D Sweets Attract Flies, M r ______ Neither have we to resort constantly advertising our for reductions in price on s Ours is a solid and rcliabl this kind to bring buyers, mendations. Its quality, .speaks for themselves, and price for what they know to price for the inferior. The so increases daily, and it is I draw and do draw an incr object lessons of what we Suits we are selling at ?ic equal, impossible to beat D. Gundl 34 "and 36 ~THF~Til AH HAND I > v/ _?< XI II IV Will be Extended toTwo Tliousan Railroaders who HOLD THEIR ANNUAL OUTINl TO-DAY AT WHEELING PAR* VISITORS ARE COMING ON SPE CIAL TRAINS FROM EASTER] OHIO, WESTERN PENNSTLV* NIA AND WEST VIRGINIA-SEV ERAL WELL KNOWN OFFICER OF THE RAILROAD ORGANIZE TIONS ARE COMING.' Wheeling will extend the "glad hand -to 2,000 or more visiting: railroaders to day, and the Intelligencer voices th sentiment of the community in statin that Wheeling is delighted to reoeiv the boys who fearlessly ...w pen ious calling of railroader In various ca pad ties. The visitors include engineers, Arc men, conductors, brakemen, machinist in fact all the departments of railroa work. The outing is an annual affal and is given under the auspices of th Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen an the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engl ncers. The visitors will come from man points in West Virginia, Western Pen: eylvanla and eastern Ohio. From Oral ton on the main line of the Baltlmor & Ohio road, a special train will trln I? UU1IU1CU VIBilUlB IIIIO UlUlli Ing, and another special train on tli Ohio River road will swell the crow materially. Hundreds more will com from along the Pan Handle, Baltlmoi 6c Ohio's Wheeling division, Clevelani Lorain & Wheeling, Wheeling & Lak Erie and other roads. Among the speakers who have bee Invited and most of whom will be In ai tendance, ore Eugene V. Debs, of Ch caflo; Frank Sargent, grand master < the firemen's order; P. H. Morrlssey, < Wnshlnxton City, of the trainmen brotherhood; W. V. Powell, of th trainmen, and others. Upon arrival in the city the visitor will be taken to Wheeling Park, th scene of the outing, wnere an enjoyab] day's programme will bo carried oui The railroaders will bp accompanied b their families In many rases. THEY WANT SPEAKERS. T^e Ohio Valley Trades and Labo Assembly is endeavoring to secure goo speakers for its Labor Day picnic nt th state fair grounds, next month. An at tempt was made to secure Ejufene V Debs. which If not aucce?sful, will b followed by efforts to induct? W. H Pomecoy, a prominent rnomhof] of th American Federation of Labor; <o com here on that day. TWO SCHOOL A1?Pni\'TME\T8 At a meeting of the board of educa tlon'n committer on high school hcl Monday evcnlnK. two nppolntment were made. JatneH C. Lrwjx, at preocn county yuprrintcndf nt of frw school* was appointed an Additional itMlier n tin* hlflrh school, and Mlt* Rfcgel wa named na toacher of German. THIS EATON CASE. After the United State* district court Judge JackHon, hftd declined to releau "William Eaton on a writ of linl?ea? cor pua, Colonel Arnett took the cm* up l< F -M. QOTMAK A CO. urth * ij " ery Cassimere, Worsted t in the h""cn J || These (ire>iiot odds and | ends, but new, stylish, desira) | ble goods, that were the cheapn est in the city at their original prices. L BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S SUITS. that were $1.00 and 75c. irs you cannot afford to miss ion Mr Pa 1U11' VJU v/v. ELFTH STREETS. OPNDLIMQ & OO. ^ Our Qothing ^ Attracts ^ Buyers. to the questionable method of wares at half price. Occasions uch clothing as we sell are rare, le article and needs no stilts of It has other and better recomstylc and general excellence its buyers prefer to pay a fair be a reliable article than ^ lower number who are willing to do from this class that we expect to eased number of patrons. For mean, see the Men's Business >.oo. You'll find them hard to ling & Co., Twelfth Street. the United States circuit court of appeals. and it was arranged that the arguments would be heard on the 28th of this month, but the lawyers Interested in the case learned yesterday that the d hearing had been postponed, to a date not known here yesterday. Eaton, it will be remembered, was sentenced to serve ten years for burning a stock of - goods in the Turner building:, on Main j street. He is now confined in the Ohio county Jail. * THE RIVER. s- YESTERDAY'S DEPARTURES. Parkcrsburg.ARGAND, 11 a. ra. Clarlngton....LEROY, 8:80 p. m. BOATS LEAVING TO-DAY. Pittsburgh...AVALON, 1 p. m. S Clarlngton....LEROY, 3:30 p. m. BOATS LEAVING TO-MORROW. Parkersburg.ARGAND, 11 a. m. Matamoras...ELOI9E, 11 a. m. Clari ngton... .LEROY, 1:30 p. m. Along the landing. The marks at 6 p. m., showed 3 feet 9 Inches and stationary. Weather, cloudy and warm. fl ?ew steamer Avakm makes her i..iual appearance here this afternoon. She goes through to Pittsburgh, and Is L. the first boat for that port announced for several weeks. THE NEW PACKET. 5| Captain L. Cramer*? new boat, AvaJ Ion, arrived from Marietta, says the r Parkersburg Journal, where ehe has 10 Just bad her machinery put on, and will d remain until to-morrow, receiving her furnkure, coal, etc. The boat la one of y the prettleat aeen in these waters for some time. The hull is of the lightest pattern, and e was hullt at Clarington. O. The cabin was put on here, and the machinery, which is the old Elaine's machinery.was l? put on by the Marietta Manufacturing a Company. |e The new cruft is 167 feet, 4 Inches in length: thirty-four feet across in the 3* hold, and thirty-eight feet over all. 8he e has a four foot hold and draws twenty inches of water. As can be seen, she is n a very light draught boat, drawing , over a foot less than the Ben Hur. " There are thirty-two state rooms and n texas. The boat is fully equipped with ?r electric light, etc., and has the newest * steering apparatus known to boat ie building. While the machinery is seemingly * light, nueh n large steaming capacity is Ie available and allowed?201 pounds?that the difference will not be great. u She will leave here to-morrow and y will run In the Hen Hur's trade between this city and Pittsburgh, if there Is nough water, but if not, she will run between here arid Wheeling, making ,r three round nil** weekly. , The officers and crew have been selected and are as follows: Captain, 13 I.ampher Cramer; pilots, Bert Cramer - nnd Edward Slmms; clerks, Will Kim\ noil and ICdward Dunn; engineers, e Junes .Montgomery and ron, Norivnod [. Montgomery; mate. Jack Ward; ?tewe ard, John ltremer. ICIvrr Trlramma. OIL CITY?Hlver fl Inches ond stationary. Clear and warm. WAHKEN?Klver at low water mark. .. ri?nr nnd wnrm. GREENSBORO?Rlrer 7 feet 2 Inchca s nnd fnlllncr. Cloudy and warm, it ItltOWNSVIhLE?RlVor 6 feet and . stationary. ? MO 1U3ANTOWN?River 7 feet 6 s Inches and Mtntionary. Cloudy and warm. PITTSBURGH?River 1.0 feet nnd rising ?t the dam. Cloudy and warm. : 8TEUBENVILMS?River 3 foot I Inch I ' and rlnlnir Clonr nnd warm. PARKBRfiBURG?Ohio river K feet 6 : - Inches nnd riling. Cloudy, with luuri cury at 18. . WILL ENTER SLIT. ' COi City Solicitor Nesbitt Preparing to ru: Institute Suits *u IN THE CIRCUIT COURT AUGUST 1 $ _____ th AGAINST THE OWNERS OF REAL ESTATE DELINQUENT FOR CITY ra TAXES?ALTHOUGH MANY ARE ? PAYING THEIR TAXES THE a VT7MHER OP SUITS INSTITUTED WILL BE VERY LARGE. j ????? ra City Solicitor Frank W. Nesbltt la a Tl busy man these days. For some time ar he has been looking up the titles of real estate In the city that Is delinquent on city taxes, and Is preparing papers In a m( large number of suits that will be in- te stltuted In the circuit court on August sp 1. Although many people are calling at JJJ the city collector's office and settling up th their old tax bills, yet there will bo a w? largo number of sulta Mr. Nesbitt says the bills 1n chancery he will file on August 1 do not comprise all of the t0 suits to be Instituted; others will follow as rapidly as the papers can bo jQJ prepared. w This method of compelling the pay- 0f ment of delinquent taxes will result in Fc the city receiving revenue that would *h nover have been had if the city of!l- be clala had pursued the course followed in cj) former years. As the collector has not the right given the county sheriff of *\[ levying for taxes, It has been the cus- ct torn to allow city delinquents to remain of forever delinquent. Now, however, ^ there Is a change and the city will re- Ph celve her due. Taxes delinquent for cn 1883, 18W, 1895, 18M and 1897 are being J* collected through these suits. The law of limitation prevents collection of taxes of previous years. A FLEET HUNGARIAN 1)1 Who Escaped From a Constable When He Heatrd Che Word "Jail." A stout constable la pursuit of & fugi- we tlve from justice was the exciting spec- cei tacle tliat Market street pedestrians m0 were furnished last evening about 5 JJ] o'clock. Constable James Creighton 0f is a portly Individual, and a six foot ra< rule would rest under his earo. As a c0' sprinter he would win in an ordinary JJJ fat man's race, but John Michaels, a an North Wheeling Hungarian was too fleet wa for him. Michaels recently got mixed up In a flght with Mike Agnic, the North Main street saloonist, and had him arrested "1 yesterday afternoon. Constable Crelgh- hei ton "brought Michaels to Squire Haber- mo fleldSs office, but the squire was absent, the so his neighbor. Squire Rogers, was jje asked by the constable to see if the war- ca, ram could put Michaels In Jail. fUl "Certadnly," said Squire Rogers, look- ating at the warrant, "you can Jail him." ij> At the word "Jail" Michaels made a dash out of the harbor. lie ran to sixteenth street, and turned down Six- j teenth like a flash. Crelghton followed, pja with his hand on his hip pocket. "Sh(?ot," wa cried Squire Rogers, in the rear. An- faj other second and the flying Hungarian <jn sailed by Squire Dunning'* offce. "Don't shoot." cried Squire Dunning. K* Michaels gained ground on his pursuer. and up Market street he flew. j Creighton was puffing behind, and gave WU up the chase at Four teenth street. He an hopes to get him yet. Int " : : : o: *' . i i o . Musli : O: j ; We've prepared for this |!! | garment has been n IJ | j makers and buyir j i > I that swing th |;;j di dtFULL-FASHI i i. | at prii I o I j? J* COME TO-D. ioj [jjj Ladies' ' :x! Ntfyfit >Jki |jj Robes. lit ! a : Made of Good M imlln, : ; Double Cambric. Rutllo MO^>_f52 : A ; down front, Collar and* \7 SK : T ; BIwvm Ruffled, Full I ^ :J: Size. 8al? prlco..^ : A : Toadies' Choice Muslin Night RoY Tucked Yoke, and 2 rows of In*crtl : V ; Neck and Sleeves Ruffled. Salo prlca : I Ladle*' Choice Mmlln Gown*. Kmnl :a: V-*haned, Ilound and Hiiuaro }ok : T : Trimmed In Embroidery. Lace. lJii>crl! : : and Turku. Ncrk and Sleeve; Irlmn : A : with Embroidery. Ordinary ,bo una : T { values. Bale price Ladles' Choir? : (ii.kti*, Erapl: : A i trimmed with ?rir? ]nf.Ttln?c and ] : : i broidery, Ext : 4 : A Skirts. The h ; I ; .iC^. :'.JrTOiB 'i we've ever off) : ht ,,,,, pr,ce* k'adieu* Cnmb : : fta^^yorAT I ;? Cholco Musdli : : 9SE?m% It ' * trimmed with , * > i ~<?f| i * [I InncrtinK.' Yo : II ' I J* er fi'i'ii *uch <j : : II .? It.v l?ofore for : \ ' money. Sale prl . Lndies' Pino C/imhrlr Gown*, nil Btyl O : trimmed with I'.mbroldory nnd Iimertli : . > : nJsn with Solid I^nee; Ynkwi llnlnhod u ; I Tilhhon: large* c-ollnr trimnu'd with T ; O : clinn Lace. A rrgulnr 11.50 value. 8 : o : prico ' : !j BUTTERiCK ' CI I?A1 TERNS. ^ I f ; h ; (Q) THE RAILROADS. Phe Central Traffic Association Is I aning down harder and harder on its ling regarding travel. One of the tactions of the manner In which It Is I ardlnf travel in its territory Is that (he rule It lus just adopted touching e travel of small parties. It was the e rule for a time that when a party ten went any one place they could ceiv? a rate of two cents a mile, each rty having his Individual ticket. Now has ruled that It will give the same te. hut the oartv uslncr It must sro on block ticket. TRANSCONTINENTAL RATES. It Is said that transcontinental freight tes are In danger of going to pieces."' le Southern Pacific and Panama roads e In a floht. and wholesale reductions rates between San Francisco and ?w York are being made. At first the ouble was confined to a few cotn#odltles, but advices received Indlcad that the cut rates are gradually reading over the entire classification hedule. If the struggle lasts Jong lt ?y easily have a disastrous effect on e freight agreement Just made // the stern line. WESTERN RATES RESTORED. All freight rates have been restored normal tariff oa the western roads, this way was brought to o close a if? continued and disastrous rate war. hilo it was In progress many millions dollars were recklessly thrown away. ?r twelve months rates in all parts of e territory west of Chicago have en badly demoralised. No section esped. It Is difficult to determine where e ill results were most severely felt < om St. Paul to the gulf and from v ilcago to the Pacific coast the ravages ' the war wero experienced. But for it rnings of the roads would have shown enomennl and unprecedented in- I; iases, and stockholders would have en enriched by the enlargement of rldend payments. a- n JOHN THOMAS SHEFFLIN h es Near Camp Alger as the Result of * Drinking Wood AlcohoL r rhe Wheeling relatives of John ? lomas Shefilln, a young man who is f ill known in this city, and who re- r ntly enllBted in the army, yesterday * irnlng received word that Shefflin had ii plred .on Monday afternoon quite t [Monti*. From what Mn top learned t. the tragedy, Shefflin and two comJes had secured a quart of wood al- t lol with which <o clean their equip- fi mt, and it is said they dunk the P iff, which Is a rank poison. Shefflin li d one other died, and the third man ? s in bad shape. h m r Mail* n Forma' Dem*nil. lOME, July 26. ? Admiral Candlarri, J s announced) In a dlspartch received re froro Carthagena, Colombia, for- t iMy demanded' on Saturday' last that w i Colombian government accept Pros- u -nt Cleveland's award in the CerrutI S ? in its entirety, ?and guarantee its P I execution. The Italian admiral in- a j upon a definite reply in twenty days. the meanwhile the Italian warships " 1 vlsi. other Colombian ports. J m b TCHIXKSS of the skin, horrible 11 igue. Most everybody afflicted In one w iy or another. Only one safe, never ling cure. Doan's Ointment. At any W Blore, ou icnm. a canion Co Colninbtu, via B. and O. Account Hatnsrrtcir, b uly 29 and 30, the Baltimore & Ohio fl II sell excursion tickets to Columbus p d return at rate of $4 40. pood return- r : until August 1. Inclusive. Ii Great Mid in Undei annual event on a larg lade specially to our ordc lg and selling strictly for C ings more and more into /-VXTDT-V nAI TAT TV* WiNCJ-V E^UAL i V:es never before attempted A.Y! 'TIS BOTH TIME o ^ i; Ladies' III I: Skirts? ruHB 4 > Lndlrs' Choice Muslin ^UPR1? (> Skirts, I>cp Hemstitch ed Tucked uufllo, Extra 1 VJu Wide. Sale price *H :: 49c S 39c :l < > Ladles* Fine Cambric H < > Tucked Ruffle: also Dust Ire. k Wide. 8ale price cs, i > In* {i Ladles' Finn Cambric Ski aja iA- Style, 18-lnch Ruffle, with Soc i > Turks and Inserting; Eds < > Ton-hon Lace; also R-lnct .. Extra Wide. Ordinary I '' values. 8ale price Muslin {> ..... re Style, .. Indies' Short Underskirts, two rows with Lace, others trlmm Deep Km- < > broidery. Sale price, 7oc, 4 ra Wide (> est valuo ES 59c : rlo >n? I; Children's i downs, 1' Kmhrold- < > ucks and , k _ . _ , , , u've n?v- '' Children's Cambric Sklr uaU / a O Style. Deep Tucked Ruffle, oyc i,r"" i > Children's Cambric Sklr Ina Rl vlo. with I .?? ?? Trtn n?; Hulllc. Halo price orl An Z Children** Cambric Under alii Urtf. T *n<l Sleeves I<nce Trlmm .... 8alu price <* ? ? ONE & . . . ' CLOTHING?KR It's Poor ; Economy to buy cheap clothes time. But always bu; clothes cheap. You dor to try very hard to with the lattir if yoi ' with us. In addition to good clothes cheap, y only the latest patter weaves and a guarant This means that we only CLOTHING MADE EXPERT TAILORS. KRAUS^ WHEELING'S FOREM Strictly One Price. MIKE INSPECTOR LEWIS udlgnnnc at an Exaggerated Story In an J Evening Paper. Mine Inspector S. A. Lewis, of Fair- ] lont, in accordance with the duties of Is office, yesterday investigated the gas xploslon at the coal bank of the Wheelis steel works, Bemvood, which occur ed Wednesday morning. Mr. Lewis ras highly Indignant at the sensational ] ake published In the Monday evening taper, concerning- the affair, for some *a4rmont people have relatives working i the mine, and feared that these relaives were killed, after they had read he News. ] As stated in the Intelligencer none of he men received serious Injuries. In act, one of the men whom the evening 3 aper said "might recover" was worfclg yesterday, none the worse for wear, re was one of the man who "dragged : imeelf to the mouth of the mine," the Idlculousness of which may be seen rhen one knows the distance the man rould have had to drag hiineelf Is over ,000 feet. Inspector Lewis* report shows that he explosion was caused by men who rere In the mine on Sunday not keeping p the Are In the furnace, so that the as which had accumulated In the ockets, rushed out In the circulation of ir, caused when the driver pulled out he, cars, and the gas Ignited from the . river's lamp. Last night's News said he "men were doing as well as could J e expected," doubtless alluding to the ijurles It gave the mine -boss, who J rasn't In the mine that morning. STEVE WILL RECOVER. The condition of Steve, the Croatian, lu?se neck warf gashed by a knife used y another foreigner, "Big Mike," In a 1 ght In Benwod Monday night, was re orted Ian nigTU as Deinjr aucn 10 war- i ant gt>od hopes of his recovery. Dr. Al- I ;?y t*tate>i that had the yaah been half l-Summer \ rwear S er scale this year than < :r for this sale. Dealing ?Ar?TT i., 1 ,/YOII rcpreseiiib buuauumc our favor and enable us to > HOME-MADE G.A by this or any other 'houst AND MONEY SAVED T fk. Corset ft Covers I Ladles' Good Mi Y Covers, well 11 J Ladles' ^ Cnmbr ladles' Fine Ca Y Shaped Necks. # sorting and La< F Ladles' Cambric* Iklrlx. IS-lnch ijf. f with Imcv. Tu Hume; Extra /JlC i-ri- ?n<l Rtbtm ,tly I High Nocks. Si Iris, Umbrella ' m Two Rows of 2 en wun 3-incn I j*. 1 l Hunt Itutllo: in 4 JEii ll.BO an* 11.75J J Home trlmmM *n I ed with Em- /% J J .Scond *7V XC&??\ _ i w, Wear. JU% tB, Umbrella ja_ j all sixes. Sale 4"C tB, Umbrrlla /a 4 lined Tucked ()VC A W7V Y Lb .lira' Fine C Tucked Ruffle. I Waists, Nock ia A l.ace, Umbrella fid, nil bIxcb. 4VC I Would In) no *7W prlco thomxj APS B809. ' at a?y Our itock or Svnrf0* %ZZ$r?: ;i 11 have very complete end succeed ' i trade ? ? ? getting. ou get ?r??J ns and j eed fit. handle BROS., IOST CLOTHIERS, 1319 Market Street, '"* an inch lower an obituary notice wouM 1 have been in order. Steve lost conekb* ':! ;rable blood, and he will be a weak man for some time. "Big Mike" waa Will at large yesterday. s WATvlTiER-At her residence, corner of . Twenty-alxth und Chnplino streets. on -j Monday. July 25. 1SW, at 4:20 o'clock -5 p. m.. MRS. MARY I*. WALTHBR, la I the 69th year of her a*e. funeral will take place Wednesday, July | it, JN?, at Z.4N p. m., iruui iwr mio 1UIdence, No. 2G01 Chapllne street. Friends of the family are Invited to attend. In* i torment at Peninsular cemetery. DEBULIA?On Monday, July 25, 1898, at 8:80 p. m., JANE DEBULIA. ared ?7 S years, wife of tho late William Debtlll/i. ? funeral Wednesday, July 27, 1S98, at 10 a. m., from her late residence. No. 3S0S j Belmont street, Bellalre. , jg UNDERTAKING. f PUIS BERTSCHY, Funeral Director an! Arterial Embalmer. HIT Main Street, WMtSldl. Calls by Telephone Answered Day or Niuht Storo Telephone 6SC. : fit Residence, 60S. Assistants Teleplione. 695. aull ALEXANDER FREW. Funeral Director and Embalmer,' 1208 MAIN ST. Under Competent Management. S Telephones?Store. 229; Residence, 780. B 3RUEMMER & HILDEBRAND, rtNCRAL DIRECTORS AND CMBALMERS, Corner Market and 22d Streets Telephone 207. Opon Day and Nlfht j I if! I ' < : I ii : iale. 'j 11 :vcr before. Every j I J direct with the j] |{ ' 1 : a ;j u advantages :T| offer you /j<?| .RMENTScse^e |;;i * I"! i - i"! O YOU! * joji !! | nade. : ! I ' ^ ? JiWM 12c ? |; j mlirlc Corset Covers, v- *?? : - M trimmed with Tucks, In- /!MT -r re. 8alo price Corset Covers, trimmed : < > : / cks. Inserting, Kmhrotd- ^: < > I / n. V. Square, Round or AWC : ; :-4 nlo prlco V7V J < > I Ladies' \<}\ Drawers. i;:I 1 Adieu* Cambric and Cholea : , . : Mu.-lln Drawers, with 6-lnch : t Hemstitched ruMe; nlso I^aco I O ! Trimmed Ruffle, TJinhrella Stylo, nil size*. /r)C ' Bale prlco * 1 ; * ndles' Fine Cambric Prowers. Finbrella Style, French Haml*, I OI trimmed with J?nco nnd Deep o J ( Embroidery; also trim- jA. med with IVor? Tucked 4VC : ^ ! BulBe. Sale prlco ; 0 ; J* nmbrlr Prowers, Peep < > trimmed In Inserting and : < > : 'M i Style, Frenrh Band*, : ; od value at 11.00. SaJe J J;0? ? :!?; : r: m ^ Hail Orders ?? i!!| ^c ?Promptly Filled. j|': ^ ' 1