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' fSPORT.l III Twuiy-flro Ronudi by Kdtfto Ganfiier III au ICxelllng Battle Lu( Night?A .SjilniJIil Contrai 111 at Merited a Higgcr Ilon?e?A KlnUh Uout for a Meajgro I'm or. ajh* urftdcst boxing contest ever pulled off in this section, or for that natter, anywhere else, was pulled, oft tf the Bridgeport Athletic Club last ni*ht. Eddie Gardner and Jack Kinlow were the men who for, twenty-flyo rounds gave boxing as she ,1s. boxed, end their bout, qad to relate, was wltnessed by "a small but appreciate* audience." . : Eddie put hla man out In the twentyfifth round, and up until the.pcpcedlng round It was almost anybody's battle, though Eddie was stronger amTfresher, yet Kinlow kept him busy times had the advantage. Some ittuttds were In Gardner's favor, and thca.jyjaln the ildo would turn. Kinlow wasn't In as go id condition as Gardner, and he 8ank to the floor In the twenty-fourth and final rounda. partly from exhauatlon. Eddie had him groggy in these rounds, but Jack died game and until he got the final clip on the Jaw, continued his rushing tactics. , A* one spectator put It, "That waa a battle for your life, and worth at least a 11.000 purae/' And it waa,..and those who witnessed It are congratulating Vinton, and l.Mrlli. Inotrpd I int'ITl??*lve?. nmiwo almost like twin brothers in"4hc ring, sad maintained a friendliness that was commendnble. Their work was clean and frot- from Jarring, and .tjfift gentlemanly little McKeesporter won a warm spot In the hearts of local sports. Eddie Gardner showed Improved form over hi* previous work, and he played for Kinlow's body, his right Jabs In that portion of the anatomy telling with time. Oscar was In his corner and his counsel was of grenr assistance. Eddie's victory was extremeljrptcaslng to his many friends and he could give Jack McClelland a stlffer argbtUwit now than he did last spring. The contest brought to ni close the club's carnival, which was a financial failure to Its promoters, and Eddie Gardner's share of -the purse won't keep him In stogies two weeks. There were hardly one hundred paid admls fiions la.<t night, though a packed house j ww merited times over. To give the bof*s something to box for, the crowd | contributed to a collection raised for their benefit "Tobe" McCurry threw In i every cent in his pockets, amounting to *5. and he and Jack McClelland were j forced to walk across the bridge, being j minus car fare. The club officials'and the audience responded nobly. As if the climax was to be hot stuff, even the preliminary was a spiritrouser. Gus Bezenah and "Little Pete" mixed it up like demons for four rounds, and the Fifth ward boy was saved from Pillow-land, by Oscar Gardner stopping the bout and award' j Ing Bexenah the decision. The main contest was refereed by John J. Murphy. whoso work was flawless. Klnlow was discouraged at the si** of the house, and said before entering the ring to some friends that It was the last* time he would don the mitts. After his defeat, however, he talked of another match with Gardner. 'Klnlow and Gardner made a pretty team. Neither had an apparent advantage. and while Eddie looked heavier, he weighed the same as the McKeesporter. 12S pounds. Both were cheered and Klnlow'c going on Instead of flunking like Hennlger, made him many friends Betting was done to considerable extent at even money, while the lads were getting their gloves on. The contest by rounds was as follows: Round 1?Klnlow roshe0 Gardner and landed on jaw. He assumed the aggressive. His next lead on jaw was similarly countered. Klnlow jabbed left on face. Klnlow used both hands fast la a mix. Round 2?KtaIow swung and missed. Eddie caught him full on Jaw. Klnlow rushed Eddie to floor, and rapped both hands fast on Jaw. He drove Eddie to the ropes again, but without damage. They mixed with honors even. Klnlow IraAtii n-iftnir onil />m<i>ha in rla >r VlI throat. Round 3?Klnlow rushed him again to good advantage, and hlR swing on Jaw sent Eddie through the ropes. Eddie found Jaw hard. They ?ro a fast pace, and mix it savagely in the corner. Kinlow pounds stomach. but Eddie sends < tits head back with a stralghijmnch or\ Jaw. . Hound 4?An exchange and clinch is followed by Eddl* driving right _on body. Klnlow rushes him to ropes with body punches. Eddie swings left on Jaw. Eddie is .more the aggressor now and lands a couple of swings on Jaw, but Klnlow Is with him In the mixes. Hound 5?Klnlow rushed and tapped Jaw. Eddie returned on body. Klnlow landed a staggerer on Eddie's Jaw. Eddie came back In an exchange, but not to such effect. Klnlow beat him out in a mix at ropes, but Eddie uppered him hard as he tried to get Eddie did it again and slipped. Kddlo then rushed him good, nnd swung'right on Jack's Jaw twlcc without return. This round was fast and furious, and closed with honors for Gardner. Hound 6?Eddie swung left on Jaw. Jack landed right on bod*'. Jack swung wild and Eddie reached bis face. Eddie put one of Oscar's favorites on stomach. Very fast and clever work, and It is tiring both. Eddie pays considerable attention to atomach, using his right Eddie swings hard on Jaw,-and Is JabIn* face. Round 7?K4nlow blocked Eddie's Jabs 4for face, and ducked an upper cut. They mix it for a minute In centre of ring, and ft was give and ta^o with a vengeance. Then Eddie lands left on far* and good stiff right on stomach. X3oth are strong, with Eddie having a shade the best of It. Round 8?Eddie Jabs stomach. Klnlow Jabs face and both slip to the floor. They ahake hands as they get up and the crowd applauds. Eddie now does some fine work, but Klnlow has some punches, too. Eddie tries to finish him. and punishes Jack on face, besides throwing stiff rights into stomach. Klnlow'a finish seems due shortly. Round Kfalow comes -up strong and puts a hard right over ribs. Eddie tipper* him. Eddie lifts him a bad Jab on breast. Jack swings on J&w. but not strong. He Is as eager ns ever to close In, and gives Eddie a hard body punch. Eddie has more iteam and bits cleaner, but Jack nearly always returns. Round 10?Jack rushed and got awny safe. Ef.dle put right Into stomach. lie staggered Jack with left on Jaw. Jack 1* fond of rushes, and lands some good on**. In one ru*h he showered blows on i'ddle'* Jaw. The round closes, Eddie pounding body. Round 11?Jack led left, a Jab on face. isciaie drove right to stomach. Jack docs nood work at clos** quarter*, and n runh lit Mb Ion* suit. Eddie frit right to stomach. Jack pushed Eddie to the floor. Eddie lands on face. Eddie put* a bad right over heart. They oxchange body Jab*. Hound 12?Again Jack opened with a rush, and landed loft on Jaw. He rushed Eddie again. Eddie punch''* Jaw hard with hla right. Jack awing* loft on Jaw. They keep It up, and punch and Jab, Eddie's blow* having more steam. Jack land)* on utomach at rope*. Then he rushes and swings wildly. Eddie I* cool, and bring* llrnt blood, and worka In stomach punlshers. lie give* Jack a parting *hot on stomach. Hound SI?Kink)w Jabbed loft on no*p Kddlt planti rlfht on stomach. Jack ' i Jrair jrftnis It is much easier to keep the hair Men you fueoe it than it Is to restore it lehen it's lost. If yoar hair is "coming oat" il needs instant /?- ?- *rt- ? ^ VHP' S ailCTUWn, J ae ujv i// ?* - ?- ? ftifi? VIGOR will promptly stop the hair from falling, and sUmulait U to new growth. " Some yetrt *9? my hilt btotn to fttt oat tnd I beovnt quUt bild. Ivoutdvised to try (1 jfyers 5^ fjI jzair mfjwl 7/tffor j *"<1 asti It but * HR / . /U'r3 shorl thru tahtn my Bga Riga htir cttstd to ftM out Wggr. IftSg] Mnd * new tna vlgorKteg^^l out SKmthmixUitupHgSgS^jl PtwnctJfy hair Is rvfto H ..PS'PA tbundirttndglossy." K-?SStSf THOS. DUNN, RxboOIt, Wis. rushes and strings hard on {nee. They don't tire, but keep ui> exchanging, Klnloiv showing up well. He sends Ed die to ihe floor once. He goes arier c-adle and punishes him hard. An exciting round in Kiniow'a favor. Round 14?Jack started out landing wings on Jaw. He rushes Eddie and staggers him with Jabs and straight drives on stomach. He swings left on mouth, but many of his swings go wild. Eddie puts right over Jack's eye. Round 15?Eddie Jabs face, and gets nwny from swings. Jack puts left on body. Eddie puts right over same placs and forces matters. Round 16?They were a trifle cautious this round. Kinlow sparring for wind. Eddie placed a stiff Jab on stomach. Kinlow swung hard over Eddie's left eye- _ . Round 17?The pace siacKenea in mm round, also. Honors were even in the exchanges. A draw wouldn't be a surprise. Round 18?1They warmed up. Eddie landed right on stomach. Jack returned In the break for nice ones on face. Eddie tries to drop his right on stomach. Jock swings on Eddie's head. Eddie finds Jaw In a mix. * Round 19?Jack swung left on stomach, and put right there In the clinch. He resumes his rushing tactics, but can't land right. He Jabs face frequently. Round 20?They mixed it from the start. Jack landed oftener and.he staggered Eddie once. He found body hard, and Eddie returned some dandles there. Round 21?Both were strong as they came up for the additional ten rounds, which were ordered by Referee Murphy. There were several red marks on Klnlow's breast, and his left eye was partly closed. Eddie's left optic was in the a?mn />nnrllttnn. and hla mouth Showed I the effect of JabP. Jack landed on the face this round, and Eddie gave him a I good rl&ht-hander on body. Hound 22?Eddie showed up well In this round and landed hnrd r^hts on j Jaw, ond he received nearly all Jack's I punches on his neck or.ahouldeiu . He donated Jack a beauty over the heart, but-there wrtsn't enough steam behind . hiii heart punches. Round 23?'This was a warm round and Eddie forced matters to advantage. Then Jack rushed Eddie and had him at pen for awhile, but Eddlo came back at him, and sent him reeling around. Jack n*?xt changed the scene and pounded face and body strong. Round 24?Eddio won out in a savage mix and he kept Jack on the'go. Then he swung left and sont Jack'to the floor for the connt. Jack was groggy when he got up and swung wildly. He wasn't out yet and was holding his own aa the gong rung. .Round 25?Jack rushed, but he wn? weak. Eddie threw a left Jolt Into stomach and swung right on Jaw. Jack mixed It, but Eddie's rlffht hook on Jaw sent him to the floor and out. Klnlow wasn't put to sleep, but was exhausted, and was lifted to his feet after the count. ' After the excitement subsided. Kinlow addressed the audience, and said he hoped the people were satisfied. He I was warmly cheered. vmnvit. mem? ilill IVtMHJ IJUikUUU Won. Lost Per. Cincinnati 62 Ji .667 Boston 68 tt .6*7 Cleveland C7 M .62*1 Baltimore 51 X5 ,5i?3 Chlcoco 61 41 .651 New York 49 40 JS1 Pittsburgh 47 44 .615 Philadelphia 42 46 .477 Brooklyn 34 M .286 Louisville 34 69 .806 Wash ins ton 21 68 .S4h St. Louis 27 63 2ftJ YESTERDAY'S GAMES. Cleveland 4. Philadelphia 1. Cleveland 8, Philadelphia 1 Louisville 11, Boston 4. Ronton 8, Louisville 4. Ualtlmoro 5. Chicago 0, Chicago 3, Baltimore 1. St. Louis 8, Brooklyn 7. New York 6. Cincinnati S. Cincinnati 6. New York 5. to-dayITga^es. Baltimore at Chicago. New York at Cincinnati. Philadelphia at Cleveland. Boston at Ijoulnvlllf. Washington at Pittsburgh. Brooklyn at St Louis. HONOpS WERE EVEN. CHtCAGO, August 4.?The teams split even on their double-header to-day. MeJames pitched the first In pood form, holding the Orphan* down to four singles and giving them their flrst shult out of the reason. In the second Griffith was hit hard by nearly every one, but tin* hit-i were kept Hrattered. Nop* wus Invincible until the eljrhth. when he was found for four hlrs and three runs. Attendance, 9,000. Scores: First game. R H E Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0?0 4 6 Baltimore 20010100 o?G 8 2 Earned runs, Baltimore 1. Batteries, Callahan and Chance; AlcJnmes and Robinson. Umpires, Swartwood and Warner. Time, 2 hours. Second gamo. ? HTIK Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \t *-3 11 2 Baltimore 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 1! 2 Earned runs. Chlrauo 2; Baltimore 1. nnllcriM, Qrimili and Donahue: Norm and Clarke. empires, Hwartwood and Warner, 'rimi-, 2:05. BOSTON DROTS ANOTHER. LOUIBVII.MC, Augunt 4.?Two games wore played to-day. the ifamo of Tuesday lK?lnt' playvd off. Tlie b?-iin-?saters could not bunch their hits In the first content, while tin' Colonel* hatti-d Low Is at wlH, The Co I on el tried their new pitchers In the second game, and noMton wne winner from fho Todd touted hut one, Inning. Attendance, 3,600. Scores: First game. It II E I<ouisvlll? ....0 1x1 1 j 3 0 *-11 15 'i Boston 0 0 0 0 ? 0 0 2 2- 4 12 2 Earned runs, LouIbvIIIa 7: Boston 4. Bati tcrlcs, Frastor and lCUtredftu; Lawlu ami tr if ; <B?r*en. Umpire*, CDay afld %ffiv>nald.1 ? Time, 2 hours. ^ Second game. R H E Boston 4 604(000 (Mil* 3 Louisville 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 0?4 0 3 Earned runs, Boston 1; Louisville 2. Batteries, Nichols and Yeager: Altrock, Todd and Powers. Umpires, McDonald and Way. Time, 1:45. * Of ANTS WERR LUCKY. CINCINNATI. Auguut 4.-The Giants had all the luck in th? first game.' Stupid base running prevented the Reds from win- ? ninf the second in a gallop. Attendance, " 4,733. Scores: r im Flrnt game. RHE m Cincinnati ....0 J 0 1 0 0 0 1 1-5 10 0 d New York 0 0 0 l 0 i 0 0 MIO 1 g Earned runs, Cincinnati 2; New York 1. n Batteries, Dwrer. Dammann and Vaughn: Seymour and Grady. Umpires, Gaffney and Brown. Time, 2:15. * Second game. RHE Cincinnati ....1 1 0 10 01 0M1H * New York 0 104000 0 0-5 U Earned runs, Cincinnati't. Batteries, Hawlcy and Vaughn; Gcttig and Warner. Umpires, Gaffney and Brown. Time, 2:05. PHILLIsft COULD NT HIT. 8 Philadelphia, ausu* 4.-cieveiomi took two WHH from Philadelphia to-day without any great effort. The Phillies I could not hit the opposing pitchers whon hits meant runs, while the home pitchers wore batted freely. Attendance, 4,870. ? Scores: d First game. RII E Cleveland I 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 (-4 10 1 n Phlladelp'a ...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 7 3 , ? .a />M 1 A m Kirnca rum, v^iOTtiiaiiu *. im a Youn gand O'Connor; Flfleld and McFer, land. Umpires, Lynch and Andrews. Time, ? 2 hours. tl I Second game. RHE e ' Cleveland 1 J 0 0 1 1 0 0 1-8 13 3 0 Fhlladelp'a ...0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0-371 a Earned runs. Cleveland 4; Philadelphia t< 1. Batteries. Jones and Crlger: B. Murphy, ? Orth and M. Murphy. Umpires, Lynch and Andrews. Time, 2 hours. ^ BROWNS IITTHB NINTH. 1: 8T. LOUIS. August 4.?The Browns won e to-day's same In the ninth Inning by a w great batting rally. Brooklyn went up in 0 the air, trying three pitchers. Attendance, ? 1,000. Score: P ^ RHE h St Louis 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 6?8 0 0 n Brooklyn 0 0 0 6 0 0 1 0 2-7 17 2 u Earned runs. St. Louis 2; Brooklyn R. u Batteries, Hughey and Clements: Yeager, t anil flrim UmntreB. Emil'le*?nd*Hunt "Time, 2:10. "" rt INTER-STATB LEAGDB. " At Fort Wayne. ~ R H E to SprlnRfleUl ....0 J 0 0 0 1 4 MJO J F Fort Wayne...0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0-1 7.2 J Batteries?Dolan and Grafliut; Herr and A Campbell. j At Dayton. RUE a Dayton ........0 0 ! 1 0 0 1 2 MU 0 t! Mansfield 0 0010000 0-1 44 v Batteries?Strelt and Donahue; Kostal and Belt. At New Castle. R H E New Castle....0 0000030 0-2 10 2 h Gr'd Rapids...2 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 Mil I p Batteries?Hewitt and Zlnram; Wayne cl and Cote. t, A* Tounpstown. R H E r' Tounffstown ..2 0 0 0 0 0 2. 0 0?411 I o ; Toledo 0 2000000 0-2 61 tl Batteries?Knepper and Schrecongost; g | Madden and Arthur. ? j, BOWLING. I Last- night's same* In the Mozart tournament resulted as follows: ti FITZHUGH LEE. 1st 2d. M. n Wairner 178 1W 167 ? Horstman 138 139 149 _ Knoke 166 ITS 12S f; Bremson SS 133 112 11 Kohm 123 113 M O Marschner 135 151 157 e, Totals 83 S ' 808 J 8IGSBEE. 1st 2d. 3d. ]. Handy ; 132 155 . 1ST \ Kin* 1S1 144 127 Reed 120 155 140 a Marto 155 115 122 * Blckmeyer 189 146 1? !: Belswinger 188 116 130 ^ Total* 6G5 S31 819 li COLUMBUS RACES. n The Grand Circuit Meeting the Occa- (J slon of Pine Sport. COLUMBUS, O., August 4.?The track at. the Columbus Driving Park was n heavy to-day, as a. result of recent e rains, bdt very fait time was. made in Ii the three races run^n the mud. The J 2:11 pace furnished the sensation of the Q, day. Charlie B., was backed by Hubln- q ger to win. this race and .R is said his .li losings aggregate J6.000. In the pools : Charlie B. fl^ft brought $225 <o $300 for tho flold and Hublnger's ntirvy betting ? soon forced the field down to $100. It Is said the pools on this race amounted to $25,000. The sensation was furnished when Indiana, a horse that was never ? considered, won the race in straight g heats. Indiana has speed, but Is a bad ? actor. The mud Just suited him, how- B ever, and he paced without a break, never being in danger. .The'tost. Char- h He B. could do was to take fourth place. S Murphy is said to have been a big win- ei ner In (he pools. The favorite* won in both the other n races. Directum Kelly lost the second n heat of the 2:24 trot by a break, but did again disappoint his backers. Split Silk also lost the third heat of the 2:27 _ pace by a break, but, won easily. An effort Is to be made to finish the ^ programme Friday and Saturday. Owing to the condition of the track, Star Pointer will not go against the track record until Saturday. Summaries: 2:27 pace, purse 12.000. Split Silk, ch. m., by Bourt>on Wllkea?Nanny Kttl- p coat, by lie! I wood (Wil- E on) 11 5 1 The Swift, oh. m. (Allen).... 2 2 1 2 a Edward O., b. g. (Curry).... 3 3 2 6 Glpsoy Red, ch .m. (Rolllfun) 4 4 4 S n George Hooff, b. h. (Murphy) 5 5 3 4 c Ray Leaf, b. g. (Finley) dls. t Mnzlo Strathmore, b. m. 41 (Dwyer) dls. . Time?2:16H. 2:14%. 2:Wi, 2:18*. y 2:21 trot, purs? 12,000. n Directum Kelly, b. c., by Di- -n reet?Rosa Ludwlg, by Anteo (Kelly) 1 3 1 1 True Chlmci", b. g. (Oeers).. 3 1 2 3 K Clny Fullerton, ch. g. (Cos- f, nell) 2 4 3 4 i Fre<l Ladcr, b. k. (Splnn).... 4 2 4 6s Qunrterstaff, br. h. (Yearnnce) 5 7 G 2 ,\ I.tirllne McGrejcor, b. m. c (Kotcham) 6 B 8 8 * Nnncle King, blk. m. (Iyilrd) 7 6 7 f 81 Vlrla, b. m. (Wilson) K 8 G 7 Tlmo?2:18, 2:l&>i, 2:1.1*4. 2:1% j, 2:11 pace, purse 32,000. it Indiana, b. g., by King of Bellnlrr?dnm by Wood lord (McCarthy) 1 1 1 ti Allorln, b. h. (Hudson) 2 2 10 o Falrvlew, b. g. (Allen) 4 3 2 Char I lo II., blk. k. (James) 3 4 4 Blbllla, b. m. (McCleary) 10 5 ? n Newton W., br. h. (Clnrk) 7 R f. n Oddity, ch. m. (Jacob) 5 10 ! Liatjr Wilkes, b. m. (Uintr.) 8 6 r . Necta W., c. m. (Krwln) fi 7 * '' Pilot Medium. Jr., l?. h. (Slarr).. P 0 7 tl Engerlta, b. m. (Mclaughlin)... din. Tlm?-2:lfl4. 2:1W4.1:12!?. ]( CYCLING. The 'OS meet club of Indianapoli* hns Issued the following circular -to the ^ wheelmen of the country: "The Indianapolis '98 meet club has completed all of the arrangements for the nineteenth annual gathering of the f, I. ague of American Wheelmen, which will take place In this city next week, jTo make this th<? greatest cycling event it has been necessary frr the members of Hit* m^et club to contribute some of ? their time dally to the work of preparation during the past auven or eight b month* and has brought together In the work nome four hundred representative buslnees mm nnd cyclists In thH city. (, The national meet thin year will con- ? tlnu" over ? period of IIv?? days. Tho N race programme alone occupies three days and one night. To make tho races a fiucccM a. spec/aI four-lap wood track ? Iran been built wth u seating rapacity of sixteen thousand people at a coat of over twenty thousand dollar* and tho race committee will distribute In prises n next wuck thlrly-llve hundred dollars I YHY DON'T YOU TRY IT? Have Over Seventeen Thousand Just Such Testimonials As This. T n. r- Nov. 17,1897, Grnilrmrn-l have lad catarrh In Its worn form rer alace could remember. and found no relief nonfalJ the different curea, J called at yoor Boston net, and. after taking five free treatment*. pnruuad an outfit for one dollar. AmCBinth thl? wta ill a few week* ago. Uyomei hat completely cured <e oi tola annoy In* and dsngeruoi disease. KW EMELJB G?'ftALBRITTEB, 163 Eight SU So. IhMton, Mate. Hroimd la the onlr remodr for thla dlamae rer Indorsed br tbo mod leal profeaalon. WE OOAUITEE EVERY BOTTLE It carea by Inhalation .alone. Nature's" oly method of reaching the dlaeaaod ixu-ta. Hyomd outfit, complete. $1.00. Extrabottkt&Oc. old br Druwrieta. orient by mall. R. T. BOOTH COMPANY, Ice? 20-21 Aetflleriri EeiWlaf, Cttcfo. W. rcluslve of the prlae for the big mldlle distance event. The entertainment programme for the [ieet it is thought will be the most de[gfrtful and most varied ever offered t a national meet. There will tie a reeptl'in 1y the governor, reception at tie different clubs, banquet* for the vetrans and newspaper men, special out f doors entertainments at the parka, n all night smoker and vaudeville en>rtalnment, and a dozen tours and runs ver the flneet roads in Indiana, Every part of the work of preparation as been thoroughly done, and the clttens of Indianapolis feel'assured that very one who visits their city next reek will be thoroughly repaid for the ffort and return home singing the raises of the hoosler capital and of the ?* Ai?i?on? II now re ? ? M.v ... .. rnins for the wheelmen of the country ) complete the work, and every cyclist i asked to make a special effort to come > Indianapolis next week. The tail>ads have made a one-fare rote for thd :?und trip, and will pay special' dttenon to the care of wheels." The crack riders of the country have egun to arrive In Indianapolis. Bald, reeman, Stevens, Kimball got In Tuesay. Major Taylor reported Wednesay, and at the same ime came Gardner nd Cooper. The men are all enthuslstlc over the Newby oval and predict hat records will go glimmering next reek. * / Chairman Foltx, of the race comnnlt?e, says that there will be over three undred entries in thcuatlonal chamionship races next week. This will lnlude all of the fast men of the country oth amateur and professional. The ace for the championship is still an pen one and will tie until after the rational meet, the riders recognizing the reat advantage given them by securig any one of the sixty point chamlonships at Indianapolis, and they are 11 training especially for those race* One of the greatest attractions during be week of the meet will be the all Ight smoker at the Park theatre. Hxon & Talbot, the well-known theatIcal managers, have taken charge of liis event and have promised to give ne of the beat vaudeville and athletic ntertainment8 ever seen In the middle 'est. The newspaper men who will atpnd the national meet will be enterilned on Tuesday evening, August 9. k banquet has been arranged for them t the Grand hotel and Thomas Tag art, the mayor Ot mmauiavjtur resident of the meet club, will preside, resa headquarters will be opened durlg the weeek of -the meet for'the acommodatlon of visiting: newspaper ien,, and they will be furnished with ummaries of all the doings of the reek. One of the attractive features of the reek will be the fight bgtW?gp..Boston nd Buffalo for the Wfc^vettCIi? '90.. ?th cities will send big delegations to' ndianapoHs and expect to entertain ith a lavish hand. Representatives rom both ctles have already looked ver the ground and secured their headuarters. The two delegatIons\wlll arIve on Monday evening August.8. mabtih'B rmgfcai': npa and MUImp> In (hi Tbrivmi City Acrom (h? ltlr*r. 4 Miss Lena McKar. who has been the uest of Miss Bessie Griffith for the ast three weeks, left yesterday for andusky, to visit Mrs. Georfie A. lack ford. xfiaaoa Mnhel and Gertrude Scott.who ave been the guests of Miss Mary warts;, on "The Heights," went to Col aln yesterday, to visit relatives. The colored ladles of the G. A. Rf 111 give a lawn fete and musleaie to?orrow evening at the home of Mrs. lice Curtis, on Vine street.Miss Daisy Cooper, who has been the uest of Mrs. Howard Bipklns for the ast week, returned to her home in lttsburgh yesterday. M3iin's foundry was laid off yesterday n account of the Jining of the cupalo illlngr in. It will be off the remainder I the week. A number from here attended the orch party given at the homo of Miss ;dna Hodgens In Portland, yesterday fternoon. Joseph Belvllle, jr., son of Joseph lelville, formerly of this place, Is the uest of Gray Shreve, on "The [eights." Dr. Paul Morrison moved his office esterday. Into the room in the Comlercial block vacated recently by Dr. Hlson. Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy, of Mc.'eesport. Pa., are tho guests of the amlly of Mayor Shlpman, on A'oira treet. Misses Mabel Cook, of Curtis, O., and lice Body, of Wellington, O., are the wests of Miss Amelia Kelts, on Fourth treet. Charles Shlpman returned to Phllaelphia yesterday, after a month's vls, with his parents on Third street. James D. Arrlck nnd son, Boss, reurned yesterday from a three week's utlng at Fort Valley, Qa. Miss Ella Inglob'rlght will entertain a umber of her lady friends this afteroon, from 2 to 5 o'clock. Mrs. Samuel Thompson returned yesJrday from a month's visit with relaves In the country. Mrs. William Ball and son Wlllard >avo to-day to visit friends in Hendrysurg, Ohio. W. B. Bat cliff, of Mt. Pleasant, was i the city yesterday on business. Miss Maud Wagner went to Wellsunr yesterday. to visit relatives. W. H. Dlnns. of Fayette City, Pa., aa here yesterday on business. Mies Ella InglobrlRht was the guest of riends In Portland yesterday. Stephen Hlpklns went to Wunhlnprton, ). C., yesterday, on bualncw. II. It. Smith, of Cannl Dover, Is here n busln?'M. F. F. Ilissell, of Toledo, Is here on Uilness. oEfsi'iNfsniiArKnKitUY nit a Nov, i tfcnnltin ItUeUborry Spirit) felNUI/K ind UOUIIMC through COPI'KIt TILL, own <ltatllUtlaii| Id )'?Rri old. I*. W KLT T A CO, '.senrtluii to Pltiitinr^, Hnt$<lar, Ang.7. Itntr ft.SO From WlittllttR. Train leaves Tan Handle depot 7:ir. a. i., city time. IK'turnlnR, leaves Plttsurgh 10 p. m., city time. . MBM'SBHira?0?0. KVirmr All IV X MXV T? Jk JUL* AT by this ad. that to-day ' sell about fi S Mens 11 at dt & *? /"?I4 uiie-iiaii That is to say: A shirt worth 4! A shirt worth 7! A shirt worth 8! A dollar shirt f( on up till the If you can't come yours send your wife body, but don't buy the best sh prices ever knov Gee, E. Si WANTED. ANTBD-TO BUY A GOOD WAGON home. Call at 2820 Market au8* WANTED?AQEN.TS. EITHER BEX: 8 to 6 dollars & day. "No books.'1 Enolose 2o stamp. A. A., Room 10, 1025. . Arch treat. Philadelphia. ^ r": 1 WANTED?TEN THOUSAND DOLIjARS, in a legitimate byslness. Gov ernment contracts. Will net one hundred; ; t>er cent Investigate. Address BITSI-: NK83, care Intcllgencer ofllce, jy30* , TO LQAN. \fONBT TO LOAN-C,000.00, 110.000.00, iVl $15,000.00, 120,000.00. GEO. J. MATH I- . fiDN, Real Estato Agent. 1308 Market 8t ' qp8 REAL ESTATE. FOBZRZEUnTT. No. 12 Indiana street J16 00 J No. 1408 Warren street 9 00 No. 3 Crescent Place 7 00 No. 175 Seventeenth street, 2 rooms.. 6 00 No. 337 Main street, double room on j flint floor, both Rit8cit, furnished 10 00 ' No. 2003 Wood street, 8 rooms 7 00 No. 2602 Main street. 2 rooms 6 00 No. 2S27 Chapllne. 1 room r... 8 00 j No. 2tW Market street, 2 rooms 6 00 ; No. 2306 Jacob street, first floor 8 00 . No. 2141 Alley A. 2 rooms 5 rt) . No. 30 ICth street, bottling cellar 12 00 . No. 32 Sixteenth street, offlce room. 10 CO No. 34 Sixteenth street, first floor.... 17 00 No. 1610 Market street 39 00 : Blacksmith shop near 24th street on \l a rltrtt 10 00 | t No. 2509 Alley B 8 00 No. 17S Sixteenth street 17 00 ' House on Alley In rear of No. W Fourteenth street 7 00 . JAMES A. HENRY. Real Estate Agent, Collector, Notary . Public and Pension Attorney, No. IB13 i Main street Jy27 j For Sale.. NO. 29 NORTH BROADWAY. 8-ROOM BRICK HOUSE. SITUATED ON HIGH GROUND, CORNER LOT. 80x123 FEET. HAS BATH ROOM. BOTH GA8ES. WILL SELL AT A SPECIAL BARGAIN. GOOD NEIGHBORHOOD. MONEY TO LOAN. THEO. W. FINK, ; REAL ESTATE AGENT, 1520 Market Street. j WE OFFER FOR SALE J Building lot on Fourteenth street; no i bettor location In tho city; 35 by 120 feet. < Lot In South Wheeling, on street railway, Go by 1W feet, fi.ttn-ioHH than cost. * One-half lot In South Wheeling, on street railway. 2ft by 100 feet. |700. Cheap house, frame, 4 rooms; lot 40 by 160 feet; JC00 only; East McColloch street. A Country Residence In most desJrabls i part of Peasant Valley, on Elm Grove motor and electrical line; one-third cash; balanco on time. Larue building site In Pleasant Valley, fronting on National itoad, loo 07 *.? leti, only $1,700 raah. .4 C. A. SCHAEFER & CO., Fourteenth and Market Streets. | fobsalb. Flcht roomed brick dwelling at 58 South Front street; ono of the handlent location* on thn Inland. Thin house haa Ini-n thoroughly remodeled from eellar to attic arid l? now In firm claas condition throughout. Ix)t 1B& f?*et deep, giving large, roomy hack yard. If you want a homcflt will pay you to look through this propifrty. C?n make Hatlsfactory t??rma for payment, and nrii you thr? whole property for Iran than you con uuhu iu?i| ? i.wihi?io? ..ww?. .w.. Gk o. SMITH. j REM. K&TATH. Kllin INSURANCE, l;x.-lmnt;<- Unnk Untitling. . Tin: iNTiiL-uoENCRn rRwnwa U?u.Iill.hmcnt-K??Un?urUfcBrotnW. m. ormL m'oo; Ten Tv we will fty dozen ? Shirts & dt F orice. . ' 'v.?y. - ' | 3g is now 24c. - '% jc is now 38c. 3c is now 45c. )r 50c, and so $2.00 quality. /. , elf, sister, or some other miss this opportunity to lirts made at the lowest /n. /f"N ,MCT ^ , WORD '1 -7? All solid advertisements tinker ?? - ? tho following headless: : : 1 ?? WANTED, PERSONALS, ? i LOST AND POUN^. ?? por rent, for SALE, ?- \ will bo Inserted at tho rata of OWE=CENT=A=WORD! FOB RENT. * TjtOR RENT-SEVERAL GOOD rooms AJ In the City Dank Uuildlng. Inquire at ihe City Bank of Wheeling. mrf> For rent-the ware-room no. ,1S10 Main street. Powoeyion at onco. Inquire of R. J. McCULLAGH, No. ?l Fifteenth street. ata FOR*RENT?4 ROOMS. NEW HOUSE, both gases and water In the house; >ossesslon at once. 164 Fourteenth street. Jyy Ri Nino (0) atnre room", either O alusly or together, ou Main aad Truth atreet*. R. Thru* ?ecomt atorjr residence* (?lx room* oaeb) at Main a?d ti, ^ T?tnlh atracts. All modern oo?. CI rcniaucaa. Fire (flj room* second atory 30 Pj Vtrctuin ntrreu, eleveu (111) J? V*r month. L. 1IA ?VLKV, Real EataU and Butate I.omia, 1065 Main rtratt FOR SALE. ' Fbr8ale-8ALOON, NO. IMS water street J? For SALE-ONE AND ONE-HALF. lot In Greenwood cemetery; fine locoHon; corner let: adjoining best lmproTOjicota In cemetery. Address CEMETERT LOT, carr lutwlllgencer office. spit J^OR SALE. ' Crystal Glass Co. Stock. Wheeling Pottery 8tock. ' Fostorla Ola** Co. Stock. Aetnn-Stanclard Stock. w Wheeling Steel & Iron Co. Stock. Rlvorslile Iron Works Stock. LaBeJle Iron Works Stock. *0. 1200 Market Street, Union R. R tlcktt Office. BOILERS FOR SALE. Three (3) 60 bone Power Tubular Boilers. THE BLOCH BROS. TOBACCO CO. i Soooooooooooooooooooooooai1 J^OR SALE \ FEW CHOICE LOTS AT EDGIKuTOIL . CUKAI' ANI> OS K.Vir TKItJH W. V. HOGE, Cltjr Ilnnk llalldlng. liuO M>rk? 81. FOR SALE? Warwick China Co. Stock. Aetna-Standard Preferred Stock. .Aetna-8landard Common Stock. Wheeling ?? ! a Iron Co. 8tock. Dank of Wheeling Stork. llnnk of the Ohio Valley Stock. Exchange Hank Stock. Wheeling .t Hclmont ItrtdBO Co. Stock Wheeling llrldge Co. Stock. wniM'iinjf nniiKP i o. uonu?. Wh^t'llnn Pottery Co. Bonda. Whltaker Iron Co. Bond*. FOR RENT. Pino renldence, completely furntihed, vlih alF modern convenience*. on Cnapltne 'treot. between Twelfth and Fourteenth irroi* Ponxeerton can bf had at once. Money to loon on city real estate. HOWARD HAZLETT, Kxchango Bank Building. 1