Newspaper Page Text
'8 LAPDCg' SHIBT WA?T8-6T Stone & ' ? * 4. t Cf_< gh Ladies oru emptied, and prices rapid clearance. 0^Ef?l!0? All shirt waists tl b 59c, and were j fl choice Saturday Yu Jiff All shirt waists thai J5!?' the best value th sell at that price, Saturday . . All shirt waists that sold at $1.50 Saturday .... All shirt waists that sold at $2.50 , son's best productions, choice Sal Fancy Ribbons* Fifty pieces Nos. 60 and 80 fancy | check and stripe ribbons, desirab neckwear or sashes, 39c, 49c anc qualities, Saturday per yara . tHosiesy.*^ Hons of ladles' hosie have Imported then thus enabling us to o 200 dozen ladies' fine imported mao embroidered plaids and stripes, a colors, high spliced heels and tcx 300 dozen ladies' imported lisle boots, fancy tops, fancy plaid lisl yarn hose; also silk finished lace hose. You've never seen such before. Saturday per pair Finer grades fancy hosiery z per pair. "nrrt ?. _ T5? wniie nque ojuria* Special prices in thi space prevents enume Stone & CASTILE SOAP?GEO. M. SNOOK ]c per is the smallest of small prices at < close to 4,200 calces of PURE C value of which is 5c per cake. Each purchaser limited to ten c Are doing this to introduce 01 AND PERFUMERY DEPT., \ requisite in quantities seldom seen ?all of which will be sold at pric of gratification to the closest buy< Only necessary to add that U world-famed product constitutes 11 SOAPS?Over 30 sorts, including sue quet, 7th Regiment Bouquet, Vio Turkish Bath. Palm, White Casti TOILET AND FLORIDA WATER Rum Hair Tonics, Dental Prepar f-i t>?1? w:it. nr 1 r-~. XUWUCIJ, ill?1?V IIWU V-lt etc., etc. FINEST PERFUMERIES only to t desire to handle cheap perfumery, you expect to get such here. Brir filled?25 lasting odors to pick fn SHIRT WAISTS are. still selling at the remarkably last adv. None reserved for hij than half price. New Empire Nei Tortoisene Combs 15c up. The Jcv new "Fin de Siecle" hinged Comb I an<: ?permits of arranging your hair in am; various new ways with the use of, W3 'verv few hair Dins?7<;c ud. i Pu; J9c Yard <?<?<? (or pick from a grand new lin 1 feta Silk Ribbons. Truly this GEO. M. SNO N'BW GOOD3?JOHN Ft New Goods We will put on sale, com- T* mencing Monday, the 8th, I twenty-six different patterns of Atoo a trig line of Chamber Seta. No use drinking muddy wa FILTER that has stood the test foi JOHN FRIED! wa main m ? ? ONgA TH0MA8. BHQggUALI fhomas. us'.^i ===== On (lie Dollar Tki rt Waists. ?" 41 Thty ui about o be cleared, shelves to be but man tuo. . i like these will effect a t1105u?,?f??K Slat"" ?*"* lat sold at 49c iand I fl LQ. BoJr,, an ext< jood value at that, OQn ' ""51 .{?1'cb, c| ... . . . ! sold at 75c and 98c, * c^'ew at was to be had to 49c ? and $2.00, choice (J|Jq ALEXAf SHOE SELLER. and $3.00, this sea- Qflp - turday . . . 000 biotoi ==~~ Jjpc I 0081,1,1 ... | TOR NEXT T 5?^ | DILLON, V\ vals of our fall importa- | HANCHER I :ry now on display. We ?====. t direct from the maker, shoes-nay ' ffer exceptional values. All o yarn hose in fancy StimfTl?l ill the new and latest QQn es, Saturday per pair ua" thread hose, black ' e thread and maco w? u< determined t striped lisle thread E?g*%SZ quality at this price A (In wiu go quick, comm. ^ *#1111 urday). These are tl , move them* it 75c, 98c on up to $5 lades'SHOES-jjj I m?N(W0PL_i ? I* MU8T MAKE BOOM 1 s department to-day that _T ? rating. Nay Br one price. * * 1317 Mm ihomas. mg SNOOK CO. *'? ? ?r TaM-KtondllM 8ho? Money to Lo?n-Thf M # ? Ohio vallejr BubUwm _% V J - ? tbe Holders of th Certificate*. List of Letters. Wanted Arenta?Mer - U'anl?H An EnnrWt Loit?Lanra Pocketb ^ "V 'It' T V | Pronut Butter?H. F f f \ L?| Wbwltnr. SIHonTll! O'rAlVJZ? You Can't Bleep?R. 1 . . , For Rent?James A. which we propose to let out ot the D,tt ASTILE SOAP, the actual Trunlu?-Hou?? A Her Surprising Bhof> Vi Second Pago. akes. Ladles' Shirt Waistsur newly enlarged -TOILET e1'1"11 p***' r vhich contains every needful ??.M ?in qualities never surpassed ??T* es which will prove a source irs. lion gonran ??*. >lgate & Co.'s extensive and Jacob nr^oi he bulk of our stock. ? h favorites as Cashmere Bou- RUN ON ris, Daffodil. White Oematis, ?o.oo. rniaM<t nun i. n?r 90.00, wilier*! fr?m ie, etc., etc. Miui* to or?i?r ?? ?i s?Many kinds. Quinine and ations, Sachet Po\Vders, Pure ? ?neh h\Ku?r .. r oiii, muiuaui. ljuuj, FaiulonnDleiaiion > ad 13X3 Market air >e had from us. We have no s?w* r?ir You will be disappointed if Jamea W. Doherti ig your bottles and have them at Sana Hill. Marth; 3rn. 1 wagon Handing V" the upper market ho a package, contalnli ladle*' ahoea. and pi low prices announced in our *?? ?X.f7'ran* jher pnees. Lawns at less Doherty ?*w neuber in* feet and aoon gr by the arm. Reubei ? Enameled I ered Steuben In ani made it twenty days velcd and Cut Steel Belt Buckles ?? * 1 Slides?greatest variety at 75c . T, * p i 15 ' -a t The eminent ?nc< ' % if-? 1?uwl Belts;50c. Real the rtcent ,ommern ute Kid Belts 19c. New Metal t?e 0rm HmK b? rses and Purse 1 ops. Wheeling Park ha? t ent to give another request of many wh wan one of the moat e of Wide Plain and Moire Taf- ?< ?v" ? ? , was attended by one season s greatest Ribbon value. aIMj critical oudiei . there, and owing to mo nd anotner are promenade concert tf 11/ %J ( jl Wednesday evenini 'vfl\ & LU? Strodac?dPwHlc^ ________________ shortly. ^ Clrll Ihrflci tIEDBL St CO. Tho United States f - miMion announce# tl will beheld for the Ir J vice in Parkernbur* * tween October 1 and 1 deaire io be examlni Secretary J. B. Flnli .. n? Vmrlrmt Vm m rt4, ^ tlon bi?nk?, and fui /fllflPt* . I^TC live to lh? nop. u 'UUlVi L/WlO Application! on Fori In ccmpl*l? form ?l the bo*rJ plor to t AT VERY LOW PRICES. biMlnm on Beptemto ppllcanta cati not after flltn* appllcall ter when you can get a J? n?tlfl", "10 "" JO years, for $2.35. CHAMPAGNE* ? equal. Cook'i Imi f O Champagne J? pu EL & CO.,fru,ly ?5 Mr. CUu< ZmUnf wl Pnrkl?'intrMWftfl?i THBBT' bjr lb* Op?r? Hoim < I r u V DYE WAS KILLED, . A Tragedy la the Camp of the Fli r Oxferds. we?t Virginia* Irtj-ftre Shoes. Col ffirl Skoes. CAMP TH0MAS ^IDAYMOfiND oe-tMrf price, A OCX IS THE HANDS OF PI X jC ?|l 4 VATE POWELL, OF BENWOC Id Bhoa for Women, ACCIDENT ALT DISCHARGE Uco. all atiM, 2 THE BULLET WOUNDING AT n.lon aolo KILUN? PBASL DTE- QF MAI oj. Button or Lac, ETTA?POWELL IS NOW UNDI , D, E irlde. Tan Shoes, Button ARBB8T AND AN INVES wt stylea, all (law, TION WILL TAKE PLACE. 10*. A ipecial dispatch received by the 1 4al1l?AnMP nlcht from (tl soldl( tiDER, I correspondent with the First West V glnla regiment at Camp Thomas, Chic 1049 Mai* St. amauga, Georgia, brings inform*!! and details or the accidental boot! [#88. and killing of a Marietta volunteer < iQ^QiOiOO a mem^*r Company M who ha *o*utu*u*v from Benwood. BUT O W. 8. Powell, of Benwood, enlist with Company M shortly ttfler the coi HUT J pany left UonndsTllle for Camp L< Ijfj 1 p On Thursday night and early yeiterdi morning Powell was on prlaoa gua 9 duty, and It was about 1 a. m. when t I X tragedy occurred. It seems that Pow CVC16S f waa alttlng In front of tho prison tei 7 a with hts. Hfle resting on his knees. Y some manner, which had not be ru nave 2 learned yesterday, the gua dropped at KN IIA1J. wa, discharged, tho ball entering i X adjoining tent and wounding two s< ? X dlera, one of them fatally. The (M * drat struck Pearl M. Dye, a private HEAT & A Company E, whose home Is In Marletl V Ohio. T)ve was struck fn the lefir ai rrt d 4 A the ball came out through (he lol LUl ? Thence the ball entered the orm ? T Private W. M. Pomeroy, a member ?o?B?owo Comoanv L. who hall* from Parkei burg. 3ROTHEOS Dye lingered In Intense agony until ' . o'clock Frldar morning, when he dl< Pomerof'a wound Ik not serloua. Powell la under arrest, and will Inveatlgated by the ofBcera of the re M lment. ? Young Powell waa well lilted In Be , UXIUCO wood. For come time he had been ei Cloved by Jacob Becker, the und< v jr o taker, and was a member of his fai JVitlSt uO. Hy. The young man'a friends slncei Iy hope he will come out of his troul .. . ? . without blame. o rid our ahelves of , shoes within next IT'S A WET MONTH. sana anything they mclng to-day (Sat- More Sain So Far In August Than le prices that will TJsual for the Entire Month. at S1.CS August. 1888, will pass down the It " * m0Blh ot raln "?-p'e?>ty." < twelve days of the month, two fifths L?:::::SSJ It the rainfall haa aggregated 3 I.sol!."! now !!!!!tt.i7 Inches, more than has fallen In the e !-SS 5JJJ B!u tire month of August In any of t rears 1M7. 18W, 189S, 18M and 1892. rOR FALL STOCK. August, 1893, the rainfall aggrgated 4 Inches. If the present gait t* kept ' ? August of the present year will lea rtrn^fC thn hnnnpp AiiniRt fur in th* rpAr T vMAV40f ? . _ . ' ___ figures of rainfall each day thia monl J> J> SHOES end the aggregate rainfall In August fa) St the years In which Observer Scbne hal| kept a record, are given In the f< lowing table: %?n?r . 'p i ====== !?i Fourteenth Street. 6 00 - - ? 6..... 7 00 ImriibIi. g us 8tore?Fifth Page. 9 00 o. W. Fink & Co. 10 OS i and English Acad- 11 00 12 90 e Virginia Deferred ? 12 days of August 3.88 . ~ wr~.? August, 1897..... 2J4 OTW?B?b August, 1896 2.17 IcMan. Aupust, 1SSS 166 pofc. AUfUXt. 1834 1.41 . Behrecs Co. Aurust. 1892 4.B1 la and Matamon. isfs;; aslett Yesterday's rainfall waa nlne-tcnt (1. List of an inch, equalling that of Augu Henry. lat, and not far behind the wettest d ie??Mutual Savings o? the month. TBEni?7^1fti,..P^Ce- Virginia Deferrnl Certincetea. ues? c a en a? ^ request of holders of a lar -Stone A Thomas? amount of the Virginia deferred certl; cates (representing the debt allotted o, "West Virginia on the creation of th than twenty ttaeo- atate). John Crosby Brown, Geor **? qi a reo- _ . ? , tneqnniied toy m?y Coppell, J. Kennedy Tod and Ciaren Virginia. Satitfao- Carjr have 0greea to act as a commltt ttJBBf Optician, and in conjunction with R. P. Chew, too .tiaraet stree*. west Virginia, Vlrginlus Newton. ?? Virginia, and other citizens of the \y PANTS* stales, to make an effort to obtain compromise and settlement of t! 7 00* inter-state debt. Mr. Brown is cha teyt notice. These man and Robert L. Harrison secreta of* ere gnat bar- and Cary A Whltrldge are counsel replaced exoept at the committee. This is an undertakl vine a enve ln ,,n? wlth the successful settlemc idFurniihers. l'osi of the Virginia state debt some yea et ago. Several attempts have been ma In the past to secure a settlement w! erauoee. t West Virginia, but although In t r. a farmer living bands of persons of high standing t ' ??>??? '"His Onn ronunn I ill couMy, left hi, ujd"to ufrto"?, terday evening at personal questions raised In West V use. He then took glnla. The new movement is In t ng a new pair of hands of persons who have before be at it on a shelf in connected with the former attemp f turned his back, They have taken up the project at 1 to be seen. Mr. request of soma Influential cltlsens \ O'Brien's depart- Virginia and West Virginia who ha abbed the sprinter not been associated with the ott i said he took the movements and they have received ri (fleer Walker gath- sonable assurances that It will 1 Squire Rogers through. Holders of certificates w in JalL desire to take part In the moveim ' should deposit their certificates, trust recelnts renresentlnir them, w :ewi that attended Brown Brothers & Co. so that arranj aeh tsfrst *lv??n bv menti ma,r b? mode ,n <,ITie 10 "ubl aehtsrest given by a proposition to the next legislature id and orchestra at West Virginia. The agreement un< noved them to con- which deposits are Invited provides tl one at the earnest when a majority of them have been 1 0 were present. It cured, the committee shall formulati t successful affairs practicable plan of settlement and st *j at the park, and mlt it to an advisory board, consist! of the most select of Thomas F. Bayard, William Pir nces ever prenent ham Whyte, Edward J. Phelps a <he universal de- George Q. Williams. If this board n tnd military and omm^nds the plan It will be publis* will bo given on tor thirty days and If accepted by a n r. August 31, at Jorlty In value of the deposited cert w features will be cates It will be presented to the Icr fill bo announced lature. The cost of the settlement. effected, Is to be assessed on the bor .1 ,1 that are received and Is not to txc< 1 <<Exnm." Ave per cent on the par value of 1 civil service com- ""'"cuto originally depoalteil. lat on examination E E llODSHON, the well kno iternal revenue aer- hatter, returned Hat <v<-. !< from N v*"'' "nnaturn cltl?a n-horo ir ah h purchased blocks for th? fnll "hats. 16. All persona who n()lv hajl blocks for nil the leading styl sd should apply to |||( hate a,-0 M b,k,(i as any made a ?y, of the board of nll ore made toy hand. aburir, for appllca- Bualnesa has Increased (to much tl 1 Information rela- he now hna hl? factory at No. 1064 Mi f the examination, street, nearby hla aalesroom, No. 1 m 101 muit toe filed jfaln alreet. Hla W 00, 13 50. 13 00 a th the secretary lilo hat cannot bo beaten. The 13 he hour of cloning hat equal* any IK 00 hat, hit 12 SO er 1; otherwise, the superior to any tl CO hat be examined. Hoon m iona applicants Will Kerlh** tlrrnlMl Wointfr, > date of examlna- r>i(> you ever nee It It you have J with to aee It ti?ain. The Cleveki ' Ixirain & Wheeling Hallway (one of i a reatorer liaa no wonders), w ill tak>- you to Niagara Ft Wlal Extrs Dry and mum for Iwi than you ran stay ire, delicious and home. Excursion train un August 8 frtth through sleepers and ladles' coai I . ea from all atarlona. Consult awenta r II ami at WkMUat (ci l ticket entlttlnn you to a Rood ? rasou, araaatpaalMl or berth. Everybody mine thla yi Drakes tea. * Stop-overs (ranted at Chautauqua M. . local lurmn ^ winir llvof Hiatal la aa? Itail t ib? citr. m Bunnlng noH this aitemoon. 'it Tbe extensive Improvement* to the . * Third Pr??byt?rlan church have Harry Long, an engineer at the LaBelle, rot tali hud caught la the maJr chlnery late Thursday night. Hts band ,u was crushed, taut not severely enough to necessitate amputation. >t. Among yesterday's arrests by the po- .Hi lice was Fred Wilde, on tbe charge of D, assault and battery, preferred by his ,D wife; Mike Carpenter was arrested on the charge of assault, preferred by Mln- J JD ole'Polk, a colored aromas.' [I. F. B. Sankey, traveling psasenger agent for the Pennsylvania Company, ___ BR was in Bridgeport yesterday. The Pennsylvania offers superior lnluoe- I menu In quick tlipe and Its charac- J teristio good service for the G. A- R. ? encampment At Cincinnati, on Septem her 6th to 10 th. I n" Theo. W. Fink, the real f tat ft agent, f- bas taken aa a partner 11. H. Kennedy. Ir- The style of the new firm la Theo. W. ___ Fink * Co. They will do a. general real TTT ?? estate and Insurance business. Theo. If W. Fink hue teen successful In the busl?* neaa and with hi* experience the new br 1 firm will no doubt do a good business. "* ABOUT PKOFLS ed lin>m in civ ud w*Miiag p?jj. pUAbiDkd. W. E. Trlmblen, of Smlthfleld, la at U. ~~ the Howell. * Jj Samuel Water*, Btsteiwvflle, O., it a . H McLure register. he Mr. and Mm August Meyer, of Booth ell Jacob street, are at Atlantlo City. 'I. Mrs. Theo. W. Fink left yesterdsy for * In Indianapolis and to vlatt her parents. i en Ilarvey Pollock left at midnight for a ( na week's stay at Mountain Lake Park. in Md. 1 )l- Frank Blowers, the plumber, has reill turned from a trip through the interior In of the state. Afld Mlaa Minnie Meyer, of Steuben vllle, Is d the gueqt of Mlas Xjoulsa. Tappe, South CUi Wood street 0f A. 8. Hoult, of Fairmont, and George "611 ... A. Shryock. of Slstersvllle, registered at ftio the Windsor Isst night ^ I 9 Private Thomas Rose, of (he First seal id. West Virginia, la home on a furlough, visiting* hi* parents in the Eighth ward. lilal T. J. Reynolds, of Huntington, H. R. cfjtr | AfcCue, of SisterevUIe, and L^W". Barr, _ VI nunuUHit were omujiu wnraw aiillK tertlay. 1,1 Ufa. L, V. Bowlln and daughter, Mis* <UlU Henrietta, leave this morning for Bates- nrn^ e_ vllle, 0.. to be the guest of friends for ptUl )le two weeks. hair City Solicitor Frsrk W. Nenbttt was " manifesting considerable pride yeeter- SC21 day morning, over the arrival at fcls home or a fine baby boy. pgr " Miles J. O'Mailia, or South Eoff street, p lert yesterday artemoon over the Baltiqo more & Ohio for Frederick, Md., where -jn he will enter the Jesuit novitiate. 2S23 f Drs. Noden and GOble, Fellow# of the ?25 J co Royal College ot Surgeons, Whom Dr. R iwwta 58 Rau recently met In England, called Q. n- on him in return this -week, and they he left yesterday enroute to Chicago. They sndnv In will vlalt several of the larger cities, re.51 turning to England In the fall. purify up The Waldo Quartet, the leading ex- | #i ve positor of mandolln-gultar music of the tnpora he city, leaves this evening for Mountain :h, Lake Park, where . it has arranged a cuha of series of concerts. The club includes 52 pf Messrs. Will Miller. Walter Vardy, JJ^?J >1- George Otto and Harry Rftter, and is _____ under the management of Frank I* Miller. NORTH WHEELING POTTERY "Blai May be Operated Again?Three Work- aisooui men Have a Scheme. by R(^ Occasionally the hope Is nourished that the North Wheeling pottery will At z "be opened again as In the halcyon days tor, prior to January, 1886, whe? the plant day ra shut down. Rumors that thers was a schema on foot to start up the plant e^ge a have been circulated and credited, only to end where they began. Once more At th there comes to the surface another 5^?^-' . scheme to operate the Idle pottery, and 1 It Is not unlikely that its promoters will 10:30 c '8t succeed. cure a For over two months, three experl- eveJ'S1 enced potters have been working there. They are August Seely, Max Ohldwall, which and Ernest Gertlg, all of whom came BC here from Germany about threo years 0011 fl- ago to work for Dr. ZImmer. Atter the One < to North Wheeling pottery suspended op- cd fro nt eratlons they secured employment with tv the Wheeling Pottery Company. *aci 1 Be In a quiet way recently they set about ders u cb starting up the North End plant, and unity, ee though none of them is well supplied joy un f with this world's goods, they have ' . shown commendable pluck and perse- iaD',a*1 ' verance In striving to attain their ob- or 76. r Ject. Permission to have access to the tlful ei pottery and Its equipment waa given .?nHm fl? them by the owner, Mr. Anton Itey- , mann, and they have labored industri- ,nRr sp ously at their own sweet will, without soveret ' any apparent compensation for nearly carried * three months, and turning out excellent tectlna sampies ot pottery ware. rapacil F* A tew weeka ago two of the ener- tldh ir getlo trio, supplied with samples of this photog J-J ware, "took the road," and it la said, bats oi JJ received encouragement from retailers every Sp In Pittsburgh and other cities. They spalnv "JJ" claim that they have moneyed people army i Ji behind them, and appear confident of scenes flattering success at no distant date, phlllpi Jt -the necessary capital Js secured the niustrt r1 entire plant will be operated. prise s h* m history Baeklen'a Arnica Salve. but ajj The best salvs In the world for Cuts, tury, t " Bruises, Sores, TJIcers, Salt Rheum, aur in1 fl? ?? rhannnd tIn*Aa ?" Chlllblalns, Corn?, and all Skin Erup?? tlona, ?nd poaltlvely curea PHea. or no pay requlrni. It l> guaranteed to (Iva Atlanti nl perfect aatlafactlon or money refunded. Thar .?* Price 25 centa per bo*. For alio by Lo;0. Druf Co. Thc nit Mr. Cbu. Znlaaf irlll sins at Wheeling via thi of Park to-morrew afternoon, teeompaoliil be run Jer by th?Op?r? Hobm Orobeatr*. City < lat - ? City,? Be- No Ftuer Trip f19 , , ?.a Than up thc lakes to Mackinac Island ,b- with Kb cool, Invlgoratln# breezes. No t ^ n* trip often bo much for so Mttle money. ri'A-Wi >k- combining rest, health, recreation and ?v nd beautiful scenery. Onfly ten dollars for inLw,n ec- the round trip, tickets good fifteen days, ?ed on August 18th via C., L. 9c W. Ry, und ia- D. & C. N. Co.'s elegant boats. Conmilt Ifl- O. U. Wood, Trav. Pass. Agt.. McLure ,7,.,* Ib- Houne block, for fuH particulars and II- nmi. R.. If lustrated book of the trip. tts Catt' erl LAST BEA8H0RE ZXCUR3I0N Xfrfu th? AnKiat IXlh from Wheeling, via Pennayl* JSlXi Tinla Mnei . \vn 110 round irip 10 a nan nr. uuy, capo mv May, and other points hy tho ocean, ho Last excursion 6t <ho season via Penn- ^jjj He nylvanla lines, Thuraday, August 18. os. For further details please apply to or nd address John a. Tomllnson or John fly** Bailie, ticket agents, Wheeling, ITn noblml Ilia Gravr. ^, 060 A martllng Incident of which Mr. John inic oui md Oliver, of Philadelphia, was the aubject, dor to no ! narrated by him as follows: "I was In Is a most dreadful condition. My nktn was &JJ , almort yellow, eyea sunken, tongue coat- ?<j W ui ed, pain continually In back and sides, m Di no appetite?gradually growing weaker "Vou w! ^ day by day. Three physicians had given InJAjf n<? me up. Fortunately, a friend advtaed ,*?' lhe trying 'Electrlo Hitters,' and to my great jjyj ,}e illn icy and surprlae, tho flrat bottle mudr n ?mU decided Improvement. I continued their gh'hl 7th u*o for three weeks, and am now a wall T* ' ch- man. 1 know thay saved by life and pn ind robbed the gravo of another victim." No O eat one ahould fall to try tham. Only CO J ur. centa per bottle at Loraa Drug Comka. pany'a drug etora Corn ' /V -I r ;ave srt With the ffittp flllm firmer set > V/ JLJL through p of our pol V* 1 proclaims iMK ALL THE I arm Shampoos: With 'About 251 and $3.50, utlcura s I % still some mSOAP ?l 1 M as chetrfu light dressings with ICURA, purest of emol-: t skin cures, will clear II f~ scalp and hair of crusts, esanddandruff^oothelrted and itching surfaces, hub co inlate the hair follicles, ===== >ly the roots with energy nourishment, and thus Vfll I H A\ luce luxuriant, lustrous , with clean, wholesome pi it u a v p, when all else falls. DlJ 1 ' SoIfRash'^ Perfect Fitt iSnBJSflSMSS'aiSS Perfect Shoi aklo purifying tod btantll$rlof rci l^t ^Haj q tba world, u wou u pomt ud it for tollat, bath cod oanary. TrlmrvtAfl U tf TUB MOMENT OF BIBTH QM Ott-' MIMIM " Made Well. Catlcora. tba mat akin euro, wbteh and twaatlfr baby'o a kin. scalp ud Imhmmhmm id remora akin bUalihaa. occaalooad by tct daaodac and um oootlaoad xm of AT POPIU throHkOBl it* world. Prtoo. COTl. SOAP. Jfc. OUTICOBi ??. 'Jl DECO ANU CHEM. g?MVWj, BeXoo. ?rttl?h Dwot 1 Ktaf *?!??* Hi narck," will be the subject of the |on ^bat comes off m ? the German M. E. church. wo|stbantl WO Will r. U Alblnger^Sunday eventa*. el9e1There WO Will ane street M. E. church, the pasiv. B. B. Evans, will preach Sun- BEST lornlng and evening. Morning "Our Greatest Support," cvenjject "The two sources of knowlnihe,p'" _ l?} nrr o Second Presbyterian church the IimmK LJ Rev. Joseph Speers, will con- I J M \ he regular morning service at a. ('clock. The Sabbath school oet 9:15 a. m. There will be no SOLE A j service. A hearty invitation Is ?? , i ? ed to the -members of churches arc closed for the summer. HA imlila'i Flasoii liHiid aNdftra* III of the benefits of war, to be sift- VJtjUi ll i m Its multitude of evils, is the lat It develops patriots, nod rens sensible of the strength of and the blessings which we ender the form of government es ed through the blood and moil f , rnlnmiiln'i llnir th#> mo fit beau- i. 1 af IjVi I' ,*er designed, represents the best ent of the age, the ChrlstlanlrIrlt and beneficent purpose of & Hatiil Pi gn people, which Is now being OttllQ CI I with honor on the sea, and pro- 1 ; the weak from the cruelty and llllUal 1 y of Spanish masters. "Our Nai War" presents, in a series of raphlo views, the famous comt American history. and pictures ? _ . acute phase of the conflict with All rOTO UlICO AOQ L the battleships, fortifications, manoeuvres, naval engagements, Wnrfh V 1 ?7c fOf in Cuba. Porto Rico, and tho wonfl 31 1 a lor * >lnes, and In brief it embraces itions that In their entirety comi plctographlc and descriptive not only of our war with Spain, 10 of the ffreat battles of a cen- ^ g f hrough which we have attained I in0iBnAll /Inclble power as a nation. vllv IIUII 1A8T l? fill* tid Kmiahora Eiennldii ^ idnyt Antut UO. drcafly llrdnccd ? i. Baltimore ami Ohio Railroad. f tost popufar w>ai?hore excursions, ? Baltimore & Ohio railroad, wlH Thtmdayv Aufrust 25, to Atlantic = ^ape May. 8i*a Irte dm Ocean J. J., and Ocean City, Ud. TickI bo pkhI twelve (12) day?, Includ- | LA r\ IJ ovcn? wM be aHowed> on return * * PhlhuletyMtu Baltimore ami ? nsrton on ticket* sold to N>w Jerort?, and at Baltimore and Warfhon ticket* sold to Ocean City, >t? trill be sold on above date from <1 ln? for $10 00 round' trip, and vvift jf* " 114 32:25, 5:25 and-10:55 a. m. f^pt?| A an^or atWrws nearest ticket affwvt \ 6*0 CslCffij lore & Ohl?> railroad for tickets V fgK IN Ir.'fornmtlorK or apply to T. C. I k a passenger and ticket a^cnt, J w- Snecial Sale >uyer la now In New York purrhas* fn II and holiday rooiIb, nnd In or- m\? reduce our stock are ofTcrlnir barm our .ndle*' an?l Gents* Solid Gold and rilled Watches, warranted, from lamond Rlwrs from *5 to 1300.00 oach. .. * \\\ nnd many bar*?lna In Diamonds HOTEL lot. '.? ' ' m' boil gllv.r Knlvw and Porkii r-wionivmofmooi dosen. Solid Sllvor Ten Spoons i OOOOOUOOOWW i/ftolld Gold Rings from (1.00 up. ' "WAWSl TO T? ren':* 8olld Gold Rlnira from toe up. -n *%g g lo line watch repairing at reduced | J|0 (j|0Q6 HEFF BROS., -alltT^ or M?ln and ElevenUi StreeU. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOt HPB-oi.3raiB;? AVO yoaMiaaam. gbting the Sipfi unfaltering sword of sincerity. We must cpunters cleared, for already the advance >ur fall purchases are arriving. I As time flies is the determination?and deeper down irofit to the core of cost sinks the weapon icies defense. The victory of its sincerity i< i in a myriad of matchless bargains. EPARATE PANTS ?HAVE GOT TO GO, o pairs of pants that sold alt season at $4x0 , during this sale your choice -at $2.50. We we this week the great bargain sale as an11 our Boys' Clothing Department last week. s Siiit tables art being rapidly depleted, but excellent values?just placed upon them reserve stock. No risk when buying?take r purchase, and if after full consideration you ir money back, it's here to be given to you Uy as accepted. r>t" p |^| | | ; wuuiicia, nailers ^ Hi U Oj and Furnishers, RNER, FOURTEENTH AND MARKET STREETS. DOTOHBS8 TBOU8EH3-B ABE'S. E HEARD OF, n , j E YOU WORN ( Dutchess pe. - . i M\ mmm. i I _J 1 rousers \R PRICES. EVERY PAIR WARRANTED. nw Ton may bny a pair or DUTCHESS III Y WOOL THOUSKRiL at $'.'.00, $2,50, I I $3.00, $3.50 or $4.;00, and wear then 1 11 two months. For every suspender butwe will pay you ten cents. It they rip at the ) payyoo fifty cents. If they rip in the seat or pay yon one dollar, or giro yoa a new pair. IN THE WORLD. TRY A PAIR. T T^. Tn9 C Twdfth i I J I V . Street GENTS FOIl DUTCH KSS TROUSERS. NDKEaCHTEFS-aBO. B. TATlijB 00. . Taylor Company. h ii // al Sale 100 Dozen a tSs Handkerchiefs. T 5 .anndried. prn i::::25C. ' > Price Sale )f Tailor Made Cloth, linen ^ ind Pique Suits and Skirts pgu Continued. . Taylor Company. J. H. LOCKE SUOS COMPA.NY. 1%, About Shoes. \ Nearly nil our host line of ladles' fhe?? l ft " n made In one factory. We have dlscov??? * ft f) thai this factory makes the 'i a. Jl moat satisfactory wear In* shoes to be n??? '>11 and wc buy thom there, as wo want only B J 27 the lx?.?t. This cut represents on? <>? in, U I B leading style* In our famous Cincinnati III a line or ladiv*' Colored Vict Shoes. TM \\Lff U.?i nnd *?<?? quality. We have etnw styles; iilao button and lace, non?? of tn*? below the 12.60 grade. We have m*a? ? low price to close them out. and y?u *ake your choice of the cntlro lino at w* mall price of $2.00. T-iidl#*' Ovfnrrla Mr. 78c. 11.00, Ml"?1' 1 ' and Child's Oxfords 80c, Wc. 75c. Locke Shoe Co.*&j MACHINERY. OOOOOOOOOOOO * co| t 9UTIOV 8 S Hotel 8 GENERAL MACHINISTS 0 AND MANUKACWBEnS Or MABlSB R ROW-" C AND STATIONAKT ENOINES. 300000000000 lull IWHwUut W. Vfc ; BHHIi I