Newspaper Page Text
I She <HkceKng (jfll 3ntcUigmcer. ^VOLUME XLVI-^N UMBER 306. WHEELING. W. VA., MONDAY, AUGUST 15. 189a PEICE TWO CENT&{$?$& RATHER A At the Government De Of any Com I [FIRST QUIET SIND I President and his Cabinet will now Problem or tho Final DIsposltli to That Conies the Prorlsion jeetures About the Probable A ' WASHIXOTO.V, Aus:. H.?The white house, the war department and the navy department to-day resumed their ] usual Sunday quiet, a condition which has not prevailed since the Maine was ' Mown up In Haranji harbor February , 'secretary Alffer was at the depart- 1 aient a few minutes and also went to J the white house, but did not remain ( Ion?. General Corbln came into his of- J - J? lAAbaHovA). Vila I 1 flee during ine oa# ??? iw?v- w._. ...? dispatches, but did not remain con- J etaatly on duty as he has been doing, j There were a few clerks about the de- < partments.but scarcely a Sunday passes 4 in peace times that this does not hap- 1 pen. The busy, warlike attitude has entirely disappeared, and Washington has ' settled down to a peace basis. The president believes that the most serious problem which the peace com- J mission will be called upon to deal with 1 Is the Philippines. Before the commls- 1 slon assembles It Is hoped that the affairs of Cuba and Porto Rico will be ] found in such process of adjustment as tn lMve little for the commission to , consider uadcr that head. Tho absolute relinquishment by Spain of all sovereignty over the Islands in the West In- 1 dies will allow only the property ques- J tions to be settled between the gov- ' ernment?~that Is, what Spain shall * take away and what shall remain as j captures of war, and the protection of 1 Spanish subjects and their property In the Islands. The greater questions 1 growing out of the war as relating to : Cuba and Porto Rico will have to be , dealt with by the United States alone. | Difficult Philippine Problem. The fact that the Philippines will pre. sent the difficult problem in the peace i negotiations has caused the adminls- f tration to give it a great deal of care- i ful attention. Several suggestions nave < been made as to what shall be done, one ! being the retention of the bay, city and harbor of Manila, just what the protocol gives temporarily. Another Is that Sublg bay and a sufficient amount of territory for a naval and coaling sta- ; tion to be secured, and the buldlng up , of an American city at that place be- . gun. Still another Idea which Is being considered is the retention of the Island of Luzon, the advocates of that plan believing that there would be trouble be- j tween the governments which occupied c portion of the Island with a line of demarcation stich as would exist In case Manila and the bay only were retained. The Island of Luzon Is the largest of the group and contains about three million p^oplp, which are said to be a bet- , ter class than In the Philippines. It Is j v.tho n,lmlnlittra- 1 tlon and the commission will bo greatly 1 Influenced by the reports which Admiral Dewey and General Merrltt will mako on the subject. Their reports are expected before the commission meets. A* to Porto Rico nnd C'Mba. The final determination as to the government of Porto Rico and the settlement of the government of Cuba are problems for consideration, but the Impression prevails that these Islands will become quite rapldlr Americanized and every encouragement for them to do so will be given. Porto Rico will be under military control for the present. Cuba also will be similarly governed, but It Is probable that American reforms In the matter of government will be such that the people of Cuba will see the advantage of becoming annexed to the United States. It is thought the sanitary improvement of Havana and i other cities, the management or me municipalities and liberality offered the ; country people will be of such a character as soon to convince the people that the changed conditions are for their good. 1 There has been a little doubt about toon settling the transfer of Porto Rico, and the reception which the American troops have received In that Island Is a Justification for the belief. Porto Rico will bo treated at onco as an American , possession. The first movement In this , direction will be the sending of a delo- , ^ration of ofilclals from the postofllce department to Investigate and report upon the mall facilities there now and to moke such recommendations as they detrmlne upon. Mall routes, methods of transportation and the conditions of postofflces g n? rally In the Island will be examined. Military postofflces will be cstabltsh'd at once wherever troops are Htatloned ami at such other points ?? may be demanded by the Interests of , iiii'-iiLnns an'i inc peujue in iuc niuuua if the present offlcp9 are not available. A similar rourw? In likely to be taken In Cuba, t?ut thin la likely to be delayed, a* the Immediate removal of the Spanish and the occupation by the United P'bt's In not expected. Xo more troops will be sent fJi-ueral Merrltt unless ho a-ks for them. It Is believed at the wjr '!<>partment that the 10.000 men th? re are sufficient to garrlaon Manli i and the ground which the United Stales for the present will occupy. Trtopi to f*ar? Cuba. AH of the troops that were with General Bhafter in the Santiago campaign will be out of Cuba by Friday of this week. Goneral flhafter will accompany th*m to Montnuk Point. There will remain at Santiago flvo regiments of Immune to <lo garrison duty. It 1* yot possible that a batterr will be sent to B?ntl?Ro to ink? the place of the batt'-rh-H which aro to be romoved. General mjim has about 15.000 men in Porto nico. They will be flufflolent for the occupation of the Island, and porhaps mor> than will be needed nfter the Spanish evacuation. The remainder of tr'?op? will rrmaln in tho various mp* to which they have been assigned for the present,though som^thlngmny bf done looking toward diminishing th? number when It becomes apparent tUt they are no longer needed. The DULL DAY partments for News sequence. AY FOR MONTHS. be Confronted with the Difficult in ot the Philippines, and Next of a Government for Caba?Conetlon of the United States. government will dispone of the transports that have been In use as fast as they can be released and are no longer required for service. All vessels of the navy that can be spared from service In the West Indies will be ordered to porta in the States nrhere the men will be given brief holidays. The big battleships of the fleet Brill be put In dry dock as eoon as possible and undergo such repairs as may be necessary. There Is scarcely a vessel )f the navy that does not need docking, tt is expected that the large dock In the New York yard will be ready to receive :he ships In about two weeks. The auxiliary vessels of the navy which will not ae used for the permanent navy will bo llsposed of as soon as they go out of :ommlsalon, probably being sold at auction. _________ OTO NEAR yglQHBOB, IVhat th? Papers of Mcxtao Think of Oar West Indian Conquest*. CITY OF MEXICO, August 14.?The press comments variously on the terms of peace between the United States and 3patn. The Mexican Herald says: "Spain may thank the short-sightedness of her statesmen for the loss* of Porto Rico. The Cuban question might have been settled long ago, as some Spaniards wanted It settled, by selling the Island to the American government Before the American people lies the .perplexing Duban question. The land will have to De held as England holds Egypt and. In -nl-l.n ?? la ..I p.uwal if 11 Vol v nvor JUr Vi'lIIiUII, At. ID CAHSWSi/ > >< ? - to enjoy absolute independence. Perhaps it Is not desirable." L'Natlonal, moderate Liberal paper, says the war waged in Cuba by the Americans has not been a savage and barbarous struggle but as civilized as far as war can be civilized. "It will not do in the future to diBdain tho American army. He who does so will show that he is unable to profit by the lessons of history." El Tiempo, tho organ of the clerical ind reactionary party, and opposed to the government, says: "The protocol makes no mention of the enormous pejunJary Indemnity which it wns said the Yankees Intended to demand of Spain. Will they, with their accustomed bad faJth, hold thut question in reserve to bring it up at Paris at the last moment and obtain by that means further advantages? This might happen, and It nrould not surprise us if It did. We cannot entef Into further comments on the fatal announcement for we are overwhelmed with the reflection In which Mexico and her future uppoars to our Imagination in so sad a light that we cannot put our thoughts into order." ABSEMBLIHO SHIPS At Key W#it In Accordauea with Orders ofNitf Department. KEY WEST, Aug. 14.?T:30 p. m.?In accordance with orders from the navy iepartment following the President's proclamation of a suspension of hostilities, Commodore Howell, of the north Cuban coast blockading squadron, Is rapidly assembling his dhlps at Key West. Many arrived yesterday and still more to-day. The flagship San Francisco with the commodore aboard, arrived this morning. She looks none the worst for her experience off Havana late Friday morning. The hole torn In her stern by tho 12-Inch shells from Morro Castle has been neatly patched and the damage to the ship Is Inconsiderable. The larger gunboats and the torpedo boat destroyers have not yet received ordera, but the torpedo boats and revenue cutters have already been called north. The revenue cutter Hudson, whltfh won, perhaps, the hlgheet distinction of all the smaller craft by her gallant work at Cardenas during the Wlnslow engagement, left for Norfolk this morning and the revenue cutter Morrill, which arrived from the Matanzss Station this morning iwt *?? wu-m ?. ? They will be followed to-morrow by the revenue cutter Woodbury and Windom, which came from Havana and the light houae tender Maple, from the lalo of Pines. The Flah Hawk, whloh only recently came down from Philadelphia, will return to League Island a? soon a a tfhe has taken on coal and water. The other ships of the fleet here to-day are the Bancroft, Marietta, CaaMne, Newport. Mlantonomah, Apache, Peoria. Hornet, Oneida, Hawk, Dorothea, Buccaneer, Sylvia, Siren, Bangor, PlBcatoqua and Uncos. The Tecunvneh and smaller unarmored tug* Sioux, Calumet and Cheyenne left to-day for Tampa. The gunboat Princeton, which has been doing special duty around Guantanamoand Brltlrfh Honduras, opportunely returned to-day but she has received nn further orders. Other ships of the bombarding squadron ore eipected tonight or to-morrow. Naval officer* are unanimous In In Mr expnfstons of gnulfleatlon that the war Id over ami are anxiously looking for orders which will take them north. p<ri Pnltr WASHINGTON, August 14.-general Shatter reports to tho war department to-night concerning the customs receipts at Santiago an follows: SANTIAGO DE CUBA, August H. G:S7 P- tn. TT n rivrhin. Aillutant General U. S. Army, Washington: * I have the honor to report for your Information that there were taken In at the custom* house here from July SO to August IS Inclusive, 158,445.24. (Signed) RHAFTDR, Major General. Giniral I<ra In Washington. WASHINGTON, August 14.?Oeneml Fltshugh Leo, In command of tho Seventh army corps at Jacksonville, arrived In Washington to-night, In response to telegraphic orders from the secretary of war, to whom he will report In the morning. Tho general was accompanied by his son who Is a momber of-his stag. A DRAWN BATTLE With the Spanish by Part ot General Wll on'a Commud-\u Artillery D?el In Which Melther aide Gained an AUTMIltMKe. COAMO, Porto Rico, August 13, Even- ' lag.?(Delayed in Trasmission.)?Genera) Wilson- moved one Lancaster battery out to the front this afternoon for the purpose of sheUing the Spanish position on the crest of the mountain at the head of the pass through which the road winds. The enemy occupied a position of great natural strength, protected by seven lines of entrenchments and a battery of t\ro Howitzers. The Spaniards were eager for the fray, and' earlier in the day and /lred upon Colonel Biddie, of the engineer corps, who, with a Platoon of troop C, of New York, was recomnoitering on their right flank. As our battery rounded a curve in the road, 2,000 yards away, the enemy opened an artillery and Infantry Are. Pour .companies of the Third Wisconsin which were posted on the Muffs to the right of the road were not permitted to respond to the Infantry fire. The guns advanced 'at a gallop In the face of a terrific fire, were unMmfcered and soon hurling common shell and shrapnel at the enemy art. a lively rate, striking the emplacements, batteries and entrenchments with the rhythmic regularity of a trip hammer. The enemy soon abandoned one gun, but continued to serve the other at Intervals for over an hour. They had our range and their shrapnel burst repent e<l?y over our men. One shew burst, the fragments killing Cor]>oral Swancon, of Company L, and seriously wounding Corporal Yanks and Privates Hunce and Vo-ught. Captain Paget, the British army offlmr. Mckinley r To the Very High and Deserv London A TRIBUTE TO PRESIDE LONDON, Aug. 15, MB&s ments editorially upon t \55sSi of the part which Presid ? ^ out the -war between the "If foreign observers might presumi duct it would probably be that P finger constantly upon the nation stimulate and direct national thouj ning its movements. "Everything has been done in th cussed as a possibility all over the mcnt was irrevocably committed 01 of the cautious, tentative policy is til the President has the whole Amcric "We do not know that there can president governing under the con: cer who Is with the American force* for the purpose of observing the operations In the field. dlsUnRulshttf himself by sM>1 no- nr Woodbury. Here Captain Lee and Private Slser. of Company F, wero wounded by Mauser bulieta. In about two hours the enemy abandoned the other mm and the men begian to flee from the entrenchments toward a banana grove In the gorge. Our guns shewed them as they ran, Our gun was now ordered to advance to a poMtlon a (juorter of a mile further on. It hart Just readied' the new position when Spanish Infantry reinforcements Dtedi Into the trenches ami fired down a deadly Ore upon our men, compelling tho battery to retire at a gallop. Then both the enemy's Howitzers reopened and shrapnel screamed and Mausers sang. Another gun'gailoped rrom me rear, uut uu an>iuui.iviv? exhausted. lieutenant Haines was shot In the body by a Mauser Just before his- gun retired, the bait following a rib. The orders Issued for two companies to advance were countermanded and the firing soon ceased. Colored Drtss. of General Wilson's staff, went forward to the enemy's line wtth a flair of truce and explained that peace negotiations were almost concluded and that their poMtion was untenable and demanded their surrender. The Spanish hare no communication wltto the outside worM and the commander asked untfi to-morrow morning in order thnt lie mfght communicate wHi? Governor General Mtoclas at San Juan. Genera) Wilson and his staff "viewed to-day's notion from a hlW at the right Af the battery. The enemy's guns were fired from a higli eferation with low velocity. The Spaniards had the range as accurately as they had at Santiago. Their position from the front is almost lmrpreimable, but lit can be turned. Estimates of the strength of the ene?. from kao to 1.000. Their poei- | tioni 1? Ever m11?? from Albonit(X II U All Off. HEADQUARTERS OP GENERAL WILSON AT COAMO. Aug. 18, morning (delayed In transmission.)?"Tell the American general If he desires no farther shedding of blood to remain where he In." This Is the reply thst the 8psnlsh commander, Colonel Nuevlllas, sent to Goneral Wilson's demand for the surrefider of Albonlto made lout night. A flffht 1s certain to occur unless orders arc sent from Washington to prevent It HEADQUARTERS OP GENERAL WILSON AT COAMO, Aug. 13. noon (delayed In transmission.)?The orders to advance given to General Ernst's brigade wore countcrmtujded upon receipt of the President's order to suipend hostilities. General Wilson thlfl morning sent n pnrty with a ting of truce to notify the Hpanlards of the suspension of hostilities. but the llafiT was not respected. Thl* was by order of Governor General Maelat*. Ah General Macias has no communication with Madrid he may thus cut himself off from official notification of the situation, although natives have been sent through the flpnn1?li lines to spread the news thnt a cessation of hostilities had been ordered. PONCE, Porto Rico, Aug. 13, evening. ?Tho peaco news has stopped all forward movement of the American army In Porto RICO. General Wllsan at Coamo and General Kchwan at Mayngues will remain at those places. General Uenry, who Is at Utuado, v*ll return to A4Junta* and General Brooke, who had advanced beyond Guayama, will return to that town. General Mile* expects to do nothing pending the arrival at SanJuan of the peace commU*loners. 1 FIRST CONGRATULATIONS Of ? r?<l|> Go?.ram.*t OamM From | Italy wllh.cmul ETprWOK.rOtKxi Will. WASHINGTON. An*. H.-The rot- * eminent today reeelvetf the fli*? congratulations from a foreign power upon the successful termination or Uie war with Spain. The congratulations came from Italy through the Italian arnbaasador, Baron Fava. He communicated to the state department to-day by direction of his government an expression of cordial satisfaction at the prompt signature of the preliminaries of peace, together with the wish of the Italian government that, after the war, con- ? ducted with such conspicuous gallantry by the United States, this country p might enjoy the benefits of peace. I] Ambaaaador Faya, in presenting the views of his government, expressed the ei hope that they would be communicated P as soon as possible to tye President. ? Troop* Embarked for Home* P WASHINGTON, August U-Adju- 11 tant General Corbla has received the c 8 SANTIAGO, August 11 a Rio Orafede, Seneca and Comanche 11 with Ninth and Tenth cavalry. Fourth and Twentjr-llfth infantry, all loaded, v and will CO out this afternoon unieai t] hurricanes, of which report* have been had aa blowing south of Jamaica, pre>OFF YOUR HATi P UI red Compliment Paid By the d Times. j tc NT'S STATESMANSHIP. n ?The Times, this morning, comhe generous universal recognition ent McKinley has played through- p United States and Spain and says: ? 5 to have an opinion upon his con- p XMTinW has keot his ? al pulse and has known how to p fht without too markedly outrunic e open, every move has been disUnited States before the govern- 01 le way or the other, and the result n lat where he stands at this moment '< p an people at his back. p, be any higher statesmanship for a le stitution of the United States." to vent The Breakwater, City of Macon a and Arcadia will ko to-morrow with two Hpht batteries and Twelfth and Seventeenth Infantry. Ono of the hardest ** rain storms we have had Is raging this d< afternoon. Am ffettlnir the sick that lp have to be left behind In very comfort- a able condition. shaittisk. To Carry the .\rw? to MtnlU, Jf HONO KONG, Aug. 14.-News of the tl cessation of hostilities between the tfi United States and Spain was received a? here yesterday. The British steamer tl Australian, bound for Sydney, N. S. W., was chartered to carry the news to Ma- J nlla. No other vessel was available for J: the purpose, owing to the prevalence of typhoons. THE POPE'S ILL HEALTH p ITai Produced a Great Commotion?Intrl^nn Uolug On. y BOMB, Aug. 14.?The pope's extreme weakness has produced a great commotion, excitement and Intrigue smong ? the members of the sacred college. It Is reported that France, Germany and jr Austria, as being chiefly concerned In tr the accession to the papacy, have or* *' dered their representatives not to leave ?J Bome. Dr. Lapponl, the pope's physi- C( clan, thinks there 1m no danger if the pope Is able to pull through the hot ai weather. All the members of the famo?f nt thA Tvnnn have hurried <o Bome. His holiness on Friday Insisted upon 01 upon Retting up, but soon had to be carried to bed again In a state of par- " tlal collapse. He does not suffer from , any specific affection, but only from de- *" " m g< B?mr Important DUpitrhfi, WASHINGTON, Aug. 14.-Lleu tenant Colonel Charles Dick, of (he Eighth Ohio, the President's own company, and D Major Goodfellow, volunteer aide on General Shaftcr's staff, arrived in Washington this evening from Sontl- J? ago. Thef are the bearers of Important dispatches and information from Gen- m oral Shafter to the President and secre- w tnry of war. Colonel Dick had a con- 0t ferenee of nn hour and a half with ihc President to-filght. . m bi ftather A|?1, m LINCOLN, Neb., August 14.?Mrs. hi Delilah Cromwell, the oldest woman In Nebraska, Is dead at her home near Ta- al ble Rock. She was a small girl when ft Washington was President, and Insisted rc that she was born In 1778. Neighbors bi ?t? 1 ...? u..m tfxw thlrft. vanni will! liavv HIivnu iivi ?>' ........ Dj bcllevt? she wo# about J10 years ol<l. * Her fourth husband died of old age a quarter of a century ago. *lc m m Amrrlcnn lUrk Wrecked. ^1 LONDON, Aug. 14.?Advice? from {J Mclbourao report that the American bark C. C. Funk, Captain Nlssen, which ^ called from Tacoma, May 33, for Melbourne, ton* been wrecked on Flinders ^ Island, Tasmania. Kleven of those on ? board the bark, Including Captain Nln?en, his wife and two children, were drowned. W ^ fr Krrano'a Hl? Klrr. 0( FRESNO, Col., Auguat 14.?The conflagrntlon that devastated a large area j? In the packing houae district In Fresno at mldnlKht wan not gotten under con- d< tml until daybreak thla morning. The It aggregate Ions la now variously uttlma- gt ted frwin a conservative standpoint at be from 1300,000 to $<50,000, w SPAIN WAKENING "o the Blow that hu Struct Her Pride !Y TERMS OF THE PROTOCOL hi CommiPd or Kb* Pr*M?fl?drldan a Heritable Fluural Hymn on Cha Dw traction oflha Spanish Colonial Kmplra Nothing bat Grlaf and D??pair Ow Iki Folly and Ui? Conduct of thi War?Ua Tina Gr*atlj Agitated Orw (bi ann o tb? llfiitac of the Protocol?A Ytrj Clloomjr Oatlook. LONDON, August 15.-The Madrl< orrespondent of the Daily Mall says: "The comments of the prese on thi rotocol are a veritable funeral hymn oi be destruction of the Spanish colonla mplre. Some days ago the desire foi eace made the people close their eyei > the price, but now, upon reading th< rotocol, they realize that the cost li le loss of that empire which Spain ba<! onquered with bo much glory and tha pain now falls to the second rani mong nations. The public mind it tunned and there Is general mourning "General Blanco telegraphs that Ha< ana Is greatly agitated by the news o: lie signing of the protocol, and thai uch anxiety is manifested to Icorn the >ndltions, which have not yet beer ithltahpri- finma nneaiiineu is felt re arding the effect that the text of th< rotocol may havo on the Spanish vol Qtoera in Havana. "Many newspapers express grief and eepalr that the men who brought dls< ster on Spain by lack of foresight, oranimation and ability, should continue > govern the country." KEEN DISAPPOINTMENT antfcstcd In NadrldOvir tha I'nbl (cation of lha Protocol?Lom of i*hlHpptuea. The l?*at Straw. MADRID. August 15, 4 a m.?The cltj as patrolled by police last night but erfect tranquility prevails. The publl. itlon ot the protocol produced keei Isappointment so far as it refers to the hillppines, where it had been hoped pain would preserve her sovereignty itact. Clause III of the protocol dlsels this allusion. Echoing public feeling, the independat and opposition papers bitterly crit? ise the clauHe as affording pretext for jrtalllng Spanish sovereignty in the rehlDolaco where control or Interfer ice of a foreign power would make the at Ives ungovernable. El Heraldo wants to know how Amera proposes to make the Cuban and hlllpplne Insurgents submit to a huh?ns!on of hostilities and keep them in ash until evacuation of the Islands b> le Spaniards Is completed. El Naclonal says: "We would rathei so the Philippines altogether than subit to American tutelage." The other papers discuss the probablly of the abolition of the colonial office, jelaring that the total loss of the Phll plnes would be "preferable to Amertun partnership or control." All the adversaries of tho present cablet And fault with the protocol becausc le fifth clause allows until October for le meeting of the peace commissioners id stipulates that when a definite eaty is concluded it shall bo ratified wording to the constitutional rules of ich country, thus affording Sagasta 1th a plausible pretext for adjourning le convocation of the cortes until he is a treaty of peace to put before them. Public opinion attaches great imporince to the Spanish commission In arls making a resolute stand In dernse of Spain's territorial rights in le Philippines. The government thereire wants to send a strong, competent >dv of delegates. A decree has been issued granting the patriated troops a three months' furugh. The minister of war, Lieutenant eneral Correa, has issued circulars flxig rules for the disbandment of the oops returning from the. West Indies, ho will hand over their arms and war .ore* at the ports of Vego, Comma id Santander. The soldiers and nonimmlssioned officers will return to iclr homos at the expense of the state, id the officers are to be placed In the serves until'the reorganisation of the >me army permits their being replaced i the active list About 120.000 men id 6,000 officers are expected from the 'est Indies alone. The French conduct of the negotlaons for pt?ace Is regarded as a clever roko of French diplomacy, conslderig the ImmwiRo French interests In r>nnlnh financial and commercial unmaking* MADRID PRESS dm not Take Kindly to the Provision* of the Pmlorol. MADRID, August 14,10 a. m.-?El Pais -day prints the text of the protocol by le United 9tates and Spain wttix owning borders- and1 says: "Spain, ithout eofcnrtes, Is reduced' to the role ! a third' rate power." El Impartial say*: "Peace trill not ring to Spain even tho rest she so ucb needs after three years and a iBf of wnr." Ei Norton eays bitterly: "If Spain had : least been vanquished only after n irlous ami heroic struggle phe could ?1gn herstff. Peace with the United latt-s will only be a momentary resto from our misfortune." 121 Libe?rai myn the article in the proicol dilating to the Philippines does >t. indicate thati Anything good for >ain will be fixed upon, and the quesoii will not be settled favorably for fr. El Olobo (MMnlstorial) pines for peace ctween Spain und the United States, vli ?rays the communications on eastn questions w%1ch Day ami Oambon ive siRrn-d b??Kin the first chapter in new history of Europe. El Tcm|x> (Conservative) says: Vace Is tin necompMShed fact. The tterness of defeat ?!?>< * not prevent us am swing with satisfaction the end the war. An order haw bevn iMoeft by th?? cupIn general of Madrid utfpetKMn* the iMiration of the newspaper 12 Hals. Jvl Epoofc irays: "The peace It* the aadrt liwpooea Mnce the treaty of trecht" nnd expre?cw doubt "If a >vwnmw>t which Im?? allowed Itmrlf to ? dragged Into a war will acquit itaolf by negotiating peace." ? THEY PICKED UP GOLD. PUmtMUMb ?* OuuUUam niii f I thaKlnllteB?u. JUNEAU, Alaska, Aug. 10, tU Btattle, Wuh., Aug. 14.?'What 1* retarded aa a most Important discovery of ? rich > placer diggings la reported to hart been made at Pine creek, a email (Cream > emptying into Atliu lake. feed!* of . Lake Taglsh. The discovery I* looated In the Northwest Terrltorr of Canada. ( The news of the dlaoovery baa caoatS a great etampede from Juneau and other southeastern Alaska points, and It la estimated that at least 1000 proapaetota ' have started for the locality- As reported here, the And was made tw? rear* ago toy George Miller, of this dtr. about the time the-Klondike waa made. Miller allowed his discovery to remain * dormant and vent to the Klondike, ' T??? T?. ha MnA (atrlw A f?V . friend* Into his confidence revisited the ' place and staked out claims. t Walker Carter, who has Just returned ( here from the diggings, says: "I Saw I (our men shovel In twenty-ilx ounces to t two days, one pan from bed rock eoo? t talnlng (our dollars. This was on dls, corery claim. Flos creek Is About fifteen miles long and will average sevi enty-five feet In width. The current Is [ very rapid. The diggings are what It t known ss "bar diggings," or summer . placer. Discovery claim Is about eight , miles from the mouth of the creek. The . bed rock li only fivs teet from the sur, face and Is of a slate formation. Miller Van Ava man at wnrlf ahnvitKnf Into sluice boxes, and he pays them $11 a 1 day each, settling each night with dust . taken from the boxes. "The men are taking oat ISO a day to ? the man. The gravel shows from 20 to 150 colors. Captain Strickland, of the Canadian mounted police, and several other men ore already on the grouod and have staked claims for themselves and reserved the government claims, ' When I left thirty-three claims had < been located and the balance of tha creek Is reserved by the Canadian gov* - ernment. When I was coming out to . Juneau I met a large number of pros* ' pectors going Into every bay along Ta' glsh lake trying to locate the spot.whleh i they had heard of, but whose location i they did not know. "The news has caused great exclto- . ment In Juneau, and every boat leaving here is crowded with prospectors. The gold brought in from the new diggings In like that of the Klondike, very coarse but it Is said to be worth 13 an ounce ! more." GOV. ATKINSON'S VIEWS On the Protocol?TUa Only Dangtr That lie can ace. 1 Spedal Dispatch to the Intelligencer. CHARLESTON, W. V*,. Aug. 14.? Yesterday evening Governor Atkinson 1 gave your corespondent the following signed statement as his opinion of the 1 protocol: . ^ A/V; ''Under the circumstances I regard Thf conditions of peace in the war with Spain as reasonably fair to both governments concerned in the controversy. The only danger I see In the settlement Is the possibility of the commissioners allowing Spain to continue her unjust tyranical rule over the Philippine islands, which In the adjustment she may. , be allowed to retain. , The war would be, at best, a partial failure unless the inhabitants or those islands are guaranteed a better and more liberal form of government than Spain hw hitherto given them. This Important matter, I think, however, can properly be trusted to the commissioners." Father Krlfry'a Promotion. Special Dlnpatch to the Intelligencer. MARTI NSBURG, W. Va., Aug. 14.? Father H. J. McKelfry, pastor of the St Joseph's Catholic Church, of this city, is to leave here and take charge of BL Patrick's church, of Richmond, Virginia. The position to which he is going Is ao Irremovable one, which was made vacant by the death of Father Donohue. COUNTERFEITERS CAUGHT, A Gang That has Umu ttlWnff the Gcrtnh mitnt Great Troabla. WASHINGTON, Aug. 14,?Intorraitlon has been received by Chief Wllkla, of the treasury secret service, of the arrest Friday and yesterday, at Detroit; Mich., of a gang of counterfeiters whose operations have given the government considerable trouble. They are Charles, Edward and David Johnson. Charles and Edward were arrested on Friday, on the charge of passing counterfeit quarters, and this was followed up yesterday by <he arrest of David and a search of the premises, where the coun*?vaa weuwd. Chief Wilkle regards the arrest as an Important one, an he identifies the men with Issues of the Hancock and Wlndom SI counterfeits which have been circulate freely in the west and also in the east during the last eight years. There were also taken fifty 12 Hancock and 500 Wlndom $2 bills, the latter being regarded as the best all around counterfeit which made Its nppearance up to the discovery of -the $100 silver certificates in the spring of last year. The bureau officials at Detroit hope to secure the plates from which the note it printed. llavfmfiiU orsitaraihtpiu HAVRE?Arrived: steamer La Tournine. New York. \ SOUTHAMPTON ? Arrived: Barbadoes. New York, for Bremen, and proceeded. failed: Fried rich Der Gruwe from Bremen, New York. QUBBJitS'lUVV ? omieui uuuti?i from Liverpool for Now York. PHILADELPHIA. Pa.. Aug. 14.?Arrival: Steamer Rhynland. Liverpool NEW YORK, Auic. 14.?Arrived: La Normandle, Havre. Weather Korrraii foi Tomtimr. For West Virginia, Western Pennsylvania and Ohio, partly cloudy weather; light to fresh southeast to south wlnda. I?ocmI T*mp?ratRr*. Tho temperature Saturday as observed hv C. Hchnepf, druggist, corner Market and fourteenth Rtrcotn. wan as ioiiowb; 7 n, m GS I 3 p. m 84 9 u. ra It 7 P. m 80 12 m M I \V??*thcr-^F*lr. 81TNDAY. 7 a. m 70 I S p. n 'J n. ra 75 7 p. m II U 87 I \\'?atjjoi^F?lr. i.. '