Newspaper Page Text
?r< THE INTELLIGENCER. hMM Dafty.E&cert Sw<?Ti bf Tie Intefligeacer PuWuhloj Co., atmn rounnm a nun. tana rn Year, by Mall, In tdnia, foiuc* Prepaid. Dally (Itx Days tn lh#W??h) 1 Twr?k90 IkUytlixll>aUM - 9.00 Dallfi Thm HoBthi...HM..nHMWHHM, 1.30 DtOfdkmOa/ila du W?k) 3.00 HMl7(TwoD?7? la tlia Week) 0.00 DaUr((hM 45 WMklf (Oh* Year la Advauoe) 1.00 WmU|- (Ms Month*) 00 THE DAILY INTELLIGENCER la delivered by carrlcra In Wbeelln* and adjacent towna at 10 centa per week. F?Mona wlahln* to aubaeribe to THE rintTY iwp?r.T.tnirMrrB Mn An ?n by lending In their orders to the InTELLIGENCER office on postal cards or otherwise. They will be punctually served by carriers. Tributes of Respect and Obituary Notices 60 cents per Inch. Correspondence containing Important news solicited from every part of the surrounding country. Rejected communications will not bo re* turned unless aooompanled by sufflclont postage. {The INTELLIGENCER, embracing Its several eaitiona. la emcreu in me ru#f office at Wheeling, W. Va.. aa aecond-claas matter.] TKLBWIONE NUMBERS . Mftftol Beoaw 6231 Co?atIat Boom- 821 THE INTELLIGENCER. WHEELING, AUGUST XT, l*?J. FlMT of the free heart's hope and homo! By angel hands to valor given; Thy stars have lit the welkin dome, And all thy hues were born In Heaven. Forever float that stundard sheet! Where breathes the foe but falls before us, iWlth Freedom's soil beneath our feet, nd Freedom's banner streaming oer us? ?Joseph Rodman Drake. REPUBLICAN CONGRESSIONAL TICKETS. First District, BLACKBURN B. DOVENER, of Ohio County. ThirdDlstrlct, WILLIAM 8. EDWARDS, of Kanawha County, Fourth District, R. H. FREER, of Ritchie County. OHIO COUNTY REPUBLICAN TICKET. (Nominated June 28, 1S98.) For House of Delegates, H. F. BEHREK8, T1 nr nnVMe<T.t V HARRY W."McZiURB, RALPH McCOT. County Superintendent of Free Schools, GEORGE a BIGGS. Raiders of the Dally Intelligencer leav- leg town con have the paper sent to any address in the United States* postpaid, for one month, 45 cents; for tw* weeks, f 20 cents.' "Address changed as often os desired. The Fall of Manila. The capture of Manila by iho cornto toed naval and land forces of the c United States under Admiral Dewey and General Merritt, after an assault on the entrenchments and fonts manned by an inferior tout strongly entrenched Spanish force, came at a time wflen peace bad been practically decided upon, but tfefore the orders for a suspension of hostilities could possibly have reached the scene. Though the news was not unexpected, the publlo was scarcely prepared to learn of on engagement of such moment. The recital of the courage displayed by the American troops adda to tho glory of American arms, and completes an uninterrupted scries of victories. The details of the assault and capture . are necessarily meagre, out tine story is . related briefly by the correspondent of the London Telegraph-, who pays a Just tribute to the humanity displayed by the American commanders in the preparations for the assault. The result will . have an Important bearing on the Phll: Ipplne question, for It simplifies the title to the possession of the territory which t?he United States Witt demand as one of ths terms of peace. Voluntcm not Called to the Front. There are thousands In the volunteer service who are disappointed in not , having been called upon for active duty j ' at the seats of war, and It Id very hurd for them to acoept the consolation of an assurance that the national gratitude is as much due those in camp as those* who ' were called to the front. In the case I of the soldiers still In camp at Chicka' nmusn and other points, Avhorfo chances ' for distinguishing themselves on the lipid of battle are now to all appearances gone, the President's words to General Breckinridge, that "All have helped In I the great cause, whether In camp or battle, and when peace conies all will j be alike entitled to the gratitude of the j Nation," Is true, for the experiences In camp life have severely tested them, 'aiid the country has observed their anxiety to get to the front and have given J them credit for It. While the lack of opportunity to take part In the hostilities In a disappointment to these brave volunteers, It is for?qnate for the country that they were cot needed?that the war, In fact, was j brought to an end without the necessity XUr UilvniiiH IU i"u tiviih Hivukvi iivuivio of men to endure the hardships and dangera of a tropical climate In tho wdrat ?wwon of tho year, and without Adding to the list of dead, wounded and lok among the flower of American manhood, an represented In the volunteer a* well a? In the regular army. Referring to thin eubject, the ffbw Tork Preea In of tho opinion that, while the?e. aoldlern havo not been needed, anil Ihey are entitled to the gratitude of the country for their prompt renponxo V " ' to the President's call. It Is doubtful It the lyetem "under which go many men have been withdrawn from civil life' without being Introduced Into ' active military life, It to be felled upon. It 1? scarcely possible that so many, recrulta would again flock to the colon, now that all tile martial spirits of the country know the loog and tedious process to which modern fighting blood has to be submitted." No depredation of the patriotism of the men who volunteered Is intended In this! but we must assume, In order to accept it without depreciating the ardency of the patriotism of the men, that they would have to know that tney would not be needed. When'he volunteered in response to the President's call each man supposed, naturally, that his regiment would, after it* efficiency was proven, be sent to the front; he could not foresee that the war would be so short, or that & contest between Spain and the United 8tates would be settled with so little land fighting. Nor under war pondltlona again could any one be gifted with such foresight We believe that in any war with a foreign power the response would be Just as prompt as in this one. The patriotism of America doesn't watt to ascertain wneuer ine wur win uc lung ur miuu before volunteering. The disappointments under the present circumstances would hardly have the effect of making It hard for the government to obtain a ready response for troops at any time In the future. The Press, In Its article, however, makes the strong point that wearisome calls upon the youth of the country, "lnvolvinga tremendous derangement of private affairs of thousands of men, and lavish expenditures, among officers especially, of valuable private time, should be avoided as much as possible.' i n is merely lor ine preservation 01 me volunteer spirit, for the volunteers should toe a real reserve, and not an Inactive part of an active army." In this connection It is reported that some of the officers of the First West West Virginia regiment will resign, now that It is assured'the regiment will not be called into active service for fighting purposes. The officers, it is stated, will do so because of the private business nt home which needs their attention. The point made by the Press la thus made good as to one of our own regiments. Doubtless the department will exempt the jnen in the various camps who will not "be needed tor service arter peace is formally declared from further restraint The suggestion is made that the volunteer spirit might be weakened by the assignment of these men to gar-, rison duty In our new possessions and dependencies, and to take advantage of the two year clause. This suggestion is made in support of the proposition of recruiting the regular army to a larger force, to fce held bo long as necessary, and until all questions growing out of the war are settled, and thus avoid, as the Press remarks, "a continued draft on the patriotism of the volunteers for camp duty at home or abroad." Gnu Shatter Nails a Lie. The letter received from General Shatter by Secretary of War Alger, relieving the latter from responsibility for anything done by him, should silence the critics who have been making- the secretary a target for abuse for alleged "hampering of Shatter's operations by orders from Washington." Shatter makes a simple statement, which gives the falsehood to many publications that have been, mode, toy saying:4 "I am very sorry to see that some newspapers are attempting to throw blame on your trying to run the campaign from Washington, and I suppose some people believe It It Is one of the things, however, that I don't suppose we can help, although whenever I have had an opportunity I have tried to make It plain that I have been left to my own devices." General Shatter is right in supposing that a great many people believed the false statements made by certain papers, for the falsehoods were reiterated over and over again. General Shatter's as numptlon of all respinwirbilltles for (he campaign at Santiago ought to be enough to convince anybody that the yellow sheet's publications were made of whole cloth. Rare Modesty. It was rare modesty on the part of the esteemed Register to precede the great feature of the news. In yesterday's Issue, announcing the fall of Manila and departure of the captain general of the Spanish army and governor of the Philippines, with Its able editorial comment8 abusive of President McKlnley and a warning to "Beware of the (Alaska) Gold Craze!" The com paratlve Importance or these two features warranted our neighbor In heralding one of the greatest events of the war at the bottom of Its editorial page, as a sort of appendix to the usual daily criticism of the man In the whlto house, who Is charged with the responslbllltlets that have been Imposed upon any President since Abraham Lincoln, and whom the Register doesn't teem to admire as much as the country In general admires him. The modesty of the discrimination was doubtless appreciated by our friend's admiring readers? those of them who, after diligent search, succeeded In* finding the Manila news. It Meant x Big Success. The sub-committees appointed by the River Improvement Convention executive committee are composed of material which Insures that every arrange mcni win ue earned nui wun a view to making the convention one of the most successful Important gatherings ever held In Wheeling, Every member of the committees la a representative citizen, and systematic work will be the result. Thu Indications are that the convention will be largely attended and the (rood thai will come out of It will warrant the trouble and expense thnt Wheeling ?rolnK to many limes over. No points between lMttffburgh and tho mouth of the Ohio river will re.ip greater advantage, proportionately, from the important movement which In being promoted thun tho city of Wheeling nnd her sister communities In this portion of tho valley, and the cnthusl I aam of .the turtbea* men In the matter of entertaining the convention win bear fruit. There 1# much work to toe done between now and the meeting of the aModatlon, and it will toe done well. Along with the announcement from Madrid tbat Blanco has resigned aa governor general of Cuba, because he doesn't desire to-command In the evacuation of the Spanish army, la the one that Captain General August! la no longer In command in the Philippine*, having been supplemented by General Jaubemes. It aeema that these two Spanish commanders have laid up reckonings for themselves. Bunco Is humiliated and Augustl seems to be in the position or a scapb-guax, wnn-u is i?kw cary to satiety Spanish honor. General Shatter significantly remarks that the silver question in Santiago has settled Itself. American silver 1b received the same as American paper. This was the logical settlement. The people of Santiago were quick to learn that the American silver dollar under our system of finance Is worth one hundred cents. Fortunately, the country did not vote for the other kind of a silver dollar. Colonel Roosevelt Is noted for his use of elegant English and his polished manners, hut he also knows how to use lamruasre anDroorlately and expressive ly when he remarks to & reporter thalt be and ills rough riders had "a bully time all the way through," and that his regiment was one of the "crack-aJacks." And so it Is "a crack-a-iack," deserving all the applause It has received from the country over. rOIWIBP FtBAGBAPM. A man says "I shall" and a woman saps "I will." It takes at least sixteen summers to make one summer girl. Some people see without looking and others look without seeing. A woman's failure to Interest a man often causes her to hate him. The bonds of friendship couia not oe more popular than Uncle Sam's. The only sure thing about a game of chance Is the chance you have to lose. Some politicians are like corkscrews? rather crooked, but they have a strong pull. There will be no peace for the editor until the poets forget to remember the Maine. Men, like lamps, often smoke, sometimes go out nights and frequently get turned down. But very few men would strive to achieve fame if K wasn't for the sake of pleasing some woman. A man never fully realizes the hardness of this unsympathetic world until he tries to ride a blcyclc. Sometimes a girl's face Is her fortune find sometimes It la represented by the j llgure on the face of her father's check. "In time of peace prepare for war" must have been the motto of the Iowa minister,'who was simultaneously engaged to seventeen girls.?Chicago Daily News. Cnpt. Phlllp'a Religion. New York World: The Rev. Kerr Boyce Tupper, pastor of the F^rst Baptist church, Philadelphia, spoke at the rooms of the Young Men's Christian Association, No. D02 Fulton street, Brooklyn, yesterday, on the subject of "Manliness." He cited, as illustrating this quality In the highest degree, Captain | J. W. Phillip, of the battleship Texas, who In this city four years ago confess! ed that he lacked salvation, and soon afterward united with a cAurch. Said I Mr. fiinnm*! "The truest roan, perhaps, In all America la one who has been , doing some heroic battling at therfront In Santiago. Four years ago I preached a sermon In this city on 'Ye Must Be Born Again.' Just In front of me sat a finelooking gentleman. I was much struck by lils manly appearance. At the close of the service he came to me and, taking my hand, said: " 'I believe I have everything In the world except the new birth. I have a lovely wife, a high position In the United States navy, worldly comforts In plenty, but I feel that I lack salvation.' "We talked together, and the vcry I next Sunday that man In one of the Brooklyn churches declared hla belief In tho Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour and united with the congregation. The following morning, before his ship started for Boston, he called his men before him and said: " 'Since you last saw me I have given myself to Christ. Hereafter, every morninir. tva will bow before the throna of the King of Kings and dedicate our- , selves to His service.* "And not a single day has elapsed ' since 1895 that Captain Phillip has not got his men together for dlvlno praise." 1 ( 'am*. When a man bccomeii a hero all tho world 1h standing round In waiting for a chanco to share his Klory. i From shore to shore Innumerable volccs < will resound, , All eager to add something to the story. "We us?'d to know him In hi* youth!" "We >ald he was a wonder!" "He was a genius; that's tho truth. < You couldn't kwp him under!" "lie was tho catcher on our nine." t 'His sharpness boats tho weasles," "That six-foot oldrst boy of mine . From him once caught the measlos!" ' And the anecdotes coine rushing, In bewildering array. From folks of every station and complexion. Pni- ?h?r<>'M nlwnvH nn nmlilllnn whli>h nn wisdom can allay, To revel In some brilliant man's reflection. "Ills family we havn visited!" 1 "We wore his next-door nolKhlMjrs!" \ "Kind words of hope we've often Mid t To cheer him at his lahom!" "My father told him ho mljrht call On our folk* to assist him!" And (loudest chorus of thorn all) 1 "Wo are the girls who've klsst-d him!" I ?Washington Star. ? ? i Lost hi* fjlftt Sarin* Olhrn. ^ A country boy visiting New York stopped n frantic runaway team that was about to dnnh on the sidewalk wh^re there wore hundreds of women ] nnd children. He saved thi'lr lives, but Joat his own. Hundreds of lives are 1 saved every year by llostetter's Htom- 1 ach Bitters. People who aro fast going to thoir graves with disorders of atom- ' ach, liver, bowoin and blood ore hrouKht hack to Rood health by it. All the sick should try it. c - 1 . = I I ' J* I : : ( j Read j < j The Saturday j j j Imtelllligejiiceir. j 1 ****** t ' j i | Price Only 2 Cents, i < \ PIANOS. BARGAINS! One Baldwin Piano $175 One Wegman Piano $185 One Lndwif Piano $209 One J. P. Hale Piano $100 One Chickering Piano $125 For the next ten days we will sell Bruno, Gordon, B?y State and Washburn Mandolins 40 per cent below list price. Milligan, Wilkin & Co. LOSSES OF THE WAS. Total Killed and Wouudad at Haulla mid Santlaco. Official talbles on; tli? total killed and wounded' on each side since .wax was declared have not been compiled and probably wH? not be for months yet. From the beot sources obtainable the tables will approximate the following figures.* At ManHa>?American killed, 0; AmerI,w,~ R- Onanlah lrtllod: Snfl! Spanish wounded, 625. At Santiago?American killed or afterward died of wounds received In battle, 266; American wounded, 1,287; Spanish killed; 1.350; Spanish wounded-, 2.000. The Americans subsequently lost In Cuba from yellow fever and camp disease, so far as can be told now, 202. In other Cuban engagements: Ameri- i cans killed, 35; Americana wounded-, 110; Spanish kllJed, 300; Spanish wounded. 400. Total American killed or died-, 503; wounded, 1,408; tota* Spanish killed or died. 2,200; wounded-, 3,025. No attempt Is made la the American Hst of dead to Include those who died In camp after the mObKlzatlon of the state troops and volunteers. These number ' 4V.n nfflnlal tolhloa milRt h(k ' Bvurcrs UUl IUB 1 awaited before they can be given accurately. At the worst, though, the total American dead- will noti exceed i00. . FAB5IRQ FL8ASANTKIES. Don't Shoot.?"Your terms ore too severe," said Sagasta. "Oh, I don't know,' . replied the President. "I have seeu Cervera."?Philadelphia North American. "Hans, If you are very good and get a high mark In school, I will give you a ham sandwich." "But, mamma, do you Imagine I can be bribed?"?Pllegende Blatter. Bummer Excitement?"What Is that crowd?" "I don't know. Either Hobion <a in ?Aa-n nr rthirt-u-fllflts are marked down to nineteen cents."?Chicago Re- J cord. Contractor?You want a regular mosaic floor, I suppose? Owner of Building?Yes, If that's the style. Just as lief j have the modern orthodox, though.? Chicago Tribune. According, to Guggenhelmer.?Smith? . That man Jones is a two-dollar fool { Brown?Why do you call him a twodollar fool? Smith?Because it costs two dollars to say 'damn/?Puck. "My wife complains because the war progresses so slowly." "What did you * say?" "I told her if the army had been ' made up of women thoy wouldn't have their bonnets on yet."?Truth. Judge?You robbed your benefactor In a most shameful way. Do you feel no compunctions of conscience? Prisoner? Before answering, sir, I would like to consult my counsel.?Tit-Bits. J Knows All About Him.?"Do you know McSwifter pretty well?" "Know him? Every time he expresses an opln- ] ion I can tell whether it is his own or whether he got it from his wife."?Chlnncn Pout. , * ' Peasant?Five dollars fine for entering this estate. Tourist?But why Is no warning sign put up then? 'We had one, but took It down again, for while It was up no one came In."?Fliegende Blatter. Self-Preeervatlon.?"That man," remarked one Spanish soldier, "hasn't the respect of anybody In his regiment." "Is he lacking in bravery?" "I should soy so. He is so much afraid of being hit by a bullet that he Insists on getting ] as near tho target as possible when our gunners are practising."?Washington Star. _ Catarrh Cannot 1m Cm r*d. by local applications as they cannot . reach the diseased portion or the ear. " There Is only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed con-' I ditlon of the mucous lining of the Eus-, I tachlan Tube. When this tube Is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or i impeneci neuriti*. ujiu wncn n is entirely closed, Deafness is tho result, and unless the Inflammation can bo ta- ? ken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten I are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mu- ? 2ouh surfaces. We will Rive One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by ca- G tarrh) thot cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free. r F. J. CHENEY, & CO.. Toledo. O. Sold by Druggists. 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. -A Kirtii'itirtalnt Wonder. . Did you ever see it If you have you ; wish to sw it again. The Cleveland, uorain & Wheeling Hallway (one of the ~ condors), wlH take you to Niagara Falls J in?l return for less than you can stay at K?me. Excursion traJn on August 27th yiith through.,sleepers and ladies' coach- Cl ?? from nil stations. Consult agents and q ?et a ticket entitling you to a good seat a ?r Deirn. jflveryx>oay going inis year. ki ttop-oveni granted at Chautauqua lake. Kicnraloiia to Okland kiul Nomitalii L?k? " Pnrk. August 2 to 25 the Baltimore & Ohio q vlll noil excursion tickets to Oakland. 2 Mountain Luko Park and Deer Park, at X rate of one fare for the round trip, good 2 eturnlng until August 31. Inclusive. X Q.A o. bnnitiy ICxanrxtout on Fourth I DIvltlOH. Commencing Sunday. May 29, and J iverf Sunday thereafter, until Septem- I >er 2.". inclusive, the Baltlmoro & Ohio J, vlll sell excursion tickets to and from 1 ill motions between Wheeling and x Jrafton. good returning date of sale, at I >ne fare for tlio round trip, with ten 5 'onts added. Y it the Unity la Catling TecUt. 0 3o euro and um thut old and well-tried z rmcdy, Mm. Winalow'a 8oothlns ? Jyrup for children toothing. It aoothos f he child. softons the sums, ullnya nil 0 >aln, cures wind colic and Is tho bust emedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-flvo O :ents a bottle. _ m-w&f A Urtlncril tin Ira Tin Olifn Itlvrr IC. Vlicellng to Cincinnati, O $5 BO J Wheeling to Lexington. Ky 7 60 A Wheeling to Loulftvllle, Ky D 00 X V heeling to Louisville. Ky.. aucond A cloag 3 CO A JgWRIiBT?JOHN BBOKSH & CO. *???? ?.* ^ ,||>j On the Surface thinly plated Silverware looks like the solid ware. Tou can tell the difference in the way it wears. But when the article you bought for solid or triple plated turns out to be thinly plated, what are you going to do about it? Goods bought of us are sure. Wo know what they are and we tell you fully and frankly all we know about everything you oak to see. Everything Is protected by our full guarantee. It's better to be sure than sorry. John Becker & Co., JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. ?g?7 Jacob wheeling, VT. V? ST0VB3 AND BANQB3. v MS PURITAN GAS RANGE ONLY $14.00. Has 5 Burners on Top. Unking Oven 16 inches square. Rousting Oven 16 Inches square. Double walls lined with asbestos. Opon mcl closed tops with each rango. The best and most economical Gas Ilungo in the markot. Call and cxamlno them. NESBITT & BRO., 1312 Market St. SepL 5,\ 7, 8 and '^lS^ GRAND EXHIBITION Of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine and Poultry. + + + EIETEEM TR0TnNG' PAUNGni/'no rlrl Ctll AND RUNNING KALCJ Speed Entries Close August 29. Race between the two Guideless Wonders. SIX BALLOON RACES? ?AND PARACHUrE LEAPS. Big Display of Everything. It Is Everybody's Fair. Come and See the Great Fair. LIVE STOCK ENTRIES CLOSE SFPT. 2. EXBUBSION BATES ON ALL RAILWAYS. for list and information AffHrn?? aArrntflrv. A. REYMANN, President. CtO. HOOK, Secretary. 8TATI0NSB?. BOOKS, ETO. YEW PUBLICATIONS. ?HE NATION'S NAVY. Otir Ships and Their Achlevmonts. By Chas. Morris. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth J1.C0 :he peacemakers. By Johu Strungo Winter. 12mo, cloth 11.25 JORTHWARD. Over tho Oreat Ice. By Robert E. Peary. 2 vols JG.GQ he king's jackal. By Richard Harding Davis. 12mo, cloth 11.25 (hosts i have met. By John Kendrlck Bangs. lCmo. cloth $1.23 'ENhLOPE'S PROORKSS. By Kate Douglas Wlggln. IGmo, cloth 11.25 i liberal cash discount from abovo prices. STANTON'S S". |^ASK HALL GOODS. Hammock*. Croquet, War Maps ami [ovdtlM. Pittsburgh Dispatch. Commcr- | lul C.axettc, Post. Times. Cincinnati Knulr?r. Commercial Tribune. New York ml other leading dallies. Magazines. Stalonery, Gospel llynitih. C. H. QU1MBY, 1411 Market Streot. INUIIIGENCIR COUPON. Our Ration***! Tn W a f . ,? . *? I M* w w V VT Q The Intelligence lx Issuing In A ? weekly parts an Invalnahlo IUuh- Z tratcd hlitory of the Spanlsh-Anier- t lean war on Hen and land, the plo 0 turoH being reproduced from photo- A , graph* and original drawings <S , prensly for thlM work. The aeries, a i tvhlch Ih a contlnnaiion of Undo T , Hain'n Navy Portfolio, alno in- Q i cludea photographic reproductions 4 . of pictures owned by the govern- (S ment ami states, showing the hero- X , Ism of the nation during tho past z ; century. V> They are Issued In lfi weekly purts # of lf> pages each, ami are no|d at O tno nominal price ??i 10 centn i?acn A and ono coupon cut from the Intel- X 1 llgrnccr. Tney can bo putrhaxod v lit the Intelligencer olllco on ami i after Monday, August 1, or will l?e Q nent by mall; udd 1! cent* onch for A pontage. Noh. 1 to 5 ready Mow- X 'j day. AuKURt 1. V cut mis our....... 6 j NBW M>VKRT18RMgym m - dwelukyT^W ward, tl w room., ?econ(, j'% sutc watt closet ud iik Adflraa DV ELL1N0. cr? of in7.S^H CUT. Labdr Day Picnfl jsa fc lora In ream Oraafl Open Peantt Butter. * Jalnty for Luncheont I a Hoiks. + + B i n. P. ttehrens (a Wheeling, SstcrsTille & MitimansTti Btokmer Dlolas Leaves Whlellnf every Tuesday, Tw day and Siturday at 11 o'clock i , I-raves Ibtamoras every Mxiu Wednesday tad Friday at 8 o'clock l? H 8. BRADY MOKCIAV ly? ' . MuiV poTiHE Central Olkan Co. Stock. Wheeling lottery Stock. FMtorla (Hubs Co. Stock. 1 . Aelna-Stattlard Preferred Stock. * 1 ' Aetna-StuMard Common Stock. \ W feeling Iron A Bteol Co. Stock. RiVerslde Iron Work* Stock. l?al3olle Irtn Works Stock. Wheeling Ico & Storago Co. Stock, j SIMPSON & TATUM, Telophone ft. City Dank Building, Rom For Rent S?bu. An elegant modern residence. 10 roo* and bath, lot and cold water, both si*, west 4ide of Chapllno between T*fC.,. seconf und Twenty-third streets. Poni Blon-mven November 1. S rooms lip stair* on Fifteenth itr* comet Jnwb. only $16. Tvrii-ttoty frame, 6 rooms, on Thlrtj. fourth, strtet, only 112. 2 large rdomn, kitchen, hall and good c* lar, brick kouso, 3509 Chapllne itrwt, frit floor; .only 110. A country residence with grounb. & quire at once. C. AjSCfltfFER & CO, oOPBRH HOUSE* One Night Only, Monday Eveniaj, August 22. ueorge irusoa s ? w. s. tlstelafi Model MiattraUy. | d Maitivn MtutrtU ' ?UNITKI) 1 Dual programme includes: Billy En? eon, K. M.'Mall, John Queen, JuanOair,^ "King of the Wire," Marlon & Petri. K?i & Welch, Troubadour Four, numtroot other notables and English Hunt Clubhrade. Secure desirable seat* early. Price# fl.t 75c and BOc. Seats on sale at C. A. Hojm'i Mualc Store Friday August 19. tu? THEO. W. FINK. M H. KLHMIt, Money lo Loan On City Real Estate. THEO.W.FINKjl^-^ & CO., II 'Phcne 657. You Can't Sleep where there are bed bugs. USE > I Pa/1 Ritff Villap lagiituiijg ifbu uug niHH, Bugs will not go where it l?s beeh applied. Sold by + + R. H. LIST, fOlO Main Street Jiist In Season. THE NEW PATENT CORN GRATER..-. For preparing corn for stewing, fritter!) etc You get all the good of the com leaving the bu|l on the ear. WHOLESALE A\D RETAIL GEO. W. JOHNSON'S SONS, 1210 Main SlreeL FINAL NOTICE. To the Taxpayers of the City of BfnvooJ who have not paid their taxw for tM years 1S33, ISM, IKS, 1S36 and 1S57: You are hereby notified to make ? tlcmcnt of such taxes durlwr the wonts ? . August, 1898. to Special Collector Sunt * lil;ike, as all hills remaining in hl? after said date wll he collected1 acwnWI to law: By order of Finance Commute* TH03. 8HEPAJID, Mayor. JOSKPH WARD. Beconfcr. N. B.?Tho?e desiring to j>ay tuj will call at my residence, corner Slxtn McMechen streets. . ? ??ivr au 1,8.15,29. RAM'L a BLAKR, ?e T?nD QATF Jt J %>r- fc/- i Ui Warwick China Co. Stock. West Virginia Gin A Co. Stock. Central "Glass Co. Stock. Fostdtla Glaus C6. Stock. ? Aetna-Standard Preferred stock. Riverside Iron Works Stock. Hank of Wheeling Stock. Kxchnnge Dnnk Stock. _ v Wheeling & Hclmont Hrldfro Co. Stoci Wheeling Bridge Co. Stock. Wheeling ttrldge Co. Ponds. Whltakcr Iron Co. llond*. FOR RENT. Fine "residence, completely furojjjjj with all modern conveniences, on ui'ir line street, between Twelfth and Fou tccnth streets. Possession can bo nau ? onc?-. _ Money to Loan on City Real Eittt tirviTj a nn lta7I CTT. JTIW w nivLy STOCKS, RONDS AND INVKSTMEST& Exchange Hank Building. ^ Ohio Valley Business and English Academy. (ItCORPOiUUDi CONSOLIDATING Wheeling Business College Mofe*'k Business Academy, and Ste* ensoM Schoo! of Common nnd Higher 1<W Usli nnd Mathematics. We arc plonso.l to announce to otjf 'rlcndii uiul patrons that the above s Imvo cotnMricd for I ho purpose of osuij* lulling lit Wheollnff a Mplendld education*' Institution of unlimited scope. Our object in forming this combination :i two-fold. First?Wo desire to have In WhMlnj^* j icnooi or wnicn nliu nan ioiik ion ????- i 8?von<i-MVo doniro to oftor to mil Kuordlumi an Institution that wm ?? , their noi'fiH in ovory rnsiM'et. *nu nii? Ihom to have thfir won*. dnuKht0^ fv,. ivarOn under their own eye* whll?' 4'1 ng tho ailvnntii^cH of n J-11"1 jobs, I'mkUsIi and Claiwical education. Every drpnrttnent Is complete. ?"? ' molded over by teacher* of the nir "* >rd<>r of ability. We solicit a most inor >ugh inspection. Addro**. Ohio Valley Business and English Academy. Wheeling W. Vn 'All oxlmjng contracts with stuilf rood. anl3:tuJ?vw>.. fWRDERS FOR THE MOST ?&?& L fVATKD AND INTRICATE J )F PRINTING carefully and Intel igcntff ompleted nt th.? INTELLIUUNCMi HUNTING OFF2CS. J