Newspaper Page Text
THE GRAND ARMY ' Boys of Wheeling are Preparing ' for Their Coming Trip 5 ' ' TO CINCINNATI ENCAMPMENT , EARLY IN SEPTEMBER?THE SPECIAL TRAIN WILL CARRY AT LEAST COO FROM THIS CITY, many coming from interior WEST VIRGINIA POINTS TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OP THE THROUGH SPECIAL ? CINCINNATI'S PINE PROGRAMME. ________ . The Grand Arm/ boy* of Wheeling and vicinity are preparing to make a line showing at the Cincinnati encampment Through the assistance of Pascenter Agent Tomllnson, of the PanHandle road, they have secured a special train, which will go through to the Queen City, leaving here on September 5, arriving at S p. m. Mr. Tomllnson says at least 500 will take the Wheeling special here. In addition to the members of Hollldoy Post, Stephens Post, the Sons of Veterans, Woman's Relief Corps and Ladles of the G. A. R., there will be many delegations from Interior West Virginia points, who will come to Wheeling to take advantage of the special train. Commander Caleb Sylvls, of Hollldajr est, has received the last official communlca/tlon from the citizens' committee of Cincinnati, In which it 1b promised that Che stay of the visitors from all over the country in the Queen City will \ he made as enjoyable as possible, and the distinguished make-up of the committee warrants the expectation that much is possible. Copies of the official programme have been received, providing for entertainment upon an elaborate scsle from Monday, September 5, to the following Friday. No day of the five Is without features that will make It a "corker." The veterans are to be favored with Dftll rates at me uuu j/ain, ?uuiu(|ivai gardens, etc., and altogether the Cincinnati people have extended a welcome L that la warm Indeed. The transportation committee has Anally arranged rates from all parts of the country. In the territory of the Central Passenger Association the rate 1b one cent a mile, and in the other associations' territories it is one fare for the round trip. This being true, only those West Virginians living at Wheeling, Parkersburg and Huntington will [ have the cent a mile rate through. East of the river the rate is one fare for the round trip, but it has been arranged that veterans con purchase tickets to points on the river and thence can take advantage of the cent-a-m!Ie rate. By this arrangement there will be many etop^overs at the three cities mentionedas well as at Pittsburgh. G. A. R. DAYLIGHT SPECIAL. To Cincinnati for tfational Encampment of the Order. Arrangements have been made to take G. A. B. veterans and friends to the National Encampment at Cincinnati over the Pennsylvania lines In quick time. For their accommodation a day ilgnt special wm oe run aionaay, September 6. A cordial invitation Is extended to all old soldiers, their families and friends who may wish to enjoy the trip to the Thirty-second National Encampment on the daylight special to join the party at any of the stations given in the following table, which includes the round trip rate and time of train: Prom Central Time. .15.30?Wheeling Leave 6:00 a. m. $5.30?Wellsburg t I?eavo 6:30 a. m. $5.10?Steubenville Leave 6:37 a. m. $5.10?Mlnjjo Junction Loave 7:05 a. m. $5.10?Cadis Leave 5:25 a. m. >' $4.85?Jewctt Leave 7:48 a. m. $4.76?Scio Leave 7:66 a. m. Jftv $4.60?Bowerston l?eave 8:05 a. m. $4.40?Dennlson Leave 8:25 a. m. $4.40?Uhrichnville Leave 8:28 a. m. J3.90?New Comorstown....Leavo 8:55 a. m. \ 15.10?Beilaire Leave 4:45 a. rn. 15.10?Bridgeport Leave 4:53 a. m. $5.10?Martin's F$rry Leave 5:01 a. m. $5.50? Bust Liverpool Leave 5:45 a. m. $5.50?Welisvile Leave 5:55 a. m. $5J0?Toronto Leave 6:30 a. m. $4.30?Now Philadelphia....Leave 6:10 a. m. $4,20?Canal Dover Leavo 6:20 a. m. Arrive Cincinnati 3 p. m. same day, wkhout changing cars. Excursion tickets to Cincinnati for the National Encampment will also be sold at the above rates for all regular trains September 3, 4, 5 and 6. Tickets will be good returning until September 13, with privilege to extend return limit to October 2, inclusive. For particular lnfor mation apply to Pennsylvania lines ticket agent at any of the stations given aibovo, or address J. K. Dillon, D. P. Agent. 360 Fifth Avenue, corner Sxnith Held Street, Plttaburgh. MARRIED Al MONTH AGO. Obi Jifly 20, at New Cumberland; two "Wiherting people were married by Rerv. George Monro, and the announcement was not made formally until yesterday. The contracting1 parties were Mr. F. M. Young, of the drug firm of Young & DJclcoy, and: Miss Mary H. Irwin, daughter of Mts. H. B. Irwin, of the Island Their many friends wttl now uirtte in congratulation? that are delayed only because their object so willed It ... "DUTCH THEODORE" HELD. "Dutch Theodore," who was arrested last Friday on the charge of attempting <4itfpfi?i(1 TffltifmflA of n horse and buggy, was given a hearing la?t evening before Squire Rodgers nnd held for the grand Jury on a bond of $100, There seem to be many extenuating circumstances lit the case which did not at first seem evident. On ?he Right Trull. (DOVER, Del., August 22.?Attorney General White said this afternoon that he was almost satisfied as to who Is responsible for the murder of Mrs. J. D. Dean* nnd Mrs. J. D. Dunning, and his Intention was to order the arrest of one woman, and probably two, In San Francisco. Mr. White has decided not to have the bodies of Mrs. Dean and Mrs. Dunning exhumed. He said It wns not accessary. He believes he has enough i evidence to convict the guilty party;. Small Ainla PITTSBURGH. Pa., August 22.-Bellflian & Co., Throop, Lackawanna coun ty, to-day filed a petition in bankruptcy In the United Stntes district court. According to a Hclieduln the Nubilities amount to 181,064 7f> and assets l"?00. The creditors utd banks principally in the custom part of the state. A H?T?r? Hcntctic*. PliORBNCR, IUuly, Aug. 22.?For par! tldpatinff ln? the riot* last May. Bijcnor Fondhetti, memlw;r of the chamber of deputies, has been sentenced' by a military tribunal! to ten years solitary confinement, andi has l*?en excluded from holding otilco for the remainder of his Mf*. r AfPTEND cathedral parish picnic at plate fair grounds n?.*xt Thurmiuy. Adriii?Inn 10 centa GREAT PYTHIAN GATHERING. Aft ludtanapolta-AII Sections of tl Co?tiir7 Represented?ImmtUMCrowi ArrWt lit the City?Camp of the Unlior ttMk. INDIANAPOLIS, Aug. 22,-The I ennlal meeting of the supreme lodi Knights of Pythias will begin to-mo row morning with every part of U world where there to a grand lodge, re; resented. The national encampment the uniform rank was formally open* this afternoon and nearly 13,000 ua formed men are In camp. V The supreme temple, Rathbone, opei Wednesday morning, and the atten< ance will be greater than ever befor The Imperial palace, Knlghte of Kh rans, began this morning, and will la four days. The supreme lodge, Pythls sisterhood, will open to-morrow mori lng. People have flocked In from all par of the country, the trains are load< rltK unit #hla afiornnon p of the sixteen roadfl entering: the d1 hod numerous extra and special train At 3 o'clock this afternoon it was est mated that there were 30,000 strange in the city and more than half as roar more are expected to-morrow. T) streets are thronged with men in un form and people, who show that the are strangers in town, pamp Col grin with its many thousand tents is a gre; attraction. Yesterday it seemed as the whole city were out there, and ti day there is another Immense crow lining the banks* of Fall Creek, whei the camp Ls situated. To-night a reception was jrlven at tl Denison hotel by the grand lodge oil cera, which was open -to all Knlghte at their ladles. To-morrow afternoon tl big parade will occur. At 6 o'clock to-night Camp Colgroi sheltered In tents 12,650 members of tl uniformed rank, an attendance In e: cess of the expectations of the execute committee. The representation by states In can Is as follows: Indiana, 2,250; Kanea 200; Iowa, 125; Kentucky, 400; Illlno! 2,000; Missouri, 200; Tennessee, 100; Wi consln, 150; Virginia, 300; Pennsylvanl 1,000; Washington, 75; West Virgin! 500; Connecticut, 200; Minnesota, su New Hampshire, 150; Massachusetc 300; Michigan. 500; Ohio, 2,GOO; Ne York, 100; Florida, 100; Arkansas, 1C (This le the largest attendance, it Is sal that has ever been present at a blennl cncampment of the Knights of Pythln Ten thousand Knights, attired in ft regalia, took part in the formal openii of Camp Colgrove, at 5 p. m., and tl scene was impressive in the extrera Ex-Mayor Caleb S. Denny, a promine Knight, on behalf of the executive cor mittee, turned <he camp over to S preme Chancellor Colgruve. The r epoases of the supreme chancellor w appropriate to the occasion. Referring to the uniform rank, he sa It was "the fairest child of the Pythfc household." Major General James : Carnahan, head of the uniform rank, turn spoke feelingly. The ceremonl were witnessed by & large crowd. Owing to the Intense heat and tl length of the exercises there were thl ty prostrations of those taking pai most of the cases being cared for at t: /?omr? fcsMmitnl. Anions those Drostrat were Brigadier General P. W. McKl tery, of New Hampshire, and Lieu to ant Colonel Marquard, of the Pour Ohio regiment, and J. H. Cole, of Chic go, editor of the Pythian Record. The Knights are still arriving In lar numbers and by to-morrow the capacl of Camp Colgrove will be tested to t utmost. To-night thousands of people n down town witnessing the bcautlf electrical Illuminations at the soldic monuments, and the theatres are full The union station officials say t crowds handled during the day alm< broke the record. REAL HEBO OP EL CARET. He la Henry Uwioii, Who vras In t TlilcKrat of the Figlif. i Rochester Express: The papers ha crowded their cofumns with btogra<ph and anecdote?; of Miles, Shatter, TVhe er,Rooseveltarxlotherswho moreor 1* part in- the siege of Santiago. The imi of Henry W. Lawtom, major-general vohmteersi, has seldom appeared, sa in the official dispatches from the fro in all of which ho was mentioned I COnspiCUGUH pviaiai). *??-w knows HtMe of Lawtony except that Jed the desperate assault on El Can and lias been in the thickest of the fig] around Santiago. The public also knov or ought to know, that he was promol by President McKinJey from brlgad to major-genera* In recognition of ! superb charge at El Caney. In'the 1 West, where Law ton Iras served- nw of his Mfe, there is not equal In the army. His record is t pride of every regular, from troajor-gt uruil down to private. General Lawtorv is the Ideal soldi stern, KTlm, unbending. He Is Scot Norman baron, Prow: de Boeuf, in I flesh, thoffgh, of course, with bet moral?. He Is a primal man, If glgun sice, phenomenal strength, afonorn endurance and utter fearlessness cot for anything.. Uko alt such men n have lived a strong life, he has a \v< developed sense of justice. He l? i gentle, lrnt he can be kimK He quires of his subordinates the utnv endeavor; but he askn none of thrni perform What he la not able and wlHJ to do himself. The epitaph of a fame Confederate cavalry lea/ler will db Lawtow: "He never told his men to on." What more could a soldier deal Lawton Is an Indian llRhter, the \< ttts country has produced, dene Sherman said that tiho twenty years almost eonetant lighting with the d'lans after the cIvW war was the "v of clvHi*a,tIon." In this stirring drai l^awton1 played an' Imjuirtant part, hunted Indians as a ferret hunts* ri bits. He himself has the aboriginal st I net, which, combined with the fei l^sness, sagacity and common sense the Anglo-Saxon, made hint the inas of the red man. He drove the w Atwiehes under the yoke and he tan t/ho irreat Geronimo. Central Miles i the credit, but It wa? Lam-ton who a tured Cteronlmo'w band and Instlltod fear of the white man ln? tho wh Apache natkm. It wo* Lawtore, at head of a company of cavalry, who f lowed tihe Indiana for nuintrci ovei country that wn?mad*t In wrath. T) toHedr through mountain* with vofcn crests and t/!?? Ulrvt of lava and t th?? leather from their feet. Tl mumbled a crow I1m1tlw? <lo??*rti? of Kali thrvt Hr.wl'wl beiwath tholr feet, n they breathed air that wan llk?? a f miec blast. They striiKKM through ci yoiut, while fn?m the moimtalii' t< abovo tho *wartby renctfadiea nur ' ' " * eat rocks tnd poured down a wither- I inu Urw. Wxtfu Ihv last fcj&rse bad fall- J on >hl? Lawttro only set his teeth and I ? ?ald "We'll walk them down." And he U did walk tht-m down. When he found m Geronimo and his band they- were living skeletons, almoKt unable to stand, and , It waa many daye before they were able to follow the white man back to the J? San Carlos reservation. The pride of r- the Apaches was broken, their spirit ] subdued forever, and since that time the settlers of Arizona and- New Mexico P- have lived free from the baa of dread of and fear. ., Such In Major-General Henry W. Lawton, the man who made men- won1 der at EI Caney, as fine a type^f fighter i us this natiom of-fighters can'boasfc He _ will be heard from a&ala before the wir Is closed. * WEEKLY OIL REVIEW. v ________ st The advance of the oil market rather m than field developments was the feature i- of the past week, says "D. S. W." It has been many months since the pro- , ts- ducer could call for his balance and sell d It for ninety-eight cents a barrel. It ill may be noted, however, that very few ty are selling their oil at this time. There s. Is great confidence that the top has not i- been reached and the majority are rs waiting for even money; when it iy reaches that point there will be those ie who can see all kinds of reasons why it , should go to $1 25, and they will con tinue to wait. Those who took on a V load when the market was bounding 1 re upward and held on paying storage rates down to sixty-five cents and back again can't get out without a loss at " the present credit balance quotations. >- Producers still profit by the advance and those with a few little producing wells will again be on "easy" street. re During the depression these small wells were of little value except for the Junk [ each possessed. Conditions have changed. The junk has not increased in val- : ue, but the production has, and that is why owners of old wells are making reid newed efforts to forco them to produce ie a little more. Oil brokers, those who negotiate sales of producing properties, . complain at the dullness of trade. They re claim there is no oil production changie ing hands, in fact, there is scarcely any *V1 r,flrnt Til tc nan (llfolv ha T?? c" garded as an evidence that the produc- !, re er has a conviction that the market will advance. New territory is growing scarcer and the old fields have reached a p low ebb. It is true consumption and s production are very nearly on even s, terms, and unless some new territory Is developed soon there will be a pul! on the stocks ofl'ennsylvaiiia cru<Je. a? Interest in field developments has a, been growing and each day one hears 0; many inquiries for late information from some *iew strike, renl or imnginary. Any old rumor is sifted <o the w bottom and almost any kind of a strike 10. in new territory claims attention. j The lower southwest tr now as In the ' past, the most important and any pcral ceptible amount of new production ,s. must come from that source. Its re,jj sources have been severely tested and 11s future will be confined to the dlscovery and development of small pools, le The most Important discovery of the e< week was made by J. T. Jones on the Marshall farm, on Buffalo creek. The well is a Keener sand producer and ft- started at fifteen barrels an hour, u- While this well is a fine produce^ the Keener sand territory has not been noted for regularity and as likely to resuit in a duster as a producer in that part of Tyler county. vniitnroR nhnur n. small nor coinage of producers. Near Harrlsvllle, in Ritchie county, the South Penn OH Co. : R. drilled In a .test well on the Calhoun t In farm that helped swell the duster list. a The lower part of Wood countf has a r ea new Cow run sand development that a has excited the lower southwest opera- ? tors around Parkersburj? and Marietta, i u. The two wells to cause the disturbance t are located below Wllllumstown and v r" about a mile apart. One Is said to be a e rt, forty barrel producer and the other he ~~ I CYCLORSl ey. ita va, :od ler [vis Thin Incomparable series of war lllu far of dollars, und pbotogruphs of current h 3yt OUR NATION IN* WAR is at onco tli his press. It pr?j>euts tlia : Mi I Pa ml ,nt by the brusTi of American nrtlRts or take *\? teen or nxoro superb war pictures accoi lot natlQa? < re The ^ixt^ Artillery L< li Francisco on the \ } ^ The Army Mule Trai J - igig. with the Twenty-] mo 1^ vj General Merritt on th< "Newport," Leavi u/ Types of the Phillppim iij Gunboats Passing Batl ?odt ^fv One Hundred and Fift' z * s: "W ol- ?? n w>y nlc [>re our nation in waf tnd hIkiioU covtT; (ho following t?nrtn will ciu Dim, al a nominal yrlcu of Ton CcoU V rjMI toil m r .* - ; ; . - - . golf I rash HEAT 1ILA1 I RASH i > r Sunburn, bites and stings of ' insects, inflammations, irri- | tations, chaflngs, undue or 1 offensive perspiration and '< other sanative uses, nothing! ; so soothing, cooling, purity-, j ing and refreshing as a bath, J either hot or odd, with I The most effective skin purl-1' * firing and beautifying soap: b in thi* world, as well as Mir- " u* M*? ? JJ est and sweetest for toilet !' bath and nursery. 5 Save Your HalrJ^SErSuS followed by llcbt dressings with CUTIOCRA, purest of cmoUJeot skin cum. will chtr the S scalp and bah of cnuts, scales and dandruff, boo tic Irritated and itching surfaces, stimulate the fcnir folttdaa. supply tbe roots with j eoercr mod oourtihmoot, asd tbua produce luxariant bsir, with dean. Wholesome scalp, a wbca all ?l?o lafla. # j, Eold errrywhere. Price, CUTIOUBA SOAR y, 29c. CDT1CDRA (ointment). 80e. POTTER) J' DROQ & C1IKM. CORP., Doetou, Bole Props., t' British Depot, 1 Kin* Edward it. London. a How to Cure Br err Kind of Baab," free. r ============================ p wenty barrels. There is a great n crumble for'territory and the more cckless have paid a bonus of $75 an ere and are giving quarter royalty for ome of the stuff. The leases as a rule * lave been cut up into small lots and here will be about three times as many P rolls drilled as would have been neces- a ary to take out the oil. g Near Harrisville. Ritchie county, the t Picturing in panoramii Bloody Struggles, Fi Sieges, Desperate 'Ni Heroism that have pu of our country from ^ THE G IC PORTFOLIO OF THE R mirations compriaos reproduction of tho proa apponlngs at tho front In our battles with i 10 motft picturesque and graphic publication, i OSt Stirring, Thrij triotic Pictures n by the camera by skillful photographers. npaJiied by couipletp doacrlptlvo text, so uh t CONTENTS OF PC laving Washington for San Vay to Manila. n; Arriving at Camp Alger fourth Michigan. s Bridge of the Transport ;ng San Francisco for Ma ?S. :eries at Vicksburg. p-ninth Indiana. PARTS I TO 8 N TBR3S8 OF DIS > will appear weohljr, and will ho complete Spain. l*>irt Ono contalnn twenty lariro p :h contain SIXTKICN I^AROR I'AOWfl und 1 icr copy. It by mail uvivl 2 eurta tor po?Ugo. J ' r - i BILK reOMT 8H0 $l.ol jdMm silk 1320 South Penn Oil Company has drilled in ts test well on the John F. Calhoun arm. and has a duster. , In Roane county the Eastern Oil. company has completed a wildcat on the barrel farm and has a rank duster. The ormations from top to bottom were Iregular and broken, and contained no races of ell. On Island creek, Jefferson county, O., he Cross Creek Oil and Gas Company ias drilled in a well on the Crawford arm, good for five barrels a day. It has been some time since the Koeler sand territory has attracted any atention in Tyler county. J. T. Jones has nade a good strike at a test well on the tlarshall farm, on Little Buffalo creek. Phis well was drilled into the Keener rrlday afternoon and started to flow at he rate of fifteen barrels an hour. The ocation is 1,600. feet north of the well ompleted recently on the Parr farm, by f. T. Jones. The last named well was i small producer una it iwns now as hough Mr. Jones had struck the right lirection for a Keener sand developoent. POWDER MILL EXPLOSION. 'wo Men Killed?Building Completely Destroyed by Fire. > CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., August 22.? it 2 o'clock this morning an explosion ccurred in the plant of the Chattanooo Powder Company, at Ooltewah, elghL'en miles from Chattanooga, killing wo men and injuring slightly a numer of others. The men killed were: L. B. Eakin and Harlan Medezke, oth white men of family. The cause of the explosion is not nown and probably will not be. The ulldlng in which the explosion occured, which was the largest of several in se, took fire Immediately after the exloslon and burned <o the ground. The )ss will be only about $6,000, mainly on he building and machinery as but little owder was on hand. The loss of life . as small on account of the fact that ut few employes were in the building t the time. Will Enter the Hilda try. perlal Dispatch to tho Intelligencer. HUNTINGTON, W. Va., August 22.? Ilss Mary Hughes a prominent young chool teacher In this county, has relinquished her profession and will enter he gospel ministry. She says she was ealed from consumption by divine inerposltlon. She is highly intelligent nd respectable and her declaration has reated a big local sensation. She reached last night at a camp meeting ear this city. To Bring Back the Sick. NEW YORK, August 22.?Under or ers from the war department the hosltal ship Missouri must sail for Santigo to-night. She will carry nine aureons, forty hospital corpsmen, -ten rained male nurses, two hospital stew: magnificence and realist ercest Charges, Terrific E aval Engagements, and E: mctuated with epoch and de 1776 to i8g8. If REAT I OF FAMOUS EPUBLIC test paintings that hanj? In the covornm ?l>aJn on both land and sen. us well as the timely and useful hi [ling, Exciting ar T/%44 PurvJrf aP V Ci 1 lUUUtCW t Tho work 1? presented In a eerlwi of pc o make Uio iaoue tliu finest pOMttriO plctc )RTFOLIO No. .8. Company K, First Rhode Isl tioned at Camp Alger, V Annihilation of Cervera's Fie The Stone Wall, Gettysburg. Cordage Factory in the Philij Lamp?Helio. Twentieth Kansas Parading Their Way to Camp Mi Types of Spanish Soldiers. First Division Hospital. OW ON SALE. TBIBUTION-. In Sixteen Pnrtu or Iciw, nn may be Jiutlfl aKon of Illustration nnd lottor-preM, on i Cover. These Portfolios uro offered ex el \ddrcss, THE INTELLIGEf yrs-M*rjLDPBsra. H 111,1 111 ' " 11 'S ) ont Shirts for 75c. <f 4t I dosing out a lot of the pretty nt, hot weather shirts, alt nico s, all new styles and every I extra fine quality, size* 14 to iced from $1.00 to 75c- 4. 4. Icfadden's, and 1322 Market Street. | ar4? ana eighteen 6traBslcr? of tie iianojs ^coioreu) volunteers. Tho Missouri will bring back those sick I rnen not afflicted with infectious fever* 1 She is to put the men off at Monuuk I Point. ^ 1 SHOT WHILE PREACHIKO. CongrejsattounlUl AltuUtcr'a lnt?reiUB| 1 KxtinrUtnca lu <icart*la. flEW YOIUC, Aug. 22.?The American 1 Missionary Association his received ? dispatches stating that the Rev. J, & Fletcher, a Congregational minister, ana one of its missionaries had been shot while attempting to organize a oongre* gatlonal church at Smiley, Georgia, which Is about twenty miles (rum hit home at Hagan, Ga. He went to Stni. ley as tho result of correspondence,^, corning the organization of the church, which has been carried on tor several months. \Vhilo in the pulpit he was ehot at through the window, his body being riddled with 107 buckshots and several small shots. They entered his thigh, one lodging In his left hand and live in his right band. (He fainted as he fell. His wife,with the assistance of others, put him Into a buggy and took his twenty miles to his home. His condition la serious, although the expectation Is that he will recover. But two shots have been removed from his body. One of his assailants has been arrested; the others have been located and it is believed that they will be arrested in a short time. Mr. Fletcher's wlfo was made temporarily Insane by the occurrence but has regained her reason. Mr. Fletcher announces his purpose to prosecute his assailants at whatever cost ti> himself. The would-be assassins ore said to be colored officials of a_ Methodist church, but the officials of the association are careful to acquit Methodism of any responsibility of the crime. Two Steamers In Colllalon, ALGIERS, August 22.?The British steamer Pectan wus sunk on August 18 between Cape Tense and Cape Cheroel, on the north coast of Algeria, west of hon? fmm rrrilinlnn. with the French steamer Druentia, of Marseilles. The Druentia rescued the crew of the Pectan, numbering: flfty-nine persons, and has landed them here. The Druentia is badly damaged. ATTEND cathedral parish picnic at s>t?te fair grounds next Thursday. Admission 10 cents. ic elaboration-the .most lombardments, Historic camples of Astounding ciahre action the history BATTLES ent and state buildings, costing millions storical record, that over caw> from Uio id at irtfollos, each one of which contain* Mx? iBraphlo narrative at the Ilia e* our and Volunteers, Sta s. m ppines. vfr In San Francisco on erritt. ^ fL Cleaning Rifles. if<l by tlip development* of our war with tinted paper, under a handsomely dolUBlvoly to INTI'^LLIU 1>NCKK RB^I* JCER, Wheeling, W. Va.