Newspaper Page Text
I Stone a August's [ The month, so dull el caused by our deep pi to carry any summer 1 Final Seduction of Wash Goods. Kr About X pieces flno Dotted Swiss }5& Multa, light or dark styles. Have 7; S'- bets selling all season at 16c and J p 2$c. Monday per yard ' r- 15 pieces Blue and White and Black c\ ?? and WhKe Duck Suitings. Monday J^ per yard St; Oar satire stock of Pine Imported ? French Organdies, that havo sold Bs all season at 39c; al#o Fine Im'V': ported Silk and Unen Wash Goods I rl g that sold at 50c. Monday per yard. * < v Our entire stock of Fine Plaid SUk -/ Ginghams, handsome color, that *? h >.' have been selling at 49c, B9o and M Pr> . IK* Unndnv im7 vnrrt V* if IN THE 1 Sale of Enameled Steel Preserve Kettles.???I FOUB-QUART H RC-aUART 21 ' EIGHT-QUART 2? TEN-QUART . TWELVE-QUART 34 Half Pint Jelly Tumbler &'Tin Tomato Cans, per ( ? ' 'Mason's Quart Fruit Ja j New Silks! New Dr< From the best makci daily. .Your inspect Stone & SHIRT WAI3T8-0 snoos I 7? Don't Wait 25. 1 11 if* 1 All this 5 Another Minute to-day at a quick c 10 Waists which sold at 34 Waists which sold up i 60 Waists which sold up 68 Waists which sold up i 31 Waist*'wbich sold up 1 30 Waists which sold up i 39 Waists which sold up ' i . 28 PIQUE AN TO BE SC 11 Skirts which sold up 1 17 Skirts which soUl up t M PfilCE-AII P. K., Duel / ====== MORE OF THOSE T "Stanley" Madras white colorings?exact repr price is 98c. THE SMARTEST W nf Vail Neckwear fr our Market street door?Aso in-Hands, Puffs, etc.?50c to GEO. MTS? NEW GOODS?J New Goo We will put on sale, con Mnruiav. the 8tl , J twenty-six different patterns < Also a big line of Chamber Set). No use drinking mudd FILTER that has stood the JOHN FRIE mo MAI rC.-BTOKB Si THOMAS. c Thomas. iCONOMICAL...... )PP0RTINITIES. sewhere, is proving busy here, ice. cutting and determination not goods over to next season. I SILKS. Monday this department offers exceptional valui'H in desirable styles to make room for the new Fall Silks, which aro now arriving dally. 15 pieces handsome Black Brocaded Silks, the best styles of the season. JWC Clearance price per yard A line of Check, Plaid and Btiipeu pa Taffeta Silks, worth up to tf.00. SUf Monday per yard l/v 5 pieces Plain Black Taffota Silk, fa Jv 21 inches wide, an extra good 75c "IVfj quality. Monday pei^yard v/* , Carpets. jC It you intend carpeting your home this fall, our Carpet Department ia offering values that economical buyers cannot afford to overlook. Roxbury's, Stlnson's and Smith's best 10-wlro Tapestry Brussels sa r_ Carpets; Wto is the prico every- flVC [C whero. Our price W7V Smith's Velvet Carpets, the some *a ffrade is sold in other stores at /Ur tl Art. finr nriee Hartford, Axmlnster and Wilton ? Velvet Cari>et8: aanje quality that ?[? IC you see elsewhere at $1.35. Our Jlgn * price BASEMENT, Maslia Iron Kettles, White Lined.?? iC six-quart 2jc c eight-quart 25c ic ten-quart 29c 'c twelve-quart 36c ic pourteen-quart 44c s, per dozen 16c lozen. 29c rs, per dozen.,... 49c ;ss Goods! rs of this and foreign countries arriving Lion solicited. 1 ! Thomas. EO. M. 8NOOK a CO, : & co. I SHIRT WAISTS.. ieason's latest styles, go on sale prices which are certain to effect Jearance. We each now 35c each. to 93a each now 39c each, to $1.1!) each now 59c each, to $1.89 each now 89c each, to $2.25 each now $1.19 each, to $3.75 oach now $1.49 each, to $3.49 each now $1.89 each. D DICK SKIRTS ILD THIS WAY: to $2.95 each now $1.29 each. O $4.95 each now $1.98 oach. k and Linen Suits=% PRICE. ART Negligee Shirts in rich blue and oductions oJ $2.00 Shirts?our T .. =3 JE >r men can be seen just inside of ats, Tecks, Flowing End Four$1.50. VOOK & CO. OHN FHIBPgL & CO. ds. (Dinner Sets AT VCRY low PRICCS. y water when you can get a test for JO years, for $2.35. :del & co., INT HTnBUT. Jk 4/AULU Jl JUi SHOK8?AUPCA-NDBB. || 2Q% IDiscount Tf ON ALL BEN'S TAN SHOES, w _? No Reserve. ...ANYTHIN6 IN THE HODSL..., This. W?A flnlv. One-Fifth Off. ALEXANDER, E SHOE SELLER. 1049 Mate St jul fit - J. BI0YCLB8. Cr | li\J DISCOUNT 1 3 | on aU Bicycles f | TOR NEXT TEN DAYS. ?a ( cm <> f i DILLON, WHEAT & % ? HANCHER CO. > j* J del He SHOB8?NAY BROTHERS. ed ? Th, All *se ue / fen Summer Shoes * the Must Go. ? We are determined to rid our shelves of every pair of summer shoes within next few days. If prloe means anything they Pre will go quick. Commencing to-day (Sat- the urday). Thcso are tho prices that will ~lt, move them: ll* LADIES'SB0?Su.{g:::|Z / pro f 12.50 now 11.97 a MEN'S SHOES -j m, I H.OO now 13.15 4o_ ( 15.00 now $3.88 tefi MUST MAKE ROOM FOR FALL STOCK. Ul cou Nay Brothers, ONE PRICE. Jt Jt Jt * SHOES; 1317 Mtffctl Si. Sh| iheJttKlBoetirer 0 hoi Office t No?. 88 and 27 Fonrtecnth Street. G ~ Err New AdmllitmcnU. a. r?- car r or nem-u. a. ouuuoca ? w Pi-aches?Albert Stolxe & Co. "ill Fort Rent?Front Room on Sccond Floor. fl# Sale of H. 8. White Lands, Near Bellton, Marshall County, W. Va. the Save Something?Mutual Saving" Bank- c Ohio Valley Business and English Academy. sea Grand Opera Houso?"Tennessee's Pard- a _ ner." n Peanut Butter-H. F. Behrens Co. anc Engraved Calling Cards and Wedding In- ~ vltatTona?Stanton's Old City Book Store. x Pickle Spices?List's Drug Store. wil Just in Season?Geo. W. Johnson's Sons. $1.00 Silk Front Shirts for 75c?McFadden's?Second Page. Only One Week More?M. Gutraan & Co. ?Fifth' Pngc.. Lost?A Silk and Lace Cape. Hei j? Ii 20,000. M W? have fitted more than twenty tlioa- it sand pairs of Spectacles, glvlni ui a r?c- . ord nod experience uneqnntled by nnjr other optician In Weit Virginia* Sallsfac. wo lion gaaraut??d, JACOB W. GHUISII, Optician, Mo. 1.10U Market Street. te<r had RUN ON PANTS. at 0,00, reduced fiom *9.00. roi 0.00, reduced tram *7.00. Made to order on ihort notice. These h elegant Wool Troua<irlng? are great liar- fro gain*, and cannot b? replaced except nt brc a nmeh higher flgnre. fim C. REM * HOWf, Fashionable Tailors and Furnishers, 1331 P" nil 1313 Market Street. m Ke 4?titO'!il?ud?nl nn< The annua! meeting of the Stockholmers of the Aetna-Standard Iron & Steel m , Company Is to bo held at the principal vlo office In Aetnavllle on September 3. No- "j<1 tlces of the meeting have Just been A sent out by Secretary Toppln?. ln* Fnlrrnt Haltillug Chaittfra. ^ On the 31st of the present month there p^n will be several changes at the custom pol house. Postmaster Wise was recently made custodian, and the new appointees will work under his direction. Patrick w-hi Weir, Benor.i Feay and John Mlnke- m,,J meyer, Janitors, are to be succeeded by rpj, Joseph H. Kreese, late a LaBelle mill nailer; William Ault, n coal miner, and pos Scott N. Taylor, a young colored man. m<? ? var lit Clerk Itolirrtmii'a Offlcr. l>oii Testerdaj'. In Clerk Ttohortfon'/t offlco, mei the following transfers of real estate JJJJJ were recorded: Deed made August 3, 1898, by II. J. tra< nnd Olive Leasurc to John Smegelskl; fo)?t cunsiuerauon, iransiera 101 ixa. iu In the Hoge & Ills addition. Dee<I made July lit, lb'JH, by Jacob m'B and Johanna Schmidt, to W. C. Lobenstein; for $5 and other valuable con- T slderatlons, transfers south half of the north half of lot No. 33 in Jonathan dial Zane's addition. Str Deed made July 19. 1898; by W. C. thei Lobensteln to Jacob and Johanna Schmidt; conslderntlon, JS. etc; transfers above described property. LiiiEVERYTIIINO FOR THE SKIN. SCALP, and hnir of Infanta and children that In clennMnfr, pnrlfylnw, and A beautifying Cutlcurn will do. A warm bath with Cnticuni Soap, and n wntlo flu imolntinjr with Ctitlcurn.purest of <*m?lllents and greatest of skin cures, will X afford Instant relief, permit rest and _ sleep to both parent and ohiM, and .J|K point to a speedy, permanent, and eco- ,j,.r n-tnilral cure in th?- most distressing rhIi forms of Itching, burning, scnly, and W cniatfd skiri it nil urnip humor*, with J'?'! los* of hair, when nil else falls. "j-J You ATTEND cath?mirat jMirlsrv picnic nt in t fftatf fair ground#* next Thursday. Ad- ?| rnlsnlon 10 cents. fijr, CLEVELAND, LOFtAIN & WHEEL- CI ING RAILWAY, NTAQARA FALLS, W AtrCMBTiT. FARE FROM BRUME- ?,rlc PORT, O., AND RETURN, J5. SPECIAL PROGRAMME for Thursday, August 25, Bute Fair Grounds. G Jti*xSk IS SECOND TRIAL. :orgc Emblem BcIuk Tried for the Iliener Robbery. IE ABSENCE OF DR. HEDGES HO IS SAID TO BE "AT THE FRONT" IN THE) ARMY. CITED BY THE DEFENSE AS CAUSE FOR POSTPONEMENT, BUT THE MOTION WAS OVERRULED BY JUDGE HUGOS ? OTHER MOTIONS BY COLONBL ARNETT AIJIO OVERRULED. STesterday morning In the criminal art, Judge Hugus on the bench, the Be of the state vs. George Emblem is put on trial before the following ry: PlatofC Zone, C. H. Berry, W. Altd Wilson, J. M. Ephlan, C. W. List, A. Woods, W. S. Crelghton, J. B. awford, John M. Dauer, George M. rroll and C. H. Collier Phe state Is represented by Prosecug Attorney W. C. Meyer, assisted by ngressman B. B. Dovener. Emblem's ererfta were cared for by Col. W. W. nett. iJmblem 5s charged with the theft of a of silverware from the home of Wllm HIener, on the South Side. At a mer trial in the criminal court, Em>m was found guilty, but on an apil to the circuit court, a writ of error a allowed ond the result is the pres: second trial of the case. *V>r the defendant. Colonel Arnett ced that the trial be postponed until could locate Dr. George P. Hedges, a atlve of the prisoner, who Is said to a material witness in oenair ox cne endant All that could be learned of dge's whereabouts was that he enlistIn the army and is "at the front." e motion was overruled by the court, mother demand of counsel for The deao waj tor the entire Jury panel, Ich it was alleged had been cut down several being excused at the time of i Reynolds trial The request was regarded, and then the defense ened another objection, which -was that trial should not proceed until Bert iblem, a witness for the plaintiff, is iduced. Toung Emblem Is a page of circuit court wlio is* now out of the j on ills vacation, maning it imposuito ecrvo the summons. The objec% was overruled, and the trial waa cecded with. mong the state's witnesses examined the afternoon, was Louis Hiener, who tilled to having been robbed of cern silverware, some of which was in rt and Identified as the stolen propf by the witness. liss Julia Flading, a- sister of Mrs. :ner, testified that she was calling on latter on the evening of the robbery. i identified some of the silverware. Hiener left the house between 6 and i. m., and she and Mrs. (Hiener left ween 7 and 8 p. m. It was after this ir when the robbery occurred. ieorge Rogers, a neighbor of George ?blem, saw the latter enter his cellar ly In the morning, carrying a basket I of goods, and ho caught a glimpse silverware. Later he went through cellar and found the silverware. !harles Ruckman, another neighbor* rched the cellar in an effort to find rat oh that had been stolen from Him, i mJiiio thorn found thr? silverware. he trial will he continued to-day and I likely last several days. EPIDEMIC RECALLED. try Wltherapoon, one oftwo men who nposed the Small pox Spldemle Upon hncllug, here A|?ln Under Clreum* niirca Partly Similar. /bout throe years ago si colored man, rn andi lit with* a terrible disease, down oin the pavement across Six- ! nth street from the city buMdJng. He t come off the pocket Keystone State I tWs point ami, like another colored ' istabout front the Hudson, was hunt for the marine hospital. This man m the Hudson, H wW be rememlbercdv lUght to Wheeting? the tlrsc cm?e of all-pox that was responsible for the longed epidemic of that disease that owed* here. This other mare from the ystone State brought the second' case, 1 It was not until ctty bulfrling offlis noticed him sitting on the sidewalk t he was tu'ken care or and given ileal attention. He shortly became ieirt'ly slclc with smaTT-pox, but ultl itcuvltvuk lino iiiuii nno uviu? t berspoon. esterday Witherspoon figured In an I dent that hail features remarkably liar. He was found on the river bank, the rear of SiifeKs tin store, in a il-dazed condition He was taken to Ice headquarters and olaimed that was suffering1 from a fit. City HeaJlth cer Jepson was railed in and said therrpooiv was simply Buffering from ait Is now happily an uncommon ailrc t?hunger. He was sent on his way deling by the city building- boy?. Inee Wltherspon contributed to imIntr upon Wheeling her worst and vt costly ejrtdemic, ho has been in lous parts of the countTy\ living the riadic existence that Is common with u of his class. Hi? misfortunes did end with the severe attack of sma-11; he had' here; about a year ago he under a CltveapeaJte A Ohio freight In at Huntington^ in this state, and his left am* n'l>ove the elbow. And it, he says, he is subject to fits. Poor oft", he bits Inded suffered a series of fortune. F1REK spectres that threaten baby's Cholera Infantum, dysentery, rrhoeft. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild awberry never falls to conquer m. _ 4 [UBDLB and Hunnln/j racos at Carlrnl Picnic. Thursday, August 25. Special Sale ^buyeM* now In New York purehan-' our full and holiday food*, and In or- i to roduoo our wtork uro offering baron our ontlro lino. j LudloH* and Gents Solid Oold and i Killed WutchfH, warranted, from i uVumond Ring* from $5 to fjno.oo onrh. will iln'l many ImrKalnn in Diamonds r!?1 bout 8llvcr Knlvo* and Pork* , per do*en. Solid Sliver Tea Spoons , per net. idle*' Bolld Hold VUnirs from 11.00 up. jlidren'H Solid Gold Rings from r*>o up. <> do lino watch repairing at reduced SHEFF BROS., xner Main and E<ncnth Streets. ' HATSTheWeatf and the season will, you'll want new cloi complete new stock and Boys' Wearable choicest we ever ha season's make and i US?for YOU?an< 3tner assortment snc The First ( is usually for lieadg partment the standai lap's, Young's, How as at the exclusive 1 less in price, becatisc of the makers. Goc $2.50. Good Alpine tiling in summer goo IT"* I f 1 i nt ni HUB CORNER, fOURTEEl DUTCHESS TP FROM THE SHI Dmehess Captured the Medals WHATEVER THE POSTURE, STYI IlU/iVC MU CUADC ALunid 111 ouni L| f e Know What the Tradi The Manufacturers Authorize Us to Git WARfl You may buy a pair of [ $2, $2.50, $3, And wear them two months. toim rniunrc ofr m If they RIP at the WAISTBA CENTS. If thev RIP in th PAY yoo ONE DOLLAR 01 BEST IN THE WORI BAER'! SOLE J. H. LOOKE5 f LOCKE SHO 1 mm HOTELS. *M<n? 10 till SUTI0V" > ! The Glades Hotel, 1 | OAKLAND, MO. J i "ALL THE YEAR ROUND." j I -THB HOB. ier get together after awhile and then ihes. You'll find us ready with a of everything necessary in Men's of ever)- description?the best and d. Each and every article of this ityle?manufactured especially for 1 guaranteed to be the peer of any ?wn elsewhere irl the city "all ;car. You'll find in our Hat Ded blocks?Knox, Youman's Dunard's, etc.?the self-same qualitie* hat stores,but all a dollar or two : our name is on the crown instead id Derby at 98c, $1,50, $2x0 and s at 98c, $1.50 and $2.00. Everyids at a price to make them move. r ? Q Clothiers, Hatters I lj and Furnishers, WH AND MARKET STREETS. :0PSEB3-BAES'8. IP TO THE MAN. Triusm ; at World's Fair, 1893. 1 X AND EASE REMAIN THE SAVr I AT WORK OR P^AY. i Demands and We Meet It e With Every Pair Sold This UaieanW !ANTY. lutchess Wool Trousers at $3.50, $4 * - For every SUSFENDEK BUI* : win PAY you TEN CENTS. .ND WE will PAY you FIFTY e SEAT or elsewhere, WE will GIVE YOU A NEW PAIR LD. TRY H PAIR. ? CLOTHING J HOUSE LOENTS. mOS COMPANY. ; The Best Shoe Made ? At Any Price. . (?? aa<] Yw, that Is tho price, and It is BtMllli worth" every cent of tho money. Vv?VVi Nothing bolter made in,^{* wear, We havo them in Vlcl KI?I and ? n* ' !,% ? ??_!? ?.? ? i. 11.1.1.i thrmiirh* out with' Vlcl Kid. Tlio Iiicn! winter an! fall ?hoe. SPtCIAl VALUFS WHILE THrY IAST. Mon'i Chorolnti* Vlcl Kid. VMtlnc Top. Iacc, Cain Toe. th?? Cfl Quality. We put thv price low to clone out Men'w Chocolate Clout. Vesttnc Top, correct ntyle. 1150(1 ull quality. Only a few of them left ECOMPANV., iirDD adv-at'98 t|M CIRCULATED l uuiu newspaper. MACHINERY. ? ^VkdMAK-* co.; GENERAL MACHINISTS AND MANUFACTURERS OT MAIUNB AND STATIONARY BNOINS8- I ; Jul? . ,WH?liin?, W. y?- I