Newspaper Page Text
. orbat pbepahations[ Stone & | Great Preparation | For Fair Weet.^ fcV " ' Special inducements will he fe Over $100,000 worth of New I S . . ' .makers of the world assemblec We cordially invite all visil Hnrinfr vour Stav Ijiwauif uu? >u * .Rcccption Room (second flooi ct scrvice to you,, kindly comm Special Announce] We have securcd at a great < the World's Greatest Play,- the i 1 PASSION PLAY, SfcfVv.... ' \ i' as given at Ober Ammergau, the latest IMPROVED EDiSI |; Carpet Room. Performances Each Day at 10:30 a. m., 1:3c weeks. Two extra performam figures will be lifelike and mov appropriate music, vocal and i ? der and not over-crowd, a FR those who purchase 25c worth r-. ====== the Silk Depi $25,000 worth of New Silks. Extraoi and most fortunate purchases enabl an assortment of 50 pieces, over Handsome iJlactc miks, eniuravm^ Gro Grain, Peau Dc Soie, Ottomai Gros Dc Laundrj', Satin Dutches Satin Brocades; also Black and W Stripes and Brocades. Among the ties worth 75c, 85c and $1.00 per ya tr! p' / ; Fine Dress Fabric From the looms of the best n tries. We invite you to spen Goods Department. See the ] ure in showing you, whether Stone & VISITORB TO OUB FAIR? Visitors tc . Should not leave me cuy wuuoi New Fall Line of Silks, Dress furnish column after column ol short hour spent In our Ave sale ter idea of the IMMENSITY of < ACTER of our goods?and the H our prices. Will you spend ono c be a positive advantage, even If a penny's worth at present. Dress Goods Consist In part of Cross Striped Wave Dlagonnls, Novelty Ground materials with raised Mohair Dots, Wide and Narrow Welt Cheviots. Storm and French Serges, Coverts a and Broadcloths, Paquin Serges; Henriettas, Chevrons, Venetian Cloths, Neat Scotch Etamine Plaids, Camel's Hair Plaids. Silk and Wool Plaids. Double Faced Golf Cloak* Ings, and many other fabrics In any color you want. 25c to 13.50 yard. Black Goods In magnificent variety?Crepons, Serges. Sicllllans. Venetians?In fact everything that's stylish. Our Notion and Roady-med** Departments are crowded with dealrable articles. Do Not Fail To see our Die Window Dlspla Lamps and Natural Plants. C llanliy illuminated every evenli GEO. M. SN NEW QOODS-JOH* New Goods, DINNER SETS AIS CHAMBER SETS.oe If needing any Wall Paper call JOHN FRIEE 1UO MAIN ?STOW at THOMAS. Thomas. - * < s ; offered all over the Big Store. , all Merchandise from the belt i here for your selection. , :ors to make our store your in our city. Make use of our r), and in any way we can be iand us. I merit !xpensc, as an extra.attraction, SubliniQ ) i J ! Bavaria, to be reproduced by DN VITASCOPE in our large I r i, 3 mo and 4:30 p. m. for two :cs Saturday evening. All the ing as in life, with lectures and nstrumental. To preserve orEI? TICKET will be given to of goods or over. dinary large ) Choice es us to offer ? I I A./lotr 2.250 varus, lu uaj Plain Black, Vai-H 1, Bengaline, - I <UU, s, Silk and liite Silks in searequali:s inkers of this and foreitrn coun d an hour in this great Dress \rcw Goods. We'll take pleas- I you wish to buy now or later. Thomas. GEO. M. SNOOK A CO. a r > uur rair it seeing Geo. M. Snook & Co.'a Goods and other goods. Could ? descriptive matter, but one jtrooms will give you a far bot>ur lines?the CLEAN CHARlEASONABLE QUALITY of >r more hours with us? It will ! you do not wish to purchase Silks.. IMIINI That we lack nothing In Silks will be at once apparent to even a careless observer. Here you will tlnd every fashionable silk weave and color in plain materials, and fancy weaves in quantities that would be callcd anything but stingy. Single and Two-toned Bayedere Silks in Dark, Medium and Light colore. Plaid Silks crossed with bold satin stripes. Bengallne Cord Silks, Woven Tuck Silks. Yard wide Black TrfffotH Silks, finest pure dye Taffetas, etc., etc. Trimming Hints. Fancifully Curled Braids, Oauffred, Appliqued, Braided and Beaded Satin and Silk Yoklngs and Ruffles? Ruffles?Ruffles ad. flu. y of Warwick Chlnaware. Fostorla >ur Ave show windows will be lyiliK this week. 00K & CO. ( FUIEDEL & CO. / ronr., ^nnmnntc . i i am.y vi iiaiMcuiat . 4E -< Cake Plates, Salads, (Cut Glass. ?j AT VT.RY I LOW PRICES. and see uur line, at all prices. )EL & CO., TnniiT. SH0K3?ALBXATTOEB. "The Wheeling $3.50 Jt <* Shoe" <? <? [8 THE PRODUCT OP ONE OF THE BEST MAKERS IK AMERICA, MADE BY HIM FOR US, JUST A8 WE WANT IT MADE, GUARANTEED BT US TO rHE WEARER JUST AS BE8T SHOES SHOULD BE GUARANTEED-UNCON. D1TIONALLY. BETTER ONES CANuv nrvrrav W1R KM. MADE PROM ANY KIND OF LEATHER YOU WANT. ON ALL LATE SIJAPES, AND MADE TO PIT CORRECTLY. ALEXANDER, SHOE SELLER. 1049 Main St HORSE TIMERS. |HORST?*?*~1 | TIMERS.? 2 food, iWiable Ones, * ??i i- f?uu n L n I IfVwU 10 IBM, l DIUON, WHEAT & | HANCHER C0.'S,> 1 1223 Market St o g?o?o?o?o?o?o*o?o?o?o 8H0E3?NA.Y BROTHERS. MAY BROTHERS' ROYAL NEW SHOE FOR MEN.. $3.50 Is the price. All styles. All leathern. wii i nw rn r it /h a n A BOXCALF. K| I (pO.JU RUSSIA CALF. ?jlm popular PHc?. To ?upply a. srowlnr demand for a man's ?hoe to sell at H.W' wja duce our NEW SHOE l*OR MEN. Bent fhoe for th? price that money can buy. Every pair warranted. * It guaranteed. NAY BROTHERS' ROYAL. Soe them In our north window. Nay Brothers, One Price. Shoet.__j3l7_Mgffcet^L_> ?kcjntclligcttrcr Offlc?: Now. Sfl anil 27 Fourteenth Streot. Kctv AdTrrttttiuinti. Wanted?Girl for General Houseworlf. Nay Brothers' Royal?Eighth Page. Noitcc?Stockholders' Meotlng, Wheeling Hallway Company. Canaries?Henry Helmbrlght State Mcdlcal Examination. preparatory School?Miss Simpson. Sirety Ronds?Alfred Patill. for Sale?Simpson & 'Paturn. When You Want?R. H. List. Headquarters for School Books and Suppiles?Stanton's Old City Book Store. Just In Srason?Geo. w. Johnson's Sons. For Fnlr Week?J. H. Rhodes & Co. Miss France* J? licll Will Reopen Her School. . Paratflne Wax?H. F. Behrens Co. Speclul Sale?Frew's Furniture and Carpet House?Fifth Page. New Creations?Goo. E. Stlfel & Co.? Third Page. For a Cool, Sound Sleep?aicFaciacn's? Second Page. Notice?Charles Hell?Eighth Patte. ViHltor* to Our Fair?Geo. M. Snook & Co.?Eighth Page. so, ooo. IVit hAYe fitted more llian twenty thou and pitlra of Upwiarln, ftlvliitr tie n reconl nnd riporlonc* iinrqtinllnd liy nnjr other optician In Waat Virclnln. ftellifac< tion cnaraMi?H*d. Jacob w. oitimi, optician, Mo, 13011 >mrket Street, RUN ON PANTS. SO.00, reduced fium *#.00. S.'i.OO, reduced from 87.00, Alndc to order on short notice. Theae elegant Wool Tronaerlnca are grrnt barBaluPi and ennnot be replaced except nt a mnch higher lie arc. V. IIKSS ? HONS Kaahlonabfe Tnllnr* And Fnrnlahcra, i.1S1 aud 13211 .llurkrt street. NOTICE TO WATKIl CONHU3IKUS. All ptnon* (lini nrn In rxrrmmm In their irairr rent* for tix mouth* or inure nro hereby notlfloil It they arc not pair! an or hrfar njntriiilm- 1.1, JSU8, the tviiter will b? lim on. TUB CITY WATKR BOARD. JOHN K. NCIIKLLIIAtK, Setrolarj-. PRINCIPAL JOHN M. TORCH, of the Llnsly Institute, or nomi- mcmki' of the faculty Si'llflw' at the school building dally, from 10.-.10 until 12 a. in., to nvet those who doslre to enter students for tho next school year, lx?KlniiUik Monday, September 12, 1S98. (Jack'* WllaoN Fmmoliil, A. J. Wilson- was yesterday sworn in | as deputy clcrk of tho circuit court by Jud>{?* l'liul*. This offlco was mcuU- vn- I can* by the recant death of Mr. John Walton, and Mr. Wmoo't Kteotion by Clerk Henning Is a good' on*. "Jack" J Wilson has been ir> the olllce for about live years and Is familiar with nil Its details. n nd his courtesy and frcnjalIty I insure hl? further success. In Clrrk ICobrrlaou'i Ofllcr. In Clerk Robertson's office yesterday, two deeds were recorded s* follows: ive?l dated September 5,1808, between William II. West and Alice V. Porter, oonveylng east twenty feet of lot No. 21. Shrlver'P addition: conalderatlon, If. Deed tinted September 2H, 1891, bctweon William It. Taylor nnd wife t ? Annie Conwell, conveying piece of land on Moyvton street; consideration, $1,000. Itrtilgrpnrl mini tlnrt. How Oreer, a weW known cltlten of itridp'p'Tt. was severely Injured about !0:U0 o'clock Inst nlifhi, the result of a fall he sustained on the pavement In ..r ctn...i mix ..fii.-. in. Iiri.11, >. port. nft? i he- ?trppr<1 off u street car. 11 received a bud scalp wound ibovt tlw right temt>k?, nml lie wn* unconic-iuun whan removed to Dr. COtefr ofr flc?*. Ah th* car wa? stationary. it '? thought Mr. Oreor, wholsau ng?d man, must have hern Ulaay from riding, ho full heiuKonu to the pavement. !*?? lid n't regain cousClouenest* until a In t?* liour. but hi* recovery i? aaeurcd . FOUR lino CaJ>ino(? only 60o thin week. PLUM'MBUl'H, Main street. TAKK tin* Wsrltuel Ymht Forry at the- foot of Twelfth slf^t, the quickest ruuto to the Fair Grounds. THE DEFENDANTS In the Loan tax Case* Haven't Shown their Hands. vnTntvc liflVF VET RELATIVE ? TO JUDGMENTS JN FAVOR OF THE "INFORMERS" BY SQUIRES HABERFIELD AND DUNNING, BUT APPEAL8 WILL BE TAKEN, OR ELSE AWAIT DEVELOPMENTS WHEN JUDGMENTS ARE ENFORCED?MR BODLEY PUTS UP AFI^HT. Squire Haberfleld yesterday morning I announced hi* decision in the case brought against Jerry O'Brien by the "tax informers." Informer Bird brought suit for $40. The Amount loaned was <400, and it had been oat on loan for two years, therefore Bird demanded five per cent on the $400 for two years, or 140. His view of the matter was not taken by Squire Haberfleld, who in deciding for the plaintiffs, gave judgment for $20, which is Ave per cent on the sum loaned, no cognisance being taken of how long the loan escaped assessment. This esse was decided at 11 o'clock, j and at 3 o'clock the case of William J. [ Bodley came up. Mr. Bodley was sued for $1/40, and he fought to a finish, succeeding by his own efforts In getting the amount sued for reduced to 9120. Mr. | Bodley was not represented by any attorney, and in his argument he claimed I that while his money was out on loan [ the assessor hadn't visited him or made any inquiry reiaiive 10 am pcrovtuuvj, therefore he couldn't make the proper returns. Squire Haberfleld, before whom the case -wan tried, took the matter under advisement, and will render bis decision to-day. The money had been loaned to Willlam Strauss for four years, testified Mr. Strauss, and not five years as clalmod by Informer Bird, therefore the latter r-mmo nit hl? nftroh fnr 170 Art Stilted yesterday, Bird claims five per cent for each year the money has escaped assessment. What move the defense will take in these cases In view of the decisions reached by Justices Dunning: and Hal>erfleld Is not known, hut there are two channels open, and which will likely be token. One method Is to take an appeal to a higher court; the other, to let the "Informers" enforce the Justice shop Judgments. Tim law ffovernlngr the cases Is thought by many lawyers to be unconstitutional, since under the Inter pretatlon given It by Mr. Bird, two assessments may i?e levied, one on the money loaned and one on the man who borrows the money, for the latter In paying taxes on his mortgaged property Is paying assessments on the loan Indirectly. On the ground that there can't be two assessments levied for what Is already assessed, the law may be considered unconstitutional, and upon this fact resulting, the defendants could come upon the "Informers" for damages, directing their attention chiefly to Mr. Cotts, who is the wealthiest of the quartette. A DASTARDLY CRIME Committed Yesterday Morning by Unknown Men Near Bridgeport. Early yesterday morning, at West Bridgeport, a dastardly crime was committed by two unknown and masked men. Maggie Stonebrenlcer, a young girl of seventeen fears, was seized by the men while she was going to an outbuilding near her home; she was bound nnd gagged, and her life threatened if she made an outcry. Later she was found by members of the family nnd released. It is feared she was criminally nsaulted. The community Is excited over the assault, but the perpetrators of the outrage have escaped. LIZZIE HURL ARRESTED At Motimiaville Wooday Charged with a Rcrlont Crime. Lizzie Hurl, who is charged with doing away with the child she gave birth to last Friday ndght at AetnaviMe, ar.d WI1U cm:uiw lll?r UD Ill Monday's Iitfuiligencer, went to MoundsviHe and was arrested by the , police there at t-he home of her ulster, j Mrs. HummHt, on North Tomlinson avenue, Monday night about 11 o'clock. The liridtreport police arrived .later and have Rlnce been guarding the house, as the woman is too pick to be moved. The woman is well known in Moundsviile, having worked as domestic for several families there. THE OHve H.111 Fire Brick Co., Kentucky. of which Geo. H. Parks, of this city, Is president and manager, ha* recently tiled some large orders for lire brick for Chicago and Alabama and Tennessee points. NOTIttK. M.T .M.kiiti A Co ? Stark *"Trli?ni!(? wflT?tjirT'htiiittcaa Tharaday, Kept mlier K, 18US. _ TAKE the WarfTuel Yacht Forrv at the foot of Twelfth street. the quickest route to the Fair Grounds. Select School Opening. The select school conducted by Miss .Tane Rest nnd Miss Lnnra Cooper, at 1318 Market street, formerly Mrs. Hart's school, will open for the fall session on September 12. Low Kntra to Canton via Wheeling & I.nke Erie September ? to 11, Incluslvo.good to return until September 12, account Canton street fair, One fare for round trip. Throe train* dally except Sundny. Onlir direct line to C'nnton. See Sam Shornww, traveling passenger agent, 25 City Hank building, ir telephone 92t. XTOTICE. ,i\ The bout Knit Woolen Jackets nnd Sweaters mndn to order, nt rcn*nnsblc price*, by i'HARI<K8 IIKII?, 607 National ltowd. Wheeling, W. Vu. sc7 I .x^l: Sup.r.ifll Sals MUIU Our buyer i* notv In New York purr (mm. Inir our fr.U and holiday ko.-hI*. and in ordor to redueo our look uro offiMitiR |>?rKnln? on our entlrn lino. r-M Irftdlfx' and <2<'nt*' Solid Hold and Gold Killed Watch**, warranted, from fli j?) up. UN Diamond ninK* from $3 to *uv>,no each You will find many bargains In Din mom! * In thl* lot. Hop re' host Silver Knives and Korku tSM p?*r doxen. Solid Sliver Tea Spoons 13.76 iwr art. Ijtuion' Solid Oolil Hln?n from }l.<0 up. Wo do nno watch repulrlnsr at rcduccJ price*. SHEFF BROS., ( Carnor Main and lletonlh Streets. SCHOOL SPIT f We're 0?t?TaIked 0 Schf The news of today concerns sc school clothing in particular, fo ment on our elaborate prcparati and become simply outfitters for school boy may be as inexpensii would not be a store fo.r the peoj ply all classes of people. But it inands of the slender purse that t ity. It is to the slender purse t portant if within reach. We sell we put them within reach. Mo: combined stocks of any three clc $1.75 to $8.50 for: $4.00 to $18.00 for MONEY BACK FOR VV R The I ^ Clotf Hub Corner, Fourteei J FAIR WEEK-PEP. Geo. R. Tayk FAIR 1 V Beginning on Monday, Sep counters all of the newest a Winter Novelties. New fab JAPONS. EPANGtLINE. CREPONS. 'Also a line of beautiful Si house wear visn in the city this week are in whether you purchase or n< of attention and a hearty WELC Geo. R. Tayl WHITE, HAND] Lamps.. We have just rec that were ever bri all prices. J* Jecorated A Qp Night Lamps . . Br?ss H QR Banquet Lamps . V1'"" Free5' J1 11 O hogany finL jt CALL AND WHITE. HAND! ' / Herman Frank, Frank 2247 AICD 2240 M J. H. LOCKE SI | TWO SHC ||| LADIES'. ;X: MUW'e I One lot of I X; HIGH 0.... (C0in toe, lac j LOCKE S (jgl) ?#< ? HOTELS. ooooooooax)oooooocccocxx?oo MARIS! 10 1HI SIAU01" 8 8 The Glades Hotel, ? OAM \ND, MUh jj! "ALL THE YEAR ROUND." 8 cooooooooooooooooexxjooaooS 3?THE HUB. ftefl, Out-doae Never, a r for {I doL.? '"i :hool necessities and, of coursc, r tt>-day we will suspend comons (or the fall needs of adults the boys. The outfitting of the ,-c or costly as you please. We lie unless we were fitted to sup; is especially in meeting the de,ve claim qyr proudest superiorhat high qualities are most imnothing but higii qualities, and re boys' clothing here than the thing Jiouses in the city. Short Trouser-Suits. Long Urouser Suits. HAT DOES NOT SUIT. Hub 4 liers. y -jth and Market Sts. "tr" , rl. XAILUtt ovj. 5r Company. C7EEK. itember S. we place on our nd most choice of Fall and rics in Dress Goods are CHCNEILLE NETS. BAYADERE SUITINGS. VENETIAN CLOTHS. Ik Novelties for street and UKO vited to visit our store, and at, you will receive the best :ome. or Company. LEY & FOSTER. ?1 -J eivcd the best line of Lamp ought to the city. Lamps at jf. > j? * Ij ALL UMPS COMPLETE, WITH GLOBE. e FREE with every Lamp a' )re, a Stand?"Oak or Wish. SEE THEM > JBY ? FOSTER E. Foster, Receivers. AltSBT BTRB??2* JOB COMPANY. ?E SNAPS. | Ladies' Choco- f)A 1 )c, lace Shoes at J: ?sL?T!''.': J1.251 HOE CO. ? ^ ~~ DRNTtRTnY. istir worthen. DENTIST. Pcabody BuUdtn;? Room Nn- 3V? 1126 Murkot Street.... Ww?lm? * * wa TAKE KUIVAWJU?? ^ 11