Newspaper Page Text
Pamt8, HTC.-8T01 IE & Econom V Opporti I' To out-ol-town touts ana inose | s, tended one of these'Friday sale h- presented to see how much little p thfrweek is, as usual full of in i every department Up stairs and d I worth coming many miles to tak i Plain Black Taffeta Sil $ * ' , Elegant High Lustre, S ?;. skirts, waists, etc., at special Frid i.|' 20 inches wide at 5ft 2? ? u " ft 8 ? " u 75c 27 " " " ft 27 " " " 51.15 I An assortment of about 10 pieces of f & Mixed Novelty Press Good?, that old at ISttc. Suitable for school Z*? dresses. Friday yard . ;'IS pieces Fancy Cheviot Dross J . - Goods, 18 Inches wide, 25e value. 17Friday yard >**> 100 pairs Derby Tapestry Portieres. Heavy Fringe. Full Width and I Length, In ten colors. Beautiful t? iB . Designs. A I3.W value. Friday.... | . Ladles' Wool Covert and Novelty 3 H** Cloth ' Skirts, Medium and Dark /Shades, Well Lined and Bound; ?1 iB 11.00 and 13.60 value. Friday t. IflOO Blcached Terry Wash Cloths, f _ \ ' Friday each >C $& '. 1 Bale Bapiesley All Linen Crash. P' . . Friday yara - - [ j 50 dozen size 4&x2G Bleached Hera- cr 2 JjiF/: med Pillow Cases. Friday each.. j 5ft SO dozen size 42x72 Bleached Hera- f Qr ! wk-^ med\Bolster Cases. Friday each.. 2 p Steel's Regular 52.CO Grade Carpet (I (A p ' Sweepers. Friday each #?*V7 2 M':' 200 White Enameled Picture Frames with Fancy Gilt Corners and Hand ] Cut Mats; 33c value. Friday ?K 25 dozen Hemstitched Stamped Linen ; Stand Covers; value 3?tc. Friday 2Sc | In the Basement |h- A rousing sale of Bi ? and Saucers, Plates, Meat Ph | decorated, and at prices cheaper ! Stone & GLOVES CLEANED FREESNOOK ?=? 1 I ^Iaoao Plnafinrt I UIUVC3 VyICUIIUU I I Mr. If. B. Park 10 p. m., demonstrating the me Bring your soiled gloves nnd he wi tliem look like neir free oi all cost | log top Parker's Eradicator; it not removes Grease, Paint and Tar fro terials. Introduction price 19c?n | BEATUIFUL NOVELTIES JUST OPENED ; School Days are again hero, i 1 gaged in supplying the manifold si j be overlooked: Special lines or nam ana riai '} 12 l-2c, 25c, 50c, etc. Single and Double School Rfti 1 25c and 50c. Children's Fall Bearers, specla here at very low prices. Fast Black and Fancy Plaid ai Girls?many special mines. H' Muslin and Knit Underwear, J ; also Waists for Girls, Suspenders, I*. Ties, Sponges, etc. ====== I Every Day nnw nilila fit t.Iir (made fall goods already here. Oat Bearing completion?not a day too to overflowing with the country's < geo.mTsn new aooDs-Jom ? ^ INew Goods, DINNER SETS AIS CHAMBER SETS.** 5 If needing anj Vail Paper call JOHN FRIEI I | 1110 MAIN i ., ^ ? -?;?.... 1 .. ..?iv M a THOMAB. Thomas. ical mities. of you who have never ats of ours an opportunity Is : money will buy. I he list terest, embracing items from own, and represents values e advantage of. Iks. bft Finish, very desirable for lay prices: ; yard, valve 75c. 85c. u u Mr - ? $1.25. u ~$!.3f. 10 pieces All Wool Novelty Dress I Goods. New Fall Styles; 38 Inches wide. Actually worth 39c. Friday jcr I yard .at of about 25 picces Nob. 40 and 60 Fancy Ribbons, in stripes ana Plaids; 39c and 49c kinds. Friday 17yard Dulles' Black Sntlne UndersklrtB, Umbrella Style, Corded Ruffle, Ex- 7Qtra Wide; $1.00 value. Friday *7C lAdies* Fine Black Satlne Underskirts, Extra Wide. Umbrella Style. Double Corded Ruffle; a res- QO? ular 11.60 value. Friday 70C tbout 25 Ladles' Wash Silk Shirt Waists in Stripes, Chocks and Plaids. White Collars, Yoke Back. The 13.50 and 94.00 kinds. Friday CI ftQ choice v1*70 5 ploces 50-Inch Turkey Red Table | Linen. Regular 25c grade. Friday t nr yard * 'c !,0()0 Felt Window Shade*. Mounted qr on Spring Rollers. Friday each.... 'C S nieces 25c and 30c yard Wide Floor f q_ Oil Cloth. Friday yard ?7C ^ot Hearth Size White and Grey^Fur l\urs, vaiun g?.w. s nlcccs Fine Black Silk Laccn, 3 to 8 Inchcs wide. Worth up to irr 49c. Friday yard oken Dinner Sets. Odd Cups itters, etc. All pieces nicely than plain white ware. } Thomas* GEO. M. SNOOK & CO. & co. Tee. or will be with its Saturday till rits of his colebrated cleaner. II tnhe great pleasure in making Wo are sole agents in Wheelonly cleans Kid Glores, but also m Silk, Satin and Woolen Matext week 25c box. IN THE KID GLOVE DEPARTMENT. md most mothers are busily on:hool wants. Some thiugs not to d Fabrics for Sehool Dresses? ;s, with embroidered initials? Uy useful for out-of-town pupils, iwl U4i?ln<iil llAjintitr IVim I)ai*c nml iiu iiv.iivi j ivi uuja uuu [Joys' Shirts and Shirt Waists, Hose Supporters, Handkerchiefs, \ i great stock or piece and ready' two new ndditions are rapidly soon, as these also will bo filled ihoicost productions. AAI/ ft />A UUI\ & IU. I PRIEDBt, 4s 00. j (Taney Ornaments, # -! Cake Plates, Salads, | ?ut Giass< JTYie (AT' ? VERY <??* ( LOW PRICES, and see oar line, at all prices. )EL & CO., HTRBBT. t i *?': i. "... ' .< [kh J. : .?" r-:.:> .- : ' shoes-auxanpsb. , "The Wheeling ' $3.50 tie Shoe" <* I is tkk piwjduct op one op the best makers in america. made p.y him vor us. just as we want 1 it made, guaranteed by us to the weaker just as best shoes should bd guaranteed-unconditionally. better ones can, not be gottfcn for 18.00. made from any kind op leather you want. on all late shapes. and MADE TO PIT CORRECTLY. ALEXANDER, SHOE SEUfB. 1049 Main St. BOBSEf TIMERS. o*o*o?o*o?o*a?o*o*o?o 1 HORSE I | TIMERS, f 2 Good, Reliable Ones, 2 I JUI to 5200.00 Each, J I DILLON, WHEAT & | 3 HANCHER CO.'S,j? % o 1223 Market St. u O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+o 8HOB8-NAY BROTHERS. NAY BROTHERS' " R0YAL." NEW SHOE FOR HEN. $3*50 Is the price. All styles. All leathers. :ir I (do ra K OO.OU RUSSIA CALF. | Tll? popular mn. To supply a growing demand for a man's shoe to sell ut 13.60 we Introduce our NEW SHOE FOR MEN. Best shoe for the price that money can buy. Every pair warranted. Fit guaranteed. NAY BROTHERS' " ROY.AL." See them in our north window. 1 Nay Brothers, One Price. Shoes. 1317 Market St* ?ta3iMigenrer Ofl1r?: Nut. SB and 27 Fourteoutli Street. Srw A<lvrr(.?riitnnta* Mr. II. M. Schockey?Teacher Piano, Violin and Harmony. Auction Sale-T. M. Garvin, Assignee. For Fair Wock?J. S. Rhodes & Co. Headquartere for School Books and Supplies? Stunton's Old City Book Store. Visitors?J.hit's Drue Store. I'arafllne Wax?H. F. Behrena Co. lor Sale?Simpson & Tatum. Notice?Charles Hell. Try It?Albert Stolxo & Co. AllftB x' ranees u ocn out noutKu it? School. Just In Season?Geo. W. Johnson's Son*. To-duy's ISconomlcal Opportunities? 8tono & Thomas?Eighth Pace. It's Your Fault?McF&duen's?Second Pa*e. Gloves Cleaned Free?Geo. M. Snook & Co.?Eighth Page. A Long Ffllt Want Supplied In the New Kabo?Geo. E. Stlfel & Co.?Third Page. 20.000. We Iiatd flitrd moro than Iwnty thau. sand pnlm of SnrciKOlu, glvln* tin a record nitil ftpmiritce unequalled bjr any other optician In Wont Virginia, Satlsfac* tloii cuarnii-Mcd. .JACOB U*. GKUBU, Optician, Jio. l.'SOll .t.urltet Stree'. C. Hess & Sons' Tall Opening. fINE TAILORING?POPULAR PRICES. Regardless of advance in wooloni, we nro prepared 10 itinko to order Nulls, OTrrcoatniiml Iroutnra at last rear's reduced and popular prices, nits 640.00 up. Overcoat* SiK.OO up. Pnma 85.00 up The artistic cat und stylish appearuuee ofour uiirmeuts rccotumcnd (hem* 1 Helvrs. Inviting inspection. C. II EI.S ft KO.\S Fashion aide Tailors and Fine FuruUliers, J 381 nml 1333 Market Street. NOTICE TO WATKR CONSUMERS. All prraoti* tliat ?rr In nrreara In their , witirr rent* for tit mouth* or mora nre I lirrelij* nutlfleil It they nrn not |Milil on or hrtor *e|it??inlter l.1? 1NUH, tlie water | will be Mhnt off, i TIIKCITT WATKR BOARD. , JOHN K. Mil KL1.II AHKt Secretary* PRINCIPAL JOHN M. BIRCII, of , the Llnsly Institute, or some member , of the faculty will he at the school, building dally, from IO:rJO until 12 a. in., to mci?t those who desire to enter students for the next school year, begin- , nlng Monday, September 12, 1S98, tit C'lrrU Rohrr'wn'i Oilier, In Clerk Robertson's office yesterday the following deed wan recorded: , Deed dated September 7,189S. between WlMiam J Orah&m and Maria Vance, < transferring property ore Twenty-sixth street; $825. A marriage license was granted to I nomas n. nron an?j u>uia wmn-y, vi Washingtonv. Pa. .Ml. tl? rlinutnl Acnrtrmjr. The attraotlons.of fair week are much enranced by the return, on most of the trains, of the young ladles of Mt. d?? ChantaJ, with bright eyes and lots of i color In their faces after the long vacation. Ain?>ng thcmi an* a large num- J her of apllcants for admission^ gome i from far off stuites of the Union. For : the coming scholastic your It Is expected that t-here will bo nine "sweet girl graduates," ? larger number than for many years*. Ht. Kov. Bishop Donahue, who taken a deep Interest In the Academy, was fortunnie en<ftigb, while In the cant, to Rvcnre fundi* to ho given ut* for excellence In special subjects during the scholastic year, and It Is confidently expected that this fact will give a new stimulus to the Industry of the pupils. The dlrvctrors and managers are u)*o cnnsldc-ring the laying off of golf links, In addition to the lawn tennis court* Ail together, the outlook 1* exceedingly 1'iiKiik iur 111c iiMiwiiK ji-ur. l?Ml"ONSDi:*lllOUH of ?o?nrlng t??nr- I oiijjIi Inatrucllou mnl miilnblr liniira for liftr lc??oii4 ulll iiIknn toll or mlilrna* ! Hfnry .1. Arlinii, I) reclor. on Mntfmlny, J lxlivrMi III** liiMir* of 10 lo 19,'i to A mnl loft. Iiialr notion 1-cnnwinil In nil brnnrlim of ill* Whirling Co?M?r*?tory of M title, No. <111 l iri.Mith Strrcf, .Moiiilnr, Nrnirm- I l?ttr !?. JEWISH NSW VKAU CAIU)S In grcul variety of Ktylc# and prices at STANTON'S llOOK-STORlfi. ;A ' , YVRAl TiOW-DOWN.' 'Jim"Crawford Isa Very tore Individual these days. IIS RESIGNATION HANDED IN IS A MEMBER OK FIRST DISTRICT DEMOCRATIC CONGRESSIONAL. COMMITTEE?THIS ACTION WAS INDUCED BY THE EFFORTS OF SOME OF THE LOCAL LEADERS OF THE PABTY-MR. CRAWFORD TALKED PLAINLY TO THE COMMITTEE AND CANDI UJVXtU. f A hot nan under the collar Is James D. Crawford, who was elected at the Weston convention as the Ohio county nember of the* Democratic congressional jommittee of the First district, and who lad the chairmanship of this committee n view when the committee should neet for organization in Wheeling, rbe committee met here on Wedneslay, and as previously stated, Melville D. Post was elected chairman. For some time previous to the meetng there was a strong effort to throw Crawford down, but he held on until :he committeemen met in the Windsor >&rlors Wednesday afternoon, when, af:er seeing how the wind blew, Mr. Crawford handed In his resignation. The vacancy was filled by electing Harry B. Gartley, of the Sixth ward. Before resigning, Mr. Crawford used iome strong language, and called the | iMentJon of Mr. Blair and the commit:eemen to the fact that It was through lis efforts, to a great extent, that the >hlo county delegation went solidly for { aini? at thn xnnt'nntiAn. In renlsrJ It vaa told the Madison district Democrat hat Ohio's votes weren't necessary for tfr. Blair's selection, but Mr. Crawford . tuoted figures to the contrary. After more heated discussion, Mr. Crawford resigned. After the vacancy vas filled, the committee proceeded to jlect Mr. Post, who wasn't a member >f the committee. Crawford and his friends are hot and claim the Post selection had been cut and dried weeks ago. rhey say the committee displayed poor judgment in not, at least, selecting a member of the committee as chairman. Mr. Crawford's friends seemingly forget that the candidate usually names the chairman, and often be is not a member of the committee, so the committee did Ill'l lUftC UllJ/iCbCUCUkCu uwuuu Mr. Post, who Is not a member of the committee. When an Intelligencer reporter called at the Windsor Wednesday evening, the secretary of the (ummittee, In detailing such of the proceedings as he cared to have published, did not mention the episode of Crawford's ten forced resignation. It was a little unpleasantness that Mr. Bland no doubt wished kept under cover. . Of course he did not for an Instant Imagine that his own party organ, the Register, would mention the matter?but it did, and the Incident bids fair to become the cause of dissensions In the party in this county that will be of no inconsiderable extent The I.ln?tjr IuatltnfA. For the last few day* Principal John M. Birch has been at his office in: the LinsJy Institute building enrolling new students. Ait unusualSy large number have presented themee-lves for entrance and the prospect? for next year are mstrn fa*-rvrniKJr> fhntt llRllfll Th*? whnol merits the liberal patronage of the citizens of this city, for strenuous efforts are constantly- being made to preserve the high Htandard of the institution. Principal Birch can be seen to-day and to-morrow at the school building, between 10:30 and 12, where n'H necessary arrangements can: be made. .Mnalcnt fnitrucflou. Edward Blumenberg will resume his Instruction In Violin, Piano and Theory at his residence, 68 Ohio street, (near steel bridge), on Monday, September 12. All persons ore requested to call early, In order to arrange hours. Branch studio, Clark street, Martin's Ferry, Ohio. BUY your School Books and SuppMes from Albert Dlttmar, 180S Market street. Telephone No. W9. TAKE the Warffuel Yacht Ferry at the foot of Twelfth street, the quickest route to the Fair Grounds. JEWISH NEW YEAR CARDS !n jreat variety of styles and prices at STANTON'S BOOK-STORE. LUNCHEON AT CHAPLWE ST. M. t. CHURCH. A tlfirrii-crnt lunch will bo n??rvr<l In !h? lector* room to-nlgiit (FrMityJ from I in v n omcRi in crcom mm vanv nui ?l*o be srrvril* TAKE) the Warffuel Yacht Perry at [he foot of Twelfth street, the quickest route to the Fair Ground?. School llook*. Remember, tve are headquarters for School Books nnd Supplies. Our ?took s now* complete; come earty and avoid he rush. Albert Dittmar. 130S Market street. Telephone No. 543. 31.50 CLEVELAND AND RETURN. 11.50 j Inmlayi September 11, via Ptnnajlvanlii Special train leaves Beltalre 6 n. ra., Bridgeport C:10, Martin's Ferry 6:16 a. m. central time. Tickets on sale Sepember 10. Return, leave Cleveland 7:30 j p. in. _ PllUbttrg Kxpoiltlon. September 8, 15, 22 end 29 the Bait!- ; moro & Ohio will sell excursion tickets to Pittsburgh and return, at rate of ; t2 ?r.. Including admission to the Exno ulllun. Ticket* good for three dan. jg^Sfecitl Sale Our buyer I* now In New York purchan. Inn our fall and holiday good*, and In order to reduce our muck ar? offering: barMine on our entire line. WO Ladlea* nnd dente* Solid Gold and Sold Killed Wntche*. warranted, from Ui M) up. GOO lM.nnond Rinse from $5 to $300.00 each. 1 you will llnd many bargains In Diamond* in thl* Int. Rngtnt' lM?nt Silver Knlvca nnd Fork* |C.?6 |H?r clown. Solid 8llvcr Tea Spoon* ( U.75 p?r net. ( Indies' Solid Hold Hlng* from $1.00 tip. 1 Children*? Bolld flold ttlmr* from Wo up. i Wo do flno watch repairing at rcduc?d i prlcc*. ( SHEFF BROS., | Corner Main and eleventh Street!. j ' yy i SCHOOL BPIT8^ We're Out-Talked Oft It Now fl 5cbc The news of to-day concerns schi school clothing in particular, for ment on our elaborate preparatioi and become simply outfitters for tl school boy may be as inexpensive would not be a store for the peopli k -< - 1 1. i}....:? piy ail CttfeSCS Ui JSCUJJJW. uui II. a? mands of the slender purse that we ity. It is to the slender purse tha portant if within reach. We sell n we put them within reach. More combined stocks of any three cloth $1.75 to $&50 for Sb $4.00 to $18x0 for L MONEY BACK FOR WH. r1 . 1 ' " 1 " 1 tThe I Cloth Hub Comer, Fourteen! DPTOHE83 TBOUB FROM THE SHEEP DV ? * IFUlCIICSd Captured the Medals at ALWAYS IN SHAPE, A1 We Know What the Trade I The Manufacturers Authorize lis to Give W WARRA You may buy a pair of Dut $2, $2.50, $3, $: And wear them two months. Fo TON that COMES OFF Wt w If they RIP at the WAISTBAN1 CENTS, i If they RIP in the ? PAY you^ONE DOLLAR or G BEST IN THE WORLC t=r . : BAbKh SOIiB AC J. B. LOOKS 8HG ill TWO SHOE | LADIES'.{&it! ill MflM'O (One lot of Mi 0: JliEifl 0.... ( coin toe, Iacc < i jj LOCKE SI siHi HOTELS. soooooi^bocKxicdoboooooooQ ! -mari si to mi siaiiik" x The Glades Hotel, ? OAKLAND, Ma, $ [ "ALL THE YEAR ROUND." 8 ||; IliiiiiiiiTife-tfi-i" : -THB HUB. en, Out-done Never. ^ ' for || !>??,.? *1 30I necessities and, of course, to-day we will suspend comfA. ik. rn11 nAArlo n( Id. Jut mc iau Iitcua ut dUUIUi ic boys. The outfitting of the or costly as you please. Wc : unless we were fitted to supespccially in meeting the dc! claim our proudest superiorit high qualities are most imothing but high qualities, and boys' clothing here than the ling houses in the city. lort Trouser Suits. ong Trouser Suits. AT DOES NOT SUIT. Hub t iers, w ;h and Market Sis. EBS-BAEB'B. TO THE MAN. froasers ; World's Fair, 1893. I Bi^^ MO EASE REMAIN THE SAME. WORK OR PLAY. demands and We Meet It 1th tvcry Pair Sold This Uabeard-of NTY. chess Wool Trousers at J.50, $4 en TcrjcxTTMrD DTTT. r every xj\j * ill PAY you TEN CENTS D WE will PAY you FIFTY iEAT or elsewhere, WE will HVE YOU A NEW PAIR >. TRY a PAIR. ' CLOTHING 1 HOUSE a-EKTS. IB COMPANY. _______ :Q I SNAPS. |!| Ladies' Choco $4 rtfl !j: lace Shoes at V*?uu asrlr. $1.251 10E CO. ||| irjo adv,^t,sb H K WIDELY J I ill CIRCULATED NEWSPAPER. DEMTISTRV. ~ E. E. WORTHEN. DENTIST. P?body Building, Room Ns>. 3V>. 26 Market Street.... Whwlinj. ?' v* ?TIM IU.1VATO1. l'a