Newspaper Page Text
, I . IJ, fSPORL ccooooooocooooooooooooc * ERNE AND LAVldfjE C.?u y?< *' n*<r?l" ,l?rlir lnt?rf?rll?*-WHI M?t. an ?Cfi ~>i. ih. < urb tl->l?i or W?lil. BUFFALO, N. T., Sfpt. 13.?The twenty round boat for the lightweight chumi' n?hlp of the world between Frank Krne and "Kid" Lavlgne, that w11s to have been the opening contest at th Hawthorne A. C. at Chpektowoga to-nigM. was stopped by ShdrlfT before the men came together In the ar^na A crowd of about 4,000 peopl. bad gathered In the bit.enclosure early in the evening. The sheriff and a genre of deputlei Wer<* in the ring when Lon flreokwlth, of Cleveland, and Jack O'Donnell were ordered on for the preliminary bgul Th sheriff declared that he would not pt-rmH any contest to take place. John \V Fisher, attorney for the town of Clieektowoga, demanded that the club N? given the use of Its property and the ti.ixern were ordered to ahake hands. Ilcfore a blow could be struck, the depute Seised the boxers and forced them to their corners and then released them. Or.ce more the boxers were ordered to pet together. O'Donnell rushed at Brerkwlth, but the deputies again grasped with them and for a few minutes the ring was filled with struggling deputies, fighters and their seconds and Brecktvlth and O'Donnell were again compelled to take their seats. The ?prccators were greatly excited and roundly denounced .the action of tho sheriff, hut no open act of violence was committed. A ion* and wofrdjr wrangle between the sheriff and attorney then occurrtd and after a long deity, Breckwi:h and O'DonneJl Je/t the ring. Erne and Lavlgne were then Introduced "to box under the. provisions of the Horton law." The men were In their corner*, but the eherlff could not be prevailed upon to permit them to get together In a friendly aparrlD* match. Finally It was announced that the bout na? off. The club officials obtained a Jong of wltneaae* and declared that tfie CiUO WOU1U liilllicuiaicjf'kiiub ux action against the sheriff for. damages. The crowd then left the building. The Corbet:-McCoy contest, scheduled for October 15, will depend upon the rwult of the action brought against the sheriff. The sheriff did not arrest either of th* principals in the preliminary, notwithstanding the managers ordered them to resume fighting, evidently with that purpose. \ Kid McCoy was present and was very much disappointed at the result. A CHOPPING BLOCK For Joe Choynskl was Joe Go4d^rd, the Australian. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. U? Joe Choynskl had all the best of his bout _i.v U-nlvkt a ? >r?ni Goddard woa considerably heavier than th* Callf.irnlnn, but he lacked in science. Choynskl made a chopping block of the Australian and ?everal ;1Ime? II I -ked as though Goddard would not be ab!" to stay full ?lx rounds. There was but little lighting In the opening round The men exchanged rights on the face, and Goddard landed a light left on Choynski's chest. In the second round Choynskl landed several hard lefLi on Godtlard's face, but the latter could not get In a good blow. The third, fourth and fifth rounds were repetitlona of the second, Choynskl doing nearly all the leading ami landing almost at will. In the closlr.c r<>und Goddard fought wildly, while Cliiynski was calm and banged Goddard on the Jaw, aendlng him to his kn<-e?. Choynskl landed hard and often, bul he could not stop the Australian. When the gong sounded a spectatoj jumped Into the ring and attempted to*.hit Goddan!. I?ut he was quickly thrown from the jilatform. BONNER THE WINNER. NEW YORK. Sept llj^Creedor broke his leg In the second round or hi* ficht with Jack Bonner to-night, and the derision was awarded to the- latter Creedon was knocked down by a heavy right hand punch on th* )4w ant in falling he twisted his right ankle. H< was not knocked out by any means, bul the blow received on the jaw waj enough to settle the boxing aspirations any man. He groped arotlnd ant tried to regain his feet, while the refer. was counting off the seconds, bul hli ankle was too badl#r Injured for hin to "land up straight and he fell agair and was counted out. Had this not occurred th* fight might have gone on foi many rounds. The spectators were satliJM tnnt Dan was not "faking" ant : she hnufo after being informed thai th^ doctor who attended the Australian 1 ' i found the ankle badly sprnlhed. SHARKEY AND FITS". SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 1!.?The National Athletic Club, of San Franclaco ponding to an Associated Press dlspatch to-day. offers Martin Julian on | talf of liob Fitzslmmoni, the privi J ( selecting an eastern man of rep uo icici'T ui me jjropunca wut?-4t with Tom Sharkey for a purse o; Tom O'Rourke, represents Sharkey, must of course, be consulted The cxi^nst? of the referee selected wli be paid by the club: .NATIONAL LEAGCE. Won. Lost Per Borton HO 42 .65 Cincinnati 73 46 .63 Baltimore 73 4t! .61 OveUnd 70 151 .67 Chiraco 63 57 .54 w York c* M .64 Uttuburgh 83 62 .CO I'Jiiladflphla 69 59 .50 1j0u:?\life M 73 .42 j!ro?,kiyii 4'? 70 .33 ;nmon 41 M .33: 6' Lot.U 34 W .271 YESTERDAY'S G AMI'S. ritt>hurKli 3, ChlcnKO 1. Koston 7. Philadelphia 1. Washington 6, flaltlmore 4 TO-DAY-R OAMK8. nnlilmor? at New York. MTTflJlLTRGH. H*^t. 23.?Inability to hi ' an<l two errors by Dahlen defeated Imiragoa. Kntoii pitched a goo? but allowed the loc?l? to buncl hit? in the sixth. Attendance, 1,200 Bror?j; I'lTTHM'ftcm. ab. n. iiii. ro. A. e IJl'Hovan. r. t -i o 1 o 0 > ''f(r?n of a t n r. n J1' ?"> *. 1. I <2210 lb 4 0 1 12 0 V,"Y ' ' " i o ? J," I. !h II ? 0 4 4 j , c 3 I) ) 4 2 ! ' ' J <' i) I 4 11 "< V j (i (i 0 j ' "llll I' ! r, jf |J i ' WI^AUO. ,\ll. It. hit: PO. a. K .. J " I I ? i a n : '"unick. ih 2 i o r. I 4 ? 1 2 7 . lb 2 <) 1 7 0 ' 1 *1 0 I o <1 0J 2 (. U :i '0 i 0 0 I 0 (J II '"otnl* M 4 5|' 10 < ! for Connor in ninth. >ur*h 1,0 000100 0 0 0 10 0 0 9 0? I/a?i hits, Donovan, OUiK. nynn bftN IiUm. McCarthy, Uango. Double m lor : tn ur Bronclills i bat extremely good for the sufferer on from that harassing disease Is Dr. ?! Ayert Cherry Pectoral Nomedicine can compare with this great JJi remedy in the prompt and perma- F -nent aid it girSj in all bronchial affections. It stops the. cough, hi soothes the irritated throat, and in- u - duces refreshing sleep. zi HI "I had broncblftl trouble of raeh ft peraJatent ftod atabborn character that the doctor pronoaacod it incorabte with ordinary 7] remedies, bat recommended me to try Ayer'e Cherry Fectoral. One bottle cnred ma." A! J. C. WOODSON, P. M, K' Foreet Hill, W. Vft. Pi "A abort time ago I waa takes with s m aerere attaok of bronchitia, and neither phy- N< aiciana nor ordinary remediea gare me relief. In deepair of lading anything to csrft me, I bought a bottle of Ayer'e Cherry Pectoral. Leaa than ose bottle entirely cured me." GEO. B. HUNTER, Altoona, Pa. " ' v jS Cfterrg Pectoral I now pot up in htlf-eize bottles at ^ half price?BO cents. i> ??????????? Si! I m plays, Bowerman and Clark; Padden and 23 dark. First base on ball*, off Hurt 4. me V Hit by pitched ball, McCormlck 2. Struck nf out by Hart 2; by Katoll 2. Pas**d ball, Donovan. Time, 1:45. Umpire, McDon, aid. se > - T m PHILLIE8 NOT IN IT. PHILADELPHIA, 'Sept. 12.-Phlladel- nf phla was never In to-day'* game. Boston t!l played all the points, making everything 1%. count, and wlnnln* easily. The batting , and base running of Hamilton were the da , features. Attendance, 3,135. Score: P it E j. Philadelphia ....0 000010 0-1 54 {" Boston 0 020211 1-7 70 J* Called on account of darkness. Earned *2 runs, Boston 1. Batteries, Piatt and Mc- l*" , Farland: Lewis and Bergen. Umpires, Gaffney and Smith. Time, 2:20. Ol MERCER FOOLED THEM. v? BALTIMORE, 8ept. 11-The BalUmores i , * ? - u.MMf ? opltlftal ifnirM I ( iutftUi Iiun iu uat WB.WU of to-day's j?ame, and the Senator* earned to their victory by clean cut, fast work. At- <fc tendance, 2,721. Score: PO RHE Baltimore ....2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0?1 11 l Washington ..0 01200100-690 la Batteries, McJames and Robinson; Mer- in 1 cer and FarrelL Umpire, Brown. Time, th ; 2 hours. INTER-STATE LEAGUE Si - Oli At Dayton. RHE, , Dayton 4 1 0 0 0 0 8 4 *-17 21 2 . , Gr'd Rapids. .4 011001 00-7 IS 4 . Batteries?Brown, Strelt and Lattlmer; Bl Wayne and Cote. At Springfield. RHE v* , Springfield ....0 0004120 0-7 95 * Toledo 5 00000000-574 I Batteries?Poole and Grafllus; Ewlng ** and Arthur. v ' FOOT BALL The Ritchie football club will be re- Jn j organized for the season to-morrow in . evening, at a meeting of South Side i football cranks, at the Silver Leaf hall, to Eighth waru. A large attendance Is de- cc aired. Practice will Degin in a xew ua>?. s. { end the Itltchles intend giving any of fJ 1 the local teams o <lght huatle for grid' Iron honors. Among the candidates for 1 the team are many of last year's stars, JJ as follows: Major Hastings, George Hopwood, Joseph Hudson, Nick Garden, Dan O'Connor, Carl White, Sam Hop- vl wood, John Steurnogel, A. West and Charles Alexander. tto Matters are gradually assuming vl themselves in shape for the organisation of a strong team In this city, and y< tho first meeting will likely lx? held next Saturday evening. The strongest t0 team possible to cope with outside elevens will be secured, and the promoters expect to receive suitable encourage- 5< ment from patrons of outdoor sports, [ for Wheeling should be represented on t the gridiron by a fast team this year, a ~ since jasi year a leum uiu aw [ Will Edwards, manager of the Tigers, e(i later the W. A. C. team, was one of the w : tlrst from this section to go to tho cc J Klondike. His place will be hard to All. M McFarland, one of the best players . developed around here, will Join the ec Greenaburgs on the 25th, to play his ?' favorite position, left tackle. Local football teams mar, as In the past, arrange games through the Intel- E ( llgencer. to Nmr Myelinic Clnb. The Monarch Cycling Club was or- D f ganlzed Sunday evening, with twelve j W/WHI B!lw,dcfTr?u i) ?/// / ro I physician, bo wH'LL 3f i"?rc ?p i ^csrt* * J iMLjTI If/ 1 take heartlessness n ^ for nerve. The two terras are far from Rt lynonrmom. A re man may have a nerve of steel and a heart ai tender as a mother'* Ar Of all the specialists in the world, there j probably are not two that have as wide nn experience in the treatment of women's diseases as Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consult- " t tag physician to the Invalids' Hotel and fr I Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y. With ] the assistance of his staff of able phTai- vj , cians, be has prescribed, in the past thirty years, for many thousands of women. Dr. Pierce is pre-eminently a sympathetic pliy- " aician. Perbapa more than any other man in the orofessfon he realizes the hardships tli 0 of woman's work, and the amaruuicn " under which she laboni because of the 0 weak, delicate and auscentiblc structure of 0 the feminine organism. Hi* immense praci) tice in diseases peculiar to women forced Vl 0 upon his recognition the fact that women 0 would never take the proper care of their J health, so long: as that care required the : repugnant "eiaminations " and "local treatments" insisted upon by nearly all ?? physicians. After years .of stnd? he intent|j ed n remedy now known as 1)r. Pierce's r, 0 Favorite Prescription that is an absolute 2 and nnfailingcure for the most complicated ' i) and obstinate cases of diseases peculiar to 5 " women. This wonderful medicine cureii in U the privacy of the home, and does away fta j{ with the necessity for obnoxious "local 0 treatment." It imparts health, strength, ft vigor and elasticity to the organs distinctly - i?. -i a?. (?. ni.v.hnful and mother i irminmc wiu ? ..(l I hood. t * j' In paper cover*, #r one-cent ?tamp?;c1oth II binding, locentu ralra. Dr. Herce Com- >' ' mon Senw Medical Adviaer. Addreaa Dr. , IL V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V., In raters q* a starter. all Benwood boys, ie club Intends to cut a figure'(n racK circles next season. The officers ccted are; President, Ow?rc<? Nledoreyer: secretary. John Lublc, Jr.:treaser. William Nledermeyer. The boya ve a dance at Mozart park, September bowling" Last night's games In the Moxart Burner tournament resulted as follows: uD CRON1K& 1st 2d. Sd ant 154 171 142 tiler 147 n . SI elenstern 141 120 113 . Fette 112 117 14! alb W 119 111 Fstte 83 127 12 Totals 739 737 7? Lh AMERICANA. 1st. 2d. Sd ider W 127 3! irdona 137 12S 1* cHufh 12U 1? . 12 liter 141 9J mmarman 151 113 12! lndu;Y.io5 ic7 lr Totals 5 S i DAL WAVK8. (Forfeited; did not appear.) LiL ALIKE. lit. 2d. 3d, . Braach 157 111 1G &ln W 141 12! ankey 134 117 M olf 99 107 IK oore 117 73 K 9Ue 1*4 13 IB .Totals 790 701 751 MABTIN'S FKB&Y. I?? autl NUbapi In the Thriving City Aorow (lie HIvrr. Scott Neal and Tom Hady got Into a ;ht yesterday evening In a Fifth ward Joon. but bv the time the officers achefl the aeene, both parties had fled e former taking a Wheeling A Lake rio troin. rnr N#?r Caittle. The latter IJ1 probably appear before the mayor -day to givfe an explanation of the ouble. Martin's Ferry Is entertaining one of e gunners of the Iowa, Captain Bob fans' rfhlp, in the person of Benjamin lUonv who had charge of one of the (-pounder guns, which helped to deolish Admiral Cervera's fleet, on July , off the coast of Cuba He Is off on a ven days' furlough, and is the guest hlrsister, Mrs. Percy BeaumonL Daniel Mack and John Todd were asssed 15 and costs yesterday by Mayor ripman, for getting mixed up in a ;ht in Henry Widdett's saloon Sunday ght, which also got the proprietor of e saloon in trouble to the extent of 5 and costs for keeping <&en on Suniy. Rev and Mrs. E. C. Simpson and bughter, Miss Marie, will return to ir home In Dayton to-morrow, accominied by Miss Margaret Ralston* of is city. "Darkest America" will appear at the pera House next Monday evening, low Hopper Wa9 Side-Tracked'' will ; the attraction Thursday night. -Ity Commissioner Sefch HoweKs, who ok in the excursion to Cleveland Sunty, was relieved of his pocket-book, ntaining HO, at that place. Miss Marj' Swartz was hostess to a rge number of her friends last night, a hospitable manner, at her home, on e Heights. At a meeting of the class of '97 at the >me of Miss Angle Terrlli, last eveng, officers for fhe ensuing year were ected. th? fiinArnS of Mrs. Mary A. Cox will ke place from her late home, on roadway, this afternoon, at 2 o'clock. A nvusicale and supper will be given . the home of William Griffith, on orth Third stret* this evening. Miss Ada Schriver, of Cadiz, who has en visiting In the city for the past eek .returned home yesterday. Rev. and Mrsi J. W. Robins, formerly this place, but now of Warren^ Ohio, e visiting In the city. Charles LInder will be given a hearg this morning at 9 o'clock for shootg with intent to kill. Miss Essie Boyd goes to Mt. Holyoke -day, to take up her studies In the Hege at that place. Fred Eberlle, traveling salesman for >ence, Baggs & Company, is home om a business trip. Will Stewart returned to Washington mi jeuerson conc(,-c jtoiciuo;, w inline his studies. MIsf Mary McCleary returned from a alt to Ditlonvale friends yesterday. A. A. Van Voorhees, of Canton, was In e city yesterday, casing on friends. Mrs. Thomas Davis, of Cleveland, Is siting relatives In the city. E. J. A. Drenner was In St. Clolrsvllle sterday on business. Cttark Gambrel, of Wellsburg, was In wn- yesterday. Frank Erwln went to Mfcadvllle, Pa., isterday. MOUNDS VILLG. OIlKtllmitoni Melange or Miliar M?t fcr from Marshall'* Metropolis. H. L. Jones, of Pleasant Valley, passI through the city yesterday, on his ay to Huntington, to attend the state luncll, Junior Order United American echanlcs. William Blair, of Blair's Ridge, pass: 1 through the city yesterday morning x his way to Delaware. Ohio, wher? s will enter the Ohio Wesleyan Unltrslty. Joe Bhlrsllnger, Will Eivlng, Howard dwards, Darl Charlton nnd Art Lltn, of Company M, of the First West [rsrlnlo. Volunteers, are at home. State Treasurer C. C. Newman ami clegates Robert Walker and Millard answn, are attending the Jr. O. U. A. . state council at Huntington. Mrs. W. E. Conner lias returned from visit to her husband at Knoxvllle. He a member of Company M, First 'est Virginia Volunteers. Miss Rlva Baldwin arrived home yesrday morning from Rock Lick and nmeron, where she has been visiting lends. Miss Julia Mclntee, of the Fostorla ass company's office, left yesterday, ir the mountains, on account of 111 faith. Misses Alice and Lonn White, daughers of Hon. H. S. White, are the lests of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Melghen. Miss Mlntle Drake, who has been the lest of Mrs. Morris Ilendrlckson, had turned to her home In Pittsburgh. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Yodus, of Rogsvllle, Pa., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. Ganler. Mrs. D. W. Ruble and children leave ils morning for Parkersburg, to visit lends. Miss Etta Bloom 1ms gone to ZnnesHe to spend a few wcoks with friends. Miss Mary Ruble .? the guest or lends at Belleville, Wood county. Mian Essie Frud Is the guest of relates at Hebron, Ritchie county. Frank H. Harris, of Second street, is rlously 111 with rheumatism. Miss May Hays has returned from a sit to New Freeport. Pa. Colonel J. E. Hunter, of Pittsburgh, ient Sunday In the city. Senator 8. W. Mnthewa was at New artlnsville yesterday. W. M. Evans Is again clerking at oberts' grocery atore. James A. fllgafoose was In Wheeling sterday on business. Earl Harris Is visiting friends In the stem part of Ohio. The schools started off yesterday with fair attendance. Hon. George B. Games was In the city sterday. Charles Kernes la back from a trip to arietta. W. II. Wood bpwjI Sunday In WhoelB. Injaa's fteadicbe nd Isiijestioi Care _ to the only remedy cn the market that will rure every form of Headache In 2 to 10 minute*, ' orr^t Indljrpirtlnn. stirau late the netves and build up the system. : It ehould be in every home and every travel?r'w gripsack. At all Druggists. S cures, 15c. BELLA IRK. All Seats of Locml Scwaanrt Ctoeetp Prom GUm City The Methodist Episcopal conference of the Bamesvllle district, meets In Barnesvllle thto week, be/tinning to-day. | The session will cover all of the bal- r ance of this week and perhaps a portion of next The confiscation and the official fcoard of the First M. E. church of this city have taken steps to have < Rev. O. W. Hohnes returned aa pastor T of the church here and will leave notii- J j Ing undone that can be done to accom: Pllsh thin. Mr. Holmes and wife have 1 been here three or four years and have endeared themselves to people In and out of the church In such a way that the whole community would be glad to I hear of their return to this city. Rev. [ Austin Wilson has,been pastor of the , South Bellalre M. E. church only one I year, and the officials and congregation i there have taken proper action for his return, as he grows in favor the more they know of him. Frank Collard, master mechanic of the Bellalre eteel works, met with the r\ misfortune of having his knee hit with u a heavy sledge In the hands of a workman who was driving a steel key Into shafting. It was a glancing lick and fortunately broke no bones, though he was left with a badly bruised knee. ? - ? ? - -? ?It* >in tion. J. a. iaiacKuura win )/iuvhvi/ ? In Wheeling to-morrow, and with others will meet with the river Improvement forces. The Ohio river front Is as deeply Interested In this matter as those along the West Virginia side. The mayor yesterday taxed sixteen P, saloon men from $10 to $20 each for the wide open Sunday business they did. and not a man made serious objection. Something over 1200 will be in the mayor's report from this haul. J. M. DuBols has been selected as secretary of the Ohio Valley Telephone Company, Mr. Bergundthal removing to St. Clairsvllle. ond yesterday the books S] and papers were turned over to Mr. DuBols. E. Q. Dennlson, one of the Baltimore & Ohio operators here, is off to-day for a short vacation, and when he resumes It will beat Zanesvllle In a place to which he has JUBt been promoted. " Charles Zoeckler and Chester Smith have secured places with the Westln*house air brake manufacturers, and left yesterday for Pittsburgh. The Democratic county committee will plan Its campaign to-morrow and feed on that sort of thing the balance of the fall until November. T# XMlcnoinou reiunicu >?*Kiuar, from Newark, N. J., having finished the season with that ball team, and Tom looks first class. There will be a meeting: of the Choral Society this evening. The cool evenings resurrect all of the winter societies and associations. There are twenty-two prisoners in the county Jail, fifteen of whom are charged with felonies. Isadore Sonneborn is in Baltimore, d where, report says, he will be married D to-morrow. Councilman M. List is at Marlon, O., representing Ohio Valley Council, 0. U. A. M. The city council will hold its regular session this evening. GRAND Concert to-night?Mosnrt ting- A Jng Sorlrty at Moxart Park. Dauclug [I after concert. .A dm tee Ion 10c. BEN WOOD. = llrrtsr News ItamiGnitaerorf In th? Bn?y W*nlmll Comiti Town. -p | ouncll's meeting this evening, a JJ ommlssloner will be clected to Ml! fin ti?? vacancy caused by the death of -n (Jiorxe Martin. There are several am- ij bilious candidates for the office, al! Democrats, naturally, as council is lii largely made up of the unterriflcd. *1} Councilman Mahcod seems likely <o Jcapture the plum. Contractor Al Reynolds Is putting up a frame house ih McMechen, for Haiti- ? more & Ohio Engineer Conner. Mr. Reynolds Is a busy man this season, ? and has also the contract for a fine house for Dr. Cox, of Sherrard. Two Polea were given u hearlpg yes- 1 terday evening by the mayor, on the Vc charge of disorderly conduct. They ./ were fighting on Sunday. htr Gus Gockstetter will shortly build a dlt green house on Bogg's run. This will be the only one of Its kind in Benwood. wn Mrs. ,T. T. Rosebprry will return from S Washington, Pa., this week, somewhat j?. Improved la health. 1 Joseph Barek Is building a ten-room of ' brick house opposite the Harmony house. 1,01 Corporal Harry Thomas, of Company M, First West Virginia, Is home on a visit. Miss Llda Burns, of Steubenville. Is Ke the guest of Miss Hattle Satterfleld. Frank Porterfleld, Jr., Is visiting his - ? ?l T- nillnlav 1> , granamoiner, am, r<uium ^ , "flow to Cnra All Skin DIhmm.n / Simply apply "SWAYNE'S OINT- am MENT." No Internal medicine requlr- wr ed. Cures tetter, eczema. Itch, all erup- ?? tlons on the face, hands, nose, etc., leav- "'J? lng the skin clear, wtolte and healthy. eo, J Its great healing and curative powers 2 are possessed by no other remedy. Auk )ar your druggist for 8WAYNE'S OINT- ilo? MENT. Avoid substitute*. tths&w / =========================== qu ONE CENTUM C ..A WORD ^ ?? AH solid advertisements under ? the following headings: : : : ?? * WANTED, PERSONALS, . coi LOST AND FOUND. . * FOIl RENT, FOR SALE, "(r will be Inserted at the rate of ??. Ch, ONE^CENT=A;:WORD I 1 t canaries. i ZViNAniKS^S'i) HAIiTZ MOUNTAIN' J Roller*. Mnles $2.00, Females tor, nt #-r lTEJNRY HKl.MM RIGHT'S, corner Markiit and Sixth ntre?'tn. p<*i * TO LOAN. ? \fONEY TO I.OAN?$5,000.00, $10,000. i>i ai;o. j. mathiBON. Ileal Katat. A*ent, IX* Market St. ?l>? No No STOCKHOLDERS' MEETINGS. S" _ No rplIK ANNUAL MEETING OF TUB NS I Htockholilcrs of the American Ha Hum y "! Kloctric l.lKht Co. will !?? hold at tho v office of Rata company, No. 14 Stone atro??t. In the city of New \ork, on Tuvsday, the Q? rourin aoy ?i uciowr, m iwoivo o i-iuck, i, noon, lit which meeting an election will ' ho held of director* for the ennulnir year, Vf* and u renolutlon will Im* offered Incn-nxlnR jj" tlif number of share* of stock of the rom- j,,? puny from ?0,000 to C0,00i) eharo* of the par "J.1, value of $j0 euch, thim increasing tho capl- . tal etoek of tho company from 9t,600,000 to $3,000,Owl '< For the purpoaoft of thin election, nnil what other buslneea niny properly ronie ?*" before the stockholdera at said meeting, the transfer book* will clone at the ottlre ~ of tho company, 14 Stono atroet, Now York, on Friday, September tho 23d. isw, at three o'clock p. m., and will be re-oponed WednnHay morning, Octobcr the fifth, at ten o'rlock n. in. Hy ordpr of tho board of director* of tho lie AMICHICAN RAILWAY KldvCTKIC 1 ctf-tu LIGHT COMPANY. D&K3B OOODB-QgO. M sfo Prelimina U Wflffi Necessary s?w; Printer's ink can only faintly out hour's personal investigation will be vincing. Poplins, Cords and Crepes, as wel and Wool Novelties, and the many represented at prices insuring the gre jventy-five Pieces Cr ress Goods j* .s? In all-wool and part-wool and silk mixtures, in lame card ylaids, ranjel hair plaids, Barre chocks, plain and two Jone effect*, In cords and figured novelties ARc vard. With on elegant Una new neat patterns in chocks and novelties, greater part wool, at Lg 25c and 29c. [aids. As popular as ever, but we think the colorings much handsomer, and so well suited for Child's Dresses and Misses' and Ladles' Waists.... 59c, 75c, 85c, Ba $1.25 and $1.50. [LKS..-. This word covers a wldo field In our store, for the department Is showIn* the very latest novelties put [Jf out by the foreign and American manufacturer, and at heretofore I unheard of prices for tho quality of , goods offered. affetas. There is so much to he considered _ urder this heading that we can't la dwell on any ono line, so hurriedly call attention to some of the most Important ones. rtl1 In silks, like the woolens, plalda are the favorites for waists, beautiful two tone, amber stripe, Baya- ' dere effects In a great number of , shades $1.15, $1.25, $1.50, $1.85 yard. Brocade Bayadere Bengallne Silk, ground of solid colors, while the satin saw-tooth raised stripe of same color, makes a most rich apKarance In Cardinal, Cerise, Bluet. rT uo, etc $1.35 yard, eautiful , Checks and Fancy Silks, suited for ' lining fall or winter wraps. Plain and twilled taffetas for petticoats. 3eo..E.Sti FOB RENT. 10R RENT?8EVERAI# OOOD ROOMS \l In the City Bank Building. Inquire at YV ?City Bank of Wheeling. mrK) ^ tOR RENT-TUB WARE-ROOM NO. 11 1510 Main atreet. Possession at once. Tl lulre of R. J. McCULLAGH, No. 92 Enc fteenth street. aul Arc 1DR RENT?OFFICE AND LODGING Xi' room? at 1608 Market street Water and )) th gases in each room. Rent very ^ea- gooi jable. Apply to ISO! Market street. Cas de20-m&tu . BEAT, ESTATE. an J FOR, SALE. = 0-roomed dwolllng. S00 Main street, ry cheap; Ion#. easy payments. ?~ i comfortable K-roomed dwelling, with A modurn conveniences, at S8 South Front XV eet. This property 1s in first-class con- Hi Ion from cellar to roof. Inspection In- the eti. At low figure: easy terms. Will not] tr 10 per cent as Investment If you don't to nt to occupy. aljjr plendld residence on Fourteenth street, the roomed dwelling, pood as new, on New erlj rscy street, for $l,3ou. 'O I.ET?lS-room fiat, northwest corner ^(]r Main and Eleventh streets. Possession g? en September 3. Flno location for -? irdlng house. 8URETT BONDS. <3-. O. SMITH. Sffi al Estate-Fire Insurance. Surety Bonds, Of* pur Exchange Bank Building. ceni Df Rent. DESIRIBU. Bft H. . in elegant modern rrsldence, 1ft rooms < J bath, hot and cold water, both gaprs, - 1,1 Tn-nniv. I St SKIP or vnapmiu ???? ond and Twenty-third streets. Pooacsn given October L -~rrooms up stairs on Fifteenth street, IT'1 nor Jacob, only $15. JL1 larsro rooms, kitchen, hall and good eel? car< , brick house, 3509 Chapline street, first or. only $10. K" i country residence with grounds. Inire at once. JJJ A. SCHAEFEH S CO, ~ 'elephone S17. O leal Estate Bargains. ? ) North Broadway. S-room brick house, O nor lot, SO by 120 feet O , good 8-room brick houso on Fourteenth OCX pet. ? I South Broadway, 7-room framo house, *|7ii >ap. >22 Market street, 5-room brick houso, _ _ by 100 feet. I K room house on South Penn stroet. room house on South Penn street. room house on Wabash street. room house on New Jersey. loney to I.oan on City Real Estnto. W( Theo. W. Fink&Co., isi Phone (57. ISSO Market Street. po!,J FOR,J^EISTT, *5 . 12 Indiana street $15 0) 1 . 206 North York street 10 00 . 173 Sixteenth street 17 00 71 Alley 14 9 iu 337 Main Blfoet. aoumc room on *n?l floor nnil front celUr. both ,inm furnished far 10 TO . 2144 Alloy A. 2 rooms 6 00 . S607 Alley 11........ 8 J? 1610 Market strrfl... ..WW SO Sixteenth street. bottling eel... IS TO 3^"Plxt'^nih Mreet, o#T1?*?* room.. 10 00 S4 Sixteenth street., llr?t floor.... 17 00 ,','k.rollh nil op " ?r Twrnly-fourtl. IO TO jomrU house in r?-nr of 1100 McOoli.i|l Htrfrt ?4i.v?-ntornth street. 2 rooms... 5 <l0 . Wfi Main street, 3 rooms .^ 6W Fl ?oms Second ftr? ct. Martin's Fvrry. will ihlo. natural gns fixtures for neat line nd Unlit 7 00 ??'< ? - oncc JAMES A. HENRY. * nl Eftatu Ajiont. Collector. Notary __ >ubllt) mill Tension Attorn#)'. No. bl] Blu Main Btruet. ?"U . BTtral. ? CO. ' * " : .. tries ANNOUNCEMENT OF ODB A iOODS DEPARTMENT FALL INTER OFFERINGS line their merits, while a half both enliehtenine and con II as the Scotch Plaids, Mohair ;* ; elegant tailor suitings are all latest benefit to the consumer. epons. This stylish and aervlceabls drsss material, promises to bo moro In demand than ever. In black or colors. We can supply you. whether In all wool or silk and wooL Twenty-flvs v distinct patterns * 75c, 85c, $1.15, $1.35\ to $4.50 yard. dies' Tailorings. ({ Inch smooth fact or twilled and corded suitings In green, Tobac, Cantor Blue. Bluet, etc. The most desirable tailorings for fall and winter $1.50 yard. lyadere Stripes In all colors of suitings and silks, especially In rcd( blue, etc., writh black 46-inch wide, at $2.00 yard. aperies. Bilk Draperies, wide, .Oriental In leslRn and unlquo In colora. An unequalled assortment 59c and 75c yard, dies' Dressing Sacque d House Robes. J* Df Eiderdown. These cool mornings make these garments necessary. Plain and fancy striped Down 5ac<iues, ribbon ties, embroidered edge 69c. Wavo or ripple Eiderdown Cloth Jackets, finished as above *1 oa ench Flannel Sacques, embroidered edge $1.29, $298. Robes of Eiderdown Jn red, blue, ?ray and pink, trlmmod with satin and cord $3.29. Id & Co.' WANTED. rANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, 108% Fourteenth-street se7 fANTED-AGENTS. EITHER SEX: 3 to 5 dollars a day. "No booKS.'* slose 2c stamp. A.. A., Room 10, 1023 h street, Philadelphia. f ANTEI>?TO EXCHANGE BRICK business block for ?took of dry ils or clothing. D. R. FORGAN, New tie, Pa. sell* fANTED?EXPERIENCED SALE8??*V? T ?Kf I..Q t Inir OllB. OrAlMI specialties; salary or commission. U1TABLB REFINING CO.. Cleveland^ j. au27?tth&* . GENERAL NOTICES. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. living been appointed administrator of estate of Conrad Solicitor, I horoby (fy all persons Indobtcd to said eatato mako prompt payment to the under* led, and persons having claims against estate will present them to me, prop' attested, for settlement. JOSEPH KORN, nlnlstrator of tho Eatato of Conrad :heHer. aulfi* CATE MEDICAL EXAMINATION. le State Board of Health of Went VIra will oonvene at the Court House, tlnsburg, West Virginia, Wednesday, ober 19. 1SS8. at 8:80 a. m., for the pose of examining applicants for 11it* to practlco medicine In this state. >r application blank?, addrcrs, A. R. BARBER, M. D., retary State Board of Health, Point eaaant. W. Va. V. BARBEE, M. D., :irrk 8. B. of H. \V. Va. set FOR SALE. OR SALE-GOOD PAVING / BUSINESS at a barguln. Addrosa J. M., > Intelligencer office. au31 3R SALE-ONE AND ONE-HALF lot In Greenwood cemetery; fine loca; corner lot: adjoining br*t Improvets in cemetery. Addrena CEMETERY f. care lutelllgencer oftlco. apll BOILERS FOR SALE. Three (3) 60 horse Power Tubular ] | tiie bloch Bros!'tobacco cq. j! OR SALE Etf CHOICE LOTS AT EDGIKuTOl ClltAl' AMI ON FAST TUUU W. V. HOCE, tr H??? Htillrtlnc. lauo M?rk? ch Street Property. im rmUtorlx*f! to anil a( a bargain. If qulrklr, the ?IW0lllu?i numbered 43, ? ml 4W, un the north ?UI? of Flfteeuth rt, at the uorncr of Alley H. .IA.MKS L. HAWI.F.V, lenl Katnte anil Real Kstata Leant, 10(15 Main Street. ^ ^ cnu <;at p m j? r if* A \yi\ wi n ??.?? warwlck Chlritt Co. 8tock. est Virginia "Glass Co. Stock. ntral Glass Co. Stock. ystal Glass Co. Stock. iwtorla Glass Co. Stock. ma-Standard Preferred Stock. verslde Iron Works Stock. ichanKO Hank Stork. heeling A Belmont Bridge Co. Stook. heeling Bridge Co. Stook. heeling Bridge Co. Bonds. hltaker Iron Co. Bonds. FOR RENT. tie residence, completely furnished, i nil modern conveniences, on Chapstreet. between Twelfth and Fourth streets. Fosses-Ion can bo had at >noy to Loan on City Real Estate. iOWARD HAZLETT, CKS. BONDS AND INVESTMENT* Exchange Bank Building*