OCR Interpretation

The Wheeling daily intelligencer. [volume] (Wheeling, W. Va.) 1865-1903, September 27, 1898, Image 6

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

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Investigation roinmliwloii Holds
fc? it* Flr~t I orm:il Session.
p" .our' 4U< tff$. mcth that ca jt
it on^MisurroN: oi". rfiB voi. HL,
niefciiR a"rHt - many com
K^:rf&V?ONEU TO rfiSTlPT.
>V^?m:o*. df'pt SC.?The com^selected
br the President to ln^>^aift*p,te
the conduct of the war de|&'v?^artra?nt
heW Its. first formal aauIon
fe torday/.with all tjae members present.
B The meeting was In the room of the
?*< ' furtigation and ordnance board of .the
pT.j 'army, but It wns found to bo tco small
& .for the'.purposes of the board, and it
WM'annodnccd that future meetings
would be .held in apartments secured in
; the Liemon' buildInic, on Nlnv York avenue.
? To-day's, session . was confined to. a
$r\ meWifjg of two hours' duration in the
after which an adjournment
? W*i>tal*n tjnill 10 o'clock to-morrow.
'Th^pntewdlngs were limited to the outfits
linftjg ot a-general po\lfcy and'the forroK
ultftlbr. o^le^ers ot Inquiry, which will
&? be made public to-morrow.
The letters whlSh have .been decided
?v " upon are to be addressed to the s'ecregj.;
tary pf war,, the quarrermaster general,
Krv - the commlssprV general, the Eurgeon
flnd th(* ol lhe <?ntoWe
department of the army. They will conV?W
in the main of#lnqufrlea Intended
| t6 bring out all the facts that can be
1^." .given relative to the organisation of the
r,V volunteer army. These ofljolahr will be
asked to give specific Information, so as
m -to cover each of the departments in
18 question, concerning the condition of
h,: the army, both at the beginning and the
g^'iSslose- of the war. For this purpose a
pj^date in April ha? been selected as the
, one <or the beginning of the preparation
| 'and another In August for tjhe close.
SL J ^ftie questions are so formulated as
L. to call out answers covering the organl
suUo'ri of camps. the purchase of sup*|
plies ?nd the making of contracts with
dr. transportation companies, ami also to
> show the methods adopted for furnlsh.
ing supplier to -the various commands,
}}'>' and for protecting the health of the solj?.
dlers. There will be no espcclal effort
r to develop the motives that actuated
the department In'the choice of camp
sites: as/fhen; have been charges to
; , the effect that they were located as a
e' matter of favoritism to railroad comf*
| The commission also consldereJ several
letters of co'mplaJnt from persons
p" professing to have Information bearing
? ' upon the subject of Investigation, and
| decided to^address replies to the writers
? of each of them, requesting them put
i'. their charge* in specific shape, and in6.
forming them offthe scoj>c of the Inrquiry
Jt k? 'Intended that if the replies
_? received to these letters show the wrlt
v. ters to be In possession of real Ihforma\
i. tion to summon thkm beforfe the commfsslop,
When it is feasible to do so, or
iotherwise to secure their affidavits.
I \.t When, however, it becomes evident that
iv their accusations arc mere idle complaints,
with no information back of
|| tlnn, the vqrtten will receive no further
attention. ,
The commission also expects to extend
its Inquiry before it clostjs its work
[* to the extertt of summoning be'ftrfe it
I the commanding officers of the various
K divisions and brigades, and probably ex
)r ' ^ A NK\V luw.itr
Vo*uvlu? 1? actthn so out of * >rts I
jjr v tie tantrums it will be ncreimry to bul
Y, erupting In threir groat Atreama, which
|L In volume *n<1 Intensity. Iwiva Mows ?
the observatory,-ami another stream |
\x laborlouaJy eonJiructM. Unless Vesut
| , famous observatory which has ?o long .
b I Jit.1""3
i 851
For Generalions Members of Her Fa mil,1
in the British Royal Fam
If Laily Brooke by h*r ceaseless chat- 8
ter has won for hersMf the nickname of t!
"BabbHng Brook f." the title "Princess 'o
of Flirts" has been bestowed upon the o
Prlnci'sa of Picas no less worthily, for 1
within the last year European aristocracy
has been graced, or disgraced, with t
as complete a gossip of hearts tiirta- | v
tlon as ever adorned a Fireride n?<vai. j i:
But the Princess seems to have Inher- I
itnd her coouettish propensities. Dame ; v
Rumor prates that fifty years-ago Her c
HIghness's grandmother gave Queen o
Victoria. cau.se for uneasiness by- her r
flirtations with the usually Invproacha- <i
ble Prince Consort; her mother cast a" b
glo.'?ra over the happiness' of the Ions- 0
tending it tt> the colonels of regiments t
from which complaints have emanated, c
They will be expected to give full information
as to the pains they may have t
taken or failed to take concerning the <
location of their troops and their gen- f
eral welfare. c
| The commission decided to hold two h
sessions daily, one in the forenoon, trpm a
10 to 10:30, and the other. In the after- J
noon, from 2 to 4 o'clock. i
Dr. Phinea.* 9. Conner sat with ihe v
4 communion ,to-day, for the first time. 1
He arrived fmm hid home In Cincinnati ^
carl}* in the day, and called upon the (i
Prcslflent for a brief lnterviw, before j
joining his follow members In the war r
department. The President expressed c
his appreciation of the doctor's accept- C
ante of the position, and outlined bricily
his wishes In the matter of the Investigation.
?>r. Conner found it Impossible
to remain with the commission for the
prest?nti and secured a leave of absence j
for two or three days, in order to return j,
to Cincinnati. ?o put his affairs In shape ,
. - /y Mm :
that by the tlnio nho has finished her lit- '
l?l n new railroad. Mount Vesuvlun Is 1
, In tlN\ la.-it tyvo iveck.*, h-ivi Incr wil j
>vpr thr roadway from the mountain to t
i?our? along tho rutlnad. ivhloh w.w ?: > '
/lito In f-'oun fhophcil . lif will ihr atcn th?* t
: , i
i Savings
-w Bank. ,ni Uv"The
idle Ikitfrr- j
fly diu q*iicL>y.
Daily,' 0. ir. Jo I p. m.
y ?r.d s. lurJ?f tvon'nq*. - j
:hb princess of flirts.
i Are Said to Have Caused Anxiety
lly By Their Flirtations.
ufferlrig Princess of Wales, and now
be Princess herself arouses the jealousy
f the Duchess of York, wife of the son
f the Prince of Wales, and some day
:ingr of England.
Princess Henry of Pies* was before
er marriage to a nobleman an Englishwoman,
and is one ?if the most foaclnatng
women In the aristocratic circlet, of
Suropp. Her husband Is ' immensely
wealthy, and of grand old Q??rman anestry.
It miglit be added that no scrius
scandal has attached Itself to the
nany promenades and conversations
f ihtf Princess and her royal admirer,
iut the heart-burnings caused by such
ctlons have been none rhe less fierce.
o bo absent so long as the work of the
ummiseiun may mjuirc. .
In Dr. Conner tlie commission secures
he services of a mar. who Is not only
mlnent In his profession, hut who Is
amlllar with the conduct of the^medial
department of the army, In which
ie served for four years, lie w'as born
it West Chester. Pa., on the 23rd of
Vugust, 1S5Q. and went to Cincinnati
n 1-S44. He was a graduate of Dartlouth
College In.lSoD. The doctor's serIce
in the army extended from 1862 to
866, and he was assistant surgpon and
revet major. He resigned his position
in the 1st of August, 1S66, and since
hen has been lh practice in Cincinnati.
Ie Is now and has been for many years
trofessor of surgery In the Medical
Jollcge of Ohio apd in Dartmouth Medial
farln Tenia l?j- Ilob?on?'Will lltglo
Work on Ike Colon.
WASHINGTON, D. C.. Sept. 26?Actng
Secretary Allen has received a cailegram
from Captain Goodrich, of the
Cewark, the senior officer ot the station
it Guantnnnmo, confirming the press
eports of the raising of the Spanish
laeshlo Maria Teresa la?t Saturday.
[*h? work of raising this ship was dlcctiy
in chnrgr of Constructor Hobson.
Cow that the Teresa has been raised.
ie has be/*n instructed to resume work
in the Colon nnd begin operations towards
wrecking tlie Mercedes, which
les tvlthln the mouth of Santiago har>or
close to the Merrlmne In smooth
rater and well situated for successful
working. The Teresa' will be brought
lorth, probably to Norfolk, as toon as
ihe I* in condition to un<l*rtak?- the
mvobp. The wreckers who have so
luccessfuliy accomplished their work,
uive earned a large ?um of money unler
tho salvage Jaws, the exact amount
if which will probably be determined by
in admiralty court. It I? the present
urpose of the department to place th?reresa
In commission on a United
states naval vessel, and, following the
Sngliah custom, her name is likely to
-emain unchanged to carry Into the fuure
the glory of the American victory.
I'MKUrmlKil 1 Cr porta.
WASHINGTON, l\ C.. Sept. 28-The
'oilowing cablegram was received at
he war department to-day:
MANILA, Sept. 28, 18PS.
adjutant General, Washington.
Understand reporters send exaggern- ]
erl account of sickness. Total In hos- i
>ltuI to-day blithest ?jf any day. ty- I
>hold fovtr patients ninety-live; all don*r
well und mostly convalescent; about
,1*00 excused from duty; mostly slight
tllment*. showing condition fair for
hio I itltude. Nineteen deaths from ?lls ane
this month; twenty-three In Augist.
OTIS, Commanding.
Ella liUlillir K*tnt?l|?ltril.
KANSAS CITY. Mo., Sept. 28.?"Fred.
uHllRMVorr, Wily comilltvifu nmuiue f
pear Armoui^nk Kan., two week* a?o,
n a sensational manner', and who left n
Uury tilling of his feeling durlnn a perod
of four do ft while ho underwent
he agonl?s produced by repeated dosc?
if morphia*' and Prusslc Add, Is hellevi
to have !. *? :i the husband of Mrn. R,
inkof Uoboken. X, J. A deacrlplon
r-' i-IvimI Iij the Kansas City police
r< rn Uuboken ??f Hukw r tallies with
hat of the suicide. Hukner was a book
tinder, and, according to the ilohokcn
oromr, deserted a wife and family.
4'ltnu TrnlM W recked*
llfNTINllTON, W. Va.. Sept. 2fl?
Icll:t Bros, nnd Forepaugh's circus
rain wan wrecked nt Wllrondale, on
he Norfolk A" Western railroad,
ames Doyle, <>f Philadelphia, and Mar Iron
Klpnr., of Virginia, were fitnlly
njured Pat Forepaugh Wll seriously
mi t. A rur with elephants rolled down
in embankment ami the unlmals woro
njured, but none killed.
R?tar?*4 Klo^lkara who F?U?d !
Mrtk* Gnld-fyiriigM V?r?r H?e??*
PORT TOWNSEND, Waah., 8ept. K.
?The steamship Topeka has arrived
from Lynn Canal ports with ISO Klondlkers,
ninety per cent of whom have
little or no dust to show for their experience
in the land of gold, and they all
express themselves as being glad to get
out alive. Three thousand cases ofri
, typhoid fever is the estimate placed on
1 the number of sick In Dawson. Septem- ,
| ber 6,is the estimate placed on the number
of sick 1n Dawson September 8, a
large number of deaths occur daily, of
which no record is made. Th* cold
I weather coming on soon will check the ^
I fever.
T? . that nKrtnf BOAO nPonlf*
! Joined the ru*h to Stewart river. Nearly
every foot of available ground has
| been prospected, but no sold was
found. That section has been deserted
by all except a few who hope to create
[ another excitement next season. Among
i the Topeka's passenger was Joseph Ladue,
the founder of Dawsoq. He says
I that many who return are men that,
even If the coqntry was one solid mass
of gold, would not make anything, consequently
they give the country a bad
name. He admits there Is a great deal
of sickness, but My* that Dawson has
I been a hospital for all the tramps.
"When anyone Is taken sick anywhere
. along the river, he Is sent to Dawson,
which gets the credit i
I Froytnee Said to bi Unptrato-lkHml
(lomrs Appeal* fur alii.
WASHINGTON. D. C? Sept tt.-Telegrams
have been received at the Cu|
ban legation from commissioners who
arrived at Key West and who were sent
to this country by General Gomez, the .
Cuban Insurgent leader. These tele- ,
grams depict the situation In the pro- i
vlnce of Santa Clara as most critical. ?
The Cuban army is said, to be starving.
The vegetables are almost gone and the },
last mules and horses have been killed '
to feed the sick. The children and old J
people are said to be dying by dozens
every day.
The general appeals for aid and says 1
his men are desperate. The Spanish j
are doing all they can to make the In- 1
?"' mnro l^rribk It is 1
feared that serious re?ults way arise ?
from this and -the Cubans cannot be *
blamed If they are forced to Jake the 1
neceasarlcH of life. This they can do '
by capturing a town, but the Cubans 1
have pledged themselves not to violate 1
the nrmlstlce and they, therefore, ap- 1
peal to the United States In order to !
avoid a conflict. <
Th? Wngrs of Klu. 1
HUTCHINSON. Kas., Sept. 26.?E. C. '
Clark, a prominent member of the j
Reno county bar, and who has been ,
known to a greater or less extent as a 1
writer on economic questions, has been
found guilty here of manslaughter in |
the second degree. ]
This Is the first trial in the sensational
Boyd murder case. W. C. Boyd was \
murdered here on May 19 in the res- .
taurant of -Mrs. Nellie Postlewalt. At ]
the Inquest It appeared that her qjdcst ,
son, Harry, had committed the crime. ,
but Mrs. Fostlewait made a sensational i
confession, in which she declared she
herself had killed Hoyd. Harry later J
confessed the crime ond said Clark had ^
furnished the weapon and advised the
killing. The state claimed as the motive
that Clark and Boyd were rivals
for the smiles of the attractive Mrs. j
Postlewalt. The trial of Mrs. Postlewalt
and her tlvp sons will occur later.
It.'. lllaf.lra.
KENTON. Ohio, 8ept. *6.?George ^
Charlton, living two miles east of town, {
will probably lose hi* life through a f
strange accident. About mldnlght.hearln?
a noise In his chicken ccop. he went <
out to investigate. Soon his sister
heard a scuffle, and grabbing an ax. she <
ran to her brother's assistance. Flhdlng t
as she supposed, the thief on top, she
marrma -tiuthb vatbra;
ftrn-M saMli j
Aa soon n.s (ho l>atilc?c)ilp Iowa ifl I
Oregon; her ultimate destination 1* M
Iowa Ik Instructed to etO|? at every po
placed Captain Terry in command, and
r m
-. "
struck him a ftarful blow with the ax,
but soon to her horror the discovered
It was her brother ?he had hit. His
skull wan crushed in and the doctors
have but little hope or hi* recovery,
The burglar proved to be a junk peddler
by the name of Mike Smith. He was
arrested. _
Allegwl Groat JY??lrcr.
DENVER, Col., Sept. 2C.-Frank
Ficks, a private of the Seventh United
States Infantry has died at the home of
his uncle In this city of typhoid fever
contracted In the Santiago campaign.
Before dying: he said he had been illtreated
and neglected ever since he was
taken ill and so Intense was his feeling
that he made a dying request <hut he
be not burled in his uniform.
Never Would Have Believed ir*If He
Had Not Seen It.
The man with a bunch of twine for
whiskers was shaking: his chin at mo
company of listeners, one of whom had
shortly be/ore read from & newspaper
a story of a man falling down a well,
and sustaining no serious Injury.
"Which reminds me, gents," he said,
"that what I am about to relate to you
Is a fact, #calm, cold fact, that I
wouldn't think of telling you if it was
EUiything else. It happened out in one
of the deep mines of Colorado, where
there was a straight shaft, 850 feet deep.
Some said 4t was 876, but, gents, I'm a
truthful man, and I know it was twenty-flve
feet one inch short of that, for
I raea'sure<f it myself. Well, to make a
long story short, one day there was a
man put to see the mine, from New
York, to buy It. He had a pot of money,
uid he looked like he carried it amund
under his vest, for he was as big through
as a bass drum, and built on them proportions.
I q;uess he weighed 300
pounds, though it might have been only
J98. Anyhow, he was standing around
the mouth of the shaft one morning,
ind by some chance or other he toppled
jver, and down he went. I was looking
right at him when he toppled, and I
never want to see another man's face
look like his did then, gents, indeed I
don't. Not much. Well, to make a
long story short. v>e looked at each
other as he went down the hole, and
then we -broke for the cage, which was
fastened up yet, and two of us started
down after him, expecting to llnd a
mangled mas? at the bottom. But we
didn't, and as we began to near the
bottom we heard him yelling like a
;oyote to hold up, or we'd mash the life
)ut of him. That scared us worse than
the other, and we wanted to go back,
jutwe couldn't do that, so we went slow
ind got down all right. Well, to make a
long atory ahort. by gum, do you know
that we found that he had gone down
that hole so fast and bo filled it up so
full that he had compressed the air in
It 10 such an extent ttyat by the time
he got pretty near to the bottom he
wasn't moving faster than he would
lave moved through that much water,
ind ho had really stopped ten or fifteen
Teet from the bottom, and couldn't get
?lther way, which was what scared him
?o as we come down on him In the cage.
Very peculiar occurrence, gents, and if
I hadn't seen it with my own eyes I
never would have believed It in the
A'orld. Never!"?Washington Star.
But She Put Her Age Down on the Hotel
Some one had told her that you always
have to register, but she wasn't
ised to hotels^ that was apparent from
he way ahe lingered about the old-time
traveling man who stood by the clerk's
Jesk, gays the Detroit Free Press, bfte
wanted to see how it was done. The
3ld fellow had had the same room in
:he house for nine years. It-was always
kept for him: No. ft*, ?n the g'vuM '
1'heid op' 1
n shape *ho will ba taken around the ll??i
nulla. Thu trip a* far n? the Sandwich 1*1
rt? and to report from ?ach one. The ret
under hl? guidance the Iowa will react
Stultz & Bauer
for purity o{ tone
delicacy of touch, durability
and beauty.
Possessing every requisite
pertaining to the ideality 0f
artistic musical instruments.
Standards of Peers
Excellence. ... ....Of Art
Milligan, Wilkin & Co.
floor. He had wired three days before
that he wai coming", 10 all was ready
for Mm. He dipped the pen In the ink
well, and with an extra flourish or two,
scratched down the name, "James Edward
"The fame old thing?** he asked of the
"Ycup," was/the answer.
Whereupon Mr. Clifford wrote down
opposite hii name, "(& '
Then the bell boy grabbed his traveling
case, and conducted him to the elevator.
The rlerk dipped the pen In the ink,
and handed it to the demure maiden
who had atood behind the old traveler.
She glanced at the last name <>n the
page, then turned a parting look at the
ti-rm Jutit passing Into the elevator car.
She laid her handkerchief and pocket*
book on the desk, and wrote "Faith
Merrcweather." (
Then she shot the clerk a mode.? little
glance, and finished out ihe line by
placing "24" lifter the signature. She
locked up blunhlpg.
The clerk sffiUed, and when he had
wnispered a room number to the porter
and the girl had passed behind tha
screen, he said to himself: "By Jove,
she doesn't look IL"
Iltlckleti'a A rule* ?*lvf.
The best salve in the world for Cut*
Bruises, Sores, TTlctrs, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hand*,
Chlllblalns, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions.
and positively cures Piles, or do
pa;* required./It is guaranteed to give
perfect satlrfaotTon or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sals by Logan
Drug Co.
Dedication Weit Virginia Jlooamenta at
Otliriburs-Uw Itatei Ualltmor*
4, Ohio R. R.' y.
Account dedication of "West Virginia
monuments at Gettysburg. Pa..Wednesday.
September 28, the Baltimore ft
Ohio railroad will sell tickets from all
points on tbo line In West Virginia, st
tickets good going on regular trains of
September 26, 27 and 28. good to return
until October 1, Inclusive. The occasion
will be one of great Importance and will
be attended bpithe governors of Maryland.
Pennsylvania, Virglnli and West
Virginia. Attention is called to train
No. 4, leaving Parkersburg. Wheeling,
Grafton, Clarksburg, Fairmont and
Morgan town, on evenings of September
26 and 27, arriving at Gettysburg at
8:45 a. tn? following dcy, with tbroujch
coachea. Call on ticket agents Baltimore
& Ohio railroad for full partial*
l *** *.
S lowSu
:r__ ?^XsRovaiaiit*.
j^>-^BVow*rt*?* .vJrwft-tDW
a to 'Honolulu, In company with thf
And* win take two month* f,,r ,he I
Irvmcnt ot "Fightlac Uoh" Br*0*
i Manila. V

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