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THE INTELLIGENCER. ; riUMed (telly, fxcert Sunday. by 6 The Intelligencer PuWishinj Co., ? 35 AM) 27 fOUtlUKTB StBII. ? TtfWl Per T?r, by Mall, In Adtinct, * PoftaKt Prepaid. * THHr (Six Day tn the Week) 1 Year.S3.30 Dallj, Six gontU?? 3.00 Uelly, Thm Month*.....?. X.30 D*ily (Three Dmju la the WMb)?IHm 3.00 ti ?.||.<W.?IWM 1h (lie Week). J8,0b C Dully (On# ainutJi)..,,.... , ,, 49 Sl Wtfklf (One Vr?r in Advanc*) 1.00 Weekly (Six 00 THE DAILY INTELLIGENCER It dellv- j, ered by carriers In Wheeling and ad- ( Jacont towns at 10 cents per week. Persons wishing to subscribe to THE * DAILY INTELLIGENCER can do so c by sending in their orders to the In- fa telllgcncer ofllco on postal cards or q otherwise. They will be punctually served by carrier^ Tributes of Respect and Obituary Notices 60 cents per Inch. 8 Correspondence containing Important a news solicited from every part of the b surrounding country. Rejected communications will not be re- ^ turned unless accompanied by Bufllclent . postage. 1 11 . = v rTho INTELLIGENCER, embracing its ^ several editions, is entered In the Postoffice at Wheeling, W. .Va., at second-class matter.] " = 1 TELSWION* NL'MUKUd f<Uofl,l town 823 I fn.ntinfl Eixm. .823 0 TMr IWTFII lAFMfFR. 1 lilt. Ill LkklVbiivk... WHEELING, SKPTKMBKIt U9, 1808. REPUBLICAN CONGRESSIONAL TICKETS. Flrat District, BLACKBURN B. DOVENER of Ohio County. Second District, ALSTON" O. DAYTON, of Barbour County. Third District, .WILLIAM S. EDWARDS, of Kanawha County. Fourth District, n. n. r nauit! of Rltchlo County. ( OHIO COUNTY REPUBLICAN TICKET. ? (Nominated June 3. 1899.) t For House of Delegates, 1 H. P. BKHRENS. B. W. CONNELLY". t HARRY W. McLURE, RALPH McCOY. County Superintendent of Free School* S GEORGE B. BIGGS. c Death of Hon. Thos. F. Bayard. J Id the death of Thomas F. Bayard, j the United States loses one of its most distinguished statesmen, one who stood f In the foremost rank, and whose distinguished services to his country received full recognition from men or tut parties. During his long public career he held the respect and esteem of the country because of his high character and strict Integrity, and although a Democratic leader of great ability and distinction, t numbered among his closest and nu*t confidential friends many leaders of the Republican party. While Mr. Bayard was a leader of j thought, and a distinguished advocate \ of party doctrines in the highest sense j of the term, he was classed above a j mere politician, and held easily a place r as a.statesman. His career in the sen- c ate, as secretary of state, during Cleve- \ land's first administration, and as Am- c Sojafegland (hiring the socond t . Cleveland regfjne, ha maintained this c ctapdlihg. It 14 true t}?at on one or two , holdfajr the ambafsa- r Worship at London, he subjected himself * to criticism In this country by certain i expressions used In public addresses < which pleased British citizens more than they did American^, nothing was E v detracted from his recognized ability. ( Mr. Bayard was often spoken of In a connection with the Presidential m?mi- j nation, but for some reason or other his ( party never recognized his real meri:s i sufficiently to make him a candidate, t Among his friends he was popular and \ esteemed for his genial manners and personal charms. The people of the country, regardless of party, will unite la regTet at the' passing away of another 5 Of their most distinguished and honored 1 fellow citizens. 1 Our Boys at Gettysburg. 1 Intelligencer readers this morning will And all the details of the dedication of the We?t Virginia monuments on the Gettysburg battle Held, which occurred Wednesday, besides much other interesting matter Jn connection with this even* of so much Importance to the surviving West Virginia soldiers, and especially to the survivors and the relatives snd friend* of those who participated in the famous battle. Historical sketches of the four West Virginia commands that took part In the great struggle, all of them recognized in history for their magnificent gallantry and effective work at Gettysburg, 'prepared from the official records, are features of the Intelligencer's report. Figuring In these pkeches prominently Is the city of Wheeling, where the four organizer! and mustered out at the end of the war. They were the famous Seventh Infantry, with a record during the war second to none In the country far the daring and bravery of its men, the losses sustained and the number of terrific battle* engaged in; the First Cavalry. a battalion from the Third Cavalry and the famous Battery C, lenown during the war as "Plerpont Battery." It would be Impofflble to name tb^ surviving members of theae command*. : but the Intelligencer chronirlos, fir.n ( the retards, the principal ibvrts they j jicnunnou, nvi mow ui uexiy?DurK, dui j during their terms of service In th<.' f war. from the date* of their enlistment , to their muster out. I In addition, will be found descriptions ( of each of the four monuments thnt } mark tho positions occupied by these commands during the battle, and illustrations of the principal one, which , marks the position of the famous "Moody Seventh," Which did such ( splendid work on Cemetery Hill. The exercb*'s at Gettysburg were appropriate and Inspiring. As predicted by the Intelligencer yesterday, they served a purpose, and were peculiarly appropriate In their very nature nt thin time, when the unity ?if tho Nation bar. been thoroughly re-established, and the prediction of Abraham Lincoln, made ? : if ~ >o that 91 Ot thirty-three years ago* as been fijiillled. All has now been forotten save the memory of the heroes a either elide, and but one flag waves ver the etiiu'S of the Union, as sacredly egarded n >**. In the light ot recent vents, as ever before. May It ever ? so. RjoiJfvclt's Triumph. The noml in t ion <?f TbeOdore Boosevel; !>be the R publican candidate for gov-, rnor of N -.? York was a case of peronal triumph cuch as has seldom been quailed in lis nature in tne history o[ I olitlcs In;the country. In these days 1 : is not a if >inmon thing for a candidate I o receive almost unanimous support rom those, who have not been bis polltlal friends, but who, on the contrary, ave always bten opposed to him. It Is n evidence that the Empire State has, emporarily, at least, demonstrated that he pressure of popular opinion can weep aside all factional opposition to . popular hero, and carry everything efore it, p&rty leaders and all. Roosevelt distinguished himself a reorder in New York City politics, end iy so doing antagonised elements that vert naturally againtft reform with a IK ? f'W wuiagc never icuicu mm, t ,nd he won at least the popular reepect. i 'his roputition he won both In the New I fork leg! Ature unci In the police board ^ t the memtpoUt. 1 These things alone might not have I /on him the gubernatorial nomination < n New York, The war came, and Col- ' mcl Roosevelt left his comfortable of- < Ice in Washington to go to the front at < he head of his regiment of Rough Rl- < lore. Their deeds and the courage and i acriflces of their commander need not i ere be repeated. A11 the country knows i hla magnificent record. You cannot i lown a military fiero, fresh from the icenes of his exploits. The popular lentiment overcame every opposition, former animosities were laid aside. 1 Ml the means used to detract from hla 1 UUlkSt CTUll His ?iiv aonamiiB wu itftil- f macy of his citizenship, which was nade clear and vindicated on the floor if the convention hall, were overwhelmd.and the opposition was caught up and >rought Into the enthusiastic demonstration wtolch made his nomination inanimous. Will this popular hero make a good rovernor? Yes. If honest convictions tnd the courage to carry them out, If >eraonal Integrity, sincere advocacy of rood, government, ability In all respects, f the esteem and the intelligence of the cople?If nil these things count for anyhlng, Roosevelt will make a good gov irnor. Theodore Roosevelt is not a man who < vill heed the dictation of any one. He ( a conscience and brains to back It. ( *e is a loyal Republican. It was a good t lay'a work for the Republican party, , lot only of New York, but of the ( jountry. Deserves Encouragement. ' The movement on foot among the local vnlghts of Pythias to secure the grand < odge meeting fur Wheeling next year 8 worthy of the encouragement of the jubllc, and particularly the business * lubllc. The as.??etnbly means more for a inmmnnltv thnn ml/rht at firat be bought, for the membership of the orler in the state 1* about ten thousand, he meetings last for three or four days, tnd the Uniformed Rank attends from parlous places In bodies, bringing torether representative citizens from evry portion of the state, as well as from iVestern Pennsylvania and Eastern >hIo. Wheeling never loses by encouraging mch gatherings from abroad. Her >pen doors of hospitality already have i reputation beyond her limits, far beyond, and it is to be hoped that the loral Knights will succeed in their efforts to lmpre?3 upon the state body hat it need go no further to insure a learty welcome. The La Fayette Monument. A proclamation by Governor Atkinion, setting apart the 19th of October as La Fayette day, to be observed by the rcnoois or me siaie, is puDimnea cue* vhere. This is in accordance with the general movement in the country for Jio erection of a monument to General '-.a Fayette in Paris, to be unveiled durng the Exposition of 1900, by which the people are to contribute to the project hrotigh the agency of the educational r.stltutlons of the country. Now would be a good time for the school children to read up on the history >f the Frcnch general* to whom this rountry anJ the cause of American liberty owed so much In the time of the jreat atruprslo for independence. Such >ccaslons ran be made to answer the louble purp le of Instruction In history 'or the youth, as well as to assist In the nain purpose. This country wll hesitate to believe the itory from San Francisco that the arms low being furnished to the insurgents a the Philippines are being furnished rhrough German government agencies. no omeiai information ny mis governncnt from Dew.y Otis confirms such l Rtory, and we may feci assured that :hey have their eyes open. If It should urn out, however, that such a thin* Is ;olw? on, the disarming ?>f the Ituiurrente by our military aiithorlil * would >e the? legitimate result a a npce-sary nove to Insure penoe. Mutter* are In rood hands at Manila, and the I'nlted States ha* no cause for worry about unconfirmed newspaper rrport*. The letter from the investigating cimnistlon to Secretary Aljp-r. outlining the scope of the Inquiry under th?- inatruc* Hon* received from President McKln- ' ey. indicate* that no phase of the que*. tlons arising out of the conduct of tho '< svar Is to ho overlooked. This certainly J should satisfy the yellow Journal* enough to caiiH" them to oeaso th#*lr trades until (ho results are known. The letter of Secretary Alger fu tho Pr?s?l- ' J.nt asking ' ?r the Investigation doesn't rend like tho letter of a pnblic oincer who is ufrMlO of an Inquiry. Our fleoi.nd Wont Virginia regiment did Itself pfiiU'l In if* appearanco at tho c;ottywbttrjf dedication coremonleti. The march to Getyoburg was about the first soldier experience tho hoys have 1 h ?d outside the camp*, but they may ( &AKIH0 POWDER Absolutely Pure ?ee some'good aervlce yet If they are lent to Cuba or Puerto Rico, to do garrison duty. With the coming of the leaitnier season in tne tropica tnty wm >e found ready and willing to go. If Pecknslff honestly thinks the war lepartment Is all right, how does he explain the President's order for an Investigation ??Register. The President explains it himself in lis order issued for the benefit of che lublic some time ago. Every newspsper n the country published it, including he Register and Intelligencer; the forner, however, didn't comment in a way that would lead one to believe that it vas welcome. The President want* to* Lruth. Read his Instructions delivered to the commission, published the ether lay. The Intelligencer Is like all others who want Justice done. Why, on the >ther hand, are the yellow Journals dls:ouraglng this investigation, and advn mating that It be postponed until Congress meets? Honest men never fear ui investigation, and always want the ruth known. That's wfoy the President nade the order. Our peace commissioners are said to 3e receiving a cold shoulder Id Paris, vhere the sentiment has not from the beginning of the war with Spain been trery favorable to the United States, rhe city of Paris should remember thst it is depending largely on the United 3tates for the success of its coming exjoaition; that it learned a lesson which t should profit by la the withdrawal of L rrool mnnv 4hntmflnri? of ifnlliiM urnrth )f trade It enjoyed from our faalftonable wealthy people, when the antagonistic reeling: toward this country was so manifest at the beginning of the late war. But Paris, It seems, profits by nothing if this sort. In the meantime the pcace :om mission will proceed with Its work, jnaffected by the coldness of the atmosphere. The American military occupation of -uba will begin wlthl the next thirty lays. Judging from the reports recelvwl fmrry fhoro I , 1m Jiat the government will not delay matteds longer than climatic und other conditions will make it necessary. Let it be a decent campaign on both ildes, gentlemen.?Register. Agreed; but why not begin >x>ureclf by setting an example? HAVANA HOTELS. riiBuee for the Amerlcao Speculator to Make Money. Havana correspondence of St LouIr 51obe^ Democrat: American speculators ire abroad In the land; not like they Kill be a little later, but a number of American real estate men are ncre looking over the field with a view to becoming property-owners. The great Paeon Theatre has been sold to Americans, and It is rumored that hotel men ire after other properties. And this ANOTHER ItOY Queen Victoria Will Have the Pleasure Grand There l? to be another marrla&o In the Brltlrh royal family, a marriage which Is more interesting to Queen Victoria than any of tho other* which have recently taken place. Princess Fedora, >nly daughter of Prlncea* Charlotte, of Germany, la to marry one of the numerous German Princes that crop up from some hitherto undiscovered dls irlct when a hu*haml 1r wanted. The Prlnceaa Fedora Is only seventeen years old, and scarcely out of short Iresacs; In th* nchool room In the morning who wears her hair down her back. She is a slim girl, who looks young for her ago, and It Is wife to <wy that she a-111 be the m?wt youthful matron In the United Kingdom. The reason for the hasty marriage of Princess Fedora if a family one. She Is the eldest great-grand-daughter of Queen Victoria, and It Is the wish of the If rand old lady to aeo ono of her great . . question of a hotel with satisfactory a< commodatlons and reasonable rates is vita! one. Present rates are $3 per da and upward In gold, but the service so poor that Americans are dlsguatei Elegant rooms are furnished, but tl beds are uncomfortable, the linen not clean, and water for the bath supplied In such quantities that tt ; roan from the "states" begins to thin | the resident must not know the %'aluc < the liquid for removing Havana sol etc. Aa for the clo??ts. any thlrd-clai hotel In the United States would foi ever lose Its custom If such a cond tlon prevailed there aa la to he seen 1 the finest of the Havana houses. T* average North American also wants breakfast before 10 or 12 o'clock an the lack of It leaves him weak. Tl hotel man who comes to Havana no , and rents one of these really attract!* buildings, puts It In thorough repal builds closets with the latest improve ments, sets a table after America style, with American dishes, cooked 1 the manner best approved at home an served by American waiters, will flr here more kinds of money than any fe low who has gone to the Klondike for . rortune. Tnousanas or peopie irum u . bis republic will come this winter 1 . search of the opportunity to Ret rlc quick after the purely American stfl These men will have means and th will want accommodations such as the have known at home. He who has ti nerve to back his Judgment* In th , matter will never have cause to regn his% investment. HEW TBSTAK2NT CRITICISM. A Series of Interesting lecture* at III University of Pennsylvania m ton CJItoW North American, Philadelphia, Sep 24: At the University of Pennsylvan! a course of six lecturcs will be delivc: ed in the College Chapel at 4 o'clock c the afternoon of October 3, 4, 6, 7, : and 11. This is the first series to be given u] , on the recently-Instituted George Lei Harrison foundation, which provide among other things, for the engagi ment, from time to time, of emlner men of science and learning to lectui on matters of great interest and in portance. The subject Is one' that must con maud the Interest of nil Intelligen thinking persons, and the lecturer Rev. Professor C. R. Gregory, of ti University of Leipzig. Professor Grei ory Is recognized among scholars t! world over as probnbJy the leading sp< clallst In the critical study and inte> pretatlon of the New Testament. To Americans, and particularly, pe haps, Phlladelphlans, there is in tl case of Dr. Gregory the added feelir of pride and gratification In the fn that he Is a Phlladelphian born, and g< his school, college and seminary, tran ing chiefly in Philadelphia, and wlioli In Its vicinity. On going to Germany to pursue fu: ther his theological studies, he betor himself to Leipzig university, wi< which, as student and teacher, he hi been almost continuously connect* ever since. . He was early recognized ! Germany as one of the most promjslr and progressive studerits of the Ne Testament, and a door of usefulnc: and advancement was opened to hi such as has fallen to the lot of few, any other, Americans. OUT OP MOUTHS OF BABIES. "Well, Johnnie," said the minister 1 a little fellow, aged six. "I hear you ai Kolng to school now." "Yes, sir," wi the reply. 'And what part of It do yc like best?" asked the good man. "Con In' home," was the prompt and f.ruthfi answer. Harry, aged five, had his photon raj: taken recently, and when the proof w; sent home his mamma said he look* too solemn and asked him why he dldn smile. "I did smile, mamma," replU the little fellow, "but I guess the mil forgot to put It down." Little flve-year-old Clara's papa na been away on a protracted buslnei trip.and her mamma was putting thlnt In order nnd making sundry prepay tlons for his return. Clara watched h< closely for awhile and then observe( "Mamma, you make as much fuss e old Mr. Prodigal." "What do you meai dear?" asked her mother. "I nevi heard of Mr. Prodigal." "Oh. yes, yc did, mamma." was the reply. "Don AL WEDDING. of Attending tbe Marriage of Her Great Daughter. grand-daughters settled In lite. Tl: Princess Fedora L? the (laughter of tl Princes* Churl >tte, who married In IK" George. Hereditary ITlnee of 8ax< Meinlngon. Th?? Princess Charlotte the oldest daughter of the Emprei Frederick, the lSmpres* Frederick the oldest daughter of Queen Vlctnjl Queen Victoria rejoiced at the ag.? ? twenty In a daughter, Victoria. Vl< torla married Frederick of Germany r the age of seventeen, and had a daugl ter of her own, named Charlotte. Choi lotto married In 1878 the Prince of Snx< Mclnlngerx and now she has n dnugh:e Fedora, aged seventeen, Who will shori ly wed. This brief chain of quick genera t lor leads Queen Victoria from the eirlln Victorian age Into u generation whlc will extend a century beyond. She wl triumph which is accorded to no otiu iiovurclgti and to few persona. ? ' - . - "V . > MimoAy. wgjtm a oo. | Stuttz & Bauer I Piano. f UNEXCELLED : 'n* for purity of tone delicacy of touch, durability ,e and beauty. or re Possessing every requisite n pertaining to the ideality of IS artistic musical instruments. id 1je Standards of Peers * Excellence -Of Art. e. > ? SOLD ONLY BY MHligan, Wilkin & Co. you know the Blblo tcllf about what a ie fuss he made when his son came f>ack?" ?Chicago Dally News. it. "I just think our mamma is an awful gossip," said six-year-old Walter to his little sister. "Oh, how can you say r" such a thing?" she exclaimed. "Well, in that's just what she is," replied the lit10 tie fellow. "Everything I do she run? and tells papa. A gossiping woman makes me tired." 15 "Mamma," asked little Willie, "did s< Daniel Webster build the dictionary?" "So, dear; it was Noah; but why do you ask?" said his mother. "Why," re Q plied the youngster, "our teacher said that Noah built the ark, and I thought he might havo got Daniel to build the Xm dictionary for him If he was busy t. Tommy, aged five, and his cousin WI1 ~ ii- --" ? tiari cnvoml llttlA alterea IS lit:, Ufccs. a??, ie Hons. In which Tommy invariably got the worst of It. One day his mamma ie wild to him: "Tommy, to-morrow la ?- Willie's birthday: wouldn't you like to p. give him something?" "You JUBt believe I would." was the reply; "but, you see, r- he's bigger than I am and I can't." ib. PASSING PLEASANTRIES. ft "My whole family was lrf the country a month, and the house was closed up. ly yet the gas bill was aa large as ever." "Of course. Gas meters never take a r_ vacation."?-Brooklyn Life. ik "Why," asked the youngest boarder, ;h "do they measure the speed of a ship Ik in knots?" "I think," said the Cheerful >(] Idiot, "that It has something to do with |n the tied."?Indianapolis Journal, ig A Comforting Thought.?She?I hope w we will always be able to keep the wolf ss from the dopr. He?Well, If he ever m comes to this flat, he'll be pretty sure If to find the door bells out of order.? Puck. Suspicious.?Nephew (to rich uncle, who has fallen down stairs)?I hope you are not hurt. Uncle?Oh, you do, do to you? You know very well that I must re be either hurt or dead.?Cincinnati EnIH aulret'. ,u Mil. Short?Here's an Invitation to l" Mr. Long's wedding. What on earth 1,1 can we send them ? Mr. Short?He lost a ten-dollar umbrella of mine a year >h ago. I'll make him a present of It? is Brooklyn Life. Mrs. Chugwater?Joslah, I see a good 't deal In the papers about Infernal machines. "What Is on Infernal machine? tn Mr. Chugwater?Well, sometimes I think it's a lawn mower, and sometimes xj I think It's a piano.?Chicago Tribune, s Disclaiming the Responsibility.? rs "Eve." said Adam, as they sat down to l- talk It over, after their expulsion from ?r the garden. "I can't support you now in 1: the style to which you have been acts customed. But it's your fault I "?Chili, cago Tribune. !r Little Eddie?Your nose looks Just the ,u same as It always did. Mr. Sparklelgh? '? Of course. Why shouldn't It? Little Eddie?I heard mamma say, when Mr. Willlkins came to see sister May, night beforo last, that your nose wafl out of Joint.?Chicago News. "Do you think ho loves you, my child?" "Not passionately, mamma. When I told him I was to be Uncle Abner's heiress, he said he guessed we'd better wait about getting mnrrled until uncle died. He said he didn't want to prejudice the case."?Cleveland Plain Dealer. "Dere's always bound to be kickers," exclaimed Meandering Mike. "Did you ever know a time when de people agreed unanimously dat dey had de right man In de right place?" "On'y once." replied Plodding Pete. "I was beln' put into Jail on de occasion."?Washington Star. Abrimtlnti'a I,riion. ntauA nhavo all mankind. Who dwelt In Mecca, morning, noon and night His voice to Allah raised In prayer contrite, Was ho and humble, pure In mind. Inspired of heaven he?not bo his wife. She dally stood the market place within And bought and sold, nor deemed It any sin To mingle there In scenes of toll and strife. While thus he prayed she earned the food he ate. ; But oft he reprimanded her. Sold he: Thou shouldst devote thy life to prayer, like m?'. Servo not thyself. Allah alone is great!" At Inst his words sank deep into her heart. Said she: "While Allah shall my poor life spare My voice to him I'll ralso In holy prayer. Henceforth of righteousness 1 uni a part." Ahdnllah's heart was glad, and, side by side, They prayed until the nun in henven van hlph. Then hiin?er lo the pious man drew nlRh And loudly clamored to bo Nutlstkd. Abdullah's wife still prayed. No food was there. The pood man'? soul wag vexed, " 'TIs plain," he wild. "That ev?n piety must needs ho fed, And man cannot exist alone by prayer." And thus he learned "Faith, without work*, is dead," And. |>rofltlnp by what he learned, atralphtwny He went to work and prospered from that day \.. And thanks to Allah pave for dally brend. ie ?Arthur J. Burdick In Oodey's Magazine. 1(1 State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, as. FFtANK J. CHRXEY mnkea oath that . he ia the senior partner of the firm of P. J. Cheney A Co.. doing business in the *" Cltfpf Toledo, County nnd fltnte aforcIh mid, nnd that said linn will pay the r nvi.- TiiTvnwp.ri not.r lusfor rich and fvery ^ase of CATARRH that >f cannot be cured by the u*e of HALL'S CATARRH CURK. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before m?? anil iuib*?ribed In my pre*ence, this Cth day of December, r- .A. t>., 1S88. A. W. 0LEA80N. (Seal.) Notary Public. Hall'* Catarrh Cum l? taken Intornalr> ?||r. ami arts directly on the blood and t- nvucoui surfaces of tho system. Send for tMtlmonlata, frea F. J. CHENEY, Toledo, O. 's Sold by Druggists, 7r?c. u Hall's Family Pills arc the best '' Uetttuptl (Intra tU Ohio Itlvcr Ilnllrnml. " Wheeling to Cincinnati, 0.,...r?..|5 60 a \Vhe4Ilng to Lexington, Ky 7 60 IV'hoAlIni' in IstlllaiHtl* K* v 0 An W heeling to Louisville. Ky.. second | 1. class 8 OC JBWHLRT?JOHH B1CKKB * do. , WHEN YOU WANT 10 MAKE A PRESENT j You will find the most satisfactory place to purchase It Is at this Jewelry Store, < No matter how much money or how little money you want to spend, you will find a suitable present here, John Becker & Co., JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. >AS7 Jacob str*?u AMUSEMENTS. ' *OPERH HOUSE* TiMinrmv Crnr tr% nunoviM *9* Smyth & Rico Present the Quaint Ameri- ' can Comedian, J WILLIE COLLIER (Rear Admiral of American Jollity) in Du Souchet's Screamingly Funny Force, ] ...THE MAN FROM MEXICO... , A Company of Surpassing Merit. , Over Two Hours of Solid Fun. 1 Prices $1.00, 75c and 50c. Seats on Rale at C. A. House's Music Store Tuesday, * September 27. se23 #OPERH HOUSE# FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30. ; Engagement Extraordinary! America's i Great Soprano, "CAMERON" j and her Excellent Company, including: C. Herbert Kerr Piano i Dairy Kera King Contralto i Chas. Higglnn..., Violin i Ines Do Costa Accompanist The Society and Musical Event of the Season Prices?fl.GO, $1.00, 75c and 50c. Seats on , sale at C. A. House's Muslo Store Wednesday, September 28. se24 4 ^ n ? ?ty? nnt'n a UAttop IX w Friday and Saturday Night* and Saturday Matinee, Sept. 30 and Oct. 1. Leon B. Washburn's BIO DOUBLE MINSTRELS. CO?People?60. The finest equipped mln- j strcl company at popular prices. Night?15, 25, 35 and 50c. Matlneo?15, 25 and 35c. se20 RAND OPERA HOUSE. Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday Nights and Wednesday Matinee, Oct. 3, 4, 5. ( The Knoll A McNeil Musical Novelty Co. Headed by A. H. Knoll and Mario McNeil, World-Famous Cornet Duettlsts and Solo- | lsts, and Ten Others. Night?15, 25, 85 and 50c. Matlneo-15. 25 and 35c. sc29 STOVES AND RANOE8. Think of Every ^ j Good point a perfect cooking appll- | anco should have?thon examlno the ' Gnderella Ranges. , Makes kltchcn work a pleasuro. I GOOD BAKER8?PERFECT ROASTERS 1 Sold with that understanding. < We have them In several styles. Call 1 and seo them. NESBITT & BRO., . 1317 lWarfcpf St. PLUMBING, BTQ. WM. F. C. SCHNELE. ]?!"? ' Dealer In all goods pertaining to tho trade. } 2012 Main Street, Telephone 17. Wheeling, W. Va. , JJOBKKT V/. KYLE. j Practical Plumber, Gas and Steam fitter, j No. 1165 Market street 1 Gaii and Electric Chandeliers. Filter*, and Taylor (.inn Humors a specialty. mr3 ^yiLLlAM HARK A SON, Practical Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters Ka U Twelfth Street Work done promptly at reasonable prlcea. TRIMBLE & LUTZ COMPANY. SUPPLY HOUSE PLUMBING AND OAS FITTING. STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING. K ftttt linn of the r?M>rnt??d SNOW STEAM IM'MPS INTELLIGENCER COUPON. I Our Nation | I InWar.^Svje I ' A Tho Intelligencer is Isxulng in X X weekly part* an invaluable illun* X tratcd hhtory of the S|mul?h-Ann r 4 tures bclnjj ropfoduccd from photo* 2 v rt Rraphn and original drawinK* ex- rt X prenaly tor thl* work. Tht> Kerlr*. X which If a continuation of Uncle Y O Bnm'n Navy Portfolio, ulito in* Q 4 cluilo?? photographic reproductions 4 <s of picture* owned by the govern* o X ment find Hate*. xhowlng I he horo- X X l*?n of the nation during tho punt Y P century. V 4 They are Indued In K> weekly nartii 4 I of 16 pairow each, And are cold at Q tho nominal price of 10 cent* each A and one counon cut from ihe Intel- X 1 They etui he V nt th?' In!?Ulg*neer offlco on and i nfter Monday, August 1. or will he Q aent hy innII: n?lii L? conta each fur pontage. Nos. 1 lo 13 now ready, a cur tins our 5 o<> <* $ NBWXADVRTISKMBNTa. ' Fnugedo Irie, Neafctofel and Philadelphia Cream Q#se Josl recoiled at n. r. BOW ENS CO.'S. QEVELOPING AND PRINTING" Amateur Photographers. Mall Orders Solicited. W. C. BROWN. 1222 MarkatSt pUBUO BALE. I -Will off*T:tot sale that very dtalrabl# niece of ground situated on the corners of Fifteenth anil McColloch streets. Known as Shriver's addition, which will he of. rered as a~wtoli^oMnJlots, Saturday, Oo iA?wm *, fci *1 ?. ??,, vnv Iiurvn *1 oil* floor of the court house, on term* to ault thl purchaser.", fj 'J1L H- 2. 8H RIVER. J. C. HERVEY. Auctioneer. ,>m Tor Sale and Tor Rent. FOR SALE?A cheap home, two-ttor? brick dwelling, 4 rooms and kitchen, oa East MrColloeh street. Lot 20 by I3t Only 11,700-.- -Terms easy. A very fine building lot on north slda t>f Fourteenth street. Two de?lf4ble building lots on Wood street. EUttth ward-on very easy term*. A two-story frame dwelling. r? n>oroi. Kith Ntabfytpn lot. Ia>1 :o by 10i>. South Chnpline street, Eighth ward. Only tooeasy terms. FOR RfiNT?An elegant modern reil. flence, ]0 rooms and bath, hot anil water, both Bases, west side of Chavlloe, betwwn Tyenty-srcond nnd Twenty-third itreets. P*se*slon given October 1. A count# residence with grounds. Inlulro at once. C. L SCftlJFER & CO, 'iEfSJSJS? Telephone 517. fo'eTsale. Main st-fleeB business property, from 0. ?T. Mr I-KIIJ-M uurniiTa iiuun- norm 10 ilJey. WqJ sell any number of feet you want at a low figure, on long time If dtilred. An R-roomed house In flryt-Hasj condition, 33 South Front, for |2.m*>. Pleasant Valley building lots, the only real desirable left, fronting on Pike. Ml pou any number of font you want. Good 6-roomed house noar Forty-eighth jtrcet for J1.3T0-J3C0 cash. balance in monthly payments. You won't miss the soney, and noon own your own home. Money to loan, 6 per cent. Gk O. SMITH. Fteal Estate'Fire Insurance. Surety Bonds, Exchange Bank Building. ...HEATING STOVES... \s the season will soon be on us, we are showing this year's patterns of COAL, GAS AND OIL HEATING STOVES rou will need something In this line, and >ur prices will catch you. GEO. W. JOHNSON'S SONS, 1210 Main Street Larqson & Hubbard Fall Style, 1898. IVe are sole agents for tho BEST mail if self-con forming stiff hat The m?t jcrfect shape Introduced thli aeason. E. S. DINGER CO M TWlUIH^Htn. I Children's Home Building. The commlttpn on a new building for he Children's Home have received proportions for the purchase of bulldlnjr ?lte? n the city, and are open for other offer*. rney rurtner request proposition* iw sliding sites In the suburbs and In tha rountry, snme to bo submitted by Friday, ;hu 30th instant. WM. n. SIMPSON. DR. R. II. BULLARI* GEO. E. STIFEL. , B. W. PETERSON. W. A. LIST. gc24 CommlttM. Underwear Bargains! ;hildren'S natural ft'ool underwear? it 25c a garment?Shirts and Pants. All sizes at the same jrice. jen's, women's and children's underwear n eycry grade. Forty-eight H jualitieS to select from, at last fear's prices. H :00L WEATHER iliiRT WAISTS-. . n Alpaca, Cloth ana S:rje H ust opened. H fOU WANT ' ;anton .flannels iow and you can save twe :ents a yard b/ looking ovt' H )ur remnants. J. SJiiodesHo. I Hie Intelligciicor.. lob Pr'm Ling Office Tho Inrjrcst and most coropW9 I ** Job Printing Entabllahmtfnt in I *" tho city and ?no of the most I extonilvo fn the Ohio Volley* * PoMe#j?eM every facility far '& I prompt cxooutlon of all klndx of ** work, from a Xoat ?.'nni ,,r t?lr* I *'* <Mdur to n Monitor Poster. I" '?n>' ** variety of color*. /it th? notleo and on (ho most rvavanaMo I *' ; :<orrnM. Country m*r<'haiiti?. f irm** *cri? and oihom tequlrtalf ?Iora *1 #M Hill*. Public- Sale Ktlte. etc.. will -M find It to their advantage to '"all at or (iddiW ?